2nd Level Red Feather
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Please enjoy part II of my story! It has been a joy to write! Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Once again her foot twitched in sensitivity and she mewed out in protest.
Her laughter had died down long ago because her throat was so dry and scratchy.
Now all the beautiful elf captive could do was whimper, mew, and jerk in sensitivity as Lord Winterblood continues to tease the fronds of a fluffy, yet insidious, feather up and down the creamy bottoms of her feet.
The once white and pink bottoms of her smooth soles now shone bright magenta from all the ruthless and incessant attention they had endured for the past two hours.
“You cannot be breaking so soon? We have the entire night ahead of us,” the magical lord grinned at her as he sat before her stocked feet.
Elenya’s heart began to race wildly in her chest. She couldn’t endure the thought of being tortured any further on her feet.
“Please…I will answer all your questions and cooperate fully. Please…just no more touches to my feet,” she pleaded of him desperately.
Jarvus ran the pad of his right index finger slowly up and down her quivering left sole, held immobile by silk nooses around her toes, as he seemed to ponder.
“Hmmm….very well. It HAS been a rather long night for you my dear. We can resume our questioning in the morning. And believe me…I will get the results I seek,” he finished his sentence in a tone that suggested her torture had only just began.
With just a glance all energy was sucked from her and she lay limp in the stocks. The braided silk ropes that had been holding her arms bound behind her back coiled neatly to the ground. The silk toe ties even untied themselves and slid to the floor.
Jarvus picked up her limp body and carried her into one of the close living quarters.
“This shall be your room from now on,” he told her simply. His tone told her that she would not dare go against what he was telling her and just to accept it.
Elenya was laid down gently onto a very soft feather bed. She gratefully sunk down into its softness and finally was able to relax.
Before she realized what was happening, her ankles were being locked in yet another set of stocks, built into the foot of the bed. They were almost overstuffed with padding, as they felt like her ankles were surrounded by a soft pillow. However she would never be able to pull her ankles free.
“If you promise to behave, there will be no wrist bindings for you this evening,” Jarvus gestured to the cuffs that were attached to the wooden headboard of the bed.
Elenya suddenly realized she had her energy back but still felt exhausted from all the torture she had endured.
“I promise, I will not struggle. I will cooperate,” she repeated again.
“Very good,” Jarvus nodded his head in approval, “I will send down some food and water for you. Rest well tonight my dear assassin, because tomorrow the questioning will resume. As I said, I will get the answers I seek.”
His cold smirk chilled Elenya to the core. As he turned and left, the heavy door to her living quarters creaked shut and bolted from the outside.
With a sigh she relaxed back on the bed. Finally she was able to be alone and express her emotions that she had been too proud to display in front of Lord Winterblood.
Hot tears slid down her face as she realized the extent of her predicament.
The beautiful elfin assassin figured she would never again see the light of day.
“I am going to waste away down here,” she whispered to herself sadly. Either that or the lord would kill her when he bored of her, she thought ominously.
Eventually Elenya was knocked from her depressing thoughts as food and drink was brought to her.
Later on in the evening with her stomach full she finally felt content enough to rest. She just let her tired body relax completely on the soft bed as she melted into a very deep sleep full of absolutely no dreams.
A hot tongue licked up her creamy sole and immediately awoke Elenya the following morning.
With a squeal she awoke and her foot jerked in sensitivity as she was very confused and her heart was racing. It was not a pleasant way to wake up at all for one with such sensitive feet.
“Ah…awake I see,” Lord Jarvus grinned down at her as he stood at the foot of the stocks.
“Wh…what are you doing?” she asked in a confused tone. With a hand she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.
Jarvus grinned to himself as he tweaked her big toe and she jerked again.
“Stop it!” Elenya hissed at him as her feet wiggled pathetically in the stocks.
“There is that fiery disposition,” he nodded in approval.
“What do you want?” Elenya sighed out. It was far too early for her to be getting angry at Lord Winterblood.
Jarvus chuckled to himself as he walked to the side of the bed and she looked at him with a defiant gaze.
“Obviously you slept very well last night. Not only are you an even more beautiful and delightful sight after you rest so deeply, but your compliant attitude is completely gone,” he stated simply.
Elenya turned her head away from him as he attempted to stroke a finger down her cheek.
She gasped as he was suddenly rubbing the delicate point of her elfish ear in his warm fingers very gently.
“Ah…you seem to like this,” Jarvus commented as he saw her cheeks brighten.
Elenya turned and glared at him again as she swatted his hand away.
Before she could even get a word out, Jarvus spoke up.
“I came down to bring you breakfast, untie you, and allow you to shower. I guess I just got carried away because I was going to untie your feet first…but the sight of your feet was just too delicious to pass up while you were asleep,” he grinned.
Elenya sighed in defeat and her shoulders slumped. There was no point in wasting energy arguing with him and being annoyed. His promise the night before of the torture commencing this morning meant she would have to save all her energy that she could.
The food was placed in her lap on a tray and she was about to start indulging herself when Jarvus shook his head.
“You must earn your meal my dear,” he smirked at her.
“And how do I do that?” she asked in an annoyed tone.
Jarvus stood up and walked to the foot of her bed. “By being a good girl, and lying back while I tend to your feet this morning.”
Elenya’s brow furrowed in confusion but she acquiesced and immediately set the tray aside on her night table and lay back on the bed once again.
“Every morning and evening I shall tend to your feet. I am quite the perfectionist,” he grinned as he sat down at her feet.
“What do you mean by tend?” Elenya asked. Her question was ignored as he brought his face close to her feet.
The lotion he had rubbed in the night before had done a good job in softening her soles. He planned to use that same lotion every night to massage and soothe her feet. As his new tickle slave he WAS going to be spending a lot of time down at her feet.
“Lord Jarvus?” Elenya asked again in confusion as he had disappeared.
Suddenly she jumped in surprise and let out a yelp of ticklishness as he was nuzzling and kissing at her soles.
Her feet flexed in protest but had nowhere to go. Lord Winterblood grabbed her toes and held them still as he began to pepper warm kisses and pecks all over her sensitized, warm feet.
Elenya could only begin to giggle hysterically as he gently tickled her feet with his mouth and tongue.
Her sweet and gentle giggles really did please Lord Jarvus. They were far different from her desperate laughter and squeals the night before when she was being truly tortured.
The more of these sweet giggles he heard, the more he wanted!
Her arches and beneath her toes proved to be very sensitive to his tongue.
So he lapped eagerly at her creamy arches as she jerked each time his hot
tongue cascaded up and down that smooth flesh.
Finally as he began trying to wedge his hot tongue between her wiggling toes, she had been through enough.
“Enough!” Elenya squealed, reaching down as far as she could and grabbing a handful of his hair gently and tugging it as she tried to coax him to cease with his oral attention on her feet.
“Let go Elenya or it’s the wrist bindings for you,” Lord Jarvus warned. His face was so close to her feet, that his hot breath tickled the moistened skin.
Elenya squealed and let go as she fell back and giggled hysterically.
“I hope you prove to be more cooperative this morning,” Lord Jarvus stated as he stood up and had a very satisfied grin on his face. The tending to her feet was definitely going to be some of his favorite points of the day.
“You just had to act up. I understand…I knew you were too fiery and rebellious to be so cooperative after just the first night,” Jarvus sighed as he walked around Elenya’s tightly bound form.
After breakfast Jarvus had set her free to bathe as he was going to do some tasks within the dungeon itself such as preparing his instruments of ticklish torment and choosing her bondage device for the morning’s session.
No sooner had he left her room, Elenya pushed the heavy wardrobe in front of the door to keep him out. She had then barricaded herself within the bathroom. A pathetic display of defiance. But she was truly terrified of what his plans were to be for her feet this morning. She knew that was where he was going to focus all his attentions.
But Lord Jarvus controlled everything within his own private dungeon. Within seconds he was in the doorway of the bathroom, once again sucking all the strength from her body with one glance.
“You had to make it difficult,” he sighed as he picked her up.
The towel that had been wrapped around her nude form fell to the floor without another thought.
Jarvus seemed disinterested in her body as he bound her to a new bondage device for the morning torture.
Elenya was kneeling on a very comfortable pedestal and her ankles were bound in another set of cushy stocks. All ten of her toes were further tied back and kept immobile.
Her upper body was bound to a cross like wooden structure. Her arms bound out on either side of her head. Further straps ran along her lower belly and right beneath her perky breasts to keep her still.
She breathed in deeply trying to calm herself. She was now bound fully naked and felt more defenseless and vulnerable last night.
For now Jarvus showed little interest in her body and seemed very businesslike in his attitude toward her bound form. Elenya figured he was going to resume his questioning from the night before as he disappeared behind her bound body.
Suddenly Elenya jerked in surprise as his nails were dragging down her left foot. She began to giggle immediately and then without any warning he began to dig in. He didn’t hold back in the slightest, raking his sharp nails down her long left foot.
His nail easily sunk into the silky, pampered flesh of her quivering foot that was held immobile by the toe bondage.
Elenya tossed her head back and laughed hysterically, squealing as he dragged his nail down her arch. As her left foot was tickle tortured with his nail, her right foot was suddenly being shown affection with his hot mouth again.
The two contrasting tortures, both tickle torture and foot worship, was driving her crazy.
The gentle licks, kisses, and pecks to her right foot was greatly arousing, while her left foot was being shown no mercy and it tickled far worse than anything the night before.
Jarvus continued this tickling for over fifteen minutes and finally ceased without warning.
Elenya gasped and hung in the bondage. Her large breasts rose and fell as she struggled to regain her breath.
Jarvus meanwhile was beginning to lose control himself, as lustful instincts were beginning to kick in.
“What….kind of interrogation is this?! Just ask me the questions and cease this torture!” Elenya whimpered out.
She was ignored as Jarvus smirked and suddenly was burying his face against her delicious feet.
His hot tongue and lips were nibbling up and down her arches, wedging between her bound toes, and hovering and suckling over her smooth pink balls of her feet.
Jarvus noticed how her squeals of laughter slowly dissipated into more erotic giggling and soft whimpers. Obviously she found this arousing but was too proud to say a word.
Jarvus was more than pleased that his newest tickle toy had highly ticklish and erogenous feet. He would use this to bend her to his will.
So to further increase her arousal, he decided to amplify the foot worship.
His tongue lapped eagerly up and down her arch. His tongue licked and lips suckled at her pink bound toes. The balls of her feet and heels were nibbled on with his teeth gently. He even blew hot air on her feet just to watch them quiver in sensitivity.
Oh how he loved to watch them twitch in sensitivity. It made his own growing bulge throb that much harder.
Suddenly he let up on her feet completely and was walking around to stand in front of her. He looked upon her bound frame with a grin of satisfaction.
Sweat trickled down her blushing face. She was obviously aroused from the erotic feminine aroma coming from between her wet thighs. Her nipples were very aroused and stood at attention as well.
Without a word he reached his hands up and began to fondle her warm, perky breasts.
Her large breasts fit perfectly within his own large, manly hands.
His calloused hands were very tender with her sensitive breasts.
Elenya shivered and mewed in protest but was ignored as he explored these new sensitive and erogenous areas on her body.
As he watched her reaction he definitely had no intention of ceasing the pleasurable torment.
Elenya grit her teeth and arched her back as he began to tweak, pinch, and then lovingly roll her engorged nipples between his warm fingers. The fact that his fingers were slightly calloused just added an even more erotic, rough touch to her extremely sensitive flesh of her nipples.
She purred deeply in her throat and no longer struggled as he toyed with her nipples, obviously one of the most sensitive spots on her body.
“Say that you are mine…and I will give you what you so desire,” he suddenly whispered, breaking the silence.
Elenya tried to appear defiant. “I will neveeEEehhHHh…” she wasn’t able to finish, moaning softly as he was suddenly licking and suckling her right nipple.
The tender flesh was trapped within the warm cavern of his mouth. His tongue giving incessant attention to the hypersensitive tip, flicking back and forth with no mercy. Her other nipple was twirled and rolled around in his rough fingers.
“Yourssss…I am yours!” Elenya hardly lasted a few minute of this torment.
Lord Jarvus closed his eyes as he lost himself in suckling and tormenting her nipple with his hot mouth.
His other hand still tweaked her left nipple and his last free hand lowered to her very wet pussy.
Suddenly he was cupping her engorged womanhood in his hand and rubbing it back and forth.
His finger was flicking her engorged, throbbing clitoris as it peeked out erotically from within the pink folds of her delicate womanhood.
Elenya hardly lasted more than a few minutes it seemed as she arched her back and cried out loudly as she exploded in the strongest, most erotic orgasm of her life.
Lord Jarvus pulled away but blew warm air on her throbbing nipples and she mewed softly. Her entire body felt hypersensitive after such an intense orgasm.
“I am so glad you finally realize you are mine…” he cooed to her as his fingers began to gently dance across her pale, flat belly.
Sweet giggles filled the dungeon as she squirmed in the bondage and then she moaned heavily as he was once again licking and suckling on her right nipple and breast as he tickled her belly as well.
One orgasm was not enough for him. He wanted as many as he could coax out of her.
It was going to be a very long but fulfilling morning for both Lord Jarvus and his newly acquired elfish beauty.
(To be continued…)
Once again her foot twitched in sensitivity and she mewed out in protest.
Her laughter had died down long ago because her throat was so dry and scratchy.
Now all the beautiful elf captive could do was whimper, mew, and jerk in sensitivity as Lord Winterblood continues to tease the fronds of a fluffy, yet insidious, feather up and down the creamy bottoms of her feet.
The once white and pink bottoms of her smooth soles now shone bright magenta from all the ruthless and incessant attention they had endured for the past two hours.
“You cannot be breaking so soon? We have the entire night ahead of us,” the magical lord grinned at her as he sat before her stocked feet.
Elenya’s heart began to race wildly in her chest. She couldn’t endure the thought of being tortured any further on her feet.
“Please…I will answer all your questions and cooperate fully. Please…just no more touches to my feet,” she pleaded of him desperately.
Jarvus ran the pad of his right index finger slowly up and down her quivering left sole, held immobile by silk nooses around her toes, as he seemed to ponder.
“Hmmm….very well. It HAS been a rather long night for you my dear. We can resume our questioning in the morning. And believe me…I will get the results I seek,” he finished his sentence in a tone that suggested her torture had only just began.
With just a glance all energy was sucked from her and she lay limp in the stocks. The braided silk ropes that had been holding her arms bound behind her back coiled neatly to the ground. The silk toe ties even untied themselves and slid to the floor.
Jarvus picked up her limp body and carried her into one of the close living quarters.
“This shall be your room from now on,” he told her simply. His tone told her that she would not dare go against what he was telling her and just to accept it.
Elenya was laid down gently onto a very soft feather bed. She gratefully sunk down into its softness and finally was able to relax.
Before she realized what was happening, her ankles were being locked in yet another set of stocks, built into the foot of the bed. They were almost overstuffed with padding, as they felt like her ankles were surrounded by a soft pillow. However she would never be able to pull her ankles free.
“If you promise to behave, there will be no wrist bindings for you this evening,” Jarvus gestured to the cuffs that were attached to the wooden headboard of the bed.
Elenya suddenly realized she had her energy back but still felt exhausted from all the torture she had endured.
“I promise, I will not struggle. I will cooperate,” she repeated again.
“Very good,” Jarvus nodded his head in approval, “I will send down some food and water for you. Rest well tonight my dear assassin, because tomorrow the questioning will resume. As I said, I will get the answers I seek.”
His cold smirk chilled Elenya to the core. As he turned and left, the heavy door to her living quarters creaked shut and bolted from the outside.
With a sigh she relaxed back on the bed. Finally she was able to be alone and express her emotions that she had been too proud to display in front of Lord Winterblood.
Hot tears slid down her face as she realized the extent of her predicament.
The beautiful elfin assassin figured she would never again see the light of day.
“I am going to waste away down here,” she whispered to herself sadly. Either that or the lord would kill her when he bored of her, she thought ominously.
Eventually Elenya was knocked from her depressing thoughts as food and drink was brought to her.
Later on in the evening with her stomach full she finally felt content enough to rest. She just let her tired body relax completely on the soft bed as she melted into a very deep sleep full of absolutely no dreams.
A hot tongue licked up her creamy sole and immediately awoke Elenya the following morning.
With a squeal she awoke and her foot jerked in sensitivity as she was very confused and her heart was racing. It was not a pleasant way to wake up at all for one with such sensitive feet.
“Ah…awake I see,” Lord Jarvus grinned down at her as he stood at the foot of the stocks.
“Wh…what are you doing?” she asked in a confused tone. With a hand she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.
Jarvus grinned to himself as he tweaked her big toe and she jerked again.
“Stop it!” Elenya hissed at him as her feet wiggled pathetically in the stocks.
“There is that fiery disposition,” he nodded in approval.
“What do you want?” Elenya sighed out. It was far too early for her to be getting angry at Lord Winterblood.
Jarvus chuckled to himself as he walked to the side of the bed and she looked at him with a defiant gaze.
“Obviously you slept very well last night. Not only are you an even more beautiful and delightful sight after you rest so deeply, but your compliant attitude is completely gone,” he stated simply.
Elenya turned her head away from him as he attempted to stroke a finger down her cheek.
She gasped as he was suddenly rubbing the delicate point of her elfish ear in his warm fingers very gently.
“Ah…you seem to like this,” Jarvus commented as he saw her cheeks brighten.
Elenya turned and glared at him again as she swatted his hand away.
Before she could even get a word out, Jarvus spoke up.
“I came down to bring you breakfast, untie you, and allow you to shower. I guess I just got carried away because I was going to untie your feet first…but the sight of your feet was just too delicious to pass up while you were asleep,” he grinned.
Elenya sighed in defeat and her shoulders slumped. There was no point in wasting energy arguing with him and being annoyed. His promise the night before of the torture commencing this morning meant she would have to save all her energy that she could.
The food was placed in her lap on a tray and she was about to start indulging herself when Jarvus shook his head.
“You must earn your meal my dear,” he smirked at her.
“And how do I do that?” she asked in an annoyed tone.
Jarvus stood up and walked to the foot of her bed. “By being a good girl, and lying back while I tend to your feet this morning.”
Elenya’s brow furrowed in confusion but she acquiesced and immediately set the tray aside on her night table and lay back on the bed once again.
“Every morning and evening I shall tend to your feet. I am quite the perfectionist,” he grinned as he sat down at her feet.
“What do you mean by tend?” Elenya asked. Her question was ignored as he brought his face close to her feet.
The lotion he had rubbed in the night before had done a good job in softening her soles. He planned to use that same lotion every night to massage and soothe her feet. As his new tickle slave he WAS going to be spending a lot of time down at her feet.
“Lord Jarvus?” Elenya asked again in confusion as he had disappeared.
Suddenly she jumped in surprise and let out a yelp of ticklishness as he was nuzzling and kissing at her soles.
Her feet flexed in protest but had nowhere to go. Lord Winterblood grabbed her toes and held them still as he began to pepper warm kisses and pecks all over her sensitized, warm feet.
Elenya could only begin to giggle hysterically as he gently tickled her feet with his mouth and tongue.
Her sweet and gentle giggles really did please Lord Jarvus. They were far different from her desperate laughter and squeals the night before when she was being truly tortured.
The more of these sweet giggles he heard, the more he wanted!
Her arches and beneath her toes proved to be very sensitive to his tongue.
So he lapped eagerly at her creamy arches as she jerked each time his hot
tongue cascaded up and down that smooth flesh.
Finally as he began trying to wedge his hot tongue between her wiggling toes, she had been through enough.
“Enough!” Elenya squealed, reaching down as far as she could and grabbing a handful of his hair gently and tugging it as she tried to coax him to cease with his oral attention on her feet.
“Let go Elenya or it’s the wrist bindings for you,” Lord Jarvus warned. His face was so close to her feet, that his hot breath tickled the moistened skin.
Elenya squealed and let go as she fell back and giggled hysterically.
“I hope you prove to be more cooperative this morning,” Lord Jarvus stated as he stood up and had a very satisfied grin on his face. The tending to her feet was definitely going to be some of his favorite points of the day.
“You just had to act up. I understand…I knew you were too fiery and rebellious to be so cooperative after just the first night,” Jarvus sighed as he walked around Elenya’s tightly bound form.
After breakfast Jarvus had set her free to bathe as he was going to do some tasks within the dungeon itself such as preparing his instruments of ticklish torment and choosing her bondage device for the morning’s session.
No sooner had he left her room, Elenya pushed the heavy wardrobe in front of the door to keep him out. She had then barricaded herself within the bathroom. A pathetic display of defiance. But she was truly terrified of what his plans were to be for her feet this morning. She knew that was where he was going to focus all his attentions.
But Lord Jarvus controlled everything within his own private dungeon. Within seconds he was in the doorway of the bathroom, once again sucking all the strength from her body with one glance.
“You had to make it difficult,” he sighed as he picked her up.
The towel that had been wrapped around her nude form fell to the floor without another thought.
Jarvus seemed disinterested in her body as he bound her to a new bondage device for the morning torture.
Elenya was kneeling on a very comfortable pedestal and her ankles were bound in another set of cushy stocks. All ten of her toes were further tied back and kept immobile.
Her upper body was bound to a cross like wooden structure. Her arms bound out on either side of her head. Further straps ran along her lower belly and right beneath her perky breasts to keep her still.
She breathed in deeply trying to calm herself. She was now bound fully naked and felt more defenseless and vulnerable last night.
For now Jarvus showed little interest in her body and seemed very businesslike in his attitude toward her bound form. Elenya figured he was going to resume his questioning from the night before as he disappeared behind her bound body.
Suddenly Elenya jerked in surprise as his nails were dragging down her left foot. She began to giggle immediately and then without any warning he began to dig in. He didn’t hold back in the slightest, raking his sharp nails down her long left foot.
His nail easily sunk into the silky, pampered flesh of her quivering foot that was held immobile by the toe bondage.
Elenya tossed her head back and laughed hysterically, squealing as he dragged his nail down her arch. As her left foot was tickle tortured with his nail, her right foot was suddenly being shown affection with his hot mouth again.
The two contrasting tortures, both tickle torture and foot worship, was driving her crazy.
The gentle licks, kisses, and pecks to her right foot was greatly arousing, while her left foot was being shown no mercy and it tickled far worse than anything the night before.
Jarvus continued this tickling for over fifteen minutes and finally ceased without warning.
Elenya gasped and hung in the bondage. Her large breasts rose and fell as she struggled to regain her breath.
Jarvus meanwhile was beginning to lose control himself, as lustful instincts were beginning to kick in.
“What….kind of interrogation is this?! Just ask me the questions and cease this torture!” Elenya whimpered out.
She was ignored as Jarvus smirked and suddenly was burying his face against her delicious feet.
His hot tongue and lips were nibbling up and down her arches, wedging between her bound toes, and hovering and suckling over her smooth pink balls of her feet.
Jarvus noticed how her squeals of laughter slowly dissipated into more erotic giggling and soft whimpers. Obviously she found this arousing but was too proud to say a word.
Jarvus was more than pleased that his newest tickle toy had highly ticklish and erogenous feet. He would use this to bend her to his will.
So to further increase her arousal, he decided to amplify the foot worship.
His tongue lapped eagerly up and down her arch. His tongue licked and lips suckled at her pink bound toes. The balls of her feet and heels were nibbled on with his teeth gently. He even blew hot air on her feet just to watch them quiver in sensitivity.
Oh how he loved to watch them twitch in sensitivity. It made his own growing bulge throb that much harder.
Suddenly he let up on her feet completely and was walking around to stand in front of her. He looked upon her bound frame with a grin of satisfaction.
Sweat trickled down her blushing face. She was obviously aroused from the erotic feminine aroma coming from between her wet thighs. Her nipples were very aroused and stood at attention as well.
Without a word he reached his hands up and began to fondle her warm, perky breasts.
Her large breasts fit perfectly within his own large, manly hands.
His calloused hands were very tender with her sensitive breasts.
Elenya shivered and mewed in protest but was ignored as he explored these new sensitive and erogenous areas on her body.
As he watched her reaction he definitely had no intention of ceasing the pleasurable torment.
Elenya grit her teeth and arched her back as he began to tweak, pinch, and then lovingly roll her engorged nipples between his warm fingers. The fact that his fingers were slightly calloused just added an even more erotic, rough touch to her extremely sensitive flesh of her nipples.
She purred deeply in her throat and no longer struggled as he toyed with her nipples, obviously one of the most sensitive spots on her body.
“Say that you are mine…and I will give you what you so desire,” he suddenly whispered, breaking the silence.
Elenya tried to appear defiant. “I will neveeEEehhHHh…” she wasn’t able to finish, moaning softly as he was suddenly licking and suckling her right nipple.
The tender flesh was trapped within the warm cavern of his mouth. His tongue giving incessant attention to the hypersensitive tip, flicking back and forth with no mercy. Her other nipple was twirled and rolled around in his rough fingers.
“Yourssss…I am yours!” Elenya hardly lasted a few minute of this torment.
Lord Jarvus closed his eyes as he lost himself in suckling and tormenting her nipple with his hot mouth.
His other hand still tweaked her left nipple and his last free hand lowered to her very wet pussy.
Suddenly he was cupping her engorged womanhood in his hand and rubbing it back and forth.
His finger was flicking her engorged, throbbing clitoris as it peeked out erotically from within the pink folds of her delicate womanhood.
Elenya hardly lasted more than a few minutes it seemed as she arched her back and cried out loudly as she exploded in the strongest, most erotic orgasm of her life.
Lord Jarvus pulled away but blew warm air on her throbbing nipples and she mewed softly. Her entire body felt hypersensitive after such an intense orgasm.
“I am so glad you finally realize you are mine…” he cooed to her as his fingers began to gently dance across her pale, flat belly.
Sweet giggles filled the dungeon as she squirmed in the bondage and then she moaned heavily as he was once again licking and suckling on her right nipple and breast as he tickled her belly as well.
One orgasm was not enough for him. He wanted as many as he could coax out of her.
It was going to be a very long but fulfilling morning for both Lord Jarvus and his newly acquired elfish beauty.
(To be continued…)
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