This post made me wonder which was more difficult to satisfy: a lee's itch to be tickled or a ler's itch/desire to tickle?
Since I only know the ler perspective I'd have to say, it's much tougher from this don't be a wuss, TG!
All kidding aside, I think the lee's predicament is tougher. If no one knows you like to be tickled, and there are no lers around, chances are no one will just randomly do it when you want them to--especially not to the extent you want it. Conversely, as a ler, I can sneak small (or large

) tickles in on friends at almost any time if the need arises. Of course, they're not as satisfying as having a full-on session with a true 'lee, but it'll often be fun enough "scratch" the itch, so to speak.
This long-winded digression aside, waiting for NESTs/gatherings is never really a strategy IHMO. Even if you love those things, they're just too few and far between to be much help for the single ler or lee, IMO. But, y'know, um like, whatever. lol
Keep flirtin' local,'ll get lotsa tickles in no time.