2nd Level Red Feather
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Tome of Temptation – Chapter of Provenance */f feet
On a morning that smelled like an old memory, with crisp dawn-light that twinkled through the aftermath of the night rain, she felt a plucking at her heart. She woke, and she showered, and through the window, over the fog that swept through the trunks of the forest, leaving only their leafy heads visible, she felt the wind call to her. As she swept to the door, towards the black pumps that announced her to the office every morning, she felt her feet ache, yearning for adventure. Stepping into her bright pink flip flops, she flipped her phone out and sent a quick text that she wouldn't be in today as she sped out the door.
Flying down the wild, untamed roads, she curved past the trees and above fields of rolling grain, riding on a carpet of sunlight as she hurried towards the mountains. The ascent was quick, over in the blink of an eye, and she fell down the other side, around the bend of a river and following alongside of it, her body seemingly pulled by phantom strings that tugged tighter and tighter, burning at her the nearer she came to the unknown.
Suddenly the fog grew thick, blotting out the sun and drowning her in darkness as she trusted the road before her to carry her onward. Then, just like that, she drifted into a clearing with a lone building bathing in sunlight, encircled by the walls of miasma. Her car sputtered and stalled, coasting towards the sparkling white boards of the shack as she eased her vehicle into the only parking spot that existed. As though she stepped on clouds, she felt her flip flops lift her feet, guiding them towards their destination as she slipped out of the car and through the glass double doors.
The register and counter in the corner were unmanned, but she paid little heed, walking straight ahead and through the thick stacks of bookshelves. A musty odor of paper hung in the air, and as she crossed into the carpeted aisle before the next row, she turned sharply to her right, her flip flops pulling her ahead. Ahead, she saw a light bulb flickering and could hear a rattle from the glass. She smiled. Stopping just beneath the bulb, she turned on her heel, her body reeling into the aisle.
Her breath weighed against her chest as she sped past the disheveled books, the cliffs of their hills and valleys distracting her. Ahead, one jutted out nearly into the aisle while others barely reached half the distance, but she hardly noticed. The air seemed to pulse and throb ahead, and she stopped there, biting her lower lip while a wicked smile touched her lips. A dark whisper rolled against her shoulders like a shawl, pleading with her not to move ahead. Swatting it away like a gnat, she reached forward through a dark mist that prickled against her skin and touched a large leather tome.
At once she felt a cool wind gush through her. She felt a wiggling itch gnaw at the centers of her feet. Clenching her toes, she felt it sulk and grow more powerful as she s******ed, withdrawing the book and flipping it open. The words on the pages swirled into a vortex, and she set her hand there, feeling the world waver around her.
Many thoughts spilled across her, the words carrying her voice but rising up from the tome, through her fingers and into her body. She became aware of her feet, bare and defenseless below her, her soles standing on what felt like water. All around her the world wobbled and shimmered as though she stood within a bubble of fluid while retaining the design of the store, yet draped in pitch and shadow. A vision appeared before her, and instantly she knew she had created it; the vision showed her walking towards the book and setting a hand upon it, then popping out of existence, her flip flops clattering to the ground below. More visions tore through her mind and she set about, running her fingers down the page and filing the characters in a row as she began to read them, the knowledge of what awaited her filling her like wine in a glass.
The black wind filled her and she began. She saw a vision of herself lift her foot away from the ground, kicking her sole behind her and she followed it, recreating the image with her body. As she slipped her fingers from right to left, watching the foreign characters curve into words, she felt the thoughts they conveyed filling her. As her heel left the water, she felt a long strand of the black miasma cling to her, tugging her back like glue and slapping her foot to the ground.
Beneath her, she felt bubbles churn in the sticky substance she stood on and she clenched her toes into it, feeling it ooze between her toes like mud. Again she lifted her foot away, pulling her heel free of the substance and feeling the waters permeate around her as her skin slapped back to the ground, sending shock waves and ripples out through the sheet of water. Pressing her weight onto the ball and toes of her foot, she churned at the waters, taunting them with her sole, feeling the insidious thoughts breathing through the book at the sight of her exposed flesh teasing it. As they were distracted she wiggled her foot free, feeling the slimy water drip away as she placed her bare sole next the calf of her other leg, leaving it bare and exposed as she fulfilled her purpose.
Slipping her finger down the page and towards the next line, the characters rolled ahead and she saw the next vision, gasping lightly at what she already knew. Though she focused on the book, she saw and felt the wicked waves beneath her as the ripples she cast aside pooled together into a long, snake like tendril. It inched upward, weaving through the air under its own weight before slapping wetly at the back of heel. Gasping lightly, she sucked in air and closed her eyes as she curled her finger tips into the book while the grimy black waters oozed around the edges of her foot, careful not to besmirch her saintly sole.
She flexed her foot, curling her toes and twisting her ankle about as she savored the affectionate touch that slithered across her ankle. Taking in slow, hot breaths, she plastered her eyes to the page, focusing on her task as she swept her eyes across the words several times before lowering her fingers down another line. The characters came, and she re-arranged them again and again to suit her needs. Within her heart and within the characters she felt a powerful, pulsing thought: within this realm, she is the Queen. The tentacle dredged town towards the back of her heel. Here, she read upon the page, she ruled, an Idol meant to be worshiped. The cold touch of the tentacle rolled down the edge of her heel and she sniffed, giggling.
As though the blazing fires of mount Olympus surged across her foot, she laughed, struggling lightly as she soaked in the fine, silky touch. The misty tentacle hissed against her skin, imbuing her with a chilled radiance. All at once it ran across her like a smooth brush while maintaining several stiff spikes that struck at her, raking across her skin. Through the murky sensations she also felt many tiny mouths and tongues that nibbled at her, bathing her in saliva. Weeping golden tears, she felt her foot twitch as the sensation oozed across her like sooty mud as the tentacle lay down the center of her foot before curving into her arch.
A stony, righteous energy pulsed through her, surging from the touch and along a central band that ran through her body. The multitude of touches poured readily through her as though entering a gate through her sole, filling her body with unparalleled joy. Lowering her jaw, she giggled mightily as she continued to scrawl her eyes across the page, the torture of her foot prying at her focus.
In the fake world she had resided in, she might have buckled under the torment, screaming and begging for mercy. Within her heart, she could feel those distant cries, her voice pleading for mercy as the smoke left impressions against her, far truer than reality. Though the tentacle only slithered against her, it felt as though it reached through her, pulling the tickling touch from within her very soul. Here, though, she felt all of the awfuls of the sensation drawn away, replaced instead with extreme euphoria. Her knees practically buckled and she felt like she would melt as the touch implanted within her a heavenly light so pure that it overwrote her needs with its own desires; more than anything she yearned to continue forward, to complete her task and reach the end of her quest. With unabashed fervor she yearned for the beast she contained to break free and lay into her so that she might reach her intended purpose, and so she worked diligently, freeing the characters on the page from their bondage and bucking at the shackles of the monster beneath her.
She wanted to moan, to scream as the intense pleasure soared through her while the tentacle slathered across her foot, freeing her senseless domain of the mundane with fervent, fretting touches that crossed over her like the blighting shadow of a cloudy day. Sucking in her lower lip, she ran her tongue across it as she took turns focusing on the slow, laborious sensations the creature bestowed her with. She wanted to lower her jaw and let out an aching cry of satisfaction as she soaked in the sucking tongues, then clench her teeth and squeal with delight for their teeth. The slimy touch of the beast lathered against her, conquering her flesh and undoing her saintly disguise with its black ooze, prickling and burning at her with an incessant itch that the tentacle then attempted to serrate away with its bristling spikes. Those, though: within her body she felt her soul banging and screaming, thrashing about within the bondage of her skin as it laughed wildly at the otherworldly touch she never dreamed she could imagine. Still, she barely rolled her toes, allowing the creature to take hold of her and use the energy it took from her to fuel the world around her.
Gasping with delight, she reached the end of the page and flipped it over towards the unknown. There, she glanced at the future, at what awaited her, and she clenched the muscles in her body as a giddiness overtook her. With a tap of her middle finger along the edge of the page, she began drifting downward, allowing the cursed characters to spiral into existence and the tentacle began to smooth over her foot, sliding from below her ball to above her heel. Tittering with hissing giggles, she let the pace of her finger slow to a crawl as guided by the tome, allowing herself to fully appreciate the horrible sensations that plagued her.
With a pointed end the sentence came to a close and she shimmied her hand up to the top of the mostly empty page before guiding downwards and evoking more of the tome's will over her body. Breaking her lips apart a little, she puffed out air as the tentacle smothered her foot, slipping around the rim of the ball of her foot as she spread her toes backward. Her upper lip twitched and she felt chains form around her heart as tiny rings appeared at her toes, tugging them backward and apart, taking the pressure of holding still from her so that she might continue her task as the tentacle slithered under her toes, spraying them with pleasure.
It slowly wrapped around the bottom of her pinky toe, sending jolts of sensation all along her before crawling over and between her third and fourth toes, sawing away at her. Her arm shivered as she slipped her fingers down the page, and goosebumps quivered upon her backside. At the next word she stopped, circling her finger along the sharp edges of the final character while the tentacle slithered back and forth, replicating the exact movements over and over as a grinding sensation formed within her backside. For a moment she considered breaking the flow of the tome and halting here forever, with the single tentacle laid over her sole, vibrating wildly while the sensations harassed her immobile toes, but she felt a need to continue, the knowledge of greater things awaiting tearing at her like a hurricane through a dense forest, scattering leaves and branches through the brush.
A buzzing formed in her shoulder blades and she heard the snap and splash of the water around her. Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself, bracing for the second tentacle to slap against her, rubbing up and down the outer edge of her sole. Her body gleamed and she felt as though she were a potted plant nourished with water just as the third tentacle cracked to her, drowning her foot in the slimy, tar like waters that held her aloft. Smiling broadly, she stood there, chuckling under her breath as her soul went wild with emotion.
The buzzing at her backside seared through her, then burst outward with a whip-like crash. Sighing majestically, she spread her shoulders out as wings of raven-black feathers flapped behind her, sending ripples in the world around her. Bringing her wings over her arms, she hugged the plumed appendages to her body like a cocoon, casting out the meager light this world offered to her. Huddled over the tome, she laboriously read the words in her mind, feeling the tentacles flay at her as she floated in the air.
At long last she reached the end of the page, setting her hand to the center of the following parchment. There, the words spiraled out, spinning like a vortex and she shifted her hand to the end, spiraling it inward. As commanded, she tugged with her other foot, lifting it from the ground beneath her. This time, however, the jealous sap clung to her tightly, sucking her back and slapping her foot against the water. Again she lifted, and again the tar yanked her back. Tears singed her eyes as she continued through the maelstrom of characters that fluttered back and forth on the page as she foresaw the struggle she would face.
With all of her will she lifted her foot, again and again, only to fail. Her skin, burning, pleaded with her, begging to be tickled, to be released from this world of emptiness and she writhed about desperate to fulfill their final mission. She saw herself, a beacon, a tower, guiding others to her domain, to lament in this realm of infinite pleasure, perpetually laughing and further fueling the books spell, her spell. She knew that to call them here, to subjugate them to their never-ending laughter atop this pool of desire, she would have to free her foot and undergo her own eternal suffering. Again she pulled her foot and again the glue like miasma fought with her, pulling it back, the shadow flames below licking her soles slowly, callously. For a moment she paused, allowing herself to suffer by the tentacles that tormented her bound foot as punishment, the snake-like wrath of the miasma beating at her, deriding her for her weakness. Batting her wings, she lifted her foot again, feeling it jump up then dab downward, sinking below the waters and becoming stuck there as though in cement.
Her body flailed slowly in the thick winds, and her eyes fell back to the book. This, too, was prophesied, she knew, as chains latched around her water-bound foot, binding her beneath the waves while demons licked at her sole, begging her to stay but a moment. Intense euphoria overtook her as she bargained with them, with herself, but inside of a moment she returned to her work, returning her hand to the book and journeying onward. For the sake of the other women that she would bind to her realm, for the sake of herself, she would continue. Wiggling her toes, she faintly dodged the monster beneath the waves as the chains came undone.
With a deep breath she shackled herself once more, reigning in her desires while the chains that held her foot slowly crumpled away. The tentacles, too, dried out, ceasing to move, and for them she wept. As she freed her foot from the waves, lifting it at long last, kicking it up and setting it on its rightful throne behind her, her tears landed against the water, rejuvenating the tentacles. Her finger dabbled against the center of the vortex, and then she shrieked as the darkness clad her feet, binding her ankles and her big toes together before many tentacles rained down against her, drowning out her flesh and tickling her with all of the fury she experienced before but a hundred times over.
For the first time she freely withdrew her hand from the book, overcome with the jurassic desires of her feet. She wrestled with the light inside of her as it burst through her seams, enveloping her in a cocoon of snow white, leaving her alone to her suffering. Before her vision was doused from her, allowing her to focus on the fruits of her trials for the remainder of her existence, she saw herself hoisted upwards, away from the tome before being set upon the top of the tower she had envisioned, the emptiness expanding around her. She laughed freely, wildly, as she saw other beacons of light float towards her, and she knew, soon, she would savor in their laughter and suffering as well, absorbing their thoughts and feelings into herself, their love, their passion and their ticklish agony so that she could empower the void around her, expanding it and sharing the combined bliss of her coming comrades with still others. With each person she would form a special bond, learning of their own particular ticklishness while they too experienced her own. They would become great friends, trapped here forever, slaves to their feet and slaves to their own laughter as that wonderful feeling without repercussions filled them.
On a morning that smelled like an old memory, with crisp dawn-light that twinkled through the aftermath of the night rain, she felt a plucking at her heart. She woke, and she showered, and through the window, over the fog that swept through the trunks of the forest, leaving only their leafy heads visible, she felt the wind call to her. As she swept to the door, towards the black pumps that announced her to the office every morning, she felt her feet ache, yearning for adventure. Stepping into her bright pink flip flops, she flipped her phone out and sent a quick text that she wouldn't be in today as she sped out the door.
Flying down the wild, untamed roads, she curved past the trees and above fields of rolling grain, riding on a carpet of sunlight as she hurried towards the mountains. The ascent was quick, over in the blink of an eye, and she fell down the other side, around the bend of a river and following alongside of it, her body seemingly pulled by phantom strings that tugged tighter and tighter, burning at her the nearer she came to the unknown.
Suddenly the fog grew thick, blotting out the sun and drowning her in darkness as she trusted the road before her to carry her onward. Then, just like that, she drifted into a clearing with a lone building bathing in sunlight, encircled by the walls of miasma. Her car sputtered and stalled, coasting towards the sparkling white boards of the shack as she eased her vehicle into the only parking spot that existed. As though she stepped on clouds, she felt her flip flops lift her feet, guiding them towards their destination as she slipped out of the car and through the glass double doors.
The register and counter in the corner were unmanned, but she paid little heed, walking straight ahead and through the thick stacks of bookshelves. A musty odor of paper hung in the air, and as she crossed into the carpeted aisle before the next row, she turned sharply to her right, her flip flops pulling her ahead. Ahead, she saw a light bulb flickering and could hear a rattle from the glass. She smiled. Stopping just beneath the bulb, she turned on her heel, her body reeling into the aisle.
Her breath weighed against her chest as she sped past the disheveled books, the cliffs of their hills and valleys distracting her. Ahead, one jutted out nearly into the aisle while others barely reached half the distance, but she hardly noticed. The air seemed to pulse and throb ahead, and she stopped there, biting her lower lip while a wicked smile touched her lips. A dark whisper rolled against her shoulders like a shawl, pleading with her not to move ahead. Swatting it away like a gnat, she reached forward through a dark mist that prickled against her skin and touched a large leather tome.
At once she felt a cool wind gush through her. She felt a wiggling itch gnaw at the centers of her feet. Clenching her toes, she felt it sulk and grow more powerful as she s******ed, withdrawing the book and flipping it open. The words on the pages swirled into a vortex, and she set her hand there, feeling the world waver around her.
Many thoughts spilled across her, the words carrying her voice but rising up from the tome, through her fingers and into her body. She became aware of her feet, bare and defenseless below her, her soles standing on what felt like water. All around her the world wobbled and shimmered as though she stood within a bubble of fluid while retaining the design of the store, yet draped in pitch and shadow. A vision appeared before her, and instantly she knew she had created it; the vision showed her walking towards the book and setting a hand upon it, then popping out of existence, her flip flops clattering to the ground below. More visions tore through her mind and she set about, running her fingers down the page and filing the characters in a row as she began to read them, the knowledge of what awaited her filling her like wine in a glass.
The black wind filled her and she began. She saw a vision of herself lift her foot away from the ground, kicking her sole behind her and she followed it, recreating the image with her body. As she slipped her fingers from right to left, watching the foreign characters curve into words, she felt the thoughts they conveyed filling her. As her heel left the water, she felt a long strand of the black miasma cling to her, tugging her back like glue and slapping her foot to the ground.
Beneath her, she felt bubbles churn in the sticky substance she stood on and she clenched her toes into it, feeling it ooze between her toes like mud. Again she lifted her foot away, pulling her heel free of the substance and feeling the waters permeate around her as her skin slapped back to the ground, sending shock waves and ripples out through the sheet of water. Pressing her weight onto the ball and toes of her foot, she churned at the waters, taunting them with her sole, feeling the insidious thoughts breathing through the book at the sight of her exposed flesh teasing it. As they were distracted she wiggled her foot free, feeling the slimy water drip away as she placed her bare sole next the calf of her other leg, leaving it bare and exposed as she fulfilled her purpose.
Slipping her finger down the page and towards the next line, the characters rolled ahead and she saw the next vision, gasping lightly at what she already knew. Though she focused on the book, she saw and felt the wicked waves beneath her as the ripples she cast aside pooled together into a long, snake like tendril. It inched upward, weaving through the air under its own weight before slapping wetly at the back of heel. Gasping lightly, she sucked in air and closed her eyes as she curled her finger tips into the book while the grimy black waters oozed around the edges of her foot, careful not to besmirch her saintly sole.
She flexed her foot, curling her toes and twisting her ankle about as she savored the affectionate touch that slithered across her ankle. Taking in slow, hot breaths, she plastered her eyes to the page, focusing on her task as she swept her eyes across the words several times before lowering her fingers down another line. The characters came, and she re-arranged them again and again to suit her needs. Within her heart and within the characters she felt a powerful, pulsing thought: within this realm, she is the Queen. The tentacle dredged town towards the back of her heel. Here, she read upon the page, she ruled, an Idol meant to be worshiped. The cold touch of the tentacle rolled down the edge of her heel and she sniffed, giggling.
As though the blazing fires of mount Olympus surged across her foot, she laughed, struggling lightly as she soaked in the fine, silky touch. The misty tentacle hissed against her skin, imbuing her with a chilled radiance. All at once it ran across her like a smooth brush while maintaining several stiff spikes that struck at her, raking across her skin. Through the murky sensations she also felt many tiny mouths and tongues that nibbled at her, bathing her in saliva. Weeping golden tears, she felt her foot twitch as the sensation oozed across her like sooty mud as the tentacle lay down the center of her foot before curving into her arch.
A stony, righteous energy pulsed through her, surging from the touch and along a central band that ran through her body. The multitude of touches poured readily through her as though entering a gate through her sole, filling her body with unparalleled joy. Lowering her jaw, she giggled mightily as she continued to scrawl her eyes across the page, the torture of her foot prying at her focus.
In the fake world she had resided in, she might have buckled under the torment, screaming and begging for mercy. Within her heart, she could feel those distant cries, her voice pleading for mercy as the smoke left impressions against her, far truer than reality. Though the tentacle only slithered against her, it felt as though it reached through her, pulling the tickling touch from within her very soul. Here, though, she felt all of the awfuls of the sensation drawn away, replaced instead with extreme euphoria. Her knees practically buckled and she felt like she would melt as the touch implanted within her a heavenly light so pure that it overwrote her needs with its own desires; more than anything she yearned to continue forward, to complete her task and reach the end of her quest. With unabashed fervor she yearned for the beast she contained to break free and lay into her so that she might reach her intended purpose, and so she worked diligently, freeing the characters on the page from their bondage and bucking at the shackles of the monster beneath her.
She wanted to moan, to scream as the intense pleasure soared through her while the tentacle slathered across her foot, freeing her senseless domain of the mundane with fervent, fretting touches that crossed over her like the blighting shadow of a cloudy day. Sucking in her lower lip, she ran her tongue across it as she took turns focusing on the slow, laborious sensations the creature bestowed her with. She wanted to lower her jaw and let out an aching cry of satisfaction as she soaked in the sucking tongues, then clench her teeth and squeal with delight for their teeth. The slimy touch of the beast lathered against her, conquering her flesh and undoing her saintly disguise with its black ooze, prickling and burning at her with an incessant itch that the tentacle then attempted to serrate away with its bristling spikes. Those, though: within her body she felt her soul banging and screaming, thrashing about within the bondage of her skin as it laughed wildly at the otherworldly touch she never dreamed she could imagine. Still, she barely rolled her toes, allowing the creature to take hold of her and use the energy it took from her to fuel the world around her.
Gasping with delight, she reached the end of the page and flipped it over towards the unknown. There, she glanced at the future, at what awaited her, and she clenched the muscles in her body as a giddiness overtook her. With a tap of her middle finger along the edge of the page, she began drifting downward, allowing the cursed characters to spiral into existence and the tentacle began to smooth over her foot, sliding from below her ball to above her heel. Tittering with hissing giggles, she let the pace of her finger slow to a crawl as guided by the tome, allowing herself to fully appreciate the horrible sensations that plagued her.
With a pointed end the sentence came to a close and she shimmied her hand up to the top of the mostly empty page before guiding downwards and evoking more of the tome's will over her body. Breaking her lips apart a little, she puffed out air as the tentacle smothered her foot, slipping around the rim of the ball of her foot as she spread her toes backward. Her upper lip twitched and she felt chains form around her heart as tiny rings appeared at her toes, tugging them backward and apart, taking the pressure of holding still from her so that she might continue her task as the tentacle slithered under her toes, spraying them with pleasure.
It slowly wrapped around the bottom of her pinky toe, sending jolts of sensation all along her before crawling over and between her third and fourth toes, sawing away at her. Her arm shivered as she slipped her fingers down the page, and goosebumps quivered upon her backside. At the next word she stopped, circling her finger along the sharp edges of the final character while the tentacle slithered back and forth, replicating the exact movements over and over as a grinding sensation formed within her backside. For a moment she considered breaking the flow of the tome and halting here forever, with the single tentacle laid over her sole, vibrating wildly while the sensations harassed her immobile toes, but she felt a need to continue, the knowledge of greater things awaiting tearing at her like a hurricane through a dense forest, scattering leaves and branches through the brush.
A buzzing formed in her shoulder blades and she heard the snap and splash of the water around her. Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself, bracing for the second tentacle to slap against her, rubbing up and down the outer edge of her sole. Her body gleamed and she felt as though she were a potted plant nourished with water just as the third tentacle cracked to her, drowning her foot in the slimy, tar like waters that held her aloft. Smiling broadly, she stood there, chuckling under her breath as her soul went wild with emotion.
The buzzing at her backside seared through her, then burst outward with a whip-like crash. Sighing majestically, she spread her shoulders out as wings of raven-black feathers flapped behind her, sending ripples in the world around her. Bringing her wings over her arms, she hugged the plumed appendages to her body like a cocoon, casting out the meager light this world offered to her. Huddled over the tome, she laboriously read the words in her mind, feeling the tentacles flay at her as she floated in the air.
At long last she reached the end of the page, setting her hand to the center of the following parchment. There, the words spiraled out, spinning like a vortex and she shifted her hand to the end, spiraling it inward. As commanded, she tugged with her other foot, lifting it from the ground beneath her. This time, however, the jealous sap clung to her tightly, sucking her back and slapping her foot against the water. Again she lifted, and again the tar yanked her back. Tears singed her eyes as she continued through the maelstrom of characters that fluttered back and forth on the page as she foresaw the struggle she would face.
With all of her will she lifted her foot, again and again, only to fail. Her skin, burning, pleaded with her, begging to be tickled, to be released from this world of emptiness and she writhed about desperate to fulfill their final mission. She saw herself, a beacon, a tower, guiding others to her domain, to lament in this realm of infinite pleasure, perpetually laughing and further fueling the books spell, her spell. She knew that to call them here, to subjugate them to their never-ending laughter atop this pool of desire, she would have to free her foot and undergo her own eternal suffering. Again she pulled her foot and again the glue like miasma fought with her, pulling it back, the shadow flames below licking her soles slowly, callously. For a moment she paused, allowing herself to suffer by the tentacles that tormented her bound foot as punishment, the snake-like wrath of the miasma beating at her, deriding her for her weakness. Batting her wings, she lifted her foot again, feeling it jump up then dab downward, sinking below the waters and becoming stuck there as though in cement.
Her body flailed slowly in the thick winds, and her eyes fell back to the book. This, too, was prophesied, she knew, as chains latched around her water-bound foot, binding her beneath the waves while demons licked at her sole, begging her to stay but a moment. Intense euphoria overtook her as she bargained with them, with herself, but inside of a moment she returned to her work, returning her hand to the book and journeying onward. For the sake of the other women that she would bind to her realm, for the sake of herself, she would continue. Wiggling her toes, she faintly dodged the monster beneath the waves as the chains came undone.
With a deep breath she shackled herself once more, reigning in her desires while the chains that held her foot slowly crumpled away. The tentacles, too, dried out, ceasing to move, and for them she wept. As she freed her foot from the waves, lifting it at long last, kicking it up and setting it on its rightful throne behind her, her tears landed against the water, rejuvenating the tentacles. Her finger dabbled against the center of the vortex, and then she shrieked as the darkness clad her feet, binding her ankles and her big toes together before many tentacles rained down against her, drowning out her flesh and tickling her with all of the fury she experienced before but a hundred times over.
For the first time she freely withdrew her hand from the book, overcome with the jurassic desires of her feet. She wrestled with the light inside of her as it burst through her seams, enveloping her in a cocoon of snow white, leaving her alone to her suffering. Before her vision was doused from her, allowing her to focus on the fruits of her trials for the remainder of her existence, she saw herself hoisted upwards, away from the tome before being set upon the top of the tower she had envisioned, the emptiness expanding around her. She laughed freely, wildly, as she saw other beacons of light float towards her, and she knew, soon, she would savor in their laughter and suffering as well, absorbing their thoughts and feelings into herself, their love, their passion and their ticklish agony so that she could empower the void around her, expanding it and sharing the combined bliss of her coming comrades with still others. With each person she would form a special bond, learning of their own particular ticklishness while they too experienced her own. They would become great friends, trapped here forever, slaves to their feet and slaves to their own laughter as that wonderful feeling without repercussions filled them.