1. If you could be a superhero or a super villain, which would you be and why?
I'd walk the line between, staying just barely on the "hero" side. Not because I'm really a mean or immoral guy, but because I'd want to give the press and general public a powerful incentive to leave me the Hell alone.
2. What's your super alias?
3. Name a friend as your sidekick, tell us who they are.
That would be TKLee88, aka THE MINI-RHINOCEROS.
4. What's your weakness(es)?
Food. I love to freakin' eat. I could be distracted with food, or plied with sugar until I fell asleep. Eventually, I could fatten up to the point where I'm no longer able to perform various feats of derring-do.
Anti-social tendencies. Not gonna lie: There are times where I would be unable to fight crime because I just don't feel like leaving the frickin' house.
5. What's your power(s)?
Superhuman strength, invulnerability, immortality.
6. Does your costume have a cape? Do you wear a mask?
This is a joke, right? Why don't I add some sequins and shit while I'm at it. The Rhinoceros fights crime in jeans and a wife-beater.
7. What song would be playing in the background every-time you swept into action?
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8. Would you rely solely on a weapon or your own bare hands?
Bare hands, baby. Pummeling bad people with your fists is immensely satisfying... I mean, just "in theory," of course.
9. Are you a member of a superpowered team or do you go about it solo?
Yeeeeeeeeeah, I pretty much hate working as part of a group. Solo for sure.
10. Would you rather have been born w/your powers or gain them through some sort of freak accident?
Born with it. Mutant pride!!! 😀