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Blog entries by Viewmaster

So roughly a year ago I had a lucid, vivid wonderful dream about a woman encountering a circusy tickle tent on the beach. I carried on the story in my head when fully awake and it turned into parts 1 & 2 of the Andrea Saga. So glad I decided to write it down and share it. Some parts I still...
So whenever I get a chance I write tickling stories. Usually I like to know I won't be interupted. I move around alot and my stories have mostly been written in hotel rooms. Whilst writing the Castle Tickling Event series that continues the Andrea Saga I started a table of characters to...
So I have two half written stories... And a crashed laptop! Hopefully I will be able to restore it with the files intact
Hi so I have my next story pretty much written but won't post it yet because I might overhaul it entirely. I want to get at least two stories at the castle finished before posting since these will run paralell and have to fit with what I have planned for Andrea Sadly I cannot write as...
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