1. What's the best way to make a good first impression with you?
Show up, maybe?? Seriously, there isn't one thing and with me it is either there or its not. I know in the first 30 seconds if this is going to be good or not.
2. Are you a reader? If so; what Genre do you enjoy most?
Yes I am a reader - historical mysteries, stories about vampires and witches that do not involve teenage girls named Bella, Jane Austen, and smut.
3. What's your morning ritual? How do you get started for the day?
Hit snooze like 4 times, stumble to the loo, take shower, crawl back into bed, put on make up, put on undies, dry and style hair, defuse clothes bomb and find something to wear, take dogs out, feed dogs, make tea, make lunch and breakfast, leave for work .... something like that
4. What qualities do the opposite sex have that confuse you?
That some men can from time to time run hot and then cold like a faucet, just like that, and you can never figure out why, or what you did wrong. I am sure many men will say that about most women too ... [giggles]
5. What are some materialistic posessions that you own that you could never part with?
I don't want to sound holier than thou, however, both sets of my grandparents had house fires and lost pretty much everything. {I have a little bit of an irrational fear of that and OCD about the stove and iron} So because of that I know that things can be replaced, but family, friends, my dogs - those are the things that I really fear loosing. Oh hell I would be pretty much f'd with out my car.....
6. Would you say you are capable of change, or do you feel pretty stuck in your ways?
I can change because I have had change "thrust" upon me a few times in my adult life ....
7. What do you feel is one of the biggest misinterpretations about being in a relationship?
That they aren't work, that they are all sex and play and fun, that your feelings for each other don't ebb and flow, sometimes at different rates and speeds, and that it isn't natural and healthy for this to occur.
8. What is one thing you own that you feel would help someone suffering with depression?
An old bottle of Wellbutrin?? And the advice that it is ok to ask for help, that sometimes you have to talk to a neutral third party i.e. a councilor, clergy-person, medical professional, that depression is normal, that you are normal and it is going to get better, maybe.
9. Describe your dream house and it's location.
On the water, somewhere warm in the summer and mild in the winter, cosy, not too big, but big enough for me and my schtuff, and secluded so I can be tickled and tickle til my little heart's content and the neighbors won't wonder what all the screaming is about.... [eg]
10. If you could meet any famous person & ask them one question; Who
would it be and what would you ask them?
Hilary Clinton - Are Bill's balls really in your purse????
Bonus: Care to donate a question to be used in next week's TMI Tuesday installment?
What is your favorite smell/scent and what memory does it evoke?