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Here is part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Tickle Cartel. Please let me know what you think of it!
All Tickle Cartel Chapters
Previous Chapter
Chapter 6: Palace Night: Heather’s Room, Part 1
The internal debate carried on for what seemed like minutes, but was really only a few seconds, and Jen shouted through her laughter, “IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI’LL TEHEHEHEHELL YUHUHUHUHUHUHU! IHIHIHIHIHIHIHI JUHUHUHUHUHUHUST NEHEHEHEHEHED AHAHAHAHAHA BREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEAK!”
“Well, if you wanted a break, you should have just asked.” Heather withdrew her fingers, allowing Jen to catch her breath. “You just let me know what you need to contact Maddie, and I’ll get it for you.”
“Water, please,” Jen requested.
“Well, that’s an odd item to try and contact a person with,” Heather teased. “But I suppose that since that’s probably not why you want it, I’ll get it right away.” Less than a minute later, Heather was back with fresh water, and she tipped it so Jen could drink some.
“Umm, what do I need?” Jen wondered. “What do I need? Hmm. Oh, hey Heather! Could I possibly get a phone that I could pretend is a new phone?”
“I can do you one better,” Heather remarked. “I can get you a new phone, and you can keep it. Consider it my treat to you for being such a good sport. We keep some new phones a few rooms down; I’ll go get one for you. Don’t go anywhere!”
“Well, I’m a little tied up at the moment,” Jen responded to Heather’s joke with one of her own, and both of them laughed at it before Heather headed off. Once the Queen Mistress was out of sight, Jen began squirming, trying to get free before Heather came back, only to find that even without being tickled, there was no getting out of this.
While she was waiting for Heather to come back, Jen began pondering what she had just done. ‘Oh, no, what have I done? I just promised Heather that I’d contact Maddie and get her to reveal all my most ticklish spots. Then Heather’s going to know everything to tickle torture me. She could get anything out of me with the proper technique. This is bad. Why’d I agree to this? Oh, no! Not only am I going to be giving up all my weak spots, I actually have to get Maddie to reveal them. How… how am I going to do that? Maddie and I don’t text about tickling. We don’t call about tickling. It just happens when we’re together. Maybe I can get some advice from Heather. After all, she is the Queen Mistress of the Tickle Cartel; maybe she’ll have some techniques to get someone to talk about tickling. I certainly don’t have any, unless I’m in the room with that person. Wait, what if she doesn’t have any? I’m going to be in so much trouble.’
Before Jen could think of more ways that she could have messed this up, Heather returned, a phone in her hand. “So, Jen, you ready to contact Maddie?” she questioned. “Or do you need some more torture to convince you?”
“I’m ready to contact her, but while you were gone, I realized that I don’t talk or text about tickling with Maddie,” Jen explained, “so I’m not sure how to bring it up without sounding awkward.”
“Hmm, that’s a good point,” Heather allowed. “Well, let’s think about how you can bring it up naturally. If you were in the same room as Maddie, how would you bring it up?”
‘How would I do that?’ Jen thought to herself. ‘You know, it usually starts with a squeeze of someone’s sides or another surprise tickle attack. Although, sometimes I basically ask to be tickled. Maybe that’s what Heather’s talking about.’
“Let’s see,” Jen replied as she thought. “Well, if I want to be tickled, I’ll make a point of showing that my tummy is bare, or if it’s not, I’ll make a little show of baring it. Otherwise, it’s usually a surprise tickle or poke that initiates it.”
“Well, that could work,” Heather considered what Jen had said. “Do you think showing her your belly could have a similar effect?”
“I don’t know; maybe,” Jen guessed. “I’m not sure why that would provoke a reaction, though?”
“Well, you said that when you emphasized that your belly was bare, Maddie sometimes tickled you,” Heather explained. “Maybe, if you send her a text emphasizing that your belly is bare, she’ll tease you about getting tickled.”
“That might just work, but I just thought up something else,” Jen realized. “Maddie’s not going to tease me or talk about tickling me if she thinks I’m with somebody else. I don’t think she’d want to knowingly give someone else information on how to tickle me.”
“Well, let’s start with untying you, then,” Heather announced. “Then you can take a selfie against a bare wall; just make sure your tummy is showing and Maddie will know it. You might have to make up a story about why you’re just doing this out of the blue. I don’t know much about the two of you, but I’d certainly be shocked if my best friend just sent me a picture of her after not talking to me for two… three days.”
“It’s been four, and you’re right,” Jen replied as Heather began releasing her from the rack. “We almost never go even half a day without texting each other, at least if we aren’t hanging out together. It’s going to be pretty weird for me to even be texting her, let alone sending a picture. But I may just have the perfect story to tell her.”
‘There was that one time when I went to Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon’s house,’ Jen recalled in her thoughts. ‘They told me that they were thinking about buying me a new phone, but of course, there was a catch. I could get the phone in three days, and I had to give them my old phone until then. In those three days, my aunt and uncle, my cousins, and I went out into the woods and spent some family time together. So no texting, no calling, no Internet, nothing with technology, just family time. I have to admit; it was pretty fun to be away from technology. Maddie, on the other hand, was not very happy with me. My aunt and uncle said that I couldn’t even text her to let her know that I wouldn’t have access to my phone, or the deal was off. When we got back from the woods, they let me have my old phone and the new one so that I could transfer all my contacts and other information to the new one, and I saw about a hundred texts from Maddie. She was furious that I wasn’t responding to her, and really, I couldn’t blame her. I tried to explain over the phone before I headed back home, but it took meeting her in person, showing her the new phone… and her pinning me down and tickle torturing me- I’d forgotten about that- before she finally forgave me. Of course, she told me to never do that again, or I’d be in big trouble, bigger than that time. You know what, she might just be inclined to tell me how she wants to tickle torture me if I just show her my tummy, not even emphasize it, as part of that punishment.’
“Jen?” Heather waved her hands in front of the now freed Jen’s face, seeing Jen deep in thought. “You there?”
“Hmm?” Jen looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, got distracted trying to figure out how to explain to Maddie why I haven’t talked to her in a few days. I think I’ve got it, though, especially with this new phone. Oh, you untied me. Thanks! Let’s get this picture taken, and I’ll show you the text before I send it. You can say if you think it will work.” Jen got up and stretched, then yawned as she realized that she was tired from all the tickling. “You got any more water?”
“Follow me,” Heather instructed. “I’ll get you some on the way to where you can take the picture. Being the Tickle Cartel Queen Mistress’ room, this place doesn’t have that many walls without decoration, but I do have one where you can take a picture.” Jen followed Heather to get a water bottle, which Jen immediately began to drink from, and continued to walk through the closet until they found a place with a bare wall. “I can hold that for you while you take the picture.”
“Thanks,” Jen responded, handing Heather the water bottle. “I needed that.” She then got in position to take a selfie, making sure to put her free hand near her bare belly as if showing it off. Once the picture was taken, she showed it to Heather. “How do I look?”
“Cute, but also very ticklish,” Heather declared. “That should work to emphasize that tummy of yours.”
“Good,” Jen commented. “I’ll just type up what I’m going to say, and then you can take a look at it before we send it to Maddie. Sound good?” Heather gave her the go-ahead, so Jen started furiously typing on the keyboard. After a couple of minutes, Heather was beginning to wonder how much effort Jen was putting into this backstory, when Jen piped up, “All done! Take a look!”
Heather took the phone and read the text, “Hey Mads, sorry I’ve been away. Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon pulled another ‘get a new phone if you don’t use your phone and go on a family trip for four days’ on me. I tried to say I’d have to text you before I abandon you for a few days, but they didn’t like that. Then I said I’d rather not get a new phone than not talk to you, but they said that wasn’t an option. Apparently, I was getting a new phone, whether I liked it or not. I tried to pull out my phone and warn you, but the next thing I know, Ella’s tickling my sides, and my phone fell to the carpet. Ella kept tickling me until Aunt Sharon grabbed my phone, and then she let me go. Aunt Sharon said we were going on a family trip, and that my phone was staying locked up, so I couldn’t get it back and text you. Ella said she’d start tickling me again if I didn’t agree to go on the trip, so I did. The next day, I headed off to the mountains with Uncle Nate, Aunt Sharon, Ella, and Ian. We did some hiking and got to see some beautiful sites. Aunt Sharon brought a camera along (apparently that was ok, but my phone camera wasn’t), so I’ll send you some pics when I get them. This is from the new phone; I’ll let you see it as soon as possible. (btw, please don’t be mad at me for not texting you. I tried all I could.) Anyways, not sure when they’re going to let me go back home, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m coming.”
“Wow,” was all Heather could say after reading that. “I have a few questions before we go on. First off, has this happened before?”
“Yep,” Jen confirmed. “Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon made me go on a family trip, no phone, for a new phone before. Three days in the woods with them and my cousins. It was pretty fun, though. They told me that it was for me to understand that my phone wasn’t everything and the value of spending time with my family.”
“Ok, that’s a nice way to show someone the value of family time; I actually agree with them,” Heather stated. “Second of all, who are Ella and Ian, and does Ella tickle you a lot?”
“Ella and Ian are my cousins, and they’re Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon’s kids,” Jen answered. “Ella’s twenty-three and Ian’s eighteen. Ella has always used the ‘I’m your older cousin’ excuse to pin me down and tickle me, mostly for fun, but sometimes, it gets to be too much. She’s nothing like Maddie, though. Maddie really knows my tickle spots.”
“Well, it’s always good to have more than one person that tickles you,” Heather announced. “Brings some variety to the fun.” She smiled, then got back to business. “Anyways, I like the text, especially how you managed to sneak tickling in there. Maybe that will give Maddie more of a hint on what to respond with. Go ahead and send it, and we’ll wait for the response.”
“You got it,” Jen said as she entered in Maddie’s phone number as the recipient and sent it off. “So, what do you want to do while we wait for her to respond? I’m sure she’ll have a lot to say. She’s probably still not happy, even with that explanation. One of the reasons I chose it is that when I saw her next, I got tickled pretty bad.”
“Let’s just go sit on the bed; you deserve a break, and I don’t really want to get tickled quite yet,” Heather suggested.
“That sounds really good,” Jen agreed, and the two went back and sat down on the bed. “So, Heather, I have a few questions I thought up after our last meeting.”
“Shoot,” Heather allowed.
“How did you become Queen Mistress of the Tickle Cartel?” Jen began her questions.
“Well, that’s a long story,” Heather began. “I’ll start telling it now, and we can talk about it off and on in between you and Maddie texting. I guess the best place to start is the beginning. When I first came to the Tickle Cartel, I was a potential tickle slave like you were supposed to be. However, back then, they evaluated the tickling skills of potential tickle slaves, and I was good enough to get promoted out of there. I began working as a tickler for a Tickle Cartel hotel, who wanted me to tickle willing guests when they came in. It was a pretty fun job, and I worked under a mistress who was the head of the ticklers there. However, as that mistress moved on, I started to rise up pretty quickly, and within a couple of years, I was the mistress there. One of the perks with being the mistress is that you can call your subordinates in at any time to tickle them. A few of the other ticklers who weren’t quite as talented as me had made their contempt of me pretty clear, so I would call them in off and on again and tickle them, just to remind them who was their boss.”
Next Chapter
Chapter 6: Palace Night: Heather’s Room, Part 3
All Tickle Cartel Chapters
Previous Chapter
Chapter 6: Palace Night: Heather’s Room, Part 1
The internal debate carried on for what seemed like minutes, but was really only a few seconds, and Jen shouted through her laughter, “IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI’LL TEHEHEHEHELL YUHUHUHUHUHUHU! IHIHIHIHIHIHIHI JUHUHUHUHUHUHUST NEHEHEHEHEHED AHAHAHAHAHA BREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEAK!”
“Well, if you wanted a break, you should have just asked.” Heather withdrew her fingers, allowing Jen to catch her breath. “You just let me know what you need to contact Maddie, and I’ll get it for you.”
“Water, please,” Jen requested.
“Well, that’s an odd item to try and contact a person with,” Heather teased. “But I suppose that since that’s probably not why you want it, I’ll get it right away.” Less than a minute later, Heather was back with fresh water, and she tipped it so Jen could drink some.
“Umm, what do I need?” Jen wondered. “What do I need? Hmm. Oh, hey Heather! Could I possibly get a phone that I could pretend is a new phone?”
“I can do you one better,” Heather remarked. “I can get you a new phone, and you can keep it. Consider it my treat to you for being such a good sport. We keep some new phones a few rooms down; I’ll go get one for you. Don’t go anywhere!”
“Well, I’m a little tied up at the moment,” Jen responded to Heather’s joke with one of her own, and both of them laughed at it before Heather headed off. Once the Queen Mistress was out of sight, Jen began squirming, trying to get free before Heather came back, only to find that even without being tickled, there was no getting out of this.
While she was waiting for Heather to come back, Jen began pondering what she had just done. ‘Oh, no, what have I done? I just promised Heather that I’d contact Maddie and get her to reveal all my most ticklish spots. Then Heather’s going to know everything to tickle torture me. She could get anything out of me with the proper technique. This is bad. Why’d I agree to this? Oh, no! Not only am I going to be giving up all my weak spots, I actually have to get Maddie to reveal them. How… how am I going to do that? Maddie and I don’t text about tickling. We don’t call about tickling. It just happens when we’re together. Maybe I can get some advice from Heather. After all, she is the Queen Mistress of the Tickle Cartel; maybe she’ll have some techniques to get someone to talk about tickling. I certainly don’t have any, unless I’m in the room with that person. Wait, what if she doesn’t have any? I’m going to be in so much trouble.’
Before Jen could think of more ways that she could have messed this up, Heather returned, a phone in her hand. “So, Jen, you ready to contact Maddie?” she questioned. “Or do you need some more torture to convince you?”
“I’m ready to contact her, but while you were gone, I realized that I don’t talk or text about tickling with Maddie,” Jen explained, “so I’m not sure how to bring it up without sounding awkward.”
“Hmm, that’s a good point,” Heather allowed. “Well, let’s think about how you can bring it up naturally. If you were in the same room as Maddie, how would you bring it up?”
‘How would I do that?’ Jen thought to herself. ‘You know, it usually starts with a squeeze of someone’s sides or another surprise tickle attack. Although, sometimes I basically ask to be tickled. Maybe that’s what Heather’s talking about.’
“Let’s see,” Jen replied as she thought. “Well, if I want to be tickled, I’ll make a point of showing that my tummy is bare, or if it’s not, I’ll make a little show of baring it. Otherwise, it’s usually a surprise tickle or poke that initiates it.”
“Well, that could work,” Heather considered what Jen had said. “Do you think showing her your belly could have a similar effect?”
“I don’t know; maybe,” Jen guessed. “I’m not sure why that would provoke a reaction, though?”
“Well, you said that when you emphasized that your belly was bare, Maddie sometimes tickled you,” Heather explained. “Maybe, if you send her a text emphasizing that your belly is bare, she’ll tease you about getting tickled.”
“That might just work, but I just thought up something else,” Jen realized. “Maddie’s not going to tease me or talk about tickling me if she thinks I’m with somebody else. I don’t think she’d want to knowingly give someone else information on how to tickle me.”
“Well, let’s start with untying you, then,” Heather announced. “Then you can take a selfie against a bare wall; just make sure your tummy is showing and Maddie will know it. You might have to make up a story about why you’re just doing this out of the blue. I don’t know much about the two of you, but I’d certainly be shocked if my best friend just sent me a picture of her after not talking to me for two… three days.”
“It’s been four, and you’re right,” Jen replied as Heather began releasing her from the rack. “We almost never go even half a day without texting each other, at least if we aren’t hanging out together. It’s going to be pretty weird for me to even be texting her, let alone sending a picture. But I may just have the perfect story to tell her.”
‘There was that one time when I went to Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon’s house,’ Jen recalled in her thoughts. ‘They told me that they were thinking about buying me a new phone, but of course, there was a catch. I could get the phone in three days, and I had to give them my old phone until then. In those three days, my aunt and uncle, my cousins, and I went out into the woods and spent some family time together. So no texting, no calling, no Internet, nothing with technology, just family time. I have to admit; it was pretty fun to be away from technology. Maddie, on the other hand, was not very happy with me. My aunt and uncle said that I couldn’t even text her to let her know that I wouldn’t have access to my phone, or the deal was off. When we got back from the woods, they let me have my old phone and the new one so that I could transfer all my contacts and other information to the new one, and I saw about a hundred texts from Maddie. She was furious that I wasn’t responding to her, and really, I couldn’t blame her. I tried to explain over the phone before I headed back home, but it took meeting her in person, showing her the new phone… and her pinning me down and tickle torturing me- I’d forgotten about that- before she finally forgave me. Of course, she told me to never do that again, or I’d be in big trouble, bigger than that time. You know what, she might just be inclined to tell me how she wants to tickle torture me if I just show her my tummy, not even emphasize it, as part of that punishment.’
“Jen?” Heather waved her hands in front of the now freed Jen’s face, seeing Jen deep in thought. “You there?”
“Hmm?” Jen looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, got distracted trying to figure out how to explain to Maddie why I haven’t talked to her in a few days. I think I’ve got it, though, especially with this new phone. Oh, you untied me. Thanks! Let’s get this picture taken, and I’ll show you the text before I send it. You can say if you think it will work.” Jen got up and stretched, then yawned as she realized that she was tired from all the tickling. “You got any more water?”
“Follow me,” Heather instructed. “I’ll get you some on the way to where you can take the picture. Being the Tickle Cartel Queen Mistress’ room, this place doesn’t have that many walls without decoration, but I do have one where you can take a picture.” Jen followed Heather to get a water bottle, which Jen immediately began to drink from, and continued to walk through the closet until they found a place with a bare wall. “I can hold that for you while you take the picture.”
“Thanks,” Jen responded, handing Heather the water bottle. “I needed that.” She then got in position to take a selfie, making sure to put her free hand near her bare belly as if showing it off. Once the picture was taken, she showed it to Heather. “How do I look?”
“Cute, but also very ticklish,” Heather declared. “That should work to emphasize that tummy of yours.”
“Good,” Jen commented. “I’ll just type up what I’m going to say, and then you can take a look at it before we send it to Maddie. Sound good?” Heather gave her the go-ahead, so Jen started furiously typing on the keyboard. After a couple of minutes, Heather was beginning to wonder how much effort Jen was putting into this backstory, when Jen piped up, “All done! Take a look!”
Heather took the phone and read the text, “Hey Mads, sorry I’ve been away. Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon pulled another ‘get a new phone if you don’t use your phone and go on a family trip for four days’ on me. I tried to say I’d have to text you before I abandon you for a few days, but they didn’t like that. Then I said I’d rather not get a new phone than not talk to you, but they said that wasn’t an option. Apparently, I was getting a new phone, whether I liked it or not. I tried to pull out my phone and warn you, but the next thing I know, Ella’s tickling my sides, and my phone fell to the carpet. Ella kept tickling me until Aunt Sharon grabbed my phone, and then she let me go. Aunt Sharon said we were going on a family trip, and that my phone was staying locked up, so I couldn’t get it back and text you. Ella said she’d start tickling me again if I didn’t agree to go on the trip, so I did. The next day, I headed off to the mountains with Uncle Nate, Aunt Sharon, Ella, and Ian. We did some hiking and got to see some beautiful sites. Aunt Sharon brought a camera along (apparently that was ok, but my phone camera wasn’t), so I’ll send you some pics when I get them. This is from the new phone; I’ll let you see it as soon as possible. (btw, please don’t be mad at me for not texting you. I tried all I could.) Anyways, not sure when they’re going to let me go back home, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m coming.”
“Wow,” was all Heather could say after reading that. “I have a few questions before we go on. First off, has this happened before?”
“Yep,” Jen confirmed. “Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon made me go on a family trip, no phone, for a new phone before. Three days in the woods with them and my cousins. It was pretty fun, though. They told me that it was for me to understand that my phone wasn’t everything and the value of spending time with my family.”
“Ok, that’s a nice way to show someone the value of family time; I actually agree with them,” Heather stated. “Second of all, who are Ella and Ian, and does Ella tickle you a lot?”
“Ella and Ian are my cousins, and they’re Uncle Nate and Aunt Sharon’s kids,” Jen answered. “Ella’s twenty-three and Ian’s eighteen. Ella has always used the ‘I’m your older cousin’ excuse to pin me down and tickle me, mostly for fun, but sometimes, it gets to be too much. She’s nothing like Maddie, though. Maddie really knows my tickle spots.”
“Well, it’s always good to have more than one person that tickles you,” Heather announced. “Brings some variety to the fun.” She smiled, then got back to business. “Anyways, I like the text, especially how you managed to sneak tickling in there. Maybe that will give Maddie more of a hint on what to respond with. Go ahead and send it, and we’ll wait for the response.”
“You got it,” Jen said as she entered in Maddie’s phone number as the recipient and sent it off. “So, what do you want to do while we wait for her to respond? I’m sure she’ll have a lot to say. She’s probably still not happy, even with that explanation. One of the reasons I chose it is that when I saw her next, I got tickled pretty bad.”
“Let’s just go sit on the bed; you deserve a break, and I don’t really want to get tickled quite yet,” Heather suggested.
“That sounds really good,” Jen agreed, and the two went back and sat down on the bed. “So, Heather, I have a few questions I thought up after our last meeting.”
“Shoot,” Heather allowed.
“How did you become Queen Mistress of the Tickle Cartel?” Jen began her questions.
“Well, that’s a long story,” Heather began. “I’ll start telling it now, and we can talk about it off and on in between you and Maddie texting. I guess the best place to start is the beginning. When I first came to the Tickle Cartel, I was a potential tickle slave like you were supposed to be. However, back then, they evaluated the tickling skills of potential tickle slaves, and I was good enough to get promoted out of there. I began working as a tickler for a Tickle Cartel hotel, who wanted me to tickle willing guests when they came in. It was a pretty fun job, and I worked under a mistress who was the head of the ticklers there. However, as that mistress moved on, I started to rise up pretty quickly, and within a couple of years, I was the mistress there. One of the perks with being the mistress is that you can call your subordinates in at any time to tickle them. A few of the other ticklers who weren’t quite as talented as me had made their contempt of me pretty clear, so I would call them in off and on again and tickle them, just to remind them who was their boss.”
Next Chapter
Chapter 6: Palace Night: Heather’s Room, Part 3
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