your stories are amazing! I probably missed it, but why did you need to delete a bunch of them?
Thanks for the nice words (Po' Lazarus too). Didn't realize I didn't delete this one, there are probably a few more still out there. Um....I'm happy to share them with YOU guys but sorry, when I joined the TMF it was to vibe with fellow dudes that love to tickle, women that love to get tickled, and the more the merrier with the F/M and the same sex stuff. That was my "vision" when I lobbied for the True Stories section (under my old account, nontkl) that's what it would be: us trading notes, picking up new techniques, new taunts (lol) and swap experiences.
What I didn't have an interest in was mingling my stuff with crap about mommies, aunts and sisters. Every single time I come here, that's what's on the top of this section, that's what's listed on the Main Menu, and hey, more power to you if you have a thing for jerking off to your mom or your aunt, but that ain't me, and I have no fellowship with those people. I'm not interested in the TMF as an embarrassment. I went to a Twitter link where some pretty celebrity (can't remember who) revealed her ticklishness on her own volition, not even answering a question......and I look at the comments and I see someone write a particularly creepy, unrelatable foot fetish question followed by "My name is (insert name) and I am a pervert from the Tickling Media Forum".
Wow. Thanks, rodent! Thanks for throwing us ALL under the bus! I won't name his name here but he's someone you see around and he's lucky I didn't rip him a new asshole.
Well, sorry but I'm NOT a "pervert from the Tickling Media Forum", I'm a grown adult with a tickling kink, which is nothing to be embarrassed about! I love the TMF, I'm grateful for it, we've had many a-laugh and tear together, time a family member opened my laptop, saw the TMF Discussion section and exclaimed loudly, "Show Us Your Feet???" LOL. That was a bad enough embarrassment, I don't need "More Songs About Mommies and Aunts!" lol (Talking Heads reference, lol)
I'm too lazy to delete ALL my stuff - that would take forever - and I'm not sure that I want to. It broke my heart to delete those stories. I didn't touch my fiction stories (which I write under the name The Outernet) and I didn't touch any of my mainstream posts, it took me long enough to go through the 50-60 stories I had posted here! And obviously I missed some! Anyways, I have all those stories still, plus others that I wrote that I never posted so I can still share them. In the meantime, if there's a specific story you're looking for, BW, let me know, I can always PM it to you. Thanks for the encouraging words.