This is a deep problem, but it's not because of "the viewpoints of those who run the major tech companies".
Youtube is scared of advertisers and govs, and C4S is scared of USA Epay (or whatever stupid and incompetent payment gateway they use now).
If you build a business that's independant, and you have nothing to fear, you can just be normal.
All adult businesses have trouble with credit card companies too - they're always in danger of having the rug pulled out from under them and they're very vulnerable to whatever those companies are willing to consider "acceptable."
Sadly, it's the impact of social media culture and the current trend of people using online pressure to try and sanitise anything and everything they find vaguely offensive. The result is that all major companies are fearful of finding themselves on the wrong side of whatever is considered acceptable this week, meaning they will cut ties in a heartbeat to preserve their image. It's the same as the way that TV and movie production companies will now ditch major productions/directors/actors the very second that Twitter deems something they've said or done is unacceptable.
The sex industry is under scrutiny from all sides in the current climate - trends in political correctness culture tend to view a lot of porn themes as 'problematic', whilst conservative governments are under constant pressure to sideline pornography and make it less visible. The result is that banks and financial companies are uncomfortable dealing with the industry despite the fact that it generates a vast amount of money - and so they apply terms. Companies like C4S rely on the services of the banking sector because they are gigantic and have to process an enormous number of payments. The banks then constantly change or update their rules depending on what is in or out of favour. In this case they've decided that mother and daughter themed clips are no longer acceptable across the board (even where nothing sexual is happening), but at the same time they've
un-banned previously excluded terms including 'teen' and 'teenager' amongst others.
They've also decided that 'hypnotism' themed clips are not ok anymore, even where it is clearly role-play fantasy. Similarly, chloroform or any kind of 'knocking the person out' type of fantasy scenario, has long been banned also. Basically, certain fantasies are currently unfashionable and so they are banned instantly until such time that the world moves on to other things. The step-mother/step-daughter thing is particularly annoying for me because all of the mothers and daughters in my clips
are actually real-life mothers and daughters! When the change was implemented, C4S automatically changed every clip description, title and keyword on the site to reflect it. Hopefully some marginally offended group within society can now sleep easier knowing that these harmless fantasies are not being acted out (or at least being described).
It's a shame that the world works this way nowadays but C4S itself has no choice. They serve millions of customers and tens of thousands of producers so they need banks to work with them. Non-US based producers felt the impact of this just a few years ago when one of the banks used by C4S suddenly got cold feet and cut ties with them, meaning they couldn't process most of their international payments until they found another company to work with. Our payments were delayed for weeks as a result and we had no idea when it would be resolved.