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Tickled by my aunt yesterday

Fantastic! Maybe your aunt has similar kinks and hasn’t told anyone until now and felt comfortable telling you after you confided.

I remember accidentally confessing to my aunt about my nylon feet and tickling fetishes. I was 14 and actually blurted it out whilst tickling and massaging my aunt’s stocking feet! I was worried she’d freak out and/or tell my parents, but in fact she did neither. She smiled a knowing smile and said nothing, letting me continue playing with her feet. Just due to location and lack of opportunity circumstances it would be another seven years before I got to play with her feet again, but interestingly my aunt would now often be the one to instigate things, covertly or otherwise. Good times were to be had...!

Thank you for sharing the follow up, really enjoyed it.

Cheers, everybody,

Wow... I am now seriously excited for this weekend &#55357;&#56904;
Confession & a session with her

Dear All,

Finally, I had the last weekend with my aunt alone. Unfortunately, I didn't tickle her as I said before I am not a tickler. This is said in beginning so I am not wasting anyone's time. Please read below for what happened.

So, I went to stay with her for the weekend, on Saturday evening we went for a walk in the park and came back and had a good pasta made by her with some nice French wine. We were tipsy and I slowly opened up to her about my tickling fetish and navel fetish. I also told her how I actually enjoyed the tickle last time. She was super supportive and curious. She not even for a second judged me and was saying it’s a very interesting fetish. She asked me what would turn me on in being played in navel and being tickled. I told her, the helplessness and the fact that my navel is the most ticklish spot and being tied up makes it all excitement overdrive for me. She said she would love to tickle me so I told her, she may have to tie me up. She said she want to do it when she is not tipsy so she would actually do it properly and that she wants to do it the next day (Sunday) but as a precursor she wanted to try something on me and I asked her what. Without saying anything she asked me to get up and turn around. I did as she said with excitement. She used a scarf of hers and tied my wrists together behind my back and slowly laid me on my back on to the sofa. I was quite tall for the sofa so my legs from knees were dangling off the sofa. She rolled up my t-shirt and tapped my stomach. I can feel the excitement building in my pants. Without further warning, she poured some of the wine from the bottle into my navel and it was chilled so I gave a yelp involuntarily and my stomach trembled. I also saw her getting excited with the whole thing. She told me “don’t ruin my sofa stay still” She kept the bottle on the floor and held my hips down with both her hands and wagged her tongue at me playfully and all of sudden digged right into my navel with the tongue and slurped the navel in one go which made me laugh like mad but she didn’t stop and went to lick my navel and circle my navel with the tongue. While moving her manicured fingers on my sides I was trying to get her off me but she had locked her legs around mine and was sitting on my knees making me immobile. Finally she gave me 3 nice raspberries on my upper stomach, sides and around my navel before letting me off. She said “oh boy you are ticklish eh! I am going to enjoy tickling you tied up tomorrow” and gave me a quick peck in my navel. We didn’t speak about it as I had a huge bulge in pant and was bit concerned whether she would have noticed. We were watching an episode of Wednesday and went to bed.

Unfortunately on Sunday, I had to go back to home due to a repair issue and we couldn’t do the session but when I was leaving she invited me to come over this weekend as its her birthday weekend. May be I will offer myself as the tickle toy for her birthday. Will keep you updated if something happens.

Very cool story. Hope you get to have some fun with her navel soon.
Friends, it happened finally. I got tickled for good 15 mins 🙂
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Oh, I’m looking forward to reading this! With no disrespect to you or your aunt, as a ler I’m more interested in hearing about your aunt, but reading about how she’s curious about the kink is very interesting!

Thanks for the heads up, sir; I’ll read it with interest when you post it!

Cheers, everybody,
Please, don't drop that and then leave us hanging! Tell us the story, man! :hungry:

I'm also intrigued about when you opened up and she teased you - I mean, she must've noticed your boner, and it shouldn't have shocked her at all since you just told her this thing is a sexual kink! 😉
I am so sorry guys the Covid bug caught me and I was down for a while. I will type it tonight and share it with you all ok?
Oh what's it about?

Sorry to disappoint. It's just a commercial where a despondent couple has annoying women about 20 years older than they are knocking on the door, complaining about this or that, and then they comment that they love their new home, but it has "aunts." Insurance commercial.
I have an "Aunt" well, she not blood related, but she has been a family friend for such a long time that we call her our "Aunt." And for years growing up I wanted to and actually got to tickle her feet. I don't have a lot of time to write, but this is story has been on my mind for as long as I can remember and I keep getting reminded to write it every time I see this post.

Her name was Kelly and she came over for dinner one night bearing pizza and cheese sticks. It was June 12, I'll never forget that date because It was explosive. I was young but, I just remember that I was scouting out ways to to tickling Kelly's feet. It was all I had my mind set on to do that night. I had long dreamed to tickle Kelly's feet but it wasn't until just recently that I that I made up my mind to do it.

After we sat around and had diner just talked about random stuff. I think it had to do with school. I remember looking down and seeing Kelly's bare feet under the table. I needed an I an excuse to get under the table to try and tickle her feet. So I dropped my napkin, but instead of just bending down to pick it up, I went all the way under the table.

Her feet were crossed at the ankles and with a gigantic surge of adrenaline I tickled one of her arches.

"Ahhhhh." She responded.
"Are you t-t-ticklish?" I stammered out as I tickled her some more.
"Yes!" Was all she said. But I didn't let up tickling her feet. I was tickling both arches until she said.'
"So your goal is to tickle me huh?" With that she pulled her feet back and stood up. When she came back we resumed talking and then out of somewhere in my crazy hormone raging state I asked
"Aunt Kelly?"
"Can I tickle you on your feet?
"Why?" She asked. I got real sheepish at this point.
"I donna know."
"You want to see if I'm ticklish? You want to play with my feet and see if you can make me laugh? Is that it you little critter. (citer was my nickname)." She answered!!!!
I started to go under the table again and she stopped me.
"Here." She pulled a chair up between us propped her feet up on it.
I started tickling her soles up and down with my fingers, giving her spider tickles and tickling her toes. I guess Iwas looking serious because I remember Kelly saying something like
"You are really serious about getting me to laugh."
She cracked a smile and cocked her head sideways and watched me tickle and play with her feet.
She suddenly said, "Let's stop for a minute." I need a break and I'm not even laughing yet. Let's do this, let set a timer for one minute. If you can break me and get me to laugh in one minute you get two scopes of ice cream for desert. If you don't, just one. Deal?"
I'm think I nodded. She grabbed an egg timer off of the stove and set it.
Okay, here is the screwed up part about my memory at that minute. I have no idea if she laughed. I don't really remember much except the feelings that it brought me to just tickle her feet. I remember how incredibly disappointed I was when she finally left. I remember trying to get more tickling but it just never worked out again that night. I tried to get her on the couch, but the second I touched her feet, she would pull away. But that was the very first time I tickled her feet.
I have an "Aunt" well, she not blood related, but she has been a family friend for such a long time that we call her our "Aunt." And for years growing up I wanted to and actually got to tickle her feet. I don't have a lot of time to write, but this is story has been on my mind for as long as I can remember and I keep getting reminded to write it every time I see this post.

Her name was Kelly and she came over for dinner one night bearing pizza and cheese sticks. It was June 12, I'll never forget that date because It was explosive. I was young but, I just remember that I was scouting out ways to to tickling Kelly's feet. It was all I had my mind set on to do that night. I had long dreamed to tickle Kelly's feet but it wasn't until just recently that I that I made up my mind to do it.

After we sat around and had diner just talked about random stuff. I think it had to do with school. I remember looking down and seeing Kelly's bare feet under the table. I needed an I an excuse to get under the table to try and tickle her feet. So I dropped my napkin, but instead of just bending down to pick it up, I went all the way under the table.

Her feet were crossed at the ankles and with a gigantic surge of adrenaline I tickled one of her arches.

"Ahhhhh." She responded.
"Are you t-t-ticklish?" I stammered out as I tickled her some more.
"Yes!" Was all she said. But I didn't let up tickling her feet. I was tickling both arches until she said.'
"So your goal is to tickle me huh?" With that she pulled her feet back and stood up. When she came back we resumed talking and then out of somewhere in my crazy hormone raging state I asked
"Aunt Kelly?"
"Can I tickle you on your feet?
"Why?" She asked. I got real sheepish at this point.
"I donna know."
"You want to see if I'm ticklish? You want to play with my feet and see if you can make me laugh? Is that it you little critter. (citer was my nickname)." She answered!!!!
I started to go under the table again and she stopped me.
"Here." She pulled a chair up between us propped her feet up on it.
I started tickling her soles up and down with my fingers, giving her spider tickles and tickling her toes. I guess Iwas looking serious because I remember Kelly saying something like
"You are really serious about getting me to laugh."
She cracked a smile and cocked her head sideways and watched me tickle and play with her feet.
She suddenly said, "Let's stop for a minute." I need a break and I'm not even laughing yet. Let's do this, let set a timer for one minute. If you can break me and get me to laugh in one minute you get two scopes of ice cream for desert. If you don't, just one. Deal?"
I'm think I nodded. She grabbed an egg timer off of the stove and set it.
Okay, here is the screwed up part about my memory at that minute. I have no idea if she laughed. I don't really remember much except the feelings that it brought me to just tickle her feet. I remember how incredibly disappointed I was when she finally left. I remember trying to get more tickling but it just never worked out again that night. I tried to get her on the couch, but the second I touched her feet, she would pull away. But that was the very first time I tickled her feet.

This is a real great story.
Looks like the owner of this here thread, just got "out-story'told" on his own thread. Lol
Looks like the owner of this here thread, just got "out-story'told" on his own thread. Lol

As a bellybutton fan, the owners story is better. Yeah I kinda have a bias.

Hoping he finally gets around to updating us on what happened next.
I have an "Aunt" well, she not blood related, but she has been a family friend for such a long time that we call her our "Aunt." And for years growing up I wanted to and actually got to tickle her feet. I don't have a lot of time to write, but this is story has been on my mind for as long as I can remember and I keep getting reminded to write it every time I see this post.

Her name was Kelly and she came over for dinner one night bearing pizza and cheese sticks. It was June 12, I'll never forget that date because It was explosive. I was young but, I just remember that I was scouting out ways to to tickling Kelly's feet. It was all I had my mind set on to do that night. I had long dreamed to tickle Kelly's feet but it wasn't until just recently that I that I made up my mind to do it.

After we sat around and had diner just talked about random stuff. I think it had to do with school. I remember looking down and seeing Kelly's bare feet under the table. I needed an I an excuse to get under the table to try and tickle her feet. So I dropped my napkin, but instead of just bending down to pick it up, I went all the way under the table.

Her feet were crossed at the ankles and with a gigantic surge of adrenaline I tickled one of her arches.

"Ahhhhh." She responded.
"Are you t-t-ticklish?" I stammered out as I tickled her some more.
"Yes!" Was all she said. But I didn't let up tickling her feet. I was tickling both arches until she said.'
"So your goal is to tickle me huh?" With that she pulled her feet back and stood up. When she came back we resumed talking and then out of somewhere in my crazy hormone raging state I asked
"Aunt Kelly?"
"Can I tickle you on your feet?
"Why?" She asked. I got real sheepish at this point.
"I donna know."
"You want to see if I'm ticklish? You want to play with my feet and see if you can make me laugh? Is that it you little critter. (citer was my nickname)." She answered!!!!
I started to go under the table again and she stopped me.
"Here." She pulled a chair up between us propped her feet up on it.
I started tickling her soles up and down with my fingers, giving her spider tickles and tickling her toes. I guess Iwas looking serious because I remember Kelly saying something like
"You are really serious about getting me to laugh."
She cracked a smile and cocked her head sideways and watched me tickle and play with her feet.
She suddenly said, "Let's stop for a minute." I need a break and I'm not even laughing yet. Let's do this, let set a timer for one minute. If you can break me and get me to laugh in one minute you get two scopes of ice cream for desert. If you don't, just one. Deal?"
I'm think I nodded. She grabbed an egg timer off of the stove and set it.
Okay, here is the screwed up part about my memory at that minute. I have no idea if she laughed. I don't really remember much except the feelings that it brought me to just tickle her feet. I remember how incredibly disappointed I was when she finally left. I remember trying to get more tickling but it just never worked out again that night. I tried to get her on the couch, but the second I touched her feet, she would pull away. But that was the very first time I tickled her feet.

Your story is sexy but I am a little disappointed that you can't remember how the challenge ended. Your story sets up one of my all-time favorite tropes, a tough tickled who is able to withstand being tickled without laughing until they eventually crack.

Honestly, the fact that she asked for a break means that you were indeed getting to her. I'm dying to know if you were able to get her to laugh. But I get it though. I've been there before. So caught up in the euphoria of the moment that may or may not be unbelievable that you miss or forget certain details.

Still, kind of a big detail to not be able to remember considering the entire challenge is based around getting her to laugh. Otherwise, very sexy story.
Sorry for the delay in replying but long story short, covid made me so weak. I am glad the thread is still alive and that people posted another story of an aunt.

So here is what happened:
I met her on a weekday evening after work, we decided that its best to keep the alcohol for after the session. She said it will be better if we use her guest bedroom for this as she would not want to ruin her bedding (fair enough, right?). She asked what my preferred clothing for the session is, I told her I would choose to wear a boxer at least to protect my modesty and she said naughtily, “you should remember I have lifted you when you were born, and you didn’t wear a boxer then”. We had a chuckle and I decided to keep my boxer on. She asked me to get on the bed and her cot is one of those with those steel headrests which is good to tie someone too. She used her scarves to tie me to the four corner posts of the bed. Then she left the room for a short while and I was wondering what happened as I was thinking the worse like she is informing my parents, siblings, etc. But when she came back my eyes popped out as she came back in a brown leather skirt and a white crop top. She said she did some research on tickling and thought she would feed my other fetish too by wearing the navel revealing crop top. Needless to say, her navel was deep innie like most of us in the family.

Without further warning, she held my left feet and started tickling my arches with her nails and did the same to my right feet. Then slowly she tickled her way up to my inner thighs and she seemed to be in a rush towards my upperbody. She spent some time tickling my waist, belly, sides, ribs, armpits while carefully avoiding my navel. She didn’t speak anything but with the little I can see her in between my screaming and laughing I can see she had a very wide evil grin thoroughly enjoying herself. After what seemed like ages she stopped. She then asked which none of my previous ticklers were thoughtful enough to ask, whether I would like some water which I said yes. She went to bring some water and when she came back she gave me the water from a sipper bottle while she lifted my boxer and dropped something in which I couldn’t see (which I later realised is an ice cube with the chillness and wateriness). Once I caught up my breathe and had my water, she said she is going to hit my weakspot and naturally my stomach started trembling. She said she wanted to use something nice to get into my navel so she had brought few things from her make up kit and showed it to me. She had brought a q-tip, a small thin make brush and the worst of all a Spoolie make up brush (in case you do not know what it is- strongly recommend to google it as I never knew its name until she told me what it’s called).

The thought of being helpless before my aunt, and seeing her navel in crop top, and she telling me what she is going to do my navel, and seeing what she has in her hands made me get an erection (normal right?) and she could see it as my boxer was not doing its job properly. She sat down on my thighs and said “do you think we will end up in hell if I try to tickle you here” she tapped my boxer. I giggled but swallowed my saliva as I felt very awkward with the situation. She then used her left hand to hold my hip down and slowly inserted first the q-tip and moved it like you would clean your ears and that made me squeal and try to throw her off my thighs. Seeing this violent fight she laid down on me and crossed her legs around my legs to make me immobile. She then used the thin make brush to move inside my navel and drew it along the lines and poked the depth a bit, it was bearable surprisingly. Then came the devil, she used the spoolie, she inserted it all the way in and twisted it which caught the skin and spiralled it. She used it like a stirrer and used both her hands to stir into my navel I felt severe ticklishness all over my body and a strong pull to my groin muscles and felt like I am pre-cumming. Thankfully the wetness in my boxers due to the melting ice cube saved me from most of the embarrassment. As far as my reaction goes it was the usual laughter and screaming and squealing and most importantly I begged, I literally begged for mercy hahaha…finally she stopped after what seemed like hours. She put the brushes aside and my body started relaxing as its finally ending but she had other plans, she used her palms to move around my stomach slightly massaging which evoked some slight giggles from me but felt very relaxing and I closed my eyes trying to normalise my breathing when I felt a sudden sensation around my navel, she blew a strong raspberries and before my body could react to that, she kept giving several raspberries around my navel, sides, hips, upper stomach etc making me scream again. She then mixed them with some slight nibbling on my body with her teeth and made me beg again when she mixed nibbling the rim of my navel with inserting her tongue into my navel making me go into super sensitive mode.

Finally, she stopped partially because she felt sorry for me as she said it looked like I went to the gym with the sweating and muscles contractions in my abs. She released me from the bondage and I lied down for a while and she went to change into her pyjamas and came back and asked me to get out of the bed and join her to enjoy a drink. So I got off the bed and followed her and remembered you guys egging me to tickle her so I did give her a nice poke into her sides which evoked a squeal from her but it was more due to a shock than ticklishness I guess. I tried to tickle her a bit in her stomach for a while but she had minimum reaction and in few mins got a slap on my hand and she said no. So I stopped.

We had a drink together and she asked me if I enjoyed it and whether she hurt me in any way. I told her I really loved it and that she was a very natural tickler and I didn’t get hurt. I asked her whether she enjoyed it, she said she did and would love to do it with me now and then but not regularly. We got drunk and went to bed.

Next day morning she said, “I don’t know if its because of all the laughing or because of the wine, I slept so well after a long time”.

After this, I didn’t get to see her because of my stupid health condition. Hopefully I get to do it again.
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Sorry for the delay in replying but long story short, covid made me so weak. I am glad the thread is still alive and that people posted another story of an aunt.

So here is what happened:
I met her on a weekday evening after work, we decided that its best to keep the alcohol for after the session. She said it will be better if we use her guest bedroom for this as she would not want to ruin her bedding (fair enough, right?). She asked what my preferred clothing for the session is, I told her I would choose to wear a boxer at least to protect my modesty and she said naughtily, “you should remember I have lifted you when you were born, and you didn’t wear a boxer then”. We had a chuckle and I decided to keep my boxer on. She asked me to get on the bed and her cot is one of those with those steel headrests which is good to tie someone too. She used her scarves to tie me to the four corner posts of the bed. Then she left the room for a short while and I was wondering what happened as I was thinking the worse like she is informing my parents, siblings, etc. But when she came back my eyes popped out as she came back in a brown leather skirt and a white crop top. She said she did some research on tickling and thought she would feed my other fetish too by wearing the navel revealing crop top. Needless to say, her navel was deep innie like most of us in the family.

Without further warning, she held my left feet and started tickling my arches with her nails and did the same to my right feet. Then slowly she tickled her way up to my inner thighs and she seemed to be in a rush towards my upperbody. She spent some time tickling my waist, belly, sides, ribs, armpits while carefully avoiding my navel. She didn’t speak anything but with the little I can see her in between my screaming and laughing I can see she had a very wide evil grin thoroughly enjoying herself. After what seemed like ages she stopped. She then asked which none of my previous ticklers were thoughtful enough to ask, whether I would like some water which I said yes. She went to bring some water and when she came back she gave me the water from a sipper bottle while she lifted my boxer and dropped something in which I couldn’t see (which I later realised is an ice cube with the chillness and wateriness). Once I caught up my breathe and had my water, she said she is going to hit my weakspot and naturally my stomach started trembling. She said she wanted to use something nice to get into my navel so she had brought few things from her make up kit and showed it to me. She had brought a q-tip, a small thin make brush and the worst of all a Spoolie make up brush (in case you do not know what it is- strongly recommend to google it as I never knew its name until she told me what it’s called).

The thought of being helpless before my aunt, and seeing her navel in crop top, and she telling me what she is going to do my navel, and seeing what she has in her hands made me get an erection (normal right?) and she could see it as my boxer was not doing its job properly. She sat down on my thighs and said “do you think we will end up in hell if I try to tickle you here” she tapped my boxer. I giggled but swallowed my saliva as I felt very awkward with the situation. She then used her left hand to hold my hip down and slowly inserted first the q-tip and moved it like you would clean your ears and that made me squeal and try to throw her off my thighs. Seeing this violent fight she laid down on me and crossed her legs around my legs to make me immobile. She then used the thin make brush to move inside my navel and drew it along the lines and poked the depth a bit, it was bearable surprisingly. Then came the devil, she used the spoolie, she inserted it all the way in and twisted it which caught the skin and spiralled it. She used it like a stirrer and used both her hands to stir into my navel I felt severe ticklishness all over my body and a strong pull to my groin muscles and felt like I am pre-cumming. Thankfully the wetness in my boxers due to the melting ice cube saved me from most of the embarrassment. As far as my reaction goes it was the usual laughter and screaming and squealing and most importantly I begged, I literally begged for mercy hahaha…finally she stopped after what seemed like hours. She put the brushes aside and my body started relaxing as its finally ending but she had other plans, she used her palms to move around my stomach slightly massaging which evoked some slight giggles from me but felt very relaxing and I closed my eyes trying to normalise my breathing when I felt a sudden sensation around my navel, she blew a strong raspberries and before my body could react to that, she kept giving several raspberries around my navel, sides, hips, upper stomach etc making me scream again. She then mixed them with some slight nibbling on my body with her teeth and made me beg again when she mixed nibbling the rim of my navel with inserting her tongue into my navel making me go into super sensitive mode.

Finally, she stopped partially because she felt sorry for me as she said it looked like I went to the gym with the sweating and muscles contractions in my abs. She released me from the bondage and I lied down for a while and she went to change into her pyjamas and came back and asked me to get out of the bed and join her to enjoy a drink. So I got off the bed and followed her and remembered you guys egging me to tickle her so I did give her a nice poke into her sides which evoked a squeal from her but it was more due to a shock than ticklishness I guess. I tried to tickle her a bit in her stomach for a while but she had minimum reaction and in few mins got a slap on my hand and she said no. So I stopped.

We had a drink together and she asked me if I enjoyed it and whether she hurt me in any way. I told her I really loved it and that she was a very natural tickler and I didn’t get hurt. I asked her whether she enjoyed it, she said she did and would love to do it with me now and then but not regularly. We got drunk and went to bed.

Next day morning she said, “I don’t know if its because of all the laughing or because of the wine, I slept so well after a long time”.

After this, I didn’t get to see her because of my stupid health condition. Hopefully I get to do it again.

Amazing. The fact that she's into it now is just awesome. She even made sure to wear something that left her navel exposed so you had something to look at while she tickled you. Hopefully you get to have some fun with her navel one day.

There's just something about aunts/aunt-like figures. I had a couple aunt-like figures throughout my life who I wouldn't have minded getting my hands on.
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