But at the end of the day, why are we blaming the animals for attacking? Humankind is the most dangerous animal there is. Over the centuries man has gone into other places uninivited and took over. As the human population grew, we invaded more and more space on Earth. This is fact. What I don't like is when people blame the animals for these attacks. I do not. You say we are "sharing" the same space. No, we are TAKING OVER the space and the animals have no choice.
In your first response to this thread you wrote, "When unnaturally aggressive animals find innocent people camping." Unnaturally aggressive? No, they are being naturally aggressive. If you go willingly camping in an area that has known wild animals, you put yourself at risk. If they attack you, ask yourself, "why did I camp in an area that is known to have bears?" The animal is doing what he does naturally...
Notice as man continues to build homes and living spaces in "wild terrain", these attacks become more frequent. We already, over the course of history, forced animals into smaller spaces, and we keep making it smaller. So when these animals are attacking, is it really their fault?
The animals featured on these programs are usually animals put in precarious spots by humans. Even on safaris, we are going into their habitat. There's no city there. There's no homes there. The land is for the animals, and here we go into their domain. I really love the "risky animal handlers" (the guys you see on the Discovery/Animal Planet channel) going into the wild and interacting with the wild animals. If they are ever attacked, I do not feel sorry for them whatsoever. They get whatever harm comes to them.
Bottom line is this. Wild animals are wild animals. If they attack you, it is normally the result of some human error on some scale. I will never blame the animals. Even if I get bit by a lion, I will ask myself, "How did I get into a situation where I am this close to a freakin lion?" If it happens in my city, best believe I am suing the city.
"The tiger didn't go crazy. The Tiger went Tiger." Best quote ever...