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Sorry for the delay, hope you all like it! Part 1 link below.
Nooooooooo no fucking way..you did not bring Lisa back here, Christina thought.
“I will admit I’ve never had two orgasms that quick... but I bet you’ll like this surprise.” John replied as he walked in the room. John was wearing swim trunks with a muscle shirt and Lisa had changed into shorts and a t shirt. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Maria standing by the bed.
“What tha fuck?” Lisa said when she saw Maria. “I realllly hope she isn’t your biiiig secret. Well, your other big secret.” She added and playfully pushed him.
“Maria?” John asked confused. He looked around her to where Christina lay on the bed.
Christina was sweating and still heaving in deep breaths through the gag. He saw the sheet had been pulled back from her feet and was wrinkled in other areas. He looked back at Maria and raised an eyebrow in interest.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Dollert I came in to drop off the phones and no one answered when I knocked so I didn’t think anyone was in here and I dropped the phones off and tried to clean up but saw the bed and it was your bitchy friend and then I saw how she was laying and I couldn’t help myself so I had to teach her a lesson but I’m really sorry so I will go now I’m sorry sir please I’m sorry.” Maria just blurted out.
“Hey who you callin bitchy, bitch!” Lisa said back, not understanding half of what Maria said.
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll go now.” Maria said and started shuffling out.
“Woah woah slow down Maria.” John’s curiosity was more than peaked now. Maria stopped after a few steps and looked back.
“Yeah woah Mariah,” Lisa echoed, still clueless.
“What were you doing?” John asked with genuine interest.
“Am I missin something here?” Lisa asked confused.
“Come on Maria, tell me,” John insisted. “I’m not mad, I promise.”
Maria stared at him for a moment and then turned and looked back at the bed.
Lisa followed her gaze to the bed and squinted for a second at the gagged face staring back at her “The fuk?” Her eyes then burst wide, “Christina?!?”
Christina had been too busy catching her breath from the tickling assault to say anything. She nodded her head and gave a muffled affirmation. Lisa skipped over to the bed and then stopped next to it.
“OH MY GAWD..... are you tied up?” Lisa asked in disbelief. She reached down and felt the strap around Christina’s ankle.
Christina watched Lisa reach towards her foot and defensively maneuvered her foot away. Lisa tugged on the strap and noticed Christina trying to keep her foot away. She grabbed Christina’s big toe and giggled in amusement as the bound girl tried jerking her foot away.
“Daaaam gurl you totally did let him tie you up!” Lisa exclaimed. She turned to look at John who was still waiting for Maria’s response.
“Mr. Dollert all I did was tickle her feet....” Maria replied.
“You were tickling her?” John asked, unable to hide a smirk.
“For real!? Oh poor baby!” Lisa teased. She looked down at Christina’s bound feet and grinned. “Is someone a wittle tikwish?” She then quickly scrabbled her fingers up Christina’s left sole.
“Mmmmmpphhoooooooo,” Christina complained through her gag. She knew she couldn’t get away but her leg jerked in reaction to the touch anyways.
Lisa had neatly trimmed nails but they were flat at the end and not as effective as Maria’s. Christina was able to fight back the giggles but not without having to flick her foot away from the fingers. Lisa enjoyed the response she got and added fingers to the other foot, giggling to herself as Christina wiggled both feet around. Despite the sloppy tickling, Christina couldn’t ignore the ticklish sensations on both feet and eventually snorted out a few giggles.
“Awwww you are tikwish,” Lisa mocked. She was amused by the muffled giggles but after a few seconds she stopped. “This is too funny... you know her mom is an attorney right?” Lisa said, turning to them.
Christina perked up when she heard this. Yes! That’s right! Get me out of here!
Maria’s expression changed from embarrassment to fear as she looked at Lisa. She then turned to John who had tied the girl up in the first place. John momentarily had a surprised look on his face but it quickly faded to his normal confident expression.
“Well that didn’t stop her from signing my consent waiver.” John replied with a shrug.
“She signed something? Oooooooooooooh Uhoh.” Lisa turned and looked at Christina with a “you’re in trouble” look.
“Of course, it’s the first thing my agent had written up for me. You think I want to get tricked into paying settlements with all my money?” John said, holding up the packet.
“How come you didn’t make me?” Lisa asked, not sure if she should be offended.
“Different circumstances... and you caught me a little off guard.” John replied with a wink.
“You’re dayum right I did!” Lisa said proudly, accepting his explanation.
Christina had forgotten about the damn packet. She had hoped through the awkwardness that they would untie her. There was no way she was going to stay tied up. She didn’t know what was written on that paper, but she didn’t care.
“MMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHH!” Christina lifted her head up and hollered through her gag. She hoped her sudden outburst would make them nervous about keeping her tied up.
“Ohhhh fiesty!” Lisa mocked with a phony flinch. She turned to Maria, “Well I hope it covers naughty hotel workers.”
“The waiver covers any actions and all parties involved in the location agreed upon by the signee. Basically she signed saying she gives consent for any activity done by any person who is in my room.” John explained.
He opened to a page towards the back of the packet and pointed. Maria looked at the paper and read the sentences above his finger. Her concerned expression slowly relaxed as she read.
Christina squeezed her eyes shut in anger. There is no way the packet said that. How could she have been so stupid. How could she have let herself sign it... It was 10 pages long!! Who knows what else it said? Nope, I don’t care what the damn packet says, she told herself.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Christina shouted and furiously shook her head. She yelled for them to let her go. Which came out as “AAAAMMMMMPPHEEEEEEEEEMMMPPHOOOOO!!!”
“Sorry sweetheart, no backing out now.” John said to Christina. He turned to the others, “I mean feel free to leave if you want. This whole thing was her idea in the first place. She was more than willing to ditch you,” He said to Lisa. He turned to Maria, “And she had no problem treating you like trash.”
“You dooooo have a point there,” Lisa said as she turned back to Christina.
“MMPPHH! MMPHHHPHEEEEMMMPHHOOO!!!!” Christina stammered trying to keep her composure. She shook her head back and forth dramatically. This is NOT happening...This is seriously NOT happening!!! Let me GO!!!
Maria had calmed down from the initial panic of being caught but still looked uneasy. She looked at Christina then back to John, not sure what to do.
“I’ll tell you what, we can play a quick game. I’ll give you 200$ to show me what you were doing. That way I’m paying you for services, and you are fully covered in the waiver.” John said.
“MMMMMM!” Christina objected in disbelief. Are they fucking kidding me? I’m not doing this!
“Hey what about me?” Lisa asked with a pouty face.
“Maybe you can help.” John replied.
Maria looked at John for a moment then at Christina, who still couldn’t believe what was going on. John then pulled out two crisp 100$ bills and set them on a table. Maria watched him put the bills down. That was more than her tips for the day so far, she thought. I’m already involved, might as well get the money.
“You will help?” Maria asked Lisa.
“Yeah whatever,” Lisa said, winking at Christina.
Christina’s eyes opened wide with betrayal. She looked at Lisa and silently shook her head “no” repeatedly. How could Lisa go along with this? I’m sooooorry I tried to steal him pleaaaase don’t do this, Christina begged silently.
Maria walked over and sat on the bed between Christina’s legs. She reached down at her sides and with each hand grabbed the toes of one of Christina’s feet and pried them back. She looked up at Lisa who was watching her curiously.
“You tickle her,” Maria instructed.
Nooooooo no more tickling. Christina tried to jerk her feet away from Maria but the woman had surprisingly strong hands.
“Me? Well yes ma’am,” Lisa said sarcastically.
“Mmmmmphhhhhh!” Christina protested as Lisa knelt down at the base of the bed by her feet.
Christina only had time to take a short breath before Lisa reached out and started scrabbling her fingers across her soles. She bit down on the gag and yanked back with both her legs but her soles stayed motionless in front of Lisa’s fingers. The sensation was too much on her trapped feet and giggles burst through.
“mmmmmmmphhhhhehehehehehe!” The sensation was not as bad as when Maria had done it but Lisa having both helpless feet was too much to fight.
“Tickle under her toes.” Maria said.
Lisa did as instructed and moved up under Christina’s toes. She was rewarded with a muffled shriek and she looked up to see Christina’s head lunging forward in laughter. Lisa could see Christina’s knees bouncing under the sheet as she tugged against the ankle straps. Christina tried to curl her toes but Maria easily held them stretched back.
“Holy Shit gurl you really are ticklish!” Lisa exclaimed as she watched her friend laugh into the gag. Lisa started moving her scratching fingers around on the sensitive skin watching how her friend shrieked and laughed at each location. She had just figured out that the best spot was right at the base of Christina’s toes when Maria released her grip.
“Hey what the..” Lisa protested as Maria scooted off the bed. Lisa moved one arm so Maria could pass but was having too much fun to stop tickling.
Christina immediately began flailing her feet around when she felt Maria let go. Lisa continued playfully chasing her friends feet around scratching at her soles.
Christina looked at Lisa and grunted angrily as she struggled to avoid her fingers but couldn’t help more giggles escaping.
“Wow you weren’t kidding,” John said. He handed the cash to Maria, who placed it in her pocket.
Lisa finally stopped and allowed Christina to catch her breath.
Christina silently stared at the ceiling and fumed, upset she was still tied up and even more at being tickle tortured like a little kid for their entertainment. Suddenly she felt cool air on her legs and then all the way up to her thighs. She looked down in sudden panic to see Lisa lifting up the sheet.
“Holy Shit! Well this just keeps getting better!” Lisa laughed as she held the sheet up and saw Christina’s nude lower half. She grabbed a handful of the sheet and with a swift tug exposed Christina’s entire bound naked body. The rush of cold air caused her whole body to tense up and she defensively tugged at her arms and legs but they remained stretched taut.
“Mmmmmmmmmphoooooooo,” Christina moaned in embarrassment. The sheet had become a small source of comfort but now she felt totally humiliated. She felt movement on the bed and looked to see Lisa climbing on the bed next to her. She shook her head and pleaded with desperate eyes as her friend sat comfortably at her side.
“Gurl you really are willing to do aaaaaanything for a selfie!” Lisa said winking. She looked over Christina’s totally exposed body from head to toe. She had always been extremely jealous of her friend’s physique. Her lean legs, tight round ass, shaved pussy, flat stomach and large breasts lay displayed before her. She found herself strangely excited knowing Christina was tied up and totally defenseless.
Lisa took one finger and began tracing it from Christina’s ankle up her shin. Christina looked at her angrily and tried to ignore the sensation. Lisa smiled back sweetly and continued slowly tracing along her shin and towards her knee. She found that Christina’s skin was warm to the touch. Some areas were slightly moist from perspiration.
Christina groaned in annoyance and tried to keep the sensation out of her mind. Lisa passed her knee and began sliding her finger along Christina’s thigh. Christina’s thigh quivered as the finger glided over her skin. Lisa smiled as she watched the leg twitch and shake under her finger. Lisa traced her finger to the top of Christina’s thigh, enjoying the way her body reacted.
The farther up she went the stronger the jerking reaction was from Christina’s bound leg. As Lisa neared the top of her thigh towards her hip pocket Christina dramatically twisted her body trying to avoid the finger. Her abs faintly outlined as she contorted her torso to the side. Her large breasts gently wobbled with the motion. Despite her effort she barely managed to break contact with Lisa’s finger.
“Oooopsie!” Lisa said sarcastically. She scooted closer to Christina’s hips and then held up her finger with a playful grin. Christina grunted loudly and gave Lisa a “Don’t you dare” look. Lisa returned a look of “who me?” and then lowered a wiggling finger towards Christina’s hip area.
Christina angrily watched the finger drop towards her right hip. She sucked her tummy in and shimmied her naked waist as much as she could away from Lisa’s finger. She was only able to shift a few inches and soon Lisa was scratching her finger at the top of her thigh.
“Mmmmmmppphhhhhh!” Christina groaned in annoyance. She bit down on the gag, fighting the tickling sensation. She rocked her hips back and forth trying to avoid the finger but couldn’t move enough to break contact. The finger scratched across her thigh and then started moving up into the curve of her hip pocket.
“mmmmmmchhheheheh........mmmcchhheeehehehe.” The skin in her hip pocket was very sensitive and Christina snorted out a giggle. She tried to hold it back but Lisa continued scratching her finger inward along the hip pocket. Christina snorted again and this time couldn’t stop the childish giggles from flowing out.
“Uhoh... Did we find a good spot?” Lisa teased. She started scratching all the nails of her right hand softly over the skin of Christina’s right hip pocket.
“MMMMMMPHehehehehehehe!” Christina burst out in giggles. She struggled to pull her leg up but couldn’t protect her exposed groin area. She tried moving her hips around and was surprised to feel the fingers lift off her skin. She sucked in a lung full of air and then felt Lisa crawl over her leg. She looked down as Lisa sat between her legs and began tickling both hip pockets on either side of her groin area.
“MMMMMPPPPHEhehehehehehehe!” Christina shook her head back and forth as giggles flooded from her gagged mouth. OH MY GAWD YOU BITCH STOP!! The light tickles were driving her absolutely crazy! She wanted so badly to curl into a ball and protect her groin but could only uselessly tug at the straps holding her body stretched open.
Lisa watched her poor friend giggling senselessly in front of her. She couldn’t help but laugh to herself at what the girl had gotten herself into. She deserves this, Lisa thought. Always strutting her sexy ass around and stealing the attention. Well this is what your sexy ass gets!
She turned to look at John and saw he had moved to the side of the bed and was enjoying the show. Lisa slowly began moving her scratching fingers inward across Christina’s hip pocket towards her groin area. This got another muffled shriek from Christina followed by more giggles. Lisa had to admit, it was pretty damn sexy the way Christina was writhing around and twisting her slim torso trying to avoid her fingers.
“Damn...” John muttered. He had tickled past hookups a few times as flirty foreplay but had never seen anything like this. He watched Lisa teasing Christina’s inner thighs right above her pussy. Christina was jerking her hips back and forth causing her breasts to gently wobble with the motion. Her tummy muscles would softly flex and occasionally bend to one side of the other as she reacted to Lisa’s nails.
Lisa turned and saw John was getting visibly aroused. Oh you just wait, she thought. She had gone through a lengthy experimental phase a few years ago and had teased plenty of girls.
Lisa slowly moved her scratching nails lower until she was in the hollow just to the side of Christina’s pussy.
“MMMMMMPPHHHOoohahahahahah!” Christina helplessly bucked her hips back and forth but couldn’t get away from the fingers. Lisa slid her nails inward until they crossed onto the skin of Christina’s pussy
“MMMMMMMMPPPPHHHH!” Christina yelled sharply. Her head jerked up and she glared at Lisa. DON’T YOU DARE BITCH! She tugged frantically with her legs but couldn’t stop Lisa from teasing her genitals.
Christina angrily threw her head back into the bed. She was furious her privates were being played with but unable do anything except giggle like a fool. The skin was so sensitive it was overwhelming. The worst part about it was that even though the teasing was unbearable... the attention around her pussy was actually turning her on.
Lisa was having too much fun with this. Kneeling between Christina’s bound legs, she watched her friend’s body writhe and jerk at her slightest touch. What’s wrong hun? Not the type of attention you were looking for tonight?
Lisa slowly moved her nails closer to Christina’s vaginal opening. Christina’s legs tugged up in reaction and a surprised moan interrupted the giggles.
“Oh do we like that?” Lisa purred softly. She flattened her fingers and began gently rubbing the area at the top of Christina’s vagina, massaging the skin over her clitoris.
Christina bucked her hips in one last half hearted twist to get away from Lisa’s fingers and then gave up. She closed her eyes and shook her head in disgust but couldn’t help enjoy the feeling. All of the teasing had indeed turned her on and she was too tired to try and fight it. Anything was better then the tickling.
“Uuuuummmmmmmm,” Christina gave in and finally let out a moan. She tried to undulate her body the small bit she could into the fingers but suddenly the massage stopped.
Christina opened her eyes in disappointment and looked down to see Lisa’s evil grin as she reached back and grabbed her toes. Christina saw Maria crouched at the end of the bed and realized the level of her foolishness as she felt Maria’s nails on her feet.
“MMMMMMMMMPPPHHHOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!” Christina let out a muffled shriek and then burst into laughter as Maria’s nails began scratching gracefully across the skin under her toes. Christina frantically tried to wiggle her feet free but Lisa held them still.
The soft teasing Lisa had been doing almost made her forget how badly Maria’s nails tickled. If anything her slight arousal had made her more sensitive. She tugged on her legs helplessly before falling into senseless laughter.
“Oooooohhhhh poor baby, weren’t expecting that were you?” Lisa sneered. She exchanged a pleased grin with Maria. Maria nodded back and continued tickling Christina’s shaking feet.
“You ladies are terrible!” John laughed. “How about some shots?” He walked to the table where the vodka bottle sat and began pouring.
“I like that idea!” Lisa cheered.
Christina was able to free one of her feet from Lisa’s grasp and began flailing it around trying to avoid Maria. Lisa playfully smacked the top of her foot and then let the other one go. Maria reluctantly stopped her ticklish assault. Christina’s head flopped down on the bed and she gratefully gulped air.
“To tonight’s entertainment!” John said, holding up shots to Maria and Lisa. Lisa took hers but Maria hesitated and looked at her watch.
“Come on sister don’t be a party pooper,” Lisa said. She lifted up her glass to Maria.
“You are assigned as my butler.... correct?” John asked. Maria slowly nodded. “Well I feel like it’s in your job description to make sure I have a good time. Plus....I’m a good tipper.” He added, winking.
Christina had recovered enough to listen to their conversation. Are they seriously taking shots while I’m still tied up? This is ridiculous... They have to let me go! Her anger mustered up a tiny hint of defiance.
“MMMMMMMMMM!!!!” She yelled from the bed. She glared at the three of them and shook her head back and forth deliberately. Her slender torso twisted and her feminine muscles faintly contracted under her skin with the effort. Her large breasts gently wobbled with the sideways movement. She shook her bound hands and feet and grunted loudly.
“Seriously gurl... how can you pass on that?” Lisa asked Maria with an enticing smile.
Christina grunted again but realized she wasn’t having her desired effect. She slowly realized that they possibly had no intention of letting her go. Worry crept it’s way into her mind as she realized she was literally bound helpless and totally exposed with basically three total strangers.
Maria met Christina’s worried stare and then looked over her vulnerable body. The corners of her lips curled into a grin and she nodded at John.
“I will stay. It is my job to make sure your stay with us is 100% satisfactory.” Maria said as she took the glass.
The three then touched glasses and drank their shots as Christina watched, astounded. They seriously can’t do this to me.....What are they going to do? Just torture me all night? This is fucking nuts! She let out another muffled yell in desperation.
“Well it sounds like someone else would like one.” Lisa said. She slowly turned to Christina with a twinkle in her eye.
“I’m thinking the gag should probably stay in,” John said with a slightly nervous laugh.
“Just pour the drink bartender, trust me.” Lisa replied.
John hesitated for a moment but then poured another shot. He handed it to Lisa who turned and climbed on the bed.
Christina watched Lisa bring the shot over and felt a small tinge of hope creep up. I’ll take the damn shot just get this gag out of my mouth, she thought. Maybe they’ll untie one of my hands too! She ran through various things to shout as soon as the gag was removed. She settled on the safest bet, yelling HELP as loud as she could. She might only get one chance so she cleared her throat, which had become slightly rasp from the yelling and laughing.
Lisa lowered herself onto her stomach in between Christina’s legs and slowly crawled forward along Christina’s stretched body. She rested her elbows on either side of Christina’s hips so her head was positioned over Christina’s groin and lower navel area. She gently lowered the shot glass down and placed it on Christina’s lower tummy just under her belly button.
Christina watched Lisa crawl on top of her and then let out a soft, confused squeak when the cold glass touched her skin. She quickly sucked her abs in and her tummy quivered under the cool glass, causing some of the vodka to spill out. The cold liquid splashed on her warm skin and slowly began trickling down the skin of her lower navel towards her groin.
“Dammit gurl! You know better then to waste a shot! I will clean up the mess but don’t you dare waste another drop!” Lisa scolded. She look down at the vodka trail and then lowered her head.
Christina quickly realized the shot was not actually for her and felt her hope subside. She watched Lisa lower her head towards her lower belly and nervously braced herself. Her tummy muscles flexed in anticipation and caused her abs to slightly push out. The bounce caused the glass to wobble and even more liquid splashed out.
“Unbelievable!” Lisa mock scolded again. “At least hold still while I clean up you ungrateful bitch!” Lisa added, slapping the side of Christina’s ass cheek.
Christina felt more of the cool liquid splatter on her tummy. Her tummy muscles quivered as the droplets began gliding across her skin. One trickled sideways and circled her hip. Another found it’s way into her hip pocket and then trickled down inside her thigh. The liquid droplets tickled just enough to make her squirm and shudder as they traveled across her skin.
“Mmmmmpphheee,” Christina muttered when she felt Lisa’s warm tongue set down on her skin. She sucked in and held her breath, again causing the shot glass to wobble and spill.
Lisa didn’t say anything this time and began lapping up the spilled vodka. Each swipe of her tongue got a gasping twitch from Christina.
Christina bit into the gag as Lisa’s tongue licked against her skin. She rolled her eyes closed and groaned in annoyance. Why does everything tickle so bad?!?!? Each lick of Lisa’s tongue caused Christina’s tummy to tense up. Luckily the shot glass was now half empty because she couldn’t stop herself from jerking.
Lisa slurped up the vodka that remained on Christina’s lower abdomen. She pressed her lips and tongue softly against Christina’s warm skin then quickly sucked her lips together. Her technique got a squeak from Christina as well as a small amount of vodka. She repeated her sucking motion along Christina’s waist as the girl squirmed and snorted out giggles. Lisa followed the vodka trail that rain back along Christina’s side. This forced Christina to flinch sideways away from the tongue.
Lisa then followed the remaining spill and ran her tongue along the inside of Christina’s left thigh. Lisa started low in her groin and then licked upward along her inner thigh. Christina giggled and twitched as the tongue moved farther. Lisa flatted her tongue so it partially teased Christina’s pussy as she went.
Uuuuggghhhh you are SUCH a BITCH!!! Christina swore silently as Lisa teased her. Lisa’s wet tongue tickled like crazy against her skin and again Christina felt herself getting aroused.
Lisa then slowly moved her tongue over Christina’s pussy. Christina inhaled sharply and trapped the giggles with her breath. Her whole body stiffened as Lisa worked her tongue in between her labial lips.
“Mmmmmppphhhh! Mmmmmuuuuuuummmmmmm.” Christina grunted in protest but was quickly overcome with the sensation of Lisa’s tongue on her clit. Her whole body relaxed into the bed, tired from struggling. Lisa gently rubbed the clit in a circular motion with her tongue. Christina felt a small tingling sensation rise from her clit just as Lisa lifted her head. Christina whimpered softly and looked down with needy eyes.
“Geeze silly, I told you I was just cleaning up your spill.” Lisa teased. “Besides, now I have to go get another shot,” Lisa said as she climbed off. “Maria will show you what we think of wasting vodka.” Lisa added.
Christina’s eyes widened in fear as Maria climbed between her legs.
“Mmmmphooooooooo,” Christina begged, shaking her head woefully as Maria knelt down.
Maria cruelty flashed her nails and then lowered them towards Christina’s hips. She started scratching her fingers on the top of Christina’s hip pockets
“Mmphhehehehehehe,” Christina immediately burst into giggles. She had no will left to resist and her body’s increased sensitivity made things worse. She tried to wiggle her hips away from the fingers but her slight movements didn’t buy her any relief.
Maria continued tickling softly with her left hand and with her right she gently found the point of Christina’s hip bone. She moved her finger above it and a little inside until she felt the soft spot near the top of Christina’s left hip pocket.
Christina felt the finger rubbing her hip and looked down as Maria wriggled her finger into the soft area of her inside hip.
“MMMMPHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Christina shrieked into her gag. Maria’s wiggling finger sent waves of ticklish sensation through her body. She jerked violently trying to bend at her hip but the straps allowed no slack for her bound limbs. Christina shook with laughter and couldn’t believe how bad it tickled.
Maria smiled and wiggled her finger deeper into the soft pocket.
Christina shrieked again and jerked her body sideways away from the wiggling finger. She was so distracted by the finger drilling into her left hip she didn’t notice the other hand until Maria wriggled her left pointer finger into the soft spot on her right hip.
“MMMPPHHAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!” Christina roared with muffled laughter and jerked her body the other way. A second later Maria’s finger drilled back into her left hip again. Christina had no control as her body rocked back and forth trying to escape Maria’s fingers.
OOOOHHHHH MMYYYYY GAAAAWWD ITS SOOOOOOO BAD! The tickling on her feet was bad enough but Maria’s nails now sent ticklish jolts through her whole midriff. Christina laughed uncontrollably and vigorously thrashed her body back and forth depending on which finger Maria applied more pressure.
Maria continued switching from side to side, watching Christina contort her body helplessly with each touch. After a few seconds she wiggled both fingers at the same time into Christina’s hips.
Christina’s abs flexed as she screamed and fought to pull her arms and legs together. Her leg muscles strained against the straps as Maria wiggled even harder into her hips.
Christina tried sucking in a breath but quickly screamed again as Maria shifted her finger slightly and found another spot above her hip bone. Her body jerked sideways and more laughter poured out. She wheezed in sharply and got a tiny bit of air before bursting into more laughter. Her face was turning red as she struggled to get air through the gag.
Maria heard the wheezing gasps for breath and stopped. She grinned again, amazed at how ticklish this poor girl was.
Christina’s head dropped to the bed weakly as she sucked in lung fulls of air. Her thighs and abs were on fire from pulling against the ankle straps and overall she was exhausted. She blinked trying to clear her eyes and realized she had teared up. She faintly heard John complimenting Maria on her tickling. Her vision cleared just in time to see Lisa walking towards her.
“Poor baby, maybe that will teach you not to spill my vodka.” Lisa said as she climbed between Christina’s trembling legs.
Christina whimpered and her head dropped sideways into her shoulder. I can’t take this anymore... they have to stop. No more.... I seriously can’t handle this....
Lisa laid on her stomach again but climbed further up onto Christina’s naked frame. Her head now directly over Christina’s bellybutton. She held up the shot glass for Christina to see. The glass was full to the brim with vodka.
Christina shook her head and whined softly knowing what was coming. At least this stupid game kept Maria away... for the time being. Maybe if I can stay still they’ll let me go, she lied to herself.
“If I recall, you still owe me another body shot.” Lisa said.
Christina shook her head and groaned. Seriously?? Give me a fucking break! This isn’t fair....
Lisa moved the shot glass towards her tummy and then slowly poured the liquid into her bellybutton.
Christina flinched and gasped as the cold vodka filled her bellybutton. SERIOUSLY???..... UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH. She had to fight to stay still as the vodka chilled her innie button.
Lisa set the shot glass with the remaining vodka down a few inches below Christina’s ribs.
At least it’s only 1/2 full, Christina thought. She was slightly surprised at how much of the liquid fit in her deep oval bellybutton. She carefully exhaled and watched the glass fall with her breath. You can do this. It’s just a body shot.
“Alright babe, let’s try not to make a mess ok?” Lisa said. She set her hands at Christina’s sides as she lowered her head.
Christina drew in a breath as fast as she dared and was relieved when the glass only wobbled slightly. She flexed her muscles to steady her tummy as Lisa’s lips touched down on her belly.
Lisa didn’t go for Christina’s bellybutton right away and instead planted a few kisses on the warm skin around it. She could tell this surprised Christina as her tummy quivered at the kisses.
Christina held her breath nervously and struggled to hold still as the kisses tickled her tummy. My gawd just do it already!!!!
Lisa completed a circle of kisses and then placed her lips around Christina’s bellybutton. Instead of slurping up the vodka, Lisa slowly traced her tongue around the outside of Christina’s innie.
Christina’s tummy quivered as she felt the tongue travel around her bellybutton. Despite her efforts to stay still her muscles twitched and jerked as Lisa’s tongue moved. She looked at the wobbling shot glass and tried forcing the sensation out of her mind. She bit down on the gag and tried to focus on the rubber ball.
Lisa finally snaked her tongue into Christina’s bellybutton and slurped up the liquid.
“Eemmmpph!” Christina battled back the giggles but a small yelp escaped the gag. The noise also caused her stomach muscles to contract. She chomped on the gag and looked at the shot glass which teetered dangerously but then steadied.
“Better watch that glass hooooooon,” Lisa teased after swallowing the vodka. She then snaked her tongue back into Christina’s bellybutton.
“Emmphh,” Christina yelped again when the tongue swirled into her navel. She tried to stay still but felt her hips trying to squirm away. She felt Lisa’s tongue swirl around her bellybutton again and her tummy bounced as she snorted. The glass teetered for a moment then stayed upright. COME OOOOOOONNN STOP IT! YOU GOT IT ALL ALREADY she whined.
Lisa frowned as she twirled her tongue deeper into Christina’s bellybutton. Lisa could feel Christina’s tummy shake and quiver with each yelp but not enough to spill the liquid. Lisa had no intention of letting Christina win. She thought about using her fingers but decided she could do it with just her mouth. Besides... it’s more fun this way, she thought. She didn’t have to think long for an idea.
Lisa pressed her lips down around Christina’s belly button and with her tongue located the outer edge. She placed her bottom row of teeth right in the deep bellybutton and her upper teeth on the skin just outside. She made a gentle chomping motion into the skin around Christina’s bellybutton.
“Waaaahahammmphhahaha,” Christina burst into giggles. NOT FAIR NOT FAAAAAAIR!!!
Lisa continued gently nibbling Christina’s navel. She felt Christina’s tummy contract sharply and knew she couldn’t keep still. She moved to the other side and applied a little more pressure to her nibbles. She felt Christina’s torso jerk sideways more and more with each nibble. Two more bites and the shot glass tumbled over.
“Mmmmmmmpphhhhhhooooooo,” Christina cried. “Mmpphhoooooooooo,” she shook her head pitifully. YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING JERK!
“Awwwwww, tried so hard but you just couldn't do it.” Lisa said victoriously. “Well I guess I’ll go get the next round.” She added as she climbed off, not bothering to lick off the vodka.
“Mmmphoooo mmphooooo mmmphooooo!!!” Christina yelled shaking her head as Maria approached. NOOOOOOO I CANT DO THIS AGAIN NOO NOOO NOOOOOO
Maria climbed on the bed next to her and knelt down by Christina’s tummy.
Christina fidgeted nervously and whimpered with fear as Maria looked down towards her tummy.
Maria lowered her hand to Christina’s belly button and then lightly began scratching her nails on the wet skin around it.
Christina sucked her tummy in and giggled uneasily. She didn’t even care about resisting the light tickling, she was too concerned about what Maria was going to do to her.
Maria continued the light tickling for a few more seconds and enjoyed the concerned expression on Christina’s face. The girl giggled childishly while her tummy trembled under Maria’s nails.
The nails tickled more than Lisa’s tongue but Christina knew something worse was coming.
Maria opened her other hand so her thumb was on one side of Christina’s belly button and her fingers on the other. She gently pressed her nails into the soft skin.
Christina felt the change in position and shook her head pointlessly. She held her breath and braced herself.
Maria then made a scrunching motion, pulling her fingers and thumb towards each other in one quick movement.
“mmmmmMPHAAAAAhahahahahahaha!” Christina lifted her head and blurted out laughing as Maria scrunched her fingers around her belly button. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK HOW DOES THIS TICKLE SOOOO BAAAAAAD!?
Maria added her other hand and began gently scrunching her fingers up and down Christina’s tummy. Maria saw that right below Christina’s bellybutton was particularly sensitive to this method. The area above her belly button still got a reaction but when she moved closer to the button and then just under it Christina’s laughter became more forced.
“HahahammmphahahahammMMPHAHAhahahaha!” Christina hadn’t even known it was possible to tickle someone like this. OH MY GAAAWD!!! STOOOOP! She gasped quickly for air and then screamed out again in laughter as she felt Maria’s nails press into her lower tummy.
Maria was impressed by Christina’s core. She could actually feel Christina’s tummy muscles flexing every time she would scream out in laughter. Maria found that the tense muscles actually created a perfect surface for the tickling. Maria dug a little deeper into Christina’s flexed abs, causing her to scream even louder.
Christina’s abs were on fire and her mouth and throat hurt from fighting for air through the gag. She sighed in relief when Maria stopped. My gawd that was horrible, she thought. She took a deep breath and then blasted it all out when she felt Maria’s hand squeeze her left side.
“Mmooooophaaahahaha,” she cried. NOOOO NO MORE NOT FAIR PLEEEEASE! Her body jerked to the side away from Maria’s hand.
Maria squeezed Christina’s left side a few more times getting a hard sideways jerk each time. She then squeezed the other side in the same manner and Christina’s torso jerked helplessly back the other way.
Christina couldn’t do anything except laugh and try to suck in gasps of air as her body spasmed. She had lost control and pure reflex had taken over, causing her to violently jerk at each squeeze of Maria’s hands.
Maria switched off every couple squeezes, finding pleasure in the way she forced Christina’s body to thrash about. The poor girl’s body was moist with sweat and Maria couldn’t even tell what was wet from the vodka anymore. She slowly inched her squeezing fingers up Christina’s sides as the girl jerked and screamed.
“Hahamphahahamphahamphahha!” Christina could not stop the laughter. She was forced to suck in tiny mouthfuls of air between each bout of laughter. Her midriff was sore from all the jerking and thrashing but every squeeze made her violently contort herself. Her belly and sides were turning red from Marias nails.
Maria continued moving her hands up along Christina’s sides until she reached her rib cage. Maria moved up onto her ribs and wriggled her nails into Christina’s ribcage.
“MPHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA,” the shriek that followed took everyone by surprise.
Lisa was busy with her hands down Johns pants, playing with him while he tried pouring shots. He nearly dropped the bottle, startled by the sound.
Maria paused her assault as Christina violently arched her back away from the bed. Holy shit, Maria thought.
OHMYFUKINGGAWDWHATTHEFUCK?!?!!!!!!! Christina wasn’t prepared for the ticklish explosion that went off in her ribs. Despite all the tickling she had just endured, her body wasn’t ready for the bolts of ticklish sensation that just scattered through her body.
Maria’s surprise was quickly replaced by an evil grin and she drilled her fingers back into Christina’s outer ribs.
“MOOOPHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Christina shrieked again as her body vaulted away from the bed. HOLYSHITOHMYGAAAAAWD!! Her body shook violently as Maria’s fingers dug into her.
Maria slowly ran her fingers up along Christina’s outer ribs. She wriggled her nails back and forth across the ribcage and was amazed at the reaction. Every time her fingers dragged across a rib bone Christina shrieked and her body convulsed. Maria pressed harder and scrubbed her fingers quickly over Christina’s ribs.
Christina screamed in ticklish agony and thrashed her head back and forth. STOPITPLEEASESTOOOOOPPP. Her hips were on fire from thrusting her chest upward and she was shaking back and forth trying to escape Maria’s wiggling fingers.
Maria found that each time she moved her digging claws into a new area of Christina’s ribs the girls body would quickly jerk away in reaction. Maria moved her hands up towards Christina’s armpits and her body lowered but began thrashing from side to side. Maria quickly moved back down next to Christina’s wobbling breasts and her torso immediately arched off the bed again.
Christina felt her lungs burning from screaming and she desperately gasped for air. She didn’t get much in before she felt Maria’s nails jump inside to the ribs under her breasts.
“AAAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!” All her air departed in a howl of laughter. Christina’s body slammed down onto the bed and began twisting back and forth under Maria’s fingers. Christina’s head jerked up in agony and she looked through blurry eyes at a Maria’s sneering face. STOOOPICANTBTREEATHSTOOOP.
Maria held her gaze and then darted her fingers back to Christina’s outer ribs.
Christina howled again and felt her body launch upwards. Her whole body ached from continuously fighting the straps but she couldn't help the reaction. Every time one of Maria’s nails wiggled over her ribs it was like ticklish lighting shooting through her body.
Maria ignored Christina’s tortured appearance and continued exploring her ribcage. She made note of the different ways Christina’s body jerked in reaction to tickling various areas on her rib cage. Maria found a good rhythm of spending a few moments at spots on the side of her ribs which caused a violent arch of Christina’s back. She would then quickly move to a spot on Christina’s front ribs, causing her to sink into the bed and rock viciously side to side. Maria would move her hands to a new spot and wait just long enough to make sure Christina was shrieking continuously and had no break from the violent thrashing.
“AAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHHGHHHHHGGGGHHAAHAHAHAHAH!!” Christina howled miserably. Can’t......Breath.....Christina felt her lungs burning as the gag limited any air she could suck in between the laughter. Her body started forcing desperate wheezes which came out as choking hiccups between the laughter.
Maria saw that Christina was totally broken. The poor girl had tears streaming down her face and was struggling for breath. Her body was wet with sweat and had claw marks all over it. Her face was red and her voice was hoarse from screaming. Despite all this, Maria was too enthralled with the thrill of torturing her.
Christina closed her teary eyes and let out another shriek of sobbing laughter. She inhaled sharply before shrieking again and felt her body jolt to the side as Maria dug her nails in. Christina screamed and helplessly squirmed and twisted as Maria scrubbed her ribs.
Maria jumped her fingers higher on Christina’s outside ribs and got a coughing shriek as Christina vigorously squirmed away. She saw that her right thumb had dug into the area just below the outside edge of Christina’s large breasts. She moved both hands along Christina’s ribs and wriggled her fingers into the area immediately under her breasts.
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHGGGGAAAHAHAHAHAHHHHGGGGGAAAAHHHHGGGGGGGAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” This scream was unbelievably louder than the first one. Christina violently thrashed back and forth and bucked her hips as Maria wiggled her fingers deeper. With a hoarse, coughing laugh Christina expelled her remaining air. She shook her sobbing head weakly at Maria, desperate for a break. Through her blurred vision Christina saw Maria bend slightly and wriggle her fingers even more ferociously into her lower breast line.
Christina’s body writhed around in agony but no sound came out. Her lungs burned and needed air but her body couldn’t inhale.
Maria’s stared down at Christina’s silent writhing body and was momentarily annoyed at the lack of laughter. She moved her finger slightly and then wiggled deep into her ribs. Christina’s body jerked back and forth in reaction to her touch but still no sound. Maria suddenly realized Christina couldn’t breath from laughing so hard and had run out of air to even laugh.
Maria stopped tickling, surprised it had went that far. She watched Christina’s exhausted body shudder and spasm before finally gaining control of her lungs.
“Hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeegggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Christina’s chest heaved up and sucked in the glorious air. She exhaled quickly and then sucked in another chest full of air. Her mind was fuzzy and she couldn’t think of anything except breathing.
“Holy shit gurl you like almost made her pass out!” Lisa exclaimed.
John stood there speechless. He had never seen anything like what Maria just did. He realized that he had enjoyed the whole spectacle quite a bit.
“I’m sorry, I got carried away.” Maria said as she climbed off the bed.
Christina lay in a sweaty daze on the bed gasping for air. Her vision was blurred with tears and she blinked trying to clear her eyes. Holy shit....holy fucking shit...that was fucking horrible....
“Naw she is fine. Shots!” Lisa cheered holding up her glass.
“Geeze you really got her good,” John said, still surprised.
Maria was feeling empowered over having dominating the spoiled brat. I do deserve a shot, she told herself.
The three of them drank their shots and then Lisa poured another.
“We can’t forget Christina! She sure looks like she needs one!” Lisa jeered.
“Wow you ladies are cruel,” John laughed.
Christina tried to lift her head but pain shot through her abs and neck and she weakly fell back to the bed. Oh my gawd noooooooo.... I’m so soooooore. Please no more you bitch.
Lisa crawled onto the bed and then slowly moved up Christina’s sweaty body.
“Eww gross,” Lisa said as she lowered herself on top of Christina. Her head was positioned above Christina’s ribs, which were still red with raw nail marks all over them. Her chest rested against Christina’s pelvis. She kicked her size 7.5 feet playfully in the air behind her.
Christina tilted her head down and looked wearily towards Lisa. She moaned softly when she saw Lisa setting the shot glass down in the center of her chest, just above her breasts.
“There, perfect. And I’m guessing you know the rules by now.” Lisa said grinning.
Christina whined softly but was too weak to do anything else. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She let out a long sorrowful moan and rolled her head to the side. She felt Lisa’s fingers touch below her elbows on each arm.
Lisa softly began tracing her fingertips down Christina’s arms. She saw Christina’s arms tense and jerk against the wrist straps. She continued downward until her fingers dipped into Lisa’s armpit.
As physically drained as Christina was, the tickling sensation forced her to tug down with her arms as Lisa’s fingers entered her armpits. She pulled pointlessly on the straps as Lisa’s nails scratched in her armpits but knew at this point it was no use. The shot glass moved slightly and Christina felt her heart jump until the glass settled. She groaned through the gag in self pity but couldn’t ignore the urge to giggle.
Lisa smiled at Christina’s reaction and continued lower into the hollow of her armpit. Lisa saw Christina’s body jerk uncomfortably and then felt a nail slide down the sole of her own foot.
“Hey!” Lisa barked. She rolled on her side and pulled her foot in. Lisa’s sudden reaction shook Christina and caused the shot glass to tip over. Lisa looked back and saw Maria standing by the bed with a playful smile. “Not funny!” Lisa snapped.
“Well we cant have Christina having all the fun.” John said.
Christina shuddered as she felt the cold vodka run along her chest and down her neckline. Nooooo that wasn’t even my fault!!! Not fair!!!
“I don’t even need the shot glass for this. Trust me, you’ll like this.” Lisa said. She turned to Maria, “Don't even think about it.”
Christina looked past Lisa and saw John and Maria whispering. She wasn’t sure what happened but felt the tiniest bit of hope blink into her mind. Yeeesssssss! Pleeeeeeease do something else, anything but this! I can’t handle anymore....
Lisa skipped Christina’s armpits and went straight to her large breasts. She lightly ran her finger tips around the outside edge of Christina’s bosoms.
Christina broke from her hopeful daydream and shuddered when she felt Lisa’s fingers circle her outer breasts. The sensation definitely tickled but was somewhat pleasuring at the same time.
Lisa slowly ran her fingers along the side of Christina’s breasts, her thumbs tracing inside the cleavage. She reached Christina’s under boob and quickly began scratching her nails against the sweaty skin.
Christina gasped and flinched on pure reflex, the memory of Maria’s nails digging into her ribs fresh in her mind. Luckily Lisa didn’t dig her nails in and only scratched lightly. Christina exhaled in relief and allowed giggles to follow, she had no energy to resist.
Lisa moved her fingers up onto Christina’s breasts. She lightly ran her fingers in circles, making sure not to get too far into the middle.
Christina’s body jerked again as she felt Lisa’s nails on her breasts. She gave up on struggling and gave in to the teasing. She felt the familiar warm tingling sensation rising in her pussy and tried to focus on that. Her giggles were broken up by a soft moan.
Lisa heard the moan and saw that Christina’s nipples now stood erect. She moved her nails and started lightly stroking Christina’s areolae, avoiding the nipple.
Christina’s eyes closed as she giggled louder and then moaned again. She began twitching back and forth but with a gentle rhythm instead of the panicked movement from before.
Lisa continued tickling Christina’s areolae watching her body sway back and forth. After another soft moan Lisa grabbed the hard nipples and gently massaged them between her fingers.
Christina arched her back and uttered a long moan as her nipples were rubbed. The tingling between her legs rose again and now demanded attention.
Lisa continued rubbing the nipples and then felt a hand grab her right ankle. She tried unsuccessfully to tug it away and before she could roll over Maria’s nails scratched over her sole.
“What theeeehehehehe!” Lisa laughed as she turned and jerked her ankle out of Maria’s grip. “Stop it you dumb bitch!”
Maria and John looked at each other and then back at her with mischievous grins.
“What....?” Lisa demanded. She suddenly realized that they now knew she was also ticklish. “Don’t even fucking......”
Lisa barely got the words out before the two were on her. John grabbed her in a bear hug and Maria wrapped her arms around Lisa’s legs. Together they pulled her struggling body to the floor.
Christina looked down with a confused grunt as she felt Lisa get dragged off of her. She saw Lisa getting pinned down and felt relief wash over her.
“Get the fuck off of me!!!” Lisa yelled as she fought the two of them.
John grabbed the sheet that had covered Christina and bunched it over Lisa’s head.
“Let me go! Seriously! Let me fucking go!!” Lisa screamed. The sound came out muffled now.
While Lisa had been teasing Christina, John had retrieved more bondage straps. He pulled Lisa’s flailing arms behind her back and tied them together at the wrist. John then pinned Lisa’s legs down as Maria tied them together at the knees and ankles. John knelt behind Lisa’s knee and then wrenched her ankles back towards her butt. Maria sat on Lisa’s legs as John tied another strap connecting Lisa’s ankles to her bound wrists. John pulled the straps tight and then they both got off and stood back.
“This isn’t funny! Let me fucking go right fucking now!” Lisa screamed with the sheet still over her head. She was effectively hog tied. She could wobble side to side but was stuck on her belly with her wrists and ankles connected behind her.
“Scream one more time and you are getting a gag.” John said firmly.
Lisa was quiet for several seconds and decided she didn’t want to be gagged. “Let me go John, I didn’t sign your damn paper.” Lisa said, fighting to stay calm.
“Here is the deal sweetie. I have one person here who signed the waiver. You certainly had no problem doing ALL sorts of things to her. I also have a very respectable resort manager who clearly witnessed you willingly take part in ALL of tonight’s entertainment.” John said.
“That’s fucking bullshit!!” Lisa yelled.
“I will gag you.” John said. He pulled back the crumpled sheet from Lisa’s face and showed her another ball gag. Lisa’s eyes widened when she saw the gag.
“Whatever, this is stupid... you don’t need to tie me up.” Lisa insisted quietly, trying a different approach.
“Well, I have really enjoyed these “games” tonight. However, Maria and I think Christina has been through enough tonight. I think you owe Christina a little friendly apology before we let her up.” John said.
Christina agreed with an exhausted but enthusiastic sigh from the bed.
“This is dumb, let me go!” Lisa ordered.
“Not one of your options babe. You have two choices. 1 - I gag you and Maria plays her own game. 2 - you play along with my game and give your friend an orgasm...with Maria helping motivate.” John explained, holding the gag out.
Lisa shook her head in disbelief. This is so fucking dumb. Lisa actually didn’t know how ticklish she was and had no intention of finding out. Plus, Christina was so wound up already it would be easy making her cum.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Take these stupid straps off.” Lisa answered
“Noooo those will be staying on.” John chuckled.
“Are you fucking joking? What am I supposed to do?” Lisa complained.
John didn’t respond but bent down and easily hoisted Lisa up, grabbing under her chest and legs.
“Woah woah what the?” Lisa objected and then frowned when she realized where he was putting her.
John rotated Lisa 90 degrees then carried her to the bed between Christina’s legs. John lowered Lisa so that her head was right above Christina’s pussy. Lisa had to physically lift her head as he set her down or her face would have made contact with Christina’s vagina. All of Lisa’s body fit on the bed with her bound knees just reaching the end of it.
Christina had been watching with a concerned look on her face but when she saw what was happening she forced herself to relax. I don’t even care, just don’t tickle me.
“Seriously, you want me to do this fucking tied up?” Lisa asked unhappily. She felt something press against her legs and turned to look. Maria had climbed on the bed and straddled her legs, pinning Lisa’s lower half between her thighs. Lisa saw that her bare feet were floating in mid air right at Maria’s chest level.
“Do whatever you like, but remember....you scream and you get the gag.” John said
“Buteeeeehehehehehahahokokokheheheh!” Lisa tried to argue but felt Maria’s nails softly scratch over her soles. She burst into giggles and shook her head in annoyance. She kicked with her ankles but only felt it pull at her bound arms.
Christina watched as Lisa was tickled and felt no sympathy. Serves you right, she thought.
Maria felt Lisa try rolling to the side but she squeezed her thighs and held Lisa’s body steady. Maria smiled as she watched the wiggling feet. This one has very pretty feet too, she thought. Lisa’s purple toenail polish matched her wacky personality. She tickled Lisa’s trapped soles for another second then stopped.
“Oh my gawd, I fucking get it Geeze!” Stammered Lisa. She made eye contact with Christina then looked away sheepishly.
“Ok, timer starts... now.” John said with a wink.
“Timer?” Lisa asked. John didn’t reply and held up his watch and tapped it. Whatever, thought Lisa. She looked down at Christina’s vagina and with a sigh she lowered her head.
Lisa used her tongue to move Christina’s labial lips apart and then slid her tongue in the opening. Her tongue was enveloped by Christina’s warm wet pussy. Damn, she thought, you were getting riled up. She started moving her tongue upward until she felt Christina’s clit. Lisa moved her tongue around to get a better feel and then felt Maria’s fingers on her exposed soles.
“Hey! Come on!” Lisa complained as she jerked her head up. She realized Maria wasn’t tickling her, just gently rubbing the flat of her fingers on her feet.
“I promise she won’t tickle you until the timer runs out... which is about 5 seconds from now.” John said laughing.
“You fucker! Not fair!” Lisa cried as she tried to get her tongue back in position. She felt Christina twitch and heard a grunt as she forced her tongue in and searched for the clit. She found it just as she felt Maria’s nails on her feet.
“Aahahahahahcomeeheheonahahahah!” Lisa laughed as she jerked her head up. She kicked helplessly with her ankles again and tried rolling but realized she was stuck. All she could do was wiggle her feet around hoping Maria had a hard time tracking them.
Maria found she was enjoying herself once again. It was fun exploring a new set of feet for sensitivity. She had already figured out the inside soles of Lisa’s feet were very ticklish. Every time she scratched her nails over the inside arches Lisa burst into laughter. She scratched her nails all over Lisa’s soles and then went back to the inside arch. Lisa kicked helplessly and roared with laughter. Maria kept it up for a few more seconds and stopped.
Holy Shit that sucks, Lisa thought. Being tickled like that made her feel slightly bad for Christina. She pushed the thought from her mind and quickly weaved her tongue into Christina’s pussy. She located the clit and went right to work. She massaged her tongue vigorously back and forth for a few seconds and then moved it up and down. After a few more seconds she started quickly circling on top of Christina’s clit. Come on!!!! She knew she didn’t have much time but her efforts didn’t seem to be making any headway. What the heck? Christina had been practically begging for it! Lisa glanced up and saw Christina had her eyes closed, fists clenched and head turned away in concentration. YOU BITCH!! Lisa thought, right before she felt the nails back on her feet.
“Noooohahahahastaahahahahahahphahashewontheheheletmehaha!” Lisa roared.
Christina exhaled loudly and then looked down. That’s what you get bitch, she thought victoriously. Ignoring the oral stimulation proved to be much harder than she had thought. It was almost harder than resisting the tickle torture.
Maria laughed, amused at the internal struggle between the two brats. She danced her fingers effortlessly up and down Lisa’s soles as the girl jerked and wobbled around giggling. For the last few seconds she moved her nails to the inside of Lisa’s soles. Lisa exploded in laughter and cutely waved her toes around until Maria stopped.
Lisa knew the game now but was confident she could make Christina cum. She shot a challenging look at Christina and then inserted her tongue into the girl’s vagina. She knew a different technique was required now that she needed to make Christina WANT to cum. She located Christina’s clit and then very softly began stroking the sex organ with her tongue. She rubbed in a gentle circular motion until she felt Christina’s hips finally twitch. She switched and started rubbing her tongue softly up and down over the clit. After a few strokes she felt Christina’s hips gyrate again and this time a moan escaped. Lisa increased the pressure slightly and moved her tongue from side to side. She did this until she heard another moan and felt Christina gyrate again.
Lisa froze when she felt fingers on her sole. She wasted a second waiting for the tickling to start and realized she had been tricked again. The fingers gently rubbed her soles and Lisa knew Maria was toying with her. Damn! She knew that she didn’t have much time. She started moving her tongue in a circular motion again and felt Christina’s body eventually twitch again.
Maria’s nails went right for the inside arches of Lisa’s soles.
“Hahahahahstaahahahahphahahahah!” Lisa yelled. She shook her head in frustration and then had an idea.
Despite laughing and giggling, Lisa tried maintaining the oral stimulation as she was tickled. She failed a few times to find the clit as she couldn’t stop laughing but eventually got her tongue positioned to where she could somewhat keep contact with Christina’s clit. As stupid as she felt, she knew Christina wasn’t expecting this because the girl gasped in surprise.
She managed a few laughing licks before she felt Maria pull her toes back with one hand. Oh no, she thought. She had seen this trick on Christina. She tried to pull her feet away but soon felt Maria’s nails scratch under her toes.
“WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Lisa shrieked. She lost control of her mouth and just screamed out laughter. She desperately kicked her foot but couldn’t escape Maria’s hold. She tried using her free foot to block the tickling but Maria’s arm blocked it. She rocked helplessly with laughter as Maria tickled her. Maria finally released her grip on Lisa’s foot and stopped.
“You bitch,” Lisa gasped at Maria. Maria smiled back and flicked a nail against Lisa’s sole, causing her foot to jerk.
Christina had been able to hold it together at the beginning by basically fighting down her level of arousal. Lisa had made the mistake of expecting Christina to be begging for an orgasm and tried to simply finish her. The second time was a different story. Christina had tried ignoring Lisa’s tongue but her genitals had a mind of their own. It wasn’t long before a warm tingling sensation rose up inside her. She tried to focus her mind elsewhere but every stroke of Lisa’s tongue on her clit increased the sensation. When Lisa had continued pleasuring her while getting tickled she had nearly given in. Luckily Maria’s nails rescued her. Christina didn’t know if she could fight it anymore...or if she even wanted to.
Christina looked down as Lisa took a deep breath and then went down on her. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes but immediately squeaked when she felt Lisa’s tongue press into her. The pleasuring warmth that had been building hadn’t subsided. Lisa swirled her tongue gently against Christina’s clit. Each motion of the tongue increased the intensity of the sensation growing in her. The warm tingling grew with each lick and began radiating outward through her vagina. Christina moaned loudly and gave in, allowing her body to undulate with Lisa’s tongue.
Lisa knew Christina was close and needed just a few more seconds. She moved her tongue in steadily smaller circles honing in on her erect clitoris. Christina moaned again and began arching her back. Lisa added a little pressure with her tongue and new Christina was on the brink. She felt the toes of her left foot get bent back and got two more flicks of her tongue before Maria attacked her foot.
Maria got the nod from John but winked and waited a few more seconds. She knew Christina was getting close. She waited until she saw Christina’s body arch in preparation before she grabbed Lisa’s foot. She went right to the area under the toes and watched Lisa shriek with laughter.
“FAAHAHAHAHAHK YOOHOHAHAHAHA!” Lisa howled in laughter.
Christina cried out, sexually frustrated. She moved her hips around hungrily as the growing pleasure inside her vagina teetered right on the brink. Oh come on! I was almost there! She didn’t care about fighting it anymore... she just wanted to cum!
Lisa tried to keep going but Maria’s nails tickled too much. She shook her head trying to stop the laughter but couldn’t. She placed her mouth on top of Christina’s vagina but she was laughing too hard to do anything useful with her tongue. She felt Maria move up into her toes and shrieked again. The tickling lasted for a few more seconds then stopped.
Lisa gasped for a couple breaths and thought about a nasty comeback but decided it was a waste of time. She quickly maneuvered her tongue back into Christina’s labial opening and located her clit. Lisa resumed her gentle massage and was glad Christina was still extremely aroused.
Christina felt Lisa’s tongue and let out a grateful moan. The warm tingling sensation built again until it began spreading out from her vagina. YES OH MY GAWD KEEP GOING. Christina slowly arched her back as the sensation grew stronger and stronger. Her vagina filled with tingling warmth that began spreading into her belly. Suddenly in the center of the warm tingling sensation she felt a spark of pure ecstasy ignite. OMGOMG IM GONNA CUM. The spark increased in intensity until it finally exploded in a giant pleasure bomb that traveled out from her vagina to all her extremities.
“mmmmmmmEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!! ,” Christina shrieked as her body convulsed in pure euphoria. All the pent up physical stress and sexual energy from the last few hours released at the same time. Christina felt fireworks extending from her fingers to her toes. She slowly cleared the dancing stars from her mind and felt the sexual energy slowly melting away as her body relaxed into the bed.
Christina’s heaven was interrupted by Lisa’s tongue rubbing against her tender clit. A painful jolt of lightening tore through her vagina as Lisa’s tongue moved.
“MMMMPPHHHOOOOOAAAAAA!” Christina wailed and frantically thrashed her hips away. Her clit had become hypersensitive from the orgasm and it felt like Lisa was electrocuting her genitals as she licked it. Christina’s thrashing made it worse as Lisa purposely pressed her tongue against the clit and sent agonizing lighting bolts into her vagina with every movement.
Oh you’ll get your fucking orgasm alright, Lisa thought. She was well aware of the painful stimulation Christina was experiencing and didn’t care. The sensation on her clit right now was far worse than any tickling and Christina was powerless to stop it. Lisa pressed her tongue firmly against the clit until Christina squealed in pain but stopped moving. Lisa then started massaging the clitoris, lighting it on sexual fire.
“MMMMPPHHHHOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!,” Christina sobbed in sensual agony. She realized quickly it was worse to fight so she struggled to hold still. Her body jerked and trembled as Lisa rubbed her clit with her tongue. Fiery sparks erupted on her clit and caused her body to spasm. Every stroke of Lisa’s tongue felt like fire shooting through her vagina.
Christina cried out and quivered until eventually the warm tingling sensation reappeared. Her cries slowly turned to moans once again as the tingling warmth took over her pussy. Christina relaxed as her clit again now radiated pure ecstasy. Her painful flinches morphed into lustful swaying motions.
Lisa continued lightly rubbing Christina’s clit as her cries turned over to moans. She knew that the painful overstimulation now would make her body crave another orgasm. Christina moaned loudly and slightly lifted her hips. Lisa slid her tongue smoothly back and forth and then switched back to a deep circular massage. Christina moaned again and lowered her hips. Her back began arching and Lisa could tell another orgasm was coming. She allowed Christina’s body to fully arch and then as she let out another sensual groan Lisa stopped.
“Mmmmmmmmphooooooooo.” Christina cried in despair. Her body begged for the orgasm and once again she was left teetering in the brink. She looked down at Lisa with begging eyes and rocked her hungry body back and forth. Lisa looked back cruelly and shook her head “nope.”
“Well that was just mean.”
Lisa’s cruel grin was quickly replaced by surprise when John pulled her off the bed and set her on the floor. She landed with a soft thud on her stomach.
“Ouch! That fucking huummmph!” Lisa began complaining but a gag was shoved in her mouth. She struggled but John quickly clipped it behind her head. She angrily screamed through the gag but then shook her head frantically as she felt Maria straddle her legs again. She barely had time to suck in air before she felt Maria’s nails on her soles.
“MMMMMMMPHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” Lisa shrieked. She flailed her feet and bucked as Maria scratched her nails across her soles. Lisa felt one of Maria’s hands creep under her t shirt and begin squeezing her sides. She jerked violently to the side trying to avoid the hand. She felt the other hand leave her feet and start squeezing up the other side. Lisa closed her eyes and screamed senseless laughter into the gag.
Christina’s chest heaved in sexual denial. She looked down and saw Maria climbing on Lisa and then moments later heard gagged laughter. She was happy Lisa was getting tortured but her body was screaming for an orgasm. She then saw John looking longingly over her sweaty panting body.
“Well, it seems we have come full circle to our original agreement. Considering the circumstances, I do feel obliged to offer you a choice. I would like to fulfill our contract... but if you prefer I will allow Maria to have another round with you instead.” John said.
Christina’s eyes widened at the offer. Not so much at her limited options but at the thought of Maria torturing her again. The warmth between her legs was still demanding attention and she saw Johns cock bulging from his pants. She listened to Lisa’s cackling laughter and sighed, knowing she only really had one option. She looked up at John and nodded at him.
John had thought the answer was obvious but still couldn’t hide his pleasure when Christina picked him. He removed his clothes and looked momentarily at Maria as he walked naked towards the bed.
Maria was too busy torturing Lisa to notice Johns nudity. Maria had moved up to the Lisa’s armpits and had her captive turning red from nonstop screaming and thrashing.
John climbed on top of Christina’s stretched out body. Lisa had humped two orgasms out of him already but that was hours ago and he was surprisingly horny. He looked at Christina’s large breasts, down her claw marked ribs to her glistening tight tummy, and finally to her pussy. He noticed her hips were slightly gyrating in anticipation. He unwrapped a condom and unrolled it over his pulsating cock. He looked at Christina’s lusting but slightly hesitant gaze and then inserted himself.
Christina felt a euphoric rush and moaned as John filled her vagina. He powerfully thrusted into her and her whole body shook. He continued thrusting and and the sensation was amplified by her bound ankles preventing her from moving with him. Each thrust caused the warmth in her vagina to intensify. It continued to build until Christina felt the spark ignite and then fireworks went off in her vagina. She moaned and arched in an intense orgasm. The fireworks subsided and she felt John thrusting with renewed vigor. She gasped at each thrust and felt the warmth quickly rising again. Christina squealed in ecstasy and then felt the fireworks go off again. She closed her eyes waiting for her head to clear and then felt her hair get tugged off the bed.
Christina opened her eyes in a euphoric haze expecting to see John holding her hair but instead saw Maria. The euphoria quickly subsided as Maria knelt down on the bed behind her head. Maria then lowered Christina’s head onto her bent knees. Noooooooooo what are you doing, she cried. She listened for Lisa but didn’t hear any sounds from the floor. Christina’s eyes frowned in worry but her thoughts were interrupted by John’s thrusting. She again felt the warm tingling sensation rising in her.
Maria had tickled the sassy friend until she passed out. She was surprised Lisa might have actually been more ticklish then Christina, but it was too close to tell. She took in Christina’s worried look as she positioned herself. Maria watched Christina close her eyes and utter another sexual moan. She lowered her fingers to Christina’s open arm pits and viciously wriggled her finger into the hollow next to her breasts.
“MMPHOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!” Christina shrieked in ticklish agony. Her body had been soaking in every sensation and wasn’t ready for the tickling. She violently convulsed under John and tugged desperately at her arms.
John looked up and was surprised to see Maria had climbed on the bed and was again torturing Christina. Maria winked at him and then went back to her torture. John felt Christina’s body writhing around under him and it felt strangely good. He pushed into Christina and continued thrusting. His movement combined with Christina’s violent squirming increased the pleasure he felt from each thrust. Instead of closing his eyes he watched Christina’s sweaty body twisting and jerking with mounting sexual fascination. He saw Maria wiggle her fingers deeper into the armpits and Christina aggressively thrashed side to side against his thrusting cock.
“AAAAAAAAAMPHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” Christina screamed through the gag. Her body couldn’t handle the sensation overload and she felt herself viciously bucking and rocking back and forth. She felt John suddenly harden and knew he was going to cum. His thrusting became even more vigorous. Christina screamed as the warm tingling fire in her vagina finally sparked and slowly combined with the ticklish jolts of electricity shooting from her armpits. The sensation built unbearably until it finally burst. Christina arched violently and let out a hysterical shriek of euphoric bliss.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAMMMPHAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!” Christina erupted in a cosmic orgasm. Fireworks shot off through her body and stars flashed through her vision. She felt John shudder on top of her and knew he had orgasmed as well. Christina felt Maria’s hands depart and allowed herself to float away into a sexual haze.
John collapsed onto Christina’s body. Her post orgasm twitches were matched by his own shudder of relief. He took a few deep breaths and soaked in the explosive orgasm he just had. He rolled over into his back and sighed deeply.
Maria watched the two silently reveling in sexual pleasure. She couldn’t help but feel extremely aroused. She quietly climbed off the bed, deciding she deserved some self satisfaction. As she walked towards the door she heard John call her name. She stopped and turned back to the bed. He was shakily lifting his upper body off the bed.
“How would you feel about a personal butler position?” John asked with a hopeful smile.
Nooooooooo no fucking way..you did not bring Lisa back here, Christina thought.
“I will admit I’ve never had two orgasms that quick... but I bet you’ll like this surprise.” John replied as he walked in the room. John was wearing swim trunks with a muscle shirt and Lisa had changed into shorts and a t shirt. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Maria standing by the bed.
“What tha fuck?” Lisa said when she saw Maria. “I realllly hope she isn’t your biiiig secret. Well, your other big secret.” She added and playfully pushed him.
“Maria?” John asked confused. He looked around her to where Christina lay on the bed.
Christina was sweating and still heaving in deep breaths through the gag. He saw the sheet had been pulled back from her feet and was wrinkled in other areas. He looked back at Maria and raised an eyebrow in interest.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Dollert I came in to drop off the phones and no one answered when I knocked so I didn’t think anyone was in here and I dropped the phones off and tried to clean up but saw the bed and it was your bitchy friend and then I saw how she was laying and I couldn’t help myself so I had to teach her a lesson but I’m really sorry so I will go now I’m sorry sir please I’m sorry.” Maria just blurted out.
“Hey who you callin bitchy, bitch!” Lisa said back, not understanding half of what Maria said.
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll go now.” Maria said and started shuffling out.
“Woah woah slow down Maria.” John’s curiosity was more than peaked now. Maria stopped after a few steps and looked back.
“Yeah woah Mariah,” Lisa echoed, still clueless.
“What were you doing?” John asked with genuine interest.
“Am I missin something here?” Lisa asked confused.
“Come on Maria, tell me,” John insisted. “I’m not mad, I promise.”
Maria stared at him for a moment and then turned and looked back at the bed.
Lisa followed her gaze to the bed and squinted for a second at the gagged face staring back at her “The fuk?” Her eyes then burst wide, “Christina?!?”
Christina had been too busy catching her breath from the tickling assault to say anything. She nodded her head and gave a muffled affirmation. Lisa skipped over to the bed and then stopped next to it.
“OH MY GAWD..... are you tied up?” Lisa asked in disbelief. She reached down and felt the strap around Christina’s ankle.
Christina watched Lisa reach towards her foot and defensively maneuvered her foot away. Lisa tugged on the strap and noticed Christina trying to keep her foot away. She grabbed Christina’s big toe and giggled in amusement as the bound girl tried jerking her foot away.
“Daaaam gurl you totally did let him tie you up!” Lisa exclaimed. She turned to look at John who was still waiting for Maria’s response.
“Mr. Dollert all I did was tickle her feet....” Maria replied.
“You were tickling her?” John asked, unable to hide a smirk.
“For real!? Oh poor baby!” Lisa teased. She looked down at Christina’s bound feet and grinned. “Is someone a wittle tikwish?” She then quickly scrabbled her fingers up Christina’s left sole.
“Mmmmmpphhoooooooo,” Christina complained through her gag. She knew she couldn’t get away but her leg jerked in reaction to the touch anyways.
Lisa had neatly trimmed nails but they were flat at the end and not as effective as Maria’s. Christina was able to fight back the giggles but not without having to flick her foot away from the fingers. Lisa enjoyed the response she got and added fingers to the other foot, giggling to herself as Christina wiggled both feet around. Despite the sloppy tickling, Christina couldn’t ignore the ticklish sensations on both feet and eventually snorted out a few giggles.
“Awwww you are tikwish,” Lisa mocked. She was amused by the muffled giggles but after a few seconds she stopped. “This is too funny... you know her mom is an attorney right?” Lisa said, turning to them.
Christina perked up when she heard this. Yes! That’s right! Get me out of here!
Maria’s expression changed from embarrassment to fear as she looked at Lisa. She then turned to John who had tied the girl up in the first place. John momentarily had a surprised look on his face but it quickly faded to his normal confident expression.
“Well that didn’t stop her from signing my consent waiver.” John replied with a shrug.
“She signed something? Oooooooooooooh Uhoh.” Lisa turned and looked at Christina with a “you’re in trouble” look.
“Of course, it’s the first thing my agent had written up for me. You think I want to get tricked into paying settlements with all my money?” John said, holding up the packet.
“How come you didn’t make me?” Lisa asked, not sure if she should be offended.
“Different circumstances... and you caught me a little off guard.” John replied with a wink.
“You’re dayum right I did!” Lisa said proudly, accepting his explanation.
Christina had forgotten about the damn packet. She had hoped through the awkwardness that they would untie her. There was no way she was going to stay tied up. She didn’t know what was written on that paper, but she didn’t care.
“MMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHH!” Christina lifted her head up and hollered through her gag. She hoped her sudden outburst would make them nervous about keeping her tied up.
“Ohhhh fiesty!” Lisa mocked with a phony flinch. She turned to Maria, “Well I hope it covers naughty hotel workers.”
“The waiver covers any actions and all parties involved in the location agreed upon by the signee. Basically she signed saying she gives consent for any activity done by any person who is in my room.” John explained.
He opened to a page towards the back of the packet and pointed. Maria looked at the paper and read the sentences above his finger. Her concerned expression slowly relaxed as she read.
Christina squeezed her eyes shut in anger. There is no way the packet said that. How could she have been so stupid. How could she have let herself sign it... It was 10 pages long!! Who knows what else it said? Nope, I don’t care what the damn packet says, she told herself.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Christina shouted and furiously shook her head. She yelled for them to let her go. Which came out as “AAAAMMMMMPPHEEEEEEEEEMMMPPHOOOOO!!!”
“Sorry sweetheart, no backing out now.” John said to Christina. He turned to the others, “I mean feel free to leave if you want. This whole thing was her idea in the first place. She was more than willing to ditch you,” He said to Lisa. He turned to Maria, “And she had no problem treating you like trash.”
“You dooooo have a point there,” Lisa said as she turned back to Christina.
“MMPPHH! MMPHHHPHEEEEMMMPHHOOO!!!!” Christina stammered trying to keep her composure. She shook her head back and forth dramatically. This is NOT happening...This is seriously NOT happening!!! Let me GO!!!
Maria had calmed down from the initial panic of being caught but still looked uneasy. She looked at Christina then back to John, not sure what to do.
“I’ll tell you what, we can play a quick game. I’ll give you 200$ to show me what you were doing. That way I’m paying you for services, and you are fully covered in the waiver.” John said.
“MMMMMM!” Christina objected in disbelief. Are they fucking kidding me? I’m not doing this!
“Hey what about me?” Lisa asked with a pouty face.
“Maybe you can help.” John replied.
Maria looked at John for a moment then at Christina, who still couldn’t believe what was going on. John then pulled out two crisp 100$ bills and set them on a table. Maria watched him put the bills down. That was more than her tips for the day so far, she thought. I’m already involved, might as well get the money.
“You will help?” Maria asked Lisa.
“Yeah whatever,” Lisa said, winking at Christina.
Christina’s eyes opened wide with betrayal. She looked at Lisa and silently shook her head “no” repeatedly. How could Lisa go along with this? I’m sooooorry I tried to steal him pleaaaase don’t do this, Christina begged silently.
Maria walked over and sat on the bed between Christina’s legs. She reached down at her sides and with each hand grabbed the toes of one of Christina’s feet and pried them back. She looked up at Lisa who was watching her curiously.
“You tickle her,” Maria instructed.
Nooooooo no more tickling. Christina tried to jerk her feet away from Maria but the woman had surprisingly strong hands.
“Me? Well yes ma’am,” Lisa said sarcastically.
“Mmmmmphhhhhh!” Christina protested as Lisa knelt down at the base of the bed by her feet.
Christina only had time to take a short breath before Lisa reached out and started scrabbling her fingers across her soles. She bit down on the gag and yanked back with both her legs but her soles stayed motionless in front of Lisa’s fingers. The sensation was too much on her trapped feet and giggles burst through.
“mmmmmmmphhhhhehehehehehe!” The sensation was not as bad as when Maria had done it but Lisa having both helpless feet was too much to fight.
“Tickle under her toes.” Maria said.
Lisa did as instructed and moved up under Christina’s toes. She was rewarded with a muffled shriek and she looked up to see Christina’s head lunging forward in laughter. Lisa could see Christina’s knees bouncing under the sheet as she tugged against the ankle straps. Christina tried to curl her toes but Maria easily held them stretched back.
“Holy Shit gurl you really are ticklish!” Lisa exclaimed as she watched her friend laugh into the gag. Lisa started moving her scratching fingers around on the sensitive skin watching how her friend shrieked and laughed at each location. She had just figured out that the best spot was right at the base of Christina’s toes when Maria released her grip.
“Hey what the..” Lisa protested as Maria scooted off the bed. Lisa moved one arm so Maria could pass but was having too much fun to stop tickling.
Christina immediately began flailing her feet around when she felt Maria let go. Lisa continued playfully chasing her friends feet around scratching at her soles.
Christina looked at Lisa and grunted angrily as she struggled to avoid her fingers but couldn’t help more giggles escaping.
“Wow you weren’t kidding,” John said. He handed the cash to Maria, who placed it in her pocket.
Lisa finally stopped and allowed Christina to catch her breath.
Christina silently stared at the ceiling and fumed, upset she was still tied up and even more at being tickle tortured like a little kid for their entertainment. Suddenly she felt cool air on her legs and then all the way up to her thighs. She looked down in sudden panic to see Lisa lifting up the sheet.
“Holy Shit! Well this just keeps getting better!” Lisa laughed as she held the sheet up and saw Christina’s nude lower half. She grabbed a handful of the sheet and with a swift tug exposed Christina’s entire bound naked body. The rush of cold air caused her whole body to tense up and she defensively tugged at her arms and legs but they remained stretched taut.
“Mmmmmmmmmphoooooooo,” Christina moaned in embarrassment. The sheet had become a small source of comfort but now she felt totally humiliated. She felt movement on the bed and looked to see Lisa climbing on the bed next to her. She shook her head and pleaded with desperate eyes as her friend sat comfortably at her side.
“Gurl you really are willing to do aaaaaanything for a selfie!” Lisa said winking. She looked over Christina’s totally exposed body from head to toe. She had always been extremely jealous of her friend’s physique. Her lean legs, tight round ass, shaved pussy, flat stomach and large breasts lay displayed before her. She found herself strangely excited knowing Christina was tied up and totally defenseless.
Lisa took one finger and began tracing it from Christina’s ankle up her shin. Christina looked at her angrily and tried to ignore the sensation. Lisa smiled back sweetly and continued slowly tracing along her shin and towards her knee. She found that Christina’s skin was warm to the touch. Some areas were slightly moist from perspiration.
Christina groaned in annoyance and tried to keep the sensation out of her mind. Lisa passed her knee and began sliding her finger along Christina’s thigh. Christina’s thigh quivered as the finger glided over her skin. Lisa smiled as she watched the leg twitch and shake under her finger. Lisa traced her finger to the top of Christina’s thigh, enjoying the way her body reacted.
The farther up she went the stronger the jerking reaction was from Christina’s bound leg. As Lisa neared the top of her thigh towards her hip pocket Christina dramatically twisted her body trying to avoid the finger. Her abs faintly outlined as she contorted her torso to the side. Her large breasts gently wobbled with the motion. Despite her effort she barely managed to break contact with Lisa’s finger.
“Oooopsie!” Lisa said sarcastically. She scooted closer to Christina’s hips and then held up her finger with a playful grin. Christina grunted loudly and gave Lisa a “Don’t you dare” look. Lisa returned a look of “who me?” and then lowered a wiggling finger towards Christina’s hip area.
Christina angrily watched the finger drop towards her right hip. She sucked her tummy in and shimmied her naked waist as much as she could away from Lisa’s finger. She was only able to shift a few inches and soon Lisa was scratching her finger at the top of her thigh.
“Mmmmmmppphhhhhh!” Christina groaned in annoyance. She bit down on the gag, fighting the tickling sensation. She rocked her hips back and forth trying to avoid the finger but couldn’t move enough to break contact. The finger scratched across her thigh and then started moving up into the curve of her hip pocket.
“mmmmmmchhheheheh........mmmcchhheeehehehe.” The skin in her hip pocket was very sensitive and Christina snorted out a giggle. She tried to hold it back but Lisa continued scratching her finger inward along the hip pocket. Christina snorted again and this time couldn’t stop the childish giggles from flowing out.
“Uhoh... Did we find a good spot?” Lisa teased. She started scratching all the nails of her right hand softly over the skin of Christina’s right hip pocket.
“MMMMMMPHehehehehehehe!” Christina burst out in giggles. She struggled to pull her leg up but couldn’t protect her exposed groin area. She tried moving her hips around and was surprised to feel the fingers lift off her skin. She sucked in a lung full of air and then felt Lisa crawl over her leg. She looked down as Lisa sat between her legs and began tickling both hip pockets on either side of her groin area.
“MMMMMPPPPHEhehehehehehehe!” Christina shook her head back and forth as giggles flooded from her gagged mouth. OH MY GAWD YOU BITCH STOP!! The light tickles were driving her absolutely crazy! She wanted so badly to curl into a ball and protect her groin but could only uselessly tug at the straps holding her body stretched open.
Lisa watched her poor friend giggling senselessly in front of her. She couldn’t help but laugh to herself at what the girl had gotten herself into. She deserves this, Lisa thought. Always strutting her sexy ass around and stealing the attention. Well this is what your sexy ass gets!
She turned to look at John and saw he had moved to the side of the bed and was enjoying the show. Lisa slowly began moving her scratching fingers inward across Christina’s hip pocket towards her groin area. This got another muffled shriek from Christina followed by more giggles. Lisa had to admit, it was pretty damn sexy the way Christina was writhing around and twisting her slim torso trying to avoid her fingers.
“Damn...” John muttered. He had tickled past hookups a few times as flirty foreplay but had never seen anything like this. He watched Lisa teasing Christina’s inner thighs right above her pussy. Christina was jerking her hips back and forth causing her breasts to gently wobble with the motion. Her tummy muscles would softly flex and occasionally bend to one side of the other as she reacted to Lisa’s nails.
Lisa turned and saw John was getting visibly aroused. Oh you just wait, she thought. She had gone through a lengthy experimental phase a few years ago and had teased plenty of girls.
Lisa slowly moved her scratching nails lower until she was in the hollow just to the side of Christina’s pussy.
“MMMMMMPPHHHOoohahahahahah!” Christina helplessly bucked her hips back and forth but couldn’t get away from the fingers. Lisa slid her nails inward until they crossed onto the skin of Christina’s pussy
“MMMMMMMMPPPPHHHH!” Christina yelled sharply. Her head jerked up and she glared at Lisa. DON’T YOU DARE BITCH! She tugged frantically with her legs but couldn’t stop Lisa from teasing her genitals.
Christina angrily threw her head back into the bed. She was furious her privates were being played with but unable do anything except giggle like a fool. The skin was so sensitive it was overwhelming. The worst part about it was that even though the teasing was unbearable... the attention around her pussy was actually turning her on.
Lisa was having too much fun with this. Kneeling between Christina’s bound legs, she watched her friend’s body writhe and jerk at her slightest touch. What’s wrong hun? Not the type of attention you were looking for tonight?
Lisa slowly moved her nails closer to Christina’s vaginal opening. Christina’s legs tugged up in reaction and a surprised moan interrupted the giggles.
“Oh do we like that?” Lisa purred softly. She flattened her fingers and began gently rubbing the area at the top of Christina’s vagina, massaging the skin over her clitoris.
Christina bucked her hips in one last half hearted twist to get away from Lisa’s fingers and then gave up. She closed her eyes and shook her head in disgust but couldn’t help enjoy the feeling. All of the teasing had indeed turned her on and she was too tired to try and fight it. Anything was better then the tickling.
“Uuuuummmmmmmm,” Christina gave in and finally let out a moan. She tried to undulate her body the small bit she could into the fingers but suddenly the massage stopped.
Christina opened her eyes in disappointment and looked down to see Lisa’s evil grin as she reached back and grabbed her toes. Christina saw Maria crouched at the end of the bed and realized the level of her foolishness as she felt Maria’s nails on her feet.
“MMMMMMMMMPPPHHHOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!” Christina let out a muffled shriek and then burst into laughter as Maria’s nails began scratching gracefully across the skin under her toes. Christina frantically tried to wiggle her feet free but Lisa held them still.
The soft teasing Lisa had been doing almost made her forget how badly Maria’s nails tickled. If anything her slight arousal had made her more sensitive. She tugged on her legs helplessly before falling into senseless laughter.
“Oooooohhhhh poor baby, weren’t expecting that were you?” Lisa sneered. She exchanged a pleased grin with Maria. Maria nodded back and continued tickling Christina’s shaking feet.
“You ladies are terrible!” John laughed. “How about some shots?” He walked to the table where the vodka bottle sat and began pouring.
“I like that idea!” Lisa cheered.
Christina was able to free one of her feet from Lisa’s grasp and began flailing it around trying to avoid Maria. Lisa playfully smacked the top of her foot and then let the other one go. Maria reluctantly stopped her ticklish assault. Christina’s head flopped down on the bed and she gratefully gulped air.
“To tonight’s entertainment!” John said, holding up shots to Maria and Lisa. Lisa took hers but Maria hesitated and looked at her watch.
“Come on sister don’t be a party pooper,” Lisa said. She lifted up her glass to Maria.
“You are assigned as my butler.... correct?” John asked. Maria slowly nodded. “Well I feel like it’s in your job description to make sure I have a good time. Plus....I’m a good tipper.” He added, winking.
Christina had recovered enough to listen to their conversation. Are they seriously taking shots while I’m still tied up? This is ridiculous... They have to let me go! Her anger mustered up a tiny hint of defiance.
“MMMMMMMMMM!!!!” She yelled from the bed. She glared at the three of them and shook her head back and forth deliberately. Her slender torso twisted and her feminine muscles faintly contracted under her skin with the effort. Her large breasts gently wobbled with the sideways movement. She shook her bound hands and feet and grunted loudly.
“Seriously gurl... how can you pass on that?” Lisa asked Maria with an enticing smile.
Christina grunted again but realized she wasn’t having her desired effect. She slowly realized that they possibly had no intention of letting her go. Worry crept it’s way into her mind as she realized she was literally bound helpless and totally exposed with basically three total strangers.
Maria met Christina’s worried stare and then looked over her vulnerable body. The corners of her lips curled into a grin and she nodded at John.
“I will stay. It is my job to make sure your stay with us is 100% satisfactory.” Maria said as she took the glass.
The three then touched glasses and drank their shots as Christina watched, astounded. They seriously can’t do this to me.....What are they going to do? Just torture me all night? This is fucking nuts! She let out another muffled yell in desperation.
“Well it sounds like someone else would like one.” Lisa said. She slowly turned to Christina with a twinkle in her eye.
“I’m thinking the gag should probably stay in,” John said with a slightly nervous laugh.
“Just pour the drink bartender, trust me.” Lisa replied.
John hesitated for a moment but then poured another shot. He handed it to Lisa who turned and climbed on the bed.
Christina watched Lisa bring the shot over and felt a small tinge of hope creep up. I’ll take the damn shot just get this gag out of my mouth, she thought. Maybe they’ll untie one of my hands too! She ran through various things to shout as soon as the gag was removed. She settled on the safest bet, yelling HELP as loud as she could. She might only get one chance so she cleared her throat, which had become slightly rasp from the yelling and laughing.
Lisa lowered herself onto her stomach in between Christina’s legs and slowly crawled forward along Christina’s stretched body. She rested her elbows on either side of Christina’s hips so her head was positioned over Christina’s groin and lower navel area. She gently lowered the shot glass down and placed it on Christina’s lower tummy just under her belly button.
Christina watched Lisa crawl on top of her and then let out a soft, confused squeak when the cold glass touched her skin. She quickly sucked her abs in and her tummy quivered under the cool glass, causing some of the vodka to spill out. The cold liquid splashed on her warm skin and slowly began trickling down the skin of her lower navel towards her groin.
“Dammit gurl! You know better then to waste a shot! I will clean up the mess but don’t you dare waste another drop!” Lisa scolded. She look down at the vodka trail and then lowered her head.
Christina quickly realized the shot was not actually for her and felt her hope subside. She watched Lisa lower her head towards her lower belly and nervously braced herself. Her tummy muscles flexed in anticipation and caused her abs to slightly push out. The bounce caused the glass to wobble and even more liquid splashed out.
“Unbelievable!” Lisa mock scolded again. “At least hold still while I clean up you ungrateful bitch!” Lisa added, slapping the side of Christina’s ass cheek.
Christina felt more of the cool liquid splatter on her tummy. Her tummy muscles quivered as the droplets began gliding across her skin. One trickled sideways and circled her hip. Another found it’s way into her hip pocket and then trickled down inside her thigh. The liquid droplets tickled just enough to make her squirm and shudder as they traveled across her skin.
“Mmmmmpphheee,” Christina muttered when she felt Lisa’s warm tongue set down on her skin. She sucked in and held her breath, again causing the shot glass to wobble and spill.
Lisa didn’t say anything this time and began lapping up the spilled vodka. Each swipe of her tongue got a gasping twitch from Christina.
Christina bit into the gag as Lisa’s tongue licked against her skin. She rolled her eyes closed and groaned in annoyance. Why does everything tickle so bad?!?!? Each lick of Lisa’s tongue caused Christina’s tummy to tense up. Luckily the shot glass was now half empty because she couldn’t stop herself from jerking.
Lisa slurped up the vodka that remained on Christina’s lower abdomen. She pressed her lips and tongue softly against Christina’s warm skin then quickly sucked her lips together. Her technique got a squeak from Christina as well as a small amount of vodka. She repeated her sucking motion along Christina’s waist as the girl squirmed and snorted out giggles. Lisa followed the vodka trail that rain back along Christina’s side. This forced Christina to flinch sideways away from the tongue.
Lisa then followed the remaining spill and ran her tongue along the inside of Christina’s left thigh. Lisa started low in her groin and then licked upward along her inner thigh. Christina giggled and twitched as the tongue moved farther. Lisa flatted her tongue so it partially teased Christina’s pussy as she went.
Uuuuggghhhh you are SUCH a BITCH!!! Christina swore silently as Lisa teased her. Lisa’s wet tongue tickled like crazy against her skin and again Christina felt herself getting aroused.
Lisa then slowly moved her tongue over Christina’s pussy. Christina inhaled sharply and trapped the giggles with her breath. Her whole body stiffened as Lisa worked her tongue in between her labial lips.
“Mmmmmppphhhh! Mmmmmuuuuuuummmmmmm.” Christina grunted in protest but was quickly overcome with the sensation of Lisa’s tongue on her clit. Her whole body relaxed into the bed, tired from struggling. Lisa gently rubbed the clit in a circular motion with her tongue. Christina felt a small tingling sensation rise from her clit just as Lisa lifted her head. Christina whimpered softly and looked down with needy eyes.
“Geeze silly, I told you I was just cleaning up your spill.” Lisa teased. “Besides, now I have to go get another shot,” Lisa said as she climbed off. “Maria will show you what we think of wasting vodka.” Lisa added.
Christina’s eyes widened in fear as Maria climbed between her legs.
“Mmmmphooooooooo,” Christina begged, shaking her head woefully as Maria knelt down.
Maria cruelty flashed her nails and then lowered them towards Christina’s hips. She started scratching her fingers on the top of Christina’s hip pockets
“Mmphhehehehehehe,” Christina immediately burst into giggles. She had no will left to resist and her body’s increased sensitivity made things worse. She tried to wiggle her hips away from the fingers but her slight movements didn’t buy her any relief.
Maria continued tickling softly with her left hand and with her right she gently found the point of Christina’s hip bone. She moved her finger above it and a little inside until she felt the soft spot near the top of Christina’s left hip pocket.
Christina felt the finger rubbing her hip and looked down as Maria wriggled her finger into the soft area of her inside hip.
“MMMMPHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Christina shrieked into her gag. Maria’s wiggling finger sent waves of ticklish sensation through her body. She jerked violently trying to bend at her hip but the straps allowed no slack for her bound limbs. Christina shook with laughter and couldn’t believe how bad it tickled.
Maria smiled and wiggled her finger deeper into the soft pocket.
Christina shrieked again and jerked her body sideways away from the wiggling finger. She was so distracted by the finger drilling into her left hip she didn’t notice the other hand until Maria wriggled her left pointer finger into the soft spot on her right hip.
“MMMPPHHAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!” Christina roared with muffled laughter and jerked her body the other way. A second later Maria’s finger drilled back into her left hip again. Christina had no control as her body rocked back and forth trying to escape Maria’s fingers.
OOOOHHHHH MMYYYYY GAAAAWWD ITS SOOOOOOO BAD! The tickling on her feet was bad enough but Maria’s nails now sent ticklish jolts through her whole midriff. Christina laughed uncontrollably and vigorously thrashed her body back and forth depending on which finger Maria applied more pressure.
Maria continued switching from side to side, watching Christina contort her body helplessly with each touch. After a few seconds she wiggled both fingers at the same time into Christina’s hips.
Christina’s abs flexed as she screamed and fought to pull her arms and legs together. Her leg muscles strained against the straps as Maria wiggled even harder into her hips.
Christina tried sucking in a breath but quickly screamed again as Maria shifted her finger slightly and found another spot above her hip bone. Her body jerked sideways and more laughter poured out. She wheezed in sharply and got a tiny bit of air before bursting into more laughter. Her face was turning red as she struggled to get air through the gag.
Maria heard the wheezing gasps for breath and stopped. She grinned again, amazed at how ticklish this poor girl was.
Christina’s head dropped to the bed weakly as she sucked in lung fulls of air. Her thighs and abs were on fire from pulling against the ankle straps and overall she was exhausted. She blinked trying to clear her eyes and realized she had teared up. She faintly heard John complimenting Maria on her tickling. Her vision cleared just in time to see Lisa walking towards her.
“Poor baby, maybe that will teach you not to spill my vodka.” Lisa said as she climbed between Christina’s trembling legs.
Christina whimpered and her head dropped sideways into her shoulder. I can’t take this anymore... they have to stop. No more.... I seriously can’t handle this....
Lisa laid on her stomach again but climbed further up onto Christina’s naked frame. Her head now directly over Christina’s bellybutton. She held up the shot glass for Christina to see. The glass was full to the brim with vodka.
Christina shook her head and whined softly knowing what was coming. At least this stupid game kept Maria away... for the time being. Maybe if I can stay still they’ll let me go, she lied to herself.
“If I recall, you still owe me another body shot.” Lisa said.
Christina shook her head and groaned. Seriously?? Give me a fucking break! This isn’t fair....
Lisa moved the shot glass towards her tummy and then slowly poured the liquid into her bellybutton.
Christina flinched and gasped as the cold vodka filled her bellybutton. SERIOUSLY???..... UUUUUUGGGGHHHHH. She had to fight to stay still as the vodka chilled her innie button.
Lisa set the shot glass with the remaining vodka down a few inches below Christina’s ribs.
At least it’s only 1/2 full, Christina thought. She was slightly surprised at how much of the liquid fit in her deep oval bellybutton. She carefully exhaled and watched the glass fall with her breath. You can do this. It’s just a body shot.
“Alright babe, let’s try not to make a mess ok?” Lisa said. She set her hands at Christina’s sides as she lowered her head.
Christina drew in a breath as fast as she dared and was relieved when the glass only wobbled slightly. She flexed her muscles to steady her tummy as Lisa’s lips touched down on her belly.
Lisa didn’t go for Christina’s bellybutton right away and instead planted a few kisses on the warm skin around it. She could tell this surprised Christina as her tummy quivered at the kisses.
Christina held her breath nervously and struggled to hold still as the kisses tickled her tummy. My gawd just do it already!!!!
Lisa completed a circle of kisses and then placed her lips around Christina’s bellybutton. Instead of slurping up the vodka, Lisa slowly traced her tongue around the outside of Christina’s innie.
Christina’s tummy quivered as she felt the tongue travel around her bellybutton. Despite her efforts to stay still her muscles twitched and jerked as Lisa’s tongue moved. She looked at the wobbling shot glass and tried forcing the sensation out of her mind. She bit down on the gag and tried to focus on the rubber ball.
Lisa finally snaked her tongue into Christina’s bellybutton and slurped up the liquid.
“Eemmmpph!” Christina battled back the giggles but a small yelp escaped the gag. The noise also caused her stomach muscles to contract. She chomped on the gag and looked at the shot glass which teetered dangerously but then steadied.
“Better watch that glass hooooooon,” Lisa teased after swallowing the vodka. She then snaked her tongue back into Christina’s bellybutton.
“Emmphh,” Christina yelped again when the tongue swirled into her navel. She tried to stay still but felt her hips trying to squirm away. She felt Lisa’s tongue swirl around her bellybutton again and her tummy bounced as she snorted. The glass teetered for a moment then stayed upright. COME OOOOOOONNN STOP IT! YOU GOT IT ALL ALREADY she whined.
Lisa frowned as she twirled her tongue deeper into Christina’s bellybutton. Lisa could feel Christina’s tummy shake and quiver with each yelp but not enough to spill the liquid. Lisa had no intention of letting Christina win. She thought about using her fingers but decided she could do it with just her mouth. Besides... it’s more fun this way, she thought. She didn’t have to think long for an idea.
Lisa pressed her lips down around Christina’s belly button and with her tongue located the outer edge. She placed her bottom row of teeth right in the deep bellybutton and her upper teeth on the skin just outside. She made a gentle chomping motion into the skin around Christina’s bellybutton.
“Waaaahahammmphhahaha,” Christina burst into giggles. NOT FAIR NOT FAAAAAAIR!!!
Lisa continued gently nibbling Christina’s navel. She felt Christina’s tummy contract sharply and knew she couldn’t keep still. She moved to the other side and applied a little more pressure to her nibbles. She felt Christina’s torso jerk sideways more and more with each nibble. Two more bites and the shot glass tumbled over.
“Mmmmmmmpphhhhhhooooooo,” Christina cried. “Mmpphhoooooooooo,” she shook her head pitifully. YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING JERK!
“Awwwwww, tried so hard but you just couldn't do it.” Lisa said victoriously. “Well I guess I’ll go get the next round.” She added as she climbed off, not bothering to lick off the vodka.
“Mmmphoooo mmphooooo mmmphooooo!!!” Christina yelled shaking her head as Maria approached. NOOOOOOO I CANT DO THIS AGAIN NOO NOOO NOOOOOO
Maria climbed on the bed next to her and knelt down by Christina’s tummy.
Christina fidgeted nervously and whimpered with fear as Maria looked down towards her tummy.
Maria lowered her hand to Christina’s belly button and then lightly began scratching her nails on the wet skin around it.
Christina sucked her tummy in and giggled uneasily. She didn’t even care about resisting the light tickling, she was too concerned about what Maria was going to do to her.
Maria continued the light tickling for a few more seconds and enjoyed the concerned expression on Christina’s face. The girl giggled childishly while her tummy trembled under Maria’s nails.
The nails tickled more than Lisa’s tongue but Christina knew something worse was coming.
Maria opened her other hand so her thumb was on one side of Christina’s belly button and her fingers on the other. She gently pressed her nails into the soft skin.
Christina felt the change in position and shook her head pointlessly. She held her breath and braced herself.
Maria then made a scrunching motion, pulling her fingers and thumb towards each other in one quick movement.
“mmmmmMPHAAAAAhahahahahahaha!” Christina lifted her head and blurted out laughing as Maria scrunched her fingers around her belly button. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK HOW DOES THIS TICKLE SOOOO BAAAAAAD!?
Maria added her other hand and began gently scrunching her fingers up and down Christina’s tummy. Maria saw that right below Christina’s bellybutton was particularly sensitive to this method. The area above her belly button still got a reaction but when she moved closer to the button and then just under it Christina’s laughter became more forced.
“HahahammmphahahahammMMPHAHAhahahaha!” Christina hadn’t even known it was possible to tickle someone like this. OH MY GAAAWD!!! STOOOOP! She gasped quickly for air and then screamed out again in laughter as she felt Maria’s nails press into her lower tummy.
Maria was impressed by Christina’s core. She could actually feel Christina’s tummy muscles flexing every time she would scream out in laughter. Maria found that the tense muscles actually created a perfect surface for the tickling. Maria dug a little deeper into Christina’s flexed abs, causing her to scream even louder.
Christina’s abs were on fire and her mouth and throat hurt from fighting for air through the gag. She sighed in relief when Maria stopped. My gawd that was horrible, she thought. She took a deep breath and then blasted it all out when she felt Maria’s hand squeeze her left side.
“Mmooooophaaahahaha,” she cried. NOOOO NO MORE NOT FAIR PLEEEEASE! Her body jerked to the side away from Maria’s hand.
Maria squeezed Christina’s left side a few more times getting a hard sideways jerk each time. She then squeezed the other side in the same manner and Christina’s torso jerked helplessly back the other way.
Christina couldn’t do anything except laugh and try to suck in gasps of air as her body spasmed. She had lost control and pure reflex had taken over, causing her to violently jerk at each squeeze of Maria’s hands.
Maria switched off every couple squeezes, finding pleasure in the way she forced Christina’s body to thrash about. The poor girl’s body was moist with sweat and Maria couldn’t even tell what was wet from the vodka anymore. She slowly inched her squeezing fingers up Christina’s sides as the girl jerked and screamed.
“Hahamphahahamphahamphahha!” Christina could not stop the laughter. She was forced to suck in tiny mouthfuls of air between each bout of laughter. Her midriff was sore from all the jerking and thrashing but every squeeze made her violently contort herself. Her belly and sides were turning red from Marias nails.
Maria continued moving her hands up along Christina’s sides until she reached her rib cage. Maria moved up onto her ribs and wriggled her nails into Christina’s ribcage.
“MPHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA,” the shriek that followed took everyone by surprise.
Lisa was busy with her hands down Johns pants, playing with him while he tried pouring shots. He nearly dropped the bottle, startled by the sound.
Maria paused her assault as Christina violently arched her back away from the bed. Holy shit, Maria thought.
OHMYFUKINGGAWDWHATTHEFUCK?!?!!!!!!! Christina wasn’t prepared for the ticklish explosion that went off in her ribs. Despite all the tickling she had just endured, her body wasn’t ready for the bolts of ticklish sensation that just scattered through her body.
Maria’s surprise was quickly replaced by an evil grin and she drilled her fingers back into Christina’s outer ribs.
“MOOOPHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Christina shrieked again as her body vaulted away from the bed. HOLYSHITOHMYGAAAAAWD!! Her body shook violently as Maria’s fingers dug into her.
Maria slowly ran her fingers up along Christina’s outer ribs. She wriggled her nails back and forth across the ribcage and was amazed at the reaction. Every time her fingers dragged across a rib bone Christina shrieked and her body convulsed. Maria pressed harder and scrubbed her fingers quickly over Christina’s ribs.
Christina screamed in ticklish agony and thrashed her head back and forth. STOPITPLEEASESTOOOOOPPP. Her hips were on fire from thrusting her chest upward and she was shaking back and forth trying to escape Maria’s wiggling fingers.
Maria found that each time she moved her digging claws into a new area of Christina’s ribs the girls body would quickly jerk away in reaction. Maria moved her hands up towards Christina’s armpits and her body lowered but began thrashing from side to side. Maria quickly moved back down next to Christina’s wobbling breasts and her torso immediately arched off the bed again.
Christina felt her lungs burning from screaming and she desperately gasped for air. She didn’t get much in before she felt Maria’s nails jump inside to the ribs under her breasts.
“AAAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!” All her air departed in a howl of laughter. Christina’s body slammed down onto the bed and began twisting back and forth under Maria’s fingers. Christina’s head jerked up in agony and she looked through blurry eyes at a Maria’s sneering face. STOOOPICANTBTREEATHSTOOOP.
Maria held her gaze and then darted her fingers back to Christina’s outer ribs.
Christina howled again and felt her body launch upwards. Her whole body ached from continuously fighting the straps but she couldn't help the reaction. Every time one of Maria’s nails wiggled over her ribs it was like ticklish lighting shooting through her body.
Maria ignored Christina’s tortured appearance and continued exploring her ribcage. She made note of the different ways Christina’s body jerked in reaction to tickling various areas on her rib cage. Maria found a good rhythm of spending a few moments at spots on the side of her ribs which caused a violent arch of Christina’s back. She would then quickly move to a spot on Christina’s front ribs, causing her to sink into the bed and rock viciously side to side. Maria would move her hands to a new spot and wait just long enough to make sure Christina was shrieking continuously and had no break from the violent thrashing.
“AAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHHGHHHHHGGGGHHAAHAHAHAHAH!!” Christina howled miserably. Can’t......Breath.....Christina felt her lungs burning as the gag limited any air she could suck in between the laughter. Her body started forcing desperate wheezes which came out as choking hiccups between the laughter.
Maria saw that Christina was totally broken. The poor girl had tears streaming down her face and was struggling for breath. Her body was wet with sweat and had claw marks all over it. Her face was red and her voice was hoarse from screaming. Despite all this, Maria was too enthralled with the thrill of torturing her.
Christina closed her teary eyes and let out another shriek of sobbing laughter. She inhaled sharply before shrieking again and felt her body jolt to the side as Maria dug her nails in. Christina screamed and helplessly squirmed and twisted as Maria scrubbed her ribs.
Maria jumped her fingers higher on Christina’s outside ribs and got a coughing shriek as Christina vigorously squirmed away. She saw that her right thumb had dug into the area just below the outside edge of Christina’s large breasts. She moved both hands along Christina’s ribs and wriggled her fingers into the area immediately under her breasts.
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHGGGGAAAHAHAHAHAHHHHGGGGGAAAAHHHHGGGGGGGAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” This scream was unbelievably louder than the first one. Christina violently thrashed back and forth and bucked her hips as Maria wiggled her fingers deeper. With a hoarse, coughing laugh Christina expelled her remaining air. She shook her sobbing head weakly at Maria, desperate for a break. Through her blurred vision Christina saw Maria bend slightly and wriggle her fingers even more ferociously into her lower breast line.
Christina’s body writhed around in agony but no sound came out. Her lungs burned and needed air but her body couldn’t inhale.
Maria’s stared down at Christina’s silent writhing body and was momentarily annoyed at the lack of laughter. She moved her finger slightly and then wiggled deep into her ribs. Christina’s body jerked back and forth in reaction to her touch but still no sound. Maria suddenly realized Christina couldn’t breath from laughing so hard and had run out of air to even laugh.
Maria stopped tickling, surprised it had went that far. She watched Christina’s exhausted body shudder and spasm before finally gaining control of her lungs.
“Hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeegggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Christina’s chest heaved up and sucked in the glorious air. She exhaled quickly and then sucked in another chest full of air. Her mind was fuzzy and she couldn’t think of anything except breathing.
“Holy shit gurl you like almost made her pass out!” Lisa exclaimed.
John stood there speechless. He had never seen anything like what Maria just did. He realized that he had enjoyed the whole spectacle quite a bit.
“I’m sorry, I got carried away.” Maria said as she climbed off the bed.
Christina lay in a sweaty daze on the bed gasping for air. Her vision was blurred with tears and she blinked trying to clear her eyes. Holy shit....holy fucking shit...that was fucking horrible....
“Naw she is fine. Shots!” Lisa cheered holding up her glass.
“Geeze you really got her good,” John said, still surprised.
Maria was feeling empowered over having dominating the spoiled brat. I do deserve a shot, she told herself.
The three of them drank their shots and then Lisa poured another.
“We can’t forget Christina! She sure looks like she needs one!” Lisa jeered.
“Wow you ladies are cruel,” John laughed.
Christina tried to lift her head but pain shot through her abs and neck and she weakly fell back to the bed. Oh my gawd noooooooo.... I’m so soooooore. Please no more you bitch.
Lisa crawled onto the bed and then slowly moved up Christina’s sweaty body.
“Eww gross,” Lisa said as she lowered herself on top of Christina. Her head was positioned above Christina’s ribs, which were still red with raw nail marks all over them. Her chest rested against Christina’s pelvis. She kicked her size 7.5 feet playfully in the air behind her.
Christina tilted her head down and looked wearily towards Lisa. She moaned softly when she saw Lisa setting the shot glass down in the center of her chest, just above her breasts.
“There, perfect. And I’m guessing you know the rules by now.” Lisa said grinning.
Christina whined softly but was too weak to do anything else. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She let out a long sorrowful moan and rolled her head to the side. She felt Lisa’s fingers touch below her elbows on each arm.
Lisa softly began tracing her fingertips down Christina’s arms. She saw Christina’s arms tense and jerk against the wrist straps. She continued downward until her fingers dipped into Lisa’s armpit.
As physically drained as Christina was, the tickling sensation forced her to tug down with her arms as Lisa’s fingers entered her armpits. She pulled pointlessly on the straps as Lisa’s nails scratched in her armpits but knew at this point it was no use. The shot glass moved slightly and Christina felt her heart jump until the glass settled. She groaned through the gag in self pity but couldn’t ignore the urge to giggle.
Lisa smiled at Christina’s reaction and continued lower into the hollow of her armpit. Lisa saw Christina’s body jerk uncomfortably and then felt a nail slide down the sole of her own foot.
“Hey!” Lisa barked. She rolled on her side and pulled her foot in. Lisa’s sudden reaction shook Christina and caused the shot glass to tip over. Lisa looked back and saw Maria standing by the bed with a playful smile. “Not funny!” Lisa snapped.
“Well we cant have Christina having all the fun.” John said.
Christina shuddered as she felt the cold vodka run along her chest and down her neckline. Nooooo that wasn’t even my fault!!! Not fair!!!
“I don’t even need the shot glass for this. Trust me, you’ll like this.” Lisa said. She turned to Maria, “Don't even think about it.”
Christina looked past Lisa and saw John and Maria whispering. She wasn’t sure what happened but felt the tiniest bit of hope blink into her mind. Yeeesssssss! Pleeeeeeease do something else, anything but this! I can’t handle anymore....
Lisa skipped Christina’s armpits and went straight to her large breasts. She lightly ran her finger tips around the outside edge of Christina’s bosoms.
Christina broke from her hopeful daydream and shuddered when she felt Lisa’s fingers circle her outer breasts. The sensation definitely tickled but was somewhat pleasuring at the same time.
Lisa slowly ran her fingers along the side of Christina’s breasts, her thumbs tracing inside the cleavage. She reached Christina’s under boob and quickly began scratching her nails against the sweaty skin.
Christina gasped and flinched on pure reflex, the memory of Maria’s nails digging into her ribs fresh in her mind. Luckily Lisa didn’t dig her nails in and only scratched lightly. Christina exhaled in relief and allowed giggles to follow, she had no energy to resist.
Lisa moved her fingers up onto Christina’s breasts. She lightly ran her fingers in circles, making sure not to get too far into the middle.
Christina’s body jerked again as she felt Lisa’s nails on her breasts. She gave up on struggling and gave in to the teasing. She felt the familiar warm tingling sensation rising in her pussy and tried to focus on that. Her giggles were broken up by a soft moan.
Lisa heard the moan and saw that Christina’s nipples now stood erect. She moved her nails and started lightly stroking Christina’s areolae, avoiding the nipple.
Christina’s eyes closed as she giggled louder and then moaned again. She began twitching back and forth but with a gentle rhythm instead of the panicked movement from before.
Lisa continued tickling Christina’s areolae watching her body sway back and forth. After another soft moan Lisa grabbed the hard nipples and gently massaged them between her fingers.
Christina arched her back and uttered a long moan as her nipples were rubbed. The tingling between her legs rose again and now demanded attention.
Lisa continued rubbing the nipples and then felt a hand grab her right ankle. She tried unsuccessfully to tug it away and before she could roll over Maria’s nails scratched over her sole.
“What theeeehehehehe!” Lisa laughed as she turned and jerked her ankle out of Maria’s grip. “Stop it you dumb bitch!”
Maria and John looked at each other and then back at her with mischievous grins.
“What....?” Lisa demanded. She suddenly realized that they now knew she was also ticklish. “Don’t even fucking......”
Lisa barely got the words out before the two were on her. John grabbed her in a bear hug and Maria wrapped her arms around Lisa’s legs. Together they pulled her struggling body to the floor.
Christina looked down with a confused grunt as she felt Lisa get dragged off of her. She saw Lisa getting pinned down and felt relief wash over her.
“Get the fuck off of me!!!” Lisa yelled as she fought the two of them.
John grabbed the sheet that had covered Christina and bunched it over Lisa’s head.
“Let me go! Seriously! Let me fucking go!!” Lisa screamed. The sound came out muffled now.
While Lisa had been teasing Christina, John had retrieved more bondage straps. He pulled Lisa’s flailing arms behind her back and tied them together at the wrist. John then pinned Lisa’s legs down as Maria tied them together at the knees and ankles. John knelt behind Lisa’s knee and then wrenched her ankles back towards her butt. Maria sat on Lisa’s legs as John tied another strap connecting Lisa’s ankles to her bound wrists. John pulled the straps tight and then they both got off and stood back.
“This isn’t funny! Let me fucking go right fucking now!” Lisa screamed with the sheet still over her head. She was effectively hog tied. She could wobble side to side but was stuck on her belly with her wrists and ankles connected behind her.
“Scream one more time and you are getting a gag.” John said firmly.
Lisa was quiet for several seconds and decided she didn’t want to be gagged. “Let me go John, I didn’t sign your damn paper.” Lisa said, fighting to stay calm.
“Here is the deal sweetie. I have one person here who signed the waiver. You certainly had no problem doing ALL sorts of things to her. I also have a very respectable resort manager who clearly witnessed you willingly take part in ALL of tonight’s entertainment.” John said.
“That’s fucking bullshit!!” Lisa yelled.
“I will gag you.” John said. He pulled back the crumpled sheet from Lisa’s face and showed her another ball gag. Lisa’s eyes widened when she saw the gag.
“Whatever, this is stupid... you don’t need to tie me up.” Lisa insisted quietly, trying a different approach.
“Well, I have really enjoyed these “games” tonight. However, Maria and I think Christina has been through enough tonight. I think you owe Christina a little friendly apology before we let her up.” John said.
Christina agreed with an exhausted but enthusiastic sigh from the bed.
“This is dumb, let me go!” Lisa ordered.
“Not one of your options babe. You have two choices. 1 - I gag you and Maria plays her own game. 2 - you play along with my game and give your friend an orgasm...with Maria helping motivate.” John explained, holding the gag out.
Lisa shook her head in disbelief. This is so fucking dumb. Lisa actually didn’t know how ticklish she was and had no intention of finding out. Plus, Christina was so wound up already it would be easy making her cum.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Take these stupid straps off.” Lisa answered
“Noooo those will be staying on.” John chuckled.
“Are you fucking joking? What am I supposed to do?” Lisa complained.
John didn’t respond but bent down and easily hoisted Lisa up, grabbing under her chest and legs.
“Woah woah what the?” Lisa objected and then frowned when she realized where he was putting her.
John rotated Lisa 90 degrees then carried her to the bed between Christina’s legs. John lowered Lisa so that her head was right above Christina’s pussy. Lisa had to physically lift her head as he set her down or her face would have made contact with Christina’s vagina. All of Lisa’s body fit on the bed with her bound knees just reaching the end of it.
Christina had been watching with a concerned look on her face but when she saw what was happening she forced herself to relax. I don’t even care, just don’t tickle me.
“Seriously, you want me to do this fucking tied up?” Lisa asked unhappily. She felt something press against her legs and turned to look. Maria had climbed on the bed and straddled her legs, pinning Lisa’s lower half between her thighs. Lisa saw that her bare feet were floating in mid air right at Maria’s chest level.
“Do whatever you like, but remember....you scream and you get the gag.” John said
“Buteeeeehehehehehahahokokokheheheh!” Lisa tried to argue but felt Maria’s nails softly scratch over her soles. She burst into giggles and shook her head in annoyance. She kicked with her ankles but only felt it pull at her bound arms.
Christina watched as Lisa was tickled and felt no sympathy. Serves you right, she thought.
Maria felt Lisa try rolling to the side but she squeezed her thighs and held Lisa’s body steady. Maria smiled as she watched the wiggling feet. This one has very pretty feet too, she thought. Lisa’s purple toenail polish matched her wacky personality. She tickled Lisa’s trapped soles for another second then stopped.
“Oh my gawd, I fucking get it Geeze!” Stammered Lisa. She made eye contact with Christina then looked away sheepishly.
“Ok, timer starts... now.” John said with a wink.
“Timer?” Lisa asked. John didn’t reply and held up his watch and tapped it. Whatever, thought Lisa. She looked down at Christina’s vagina and with a sigh she lowered her head.
Lisa used her tongue to move Christina’s labial lips apart and then slid her tongue in the opening. Her tongue was enveloped by Christina’s warm wet pussy. Damn, she thought, you were getting riled up. She started moving her tongue upward until she felt Christina’s clit. Lisa moved her tongue around to get a better feel and then felt Maria’s fingers on her exposed soles.
“Hey! Come on!” Lisa complained as she jerked her head up. She realized Maria wasn’t tickling her, just gently rubbing the flat of her fingers on her feet.
“I promise she won’t tickle you until the timer runs out... which is about 5 seconds from now.” John said laughing.
“You fucker! Not fair!” Lisa cried as she tried to get her tongue back in position. She felt Christina twitch and heard a grunt as she forced her tongue in and searched for the clit. She found it just as she felt Maria’s nails on her feet.
“Aahahahahahcomeeheheonahahahah!” Lisa laughed as she jerked her head up. She kicked helplessly with her ankles again and tried rolling but realized she was stuck. All she could do was wiggle her feet around hoping Maria had a hard time tracking them.
Maria found she was enjoying herself once again. It was fun exploring a new set of feet for sensitivity. She had already figured out the inside soles of Lisa’s feet were very ticklish. Every time she scratched her nails over the inside arches Lisa burst into laughter. She scratched her nails all over Lisa’s soles and then went back to the inside arch. Lisa kicked helplessly and roared with laughter. Maria kept it up for a few more seconds and stopped.
Holy Shit that sucks, Lisa thought. Being tickled like that made her feel slightly bad for Christina. She pushed the thought from her mind and quickly weaved her tongue into Christina’s pussy. She located the clit and went right to work. She massaged her tongue vigorously back and forth for a few seconds and then moved it up and down. After a few more seconds she started quickly circling on top of Christina’s clit. Come on!!!! She knew she didn’t have much time but her efforts didn’t seem to be making any headway. What the heck? Christina had been practically begging for it! Lisa glanced up and saw Christina had her eyes closed, fists clenched and head turned away in concentration. YOU BITCH!! Lisa thought, right before she felt the nails back on her feet.
“Noooohahahahastaahahahahahahphahashewontheheheletmehaha!” Lisa roared.
Christina exhaled loudly and then looked down. That’s what you get bitch, she thought victoriously. Ignoring the oral stimulation proved to be much harder than she had thought. It was almost harder than resisting the tickle torture.
Maria laughed, amused at the internal struggle between the two brats. She danced her fingers effortlessly up and down Lisa’s soles as the girl jerked and wobbled around giggling. For the last few seconds she moved her nails to the inside of Lisa’s soles. Lisa exploded in laughter and cutely waved her toes around until Maria stopped.
Lisa knew the game now but was confident she could make Christina cum. She shot a challenging look at Christina and then inserted her tongue into the girl’s vagina. She knew a different technique was required now that she needed to make Christina WANT to cum. She located Christina’s clit and then very softly began stroking the sex organ with her tongue. She rubbed in a gentle circular motion until she felt Christina’s hips finally twitch. She switched and started rubbing her tongue softly up and down over the clit. After a few strokes she felt Christina’s hips gyrate again and this time a moan escaped. Lisa increased the pressure slightly and moved her tongue from side to side. She did this until she heard another moan and felt Christina gyrate again.
Lisa froze when she felt fingers on her sole. She wasted a second waiting for the tickling to start and realized she had been tricked again. The fingers gently rubbed her soles and Lisa knew Maria was toying with her. Damn! She knew that she didn’t have much time. She started moving her tongue in a circular motion again and felt Christina’s body eventually twitch again.
Maria’s nails went right for the inside arches of Lisa’s soles.
“Hahahahahstaahahahahphahahahah!” Lisa yelled. She shook her head in frustration and then had an idea.
Despite laughing and giggling, Lisa tried maintaining the oral stimulation as she was tickled. She failed a few times to find the clit as she couldn’t stop laughing but eventually got her tongue positioned to where she could somewhat keep contact with Christina’s clit. As stupid as she felt, she knew Christina wasn’t expecting this because the girl gasped in surprise.
She managed a few laughing licks before she felt Maria pull her toes back with one hand. Oh no, she thought. She had seen this trick on Christina. She tried to pull her feet away but soon felt Maria’s nails scratch under her toes.
“WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Lisa shrieked. She lost control of her mouth and just screamed out laughter. She desperately kicked her foot but couldn’t escape Maria’s hold. She tried using her free foot to block the tickling but Maria’s arm blocked it. She rocked helplessly with laughter as Maria tickled her. Maria finally released her grip on Lisa’s foot and stopped.
“You bitch,” Lisa gasped at Maria. Maria smiled back and flicked a nail against Lisa’s sole, causing her foot to jerk.
Christina had been able to hold it together at the beginning by basically fighting down her level of arousal. Lisa had made the mistake of expecting Christina to be begging for an orgasm and tried to simply finish her. The second time was a different story. Christina had tried ignoring Lisa’s tongue but her genitals had a mind of their own. It wasn’t long before a warm tingling sensation rose up inside her. She tried to focus her mind elsewhere but every stroke of Lisa’s tongue on her clit increased the sensation. When Lisa had continued pleasuring her while getting tickled she had nearly given in. Luckily Maria’s nails rescued her. Christina didn’t know if she could fight it anymore...or if she even wanted to.
Christina looked down as Lisa took a deep breath and then went down on her. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes but immediately squeaked when she felt Lisa’s tongue press into her. The pleasuring warmth that had been building hadn’t subsided. Lisa swirled her tongue gently against Christina’s clit. Each motion of the tongue increased the intensity of the sensation growing in her. The warm tingling grew with each lick and began radiating outward through her vagina. Christina moaned loudly and gave in, allowing her body to undulate with Lisa’s tongue.
Lisa knew Christina was close and needed just a few more seconds. She moved her tongue in steadily smaller circles honing in on her erect clitoris. Christina moaned again and began arching her back. Lisa added a little pressure with her tongue and new Christina was on the brink. She felt the toes of her left foot get bent back and got two more flicks of her tongue before Maria attacked her foot.
Maria got the nod from John but winked and waited a few more seconds. She knew Christina was getting close. She waited until she saw Christina’s body arch in preparation before she grabbed Lisa’s foot. She went right to the area under the toes and watched Lisa shriek with laughter.
“FAAHAHAHAHAHK YOOHOHAHAHAHA!” Lisa howled in laughter.
Christina cried out, sexually frustrated. She moved her hips around hungrily as the growing pleasure inside her vagina teetered right on the brink. Oh come on! I was almost there! She didn’t care about fighting it anymore... she just wanted to cum!
Lisa tried to keep going but Maria’s nails tickled too much. She shook her head trying to stop the laughter but couldn’t. She placed her mouth on top of Christina’s vagina but she was laughing too hard to do anything useful with her tongue. She felt Maria move up into her toes and shrieked again. The tickling lasted for a few more seconds then stopped.
Lisa gasped for a couple breaths and thought about a nasty comeback but decided it was a waste of time. She quickly maneuvered her tongue back into Christina’s labial opening and located her clit. Lisa resumed her gentle massage and was glad Christina was still extremely aroused.
Christina felt Lisa’s tongue and let out a grateful moan. The warm tingling sensation built again until it began spreading out from her vagina. YES OH MY GAWD KEEP GOING. Christina slowly arched her back as the sensation grew stronger and stronger. Her vagina filled with tingling warmth that began spreading into her belly. Suddenly in the center of the warm tingling sensation she felt a spark of pure ecstasy ignite. OMGOMG IM GONNA CUM. The spark increased in intensity until it finally exploded in a giant pleasure bomb that traveled out from her vagina to all her extremities.
“mmmmmmmEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!! ,” Christina shrieked as her body convulsed in pure euphoria. All the pent up physical stress and sexual energy from the last few hours released at the same time. Christina felt fireworks extending from her fingers to her toes. She slowly cleared the dancing stars from her mind and felt the sexual energy slowly melting away as her body relaxed into the bed.
Christina’s heaven was interrupted by Lisa’s tongue rubbing against her tender clit. A painful jolt of lightening tore through her vagina as Lisa’s tongue moved.
“MMMMPPHHHOOOOOAAAAAA!” Christina wailed and frantically thrashed her hips away. Her clit had become hypersensitive from the orgasm and it felt like Lisa was electrocuting her genitals as she licked it. Christina’s thrashing made it worse as Lisa purposely pressed her tongue against the clit and sent agonizing lighting bolts into her vagina with every movement.
Oh you’ll get your fucking orgasm alright, Lisa thought. She was well aware of the painful stimulation Christina was experiencing and didn’t care. The sensation on her clit right now was far worse than any tickling and Christina was powerless to stop it. Lisa pressed her tongue firmly against the clit until Christina squealed in pain but stopped moving. Lisa then started massaging the clitoris, lighting it on sexual fire.
“MMMMPPHHHHOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!,” Christina sobbed in sensual agony. She realized quickly it was worse to fight so she struggled to hold still. Her body jerked and trembled as Lisa rubbed her clit with her tongue. Fiery sparks erupted on her clit and caused her body to spasm. Every stroke of Lisa’s tongue felt like fire shooting through her vagina.
Christina cried out and quivered until eventually the warm tingling sensation reappeared. Her cries slowly turned to moans once again as the tingling warmth took over her pussy. Christina relaxed as her clit again now radiated pure ecstasy. Her painful flinches morphed into lustful swaying motions.
Lisa continued lightly rubbing Christina’s clit as her cries turned over to moans. She knew that the painful overstimulation now would make her body crave another orgasm. Christina moaned loudly and slightly lifted her hips. Lisa slid her tongue smoothly back and forth and then switched back to a deep circular massage. Christina moaned again and lowered her hips. Her back began arching and Lisa could tell another orgasm was coming. She allowed Christina’s body to fully arch and then as she let out another sensual groan Lisa stopped.
“Mmmmmmmmphooooooooo.” Christina cried in despair. Her body begged for the orgasm and once again she was left teetering in the brink. She looked down at Lisa with begging eyes and rocked her hungry body back and forth. Lisa looked back cruelly and shook her head “nope.”
“Well that was just mean.”
Lisa’s cruel grin was quickly replaced by surprise when John pulled her off the bed and set her on the floor. She landed with a soft thud on her stomach.
“Ouch! That fucking huummmph!” Lisa began complaining but a gag was shoved in her mouth. She struggled but John quickly clipped it behind her head. She angrily screamed through the gag but then shook her head frantically as she felt Maria straddle her legs again. She barely had time to suck in air before she felt Maria’s nails on her soles.
“MMMMMMMPHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” Lisa shrieked. She flailed her feet and bucked as Maria scratched her nails across her soles. Lisa felt one of Maria’s hands creep under her t shirt and begin squeezing her sides. She jerked violently to the side trying to avoid the hand. She felt the other hand leave her feet and start squeezing up the other side. Lisa closed her eyes and screamed senseless laughter into the gag.
Christina’s chest heaved in sexual denial. She looked down and saw Maria climbing on Lisa and then moments later heard gagged laughter. She was happy Lisa was getting tortured but her body was screaming for an orgasm. She then saw John looking longingly over her sweaty panting body.
“Well, it seems we have come full circle to our original agreement. Considering the circumstances, I do feel obliged to offer you a choice. I would like to fulfill our contract... but if you prefer I will allow Maria to have another round with you instead.” John said.
Christina’s eyes widened at the offer. Not so much at her limited options but at the thought of Maria torturing her again. The warmth between her legs was still demanding attention and she saw Johns cock bulging from his pants. She listened to Lisa’s cackling laughter and sighed, knowing she only really had one option. She looked up at John and nodded at him.
John had thought the answer was obvious but still couldn’t hide his pleasure when Christina picked him. He removed his clothes and looked momentarily at Maria as he walked naked towards the bed.
Maria was too busy torturing Lisa to notice Johns nudity. Maria had moved up to the Lisa’s armpits and had her captive turning red from nonstop screaming and thrashing.
John climbed on top of Christina’s stretched out body. Lisa had humped two orgasms out of him already but that was hours ago and he was surprisingly horny. He looked at Christina’s large breasts, down her claw marked ribs to her glistening tight tummy, and finally to her pussy. He noticed her hips were slightly gyrating in anticipation. He unwrapped a condom and unrolled it over his pulsating cock. He looked at Christina’s lusting but slightly hesitant gaze and then inserted himself.
Christina felt a euphoric rush and moaned as John filled her vagina. He powerfully thrusted into her and her whole body shook. He continued thrusting and and the sensation was amplified by her bound ankles preventing her from moving with him. Each thrust caused the warmth in her vagina to intensify. It continued to build until Christina felt the spark ignite and then fireworks went off in her vagina. She moaned and arched in an intense orgasm. The fireworks subsided and she felt John thrusting with renewed vigor. She gasped at each thrust and felt the warmth quickly rising again. Christina squealed in ecstasy and then felt the fireworks go off again. She closed her eyes waiting for her head to clear and then felt her hair get tugged off the bed.
Christina opened her eyes in a euphoric haze expecting to see John holding her hair but instead saw Maria. The euphoria quickly subsided as Maria knelt down on the bed behind her head. Maria then lowered Christina’s head onto her bent knees. Noooooooooo what are you doing, she cried. She listened for Lisa but didn’t hear any sounds from the floor. Christina’s eyes frowned in worry but her thoughts were interrupted by John’s thrusting. She again felt the warm tingling sensation rising in her.
Maria had tickled the sassy friend until she passed out. She was surprised Lisa might have actually been more ticklish then Christina, but it was too close to tell. She took in Christina’s worried look as she positioned herself. Maria watched Christina close her eyes and utter another sexual moan. She lowered her fingers to Christina’s open arm pits and viciously wriggled her finger into the hollow next to her breasts.
“MMPHOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!” Christina shrieked in ticklish agony. Her body had been soaking in every sensation and wasn’t ready for the tickling. She violently convulsed under John and tugged desperately at her arms.
John looked up and was surprised to see Maria had climbed on the bed and was again torturing Christina. Maria winked at him and then went back to her torture. John felt Christina’s body writhing around under him and it felt strangely good. He pushed into Christina and continued thrusting. His movement combined with Christina’s violent squirming increased the pleasure he felt from each thrust. Instead of closing his eyes he watched Christina’s sweaty body twisting and jerking with mounting sexual fascination. He saw Maria wiggle her fingers deeper into the armpits and Christina aggressively thrashed side to side against his thrusting cock.
“AAAAAAAAAMPHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” Christina screamed through the gag. Her body couldn’t handle the sensation overload and she felt herself viciously bucking and rocking back and forth. She felt John suddenly harden and knew he was going to cum. His thrusting became even more vigorous. Christina screamed as the warm tingling fire in her vagina finally sparked and slowly combined with the ticklish jolts of electricity shooting from her armpits. The sensation built unbearably until it finally burst. Christina arched violently and let out a hysterical shriek of euphoric bliss.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAMMMPHAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!” Christina erupted in a cosmic orgasm. Fireworks shot off through her body and stars flashed through her vision. She felt John shudder on top of her and knew he had orgasmed as well. Christina felt Maria’s hands depart and allowed herself to float away into a sexual haze.
John collapsed onto Christina’s body. Her post orgasm twitches were matched by his own shudder of relief. He took a few deep breaths and soaked in the explosive orgasm he just had. He rolled over into his back and sighed deeply.
Maria watched the two silently reveling in sexual pleasure. She couldn’t help but feel extremely aroused. She quietly climbed off the bed, deciding she deserved some self satisfaction. As she walked towards the door she heard John call her name. She stopped and turned back to the bed. He was shakily lifting his upper body off the bed.
“How would you feel about a personal butler position?” John asked with a hopeful smile.
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