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Warning; I'm not to familiar with WWE, but I came across Asuka on a Reddit post and wanted to find somebody for her to tickle and I found Nikki Bella! A did some research and then wrote the story! I hope my ignorance on the subject matter didn't bleed through to much! Also, this story was uploaded weeks ago to my DA page! If you want to reach me, and read my stories early, head on over there!
“What do you mean ‘No way?!’” Nikki Bella, the long time WWE Wrestler yelled at Stephanie Mcmahon.
Nikki Bella and Stephanie Mcmahon had, after literal months of Nikki trying to organize, finally gotten a five minute meeting with the daughter of the most important man in the WWE.
Nikki had to retire, she had known this news for a very long time, but was looking to make an official announcement of TV in front of the WWE Universe. However, nobody in management would green light this idea and Nikki was fed up.
“You have no right to scream at me!” Stephanie snapped back. “Face it, Nikki. The audience for your little reality show is nowhere near as large as RAW or Smackdown. It’s not even close. I understand you want to make an announcement in front of everybody. But plugging your little show? Not a chance.” Stephanie said, leaning back in her chair in her small personal office.
“That show is my primary source of income!” Nikki retorted, “You can’t just drop me off when you’re done with me, I’m not like a lot of other superstars! I’m one of the most recognizable female wrestlers!” Nikki was getting more and more frustrated, and the more frustrated she got, the more Stephanie was losing her patience.
“You’re not getting any special treatment, and that is that!” Stephanie said, standing up and putting her hands on her desk and looking down at Nikki.
Nikki stood up and crossed her arms, “I’m not leaving until I get exactly what I want.”
Stephanie was three seconds away from slapping the taste out of Nikki’s mouth, she could feel her hand clench… But then, an idea popped into her.
Not to long ago, Stephanie had to talk to a current female superstar for a certain streak of inappropriate behavior.
Asuka, the very talented Japanese wrestler had seemed to pick up a new hobby of tickling other WWE superstars. It was a grey area when it came to the sexual harassment policy, so Stephanie figured that a warning would go before restorting to letting go of one of the best performers they had.
Stephanie smiled, “Okay… You win.” She said, an idea forming in her head.
Nikki was taken aback, all she had to do was stand her ground and she got what she wanted from management?
The recently accomplished Nikki confidently put her hands on her hips and smiled, “Good to know you’ve come to your senses. So what’s the plan?”
Stephanie smirked, “Oh, nothing crazy. Just go into the locker room, get changed, and I’ll send somebody to get you.”
Nikki nodded and stuck out her hand, Stephanie took it and shook. Nikki looked into Stephanie’s eyes with confidence and victory. But the look Stephanie gave was one of scheming and trickery.
They parted ways, and when Nikki left the office, Stephanie made a rather unusual phone call. But one she knew would be glad she made, giving Asuka the chance to just this once, enjoy herself with her new found activity.
About an hour later, Nikki was looking into the mirror in her full ring attire, adjusting her hat before smiling at her figure. Proud of her curves, running her hands down her slender body and bare, tan belly.
Nikki lifted her hands in the air, exposing her smooth pale armpits, and began to do her iconic introduction. Her hips popping as she slowly turned her body around moving herself erotically.
Nikki heard a little giggle from her locker room doorway, “So pretty!”
She quickly turned around to see Asuka standing in her doorway in her own extravagant ring attire.
“Nice belly.” Asuka said with a smirk, her fingers itching to just dig into Nikki’s body and tickle Nikki senseless. But she had to wait for just the right moment to strike, or else her plan may not work. This was the only time Stephanie had given Asuka complete freedom to tickle attack a female superstar.
“Asuka, haha, sorry you had to see that. It’s just been a while.” Nikki smiled, blushing a bit out of embarrassment, “So you must be the one Stephanie sent, so what’s the plan?”
Auska didn’t reply, only shutting the door behind her and confidently approaching Nikki, Nikki looked down at the slightly shorter woman, “Um… is that a yes?” Nikki asked, a little confused by what was happening.
“I have better idea.” Asuka said, raising her eyebrows as the confused Nikki belly, before using her leg to sweep Nikki’s ankles, causing Nikki to fall onto her back.
Asuka leapt on top of the collapsed Nikki, using her legs to squeeze Nikki’s thighs together. Her hands grabbing Nikki’s wrists and pinning them above Nikki’s head, her smooth, soft, tan armpits now completely exposed.
“A-Asuka! What the hell are you doing?!” Nikki screamed, struggling on the floor of her locker room, her long tan legs kicking as Asuka had her pinned by the wrists above her head.
Asuka smiled and licked her lips playfully, “So silly, we have good match here!” Asuka said, her adorable Japanese accent and broken english making her teasing that much more playful.
“A match?! No! Stephanie told me I was doing an in ring announcement, I’m not doing a match!” Nikki said, continuing to squirm, unable to pry herself from Asuka’s iron grip.
“She tell me, we have other plan!” Asuka smiled, eager to begin her newest hobby without the limitations and consent of management.
Nikki felt Asuka’s left hand began to pat her bare belly, Asuka’s soft hand making a light clapping sound as it made contact with Nikki Bella’s flat, tan stomach.
“What are you doing?!...EEP!” Nikki squeaked as Asuka used her index finger and thumb to lightly squeeze Nikki’s left side.
“Ohhh…” Asuka raised her eyebrows, and with a wide smile said, “... Tickle?”
Nikki’s big brown eyes went wide, “Asuka. NO! Let. Me. GO!” Nikki said, struggling around even more as Asuka smiled, barely suppressing a giggle at Nikki’s worry and fear.
Asuka smiled and nodded, repeating the word “Tickle!” As if sealing the deal.
Asuka’s left hand began to use its fingers to scribble across Nikki’s ribcage, causing a smile the form on the woman’s face, turning her face away.
Thankfully her Nikki, although it did tickle, it wasn’t to much of an intense sensation, so Nikki was able to resist the stream of giggles bubbling up inside of her.
Asuka could tell Nikki was resisting, but she could do that Nikki certainly was ticklish, so it wasn’t the war of tickling she had just lost, but merely the battle of the ribs.
“S-See! I told you no! I’m not ticklish! Now get off me!” Nikki barked, she wasn’t usually this agressive. But when backed into a corner she would do everything to fight back, but in this situation she was helpless under Asuka’s grasp
Asuka merely responded with this aggressive attitude by slowly moving her hand down Nikki’s belly, getting towards the center.
“Wh-whahat are you d-doing?!” Nikki said, squirming as she felt her flat bare belly shiver under the incredibly ticklish touch of Asuka’s fingers.
“Tummy button!” Asuka said gleefully as her finger slowly began to circle around and around Nikki’s belly button.
“N-NO! NEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHHE!” Nikki squeaked as her belly fluttered just under the touch of Asuka’s finger, teasing around her sensitive navel.
Asuka couldn’t have possible smiled wider, this was what she loved doing, and now she had free reign to fully attack this helpless midriff.
“Here… I… come!” Asuka sang, bobbing her head side to side to really seal in the teasing, her finger circling faster, the circle going around Nikki’s navel getting smaller and smaller.
“NAHAHAHAHHA! HEHEHEHE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHON’T!” Nikki could only helplessly laugh as she knew Asuka wasn’t going to let her go anytime soon.
Asuka’s finger slipped into Nikki’s thin, deep navel. Her finger twisting and occasionally pulling in and out viciously!
Nikki screamed with laughter, “AAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHA! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA!” Her body thrashed under Asuka’s grip, her long slender legs trying to find grounding but always slipping as a new quick wave of ticklish horror went through her body.
“Ohhhhhhh, so fun!” Asuka kooed as her finger continued to find new ways to tease and torment the walls of Nikki’s navel.
She had no idea her navel was this ticklish! I wasn’t uncommon for people to poke her in the side occasionally to get her to jump. And she had gotten plenty of online messages about her feet. But this was the first time anybody had tickled her belly button! And of course, it had to be a rival Wrestler who was going to exploit this new found weakness.
“AUAHAHAHHASUKA! PLEHEHEHASE!” Nikki pleaded as Asuka’s finger pulled out of her navel, temporary relief before Nikki found her hips Asuka’s next target.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!” Nikki howled, her body instinctively twisting away from whichever hip Asuka was attacking, with Asuka would only follow with attacking the other hip. Her hand jumping from side to side to attack the ticklish Wrestler.
“STOHOHOP IHIHHIT! STOHOHOHOP HIHIHIT PLEHEHEHEASE!” Nikki begged, the feeling of the non stop tickling because to overwhelming for the poor woman.
Asuka had clearly practiced her craft, using her thumb to locate and then plunge into just the right little spot on Nikki’s hip to get Nikki to go crazy.
“Awww, too much tickle?” Asuka cooed Nikki as her fingers began to spider scribble all of the midriff of the literally crying Nikki Bella.
“YEHEHEHEHEHES! OHOHOHOH GAHAHHAHAD, YEHEHEHES!” Nikki screamed at the top of her lungs.
Asuka surprisingly listened and stopping tickling, instead just resorting to patting Nikki’s bare belly, now slightly red from the constant tickling it had been subjected.
“Okay, no more tummy!” Asuka said with assurance.
“Ohohoh.. Haha… oh… thank you… oh thank God…” Nikki panted, resting her head back.
“No, it’s armpits!” Asuka said, with the same level of energy she had started with at the start of the tickling session. As if moving to a new spot gave her a second win.
“WHAT?! NO!” Nikki screamed, looking at her armpits, which were now glistening and dripping with sweat.
“B-But they’re so sweaty and gross!” Nikki pleaded, trying to convince Asuka not to do it.
“Oh yes, so very shiny!” Asuka smirked, her left hand striking Nikki’s left armpits, her digits dancing across Nikki’s smooth hollow, the sweat almost being a lubricant that not only made Asuka’s fingers tickle more efficiently and quicker, but made Asuka just want to tickle them even more!
“Tickle spider! Tickle spider! Tickle spider!” Asuka sang as her fingers tormented Nikki’s bare armpit.
Nikki was in a state of pure silent laughter, her mouth just stuck open into a laugh as her body bucked up and down as Asuka assaulted her with tickling. But this was hardly an assault to Nikki, this was pure tickle torture it the literal meaning of the phrase.
“Awww, such pretty hair!” Asuka said, her hand finally removing itself from Nikki’s armpit as it picked up a long strain of Nikki’s hair.
Nikki knew what Asuka was doing, worst part was she could do nothing to stop it.
“Asuka… please… no more…” Nikki begged, her makeup streaming down her face as she looked at the strain of her hair in Asuka’s grasp, “I won’t do the announcement on RAW, I promise!”
Asuka laughed, “This has nothing to do with announcement!” She said, “This is about FUN!”
Asuka then used the strain of Nikki’s own hair like a brush, sweeping up and down Nikki’s armpit.
“KAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA! NAHAAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHOHO! PLEASEPLEASEPLEEHEHEHEHEHHEASE!” Nikki laughed through her sobs, the tickling sensation becoming to much, as Asuka wasn’t stopping.
Nikki was convinced that Asuka was never going to stop, and she would just spend the rest of her life as the Japanese Wrestler’s tickle toy.
“Tickle tickle, pretty girl!” Asuka cooed, twisting Nikki’s hair on the woman’s armpit before there was a knock on the dressing room door.
Asuka finally stopped tickling as Asuka and Nikki both looked at the door.
“Okay, Asuka. I think that’s enough.” The familiar voice of Stephanie Mcmahon ring through the door before it swung open, Stephanie having a confident stance with her hands on her hips.
The realization hit Nikki like a truck, Stephanie had sent Asuka to overpower and tickle her for punishment for her disobedience!
Nikki looked as Asuka who had a look of disappointment on her face, but still got up off of Nikki, although clearly reluctant. Asuka give Nikki a cute wave goodbye and a wink before walking out of the locker room as Stephanie looked at the Wrestler, happy that her plan went off so well.
Stephanie looked at Nikki Bella, the woman who was so confident not to long ago, now clutching her belly, on the ground, sweaty, crying, and makeup streaming down her face from a mere tickle attack from one of WWE’s new top stars.
“NOBODY tells a McMahon what to do.” Stephanie said sternly, before slamming the door shut. Leaving Nikki to recover from her horrific, humiliating, humbling, and above all else, ticklish experience.
“What do you mean ‘No way?!’” Nikki Bella, the long time WWE Wrestler yelled at Stephanie Mcmahon.
Nikki Bella and Stephanie Mcmahon had, after literal months of Nikki trying to organize, finally gotten a five minute meeting with the daughter of the most important man in the WWE.
Nikki had to retire, she had known this news for a very long time, but was looking to make an official announcement of TV in front of the WWE Universe. However, nobody in management would green light this idea and Nikki was fed up.
“You have no right to scream at me!” Stephanie snapped back. “Face it, Nikki. The audience for your little reality show is nowhere near as large as RAW or Smackdown. It’s not even close. I understand you want to make an announcement in front of everybody. But plugging your little show? Not a chance.” Stephanie said, leaning back in her chair in her small personal office.
“That show is my primary source of income!” Nikki retorted, “You can’t just drop me off when you’re done with me, I’m not like a lot of other superstars! I’m one of the most recognizable female wrestlers!” Nikki was getting more and more frustrated, and the more frustrated she got, the more Stephanie was losing her patience.
“You’re not getting any special treatment, and that is that!” Stephanie said, standing up and putting her hands on her desk and looking down at Nikki.
Nikki stood up and crossed her arms, “I’m not leaving until I get exactly what I want.”
Stephanie was three seconds away from slapping the taste out of Nikki’s mouth, she could feel her hand clench… But then, an idea popped into her.
Not to long ago, Stephanie had to talk to a current female superstar for a certain streak of inappropriate behavior.
Asuka, the very talented Japanese wrestler had seemed to pick up a new hobby of tickling other WWE superstars. It was a grey area when it came to the sexual harassment policy, so Stephanie figured that a warning would go before restorting to letting go of one of the best performers they had.
Stephanie smiled, “Okay… You win.” She said, an idea forming in her head.
Nikki was taken aback, all she had to do was stand her ground and she got what she wanted from management?
The recently accomplished Nikki confidently put her hands on her hips and smiled, “Good to know you’ve come to your senses. So what’s the plan?”
Stephanie smirked, “Oh, nothing crazy. Just go into the locker room, get changed, and I’ll send somebody to get you.”
Nikki nodded and stuck out her hand, Stephanie took it and shook. Nikki looked into Stephanie’s eyes with confidence and victory. But the look Stephanie gave was one of scheming and trickery.
They parted ways, and when Nikki left the office, Stephanie made a rather unusual phone call. But one she knew would be glad she made, giving Asuka the chance to just this once, enjoy herself with her new found activity.
About an hour later, Nikki was looking into the mirror in her full ring attire, adjusting her hat before smiling at her figure. Proud of her curves, running her hands down her slender body and bare, tan belly.
Nikki lifted her hands in the air, exposing her smooth pale armpits, and began to do her iconic introduction. Her hips popping as she slowly turned her body around moving herself erotically.
Nikki heard a little giggle from her locker room doorway, “So pretty!”
She quickly turned around to see Asuka standing in her doorway in her own extravagant ring attire.
“Nice belly.” Asuka said with a smirk, her fingers itching to just dig into Nikki’s body and tickle Nikki senseless. But she had to wait for just the right moment to strike, or else her plan may not work. This was the only time Stephanie had given Asuka complete freedom to tickle attack a female superstar.
“Asuka, haha, sorry you had to see that. It’s just been a while.” Nikki smiled, blushing a bit out of embarrassment, “So you must be the one Stephanie sent, so what’s the plan?”
Auska didn’t reply, only shutting the door behind her and confidently approaching Nikki, Nikki looked down at the slightly shorter woman, “Um… is that a yes?” Nikki asked, a little confused by what was happening.
“I have better idea.” Asuka said, raising her eyebrows as the confused Nikki belly, before using her leg to sweep Nikki’s ankles, causing Nikki to fall onto her back.
Asuka leapt on top of the collapsed Nikki, using her legs to squeeze Nikki’s thighs together. Her hands grabbing Nikki’s wrists and pinning them above Nikki’s head, her smooth, soft, tan armpits now completely exposed.
“A-Asuka! What the hell are you doing?!” Nikki screamed, struggling on the floor of her locker room, her long tan legs kicking as Asuka had her pinned by the wrists above her head.
Asuka smiled and licked her lips playfully, “So silly, we have good match here!” Asuka said, her adorable Japanese accent and broken english making her teasing that much more playful.
“A match?! No! Stephanie told me I was doing an in ring announcement, I’m not doing a match!” Nikki said, continuing to squirm, unable to pry herself from Asuka’s iron grip.
“She tell me, we have other plan!” Asuka smiled, eager to begin her newest hobby without the limitations and consent of management.
Nikki felt Asuka’s left hand began to pat her bare belly, Asuka’s soft hand making a light clapping sound as it made contact with Nikki Bella’s flat, tan stomach.
“What are you doing?!...EEP!” Nikki squeaked as Asuka used her index finger and thumb to lightly squeeze Nikki’s left side.
“Ohhh…” Asuka raised her eyebrows, and with a wide smile said, “... Tickle?”
Nikki’s big brown eyes went wide, “Asuka. NO! Let. Me. GO!” Nikki said, struggling around even more as Asuka smiled, barely suppressing a giggle at Nikki’s worry and fear.
Asuka smiled and nodded, repeating the word “Tickle!” As if sealing the deal.
Asuka’s left hand began to use its fingers to scribble across Nikki’s ribcage, causing a smile the form on the woman’s face, turning her face away.
Thankfully her Nikki, although it did tickle, it wasn’t to much of an intense sensation, so Nikki was able to resist the stream of giggles bubbling up inside of her.
Asuka could tell Nikki was resisting, but she could do that Nikki certainly was ticklish, so it wasn’t the war of tickling she had just lost, but merely the battle of the ribs.
“S-See! I told you no! I’m not ticklish! Now get off me!” Nikki barked, she wasn’t usually this agressive. But when backed into a corner she would do everything to fight back, but in this situation she was helpless under Asuka’s grasp
Asuka merely responded with this aggressive attitude by slowly moving her hand down Nikki’s belly, getting towards the center.
“Wh-whahat are you d-doing?!” Nikki said, squirming as she felt her flat bare belly shiver under the incredibly ticklish touch of Asuka’s fingers.
“Tummy button!” Asuka said gleefully as her finger slowly began to circle around and around Nikki’s belly button.
“N-NO! NEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHHE!” Nikki squeaked as her belly fluttered just under the touch of Asuka’s finger, teasing around her sensitive navel.
Asuka couldn’t have possible smiled wider, this was what she loved doing, and now she had free reign to fully attack this helpless midriff.
“Here… I… come!” Asuka sang, bobbing her head side to side to really seal in the teasing, her finger circling faster, the circle going around Nikki’s navel getting smaller and smaller.
“NAHAHAHAHHA! HEHEHEHE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHON’T!” Nikki could only helplessly laugh as she knew Asuka wasn’t going to let her go anytime soon.
Asuka’s finger slipped into Nikki’s thin, deep navel. Her finger twisting and occasionally pulling in and out viciously!
Nikki screamed with laughter, “AAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHA! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA!” Her body thrashed under Asuka’s grip, her long slender legs trying to find grounding but always slipping as a new quick wave of ticklish horror went through her body.
“Ohhhhhhh, so fun!” Asuka kooed as her finger continued to find new ways to tease and torment the walls of Nikki’s navel.
She had no idea her navel was this ticklish! I wasn’t uncommon for people to poke her in the side occasionally to get her to jump. And she had gotten plenty of online messages about her feet. But this was the first time anybody had tickled her belly button! And of course, it had to be a rival Wrestler who was going to exploit this new found weakness.
“AUAHAHAHHASUKA! PLEHEHEHASE!” Nikki pleaded as Asuka’s finger pulled out of her navel, temporary relief before Nikki found her hips Asuka’s next target.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!” Nikki howled, her body instinctively twisting away from whichever hip Asuka was attacking, with Asuka would only follow with attacking the other hip. Her hand jumping from side to side to attack the ticklish Wrestler.
“STOHOHOP IHIHHIT! STOHOHOHOP HIHIHIT PLEHEHEHEASE!” Nikki begged, the feeling of the non stop tickling because to overwhelming for the poor woman.
Asuka had clearly practiced her craft, using her thumb to locate and then plunge into just the right little spot on Nikki’s hip to get Nikki to go crazy.
“Awww, too much tickle?” Asuka cooed Nikki as her fingers began to spider scribble all of the midriff of the literally crying Nikki Bella.
“YEHEHEHEHEHES! OHOHOHOH GAHAHHAHAD, YEHEHEHES!” Nikki screamed at the top of her lungs.
Asuka surprisingly listened and stopping tickling, instead just resorting to patting Nikki’s bare belly, now slightly red from the constant tickling it had been subjected.
“Okay, no more tummy!” Asuka said with assurance.
“Ohohoh.. Haha… oh… thank you… oh thank God…” Nikki panted, resting her head back.
“No, it’s armpits!” Asuka said, with the same level of energy she had started with at the start of the tickling session. As if moving to a new spot gave her a second win.
“WHAT?! NO!” Nikki screamed, looking at her armpits, which were now glistening and dripping with sweat.
“B-But they’re so sweaty and gross!” Nikki pleaded, trying to convince Asuka not to do it.
“Oh yes, so very shiny!” Asuka smirked, her left hand striking Nikki’s left armpits, her digits dancing across Nikki’s smooth hollow, the sweat almost being a lubricant that not only made Asuka’s fingers tickle more efficiently and quicker, but made Asuka just want to tickle them even more!
“Tickle spider! Tickle spider! Tickle spider!” Asuka sang as her fingers tormented Nikki’s bare armpit.
Nikki was in a state of pure silent laughter, her mouth just stuck open into a laugh as her body bucked up and down as Asuka assaulted her with tickling. But this was hardly an assault to Nikki, this was pure tickle torture it the literal meaning of the phrase.
“Awww, such pretty hair!” Asuka said, her hand finally removing itself from Nikki’s armpit as it picked up a long strain of Nikki’s hair.
Nikki knew what Asuka was doing, worst part was she could do nothing to stop it.
“Asuka… please… no more…” Nikki begged, her makeup streaming down her face as she looked at the strain of her hair in Asuka’s grasp, “I won’t do the announcement on RAW, I promise!”
Asuka laughed, “This has nothing to do with announcement!” She said, “This is about FUN!”
Asuka then used the strain of Nikki’s own hair like a brush, sweeping up and down Nikki’s armpit.
“KAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA! NAHAAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHOHO! PLEASEPLEASEPLEEHEHEHEHEHHEASE!” Nikki laughed through her sobs, the tickling sensation becoming to much, as Asuka wasn’t stopping.
Nikki was convinced that Asuka was never going to stop, and she would just spend the rest of her life as the Japanese Wrestler’s tickle toy.
“Tickle tickle, pretty girl!” Asuka cooed, twisting Nikki’s hair on the woman’s armpit before there was a knock on the dressing room door.
Asuka finally stopped tickling as Asuka and Nikki both looked at the door.
“Okay, Asuka. I think that’s enough.” The familiar voice of Stephanie Mcmahon ring through the door before it swung open, Stephanie having a confident stance with her hands on her hips.
The realization hit Nikki like a truck, Stephanie had sent Asuka to overpower and tickle her for punishment for her disobedience!
Nikki looked as Asuka who had a look of disappointment on her face, but still got up off of Nikki, although clearly reluctant. Asuka give Nikki a cute wave goodbye and a wink before walking out of the locker room as Stephanie looked at the Wrestler, happy that her plan went off so well.
Stephanie looked at Nikki Bella, the woman who was so confident not to long ago, now clutching her belly, on the ground, sweaty, crying, and makeup streaming down her face from a mere tickle attack from one of WWE’s new top stars.
“NOBODY tells a McMahon what to do.” Stephanie said sternly, before slamming the door shut. Leaving Nikki to recover from her horrific, humiliating, humbling, and above all else, ticklish experience.