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A Night in the City


TMF Poster
Sep 29, 2002
I don't post much, but I thought I'd try my hand at writing a story. This is my first.

I know it has a very long introduction before the tickling begins, but I feel introductions are important and really let you get to know the character and allows the tickiling to be built up; both factors that much enhance the actual tickling when you get to it. So I highly highly suggest you read it from the begining through. Tell me what you think. I'm also aware its quite long, but eh, I was just going with the flow as I wrote it. Enjoy!

A Night in the City

“Shit, I’m not going to make it”, Susan thought as she dashed down the steps of the train station. It was 7:02. The train was scheduled to leave at 7, and these trains we’re hardly ever late. As she rounded the corner the train came into view. “Thank God, it’s still there!” she sighed as she maneuvered her way through the crowd, throwing quick apologies as she bumped into people here and there.

The train was crowded, really crowded. There were people littered everywhere, and it was an exercise in futility to even think about looking for a seat. Susan slipped in-between a huddled over old woman and a young girl who was chatting away on her cell. The three made for quite a scene to any onlookers who ventured to throw their gaze in that direction; a short old Chinese woman with graying hair, a tall tan blonde, and the very pale jet black haired Susan, who at average height fit very nicely in-between the two. Her slender body also made it easy to fit in the congested car. After a few more seconds, the doors closed, the train departed, and the night began as the passengers were sped away towards the city.

As the train carried along, the packed mob swiveled and swayed with the movements of the track; Susan’s 5’7 115 pound frame moving along with them. Bored, she started listening in on her adjacent partner’s cell phone conversation, the bouncing blonde was going on about how excited she was for college and how great her summer was. Susan guessed the girl had to be about the same age as her, as she was going to college in the fall; a subject that was on her own mind enough she needn’t think anymore about it, she thought as she tuned the girl off and chose to stare out the window instead. She gazed for about 15 minutes until the silent lullaby of the passing lights sent her into a short sweet sleep.

The brief nap was abruptly ended as the announcement of arrival was made, the doors opened, and Susan was shoved aside by the young girl on her cell phone, who of course took no notice of who she hit or where she was going. As Susan oriented herself and shot the babbling girl a nasty look, the old woman standing next to her remarked, “You were sleeping, you deserved it.” “Bitch” Susan muttered as she stormed out of the train, pushing past the old lady who she no longer had patience for. “Jeez, whats wrong with people tonight” she thought to herself as she made her way through the bustling station.

Susan was never one to let someone intrude on her rights or be rude and walk away without knowing it. This often led to trouble in school as she was the head of the school newspaper and several other clubs, and when club members didn’t do their job or didn’t respect the club she let them know. It sort of earned her a reputation as a bit of a bitch around school, which she pretended didn’t bother her, but it really did. The fact was Susan was actually a really nice person, and one of the best friends anyone could have, not that she didn’t have friend either, she actually had a great group of about 10 friends, and 2 or 3 really close ones. It was them that she talked to or sometimes even cried to when she was upset about how other people thought of her. She just wished people would realize how immature they acted sometimes so she wouldn’t have to come off as a hard ass in school; sometimes it was necessary to boss people around a bit to get things done. Susan was just a normal teenager, in fact, some of Susan’s favorite activities were just lying on the couch watching bad TV shows with friends or cheering them on in their Frisbee games (she wasn’t very athletic and didn’t like being made fun of otherwise shed participate).

But tonight none of these problems would be of issue. Tonight Susan was going to meet some camp friends and have a good time. These were friends from sleepover camp 2 or 3 summers back and this would be the last good opportunity to see them before college started. Plus, her friend Angela would be there, and she hadn’t seen Angela since they were 16, two years ago.

As Susan climbed from the underground staircase onto the city street she passed a mirror and decided she looked quite good. She was wearing tight jeans, a black corset with a very light black shirt over it. The shirt was more like a jacket as it was open in the middle and revealed the corset and her slim stomach. Her red lipstick and dark clothes contrasted well with her moonlight pale skin. Much in the same way her jet black slightly longer than shoulder length hair did. Her black high heels clicked along the stairs as she moved toward the city surface. Her camp friend say they were going to a fancy place for dinner, so why not use that as an excuse to dress up a bit. Susan loved to look good.

It was about 8’o clock and darkness had set in as the city sky sparkled with innumerable dazzling lights and spectacles. The street outside of the station was a well lit and very busy street with the many denizens of the city hustling and bustling about, heaving and dodging past one another. It was almost like an elegant ball with each traveler sidestepping and swirling around each other as they danced to their destinations. Among the many people, various pushcarts and peddlers could be seen advertising their wares to the fast passing mobs. A group of people all dressed similarly stood near the end of the street chatting loudly amongst themselves. Amidst all the hubbub Susan attempted to find the correct direction to proceed in as she choose to ignore the fluency of the crowd’s steps and walk directly forward, her nose buried in a map.

It was in this state that Susan ended up bumping right into the crowd of people at the end of the street. She slammed right in the back of one of them, tripped and fell into the middle of their circle. “I’m sorry” said Susan, glancing upwards for a helping hand. She only found annoyed looks raining down on her instead as she hoisted herself up and began to walk away. As the mob watched her walk away an undeniable and very loud “Clumsy Moron” came from somewhere within the group. Susan snapped around, “Seriously, what the hell are people’s problems tonight. Yea, I crashed into you, and I apologized. No need to be assholes.”

“Do you know who you’re talking to?” barked one of the pack.
”She’s got to be kidding, giving us lip after we let her walk away so nicely when she crashed into us” chimed in another.

Susan took a good look at the throng of people who she had tripped over. They were all girls dressed in night outfits, jeans or skirts with tight t shirts. Their ages seemed to range from the same as her to maybe 2 or 3 years older. She also noticed that they all seemed to be wearing the same symbol, either drawn on their shirt or on a patch sewn to their pants, although she didn’t give this much thought, figuring they were all part of some all-girls school or club. That’s when she noticed the girl from the train, the cell phone girl.

“Figures, they hang out with their own kind” Susan thought, remembering the rude girl from the train.
“Look girls” she said calmly as she addressed all of them, “You’re right, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what school or sorority or club you’re all part of, but honestly I don’t have the time for this right now.”

With that she turned around abruptly, flipped them the middle finger, and walked across the street. Some of the girls went to follow her, but we’re halted by the others in the gang; “There’s to many people around, screw it, the bimbo got lucky” As Susan walked down the crowded city streets she was in utter disbelief about how obnoxious people could be. As she passed what seemed like the 50th hot dog stand she felt her cell phone vibrating. She picked it up, looked at the picture caller id, saw it was one of her closest friends, Dave, and flipped open the phone.

“Hey Dave, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, going to go out in about 15 minutes, just thought I’d give you a call and see if you got to the party yet.”
“Nah, I’m on my way now.” “You wouldn’t believe how crazy people are acting tonight. I just bumped into some group of girls, apologized, and they still tried to bitch me out.”
“Jeez. I hope you just walked away?”
“Yea I did. I don’t think they would try anything either, the streets are pretty packed”
“Haha. You mean like always? It’s the city!”
“Yeayea, shush up. Where you going out tonight?”
“Just a normal night of hanging out. We’re going to go to Tom’s house tonight. Probably watch a movie, get bored after a few hours, and then do a 7/11 run.” “When are you getting home?”
“I might sleep over with a camp friend, if not pretty late. If I get back in time, Ill stop by, otherwise I’ll see you tomorrow. We could do a me and you day, you know watch some blind date or game show network; make peanut butter and fluff sandwiches, just chillax.”
“That sounds great. Well I’ll see you tomorrow Susan, have a great time at the party”
“Yea, have a good time tonight, see you tomorrow, love you”

Susan closed the phone and put it away. Talking to Dave made her happy and she was in a much better mood now. As she kept on walking and thinking about how awesome this summer was and how good a time she was going to have that night, she started to notice the amount of people walking around was thinning. When she finally started to pay real attention, there was hardly anyone else on the street. Looking at the nearest street sign, Susan realized she no longer knew where she was.

“Shit, I must have not been paying attention while I was on the phone” she thought, a bit nervous.
“Let me think, Let me think” she quickly repeated, “Did I just keep walking in one direction or did I turn? Yes, Yes I remember I took a right 3 streets ago, and then another right two streets back from that.”
“Wait, no, it was a left 3 streets ago, and then a right two streets back”
“Oh crap”

Susan hated being lost. I mean she really really disliked being lost. Loathed it, despised it even. Being lost made her very nervous and jumpy, and put her in a semi-emotional/panicky state she didn’t enjoy being in at all. Just as a multitude of bad thoughts began to flood her head. She was snapped out of her befuddled state by the ringing of her cell phone.

“Hey Susan, its Angela. I was just wondering if you were finding the place alright?”
“Oh Angela thank god you called. I’m pretty lost”
“Just tell me where you are, and we’ll get you out of there”

A few minutes later

“Thank you so much for the directions. I should be going the right way after a bit of back tracking”
“No problem. I can’t wait to see you!!”
“Yea me too, byebye”

With that, Susan put her phone away again and turned around to walk back up the street. She had somehow managed to wander pretty far off course, but nothing that wasn’t fixable within 15 minutes.

The street Susan was on was a semi residential side street; a few scattered Victorian houses among condos, with two apartment buildings at the end of the street. Susan was at the far end of the street when she got off the phone with Angela, and after being acquainted with the fact that she was indeed heading in the wrong direction, turned around, and began to walk the right way. She was walking at a brisk trot, not because she was scared (well she was a bit nervous, the city isn’t the safest place), but because she wanted to get to her friends on time. If her mind hadn’t been so occupied with getting to the party she might have noticed the circle of people standing in the parking lot of the apartment building at the end of the block. Not to say that people hanging out are always up to trouble, but generally one wants to stay wary of large groups of people on the side streets of the city late at night, as gangs are known to exist.

By the time Susan noticed the people, it was really too late to take another route to avoid them, and anyways there was probably nothing to worry about, probably just a bunch of harmless kids. As she walked on, one of the kids from the other side of the street caught sight of her and yelled,

“Hey little girl, what are you doing in this part of town?”
“Yea all dressed up too. Get yourself lost or something?” chipped in another.

A few more members went away from the circle to throw their taunts at her, but Susan just ignored them, kept her composure and kept walking. In just another 30 seconds she would be around the corner and it would be fine. That’s when she heard the one thing she couldn’t have wanted to hear less.

“Hey Amanda, isn’t that the bitch from before! The one who smashed into us?!”
“Yea, it is. Looks like little Miss Snob got herself lost in the wrong part of town. Maybe we should go help her out”

With that about three of the members of the circle began to walk across the street. Susan had seen enough, she abandoned her attempt at staying calm and began to run. Susan was never fast, but she feared for her life now, and she could feel the adrenaline pumping as she sprinted toward the end of the street. After what seemed like an eternity she rounded the corner and kept on going as quick as her high heels could carry her. After about 10 more seconds of running she decided to give a quick glance backwards to see if they were still following. Her glance indicated that no one else had rounded the corner yet, but as she snapped her head forward again, she felt herself step on a loose soda can and begin to slip. She cussed her high heels and her decision to glance backwards as she went down. Susan cascaded into a pair of tin trash cans, which luckily cushioned the fall, but also unfortunately made a ton of noise and put Susan in a tangled mess. By this time three girls had rounded the corner and we’re now taking their time, casually strolling up to the stuck girl.

When they reached Susan, two of the girls hoisted her up by her arms; “There you go honey, up and easy”. Susan began to struggle against the two girls, but they were gripping her by her arms, and the third one was coming over with two more girls following.

“Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way” announced one of the girls
“Oh boy, shes gonna get it now” erupted the other.
“Screw you, let me go, Ill start screaming” shrieked a struggling Susan

“Alright, I guess the hard way it is” said the third girl as she put her hand over Susan mouth and the other two picked up her legs. They carried her across the street towards the apartment parking lot the rest of crowd was standing in, and then took a turn down an alley way. They clambered through what seemed a maze of ally ways for several minutes until they came to a clearing surrounded by buildings on all three sides. They carried her over a red plastic chair, the kind you find in cheap social gatherings, sat her down in it, tied her wrists together with some rope, and put her the back of the chair. The chair was at the far end of one part of the clearing, with the brick apartment building wall close behind it. The gang then proceeded to secure the rest of her body to the chair with the rope, leaving only her legs free. After that a device Susan could only identify as something like medieval stocks, except made of rough plywood and extending from a metal pole that was attached to a base, was carried over, and her legs were placed in them, with the top clamping down on her ankles. The metal pole extended to about the height of her chest, so that the stocks attached to it were at head level .It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t really that uncomfortable either, and Susan didn’t notice either way, because she was far too afraid of what was going to happen to her. After she was secured, she was basically in a position where she was sitting on and leaning back into the plastic chair, with her hands tied together at the wrists and the back of the chair, with her feet extending outwards and upwards slightly, into the pair of stocks. This was the situation she was in as three girls stepped out of the crowd of about 15-20 and approached her.

“I’m Amanda and I’m head of this chapter of the Red Ravens.” Said a tall skinny fair skinned girl with semi-long straight blonde hair.
“These are my officers Ivy and Maxine”, she pointed to the brunette with short black hair and green eyes, and the chatty blonde from train.
“You’ve disrespected our members and now you have to pay” announced Amanda with authority.
“Please, let me go. This isn’t worth it. I have money, you can take it. Just let me go, I didn’t do anything to you” whimpered Susan, who was now starting to cry and was obviously very scared.
“Stop crying, sissy, we’re not going to hurt you and we don’t want your money. We’re just gonna teach you a lesson” Ivy remarked casually as she walked closer to Susan
“A lesson…” Susan stammered weakly
“Yes. You were very rude before and now you will regret it” quipped Maxine
“But all I did was trip into you guys! You yelled at me first, and besides I was having a terrible day with people get angry at me, I’m sorry I lost my temper” debated Susan, who was amazed at how calm she was remaining. If this had happened to her last year she would have been sobbing by now, but she took their word they weren’t going to hurt her and was now trying to talk her way out of things.
“Yes, dear, you’ll be very sorry by the end of the night and probably will let us know it many times, but alas when you bump into a Red Raven you just don’t keep going, you say sorry to each and every one of them, something you failed to do” replied Amanda
“But how the hell was I supposed to know that!” shouted Susan, with a little vigor that even surprised her. (She was still quite scared though)
“Look it really doesn’t matter, you’re quite stuck, and we’re going to have some fun with you” Amanda stated a-mater-of-factly.

As Ivy and Maxine came towards her, Susan got a good glimpse of the place. It was a small area, totally cut off by the three apartment buildings, which she now noticed looked quite abandoned. There were three alleyways leading out each separating the apartment buildings from each other. The area was decently lit by torches. The floor was composed of a dirt/sand mixture on which her seat and the base of the stocks lay, and next to her a little ways off to the left was a wooden table, the type you see in shop in elementary school. She could clearly make out the two girls coming towards her and Amanda, but as for the 15-20 girls in the background, they were just dark figures; shadows moving swaying silently back and forth in the torch light. What Amanda couldn’t see was that all over the front of the crudely made stocks there were red spray painted words that read “Laughin Stocks”, written about 4x times. It also had “HaHaHa” spray painted on the front.

Ivy walked over to her and took her pocket book and cell phone. She flipped the cell phone open and pressed the off button. “Won’t be needing this tonight”. She then placed them on the table to the left. As she searched Susan for more items to confiscate, Maxine was doing something strange. She was undoing Susan’s right high heel. She slipped it off and gave Susan’s foot a good looking at, pulling the toes back and scrutinizing carefully. “I’d say about a size 8 and long and narrow, perfect” Susan’s feet were in fact size 8, long and narrow with longish toes as well. The toenails were unpainted, but well kept. Her foot was pale, like the rest of her, but both the ball and the heel were a tiny bit pink. Susan was quite confused at this point.

“Why are you taking off my shoe? What are you doing?”
“Yes, she does Don’t worry, you’ll see soon.” Laughed Amanda “Really looks like a teenager’s foot, girl can’t be over 18 or 19.”
“Are you people crazy?” sputtered Susan who was now getting frightened again. She knew they were going to probably steal her cell phone and wallet, but her high heels too! She really liked this pair.
Ivy then came over and removed the other high heel, took the pair and placed them upright on the table next to the stocks. Realizing there was no talking her way out, Susan began to try another method.

“You people need to let me go right now, this is getting weird, and I’m going to scream” she threatened.
“Scream all you like honey. These buildings are all abandoned and we’re right in the center of a maze of alleyways, no one will hear you” retorted Maxine
“Enough chit chat, now let’s get started said Amanda” as she walked up to the front of the stocks.

“Huh, what are you going to do to me” said a now very anxious Susan.

“Well you see. As we explained before we don’t like it when people disrespect us” stated Amanda as she ran one finger from the bottom of Susan’s right foot to the top. Susan shuddered and clenched scrunched her foot as a reaction.

“And when people do, we like to teach them a lesson. A lesson that’s also provides us with a night of entertainment” Amanda said as she ran her finger from top to bottom, this time digging in a little more with her nail. Susan let out a giggle. The same type of giggle she would instinctively let out when sitting on the couch with Dave, when he would give her foot a tickle as they sometimes ended up in her lap.

“Aha, now that’s what I want to hear” Amanda announced with glee
“Are you tickling me?” gasped Susan
“Ding Ding Ding. You got it” Amanda quipped triumphantly

A flash of panic ran through Susan’s head. Tickling? Well tickling was better than being killed or hurt right? But still. Tickling? I mean shed get tickled a bit almost every time she hung out with her friends, but never seriously. She liked to say that things and her feet didn’t go well together, because they were really sensitive. The few times people had pinned her down and tickled her she was usually begging for them to stop within 10 seconds, and never had they gone on more than half a minute.

Her train of thought was interrupted by Amanda now running three fingers over her foot, which again involuntarily curled up. “Now let’s see how much it will take to actually start the festivities up” she cackled as she grabbed Susan’s right foot with one hand and began slowly raking her nails up and down the sole. One stroke is about the time she would pull her foot away from her friends, and she was not used to the constant tickling.

“Hehehehe” she giggled fervently.
“No. Why are you hehehe doing this hehehe”
“Because its fun to watch you squirm and trust me this is only a warm up in light of what’s to come” replied Amanda as she flicked her nails up and down Susan’s long soles.
“Alright time to get this party started” cried Maxine as she and Ivy began to work on Susan’s left foot

Ivy began to scratch around the heel of the foot with her long black nails as Maxine explored the sole and instep, tracing the lines of the foot with her fingers. Amanda began playing with the toes of the right foot, flicking her nails from the base of each to the top and pulling them apart and feeling the sensitive space inbetween. Giggles immediately transformed into full blown laughter as Susan was not used to this type of torture. Even when she was gang up upon, most of her good friends were guys who didn’t have nails. Her feet were moving spastically, moving from side to side, varying from scrunching up to spreading out as they tried to avoid the tickling hands. At this point she was also laughing steadily and began to plead.

“Hahahahaha hehehehe Pleeease noooo haha It tickles it tickles hehehe”
“Oh we know, its supposed to.” Cooed Maxine who was now concentrating on the ball of the foot, right under the base of the toes, making wide circular motions with her fingers.
“Laugh for us girl, laugh” echoed Ivy as she switched to the spot right inbetween the sole and ball of the foot, scratching up and down mercilessly the foot jerked around, trying to escape the incessant torture.
“I can’t hahahah take this heehehahahaha” managed Susan weakly in-between bouts of laughter
“Oh, you better be able to, the night’s just begun” smirked Amanda.

The Ravens continued with their initial tickling assault for the next 20 minutes. Exploring different parts of Susan’s trapped soles; the heel, the instep, the ball of the foot, and the toes of her narrow feet were all worked over thoroughly. Not used to such long term intensive tickling, Susan continued to plead at first, but then just sank back into laughter, pushing out a few weak murmurs for them to stop every now and then. After the 20 minutes passed, the tickling ceased, and Susan finally regained control of herself.

“Please stop, you had your fun, let me go now” she begged
“Are you kidding? That was just the initial phase to see how you reacted to some light touching” laughed Amanda. “Oh and by the way, you reacted wonderfully. This night should be a lot of fun”
“Yea trust us, this is just the beginning. Tons of exciting things are going to be coming your way tonight” added Maxine, who with then turned around and walked into the crowd.
“Is it time for the baby’s touch?” asked a brown hair girl who walked out of the crowd to join the three Raven leaders.
“Why what a good idea, Julie! If she thought our prodding was bad, wait till she feels this” Amanda declared.
“Baby’s touch? What are you guy’s doing? Just please let me be. That was torture before. I’ve never been tickled like that in my life. Please, just let me go, I’ve had enough” sulked Susan.
“Hmm, let me think about it. Nope don’t think we’ll let you go, sorry” joked Ivy. “I mean then there would be no entertainment the rest of the night, and would you expect us to just sit here bored?”
“Plus, remember that you are paying the price. You crossed us, and now you’re regretting it” smirked Julie.
“I DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO YOU GODDAMNIT” yelled Susan, losing her temper
“Temper, Temper” mocked Amanda as she strolled over to the table on the left and picked up a piece of string. “That’s something we’re definitely going to have to fix”
“You people are babies! You get mad about one little thing and then gang up on me with numbers of 20 to 1. I swear to god, I’m going to get you all thrown in prison.” Susan growled.

“Oh, we’ll see about that. Big words from someone in a position like yours” Amanda proclaimed as she walked over to Susan’s left foot, took her toe, looped the string around it, and tied it to the stocks. “You’ll probably be begging forgiveness for that outburst in about 10 minutes time”. She then proceeded to do the same to Susan’s right toe. Both of Susan’s big toes were tied back to the stocks, which left her feet in a taught position. She was now unable to scrunch her foot up, except for the little toes. Susan began to feel very vulnerable when she realized just how much they could to her feet the way they were tied. Susan had, had a long term boyfriend before, and they liked using handcuffs to spice things up sometimes, but that was with someone she trusted and loved. She had felt vulnerable like this before. It was then that she noticed Julie standing behind her.

“Huh, what are you doing.” She inquired as she twisted her head around just enough to see Julie’s pretty brown hair and gleeful smile.
“Oh don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to you. I’m just here to hold you still”
“Hold me still? What?”

At this moment Maxine stepped back up from the crowd, gripping something in her right hand.
“Got the stuff, boss” she said walking over to Susan’s now taut soles.

Susan’s eyes grew wide, as the stuff she now saw, was a bottle of baby oil. Maxine had the bottle turned over and was pouring it into her open hand.

“Yep”, quipped Julie. “Just holdin’ you down, because based on how you respond to only nails, this is going tickle like a bitch”
“Ah, keep that away. Please.. I’m sorry for losing my temper. Susan begged and bargained wide eyed.
“Not as sorry as you’re going to be.” announced Maxine with glee as she approached Susan’s foot.

Maxine then began to apply the baby oil to the exposed sole. Making sure to slather it everywhere and rub it in. She kneaded in generous portions to the arch and instep, and made sure to get her fingers inbetween Susan’s toes. As she did this, Ivy copied her in respects to the right foot.

“Hehehe, no no no please. Please hehe, don’t do this hehe” Susan couldn’t help but giggle as the girls rubbed the baby oil all over her tied feet. She even let out a few shrieks of laughter when the oil was applied between her toes.

Her feet now glistened as they stood tied and stretched, unable to move or squirm. Amanda stood at the left foot this time, while Maxine looked the left one over with delight.

“Now tell us, are you sorry for losing your temper and for crossing us in the first place” asked Amanda.
“I already told you that HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH”

Susan’s answer was interrupted as Amanda and Ivy decided to begin without waiting for an answer.

Amanda’s fingers glided over the tied sole with easy. They raked up and down with an increased speed and vigor due to the slick oil. Maxine’s nails danced effortless over the left foot, concentrating on tracing the stretched arch back and forth. Susan’s feet were visibly making an effort to clench shut, but only the toes on top moved, as the rest of the foot remained stretched and stiff due to the toe ties.

“HAHAHAHAHAH OH GOHAHAAHHAHD” cackled Susan as the girls tortured her feet. “HAHAhahaahheheHAHHAHA” Her laughing was rhythmic, dropping and picking up again according to where Maxine’s fingers were on her arch. Maxine’s technique of just going back and forth, tracing her slick arch, was driving Susan mad. The baby oil increased the intensity of the tickling ten fold, and Susan began to think her lungs were going to explode.

“Come on! Did you hear my question. Are you sorry?” Amanda yelled at her.

“YAHAHAHEheheheheS” cried Susan.
“What did you say” asked Ivy

“I can’t understand what she’s saying girls” said Amanda with a devilsh smile. “I guess that means she still thinks she’s right. Lets see how she feels after this”

With that Amanda began to flick her nails inbetween Susan’s toes. The baby oil made her nails slide easily in and out of the long toes. As she continued this one hand, she began to scratch across the toepads and up the stem of the toes with her other. Susan was still able to clench her toes shut, as only the big toe was tied, but it didn’t help much as Amanda kept pulling them open and holding them back against the stocks for easy access to the sensitive spots inbetween.

Susan roared with laugher from this. She felt Julie’s hand come down on her shoulders to keep her steady as her body began to buck in the small plastic chair.

“My turn” exclaimed Ivy with glee as Maxine moved over. “I’m going to perform my favorite technique on these slippery beauties”

Ivy made a cup shape with her hand as she said that, with all the fingers aligned next to each other as if you were she was holding something or going to turn a doorknob. She dug her long sharp nails right on the middle of Susan’s soft sole, between the instep and the arch, and began to move the cup shape around in a very fast small circle. The baby oil allowed her to glide over the smooth white surface extra quickly.


This technique drove Susan into utter hysterics. As Ivy continued her devilish moves, Amanda switched to taking one finger and quickly stroking up and down on the ball of Susan’s right foot. Maxine then joined back in the fun by taking each toe on the left foot and sliding them between her fingers, as if she was pinching a bit of salt onto her dinner. Susan’s toes slide easily between her fingers as Ivy was working the middle of the foot.

“Better apologize, your little tosies cant take much more of my swift fingers” cooed Maxine

But Susan couldn’t respond. All she could do was laugh and laugh. She had never felt anything like this in her life; especially Ivy’s rotating fingers in the middle of her sole. It was maddening. Julie was pushing hard on her shoulders now as her skinny body bucked in the red chair. As Susan withered in her bonds and tried to mover her feet she tilted her head back over the edge of the chair and let out a continuous stream of laughter.

Julie looked right into her eyes and casually said “Come on now, just apologize and well stop”

“Fine fine, I heard you that time” Amanda stated as she gave the signal for the others to stop “I think she’s beginning to learn her lesson”
“haha heheh, Oh thank god.” Susan sighed in relief. “Yes, I’m sorry please, let me go, I beg of you”
“Well we could do that…” Amanda said acting as if she was deep in thought.
“But since you apologized and admitted you were wrong, we’re gonna do you favor instead” she announced as she began to slip off the toe ties. Susan wiggled her feet and toes in their new found freedom.
“A favor? Really that’s quite alright. Just letting me go would be more than enough, I swear” spouted Susan. “I swear, I won’t tell anyone, Ill just go straight home”
“No really dear, we owe this to you” said Amanda as she whispered into the ear of a nearby raven, who then dispersed into the crowd.
“Well, what are you going to do” asked Susan nervously
“Well we all just noticed that your pretty little feet are a bit dirty” Amanda exclaimed as she pointed to the heels and balls of each foot, which were did in fact have a tiny bit of dirt on them.
“Well I walk around the house and outside a lot with no shoes on. I mean doesn’t everyone who wears flip flops?” stated Susan
“Well yes, but isn’t it such a shame for such pale milky white feet like yours to be spoiled by dirt?” asked Julie stepping around from in back of Susan.
“Yes, it really is a tragedy” mocked Ivy, running a finger up Susan’s narrow left sole.
“But Ill tell you what I’m gonna do” responded Amanda with a devilish gleam to her face. “We’re going to wash your feet for you. Make them all nice and creamy white again. They’ll be squeaky clean by the time we’re done!”
“Oh no, please. You don’t have to do that. Please, just let me go. Pleassse.” Pleaded Susan.

Susan commonly got her feet a bit dirty, as she wore flip flops an awful lot and found herself walking barefoot outside or around the house. She never explicitly cleaned her feet in the shower, just letting the running water under them do the job, so she had no idea what it would feel like, but she guessed the girls wouldn’t do it in the most pleasant of matters. As Susan contemplated what was going to happen, the girl Amanda had whispered to came out of the crowd followed by another girl carrying two buckets of soapy water, a bottle of body wash, a shower sponge, and a scrub brush. Susan’s eyes grew to almost twice their size as she saw the tools being brought out.

”Oh God, please no. My feet have had enough. Don’t use those things on my feet, please”
“No, no, dear. I insist we do you this favor. Really need to get all the dirt off those pretty little soles of yours” Julie proclaimed. “Hygiene is really quite important.”
“DON’T DO THIS” Susan yelled as the buckets of water were placed on the floor parallel to her feet. “I have friends waiting for me. They will get suspicious and call the police! Just let me go now and you won’t get in trouble”
“Hmph, giving us attitude again and when we’re doing you a favor. You’ll never learn” scolded Amanda as she dipped the fluffy shower sponge in the soapy water and then applied a healthy amount of body wash to it.
“Yes, really, just sit back and think of this as a pedicure” Julie assured as she bent down and retrieved the scrub brush from the right pail of water.
“But I hardly even get pedicures!!” Susan whined as she braced for the oncoming attack.

Amanda grabbed Susan’s slender foot by the big toe and bent it backwards, stretching out the arch and instep. She then began to run the soft fluffy shower sponge from the top of the heel to the beginning of the ball of the foot. She concentrated on the instep and arch, scrubbing hard along the middle of the white sole. The body lotion made the sponge slide easily over the middle of Susan’s foot. Julie on the other hand had one of her hands holding Susan’s right foot at exactly the part where Amanda was washing on the other foot, and with the other, vigorously scrubbing Susan’s dirty heel with the hard bristles of the soapy scrub brush.

“Gotta really scrub hard and get in there to get all the dirt off” Amanda said gleefully as she washed the foot.
“You should be grateful. You’re feet will be squeaky clean after this!” Julie added as the scrub brush worked its magic on Susan’s heel.

Susan was in a state of shock and disbelief. She had never felt anything like this. The tickling of her oiled up feet had been pretty bad, but this was beyond belief. The more they washed the softer her feet became, and the more it tickled. She had experienced a few pedicures before, mostly where she giggled a lot and almost kicked the worker, but this was out of this world.

“hahhaahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No, no, no. heheheehHEHAHA”
”Oh dear god, HEHAHAHEHAHAAH It’s torheheehahHAHAure!!!”

“There we go dear, the dirt’s flying right off” Amanda chirped “Time to switch to a different spot”

Amanda applied more body wash to the sponge and began to work the shower sponge between Susan’s toes.

”Can’t forget those tosiewosies, they need cleaning too!”

Julie inspected the right foot and found that the heel and arch were sparkly clean, but that the ball of Susan’s foot still had a bit of dirt on it. She grabbed Susan’s toes and bent them back as far as she could without hurting the girl. She then began to apply the soapy bristles all over the ball of the foot and at the base of the toes. She made sure not to forget to hold the toes by their very tips so she could properly brush down the underside of each one as well.

“HAHAHAEHHEHE I’m going to HEHEHE DIE” laughed a hysterical Susan.

“They’re beautiful. Milky white with a slight rosy touch” announced Amanda proudly as her and Julie ceased the washing.

“Now all that’s left is to dry these babies” stated Julia as she and Amanda grabbed rags and began to dry the feet before Susan even had a chance to say anything. Of course they dried them thoroughly, managing to rub the cloth between each toe and around the foot in the way to evoke the most foot squirming as possible, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the washing process.

“Can you heheh please let me go heeeh now?” Susan giggled as they girls dried her feet
“You’re real anxious to go, you know. What is it, you don’t like us? Mind telling me whats wrong with us?” incited Ivy walking over from the table on the left.
“Oh nothing, except you torturing me for the past two hours” said Susan with a menacing glare
“But you know, you’ve only met so few of us. It’s really quite a shame. It’s only been two hours, I think you can stay a bit longer and get to know the others” replied Maxine. “What do you think about that, Amanda?”
“You know, I think that’s a great idea.” Amanda said as she turned towards the crowd
“Would you all like to get to know Susan a little better” she shouted at the rest of the Ravens
Cheers came from the gang.
“You know, I’d really like to, but you promised I could go home. You promised!” whimpered Susan
“You know what? You look awful sad. We can’t have you leaving like that!” Amanda feigned disappointment.
“I’ll tell you what everyone” she said facing the girls again. “Our guest appears to be unhappy, which means we’ve been poor hosts. So… each one of you gets a bit of time with Susan over here. Whoever can make her smile the most gets promoted a rank!”
More cheers rang out from the crowd.
“Nooooo. This isn’t fair. Please noooooo” yelled Susan hanging her head in despair.

Julie walked over and untied Susan’s hands to her surprise. “Huh?” Susan looked quizzically at the brown haired gang member. “Not what you think” stated Julie as she brought Susan hands over her head, tied her wrists again, and spilt the ropes into a previously unnoticed hook hanging off the wall behind the red plastic chair. “It was nice of you to wear a corset, with all that skin exposed more of the girls can have some fun at once.” Now Susan’s still immobilized arms were above her head at a 45 degree angle, leaving her smooth bare armpits totally exposed.

“Well girls, have at it!” yelled Amanda

Susan’s immediate pleas for mercy were soon drowned out by frenzied laughter, as 20 girls converged on her, as many as they could tickling her at the same time, and then rotating out as they got tired. For the next hour and a half Susan was tickled by many different people, in different areas, with many different items. She was given short breaks where she didn’t even bother to talk anymore, as to conserve her energy for the next ferocious round of torture.

Perhaps the most effective tickling method took place near the end of the session as six girls worked on her at the same time. Four stood at her feet, one straddled her hips, and the other worked from behind. This group of six were actually known for their devious methods that could drive someone insane with laughter. They were called the “Rainbow Ravens” because of their different hair colors. At Susan’s right foot a green haired girl was raking the sole up and down with a comb, while the other was using a rabbit’s foot on the ball of her foot and base of her toes. On the left, another kneeling girl was using a pair of car keys, using the point to trace her instep and arch and heel, as a girl with long sharp blue hair stood over her, and let her hair flow between Susan’s toes, making sure to explore every crevice. The methods employed on her feet alone were enough to make Susan shake her head about violently, echoing loud laughter over the small area. But this group of Raven’s didn’t stop at her feet. A purple haired girl had straddled Susan, putting her face to face with the girl. This spunky chick was known for filing her nails into a triangle, with sharp points at each end, and was in the process of using these nails to dig into Susan’s ribs. All the while moving her face very close to Susan’s and whispering “Awww, does that tickle?” and “Cat got your tongue?” when Susan devolved into silent laughter. Perhaps the most maniacal of the techniques was the one being used by the red head standing behind her. The girl filled her hands with moisturizing lotion, which she then rubbed into Susan’s already silky smooth armpits, and began caressing the bare hollows with her nails. This is what really caused Susan to fall into silent laughter as she had never quite felt something tickle that much.

Finally, the never-ending torture stopped, and the crowd of girls moved away. Amanda approached Susan.

“We have a special request. The Rainbow Ravens would like to try a new technique they’ve been working on, and since they obviously we’re the best at bringing a smile to your face, we’re gonna let them”
”Oh, please, not them again. Anything, but them. ANYTHING.”, cried Susan
“Tish Tish, that’s not a very nice thing to say about someone who makes you so happy. You’ve probably offended them.”, chided Ivy.

As Ivy said this, the rainbow haired girls walked out of the crowd again and towards Susan.

”Don’t worry hun, we’re not going to do what we did last time. We’re only interested those adorable toes of yours this time” smirked the purple haired one.
“Yea, we’re going to have a bit of fun with them” added the red head, who then turned towards the blonde haired one and the brown haired one and said “spread em”

Susan watched in horror as the girls walked towards her feet, grabbed the big toe in one hand and the little in the other and pulled sideways, spreading her toes all the way apart, leaving the super sensitive gaps in-between completely vulnerable.

“Oh, Please noooo. Have some compassion. Don’t do this” shrieked Susan

The Rainbow Raven’s didn’t even respond. Instead the remaining 4 moved forward and began to try their new tickling tricks on Susan’s poor immobile toes. The blonde of the group held two pipecleaners, the fuzzy kind you used in arts and crafts camp, and started sliding them between two of the exposed toes. The green haired Raven had a feather in her hand, but rather than use the quill side, had it flipped over and was using the point to tickle at the base of each restrained toe. The purple haired leader was simply using her pointy triangle nails, running them in-between each toe and up and down the sides.

This new technique proved to be quite effective, as Susan began thrashing in the chair and whipping her around in laugher. She again needed to be restrained by her shoulders in fear that she would fall out of the chair.

“hehehahahaHARHAHRHARHARHAHR Not heeeeeeeh betwhahahahaeen my Hahaha TOEEEHEHEEHS”

Luckily for Susan, this only went on for about 5 minutes. After this, many of the Raven’s went out to get something to eat. Susan was given an hour’s break, although, guards were left behind to make sure she somehow didn’t weasel her way out. The first 15 minutes were spent trying to bargain for freedom with the guards, but when Susan realized that there was no hope for that, she began to sulk. Sulking turned into self pity and self pity into anger for being stuck in such a shitty situation. Her she was, allowing a whole bunch of pathetic girls amuse themselves with her, when she didn’t even do anything wrong. Right then and there Susan decided it was time to fight back in the only way she could. She wouldn’t laugh for them anymore. “Yea, screw them, they won’t get a rise out of me!” She thought to herself. “Even better, I won’t even acknowledge them.” She was happy with this plan, for it gave her at least a tiny bit of control over his situation, much like a child who believes the silent treatment will let them get whatever they desire from their parents. And hell maybe they would even let her go if she was of no more interest to them. But no matter what, she wasn’t going to let them win anymore without a fight.

The Raven’s returned to a determined looking Susan, sitting as upright as she could, waiting for them. Amanda walked up to her,

“Aww did you miss us?” she said as she gave Susan’s left foot a quick tickle. Susan didn’t flinch an inch and just continued to stare forward.
“Maybe she’s angry with us”, said Ivy in pretending to be concerned, as she also grabbed Susan’s left foot, bent it back, and gave quick scratches up and down the foot.

Again Susan did not make a movement and continued to stare straight forward, being careful not to acknowledge a single Raven. “This isn’t that hard as long as I concentrate on being upset and angry” thought Susan.

“Well, well, well. Looks like the little bitch is ignoring us” Julie reasoned.
“Doesn’t matter to me, wouldn’t want her to being move much for this next part anyway, I mean she might distract the artists”
“Artists?” Susan thought at the time Maxine said it.
“Why yes,” stated Amanda, placing one hand on the top of the stocks and leaning over, looking directly into Susan’s unmoving eyes.
“You probably think we’re some kind of terrible gang of hoodlums who roam the street with no education and no jobs. Well you’re wrong. We’re all going to school, some might be slower than others, but we’re going. We even help each other out. We’re really not so bad I mean right now we’re putting Alison here through art school” explained Amanda
“Aren’t we Alison?”
“Yes, yes you are” said a soft spoken short, but thin blonde girl with blue eyes hiding in the recesses of the throng.

She didn’t seem like she belonged in the gang, too innocent, too normal. The Raven’s outfit just didn’t look right on her, but alas here she was, stepping forward.

“Well I think it’s about time you showed us where our money’s been going, dear” Politely commanded Amanda. “And what a great example to work on! How often do you get to do body art!”

Alison mumbled something about getting her stuff and ran off. Maxine began talking in the meantime:

”Well I’m sure we’ll all be impressed with Alison’s work, but I thought it would be good if you girls got something else to do as well. So I thought we’d play a little tic tac toe and Susan over here was nice enough to volunteer her foot as a playing board!”
“Of course we can’t have it moving otherwise it will be hard to record our marks” said Ivy as she walked towards Susan’s left foot with some toe binds.

Susan remained unresponsive, as if she had heard nothing that was said, but as Ivy began tying the toes of her left foot back she was exploding on the inside. “Oh Jesus, they’re going to draw on my feet, this is going to be hell, how will I ever resist laughing.” she thought. Back at home Susan and her friends would sometimes draw tattoos on each other just for fun, but even on the inside of the arm a pen or marker tickled a lot, she couldn’t possible imagine one writing on her bare foot. Despite the internal panic she managed to keep a cool composure and a calm face.

“It’s good the slut is ignoring us, she’d just end up interrupting the games anyway.” stated ivy as she finished tying the toes on the left foot.

Now each and every single toe was tied backwards, leaving the foot completely taut, and every toe and space between each toe entirely exposed. Ivy walked over to begin on the other foot, when Alison emerged from the crowd with a case and beckoned Ivy to stop.

“You don’t need to tie it Ivy, Ill just hold the foot, it will give me more control over what I want to do” she politely explained.
“Whatever you want” responded Ivy, backing away from Susan’s right foot.

A small table was brought over and placed next to Susan’s right foot. Alison walked over placed her case on it and opened it up. Inside were various pens, pencils, and markers. Amanda walked over and picked out a few pens. “Gonna borrow these, hun.” She then turned toward the rest of the Ravens and yelled “Now who wants to play some Tic Tac Toe” and distributed the pens.

Susan was so focused on the mass of girls grabbing for the pens that she almost jumped out of her seat when Alison began drawing on her foot. Alison was using a black geltip pen, and it glided easily over Susan’s foot, which began to flex, but was stopped immediately as Alison grabbed and it studied it. The gel tipped pen tickled like hell as it moved up in down her foot , but Susan refused to break, and managed to keep a straight face, although she couldn’t stop her foot from flinching, but it didn’t matter, because of Alison’s firm grip. She couldn’t tell what Alison was drawing, but she definitely felt order and reason to the pen’s tip as it sketched all over her white soles. It’s true she had a narrow space to work with, but Alison was determined to make it work. Susan again slightly jumped upwards, as she had failed to realize the other Raven’s were beginning to play tic tac toe on her left foot. Two girls were kneeling in front of her left foot, drawing a tic tac toe board on her heel. As they finished two more walked over and began to draw one right in the middle of her stretched sole.

“I have a feeling someone isn’t going to be ignoring us much longer” Maxine said deviously

Susan’s mouth began to twitch, her lips forming into a smile. She could take Alison’s sketching, but now two tic tac toe boards! The rest of the Raven’s could see her predicament, watching her face go back and forth between cold angry stares and frenzied smiles.

Julie walked over.

“What’s a matter dear? Finding it hard to ignore us all of a sudden?” she teased. “Looks like you know a funny joke, why don’t you tell us?”

The tic tac toe players had finished their game at this point and were drawing new boards next to their old ones, as Alison still sketched furiously, this time near the top of Susan’s foot. Susan, although visibly squirming and with repeated changes of facial expression, was keeping her goal of not letting the Raven’s have their fun, and it seemed to be working. Many Ravens’ were observably disappointed, frowning at the lack of laughter and begging. This minor victory gave Susan more strength towards resisting the tickling.

As the kneeling Raven’s were finishing up their second tic tac toe board, a third group walked over and began to draw a third board, this time around the base of Susan’s long toes. The pen moved up and down the length of her tied back toes and “accidentally” slipped between them a few times as well. Susan could not take a third board, especially one being drawn on her immobile toes. She didn’t laugh, but she began to shake visibly shake and toss her head back and forth. Her lips were also quivering. The Raven’s realized she was about to break.

“Looks like little Susie can’t hold it in much longer, now can she?” taunted Amanda. “Not going to be playing the silent game anymore are we?”

It was at this moment that Alison announced “Done! I’m done sketching!” The picture was of a nice little house, with three people on the front lawn, an airplane in the sky, and even a sun looking down from Susan’s big toe. “I know it doesn’t look like much now, but just wait till I get some color in it”

“She’s too cute for this group” muttered Ivy to Maxine, “how the hell did she get in anyway?”
“Amanda’s younger cousin” whispered Maxine.

With that, Alison, put away her pen, grabbed a thin marker, stretched Susan’s foot out by bending the top of her foot back and began to color furiously. That was it, Susan lost it. The scratching of the pen could be resisted, by the soft felt tip of the marker burrowing into the soft white skin of her soles was too much.

“hehe” Susan began to giggle. Her mouth instantly lit up in a smile. “hehehehhee. Oh noheheheehe.”
“What this? You’re not ignoring us anymore! How lovely” mocked Amanda.
“hehehe, nooooooooooooohahhahahaahah”

Susan began to laugh harder as Alison added details to the people. Clothing, buttons, and color were all filled in with the thin markers on Susan’s long foot. Alison pulled Susan’s toes as far back as they could go, so it was almost as if she was writing on table, and began to fill in the entire ball of her foot and toes with blue for the sky. Susan really lost it when she dug the blue marker in-between each and every toe, and made sure not to miss a spot.

“HarharhahrHAHRHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nohahahaht THEHEHEHEHRE” she laughed as the marker colored up the sides of her elongated toes.
“A good artist never misses a spot” replied Alison a matter of factly.

At the same time Amanda turned and asked what was rule 4 of the Raven’s. A unanimous shout rang out from the multitudes of people “never lie to a leader.”

”Obviously, Susan here didn’t know about that one; let’s make sure she doesn’t forget it eh?”
While Alison was coloring in her picture, the girls who lost the tic tac toe games began to write “Never lie to a leader” all over Susan’s foot. The toe ties made it impossible to even wiggle an inch, and now that she had already been broken, the hard ball point pens drove her nuts as they wrote out rule 4 again and again.

“HAHAHAHAHARHAR I won’t heeeeheee ever LIHAHAHAHHE again” Susan gasped frantically

By the end of the drawing session Susan’s left foot was covered in tic tac toe boards and Raven’s rule 4. On her right foot, Alison had completed her picture, which was quite detailed, as she even added a cloud to the top of each toe, and colored in the sun on the big toe. Susan was desperately panting for breath. Before her breathing could even return to normal she saw two Ravens appear, lugging the buckets of soapy water again.

“Nooooooooooooooo” she wailed.
“I’m afraid yes, can’t leave ink all over these pretty soles” said Amanda

At this point Susan’s will was completely broken. She began to cry.

“Please no more tickling.”
“Awww she’s crying. Lets cheer her up gals.” Ivy cheered as she picked up a bar of soap.

Susan’s emotions were quickly overcome by the tickling sensations and she began to laugh again. This time the cleaning of her feet was even more intense. On the left foot, which was still held completely secure by the 5 toe ties, Amanda was scrubbing hard with a brillow sponge along the middle of her sole. Girls with washcloths were just rubbing down her toes, making sure to clean all the spaces between too. On her right foot, Ivy was sliding a bar of soap over her heel and instep while 3 girls worked on the ball and toes with toothbrushes. One girl was even using an electric toothbrush around the part where the ball of foot met the toes, and it was driving her nuts. Luckily it only lasted about 10 minutes. Susan’s soles were again creamy white with a reddish hue.

“Beautiful!” exclaimed Maxine.
“Well dear, you’re almost done, there’s just one last thing to make you’ve really learned your lesson.” announced Amanda.
Susan looked up at her with a gleam of hope. She was almost done. Finally.
“I’ll get to go home. Finally… thank god” Susan said quietly.
“Yep, but we’re going to make sure one last time that you’ll know to respect any Ravens you ever see”
“Yea, this last trick should leave a lasting impression.” Ivy said with a smile on her face.

Susan was ready to face whatever they threw at her, as she knew she was on the last limb and anyways, it couldn’t be much worse than she already went through, right?

Amanda, Ivy, and Maxine walked over to the table where Susan’s shoes and bag lay and picked up 3 items. As they walked back Susan could see the items they were holding were bottles, but of what she could not tell.

“My my, I’m really in the mood for some desert, how about you Maxine?” quipped Amanda
“Yea, im surprised we didn’t go for ices after dinner.”
“Well we have a special treat tonight” replied Amanda
“Yes, it should be quite fun and tasty” Ivy grinned devilishly.

It was then that Susan noticed what the girls were carrying: Maxine was holding a jar chocolate sauce while Amanda walked forward with a bottle of honey.

They walked over to Susan’s feet; one still bound by the toes, and began opening their containers.

“Yes, your feet should make quite the delectable desert” said Amanda

Susan’s will was broken at this point. She couldn’t imagine what a tongue would feel like on feet, and didn’t want to find out, but she knew there was no escape.

Ivy and Amanda laughed as they covered her soles in the sweet liquid. The chocolate sauce was poured over her tied left foot, while the honey was slathered onto her right. Susan closed her eyes and braced herself for the upcoming attack, but nothing could prepare her for how it felt.

“Bon appetite” cheered Maxine, as she kneeled down till her head was level with Susan’s immobile foot and then took one big lick from heel to sole. Amanda kneeled as well and began lapping at Susan’s honey covered right sole.

“HAHAHAhahaahahaheheheHEH Oh my hahaha god, it tickhahahaahles so much hahahaahhah” laughed Susan as she shook uncountrabley. “Your tounges hehHEHEH are so HAHA raspy hahaha”

The raven’s feasted on her feet gleefully. Maxine ran her tongue all along the narrow soles and heel, making giant licks and covering as much area as possible. Ivy joined in the fun by beginning to nibble on the sides of Susan’s sole, as the foot was completely taught and could not scrunch up at all. Amanda was a fast one and had already cleaned the soles and moved on to the toes. She was meticulously placing each one in her mouth and swirling her tongue around the thin toes, sucking and cleaning everything off. Susan’s was thrashing so hard she could no longer be controlled and fell off her seat. It did no good though, as her feet remained in the stocks and she just squirmed and laughed on the floor.


“Wow, I don’t think we’ve ever given it to anyone as bad as this chick’s getting it” whispered one Raven to another in the crowd.
“Yea, I don’t know how she’s still conscious, I think I would die if I went through this” was the reply

At this point, all of the chocolate and honey had been slurped off, but the leader’s of the gang kept going. “How does this feel” taunted Amanda, as she looked at the squirming form of Susan, and with a evil smile, used the palm of her hand to push the toes of Susan’s right foot back against stocks, leaving the entire foot outward and exposed, and then started one long lick, slowly from the heel up until the base of the toes, making sure to cover every crevice along the way. She then began to suck on the sides and balls of Susan’s feet and used her pearly white teeth to rake across the smooth soles. She did all this while holding the Susan’s toes back to have unrestricted access to all of Susan’s foot.
At the same time, Maxine had her face pressed right up against the middle of Susan’s left foot which was as taut as possible, because of the toe ties, and was ravenously sucking and licking the instep and arch. Ivy on the other hand was running her long tongue in the spaces between each toe, making sure to reach every sensitive inch. Susan’s toes were making a tremendous effort to clench and protect the soft spots in-between, but to no avail as the toe ties held them apart tightly.

The combination of teeth and sucking was too much for Susan, who was now just a withering mess on the floor. She could not talk or even think anymore. She was no longer aware of her situation, the party she was missing, or of the Raven’s listening to her hysterical laughter .There was only tickling and laughing, and that was all. And then, after a time she could not gage (about 5 minutes of this intense torture) there was darkness…

It was light outside when Susan woke up. She was lying on the ground in the parking lot she had originally seen the Raven’s in. It was empty, save for her. She noticed she was still barefoot but saw her high heels lying next to her, along with her phone. She stood up and turned her phone on to be greeted by a mechanical voice that let her know she had 14 voice mails. Tired and wary, she began her walk back to the train station thinking of excuses to tell her camp friends why she never showed up.

In the train station a group of girl on a field trip stood waiting for their train. They were in the middle of conversing when they all paused for a second, and stared at the odd sight of a girl flying past them.

Susan knew they were staring. Susan didn’t care. Susan would be wary for large groups of girls for a long time now. Susan would be weary of the city too. Her final thoughts to herself as she drifted to sleep on the train home was that she might as well be a bit more laid back as well and give a little less attitude in general, because you never know when being over polite and keeping your mouth shut could save you a whole lot of trouble.
Wow! I love this story. I've always liked multipleF/F.
Thanks for sharing. If you have more pls post'em.
Great story. As a tickling story, I thought it was going to be too long, but since the writing was enjoyable throughout, it worked. It was a good story that, as a bonus, also had good tickling. It had a long but well written intro which built up tension. I liked the visual analogies like the dance of the street crowd. I enjoyed the different implied accents and the attitudes of the characters. I particularily liked the casual sarcasm:“There we go dear, the dirt’s flying right off”. And fff/f is always great.
Thanks for a fun read.
We think this story needs another "BUMP!", due to its amazing content
Heather and Anna
Thank you Heather & Anna SOO much!! :ggrin: LOVED the story! It was great!! :super_hap
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