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Tickle Q&A - M/30/Switch


TMF Poster
Jul 6, 2022
Hey wanted to try something new here! Gonna do a Q&A to get to know you all some more. I’m a M/switch, feel free to ask me some tickle questions about myself and I’ll try to answer below. Also feel free to DM them if you would like.
When's the last time your great looking bare feet were tickled, and how long did the tickling last???
When's the last time your great looking bare feet were tickled, and how long did the tickling last???

Good question, it’s been awhile (even tho I can’t scratch my own feet because they are that ticklish). I had ex’s quickly tickle them to watch me jump but the worst was when my friend grabbed my ankle and tickled it until I fell off the couch from squirming!
LOL would loved to have seen that! I had two guys once tie me to a bed spread eagle face up and tickle me senseless for about an hour, mostly feet but thighs, ribs and pits too. When it was over I could barely stand up!
LOL would loved to have seen that! I had two guys once tie me to a bed spread eagle face up and tickle me senseless for about an hour, mostly feet but thighs, ribs and pits too. When it was over I could barely stand up!

Yeah I wouldn’t survive that lol
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