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YES or NO Thread

No I haven't.
Are you open to trying new food normally?
No not a real one.
Are you glad we've had no snow this winter?
Yes, very glad indeed.

Do you remember the huge October 30th snowstorm that we had in 2011?
Yes I remember seeing kids on Halloween night having snowball fights while wearing their Halloween costumes (was crazy but funny).
Do you ever get depressed in the winter if it's a bad winter?
Yes, every time I must trudge through deep snow drifts just to cross a street I get depressed. 🙁

Have you ever slid on the ice and fallen down?
Yes I have.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to winter weather/sickness?
No, I haven't been hospitalized since my appendectomy back in 1962.

Have you ever stopped driving and waited somewhere for the snow to stop?
No I haven't (but I've almost gotten stuck a few times).
Do you wish every winter was like this one?
Yes like my brother does.
Do you miss football on Sundays?
Nope, I watched only one football game all season, the Super Bowl.

Will you attend any baseball games in person in 2023?
Yes I have tickets to a Yankees game in May. And I may go to a 2nd game.
Do you like minor league baseball?
Yes I have tickets to a Yankees game in May. And I may go to a 2nd game.
Do you like minor league baseball?

Yes. In part because the players are trying so hard. They know that the big money is in MLB and they are highly motivated to do well and get there.

Do you ride the subway often?
Yes, most often the subway, less often the buses.

Do you drive your own car most of the time when traveling around the city?
No I visit the city every couple of months and I take the train/walk mostly.
Do you like living in the city?
Yes, I do like living here in NYC, and I like my neighborhood.

Have you ever lived anywhere else?
No I've always lived in the NY area.
Have you ever raked leaves?
Yes, growing up in New Jersey, my chores included raking leaves in the fall, moving the lawn in the spring and summer, and shoveling snow out of the driveway in the winter. I hated that last chore most of all which may explain why I still hate snow.

Did you have to shovel snow as a child?
Yes but I didn't mind if I got to stay home from school.
Do you think kids should have to WFH on a snow day?
Yes I do (and it's working).
Does the weather in March always seem the most unpredictable to you?
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