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Anyone here ever have, or know someone who has had a Near-Death Experience (NDE)?

I grew up in the countryside in a low fly zone used by the Navy.
When a low jet would come we would go outside and look at it, as you do. Sat in my bedroom upstairs, 15 years old, minding my own business on the computer. Suddenly we hear a low jet coming. Before I can move to get outside the jet screams over, there is a loud echo like bang from the roof and all the open windows blast out blowing paperwork and clothes out the window. Im laid on the floor on top of my brother with my dad, white with fear, on top of us both, our ears ringing and the almost unbreathable smell of aviation fuel. Milliseconds pass as we listen to the deafening sound of the jet rush off into the distance. From first hearing the jet to being on the floor is about 7 seconds.

Weeks later after many complaints and phone calls whilst were getting the tiles repaired we get a letter of apology though. In it the pilot apologizes explaining that he was arming the last live 500lb bomb as he flew over the house and mis-judged the height. The aircraft pitot on the fuselage struck the house as he flew over going around 300mph. The pitot is roughly 6 inches long....6 inches from death

I've had flash backs and years of nightmares. I don't scare often but a low jet physically leaves me shaking and white. brrr

thanks :)
from what i have been told my uncle has had a few one of them i remember he flew off a motor cycle cuz the breaks locked and he had no helmet and no one thought he would survive
Yup. Me. Twice. Caught in the undertow surfing and a nasty rollover crash. No desire to ever revisit THAT feeling again.
I haven't but my brother was in a car accident with an 18 wheeler years ago and almost died.He was in a coma for a few months and suffered permanent physical and mental repercussions.
In 10th grade I got into a horrible car accident, I was in a car full of friends, and my one friend who was driving was speeeding through back roads (bad idea bad idea) and well I blacked out so I don't remember what happened but what I was told was I think a tire popped or something because we spun out of control and did like a bunch of 360s and almost hit a line of cars on the other side of the road but luckily went the other way into the woods and tumbled down like a ditch and wrapped around a tree. When I finally woke up everyone already was out of the car and heading to the hospital, I was the lucky one stuck under the collapsed roof, with my head sticking out of the back window spitting out glass and it took like 45 minutes to get me out, then I had to be medevaced. Luckily everyone was okay just a few broken bones and things, I only needed a few stitches and I broke my collarbone. I remember before the accident we stopped on the side of the road and made sure everyone had their seat belts on, if it wasn't for that I think we would all be dead because I don't think anyone had there's on. Oh and now where my collarbone broke it sticks out funny so I creep people out by making them touch it haha =]
Was out with a friend and he started some trouble with some guys, thought it died down but it didn't and when we left we got jumped by 9 guys. I was beaten pretty bad by 6 or 7 of them and woke up in the hospital with a severe lasceration over my left eye and lost alot of blood. In fact my mom was in the waiting room waiting to make a decision on whether or not to put me on life support but I woke up like nothing happened. Except for the stitches, bruises, and a heck of a headache.
Quite a few of them, actually. But most of them occurred where I was too young to remember any details.

I was born with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot and I had open-heart surgery for it when I was only 10 months old. I still have the scar right down my chest, too. :D

Oh, and I once put a ketchup bottle in my mouth and nearly choked to death...and when I was a baby and still in my stroller, I went rolling down a hill toward the path of an incoming car. But both of those times, I was saved by my brother (who was also young at the time). When I had the ketchup bottle in my mouth, he told my mom "baby...blue". And when he saw me rolling down the hill he pointed at me and told my mom, "there goes baby". lol! :rowfull:
Quite a few of them, actually. But most of them occurred where I was too young to remember any details.

I was born with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot and I had open-heart surgery for it when I was only 10 months old. I still have the scar right down my chest, too. :D

Oh, and I once put a ketchup bottle in my mouth and nearly choked to death...and when I was a baby and still in my stroller, I went rolling down a hill toward the path of an incoming car. But both of those times, I was saved by my brother (who was also young at the time). When I had the ketchup bottle in my mouth, he told my mom "baby...blue". And when he saw me rolling down the hill he pointed at me and told my mom, "there goes baby". lol! :rowfull:

Wasn't there a Popeye cartoon like that?? ;-)
yea i was in a car accident a few years ago. I dont remember much of it but from what people have told me i feel asleep at the wheel and hit a guardrail, hit my head off the steering wheel and somehow broke my ribs. I had a lot of internal bleeding and was legally dead for a few minutes. Ended up in a coma for a few weeks
I have been in two car accidents which have caused perminate spinal and nerve damage. The last one when I was 19-20 I was actually paralized the left side of my body due to major head/cervical trama but thanks to a visiting neuro surgeon specialist who was doing teaching nearby came in to see me and I walked out of the hospital on my own two legs.
every single car accident I have ever had has a moment where time slows to a freeze, and I have to ask myself whether I am content with my life to this juncture. Usually I say no. When I went into the ditch last year during a bad ice storm, I remember just saying "okay".
every single car accident I have ever had has a moment where time slows to a freeze, and I have to ask myself whether I am content with my life to this juncture. Usually I say no. When I went into the ditch last year during a bad ice storm, I remember just saying "okay".

Interesting. Did any of those experiences cause you to change your life in any way?

BTW, let us know when you get on the road, ok? KIDDING! :bubbly:
During track this last year I was out in the field, way off to the left of the actual discus ring where my guy friend and some other people practicing. I was just picking one up that I had been throwing during practice, and exactly when I kneeled down to get it, the metal discus that he had been throwing went astray and missed my head by the tiniest amount. I just laughed it off and made some joke about it to him, but it scared the shit out of me.
I personally have not had a true NDE other than the very few times, as meangry said, time sat still for a moment and my mind raced through various emotions and thoughts. My old man, however, had something like it though. Chances are it was brought on by a combination of major head trauma and days and days of non-stop drug use but even today he still remembers what it was like.
He doesn't remember the altercation, but he remembers sitting on the curb of the street, feeling a pain in his head that he said was like ants on the brain. He said the last thing he heard anyone around him say was a cop that flashed a flashlight on him and exclaimed "are you sure you don't want an ambulance? I can see your brain" then suddenly he felt like he was there and wasn't at the same time. Everything around him went dark and he heard someone say "Welcome to the Planet Earth". I don't remember the whole story, but it was something about someone pretending to be an old chinese guy was trying to explain the ability of onmnipresence with the help of his sentient finger the man named "Nergal". I felt bad because I laughed the first time he told me but I know he believed he was there all the same. He was sitting on the curb when I got there, sure enough he had a big smashed in spot in his skull and bleeding like crazy but still sitting up awake. It was eerie. I was pretty mad that the cops didn't rush him to the emergency room but they argued "he's conscious and didn't give consent." Finally, he did consent (well kinda, though I'm pretty sure when he said yes he wasn't talking to me at all) and he was taken to the emergency room then airlifted to another hospital... all the while still awake, talking to someone that wasn't there.
Interesting. Did any of those experiences cause you to change your life in any way?

BTW, let us know when you get on the road, ok? KIDDING! :bubbly:

The only thing it ever really changed was my awareness of the road and my surroundings. My first was when I was a kid with a license and my old man was being a red ass on car placement. I pulled out too far at a stop sign and wanted to go back, but he told me no. And there was this truck barreling down the road with a brush guard. Our van was made of fiber glass. The fucking thing ripped through the door and barely missed my leg.

We had another one go down a few weeks later. Old man was driving our truck after we had gone camping. Oldsmobile with old people that shouldn't be driving were in the middle of the road and there was no way to avoid them. The front of their car literally got torn off. We went into the ditch.

I can't think of another accident I was in, but there have some close calls. I was barreling down Michigan backroads trying to get to work on time and hit a patch of black ice that caused me to spin out. I will be damned if I didn't damn near flip my car in the process. The other times aren't on me, but on conditions. A deer headbutted the back of my car on a stretch of two lane Michigan highway in the winter (YEAH...I FUCKING KNOW). Deer are stupid goddamn creatures. I had speed up because they were intent on crossing the road, and I was going to hit them if that happened. Right after I thought I cleared them, one of them just tattooed the back of my car by the gas cap. Was freaking sweet. The others had to do with Illinois highways not being properly iced (because that state is fucking retarded with how it goes about its business) and people hitting their breaks.

I spun out into that ditch just last year, and that just totally rocked me. Horrible road conditions like that are things I refuse to drive on now.
Was at a friend's apartment back in college, having some beers and just hanging out while watching this really crazy thunderstorm outside. Ran out of beer and cigs but remembered that I had some in my apartment, which was the next building over so she said she'd accompany me on my walk because she was petrified of storms and didn't want to be by herself. It was storming pretty good but figured we'd be ok to take a 20 second walk. Headed upstairs and as soon as I opened my door to the apartment, I felt this tingle around me and then saw the brightest light followed by the loudest sound I have ever heard. Her apartment was struck by lighting (she lived on the top floor of a three floor building), right in the living room where we would have been sitting had we not left about a minute or two before. Had we not craved another beer, I probably wouldn't have been typing this lol. Needless to say, it started a fire but everyone was able to get out safely and no losses of life, thank God. Definitely an angel on my side that night.
Was at a friend's apartment back in college, having some beers and just hanging out while watching this really crazy thunderstorm outside. Ran out of beer and cigs but remembered that I had some in my apartment, which was the next building over so she said she'd accompany me on my walk because she was petrified of storms and didn't want to be by herself. It was storming pretty good but figured we'd be ok to take a 20 second walk. Headed upstairs and as soon as I opened my door to the apartment, I felt this tingle around me and then saw the brightest light followed by the loudest sound I have ever heard. Her apartment was struck by lighting (she lived on the top floor of a three floor building), right in the living room where we would have been sitting had we not left about a minute or two before. Had we not craved another beer, I probably wouldn't have been typing this lol. Needless to say, it started a fire but everyone was able to get out safely and no losses of life, thank God. Definitely an angel on my side that night.

Holy sh*t! :eek:

Thank God that beer is so addictive, huh? :D
I've had a few moments where I've thought to myself "Better keep my head on my shoulders here, or I'm dead." And anytime you go under anesthesia, you know there's the risk (because they tell you about it) that you won't wake up.

It's twisted, but I think I enjoy feeling like I'm close to death. Gives you that adrenaline high, you know? Like you just gambled on something and won. :)
I've had a few moments where I've thought to myself "Better keep my head on my shoulders here, or I'm dead." And anytime you go under anesthesia, you know there's the risk (because they tell you about it) that you won't wake up.

It's twisted, but I think I enjoy feeling like I'm close to death. Gives you that adrenaline high, you know? Like you just gambled on something and won. :)

You, sir, belong in the loony bin. :gonao:
You, sir, belong in the loony bin. :gonao:

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Only this one had that reaction but you described it perfectly! It was like, I knew I was going to die and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I could be the most powerful woman in the world~the richest, most beautiful amazing human being and yet...I couldn't stop this. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, so tight as I spun across I-80 first one lane, then the second and the third~I heard my own voice inside my head, "Okay. So this is how it ends." There was no fear, no sadness, just acceptance. Fourth lane, fifth lane, faster and faster. I said out loud "God help me."

And then I heard the slam of my car crashing into the cement median. And complete silence except for the shattering of glass as my car flipped over onto its roof. I had come to a complete stop.

every single car accident I have ever had has a moment where time slows to a freeze, and I have to ask myself whether I am content with my life to this juncture. Usually I say no. When I went into the ditch last year during a bad ice storm, I remember just saying "okay".
im not sur if this is one or not but iv got this strange memory from when i was young- about 5 i guess. aparently i fell down some stairs although i dont remember that and split me head open. i was rushed to hospital where i distinctly remember sitting with my dad in the waiting area while they operated on me.....i dont usually bring it up because its all a bit vague and every1 laughs but there it is
Hm....maybe I am thinking of the wrong thing here, but isn't a near-death-experience when you see the white tunnel?
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