Lake Superior
TMF Regular
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- Jan 3, 2019
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Conrad grimaced at the sight before him. He'd ridden out quickly at the first sign of trouble eager for a chance to try and return his Lord Alm to his sister's side. Donning the mask he'd worn when they freed his homeland he'd been prepared to meet the foul witch Hel on the field. Now though what stood before him was a dark-looking young man flanked by a knight garbed head to toe in jet-black armor. His hands tightened on his lance as the man spoke.
"Poor unfortunate, Had you but stayed in the castle you could have been abducted without a fuss. Riding out to fight an enemy unseen though attracted my eye and doomed you to worse than those others could know. My name is Hubert Von Vestra and you would make a fine addition to my forces."
"Ahhh despite the circumstances I must say charmed to meet you. I am Conrad, Prince of Zofia. Though I thank you for your concern I do not think myself quite available for new opputinities as I am currently pledged to serve Askr.Maybe you could indulge me with your friend's name if I may ask?"
Hubert looked upon him quizzically before following his glance to the knight who loomed behind him. He looked from him back to Conrad before bellowing out a laugh that caused him to suppress a shudder.
"Oh. I understand the confusion now." He said flatly as she reached for the facemask of the knight. Lifting it up made Conrad gasp at the man's face or rather lack thereof. Inside was nothing but hollow blackness that made the redhead shiver. Hubert stepped aside as the armor moved forward and his entire being screamed for him to not let that thing touch him. It reached a gauntleted hand towards him and he smacked it away with his lance out of fear while taking a step back. He looked about for the mage but somehow he had disappeared in the confusion. His opponent prevented him from thinking on that though by reaching for him again but with the other hand. Again Conrad slapped it away with his lance and this time smiled beneath his mask. The armor held up both it's arm's which now ended in open holes of darkness, the gauntlets having been knocked clean off by his parries. Still the darkness itself reached forwards towards him and he backpedaled further. A jab was smacked away using the bracers and the dark tendrils whipped by his cheek. The darkness just grazed the skin beneath his mask and he laughed at the shocking softness of it. It pulled back and when it did it took the knights mask with it. Conrad put a hand to his face and blushed at having been taken so unawares by such an opponent. He was happy nobody he knew was here to see such a blunder. Raising his lance above his head he prepared a killing blow to finish his opponent but found himself stopped.
His weapon frozen in the air the prince's eyes widened at seeing the pair of gauntlets he'd knocked away now holding his lance still in the air. He tried to pull the weapon down but the distraction cost him. While his arms were up those tendrils whipped faster than he could see. It almost felt as if water was rushing through his sleeve. A tide of downy soft feathers that surged and roiled under his armor into his armpit until it reached the deepest possible point of the hollow, where suddenly it felt as if a singular finger pushed through the smattering of orange hairs inside to give a hard poke. He clapped his arms down immediately in a giggly panic and the tentacles surged back out from beneath his armor. Trying to grab one as it zipped by simply saw it wrap around his gauntlet and try to pull him over to the armor by it. With a mighty pull he freed himself of his glove and fell back panting. His opponents black limbs turned the empty glove over before it as if inspecting it. A new set of the tendrils emerged and one entered the gauntlet. The fingers of the armor moving as it explored inside it. Conrad's overactive mind pictured what that would have felt like had his own hand still been in there and he flushed at the tightness in his smallclothes. He tried to stop himself from imaging that feathery tide surging between his fingers and licking along his palm.
"Hmmph i-if you'd wanted to simply shake hands then you could have asked. I-I don't suppose we're friends now?"
A snort from behind him made him whip about to see the dour princess man smirk.
"I suppose you could consider us friends handsome knight. I and my tool simply wish to see you smile which is an extremely friendly activity."
"Conrad is what my friends call me and should you simply wish to talk than I would consider you one. How about asking your friend to stop so that we may discuss this?"
"Would that I could but I've never been someone to just take others at their word. I simply must insist on a bit more assurance if you don't mind. I'm sure we'll look back on this one day and...laugh."
Conrad turned back to his opponent just in time for the two gloves above, to sweep his legs out from under him using his own lance. Before he'd even hit the ground though they'd swooped down and seized him by his boots. Hubert's cackling laugh rang out as they dragged him towards the armor. He tried to pull out of their grip as he was pulled closer but had no luck. He thought instinctively of slipping from the armor but his stomach roiled at being left in only his socks here. Despite being relatively new to Askr he was well aware of the tactics employed here against his fellow Heroes. He was almost certain that this evil man had some sort of spell planned to trap his size 12's once they'd slipped free of his armor. He shuddered at the idea of the strangers fingers sliding about his socked pies, he seemed the type to play with his food and make a production of tormenting him. He could just see him digging in between his toes to make a production of sliding the sock down and off him. Conrad slipped free of his boots shuddering at the thought and quickly made his way to his feet once more. He looked back for Von Vestra but he was gone and had taken those strange fantasies of his teeth nibbling upon his heel with him.
The armored gauntlets came right back at him after they'd discarded his boots.
"Hmmph I'll say to you what I say to all when they get a bit too grabby. Keep your hands to yourself-what?!"
The pair of gloves had zigged when the carrot-top had expected a zag. Swooping up from his ankles just as he'd jumped to seize his bared wrist. He fell upon his rear and tried to use the other hand to swat it away but found it restrained by his own glove which was now being worked by a tendril. He was helpless as the free black gauntlet reversed direction and slowly fitted itself over his bare hand down to the wrist. Once it was on the effect was instantaneous. Conrad felt the sensations of his fingers being forced apart and could vividly picture what he believed to feel. Tight, yet soft cords forced the lancer's hand open and he shivered at the idea of what for. A tongue dragged along the taut palm and Conrad hissed at the feeling while he tried to pull the glove off to free himself. The wet organ inside the glove sampling the royal was joined by another but that felt different to the overactive mind of the Hero. While the other had been a strong tongue that he'd been imagining to be Hubert's the new one was rough and sandpapery as if the mage was being joined by a cat. His suspicions were confirmed as the rough organ curled around his middle finger and sampled the tight canyon betwixt his fingers. A day's riding had left the tiniest bit of sweat on his hands but he'd always felt his skin was more tender than the norm after wearing armor. A fact that he could swear his new captor could tell as the tongues sped up upon his hands. He was released by the other gauntlets and sank to his knees. He tried to pull his hand free by standing upon that evil gauntlet that had taken it hostage but found no luck with that. He planted a socked foot atop the palm but yelped at the feeling of the cold metal finger poking through the thick cotton of his riding sock causing him to jump off.
A dark laugh rang out as Conrad's predicament resonated with the mage who was responsible. The sight of the handsome cavalier who had taunted him earlier now pricking tears at just his hand being captured by the armor. He squirmed and tryed to pull his hand free so hard that his cheeks were taking on a tint reminiscent of his sisters hair rather than his own. Hubert strode forward and took ahold of his victims other hand. As Conrad felt more tongues of both human and feline origin start exploring each of his fingers now, he had no strength to stop the Imperial from simply peeling his other gauntlet free from his hand and tossing it to the side.
"Are all the warriors here like you? Being undone like this is shameful. You must be embarrassed to fall to something as childish as tickling."
He forced the hand open by bending back the index and middle fingers until the whole opened up to him like a flower in bloom. He paused at the sight of the pretty white skin and indulged himself with a stroke of his own finger slowly starting at Conrad's wrist, twisting across the back of his hand then winding in slowly between the fingers he held captive drilling his finger hard into the palm. He enjoyed the way knight crumpled forward at the new attack combining with the ongoing one. Inside the glove Conrad felt each of the fingers of his poor lost hand individually forced into something warm that was filled with what felt to be the stiffest feathers he'd never seen. Once they were all snugly secured they began to move and Conrad lost all fight. In this state he was basically a doll for Hubert to play with so it was a simple matter for the mage to hold the free hand up while the other gauntlet came in to similarly don itself. Conrad didn't see it due to his eyes being screwed tightly shut but the very second he felt that cold steel and realized what was happening his struggles began again.
By then it was too late and the gauntlet slid on quickly. Just like that the torture on Conrad's other hand ceased completely. He was left alone and unmolested for the moment. He tried to get up off his knees but the second he placed his hands near his legs the gauntlets undid the clasps of his greaves. His armored leggings clattedred to the ground as he felt it begin. A pair of lips pressed into his palm wherever it was and began to passionately kiss it with generous tongue. Hesitating for but a second Conrad tried to clench his fast and capture whoever this was but soon found that one by one each of his fingers were taken into what he pictured as full lips that slowly pulled them in to nibble upon the tips. He couldn't move the hand at all but could feel all of this and due to the curse of an over-active imagination pictured it vividly. His other hand was soon attacked by his own kind as rough hands assaulted with gentle touchs. His fingers were pried opened and then stroked and pinched by calloused touches. In contrast a single one of those horrid feathers from before was applied generally to his lonely palm. Conrad could do nothing but kneel and howl as his hands were tickled into oblivion inside these gauntlets which he had no control over.
"So do you have some understanding of how this will go now?"
With a snap of Hubert's fingers it all stopped instantly and Conrad was left panting at the memory.
"Why are you doing this?!" the knight barked between gasps. "Do you serve Surtr? Do you wish me for his horrid collection?"
"I do not. Surtr's methods may be fascinating but I serve only Edelgard Von Hresvelg the true ruler of the Adrestian Empire. I must admit a fondness for these methods of his though. I'd never thought to break a prisoner so gently."
With a hard shove Conrad was sprawled upon the ground before Hubert who kneeled upon his thighs and worked his fingers under the brave knights trousers start undoing the belt.
"Wha-what are you doing?! Ge-get off-"
With a cluck of Hubert's tongue it was suddenly as though Conrad's hand had been plunged into pots filled with slimy,wriggling worms. They squirmed all along his palms and coiled around his fingers. Conrad tried to contain and retain his dignity but to Hubert who straddled him at the moment and saw the man's ridiculous inflated cheeks blushing red with effort he didn't have much left to hide. Still Hubert was never one to miss an opportunity to do something he wanted and so bracing one hand on the knight's chest he leaned forward and drilled a finger into that red cheek until he made the cute balloon pop.
"Name-calling now? I had thought higher of you. So you'll need a few minutes to learn then? Very well then enjoy yourself. When you have learned who is in control we can resume."
Another cluck and the symphony of torture at hand on hands stopped once more. Hubert smirked down at the disheveled horsemn beneath him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. Conrad looked away which earned him another dark chuckle from his captor.
"Why thank you, your highness."
The sly comment earned an even deeper blush from the prince. Hubert's long fingers undid his new toy's belt and assisted him in removing his trousers. Pulling them down showed off Conrad's smallclothes. A gift from one of his many suitors the color had caught his eye. Hubert played a finger along the pink fabric and gave a squeeze to the tasty fruit inside before waving over to his hulking guard. With a heavy clunk accompanying each step the armor strode over towards the two men. With a clap the heavy plates ground as the greaves stepped away and left the rest of the pieces behind. Taking on a ghostly wave they moved as if weightless and started sliding up Conrad's bare legs. Hubert placed a hand upon the metal to guide them up as he climbed off his catch to allow the costume change.
Looking down Hubert had to stop himself from clucking his in tongue in disappointment for fear of activating his playmates wonderful new outfit. Still he did wish that he hadn't been so hasty to dress his new doll. The black armor that was forcing itself on would have been amusing to see clash with this silly prince in exiles own white battle garb. Conrad refused to meet eyes with the mage which was both annoying to his captor but yet endearing. He reached down and cupped the redhead's chin to pull it towards him only to be met with resistance.
"Hmm? That tone of yours..."
"Much better."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Hmm? It is as I said. I have a need for loyal fighters and a tendency to overdo things in securing what I want. Now hands up, we're to get the shirt off. Are you listening to me?"
Conrad had always had an overactive mind. In his youth the royal family had been the victim of the Duma Faithful and as a result he'd had to take shelter with a sage in the woods. His entire childhood had been spent there through and into his adulthood. The sage had taught him all that he could have magic even though he had no real talent for it, martial training though had been entirely self-taught and up to him as their wasn't much an old scholar could help with about that. Most of his time was there spent idle so his wandering mind had done nothing but worsen. He'd just find a comfortable place to sit and dream. His favorite fantasy was about what could have happened to him had he not managed to escape Zofia in time. Yes surely he would have probably been slain but what if that didn't happen? The young man's mind raced with the thoughts of dark-robed priests with shadowed faces using his skin as tapestry to apply the sigils of their brutish god with paintbrushes so stiff that he might tear up, whispering to him of what a fine boy like him would be worth to the god of strength and how he'd be molded slowly and carefully. He'd wake with ears as red as tomatoes as if those dreamed demons had chewed upon them while they teased him. Upon coming to Askr, Conrad had actually spotted the god Duma in the castles once or twice. After the initial shock of now counting himself as an ally to literal divines that fantasy had gained a new layer. Now after he was adorned in the signs of Duma and broken enough to speak only the words he was told, the carrot-headed prince would be taken into the strong embrace of the muscular god himself who would REALLY get him begging then. All of this came to Conrad's mind now here lying beneath an actual dark servant who was breaking him to a sinister cause...he assumed. The handsome miscreant actually hadn't told him anything more than who he'd serve. Still a recruiting process such as this left Conrad with no confidence in the righteousness of this work and he'd be damned if his own fetishes were to force him to evil. He tried to sit up but found his legs not listening to him much like his hands.
"So have you realized yet? That armor won't let you move those parts. In fact they're no longer here. Where they are is anyone guess all I know of that is that whatever's there is smart enough to understand explanations and signals as long as it gets it's fun eventually. I must say that I'm glad I have someone else now to feed this armor. I've had to keep it calm by putting my own foot into those boots every now and then."
Hubert played a finger along the socked presents protruding from the greaves much softer than Conrad had originally dreamed he would. The boots of the armor stood at attention next to the cotton-clad 12's waiting their turn.
"These will be a treat that it'll love but we'll save them for later. Now arms up and no more daydreaming. Your looks will only save you so much. Be a good boy now. Conrad didn't know if his pants funtioned similarly to his new gloves but knew that to don the breastplate was to make things much worse. He stayed still earning a disappointed sigh from Hubert.
"Very well, the hard way it is."
Sitting down the dark mage took ahold of his own boots and removed it. He left the black sock on and placed it upon Conrad's stomach.
"This is the new way you will apologize. This foot is your new god and you will beg it for forgiveness..."
Hubert went on but Conrad was no longer listening. Laying there in the grass he was back in his own head. The mage had mentioned his body clad in the armor was somewhere else with something else and for his mind would go nowhere but to that dimly lit cave with the shadowy priests. They gathered about his trapped hands protruding from pedestals, licking their lips at his newly arrived pale legs and buttocks. That stood before them quivering in anticipation. The feeling of a singular finger working into the waistband of that last shred of cloth between his orange fuzzed friend and the cold air of wherever his torturers were.
"Hmmph well if your just going to dream then you'll probably want this. Just remember that when your all good and ready. Show obedience and I'll give you a reprieve."
Whatever Hubert was saying was miles away as it began. His smallclothes were pulled down and his erect penis strokes by a tender finger. It was a light touch that seemed to just be to excite at the moment but nonetheless it forced him to bite his lip hard enough it threatened to burst. Sharp pokes from freezing metal points jabbed into his smooth thighs gently. They combed along the skin to rest atop his knees. Conrad groaned at how they waited there but shot up to a yipe instantly as fingers joined in to play behind his knees. They lightly scratched at the sensitive area with nails of various points. They pushed deeper knowing that on the side prongs awaited him and that knowledge would keep him still. Mouths descended upon his thighs and buttocks accompanied by tongues of varying types. A long one curled itself down and teased its tip along his calve. One of those sandpapery feline ones explored his crotch while stiff feathers floater up his hips. They were chased away as one by a pair of muscular hands that seized both of his cheeks to give access to give all new apparati access to his virgin pink opening. Hands made of feathery plume with wet sandpaper-y finger tips teased the twitching asshole while forks dragged along the cheeks. Old and gnarled feeling fingers seized Conrad by the hipbones and waggled them while occasionally digging in. In the real world Hubert looked over the strange emotions crossing over the knights face and wondered just what was happening in that armor, while in Conrad's fantasies of what was happening to him a muscular dragon god was directing traffic for all variety of sinister tickle freaks to ravage the paladin parts they had. His mind was just starting to think about what could still be lurking in the shadows when the sun beating down on his face was blocked out and a silken weight covered his face.
"Mmmmp!?" Was all he could manage through the force that was socked foot of Hubert upon his face. He tried to turn away but the mage followed him and had gotten comfortable enough seated upon the knights chest to keep him down. Another cluck of his tongue and the many tortures upon Conrad's tush stopped. However a strong hand took ahold of one of his on the other side and pried open the fingers to expose the palm. A thick finger began writing upon his tender and sweaty palm while Hubert ground his foot upon the red-heads blushing face. The faint aroma of fresh coffee beans came from his sock and was slowly becoming the only thing in Conrad's mind. The strong finger was forming letters upon his palm and he'd originally been trying to decode that but the mages foot covering his face had caused any and all other thoughts to disappear into the blackness of that sock.
"Now if your quite done? I would like you to put your hands up."
"S" that letter had cut through Conrad's mania due to it's simplicity. Hubert removed his foot and finally the man could once again think. He wanted to resist in the hopes of getting back to his allies but to be honest leaving aside the confused feelings he was having about this treatment he could think of no way to get out at this point. He'd missed a few more of the letters now so he resolved to pay attention once the cycle resumed. With a lack of options he put his hands up at Hubert's request at the very least to move this along.
"This is Surtr's curse." He told himself "That's why I feel this way. I am a proud warrior who simply can't find a way to escape this situation. It's not surrender but more like resignation. If I see a chance to get away I'll take it!"
He made out the "S" once more that signaled the start of the message again. Conrad felt a "U" traced from his thumb to his pinky and tried to focus on that rather then Hubert now laying atop him and pulling his under shirt up and over his head. Once removed Hubert balled the fabric up and tossed it aside before tracing a finger up his forearm to the gauntlets that held him hostage. He whispered something and the armor shimmered and extended. It enveloped his entire arm now and the other was doing the same quicker than he could react. Just like that he was now almost entirely encased in this horrid armor save for his bare chest and socked feet. Hubert smiled down at the look on the distressed man's face. He placed a singular bare finger upon his lips and uttered an order devoid of any mercy.
"Suck that."
A look passed over Conrad's face of revulsion but a cluck of the tongue changed it to forced hilarity. It all began once more as new horrors ravaged each and every part of his body they had. Mouths showed him what Hubert wanted as each of his fingers were taken into their own private warm and wet hells where a pink serpent waited to face them. Some were long, some were rough, one that had his thumb had a fork in it that it used to stroke from the knuckle down. Those muscular hands returned to his bum but this time they were mad, raining down hard open hand smacks on the tight buttocks. A mustached mouth climbed put a tongue to his opening and began exploration as the fuzzed lip tickled betwixt his cheeks. Fingers dug into his kneecaps as if they were trying to lever them off so as to join the returning forks that now attacked the backs of his knees. The mouths from before returned but now bit hard at his thighs and calves, calculated enough though to not break the skin.
Fingers made their way into Conrad's armpits as he puckered his lips around Hubert's digit and it took all he had not to bite down as rough nails scratched along inside in his hollows in that other place. Hubert smiled down at him as with one hand gave Conrad's pectoral a tight squeeze as he wasn't looking causing the cavalier to trill around the finger he was showing oral appreciation to. When Conrad heard the tongue cluck he was almost cried with relief as it felt like his penis had been guided into a chasm of soft wet grass that had already cause him to lose control twice and his own sticky fluid was not pleasant to feel. Again at the sound of Hubert's disproval it all stopped. His penis was extricated gently still dripping with his creation and his torturers withdrew. Except for the hand which seized his palm again and began writing.
"Well done. I'll train a good dog of you yet. Perhaps a nice nose to wear. Although yours is quite pleasing."
Hubert leaned in and planted a gentle kiss upon Conrad's nose then frowned at how his uncharecteristic show of affection wasn't returned. Yes Conrad was a prisoner denied the use of his limbs under threat of torture but that was no reason to be rude.
Hubert settled in at Conrad's side, cuddling under the cold metal that sheathed his arm. He wiggled the toes of his still socked foot before reaching down and pulling it free of his foot exposing the creamy size 10. Digging those devilish toes into Conrad's tight stomach made his new beau shake his head but having looping the coffee-scented sock around his victims head Hubert pulled the head around until their eyes locked.
Let us play a new game now. The breastplate will remain off as long as you don't laugh. Snicker, chuckle, titter or guffaw even a smidge and it's bye-bye to this pretty thing.
Hubert's wiggling toes were exploring Conrad's tight stomach and venturing up as the carrot-headed paladin tried to look away. This however earned him a sharp bite to the nose. Releasing the sock allowed Conrad to turn from the sharp pain but this just allowed to a pink and wet monstrosity to plunge itself into his ear. This combined with Hubert's toes now dragging along his tight abdominal muscles had Conrad thrashing. Mentally as his limbs were restrained and his head constricted to allow Hubert access. All he could do was clench and unclench his socken toes and try to keep the laughs that were scorching his throat locked down.
Hubert's teeth pulled at his earlobe and caused him to yip and miss whatever the next letter of the message to his hand was. Hubert's big toe forced it's way into his navel just as it began again.
While Hubert's tongue explored the ear closest to him, his fingers began tormenting it's counter on the other side. His earlobe was pinched then pulled to allow an index finger free reign inside the cup.
Hubert's leg showed impressive flexibility and dragged his evil toes down from between Conrad's chest muscles, along the happy, fuzzy trail of red hairs to wiggle along his waist. Conrad's eyes were screwed shut and leaking water with the effort of holding it in.
The strong hands message continued as Hubert pulled his tongue out of Conrad's ear, leaving a strand of glistening saliva before he climbed down to give the exiled princes chest some hands on attention.
He pushed together the modest pectorals until a glistening canyon formed. Red fuzz dabbed with the sweat of exhaustion made the dark mage lick his lips.
His cheeks were swollen comically as he shook his head frantically in opposition to Hubert's evil nod. The mages opened his mouth and proceeded to dive face first into the tasty canyon. His teeth bit at the tender meat as Conrad could do nothing but try and hold on just a bit longer.
"P-pleheh-pleheehee-pleahahase! St-ahahap!"
As Hubert fingers skittered their way up to Conrad's perky nips he reacher his breaking point just as the muscular hand finished the last letter. The flicking, toggling motions of those evil digits was enough and he threw his head back.
The breastplate floated it's way down though Hubert showed no signs of slowing his lips on Conrad's chest valley.
It wasn't until the cold metal collided with the man's head that he looked up to see the frantic knight.
"Oh...ahem...forgive me...I do believe you've lost. A shame I was just beginning to enjoy myself.
Hubert climbed off the broken man to make room for the breastplate to clink into place and seal his body completely inside Hubert's torture device.
Only socked feet and head were free from the suit.
With a wave of a finger from Hubert, Conrad sat up completely against his will as the armor obeyed the mages directive.
"'m begging you.."
Seating himself upon the armored lap, Hubert flicked his wrist and watched as the armored hand closed around Conrad's foot.
"Why are you whimpering? You're the one doing this to yourself. Simply stop yourself."
The cold metal fingers shredded through the cotton sock as if Conrad's size 12's were clad in wrapping paper.
They pulled aside the strands of thread obscuring the blushing sole before dragging their points along the warm sole. The teary-eyed Paladin threw his head back at the touch and laughed himself hoarse as the cold fingers that encased his own went to work on his sole.
Hubert clucked his tongue and hands of all kinds and feel reached out to him on the other side of the armor. Finger's took every inch of him they could fit and all began tracing in the same message from earlier. "SUBMIT" The hilarity of how hard he'd tried to decode that message would have made him laugh regardless of the situation. All over his body the message repeated. "SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT"
His palms, hollows, stomach and thighs.
Just like in his fantasies the faithful inscribed their message upon him to drill their message into his mind.
Tears streamed down his cherry-colored cheeks as it felt like his fantasies overtook him by force.
Hubert leaned forward to whisper into his ear.
"Whenever your ready we can put the boots on and get moving to your new home my cute dog."
"You simply have to..."
"Say the word..."
"To end this!"
"Cute puppy..."
Conrad's laughter reached a new decibel as brushes and quills added to his torment where they could fit between the fingers.
"Good boy."
"Poor unfortunate, Had you but stayed in the castle you could have been abducted without a fuss. Riding out to fight an enemy unseen though attracted my eye and doomed you to worse than those others could know. My name is Hubert Von Vestra and you would make a fine addition to my forces."
"Ahhh despite the circumstances I must say charmed to meet you. I am Conrad, Prince of Zofia. Though I thank you for your concern I do not think myself quite available for new opputinities as I am currently pledged to serve Askr.Maybe you could indulge me with your friend's name if I may ask?"
Hubert looked upon him quizzically before following his glance to the knight who loomed behind him. He looked from him back to Conrad before bellowing out a laugh that caused him to suppress a shudder.
"Oh. I understand the confusion now." He said flatly as she reached for the facemask of the knight. Lifting it up made Conrad gasp at the man's face or rather lack thereof. Inside was nothing but hollow blackness that made the redhead shiver. Hubert stepped aside as the armor moved forward and his entire being screamed for him to not let that thing touch him. It reached a gauntleted hand towards him and he smacked it away with his lance out of fear while taking a step back. He looked about for the mage but somehow he had disappeared in the confusion. His opponent prevented him from thinking on that though by reaching for him again but with the other hand. Again Conrad slapped it away with his lance and this time smiled beneath his mask. The armor held up both it's arm's which now ended in open holes of darkness, the gauntlets having been knocked clean off by his parries. Still the darkness itself reached forwards towards him and he backpedaled further. A jab was smacked away using the bracers and the dark tendrils whipped by his cheek. The darkness just grazed the skin beneath his mask and he laughed at the shocking softness of it. It pulled back and when it did it took the knights mask with it. Conrad put a hand to his face and blushed at having been taken so unawares by such an opponent. He was happy nobody he knew was here to see such a blunder. Raising his lance above his head he prepared a killing blow to finish his opponent but found himself stopped.
His weapon frozen in the air the prince's eyes widened at seeing the pair of gauntlets he'd knocked away now holding his lance still in the air. He tried to pull the weapon down but the distraction cost him. While his arms were up those tendrils whipped faster than he could see. It almost felt as if water was rushing through his sleeve. A tide of downy soft feathers that surged and roiled under his armor into his armpit until it reached the deepest possible point of the hollow, where suddenly it felt as if a singular finger pushed through the smattering of orange hairs inside to give a hard poke. He clapped his arms down immediately in a giggly panic and the tentacles surged back out from beneath his armor. Trying to grab one as it zipped by simply saw it wrap around his gauntlet and try to pull him over to the armor by it. With a mighty pull he freed himself of his glove and fell back panting. His opponents black limbs turned the empty glove over before it as if inspecting it. A new set of the tendrils emerged and one entered the gauntlet. The fingers of the armor moving as it explored inside it. Conrad's overactive mind pictured what that would have felt like had his own hand still been in there and he flushed at the tightness in his smallclothes. He tried to stop himself from imaging that feathery tide surging between his fingers and licking along his palm.
"Hmmph i-if you'd wanted to simply shake hands then you could have asked. I-I don't suppose we're friends now?"
A snort from behind him made him whip about to see the dour princess man smirk.
"I suppose you could consider us friends handsome knight. I and my tool simply wish to see you smile which is an extremely friendly activity."
"Conrad is what my friends call me and should you simply wish to talk than I would consider you one. How about asking your friend to stop so that we may discuss this?"
"Would that I could but I've never been someone to just take others at their word. I simply must insist on a bit more assurance if you don't mind. I'm sure we'll look back on this one day and...laugh."
Conrad turned back to his opponent just in time for the two gloves above, to sweep his legs out from under him using his own lance. Before he'd even hit the ground though they'd swooped down and seized him by his boots. Hubert's cackling laugh rang out as they dragged him towards the armor. He tried to pull out of their grip as he was pulled closer but had no luck. He thought instinctively of slipping from the armor but his stomach roiled at being left in only his socks here. Despite being relatively new to Askr he was well aware of the tactics employed here against his fellow Heroes. He was almost certain that this evil man had some sort of spell planned to trap his size 12's once they'd slipped free of his armor. He shuddered at the idea of the strangers fingers sliding about his socked pies, he seemed the type to play with his food and make a production of tormenting him. He could just see him digging in between his toes to make a production of sliding the sock down and off him. Conrad slipped free of his boots shuddering at the thought and quickly made his way to his feet once more. He looked back for Von Vestra but he was gone and had taken those strange fantasies of his teeth nibbling upon his heel with him.
The armored gauntlets came right back at him after they'd discarded his boots.
"Hmmph I'll say to you what I say to all when they get a bit too grabby. Keep your hands to yourself-what?!"
The pair of gloves had zigged when the carrot-top had expected a zag. Swooping up from his ankles just as he'd jumped to seize his bared wrist. He fell upon his rear and tried to use the other hand to swat it away but found it restrained by his own glove which was now being worked by a tendril. He was helpless as the free black gauntlet reversed direction and slowly fitted itself over his bare hand down to the wrist. Once it was on the effect was instantaneous. Conrad felt the sensations of his fingers being forced apart and could vividly picture what he believed to feel. Tight, yet soft cords forced the lancer's hand open and he shivered at the idea of what for. A tongue dragged along the taut palm and Conrad hissed at the feeling while he tried to pull the glove off to free himself. The wet organ inside the glove sampling the royal was joined by another but that felt different to the overactive mind of the Hero. While the other had been a strong tongue that he'd been imagining to be Hubert's the new one was rough and sandpapery as if the mage was being joined by a cat. His suspicions were confirmed as the rough organ curled around his middle finger and sampled the tight canyon betwixt his fingers. A day's riding had left the tiniest bit of sweat on his hands but he'd always felt his skin was more tender than the norm after wearing armor. A fact that he could swear his new captor could tell as the tongues sped up upon his hands. He was released by the other gauntlets and sank to his knees. He tried to pull his hand free by standing upon that evil gauntlet that had taken it hostage but found no luck with that. He planted a socked foot atop the palm but yelped at the feeling of the cold metal finger poking through the thick cotton of his riding sock causing him to jump off.
A dark laugh rang out as Conrad's predicament resonated with the mage who was responsible. The sight of the handsome cavalier who had taunted him earlier now pricking tears at just his hand being captured by the armor. He squirmed and tryed to pull his hand free so hard that his cheeks were taking on a tint reminiscent of his sisters hair rather than his own. Hubert strode forward and took ahold of his victims other hand. As Conrad felt more tongues of both human and feline origin start exploring each of his fingers now, he had no strength to stop the Imperial from simply peeling his other gauntlet free from his hand and tossing it to the side.
"Are all the warriors here like you? Being undone like this is shameful. You must be embarrassed to fall to something as childish as tickling."
He forced the hand open by bending back the index and middle fingers until the whole opened up to him like a flower in bloom. He paused at the sight of the pretty white skin and indulged himself with a stroke of his own finger slowly starting at Conrad's wrist, twisting across the back of his hand then winding in slowly between the fingers he held captive drilling his finger hard into the palm. He enjoyed the way knight crumpled forward at the new attack combining with the ongoing one. Inside the glove Conrad felt each of the fingers of his poor lost hand individually forced into something warm that was filled with what felt to be the stiffest feathers he'd never seen. Once they were all snugly secured they began to move and Conrad lost all fight. In this state he was basically a doll for Hubert to play with so it was a simple matter for the mage to hold the free hand up while the other gauntlet came in to similarly don itself. Conrad didn't see it due to his eyes being screwed tightly shut but the very second he felt that cold steel and realized what was happening his struggles began again.
By then it was too late and the gauntlet slid on quickly. Just like that the torture on Conrad's other hand ceased completely. He was left alone and unmolested for the moment. He tried to get up off his knees but the second he placed his hands near his legs the gauntlets undid the clasps of his greaves. His armored leggings clattedred to the ground as he felt it begin. A pair of lips pressed into his palm wherever it was and began to passionately kiss it with generous tongue. Hesitating for but a second Conrad tried to clench his fast and capture whoever this was but soon found that one by one each of his fingers were taken into what he pictured as full lips that slowly pulled them in to nibble upon the tips. He couldn't move the hand at all but could feel all of this and due to the curse of an over-active imagination pictured it vividly. His other hand was soon attacked by his own kind as rough hands assaulted with gentle touchs. His fingers were pried opened and then stroked and pinched by calloused touches. In contrast a single one of those horrid feathers from before was applied generally to his lonely palm. Conrad could do nothing but kneel and howl as his hands were tickled into oblivion inside these gauntlets which he had no control over.
"So do you have some understanding of how this will go now?"
With a snap of Hubert's fingers it all stopped instantly and Conrad was left panting at the memory.
"Why are you doing this?!" the knight barked between gasps. "Do you serve Surtr? Do you wish me for his horrid collection?"
"I do not. Surtr's methods may be fascinating but I serve only Edelgard Von Hresvelg the true ruler of the Adrestian Empire. I must admit a fondness for these methods of his though. I'd never thought to break a prisoner so gently."
With a hard shove Conrad was sprawled upon the ground before Hubert who kneeled upon his thighs and worked his fingers under the brave knights trousers start undoing the belt.
"Wha-what are you doing?! Ge-get off-"
With a cluck of Hubert's tongue it was suddenly as though Conrad's hand had been plunged into pots filled with slimy,wriggling worms. They squirmed all along his palms and coiled around his fingers. Conrad tried to contain and retain his dignity but to Hubert who straddled him at the moment and saw the man's ridiculous inflated cheeks blushing red with effort he didn't have much left to hide. Still Hubert was never one to miss an opportunity to do something he wanted and so bracing one hand on the knight's chest he leaned forward and drilled a finger into that red cheek until he made the cute balloon pop.
"Name-calling now? I had thought higher of you. So you'll need a few minutes to learn then? Very well then enjoy yourself. When you have learned who is in control we can resume."
Another cluck and the symphony of torture at hand on hands stopped once more. Hubert smirked down at the disheveled horsemn beneath him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. Conrad looked away which earned him another dark chuckle from his captor.
"Why thank you, your highness."
The sly comment earned an even deeper blush from the prince. Hubert's long fingers undid his new toy's belt and assisted him in removing his trousers. Pulling them down showed off Conrad's smallclothes. A gift from one of his many suitors the color had caught his eye. Hubert played a finger along the pink fabric and gave a squeeze to the tasty fruit inside before waving over to his hulking guard. With a heavy clunk accompanying each step the armor strode over towards the two men. With a clap the heavy plates ground as the greaves stepped away and left the rest of the pieces behind. Taking on a ghostly wave they moved as if weightless and started sliding up Conrad's bare legs. Hubert placed a hand upon the metal to guide them up as he climbed off his catch to allow the costume change.
Looking down Hubert had to stop himself from clucking his in tongue in disappointment for fear of activating his playmates wonderful new outfit. Still he did wish that he hadn't been so hasty to dress his new doll. The black armor that was forcing itself on would have been amusing to see clash with this silly prince in exiles own white battle garb. Conrad refused to meet eyes with the mage which was both annoying to his captor but yet endearing. He reached down and cupped the redhead's chin to pull it towards him only to be met with resistance.
"Hmm? That tone of yours..."
"Much better."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Hmm? It is as I said. I have a need for loyal fighters and a tendency to overdo things in securing what I want. Now hands up, we're to get the shirt off. Are you listening to me?"
Conrad had always had an overactive mind. In his youth the royal family had been the victim of the Duma Faithful and as a result he'd had to take shelter with a sage in the woods. His entire childhood had been spent there through and into his adulthood. The sage had taught him all that he could have magic even though he had no real talent for it, martial training though had been entirely self-taught and up to him as their wasn't much an old scholar could help with about that. Most of his time was there spent idle so his wandering mind had done nothing but worsen. He'd just find a comfortable place to sit and dream. His favorite fantasy was about what could have happened to him had he not managed to escape Zofia in time. Yes surely he would have probably been slain but what if that didn't happen? The young man's mind raced with the thoughts of dark-robed priests with shadowed faces using his skin as tapestry to apply the sigils of their brutish god with paintbrushes so stiff that he might tear up, whispering to him of what a fine boy like him would be worth to the god of strength and how he'd be molded slowly and carefully. He'd wake with ears as red as tomatoes as if those dreamed demons had chewed upon them while they teased him. Upon coming to Askr, Conrad had actually spotted the god Duma in the castles once or twice. After the initial shock of now counting himself as an ally to literal divines that fantasy had gained a new layer. Now after he was adorned in the signs of Duma and broken enough to speak only the words he was told, the carrot-headed prince would be taken into the strong embrace of the muscular god himself who would REALLY get him begging then. All of this came to Conrad's mind now here lying beneath an actual dark servant who was breaking him to a sinister cause...he assumed. The handsome miscreant actually hadn't told him anything more than who he'd serve. Still a recruiting process such as this left Conrad with no confidence in the righteousness of this work and he'd be damned if his own fetishes were to force him to evil. He tried to sit up but found his legs not listening to him much like his hands.
"So have you realized yet? That armor won't let you move those parts. In fact they're no longer here. Where they are is anyone guess all I know of that is that whatever's there is smart enough to understand explanations and signals as long as it gets it's fun eventually. I must say that I'm glad I have someone else now to feed this armor. I've had to keep it calm by putting my own foot into those boots every now and then."
Hubert played a finger along the socked presents protruding from the greaves much softer than Conrad had originally dreamed he would. The boots of the armor stood at attention next to the cotton-clad 12's waiting their turn.
"These will be a treat that it'll love but we'll save them for later. Now arms up and no more daydreaming. Your looks will only save you so much. Be a good boy now. Conrad didn't know if his pants funtioned similarly to his new gloves but knew that to don the breastplate was to make things much worse. He stayed still earning a disappointed sigh from Hubert.
"Very well, the hard way it is."
Sitting down the dark mage took ahold of his own boots and removed it. He left the black sock on and placed it upon Conrad's stomach.
"This is the new way you will apologize. This foot is your new god and you will beg it for forgiveness..."
Hubert went on but Conrad was no longer listening. Laying there in the grass he was back in his own head. The mage had mentioned his body clad in the armor was somewhere else with something else and for his mind would go nowhere but to that dimly lit cave with the shadowy priests. They gathered about his trapped hands protruding from pedestals, licking their lips at his newly arrived pale legs and buttocks. That stood before them quivering in anticipation. The feeling of a singular finger working into the waistband of that last shred of cloth between his orange fuzzed friend and the cold air of wherever his torturers were.
"Hmmph well if your just going to dream then you'll probably want this. Just remember that when your all good and ready. Show obedience and I'll give you a reprieve."
Whatever Hubert was saying was miles away as it began. His smallclothes were pulled down and his erect penis strokes by a tender finger. It was a light touch that seemed to just be to excite at the moment but nonetheless it forced him to bite his lip hard enough it threatened to burst. Sharp pokes from freezing metal points jabbed into his smooth thighs gently. They combed along the skin to rest atop his knees. Conrad groaned at how they waited there but shot up to a yipe instantly as fingers joined in to play behind his knees. They lightly scratched at the sensitive area with nails of various points. They pushed deeper knowing that on the side prongs awaited him and that knowledge would keep him still. Mouths descended upon his thighs and buttocks accompanied by tongues of varying types. A long one curled itself down and teased its tip along his calve. One of those sandpapery feline ones explored his crotch while stiff feathers floater up his hips. They were chased away as one by a pair of muscular hands that seized both of his cheeks to give access to give all new apparati access to his virgin pink opening. Hands made of feathery plume with wet sandpaper-y finger tips teased the twitching asshole while forks dragged along the cheeks. Old and gnarled feeling fingers seized Conrad by the hipbones and waggled them while occasionally digging in. In the real world Hubert looked over the strange emotions crossing over the knights face and wondered just what was happening in that armor, while in Conrad's fantasies of what was happening to him a muscular dragon god was directing traffic for all variety of sinister tickle freaks to ravage the paladin parts they had. His mind was just starting to think about what could still be lurking in the shadows when the sun beating down on his face was blocked out and a silken weight covered his face.
"Mmmmp!?" Was all he could manage through the force that was socked foot of Hubert upon his face. He tried to turn away but the mage followed him and had gotten comfortable enough seated upon the knights chest to keep him down. Another cluck of his tongue and the many tortures upon Conrad's tush stopped. However a strong hand took ahold of one of his on the other side and pried open the fingers to expose the palm. A thick finger began writing upon his tender and sweaty palm while Hubert ground his foot upon the red-heads blushing face. The faint aroma of fresh coffee beans came from his sock and was slowly becoming the only thing in Conrad's mind. The strong finger was forming letters upon his palm and he'd originally been trying to decode that but the mages foot covering his face had caused any and all other thoughts to disappear into the blackness of that sock.
"Now if your quite done? I would like you to put your hands up."
"S" that letter had cut through Conrad's mania due to it's simplicity. Hubert removed his foot and finally the man could once again think. He wanted to resist in the hopes of getting back to his allies but to be honest leaving aside the confused feelings he was having about this treatment he could think of no way to get out at this point. He'd missed a few more of the letters now so he resolved to pay attention once the cycle resumed. With a lack of options he put his hands up at Hubert's request at the very least to move this along.
"This is Surtr's curse." He told himself "That's why I feel this way. I am a proud warrior who simply can't find a way to escape this situation. It's not surrender but more like resignation. If I see a chance to get away I'll take it!"
He made out the "S" once more that signaled the start of the message again. Conrad felt a "U" traced from his thumb to his pinky and tried to focus on that rather then Hubert now laying atop him and pulling his under shirt up and over his head. Once removed Hubert balled the fabric up and tossed it aside before tracing a finger up his forearm to the gauntlets that held him hostage. He whispered something and the armor shimmered and extended. It enveloped his entire arm now and the other was doing the same quicker than he could react. Just like that he was now almost entirely encased in this horrid armor save for his bare chest and socked feet. Hubert smiled down at the look on the distressed man's face. He placed a singular bare finger upon his lips and uttered an order devoid of any mercy.
"Suck that."
A look passed over Conrad's face of revulsion but a cluck of the tongue changed it to forced hilarity. It all began once more as new horrors ravaged each and every part of his body they had. Mouths showed him what Hubert wanted as each of his fingers were taken into their own private warm and wet hells where a pink serpent waited to face them. Some were long, some were rough, one that had his thumb had a fork in it that it used to stroke from the knuckle down. Those muscular hands returned to his bum but this time they were mad, raining down hard open hand smacks on the tight buttocks. A mustached mouth climbed put a tongue to his opening and began exploration as the fuzzed lip tickled betwixt his cheeks. Fingers dug into his kneecaps as if they were trying to lever them off so as to join the returning forks that now attacked the backs of his knees. The mouths from before returned but now bit hard at his thighs and calves, calculated enough though to not break the skin.
Fingers made their way into Conrad's armpits as he puckered his lips around Hubert's digit and it took all he had not to bite down as rough nails scratched along inside in his hollows in that other place. Hubert smiled down at him as with one hand gave Conrad's pectoral a tight squeeze as he wasn't looking causing the cavalier to trill around the finger he was showing oral appreciation to. When Conrad heard the tongue cluck he was almost cried with relief as it felt like his penis had been guided into a chasm of soft wet grass that had already cause him to lose control twice and his own sticky fluid was not pleasant to feel. Again at the sound of Hubert's disproval it all stopped. His penis was extricated gently still dripping with his creation and his torturers withdrew. Except for the hand which seized his palm again and began writing.
"Well done. I'll train a good dog of you yet. Perhaps a nice nose to wear. Although yours is quite pleasing."
Hubert leaned in and planted a gentle kiss upon Conrad's nose then frowned at how his uncharecteristic show of affection wasn't returned. Yes Conrad was a prisoner denied the use of his limbs under threat of torture but that was no reason to be rude.
Hubert settled in at Conrad's side, cuddling under the cold metal that sheathed his arm. He wiggled the toes of his still socked foot before reaching down and pulling it free of his foot exposing the creamy size 10. Digging those devilish toes into Conrad's tight stomach made his new beau shake his head but having looping the coffee-scented sock around his victims head Hubert pulled the head around until their eyes locked.
Let us play a new game now. The breastplate will remain off as long as you don't laugh. Snicker, chuckle, titter or guffaw even a smidge and it's bye-bye to this pretty thing.
Hubert's wiggling toes were exploring Conrad's tight stomach and venturing up as the carrot-headed paladin tried to look away. This however earned him a sharp bite to the nose. Releasing the sock allowed Conrad to turn from the sharp pain but this just allowed to a pink and wet monstrosity to plunge itself into his ear. This combined with Hubert's toes now dragging along his tight abdominal muscles had Conrad thrashing. Mentally as his limbs were restrained and his head constricted to allow Hubert access. All he could do was clench and unclench his socken toes and try to keep the laughs that were scorching his throat locked down.
Hubert's teeth pulled at his earlobe and caused him to yip and miss whatever the next letter of the message to his hand was. Hubert's big toe forced it's way into his navel just as it began again.
While Hubert's tongue explored the ear closest to him, his fingers began tormenting it's counter on the other side. His earlobe was pinched then pulled to allow an index finger free reign inside the cup.
Hubert's leg showed impressive flexibility and dragged his evil toes down from between Conrad's chest muscles, along the happy, fuzzy trail of red hairs to wiggle along his waist. Conrad's eyes were screwed shut and leaking water with the effort of holding it in.
The strong hands message continued as Hubert pulled his tongue out of Conrad's ear, leaving a strand of glistening saliva before he climbed down to give the exiled princes chest some hands on attention.
He pushed together the modest pectorals until a glistening canyon formed. Red fuzz dabbed with the sweat of exhaustion made the dark mage lick his lips.
His cheeks were swollen comically as he shook his head frantically in opposition to Hubert's evil nod. The mages opened his mouth and proceeded to dive face first into the tasty canyon. His teeth bit at the tender meat as Conrad could do nothing but try and hold on just a bit longer.
"P-pleheh-pleheehee-pleahahase! St-ahahap!"
As Hubert fingers skittered their way up to Conrad's perky nips he reacher his breaking point just as the muscular hand finished the last letter. The flicking, toggling motions of those evil digits was enough and he threw his head back.
The breastplate floated it's way down though Hubert showed no signs of slowing his lips on Conrad's chest valley.
It wasn't until the cold metal collided with the man's head that he looked up to see the frantic knight.
"Oh...ahem...forgive me...I do believe you've lost. A shame I was just beginning to enjoy myself.
Hubert climbed off the broken man to make room for the breastplate to clink into place and seal his body completely inside Hubert's torture device.
Only socked feet and head were free from the suit.
With a wave of a finger from Hubert, Conrad sat up completely against his will as the armor obeyed the mages directive.
"'m begging you.."
Seating himself upon the armored lap, Hubert flicked his wrist and watched as the armored hand closed around Conrad's foot.
"Why are you whimpering? You're the one doing this to yourself. Simply stop yourself."
The cold metal fingers shredded through the cotton sock as if Conrad's size 12's were clad in wrapping paper.
They pulled aside the strands of thread obscuring the blushing sole before dragging their points along the warm sole. The teary-eyed Paladin threw his head back at the touch and laughed himself hoarse as the cold fingers that encased his own went to work on his sole.
Hubert clucked his tongue and hands of all kinds and feel reached out to him on the other side of the armor. Finger's took every inch of him they could fit and all began tracing in the same message from earlier. "SUBMIT" The hilarity of how hard he'd tried to decode that message would have made him laugh regardless of the situation. All over his body the message repeated. "SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT"
His palms, hollows, stomach and thighs.
Just like in his fantasies the faithful inscribed their message upon him to drill their message into his mind.
Tears streamed down his cherry-colored cheeks as it felt like his fantasies overtook him by force.
Hubert leaned forward to whisper into his ear.
"Whenever your ready we can put the boots on and get moving to your new home my cute dog."
"You simply have to..."
"Say the word..."
"To end this!"
"Cute puppy..."
Conrad's laughter reached a new decibel as brushes and quills added to his torment where they could fit between the fingers.
"Good boy."