4th Level Red Feather
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G'day folks! :lol
Over the last 2-3 months I've had an overwhelming amount of messages asking (in some cases ordering :stickout ) me to publish a new installment in the Tina series. As it stands I currently have two other stories finished and ready to go for other series, but I don't like to spam everyone with my nonsense, so I tend to space the releases out. In the past I've almost always released new stories in the order they've been written, but due to the huge amount of requests to see young Ms. Taris get her unjust desserts yet again, this one's been fast tracked!
This story is a pretty straight forward M/f affair centering around Tina's continuing misadventures while visiting her best friend on the farm. For those of you keeping score at home this mark's Tina's 19th solo tale, and the 7th story in the current series. Somewhere deep down in those paragraphs is one particular piece of alliteration I'm rather proud of, so a no-prize to anyone who can guess which it is!
Anyway, enough outta me. I hope you all like 'Tina: On The Trail', and as always any comments, compliments or criticisms are most welcome!
Enjoy! 🙂
Tina: On The Trail
By TickleMantis
“Hustle, hustle pard’ner!” Austin Werner called from the front door of his large two-story farmhouse, as he slung a large hiking pack over his burly shoulders. “We wanna get the tent set up before sunset!”
“I’ll be right there!” Eighteen year old Tina Taris called from the upstairs bedroom, as she hurriedly stuffed a thin white sweater into her regular sized backpack.
Mr. Werner joked of course, the 6’4ft cowboy’s only haste came from an eagerness to get outside. Summer on the farm had been almost entirely sunshine and as with every other season he spent most of it working hard. Everyone else in the family worked too, his two sons Cory and Hershel, Austin’s wife Jude, daughters Leanne and Holly, all did their part around the farm. Even Holly’s best friend Tina, who had come to visit from the city, was putting in a good effort. Nonetheless, no one worked quite as many hours or had to deal with managing the Werner ranch like the gentle giant. It was so rare to get a day or two off that when the opportunity did roll around, the forty five year old got very excited indeed.
Tina was excited too, the ditsy blonde’s long locks bouncing in time with her large breasts as she giddily jogged down the stairs. Dressed in a pair of brand new hiking boots, beige short-shorts and a Barbie pink t-shirt that left little to the imagination, the blue eyed girl was ready to hit “The Trail”. The 5’7ft tall teen had been on plenty of hikes in the country surrounding the Werner farm over the years, but she’d never had the pleasure of experiencing the one given its own special title. According to Mr. Werner “The Trail” was a beautiful scenic path that took two full days to complete, sweeping through the forested foot hills into the surrounding mountains with incredible views along the way.
“All set?” Austin asked, pushing a giant hand roughly through his charcoal black hair.
“Yep!” The smiling girl said as she landed in the foyer, Mr. Werner’s enormous frame looming over.
“Alright, lets go!” The rugged gentleman declared and opened the front door, gesturing Tina to go first.
In their party of two, each with a backpack and gung-ho smile, the determined pair set off across the backfields. Under normal circumstances their group would have been bigger, at the very least Holly would have tagged along, but with the county fair less than a day away it seemed almost everyone in town was preoccupied, especially the Werner clan. With so little free time available and Tina heading home the week after, it was unlikely Austin was going to get another chance to play tour guide. In any case, spirits were high as the morning sun rose and a light breeze blew gently through the air.
At the three hour mark, sometime around 10am, Austin finally dropped his pack and announced a rest stop. The first leg through the foothills hadn’t been terribly difficult, with the shade of tall trees to cover them and gradually rising path. After ten minutes and a quick snack, Tina was ready for more. By mid afternoon they had reached the less forgiving mountain path, strewn with all the beautiful views of deep valleys and endless country that had been promised. After a couple more breaks the intrepid duo finally reached the lakeside, the halfway point of The Trail and their destination for the day.
“How you doin’ over there?” Austin asked as he dumped a small pile of twigs into the centre of their campsite, the sun sitting low in the mountains behind him.
“Not to –unf- bad!” Tina puffed as she tuggedan elastic strap of the two person tent.
“Oh yeah, good job…” The muscular beast of a man chuckled as he wandered toward the wincing girl. “…except you forgot to put the base mat down.”
“Wha…?” The confused girl replied as she leaned back to notice that she had in fact forgotten to lay the protective mat down underneath before assembling the tent. “Aw, darn it!”
“Ha ha ha! Not to worry…” Austin’s deep laugh boomed throughout the remote lakeside. “…why don’t you collect some stones for the fire, and I’ll finish up here?”
Their campsite was ready just before the sun disappeared, and by the time the sky was a bright orange dinner cooked over an open fire. Over sausages and juice the conversation revolved mostly around Holly and the girls’ plans for college, although the beauty of the mountains came up as well. Once the stars were out in force Austin and Tina continued to chat for another couple of hours, pausing often to admire the bright moonlit lake. When the fire had died down the lantern jawed cowboy stretched, offering his young companion the comfort of the tent to prepare for bed.
“Yeh decent?” Tina heard the large man’s deep voice joke from outside the tent walls.
“Oh, yes! Come in!” The smiling girl replied as she sat a top her sleeping bag in pink patterned pajama trousers and a sleeveless pink halter-top that accentuated her fleshy cleavage and exposed the few inches of midriff just below her bellybutton.
Following the unzipping of the door, Austin’s large figure lumbered into the tent in a short sleeved blue t-shirt and jet black shorts. Next to Tina the tanned rugged farmer dwarfed the eighteen year old’s 5’7ft frame. Though the tent’s interior was generously spaced, a tiny smirk cross the blonde’s lips as she wondered if Mr. Werner would even fit inside his sleeping bag. Zipping the door up behind him the gentle giant took a few short steps on his knees to reach the back of the tent, readjusting the small electric lamp that his hiking partner had hung too loosely from the wall.
“Did you remember to bring a book?” The burly man asked, digging one of his tree trunk sized arms into his enormous backpack.
“I sure did!” Tina replied proudly, quickly pulling a brightly coloured magazine from her own pack.
“Heh.” Austin chuckled, his hulking frame sitting cross legged with his back to the wall as he opened a thousand page novel.
Smiling dopily, the joke completely lost on her, Tina rolled onto her stomach and flipped the trashy magazine open on her pillow. Laying as she was the young woman’s shapely body stretched across the top of her sleeping bag, her head less than a foot from the door. Looking up from his book as he sat with his back against the back wall, Austin peered over the teen’s well rounded butt, down her long pajama covered legs and landed a curious stare at the girl’s upturned bare feet. Shaking his head quickly the distracted older man refocused his attention back to the novel.
A moment later, the words he’d just read not registering at all, Austin’s gaze shifted sideways, off the page and back to the buxom girl’s creamy white soles. Her heels were a light shade of pink, toes curling inward and creating small wrinkles under the soft looking balls of Tina’s feet. Frowning slightly the big man blinked and turned back toward the book. As he read, the sudden memory of the busty blonde’s bare thighs flashed through his mind, that single bead of sweat he’d seen running between her legs during one of their rest breaks. Realigning his sight to the top of the page, the daydreaming giant read the same paragraph again.
On one particular stop in the mountains, Austin recalled, Tina had leaned forward to retrieve something from her pack. The girl’s large milky white cleavage pressed together as the big man’s eyes had landed with a clear view as he sat opposite her. Again, the perplexed cowboy read the first paragraph. Her upturned feet crossed over one another, and again he read the same piece of page. Under her shoulder the blonde’s breasts pressed beneath her, the sides ballooning out slightly from her shirts top. He read the same paragraph, and still did not remember what it said.
Shaking his head softly with a sigh, the curious gent looked at the novel in his hands for the umpteenth time and then, without thinking, immediately back at Tina’s captivating bare feet. Releasing one hand from the book with what was an unnecessarily tight grip, Austin slowly reached down toward the girl’s unsuspecting sole. With less than an inch between his fingertips and the naïve teen’s foot, the curious cowboy recoiled, curling his hand into a firm fist. Closing his eyes and opening them again the kind natured behemoth unfurled his fingers, lowering his hand. In the moment right before his brain told him to pull back, the burly farmer’s index finger stroked with a feather’s touch in the centre of the bare foot girl’s sole.
“Eep!” Squealing with surprising speed and volume the sensitive girl’s knees bent, bringing her lower legs up quickly as her head snapped around.
“Ha ha, sorry!” The grinning rancher chuckled as he pulled his hand back. “There was a bug on you.”
“Oh, ha!” Tina smiled and dropped her legs back down, turning back toward the magazine as she spoke. “It tickled!”
Raising a single eyebrow, Austin starred down as the teen’s bare feet laid back down next to him. The bug story wouldn’t fly a second time, but the kindly giant didn’t see any harm in a little fun. Heck, he’d seen his two sons tickle their buxom house guest numerous times during her stay and no one ever got hurt. Even when he hadn’t seen it first hand there were times Tina’s laughter could even be heard throughout the large farmhouse, hollering and causing all kinds of ruckus. She always appeared unscathed afterward. Reasoning the ditsy girl wouldn’t suffer any ill effects and was surely good natured enough to take some friendly teasing, the rugged man lowered his large hand a second time.
“Eeehee!” Erupting with a sudden loud giggle the startled blonde raised her legs when Austin’s five fingertips scribbled quickly across both her soles.
“Haha! Sorry, sorry!” Austin laughed heartedly, shrugging his shoulders with proud admission. “I was just wonderin’ what the fascination was.”
“It tickles!” Tina replied, wide eyed as if answering a ridiculously obvious question.
“Oh, I know, I know.” The big man said with a large grin. “I’ve seen my boys ticklin’ yeh all the time and I wanted to see what the big deal was!”
“I don’t know.” The clueless girl smiled, lowering her legs back down to their original position. “I think they’re just mean!”
“Aw now, I ain’t mean am I?” Austin asked, dancing his fingers across Tina’s tender heels.
“Yeeheehee!” Giggling wildly the literal babe-in-the-woods rolled on her side, pulling her knees up high.
“You think ticklin’ is mean?” The playful gentleman repeated with humor in his tone.
“You’re not mean…” Tina answered, pouting at the memories of being trapped under Cody and Hershel’s wriggling fingers. “…but your boys tickle me all the time!”
“Well heck, maybe they like ticklin’ yeh?” Austin said as more a statement than a question. “Yeh do seem awful ticklish!”
“I’m too ticklish!” The buxom girl replied, her tone friendly but matter-of-fact. “I can’t stand it, especially on my feet!”
“Ohho, I see...” Nodding with a toothy grin the devious cowboy turned back toward his book. “…well I’ll be sure no more bugs get near yeh.”
Smiling politely Tina sat up, sitting cross legged with her back toward Austin. Keeping the magazine on her pillow the humble teen continued reading, unaware that the large man behind her had laid down his book. With amazingly deft movement for a man his size, the mammoth of a man crept on all fours across the young woman’s empty sleeping bag. Kneeling behind her, the ditsy blonde didn’t seem to notice the giant shadow suddenly darkening her page. Somewhat in disbelief that she hadn’t noticed him yet, the sneaky older man opened his huge paws either side of the focused girl’s cotton covered sides.
“YEEEIIEEE!” Arching her back, Tina squealed loudly as Austin’s giant hands wrapped around her soft rib cage.
“Cootchy coo!” The playful cowboy chortled as he rapidly squeezed the young woman’s tender sides, her small body shaking wildly.
“Eeeeehahaha! Haha! Stopstop!” The struggling girl screamed, slapping her slender hands against the giant’s claws to no effect. “Hahaha! Nonohohoheee!”
Prying at Austin’s thick fingers as they dug in between her ribs, Tina kicked her legs out knocking both pillow and magazine aside. Slamming her bare feet into the tent door the giggling girl rolled and pulled, the cowboy’s massively superior strength holding her easily in place. Sliding her backward between his muscular thighs the giant man pressed his legs around the panicking girl’s hips, further restricting her movement. Crawling five fingers down either side, the cackling blonde buckled forward as the boisterous man poked and prodded at her ticklish tummy.
“Oh it ain’t that bad!” Austin grinned at his traveling partner’s intense reaction as several of his fingertips unintentionally slid across her exposed lower stomach.
“Stop! Eeehahaha! Pleasestop!” Tina pleaded between forced laughter as she pulled with all her might at the gentle giant’s powerful hands.
There was no way the flailing blonde had any hope of removing Austin’s hands from around her, not unless he wanted them gone. Physically Tina was reasonably fit, but there was no matching the near superhuman levels of strength possessed by Mr. Werner. Coupled with her massive disadvantage of being debilitatingly ticklish, the increasingly weakened girl never found herself in a fair fight. Even people smaller than the ditsy blonde had managed to wrestle her with relative ease, as long as their fingers were dancing across her hypersensitive skin.
“Ohh, what’s this?” The herculean man asked as his right hand crept up the helpless girl’s shirt, his index finger drawing speedy circles around her deep navel.
“Nodon’t!” The screaming girl begged, clumsily trying to clamp both of her petit hands over her tummy. “Eeeheehee! P-pleaheeheeheese!”
Due to the sheer size of his hands against her stomach, the gargantuan man’s thumbs brushed repeatedly against the bottoms of the buxom girl’s bouncing bosom. Covering herself frantically almost seemed to go unnoticed, Austin’s fingers easily snaking under Tina’s palms. Fitfully the giggling girl kicked, her upperbody held firm against the big man’s steel hard torso as he reached around. Goosing her side suddenly caused the squirming teen to yelp and direct both hands to her left, the titanic trickster immediately capitalizing on his opening and drilling a single wiggling finger into her vulnerable navel.
“NEEHEEHEEIIII!” Tina shrieked with high pitched giggles, her two slender hands gripping madly at her attackers destructive digit. “EEEHEE! Stop! STEEEHEEEIII!”
Bucking desperately against him, Austin was in awe at how such a small, delicate movement could cause such a severe reaction. Shaking her head, eyes bursting open wide the young blonde’s long hair flew repeatedly in the gentle cowboy’s face, though he didn’t seem to notice. In her involuntary spasming reactions to the deep diving digit drilling her belly button, Tina’s shapely butt unknowingly pressed the large man’s crotch. It didn’t take long for the constant rubbing of the young woman’s bouncing cheeks between his thighs to make the ruggedly handsome man’s loins begin to flex.
“Tickle tummy! Tickle tummy!” Austin teased, the slow infusion of lust giving the normally tame man a swelling boldness, as he wriggled five fingers further up under the frenzied girl’s shirt.
“Ahahaha! Eeehahaha! M-mistahWernereeer!” The shocked teen laughed as she looked down to see the older man’s hand bulging beneath her thin cotton top, the tips of his fingers spidering across the bottoms of her jiggling boobs. “Hahaha! Stoohohop!”
“It’s the bugs Tina!” The tanned man laughed at his own joke as his other hand snagged the young woman’s left wrist, engulfing it in his grip. “The bugs are getting you!”
“Nohohoho!” Tina disputed, her one free hand trying desperately to pull the playful giant’s mischievous hand out under her halter top, her fingers not anywhere close to wrapping around his large wrist. “Pleeeeheese, mistahWerneeerrahahaha!”
“Don’t worry Tina, I’ll get the bugs off you!” Austin chuckled, pulling his hand out at last and using it to snare the buxom blonde’s other wrist.
“Wh-what are you doing?!” The frightened girl screamed as the giant man pulled her backward, forcing her to lay down with her arms pulled upward as if putting her hands up.
“I told you!” The dark haired man quipped, planting his knees firmly on top of the struggling girl’s biceps, pinning her firmly to the floor. “I’m protecting you from the bugs!”
“No, please! Th-there’s no bugs!” Tina’s voice quaked, her head shaking between the looming man’s thick thighs as her sudden vulnerability dawned on her. “Please Mister Werner, please! Don’t tickle me!”
“Tickle you?!” Austin repeated with mock surprise and raised his hands high in the air, fingers wiggling. “Now there’s an idea!”
“Nono! Pleeeease!” Straining to pull her arms free the helpless girl starred up with wide puppy dog eyes and horrified anticipation. “Please dohohohon’t!”
Laughing with terrified nerves Tina’s bare heels dug into the floor as she arched up, flopping back down and tugging wildly for freedom. In an awfully cruel stunt the grinning man’s threatening fingers lowered slowly, inching closer and closer to the trapped teen’s ticklish torso. With only inches to spare the fearful girl let out a long whine, clenching her eyes shut and sucking her tummy in as far as possible. Seeing the young woman’s ribs protrude through the thin cotton Austin zeroed in on his target, lobster clawing viciously at her tender sides.
“Aaaahahahaha!” Tina laughed, her stomach curling and legs slamming into the floor. “Nahahaha! Nohoho!”
Rolling from side to side what little her pinned arms would allow, the ambushed girl’s hips bounced rapidly against her sleeping bag. From the elbows down Tina’s arms slapped against the tent floor, her hands waving weakly, unable to clasp anything but thin air. Completely at the big man’s mercy the poor girl’s cheeks flushed red, her loud pleas failing to drum up any sign of compassion. Pinching relentlessly all over the guffawing blonde’s ribcage, Austin’s eyes moved in equal parts between her heaving ribs and wobbling upside down cleavage. Knowing he held all the power the giant man could feel a familiar twitch beneath his shorts, and a ravenous desire that grew with it.
“Oh, so many bugs!” The cheeky rancher teased, quickly pulling the rosy cheeked girl’s shirt up just below her boobs.
“Noho! Nomorohorhore!” The anxious teen begged as her creamy white tummy was fully exposed, the sight of the large man’s fingers wiggling toward her skin making her eyes well with tickled tears. “Please Mister Werner, stop!”
“Ha ha ha!” Austin chuckled excitedly, his ten fingertips running rampant across Tina’s writhing tummy.
“Eeeeeheehee! Noahahaahaa!” Legs flapping every which way the hectic girl howled, the soft touch driving her mad as it scampered across her midriff. “I cahahaha! Ican’ttakeanymooooraahahaa!”
A moment later, as the surprisingly graceful behemoth’s fingers pinched up and down her sides, tears began to roll down the sides of Tina’s reddened face. Sobbing through her laughter the innocent tickle victim knew if the terrible torment continued, crying would be least of her worries. For reasons that still confused her greatly, despite the young voluptuous girl’s hatred for fingers stroking across her skin, prolonged tickling caused her to get very aroused indeed. While her face twisted between suffering frowns and open mouthed screaming laughter, the eighteen year old’s nipples began to swell, poking not-so-discretely through her thin cotton top.
“I see a couple of naughty bugs!” The observant gentleman grinned as he took a hold of Tina’s shirt.
“Ahh!” The appalled girl gasped when Mr. Werner stretched her pink top up and over her large milky white breasts, spilling them into the open air.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get them!” Austin taunted, the swelling beneath his shorts now forming a noticeable bulge as he took note of the young woman’s hardened pink nipples.
“NO! Mister Werner, PLEASE!” Tina cried before the handsome cowboy’s rough hands poked unceremoniously into the ballooning sides of her jiggling boobs. “Aaaahahaha! Naaaahahahaaaa!”
Through her laughter the breast fondling wasn’t helping the half naked teen’s own warming loins, a light sheen of sweat beginning to form on her brow. Prodding, poking and stroking , Austin’s ten fingers toyed joyfully with the struggling girl’s ample bosom. Light sliding underneath her quaking boobs made Tina giggle uncontrollably while rapid tapping along the sides caused her to laugh uproariously. Switching techniques at random sent the tearful girl’s mind into a tailspin, her expression twisting between enraged terror and mad flustered laughter.
“Okay, are you ready…?” The pitiless man asked, clutching the young woman’s bare breasts and kneading them in his hands.
“NONO! Please!” The vulnerable girl stressed, the squeezing of her boobs causing her stiff nipples to extend high into the air.
“Cootchycootchycootchycoo!” Austin teased childishly and suddenly flicked the tips of his index fingers back and forth across Tina’s agonizingly sensitive nipples.
“YEEEHEEIIIIHEEHEE!” Exploding in a torrent of crazed squealing Tina shook violently beneath the giant man, a sea of goose bumps suddenly rising around her swollen areolas.
Evidently amused by the young woman’s riotous reaction, Austin’s fingers didn’t stop. Against every wish in Tina’s reeling mind a rush of erotic warmth spread across her nubile body, squeezing her thighs together involuntarily. Though it was impossible to tell through the blonde’s flailing, the teary eyed girl had begun lewdly grinding her hips, the subtle glow of arousal washing across her face. Over several torturous minutes sweat began to glisten across the unwillingly horny girl’s torso, her tummy shining and slick. Beads dropped down her forehead and nose, across stretched beet red cheeks and mixing into the blonde’s free flowing tears.
“Looks like you’re workin’ up quite a sweat!” The large tanned man said, feeling a little hot under the collar himself when he finally released the panting girl’s tender breasts.
“Ahuhh! Guhh!” Tina puffed for air as she blinked tears from her eyes, the sides and bottoms of her heaving boobs pink where Austin’s fingers had been.
“And I bet you thought The Trail would tire you out!” Joking as he stepped back off the tickled teen, the increasingly daring cowboy took hold of her shirt and pulled it forcefully over her head.
“N-nooo!…hhhh! Whining through gasps for air the weakened girl fought fruitlessly to keep her top on with noodle strength arms.
Easily trumping the young woman’s efforts, Austin pried the shirt free and tossed it behind him. Bringing her arms down Tina hoped to spring forth to freedom, but before she could even get her hands passed her shoulders the big man had grabbed her wrists again. Screaming with protest the fearful blonde kicked as her arms were pulled high above her head. Extending his legs straight out before him, the giant cowboy sat firmly a top the topless girl’s elbows, stretching her silky smooth underarms taut.
“Cootchyyyyyy…” Austin said slowly as he began wiggling his fingers along the undersides of the pinned girl’s biceps.
“Noheeheeenono!” Tina giggled rapidly, her head shaking from side to side as she tried to stop the cruel man’s fingers from crawling further down. “Pleheeheease!”
“Cootchyyyyy…” Purposely building suspense it was clear to the muscular rancher that he’d found a particularly sensitive spot upon his blonde toy’s body.
“Ohnohohoho! Nopleeheeeese!” The stupidly grinning girl’s forced mirth was only countered by the panicked look in her eyes as the ten fingers caressed slowly either side of her head. “Nonono! Heeheeheee!”
“Coo!” Austin yelled abruptly and suddenly danced five fingers all over the bare chested girl’s vulnerable underarms.
“Aaaaahahahaha!” Tina screamed, her body bucking like a wave from top to bottom before fitfully rolling from side to side. “NOHOHO PLEASE! Aahahaha!”
Helpless to stop him, the wailing girl could only bellow crying laughter as the gentle giant’s feather touch buried deep into her hyperticklish hollows. Spidering so carelessly under her arms, each stroke sending nerve shattering jolts down her spine, the 6’4ft man’s large fingers continually brushed against Tina’s fleshy bosom. Apparently not content with simply staying in one location, Austin’s hands began speeding down the tortured girl’s completely defenseless torso, his long reach easily able to attack every sensitive inch.
Frolicking up her heaving sides, digging into tender ribs, poking wildly into the laughing girl’s tummy, the normally kind natured goliath treated Tina’s torso like a funpark for his fingers. Howling as the unpredictable attacks moved from one spot to another the half naked girl giggled, squeaked and bawled with insuppressible laughter. Slipping his fingers across the topless girl’s sweat slicked skin Austin tickled with ease, sitting comfortably and feeling that bulge beneath his shorts grow ever larger.
“Here I commme…” The devilish older man sang, retreating all but a single index finger, which he drew in shrinking circles around the whimpering girl’s navel.
“Nohomore! P-please! I can’t take any more!” Giggling through her words the poor blonde frowned, frustrated that she couldn’t stop squirming or laughing for even the briefest moment. “Naha! Na-not again! Neeheehee! Notagain!”
“It’s getting closerrrrr….” Austin teased as he spiraled dangerous close to the rim of Tina’s gyrating belly button.
“Nnnnnno!” The nervous girl cried, worming every which way to try and avoid the threatening digit.
“Tickle time!” Delving his index finger deep the breathless young woman shook, slamming her bare feet against the tent door while the amused behemoth smiled broadly above her.
“Naaahahaha!” Tina wailed loudly, the inescapable fingertip wriggling around the highly sensitive walls of her sensitive naval as she fought fruitlessly to lever it free.
Drunk on a mix of domineering power and amplified libido, Austin took his briefly idol free hand and put it to good use. Clawing ferociously, the big man’s paw squeezed ribs, danced around Tina’s puffed up areolas and scribbled back and forth between each stretched taut underarm. As the giant’s five fingers roamed freely around the buxom girl’s upperbody that single index finger continued to play deep inside her navel, all the while her own arousal burned hotter and hotter beneath the pink pajama bottoms.
Neither party knew how much time had passed, nor could either have given a decent estimate. All either of them knew was that, by the time the furious fingered farmer ceased the belly button assault and sent both hands back to ravaging Tina’s fully exposed torso, the young woman had become a disheveled mess. Long blonde hair matted to her fire red forehead, sweat poured from her bright red cheeks, jaw aching from constant forced laughter. The area around her navel, her sides, ribs and underarms were all glowing a deep hue of tickled pink, tears continuing to flow from the exhausted girl’s weary eyes.
“Woo, I’m getting’ a little hot myself!” Austin said, commenting on the wheezing girl’s flushed state when he eventually stopped the nightmarish torso tour.
“Uhhh! Hhhh! Guhuh!” Gulping hard the bewildered girl drew in long, deep breaths, her bare breasts rising in time with her overworked lungs.
Reaching over his shoulder the muscular giant pulled his short sleeved t-shirt off quickly over his head. Tossing his damp top aside the giant man revealed a chiseled tan torso, rippling with glistening tight abs and wide steely hard pecks. Peering upwards as she drew another deep breath, the sudden view of Austin’s well toned physique bought the dampness between the blonde girl’s thighs to her immediate attention.
“Tell you what, I am thirrrs-ty!” The shirtless hunk exclaimed, placing a hand flat on the tent floor and swinging himself off of Tina’s arms. “Whyn’t you get yourself a drink too, look like you could use it!”
Wrapping one arm around her midsection and the other over her breasts the breathless teen rolled slowly onto her side. Sitting up Tina wiped tears from her eyes, keeping one arm held softly over her bare boobs. Glancing toward the back of the tent a shirtless Mr. Werner gulped eagerly at his bottle of water, his head tilted back and noticeably large tent pitched beneath his shorts. Looking around quickly for her shirt the tortured girl spied it sitting in a wrinkled heap directly under Austin’s knee, a fact he seemed to noticed as he dropped the water bottle back in his pack.
“C…can I have my shirt?” Tina asked sheepishly, pointing half heartedly at the discarded piece of cloth.
“What’d yeh need that for?” Austin asked, pivoting around toward the nervous girl with a friendly smile and raising his hands into the air with a soft grabbing motion. “It’s time for round two!”
“Wh-what?!” The wide eyed girl stammered as the gargantuan man began plodding on his knees toward her. “N-no! No please!”
Turning quickly Tina fumbled with the zip, releasing her bouncing boobs as she hurriedly tried to get the tent door open. Knowing a single lunge would have the friendly farmer’s rough hands all over her delicate skin once again the poor girl’s hasty fear caused her to be even more clumsy than usual. Almost upon his would be victim, Austin looked down to see the kneeling girl’s upturned bare feet sticking out from under her shapely behind. As the sound of the zip began to run the upward the half naked cowboy’s hand snatched down and caught the panicking girl’s ankle in a vice like grip.
“AHH!” Tina screamed, still grabbing awkward for the zipper as she felt her left leg be pulled backward from underneath her. “Nonono!”
“Yesyesyes!” The burly gent countered jokingly as he coiled his right bicep around the struggling girl’s ankle.
“NO NO! Please!” Falling onto her stomach as she was dragged deeper into the tent, the terrified teen caught a brief view of the outside world through the small opening she had made. “Please Mister Werner, NO MORE!”
“Shoulda’ had a drink when you had the chance!” Austin laughed, kneeling with his back to Tina as she tried to roll free from his powerful grip, her trapped barefoot wriggling helplessly beneath his arm.
“NO! OHNOHOHO!” Already laughing with a mix of nervousness and fear the ill fated eighteen year old began crying anew.
“I hope you don’t have ticklish feet!” Remembering the young woman’s earlier confession that her feet were especially sensitive the rugged man playfully teased.
“OHNONO!” Tina kicked here free leg into Austin’s back, the hulking man barely moving at all.
“Oh boy, if you have ticklish feet you’re really in for it!” The dark haired devil taunted, wiggling five fingers dangerously close to the girl’s upturned silky sole.
“NOOOHAHA!” Though she couldn’t see what was happening on the other side the excruciatingly ticklish teen just knew the big man’s fingers were only second away, laughing through her pleading terror. “HEEHEE! MISTER WERNERRRR!”
“Skitchy skitchy skitchy!” Austin chimed as he let his five finger tips dance wistfully in the center of Tina’s wrinkling sole.
“YYEEEEIIIGGHHAHAAA!” Thrashing instantly the barefoot girl screeched, pounding her hands into the floor.
No longer able to limit herself, the out of control teen slammed her free foot repeatedly into Austin’s back, the large man only being bumped slightly as a result. Twisting sideways and backward Tina clawed at the rancher’s tree trunk sized bicep, slapping and fighting for freedom against what might as well have been a brick wall. Her sense of coordination dropping to zero within the first few moments the topless girl’s battle was short lived, collapsing behind the giant man and howling with unstoppable laughter.
Spreading her toes stretched the hysterical girl’s sole, the skilled tickler’s fingertips raking up her taut arch. Spidering across Tina’s tender heel caused her to flail, clutching at the sleeping bags and making a general mess of the tent. Grinning broadly, Austin sent his fingers scribbling down her hypersensitive arch and instep, making the young woman’s petit toes curl, wrinkling the creamy white sole. Poking quickly across the balls of the blonde’s foot made her spasm violently until worming his fingers underneath her toes which caused the already bonkers girl to go ballistic.
Adding to her all consuming torment was Tina’s massively spiking arousal, her nipples jiggling at full stiffened attention. Between the hotly horny half naked girl’s legs, her inner thighs were drenched in thick liquid lust. Wetter with each hellish stroke across her sole, the busty blonde had learned the hard way that the more ticklish the spot equated directly to how much she got turned on. Sadly, as Austin was unknowingly demonstrating, this was never truer than when it came to the ridiculously sensitive girl’s bare naked feet.
“Oop! This one looks lonely!” The gentle giant declared as he swung around suddenly and snatched the bewildered girl’s other ankle in his free hand.
“NONO!” Tina shrieked and clawed at the tent floor to try and pull away as Austin tucked her right foot snuggly next to its partner in the crook of his arm.
“What do you want this time?” The cruel cowboy asked, starring hungrily at the two wiggling bare feet sticking out from underneath his arm. “Cootchy coo’s or skitchy skitches’?”
“None of them! None of them!” Turning back toward her capturer the facedown girl pulled uselessly at the giant’s meaty bicep. “Let me go!”
“Both it is then!” Austin announced and suddenly spidered five fingers sporadically across both the struggling young woman’s mind blowingly ticklish soles.
“EEEEIIIHAHAHA!” Tina bellowed, exploding into a berserk fit of teary eyed delirium.
As he watched one petit foot desperately try to cover the other, Austin could feel his large cock throb beneath his shorts. Wet with arousal the muscular man’s bulbous purple head pressed against the elastic rim, his thick shaft hard to the point of pain. Delighting in every soft tug and pointless yet valiant jerk for freedom, the ruggedly handsome rancher enjoyed the young woman’s loud straining laughter. Quickly dropping his hand the horny cowboy stretched his shorts out and down, letting the elastic snap against his thighs and giving his raging erection the relief it needed in the open air. Returning his fingers to the wild teen’s tender feet the poor girl hadn’t even stopped laughing before he attacked her soles yet again.
“You know, I don’t think I had enough dinner!” The large man’s voice boomed with a hearty chuckle after several long minutes. “I think I need a snack!”
“Waahhh! Hhh! Ohghhh!” Unable to respond in real words the gasping mumbling teen had no idea Mr. Werner’s frighteningly huge cock was exposed as he took one ankle each in either of his enormous hands.
“These look tasty!” Austin said, holding the two squirming feet as he turned to face the sobbing girl, right before biting softly at her cushy left heel.
“EEEIIIII!” Tina squealed, her eyes bugging out and mouth opening as wide as humanly possible when she felt the cowboy’s teeth nip lightly at the bottom of her foot.
“Nom nom nom!” The terrible teaser said, biting quickly down the topless girl’s sole with his lips and gnawing carefully at the ball of her foot.
“EEEHAHAHA! NEEEEIIIHEEE!” The flailing blonde let loose a storm of girlish giggles as she mauled frantically at the tent door.
Holding her ankles close together Austin easily switched from foot to foot, nibbling quickly around the struggling teen’s heels, balls, insteps and arches. Without forethought or planning, the randy rancher’s deft tooth torture soon turned to passionate kissing, a mix of lips and teeth covering Tina’s delicate bare feet. As lost in his own lustful trappings as the crazed blonde was to her ticklish tortures, the carefree cowboy sucked frantically at the young woman’s petit toes. Extending his long wet tongue between her toes the mind boggled blonde teamed with ticklish agony, the handsome man’s wild eyes peering over her heels.
“Tickles, tickles everywhere!” Austin called, sliding his hands down the length of his sensitive plaything’s pajama bottoms and rolling her over at the hips.
“AIIIEE!” The busty girls bosom wobbled as she landed on her back, Mr. Werner’s large hands clutching at the top of her pants.
A loud squeal of surprise followed the abrupt downing of Tina’s pink patterned PJ’s, her sopping pussy wet and vulnerable. Catching the crotch of her pants as Austin tugged them over her knees, the young blonde pulled back in a desperate attempt to redress herself. The threat of full stark nudity on the table the tickle weakened teen discovered newfound strength, there would be no hiding her obvious arousal if the disrobing was successful. Tug of war ensued, the valiant girl curling upward, her legs in the air, the giant near nude man leaning back, stretching the cotton pants.
“Let go!” The herculean man laughed with the knowledge there was no way Tina could win.
“NO!” Aroused to the point of distraction the horny girl fought both lust and desolation to keep her pants and her focus. “Mister Werner! Please! Stop!”
“Let go or I’ll tickle you!” Austin smiled, enjoying his devious surefire ultimatum. “I’ll tickle your feet!”
“Anh!” Tina sighed with a look of despair as she reluctantly released her pajama bottoms, her hands quickly covering her slippery smooth pussy as the giant tickler rendered her completely nude.
“Rawhar!” Throwing the flimsy pants over his shoulder the primal driven gent held both hands up like open lions claws as he roared loudly.
“Eeeeiii! Get away!” Scooting back quickly, one hand pulling across the floor while the other awkwardly cupped between her thighs, the naked blonde cowered toward the door.
“C’mere!” Austin boomed, a large toothy grin plastered across his face as he gripped Tina’s kicking right ankle firmly.
“Nono! Ohmygod! Get ohohoff!” Noticing the huge pulsating cock shimmering with lewd intentions the shocked girl kicked, planting both palms onto the floor and began pushing away.
“C’mere and get your tickles!” The chiseled monster teased as he shuffled out of his shorts, slipping them off his legs and dragging the frantically struggling young woman toward him at the same time.
“NO MORE!” Tina fought, slapping at the giant’s burly shoulders as he pulled her beneath him, leaning his hulking frame over the top of hers.
“Tickle tickle!” Austin taunted as he surrounded the squirming girl in his muscles, straddling her long flailing legs and wrestling her feeble arms.
“NNNNOHO! LET ME GO!” The covered girl cried as she felt the hunky man’s rough body all over her, his fingers wriggling into the sides of her jiggling bust. “Heeheehahaha! Nohohoho!”
Pressed beneath him, Tina knew there was no escape, the unmistakable feeling of the cowboy’s rock hard cock pressing against her lower stomach sending a tingling surge across her virgin body. Austin’s wide chest pressed against her ballooning boobs, his thick thighs wrapping around hers, the eighteen year old giggled maddeningly as his tongue lapped into the curve of her slender neck. Clawing at the beastly man’s tanned skin the trapped blonde couldn’t begin predict where curious fingers would come from next. Crawling under her arms, over her breasts, around her tummy, the poor girl was blind to the licking cowboy’s every assault.
“AAIIEEE! NOPLEAAAASE!” Tina strained, reaching desperately at the large man’s forearm and squeezing her thighs together, as she felt five fingers delve between her legs.
Planting one of his knees easily between the frantic girl’s legs, it was no trouble for the nude beast to pry the young woman’s legs apart. Sliding his other leg in as well forced Tina’s thighs open wider, her determined kicking not deterring the cheeky older man in any way. With one hand wiggling it’s fingers between her thighs the skillful cowboy quickly zoned in the ballistic blonde’s protruding clit. As the soaking teen’s back arched, Austin used his other hand continue joyfully pinching up and down the entire length of her bare torso.
“NUHUH! NUHEEHEEHUH!” The deranged girl hollered as her small hands pulled with all their might to tug the handsome rancher’s paw from between her thighs.
Her heels slid across the tent floor as she tried to push herself away, the big man’s tongue still buried against Tina’s neck. Violent shudders of pleasure began to rock her nubile frame, growing closer together as she battled to avoid the inevitable. Even digging her nails hard into Austin’s forearm didn’t seem to have any effect, the sides of her hands accidentally rubbing against the base of his enormous hard cock. Knowing she could probably resist if he just let her up then and there, the overly aroused blonde pushed against the ravenous man’s rock hard pecks, that was until his lips wrapped around her stiff right nipple and began sucking vigorously.
“AWNAHA! NAHAUUNN!” Tina writhed as the dark haired man’s fingers controlled the body she couldn’t, tickling up and down her sides and rubbing delicately across her clit. “NOIMGONNAAHA! I’M GONNA UNNN!”
Thrusting with great speed, the trembling teen was beyond help, Austin’s long wet tongue snaking around her achingly sensitive nipple. Feeling the onslaught of rapidly close shudders tingle across her skin, Tina grind lovingly into the rancher’s rough fingers. Moaning in a most vulgar display the sweat soaked girl continued to squeal, his other hands still mischievously running up and down her side. Her loins quivered, tummy tensed and the teens full lips opened wide. Rolling her blue eyes back into her head the sordid blonde screamed, virgin pussy gushing with a flood of passionate misery.
“AAAAWWWHHH!” The fiercely cumming girl howled as an overwhelming orgasm racked her lustrous young body.
Clutching at Austin’s burly shoulders, Tina pushed hard then dug her nails deep into his muscle. So brutal was the orgasm the hypersensitive blonde ceased her giggling, the white hot explosion between her thighs causing a brief respite from the fingers dancing along her ribs. Her toes curled and spread wide, bare feet stretching taut as the blonde’s body jumped. Lost in a sea of ecstasy the shivering girl splashed, biting her bottom lip as she sunk deep and drowned.
“Y’know...” The big man said, feeling a little breathless himself as he took a hold of the spent girl’s hips and rolled her facedown. “…I think I see the fascination now!”
“Uhh…mmnnhhh…” Tina cooed quietly as the forceful giant manhandled her body to his every desire.
Turning around, Austin straddled the small of the nude girl’s back, her shapely bare butt rising up between his legs. To the sound of a kitten’s whimper the large man softly spread her cheeks, just wide enough to let his throbbing erection rest between them as he leaned forward. Squeezing his knees around Tina’s thighs the cruel cowboy laid a top the backs of her long legs, pressing her calf muscles together with his elbows. With the ticklish girl’s upturned feet right in front of his face, the horny Hercules bought his wiggling fingers down, biting deftly at her tender heels.
“EEEEHEEEIII! HEEAHAHAHA!” Bucking beneath him and unable to move her feet, the post-orgasm sensitivity sent the bewildered girl into a fit of strained screaming laughter.
Tina’s sudden bouncing caused her butt cheeks to unwillingly caress the sides of Austin’s swollen shaft, rubbing him with great speed. As ten fingers scribbled across her toes and the big man’s tongue lapped at her soles the poor blonde’s face contorted between abject horror and insane wide eyed laughter. Though she was in no fit state of mind of articulate anything, the rule of her most ticklish spots turning the red faced blonde on the most still applied. With her most sensitive spot now being attacked after the messy eruption, the crazed girl’s soles were immeasurably more alert.
On top, Austin could feel control of his own body slipping for the first time. Pulsating heavily the excited rancher thrust himself against the young woman’s sweat soaked flesh, his thick shaft driving back and forth. As his throbbing cock head gleamed a dark purple, the big man continued to devour Tina’s utterly helpless bare feet, sliding his tongue between her toes and raking his fingertips over every silky inch. A sudden weakness in his knees and pang of heat rushing through the base of his erection caused the cowboy’s abs to tighten. Gasping moans escaped her laughter as the trapped teen slammed into another wall of erotic bliss, her shapely butt cheeks clenching around the giant’s enormous cock.
“UH HUNNN!” Austin moaned, gritting his teeth hard as his brow furrowed, fingers still dancing incessantly across Tina’s soles.
“AHH! AHAHA! EEE! AH! AH! AH!” The already drenched girl cried as she body seized, burying her face into a sleeping bag as her hands clawed the floor.
Biting firm into the young woman’s tender heel the beast of a man’s rough hands clutched her insteps as he drove hard into her. Bursts of hot white cum exploded across the backs of the voluptuous girl’s slick thighs. Consumed by her own mind numbing outburst of raunchy delight, Tina’s voice turned to a squeaking husk, lost to a strained throat that had laughed it’s limit. Shuddering against each other both Austin and his unwitting tickle toy wheezed, saturated in each other’s mess.
Neither party had much memory of what followed, especially the devastated blonde. Austin had eventually rolled his weight from her, pulling the half conscious girl’s back against his chest with his giant arms wrapped around her. In her sleep Tina had continued to giggle softly, either from the memory or the feeling of the cowboy’s slippery cock pressed against her back. By the time she woke, still naked and sticky, the exhausted girl could see through the tent’s thin wall that the sun was already high above the horizon.
“…Mr. Werner?” Tina asked gingerly as she opened the tent door, dressed in the same wrinkled shirt and short shorts she had worn the day before.
“Ahh, good morning!” The tall man gave a friendly grin as he walked up from the lakes shore, also wearing the same clothes as he had the previous day. “Have a good sleep?”
“Uh…yeah…I guess...” The confused girl said as she stood up outside the tent and rubbed her forehead.
“Hey, look what I found down by the water…” Mr. Werner said proudly, bringing his hand up from his side.
Taking a step back, Tina’s stomach sank as her wide fearful eyes locked onto the approaching man’s find, a pair of large stiff hawk feathers.
Over the last 2-3 months I've had an overwhelming amount of messages asking (in some cases ordering :stickout ) me to publish a new installment in the Tina series. As it stands I currently have two other stories finished and ready to go for other series, but I don't like to spam everyone with my nonsense, so I tend to space the releases out. In the past I've almost always released new stories in the order they've been written, but due to the huge amount of requests to see young Ms. Taris get her unjust desserts yet again, this one's been fast tracked!
This story is a pretty straight forward M/f affair centering around Tina's continuing misadventures while visiting her best friend on the farm. For those of you keeping score at home this mark's Tina's 19th solo tale, and the 7th story in the current series. Somewhere deep down in those paragraphs is one particular piece of alliteration I'm rather proud of, so a no-prize to anyone who can guess which it is!
Anyway, enough outta me. I hope you all like 'Tina: On The Trail', and as always any comments, compliments or criticisms are most welcome!
Enjoy! 🙂
Tina: On The Trail
By TickleMantis
“Hustle, hustle pard’ner!” Austin Werner called from the front door of his large two-story farmhouse, as he slung a large hiking pack over his burly shoulders. “We wanna get the tent set up before sunset!”
“I’ll be right there!” Eighteen year old Tina Taris called from the upstairs bedroom, as she hurriedly stuffed a thin white sweater into her regular sized backpack.
Mr. Werner joked of course, the 6’4ft cowboy’s only haste came from an eagerness to get outside. Summer on the farm had been almost entirely sunshine and as with every other season he spent most of it working hard. Everyone else in the family worked too, his two sons Cory and Hershel, Austin’s wife Jude, daughters Leanne and Holly, all did their part around the farm. Even Holly’s best friend Tina, who had come to visit from the city, was putting in a good effort. Nonetheless, no one worked quite as many hours or had to deal with managing the Werner ranch like the gentle giant. It was so rare to get a day or two off that when the opportunity did roll around, the forty five year old got very excited indeed.
Tina was excited too, the ditsy blonde’s long locks bouncing in time with her large breasts as she giddily jogged down the stairs. Dressed in a pair of brand new hiking boots, beige short-shorts and a Barbie pink t-shirt that left little to the imagination, the blue eyed girl was ready to hit “The Trail”. The 5’7ft tall teen had been on plenty of hikes in the country surrounding the Werner farm over the years, but she’d never had the pleasure of experiencing the one given its own special title. According to Mr. Werner “The Trail” was a beautiful scenic path that took two full days to complete, sweeping through the forested foot hills into the surrounding mountains with incredible views along the way.
“All set?” Austin asked, pushing a giant hand roughly through his charcoal black hair.
“Yep!” The smiling girl said as she landed in the foyer, Mr. Werner’s enormous frame looming over.
“Alright, lets go!” The rugged gentleman declared and opened the front door, gesturing Tina to go first.
In their party of two, each with a backpack and gung-ho smile, the determined pair set off across the backfields. Under normal circumstances their group would have been bigger, at the very least Holly would have tagged along, but with the county fair less than a day away it seemed almost everyone in town was preoccupied, especially the Werner clan. With so little free time available and Tina heading home the week after, it was unlikely Austin was going to get another chance to play tour guide. In any case, spirits were high as the morning sun rose and a light breeze blew gently through the air.
At the three hour mark, sometime around 10am, Austin finally dropped his pack and announced a rest stop. The first leg through the foothills hadn’t been terribly difficult, with the shade of tall trees to cover them and gradually rising path. After ten minutes and a quick snack, Tina was ready for more. By mid afternoon they had reached the less forgiving mountain path, strewn with all the beautiful views of deep valleys and endless country that had been promised. After a couple more breaks the intrepid duo finally reached the lakeside, the halfway point of The Trail and their destination for the day.
“How you doin’ over there?” Austin asked as he dumped a small pile of twigs into the centre of their campsite, the sun sitting low in the mountains behind him.
“Not to –unf- bad!” Tina puffed as she tuggedan elastic strap of the two person tent.
“Oh yeah, good job…” The muscular beast of a man chuckled as he wandered toward the wincing girl. “…except you forgot to put the base mat down.”
“Wha…?” The confused girl replied as she leaned back to notice that she had in fact forgotten to lay the protective mat down underneath before assembling the tent. “Aw, darn it!”
“Ha ha ha! Not to worry…” Austin’s deep laugh boomed throughout the remote lakeside. “…why don’t you collect some stones for the fire, and I’ll finish up here?”
Their campsite was ready just before the sun disappeared, and by the time the sky was a bright orange dinner cooked over an open fire. Over sausages and juice the conversation revolved mostly around Holly and the girls’ plans for college, although the beauty of the mountains came up as well. Once the stars were out in force Austin and Tina continued to chat for another couple of hours, pausing often to admire the bright moonlit lake. When the fire had died down the lantern jawed cowboy stretched, offering his young companion the comfort of the tent to prepare for bed.
“Yeh decent?” Tina heard the large man’s deep voice joke from outside the tent walls.
“Oh, yes! Come in!” The smiling girl replied as she sat a top her sleeping bag in pink patterned pajama trousers and a sleeveless pink halter-top that accentuated her fleshy cleavage and exposed the few inches of midriff just below her bellybutton.
Following the unzipping of the door, Austin’s large figure lumbered into the tent in a short sleeved blue t-shirt and jet black shorts. Next to Tina the tanned rugged farmer dwarfed the eighteen year old’s 5’7ft frame. Though the tent’s interior was generously spaced, a tiny smirk cross the blonde’s lips as she wondered if Mr. Werner would even fit inside his sleeping bag. Zipping the door up behind him the gentle giant took a few short steps on his knees to reach the back of the tent, readjusting the small electric lamp that his hiking partner had hung too loosely from the wall.
“Did you remember to bring a book?” The burly man asked, digging one of his tree trunk sized arms into his enormous backpack.
“I sure did!” Tina replied proudly, quickly pulling a brightly coloured magazine from her own pack.
“Heh.” Austin chuckled, his hulking frame sitting cross legged with his back to the wall as he opened a thousand page novel.
Smiling dopily, the joke completely lost on her, Tina rolled onto her stomach and flipped the trashy magazine open on her pillow. Laying as she was the young woman’s shapely body stretched across the top of her sleeping bag, her head less than a foot from the door. Looking up from his book as he sat with his back against the back wall, Austin peered over the teen’s well rounded butt, down her long pajama covered legs and landed a curious stare at the girl’s upturned bare feet. Shaking his head quickly the distracted older man refocused his attention back to the novel.
A moment later, the words he’d just read not registering at all, Austin’s gaze shifted sideways, off the page and back to the buxom girl’s creamy white soles. Her heels were a light shade of pink, toes curling inward and creating small wrinkles under the soft looking balls of Tina’s feet. Frowning slightly the big man blinked and turned back toward the book. As he read, the sudden memory of the busty blonde’s bare thighs flashed through his mind, that single bead of sweat he’d seen running between her legs during one of their rest breaks. Realigning his sight to the top of the page, the daydreaming giant read the same paragraph again.
On one particular stop in the mountains, Austin recalled, Tina had leaned forward to retrieve something from her pack. The girl’s large milky white cleavage pressed together as the big man’s eyes had landed with a clear view as he sat opposite her. Again, the perplexed cowboy read the first paragraph. Her upturned feet crossed over one another, and again he read the same piece of page. Under her shoulder the blonde’s breasts pressed beneath her, the sides ballooning out slightly from her shirts top. He read the same paragraph, and still did not remember what it said.
Shaking his head softly with a sigh, the curious gent looked at the novel in his hands for the umpteenth time and then, without thinking, immediately back at Tina’s captivating bare feet. Releasing one hand from the book with what was an unnecessarily tight grip, Austin slowly reached down toward the girl’s unsuspecting sole. With less than an inch between his fingertips and the naïve teen’s foot, the curious cowboy recoiled, curling his hand into a firm fist. Closing his eyes and opening them again the kind natured behemoth unfurled his fingers, lowering his hand. In the moment right before his brain told him to pull back, the burly farmer’s index finger stroked with a feather’s touch in the centre of the bare foot girl’s sole.
“Eep!” Squealing with surprising speed and volume the sensitive girl’s knees bent, bringing her lower legs up quickly as her head snapped around.
“Ha ha, sorry!” The grinning rancher chuckled as he pulled his hand back. “There was a bug on you.”
“Oh, ha!” Tina smiled and dropped her legs back down, turning back toward the magazine as she spoke. “It tickled!”
Raising a single eyebrow, Austin starred down as the teen’s bare feet laid back down next to him. The bug story wouldn’t fly a second time, but the kindly giant didn’t see any harm in a little fun. Heck, he’d seen his two sons tickle their buxom house guest numerous times during her stay and no one ever got hurt. Even when he hadn’t seen it first hand there were times Tina’s laughter could even be heard throughout the large farmhouse, hollering and causing all kinds of ruckus. She always appeared unscathed afterward. Reasoning the ditsy girl wouldn’t suffer any ill effects and was surely good natured enough to take some friendly teasing, the rugged man lowered his large hand a second time.
“Eeehee!” Erupting with a sudden loud giggle the startled blonde raised her legs when Austin’s five fingertips scribbled quickly across both her soles.
“Haha! Sorry, sorry!” Austin laughed heartedly, shrugging his shoulders with proud admission. “I was just wonderin’ what the fascination was.”
“It tickles!” Tina replied, wide eyed as if answering a ridiculously obvious question.
“Oh, I know, I know.” The big man said with a large grin. “I’ve seen my boys ticklin’ yeh all the time and I wanted to see what the big deal was!”
“I don’t know.” The clueless girl smiled, lowering her legs back down to their original position. “I think they’re just mean!”
“Aw now, I ain’t mean am I?” Austin asked, dancing his fingers across Tina’s tender heels.
“Yeeheehee!” Giggling wildly the literal babe-in-the-woods rolled on her side, pulling her knees up high.
“You think ticklin’ is mean?” The playful gentleman repeated with humor in his tone.
“You’re not mean…” Tina answered, pouting at the memories of being trapped under Cody and Hershel’s wriggling fingers. “…but your boys tickle me all the time!”
“Well heck, maybe they like ticklin’ yeh?” Austin said as more a statement than a question. “Yeh do seem awful ticklish!”
“I’m too ticklish!” The buxom girl replied, her tone friendly but matter-of-fact. “I can’t stand it, especially on my feet!”
“Ohho, I see...” Nodding with a toothy grin the devious cowboy turned back toward his book. “…well I’ll be sure no more bugs get near yeh.”
Smiling politely Tina sat up, sitting cross legged with her back toward Austin. Keeping the magazine on her pillow the humble teen continued reading, unaware that the large man behind her had laid down his book. With amazingly deft movement for a man his size, the mammoth of a man crept on all fours across the young woman’s empty sleeping bag. Kneeling behind her, the ditsy blonde didn’t seem to notice the giant shadow suddenly darkening her page. Somewhat in disbelief that she hadn’t noticed him yet, the sneaky older man opened his huge paws either side of the focused girl’s cotton covered sides.
“YEEEIIEEE!” Arching her back, Tina squealed loudly as Austin’s giant hands wrapped around her soft rib cage.
“Cootchy coo!” The playful cowboy chortled as he rapidly squeezed the young woman’s tender sides, her small body shaking wildly.
“Eeeeehahaha! Haha! Stopstop!” The struggling girl screamed, slapping her slender hands against the giant’s claws to no effect. “Hahaha! Nonohohoheee!”
Prying at Austin’s thick fingers as they dug in between her ribs, Tina kicked her legs out knocking both pillow and magazine aside. Slamming her bare feet into the tent door the giggling girl rolled and pulled, the cowboy’s massively superior strength holding her easily in place. Sliding her backward between his muscular thighs the giant man pressed his legs around the panicking girl’s hips, further restricting her movement. Crawling five fingers down either side, the cackling blonde buckled forward as the boisterous man poked and prodded at her ticklish tummy.
“Oh it ain’t that bad!” Austin grinned at his traveling partner’s intense reaction as several of his fingertips unintentionally slid across her exposed lower stomach.
“Stop! Eeehahaha! Pleasestop!” Tina pleaded between forced laughter as she pulled with all her might at the gentle giant’s powerful hands.
There was no way the flailing blonde had any hope of removing Austin’s hands from around her, not unless he wanted them gone. Physically Tina was reasonably fit, but there was no matching the near superhuman levels of strength possessed by Mr. Werner. Coupled with her massive disadvantage of being debilitatingly ticklish, the increasingly weakened girl never found herself in a fair fight. Even people smaller than the ditsy blonde had managed to wrestle her with relative ease, as long as their fingers were dancing across her hypersensitive skin.
“Ohh, what’s this?” The herculean man asked as his right hand crept up the helpless girl’s shirt, his index finger drawing speedy circles around her deep navel.
“Nodon’t!” The screaming girl begged, clumsily trying to clamp both of her petit hands over her tummy. “Eeeheehee! P-pleaheeheeheese!”
Due to the sheer size of his hands against her stomach, the gargantuan man’s thumbs brushed repeatedly against the bottoms of the buxom girl’s bouncing bosom. Covering herself frantically almost seemed to go unnoticed, Austin’s fingers easily snaking under Tina’s palms. Fitfully the giggling girl kicked, her upperbody held firm against the big man’s steel hard torso as he reached around. Goosing her side suddenly caused the squirming teen to yelp and direct both hands to her left, the titanic trickster immediately capitalizing on his opening and drilling a single wiggling finger into her vulnerable navel.
“NEEHEEHEEIIII!” Tina shrieked with high pitched giggles, her two slender hands gripping madly at her attackers destructive digit. “EEEHEE! Stop! STEEEHEEEIII!”
Bucking desperately against him, Austin was in awe at how such a small, delicate movement could cause such a severe reaction. Shaking her head, eyes bursting open wide the young blonde’s long hair flew repeatedly in the gentle cowboy’s face, though he didn’t seem to notice. In her involuntary spasming reactions to the deep diving digit drilling her belly button, Tina’s shapely butt unknowingly pressed the large man’s crotch. It didn’t take long for the constant rubbing of the young woman’s bouncing cheeks between his thighs to make the ruggedly handsome man’s loins begin to flex.
“Tickle tummy! Tickle tummy!” Austin teased, the slow infusion of lust giving the normally tame man a swelling boldness, as he wriggled five fingers further up under the frenzied girl’s shirt.
“Ahahaha! Eeehahaha! M-mistahWernereeer!” The shocked teen laughed as she looked down to see the older man’s hand bulging beneath her thin cotton top, the tips of his fingers spidering across the bottoms of her jiggling boobs. “Hahaha! Stoohohop!”
“It’s the bugs Tina!” The tanned man laughed at his own joke as his other hand snagged the young woman’s left wrist, engulfing it in his grip. “The bugs are getting you!”
“Nohohoho!” Tina disputed, her one free hand trying desperately to pull the playful giant’s mischievous hand out under her halter top, her fingers not anywhere close to wrapping around his large wrist. “Pleeeeheese, mistahWerneeerrahahaha!”
“Don’t worry Tina, I’ll get the bugs off you!” Austin chuckled, pulling his hand out at last and using it to snare the buxom blonde’s other wrist.
“Wh-what are you doing?!” The frightened girl screamed as the giant man pulled her backward, forcing her to lay down with her arms pulled upward as if putting her hands up.
“I told you!” The dark haired man quipped, planting his knees firmly on top of the struggling girl’s biceps, pinning her firmly to the floor. “I’m protecting you from the bugs!”
“No, please! Th-there’s no bugs!” Tina’s voice quaked, her head shaking between the looming man’s thick thighs as her sudden vulnerability dawned on her. “Please Mister Werner, please! Don’t tickle me!”
“Tickle you?!” Austin repeated with mock surprise and raised his hands high in the air, fingers wiggling. “Now there’s an idea!”
“Nono! Pleeeease!” Straining to pull her arms free the helpless girl starred up with wide puppy dog eyes and horrified anticipation. “Please dohohohon’t!”
Laughing with terrified nerves Tina’s bare heels dug into the floor as she arched up, flopping back down and tugging wildly for freedom. In an awfully cruel stunt the grinning man’s threatening fingers lowered slowly, inching closer and closer to the trapped teen’s ticklish torso. With only inches to spare the fearful girl let out a long whine, clenching her eyes shut and sucking her tummy in as far as possible. Seeing the young woman’s ribs protrude through the thin cotton Austin zeroed in on his target, lobster clawing viciously at her tender sides.
“Aaaahahahaha!” Tina laughed, her stomach curling and legs slamming into the floor. “Nahahaha! Nohoho!”
Rolling from side to side what little her pinned arms would allow, the ambushed girl’s hips bounced rapidly against her sleeping bag. From the elbows down Tina’s arms slapped against the tent floor, her hands waving weakly, unable to clasp anything but thin air. Completely at the big man’s mercy the poor girl’s cheeks flushed red, her loud pleas failing to drum up any sign of compassion. Pinching relentlessly all over the guffawing blonde’s ribcage, Austin’s eyes moved in equal parts between her heaving ribs and wobbling upside down cleavage. Knowing he held all the power the giant man could feel a familiar twitch beneath his shorts, and a ravenous desire that grew with it.
“Oh, so many bugs!” The cheeky rancher teased, quickly pulling the rosy cheeked girl’s shirt up just below her boobs.
“Noho! Nomorohorhore!” The anxious teen begged as her creamy white tummy was fully exposed, the sight of the large man’s fingers wiggling toward her skin making her eyes well with tickled tears. “Please Mister Werner, stop!”
“Ha ha ha!” Austin chuckled excitedly, his ten fingertips running rampant across Tina’s writhing tummy.
“Eeeeeheehee! Noahahaahaa!” Legs flapping every which way the hectic girl howled, the soft touch driving her mad as it scampered across her midriff. “I cahahaha! Ican’ttakeanymooooraahahaa!”
A moment later, as the surprisingly graceful behemoth’s fingers pinched up and down her sides, tears began to roll down the sides of Tina’s reddened face. Sobbing through her laughter the innocent tickle victim knew if the terrible torment continued, crying would be least of her worries. For reasons that still confused her greatly, despite the young voluptuous girl’s hatred for fingers stroking across her skin, prolonged tickling caused her to get very aroused indeed. While her face twisted between suffering frowns and open mouthed screaming laughter, the eighteen year old’s nipples began to swell, poking not-so-discretely through her thin cotton top.
“I see a couple of naughty bugs!” The observant gentleman grinned as he took a hold of Tina’s shirt.
“Ahh!” The appalled girl gasped when Mr. Werner stretched her pink top up and over her large milky white breasts, spilling them into the open air.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get them!” Austin taunted, the swelling beneath his shorts now forming a noticeable bulge as he took note of the young woman’s hardened pink nipples.
“NO! Mister Werner, PLEASE!” Tina cried before the handsome cowboy’s rough hands poked unceremoniously into the ballooning sides of her jiggling boobs. “Aaaahahaha! Naaaahahahaaaa!”
Through her laughter the breast fondling wasn’t helping the half naked teen’s own warming loins, a light sheen of sweat beginning to form on her brow. Prodding, poking and stroking , Austin’s ten fingers toyed joyfully with the struggling girl’s ample bosom. Light sliding underneath her quaking boobs made Tina giggle uncontrollably while rapid tapping along the sides caused her to laugh uproariously. Switching techniques at random sent the tearful girl’s mind into a tailspin, her expression twisting between enraged terror and mad flustered laughter.
“Okay, are you ready…?” The pitiless man asked, clutching the young woman’s bare breasts and kneading them in his hands.
“NONO! Please!” The vulnerable girl stressed, the squeezing of her boobs causing her stiff nipples to extend high into the air.
“Cootchycootchycootchycoo!” Austin teased childishly and suddenly flicked the tips of his index fingers back and forth across Tina’s agonizingly sensitive nipples.
“YEEEHEEIIIIHEEHEE!” Exploding in a torrent of crazed squealing Tina shook violently beneath the giant man, a sea of goose bumps suddenly rising around her swollen areolas.
Evidently amused by the young woman’s riotous reaction, Austin’s fingers didn’t stop. Against every wish in Tina’s reeling mind a rush of erotic warmth spread across her nubile body, squeezing her thighs together involuntarily. Though it was impossible to tell through the blonde’s flailing, the teary eyed girl had begun lewdly grinding her hips, the subtle glow of arousal washing across her face. Over several torturous minutes sweat began to glisten across the unwillingly horny girl’s torso, her tummy shining and slick. Beads dropped down her forehead and nose, across stretched beet red cheeks and mixing into the blonde’s free flowing tears.
“Looks like you’re workin’ up quite a sweat!” The large tanned man said, feeling a little hot under the collar himself when he finally released the panting girl’s tender breasts.
“Ahuhh! Guhh!” Tina puffed for air as she blinked tears from her eyes, the sides and bottoms of her heaving boobs pink where Austin’s fingers had been.
“And I bet you thought The Trail would tire you out!” Joking as he stepped back off the tickled teen, the increasingly daring cowboy took hold of her shirt and pulled it forcefully over her head.
“N-nooo!…hhhh! Whining through gasps for air the weakened girl fought fruitlessly to keep her top on with noodle strength arms.
Easily trumping the young woman’s efforts, Austin pried the shirt free and tossed it behind him. Bringing her arms down Tina hoped to spring forth to freedom, but before she could even get her hands passed her shoulders the big man had grabbed her wrists again. Screaming with protest the fearful blonde kicked as her arms were pulled high above her head. Extending his legs straight out before him, the giant cowboy sat firmly a top the topless girl’s elbows, stretching her silky smooth underarms taut.
“Cootchyyyyyy…” Austin said slowly as he began wiggling his fingers along the undersides of the pinned girl’s biceps.
“Noheeheeenono!” Tina giggled rapidly, her head shaking from side to side as she tried to stop the cruel man’s fingers from crawling further down. “Pleheeheease!”
“Cootchyyyyy…” Purposely building suspense it was clear to the muscular rancher that he’d found a particularly sensitive spot upon his blonde toy’s body.
“Ohnohohoho! Nopleeheeeese!” The stupidly grinning girl’s forced mirth was only countered by the panicked look in her eyes as the ten fingers caressed slowly either side of her head. “Nonono! Heeheeheee!”
“Coo!” Austin yelled abruptly and suddenly danced five fingers all over the bare chested girl’s vulnerable underarms.
“Aaaaahahahaha!” Tina screamed, her body bucking like a wave from top to bottom before fitfully rolling from side to side. “NOHOHO PLEASE! Aahahaha!”
Helpless to stop him, the wailing girl could only bellow crying laughter as the gentle giant’s feather touch buried deep into her hyperticklish hollows. Spidering so carelessly under her arms, each stroke sending nerve shattering jolts down her spine, the 6’4ft man’s large fingers continually brushed against Tina’s fleshy bosom. Apparently not content with simply staying in one location, Austin’s hands began speeding down the tortured girl’s completely defenseless torso, his long reach easily able to attack every sensitive inch.
Frolicking up her heaving sides, digging into tender ribs, poking wildly into the laughing girl’s tummy, the normally kind natured goliath treated Tina’s torso like a funpark for his fingers. Howling as the unpredictable attacks moved from one spot to another the half naked girl giggled, squeaked and bawled with insuppressible laughter. Slipping his fingers across the topless girl’s sweat slicked skin Austin tickled with ease, sitting comfortably and feeling that bulge beneath his shorts grow ever larger.
“Here I commme…” The devilish older man sang, retreating all but a single index finger, which he drew in shrinking circles around the whimpering girl’s navel.
“Nohomore! P-please! I can’t take any more!” Giggling through her words the poor blonde frowned, frustrated that she couldn’t stop squirming or laughing for even the briefest moment. “Naha! Na-not again! Neeheehee! Notagain!”
“It’s getting closerrrrr….” Austin teased as he spiraled dangerous close to the rim of Tina’s gyrating belly button.
“Nnnnnno!” The nervous girl cried, worming every which way to try and avoid the threatening digit.
“Tickle time!” Delving his index finger deep the breathless young woman shook, slamming her bare feet against the tent door while the amused behemoth smiled broadly above her.
“Naaahahaha!” Tina wailed loudly, the inescapable fingertip wriggling around the highly sensitive walls of her sensitive naval as she fought fruitlessly to lever it free.
Drunk on a mix of domineering power and amplified libido, Austin took his briefly idol free hand and put it to good use. Clawing ferociously, the big man’s paw squeezed ribs, danced around Tina’s puffed up areolas and scribbled back and forth between each stretched taut underarm. As the giant’s five fingers roamed freely around the buxom girl’s upperbody that single index finger continued to play deep inside her navel, all the while her own arousal burned hotter and hotter beneath the pink pajama bottoms.
Neither party knew how much time had passed, nor could either have given a decent estimate. All either of them knew was that, by the time the furious fingered farmer ceased the belly button assault and sent both hands back to ravaging Tina’s fully exposed torso, the young woman had become a disheveled mess. Long blonde hair matted to her fire red forehead, sweat poured from her bright red cheeks, jaw aching from constant forced laughter. The area around her navel, her sides, ribs and underarms were all glowing a deep hue of tickled pink, tears continuing to flow from the exhausted girl’s weary eyes.
“Woo, I’m getting’ a little hot myself!” Austin said, commenting on the wheezing girl’s flushed state when he eventually stopped the nightmarish torso tour.
“Uhhh! Hhhh! Guhuh!” Gulping hard the bewildered girl drew in long, deep breaths, her bare breasts rising in time with her overworked lungs.
Reaching over his shoulder the muscular giant pulled his short sleeved t-shirt off quickly over his head. Tossing his damp top aside the giant man revealed a chiseled tan torso, rippling with glistening tight abs and wide steely hard pecks. Peering upwards as she drew another deep breath, the sudden view of Austin’s well toned physique bought the dampness between the blonde girl’s thighs to her immediate attention.
“Tell you what, I am thirrrs-ty!” The shirtless hunk exclaimed, placing a hand flat on the tent floor and swinging himself off of Tina’s arms. “Whyn’t you get yourself a drink too, look like you could use it!”
Wrapping one arm around her midsection and the other over her breasts the breathless teen rolled slowly onto her side. Sitting up Tina wiped tears from her eyes, keeping one arm held softly over her bare boobs. Glancing toward the back of the tent a shirtless Mr. Werner gulped eagerly at his bottle of water, his head tilted back and noticeably large tent pitched beneath his shorts. Looking around quickly for her shirt the tortured girl spied it sitting in a wrinkled heap directly under Austin’s knee, a fact he seemed to noticed as he dropped the water bottle back in his pack.
“C…can I have my shirt?” Tina asked sheepishly, pointing half heartedly at the discarded piece of cloth.
“What’d yeh need that for?” Austin asked, pivoting around toward the nervous girl with a friendly smile and raising his hands into the air with a soft grabbing motion. “It’s time for round two!”
“Wh-what?!” The wide eyed girl stammered as the gargantuan man began plodding on his knees toward her. “N-no! No please!”
Turning quickly Tina fumbled with the zip, releasing her bouncing boobs as she hurriedly tried to get the tent door open. Knowing a single lunge would have the friendly farmer’s rough hands all over her delicate skin once again the poor girl’s hasty fear caused her to be even more clumsy than usual. Almost upon his would be victim, Austin looked down to see the kneeling girl’s upturned bare feet sticking out from under her shapely behind. As the sound of the zip began to run the upward the half naked cowboy’s hand snatched down and caught the panicking girl’s ankle in a vice like grip.
“AHH!” Tina screamed, still grabbing awkward for the zipper as she felt her left leg be pulled backward from underneath her. “Nonono!”
“Yesyesyes!” The burly gent countered jokingly as he coiled his right bicep around the struggling girl’s ankle.
“NO NO! Please!” Falling onto her stomach as she was dragged deeper into the tent, the terrified teen caught a brief view of the outside world through the small opening she had made. “Please Mister Werner, NO MORE!”
“Shoulda’ had a drink when you had the chance!” Austin laughed, kneeling with his back to Tina as she tried to roll free from his powerful grip, her trapped barefoot wriggling helplessly beneath his arm.
“NO! OHNOHOHO!” Already laughing with a mix of nervousness and fear the ill fated eighteen year old began crying anew.
“I hope you don’t have ticklish feet!” Remembering the young woman’s earlier confession that her feet were especially sensitive the rugged man playfully teased.
“OHNONO!” Tina kicked here free leg into Austin’s back, the hulking man barely moving at all.
“Oh boy, if you have ticklish feet you’re really in for it!” The dark haired devil taunted, wiggling five fingers dangerously close to the girl’s upturned silky sole.
“NOOOHAHA!” Though she couldn’t see what was happening on the other side the excruciatingly ticklish teen just knew the big man’s fingers were only second away, laughing through her pleading terror. “HEEHEE! MISTER WERNERRRR!”
“Skitchy skitchy skitchy!” Austin chimed as he let his five finger tips dance wistfully in the center of Tina’s wrinkling sole.
“YYEEEEIIIGGHHAHAAA!” Thrashing instantly the barefoot girl screeched, pounding her hands into the floor.
No longer able to limit herself, the out of control teen slammed her free foot repeatedly into Austin’s back, the large man only being bumped slightly as a result. Twisting sideways and backward Tina clawed at the rancher’s tree trunk sized bicep, slapping and fighting for freedom against what might as well have been a brick wall. Her sense of coordination dropping to zero within the first few moments the topless girl’s battle was short lived, collapsing behind the giant man and howling with unstoppable laughter.
Spreading her toes stretched the hysterical girl’s sole, the skilled tickler’s fingertips raking up her taut arch. Spidering across Tina’s tender heel caused her to flail, clutching at the sleeping bags and making a general mess of the tent. Grinning broadly, Austin sent his fingers scribbling down her hypersensitive arch and instep, making the young woman’s petit toes curl, wrinkling the creamy white sole. Poking quickly across the balls of the blonde’s foot made her spasm violently until worming his fingers underneath her toes which caused the already bonkers girl to go ballistic.
Adding to her all consuming torment was Tina’s massively spiking arousal, her nipples jiggling at full stiffened attention. Between the hotly horny half naked girl’s legs, her inner thighs were drenched in thick liquid lust. Wetter with each hellish stroke across her sole, the busty blonde had learned the hard way that the more ticklish the spot equated directly to how much she got turned on. Sadly, as Austin was unknowingly demonstrating, this was never truer than when it came to the ridiculously sensitive girl’s bare naked feet.
“Oop! This one looks lonely!” The gentle giant declared as he swung around suddenly and snatched the bewildered girl’s other ankle in his free hand.
“NONO!” Tina shrieked and clawed at the tent floor to try and pull away as Austin tucked her right foot snuggly next to its partner in the crook of his arm.
“What do you want this time?” The cruel cowboy asked, starring hungrily at the two wiggling bare feet sticking out from underneath his arm. “Cootchy coo’s or skitchy skitches’?”
“None of them! None of them!” Turning back toward her capturer the facedown girl pulled uselessly at the giant’s meaty bicep. “Let me go!”
“Both it is then!” Austin announced and suddenly spidered five fingers sporadically across both the struggling young woman’s mind blowingly ticklish soles.
“EEEEIIIHAHAHA!” Tina bellowed, exploding into a berserk fit of teary eyed delirium.
As he watched one petit foot desperately try to cover the other, Austin could feel his large cock throb beneath his shorts. Wet with arousal the muscular man’s bulbous purple head pressed against the elastic rim, his thick shaft hard to the point of pain. Delighting in every soft tug and pointless yet valiant jerk for freedom, the ruggedly handsome rancher enjoyed the young woman’s loud straining laughter. Quickly dropping his hand the horny cowboy stretched his shorts out and down, letting the elastic snap against his thighs and giving his raging erection the relief it needed in the open air. Returning his fingers to the wild teen’s tender feet the poor girl hadn’t even stopped laughing before he attacked her soles yet again.
“You know, I don’t think I had enough dinner!” The large man’s voice boomed with a hearty chuckle after several long minutes. “I think I need a snack!”
“Waahhh! Hhh! Ohghhh!” Unable to respond in real words the gasping mumbling teen had no idea Mr. Werner’s frighteningly huge cock was exposed as he took one ankle each in either of his enormous hands.
“These look tasty!” Austin said, holding the two squirming feet as he turned to face the sobbing girl, right before biting softly at her cushy left heel.
“EEEIIIII!” Tina squealed, her eyes bugging out and mouth opening as wide as humanly possible when she felt the cowboy’s teeth nip lightly at the bottom of her foot.
“Nom nom nom!” The terrible teaser said, biting quickly down the topless girl’s sole with his lips and gnawing carefully at the ball of her foot.
“EEEHAHAHA! NEEEEIIIHEEE!” The flailing blonde let loose a storm of girlish giggles as she mauled frantically at the tent door.
Holding her ankles close together Austin easily switched from foot to foot, nibbling quickly around the struggling teen’s heels, balls, insteps and arches. Without forethought or planning, the randy rancher’s deft tooth torture soon turned to passionate kissing, a mix of lips and teeth covering Tina’s delicate bare feet. As lost in his own lustful trappings as the crazed blonde was to her ticklish tortures, the carefree cowboy sucked frantically at the young woman’s petit toes. Extending his long wet tongue between her toes the mind boggled blonde teamed with ticklish agony, the handsome man’s wild eyes peering over her heels.
“Tickles, tickles everywhere!” Austin called, sliding his hands down the length of his sensitive plaything’s pajama bottoms and rolling her over at the hips.
“AIIIEE!” The busty girls bosom wobbled as she landed on her back, Mr. Werner’s large hands clutching at the top of her pants.
A loud squeal of surprise followed the abrupt downing of Tina’s pink patterned PJ’s, her sopping pussy wet and vulnerable. Catching the crotch of her pants as Austin tugged them over her knees, the young blonde pulled back in a desperate attempt to redress herself. The threat of full stark nudity on the table the tickle weakened teen discovered newfound strength, there would be no hiding her obvious arousal if the disrobing was successful. Tug of war ensued, the valiant girl curling upward, her legs in the air, the giant near nude man leaning back, stretching the cotton pants.
“Let go!” The herculean man laughed with the knowledge there was no way Tina could win.
“NO!” Aroused to the point of distraction the horny girl fought both lust and desolation to keep her pants and her focus. “Mister Werner! Please! Stop!”
“Let go or I’ll tickle you!” Austin smiled, enjoying his devious surefire ultimatum. “I’ll tickle your feet!”
“Anh!” Tina sighed with a look of despair as she reluctantly released her pajama bottoms, her hands quickly covering her slippery smooth pussy as the giant tickler rendered her completely nude.
“Rawhar!” Throwing the flimsy pants over his shoulder the primal driven gent held both hands up like open lions claws as he roared loudly.
“Eeeeiii! Get away!” Scooting back quickly, one hand pulling across the floor while the other awkwardly cupped between her thighs, the naked blonde cowered toward the door.
“C’mere!” Austin boomed, a large toothy grin plastered across his face as he gripped Tina’s kicking right ankle firmly.
“Nono! Ohmygod! Get ohohoff!” Noticing the huge pulsating cock shimmering with lewd intentions the shocked girl kicked, planting both palms onto the floor and began pushing away.
“C’mere and get your tickles!” The chiseled monster teased as he shuffled out of his shorts, slipping them off his legs and dragging the frantically struggling young woman toward him at the same time.
“NO MORE!” Tina fought, slapping at the giant’s burly shoulders as he pulled her beneath him, leaning his hulking frame over the top of hers.
“Tickle tickle!” Austin taunted as he surrounded the squirming girl in his muscles, straddling her long flailing legs and wrestling her feeble arms.
“NNNNOHO! LET ME GO!” The covered girl cried as she felt the hunky man’s rough body all over her, his fingers wriggling into the sides of her jiggling bust. “Heeheehahaha! Nohohoho!”
Pressed beneath him, Tina knew there was no escape, the unmistakable feeling of the cowboy’s rock hard cock pressing against her lower stomach sending a tingling surge across her virgin body. Austin’s wide chest pressed against her ballooning boobs, his thick thighs wrapping around hers, the eighteen year old giggled maddeningly as his tongue lapped into the curve of her slender neck. Clawing at the beastly man’s tanned skin the trapped blonde couldn’t begin predict where curious fingers would come from next. Crawling under her arms, over her breasts, around her tummy, the poor girl was blind to the licking cowboy’s every assault.
“AAIIEEE! NOPLEAAAASE!” Tina strained, reaching desperately at the large man’s forearm and squeezing her thighs together, as she felt five fingers delve between her legs.
Planting one of his knees easily between the frantic girl’s legs, it was no trouble for the nude beast to pry the young woman’s legs apart. Sliding his other leg in as well forced Tina’s thighs open wider, her determined kicking not deterring the cheeky older man in any way. With one hand wiggling it’s fingers between her thighs the skillful cowboy quickly zoned in the ballistic blonde’s protruding clit. As the soaking teen’s back arched, Austin used his other hand continue joyfully pinching up and down the entire length of her bare torso.
“NUHUH! NUHEEHEEHUH!” The deranged girl hollered as her small hands pulled with all their might to tug the handsome rancher’s paw from between her thighs.
Her heels slid across the tent floor as she tried to push herself away, the big man’s tongue still buried against Tina’s neck. Violent shudders of pleasure began to rock her nubile frame, growing closer together as she battled to avoid the inevitable. Even digging her nails hard into Austin’s forearm didn’t seem to have any effect, the sides of her hands accidentally rubbing against the base of his enormous hard cock. Knowing she could probably resist if he just let her up then and there, the overly aroused blonde pushed against the ravenous man’s rock hard pecks, that was until his lips wrapped around her stiff right nipple and began sucking vigorously.
“AWNAHA! NAHAUUNN!” Tina writhed as the dark haired man’s fingers controlled the body she couldn’t, tickling up and down her sides and rubbing delicately across her clit. “NOIMGONNAAHA! I’M GONNA UNNN!”
Thrusting with great speed, the trembling teen was beyond help, Austin’s long wet tongue snaking around her achingly sensitive nipple. Feeling the onslaught of rapidly close shudders tingle across her skin, Tina grind lovingly into the rancher’s rough fingers. Moaning in a most vulgar display the sweat soaked girl continued to squeal, his other hands still mischievously running up and down her side. Her loins quivered, tummy tensed and the teens full lips opened wide. Rolling her blue eyes back into her head the sordid blonde screamed, virgin pussy gushing with a flood of passionate misery.
“AAAAWWWHHH!” The fiercely cumming girl howled as an overwhelming orgasm racked her lustrous young body.
Clutching at Austin’s burly shoulders, Tina pushed hard then dug her nails deep into his muscle. So brutal was the orgasm the hypersensitive blonde ceased her giggling, the white hot explosion between her thighs causing a brief respite from the fingers dancing along her ribs. Her toes curled and spread wide, bare feet stretching taut as the blonde’s body jumped. Lost in a sea of ecstasy the shivering girl splashed, biting her bottom lip as she sunk deep and drowned.
“Y’know...” The big man said, feeling a little breathless himself as he took a hold of the spent girl’s hips and rolled her facedown. “…I think I see the fascination now!”
“Uhh…mmnnhhh…” Tina cooed quietly as the forceful giant manhandled her body to his every desire.
Turning around, Austin straddled the small of the nude girl’s back, her shapely bare butt rising up between his legs. To the sound of a kitten’s whimper the large man softly spread her cheeks, just wide enough to let his throbbing erection rest between them as he leaned forward. Squeezing his knees around Tina’s thighs the cruel cowboy laid a top the backs of her long legs, pressing her calf muscles together with his elbows. With the ticklish girl’s upturned feet right in front of his face, the horny Hercules bought his wiggling fingers down, biting deftly at her tender heels.
“EEEEHEEEIII! HEEAHAHAHA!” Bucking beneath him and unable to move her feet, the post-orgasm sensitivity sent the bewildered girl into a fit of strained screaming laughter.
Tina’s sudden bouncing caused her butt cheeks to unwillingly caress the sides of Austin’s swollen shaft, rubbing him with great speed. As ten fingers scribbled across her toes and the big man’s tongue lapped at her soles the poor blonde’s face contorted between abject horror and insane wide eyed laughter. Though she was in no fit state of mind of articulate anything, the rule of her most ticklish spots turning the red faced blonde on the most still applied. With her most sensitive spot now being attacked after the messy eruption, the crazed girl’s soles were immeasurably more alert.
On top, Austin could feel control of his own body slipping for the first time. Pulsating heavily the excited rancher thrust himself against the young woman’s sweat soaked flesh, his thick shaft driving back and forth. As his throbbing cock head gleamed a dark purple, the big man continued to devour Tina’s utterly helpless bare feet, sliding his tongue between her toes and raking his fingertips over every silky inch. A sudden weakness in his knees and pang of heat rushing through the base of his erection caused the cowboy’s abs to tighten. Gasping moans escaped her laughter as the trapped teen slammed into another wall of erotic bliss, her shapely butt cheeks clenching around the giant’s enormous cock.
“UH HUNNN!” Austin moaned, gritting his teeth hard as his brow furrowed, fingers still dancing incessantly across Tina’s soles.
“AHH! AHAHA! EEE! AH! AH! AH!” The already drenched girl cried as she body seized, burying her face into a sleeping bag as her hands clawed the floor.
Biting firm into the young woman’s tender heel the beast of a man’s rough hands clutched her insteps as he drove hard into her. Bursts of hot white cum exploded across the backs of the voluptuous girl’s slick thighs. Consumed by her own mind numbing outburst of raunchy delight, Tina’s voice turned to a squeaking husk, lost to a strained throat that had laughed it’s limit. Shuddering against each other both Austin and his unwitting tickle toy wheezed, saturated in each other’s mess.
Neither party had much memory of what followed, especially the devastated blonde. Austin had eventually rolled his weight from her, pulling the half conscious girl’s back against his chest with his giant arms wrapped around her. In her sleep Tina had continued to giggle softly, either from the memory or the feeling of the cowboy’s slippery cock pressed against her back. By the time she woke, still naked and sticky, the exhausted girl could see through the tent’s thin wall that the sun was already high above the horizon.
“…Mr. Werner?” Tina asked gingerly as she opened the tent door, dressed in the same wrinkled shirt and short shorts she had worn the day before.
“Ahh, good morning!” The tall man gave a friendly grin as he walked up from the lakes shore, also wearing the same clothes as he had the previous day. “Have a good sleep?”
“Uh…yeah…I guess...” The confused girl said as she stood up outside the tent and rubbed her forehead.
“Hey, look what I found down by the water…” Mr. Werner said proudly, bringing his hand up from his side.
Taking a step back, Tina’s stomach sank as her wide fearful eyes locked onto the approaching man’s find, a pair of large stiff hawk feathers.
The End.