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Anyone remember their childhood fantasies?

This thread has skirted the issue this site ever faces - associations of children in anything sexual. It isn't sexual to remember your youth. It crosses a line when it's expressed thusly.

Cool. :)
Talking about your fantasies as a child as have been done in this tread is not a violation. General memories and thoughts are not a problem.

But the line is fine.

If you were highly descriptive, then you'd be creating minor involved material and the post would be removed as a violation.

Basically don't write stuff that someone could use as stroke material and you'll be okay.


I totally remember that book. I think it was Grover walking through the museum, and when he got to that "Tickling Room", a mechanical hand, a dog licking his foot, and a bunch of other things started to tickle him. He somehow got away and started running into the next room, as the mechanical hand chased him.....

I had forgotten about that until I just read your post. I used to read that book all the time. I guess my tickling fetish goes back longer than I realized....

OMG! I remember that book as a kid too! I also loved it to pieces, and I have been looking for it everywhere! I started thinking that I must have imagined it. Glad to know I'm not completely crazy. :D

Lynda Carter... yeah... that's it. She is to me as Donuts are to Homer Simpson... mmm Lynda... gurgle, gurgle, gurgle....
Well one of my favorite memories of childhood is being in class in middle school or earlier. My teacher would make me sit under her desk if I was disruptive for about an hour or so. The whole time she is dangling her shoe on her toes right next to my face. I can't help but stroke her sole until her Bass shoe fell off her nylon foot and she jumped and giggled quietly and put her foot down immediately, looking for her shoe.

She let me go back to my desk pretty soon after that lol since she knew I was now going after her feet. She was so ticklish too. A dream really.

Very nice memory.
No doubt about Walt

The name of the movie in which Meryl Streep's
lovely peds are licked by the family dog is called _She Devil_. Although a memorable scene for us ticklephiles, methinks Ms. Streep probably doesn't list that flick at the top of her movie credits... :rolleyes:

This particular fantasy (sleeping woman's feet sticking vulnerably out from under the covers whilst being licked/tickled) has been my favorite fantasy ever since I can remember as well. And one that I've been lucky enough to make a reality many, many times :D

I think what did it for me as a child was seeing 2 Disney movies which contained scenes very similar to the aforementioned one in _She Devil_. In _The Parent Trap_, two bear cubs lick honey off the soles & toes of the sleeping Joanna Barnes, dripped on by teenage twins Hayley Mills and... Hayley Mills (nice scene that, watching the honey ooze down her sleeping peds).

The other movie was probably the one which was most formative for me. In _Monkeys, Go Home!_, young Yvette Mimieux brings a group of chimps into the bedroom of a sleeping woman, pretending to be the cousin of Dean Jones. She had earlier dozed off from drinking too much Merlot, nice shot of Dean carrying her onto the bed, her hosed feet vulerably exposed under the afghan. The chimps played with her feet, and her sleepy giggles & smiles, plus her toe flexing in her sleep, just did it for me, even at the tender age of 7 :devil:

In fact, given the above scenes (plus a one or two more done in cartoons) make me think ol' Uncle Walt may have been one of us...

I think you are correct about Uncle Walt. In addition to the scenes you've mentioned, I recall a mid-50's episode of the Mickey Mouse Club show in which some kids visited a health spa-type place and got packed in a mud bath treatment of some sort,.... except that their feet were sticking out and the spa guy took advantage by tickling their soles. (THAT was my first media related foot tickling reference and it was powerful, since it was real) I was about five at the time,.... and only a year or so away from launching into an entire childhood era of tickling experiences with my friend Yvonne (See the Blast From the Past post in True Stories)

The Mouse-k-teers (sp?) also managed to get Annette Funicello out of her shoes & socks on a regular basis, so maybe with Disney it was feet more than tickling.

Disney also revealed his lustier side in Fantasia; pay close attention to what's going on in Satan's palm during Night on Ball Mountain.
My first fantasies were that a girl or a woman I had a crush on, or I thought was pretty is kidnapped by vilains, bound and tickle tortured. I came to rescue her, but have to wait for a right moment, so I am the witness of all the tickling. Finally I make my move, defeat the villains, free my love and become her hero.
Then I started to add something from my side, too. I could save them earlier, but deliberately allowed the villains to tickle their victim senseless first. But she of course didn't know that and were grateful for rescuing anyway. Then I added another element - the victim was blindfolded at some point. When it happened, I quickly and silently get rid of the vilains and start to tickle her myself. She still thinks she's tortured by bad guys. I free her when I had my fun and she's still grateful, not knowing that part of her torture was from my hands.
This developed to still lasting fantasy that the woman I know is kidnapped, but this time by the Tickling Gang cooperating with me. She is tied and I am thrown into her cell. I pretend to be kidnapped, too and claim that the bad guys told me to tickle her, or they kill me. I beg her to alow me tickle her. She reluctantly agrees, so I ask her to tell me her most ticklish spots, because the tickling must be real, because the bad guys are watching us. Not wanting me to be killed she tells me where she's the most ticklish and I tickle her senseless. Because she agreed to that, she's not mad at me and because she told me her worst spots the tickling is really intense. Then I am taken away from her and the rest of the gang is tickle torturing her, but now knowing her worst spots because of my ruse. I am allowed my turn a few more times, still under the disguise of being forced. Then after a few days, or weeks of tickle sessions we are allowed to "escape". I am her hero for "saving" her and became more and more prominent member of the Gang, because I set up more kidnapping of ticklish friends and because girls reccomeneded by me are the best ticlees, because they voluntary confess theirr worst spots.
my tickle fantasy was my neighbors daughter Tina she is of Italian decent and we are about 2 years apart in age with me being the older one, I was able to tickle her feet a few times and ever so badly wanted to tickle her everytime i saw her feet or just tickle her over all even if she was barefoot or not..But of course were considerably older now and are friends on facebook and we dont live that far apart from each other but the tickling issue never comes up oddly enough
Another one was inspired by a comic book. Two main characters (male, unfortunately) had to sneak into dragon's castle. To do that they had to defeat The Maze invented by the dragon. One of the obstacles was "The Tickle Tunnel 1 km(enter barefoot)". They removed their shoes and were tickled by moving bristles in something like the giant car wash. At first I just fantasized about female character being put into the device.Then I incorporated the device into my tickle fantasies. At first I imagined girls and women I liked put into the thing. Then I expanded the project - now I was inventing my own tickle tunnels, full of obstacles. Then my victim would be again kidnapped, put into a bikini and told that she has to conquer the tunnel to be freed. She agrees and goes thrugh the tunnel, not knowing I am the chief operator, administering the mechanical and human tickling to her vulnerable body. Eventually I let her pass, but exctracting a lot of ticklish laughter and squeals before. Main obstacles were like that:
1. Several corridors of the original Tickle Tunnel - nothing to do here, just endure the tickling. Sometimes I would cheat and stop progress to have her laugh some more.
2. Low ceiling and she has to crawl through a tickle grass
3. She has to crawl through a tight tube with a bristle advancing behind her and tickling her soles. In the tube there are small holes, through which me or my human assistants tickle her upperbody to make it harder
4.Monkey bridge - she has to cross "the water" by the bridge made of planks, with the rope rail forcing her to raise her arms over her head. She's of course upperbody tickled by the men with feathers on long poles. If she fells down her fall is softened by a lot of tiny blue sponges ("water"), gang tickled by "sharks" (assistants in costumes) for 5 mins then she has to try again. If she fails constantly I eventually let her pass, oredering longer gang tickle instead.
5. The burning home - she has to scale the facade of a mock building (like the firemen use for training and competition) by a very narrow plank fastened across the wall about the second floor. It so narrow she has to go sideways, again holding the rail suppled above her head. At the windows are guys wearing red suits acting as "flames", which "burn" her. Of course it means they tickle her stretched and defenseless upperbody. If she falls down she again lands on the soft ground (matresses) and again is gang tickled for five minutes and has to try again.
6. Car wash for humans (concept taken from another comic) - she enters the small chamber and is ordered to an "X" position. Robotic arms emerge and shackle her hands and feet, holding her standing and eagle-spread. Then she is sprayed in water and rubbed all over with mechanical bristles, tickling her mercilessly. Again - nothing to do from her part, just stand there and laugh her head off.It gave me time to prolong tickling if I thought she was too swift with other obstacles.
7. Various ladders and monkey bars she has to climb, being tickled all the time by assistants.
8. Tickle path - the grand finale - her hands are shackled behind her head (like with someone who surrenders) and she has to run (walk, crawl, whatever she manages) among two long rows of people, tickling her all the way to the exit.
Another tickling fantasy was connected with my neighbour. She was babysitting me from time to time. She wasn't very pretty, but you don't need much for a young boy to develop the crush. So I had a crush on her and included her into my tickling fantasies. She was around 30 that time, average height, short, curly hair. Now I can say she has quite a nice body, especially the chest area, but then it didn;'t nmatter much to me.
My favourite fantasy was that she 'd been captured and encased in cement, turning her into a living statue. Then she would be put in an old building, like the museum, as a caryatid - arms up, supporting the portico. Her mouth would be left open, so she could breathe and there vwould be holes in her shell, giving access to her soles, armpits, ribs and tummy masked by a corresponding paint. Only a few men, being in conspiracy, would know she's inside a statue and come to tickle her through those holes. I would be one of them and could tickle her whenever I wished, without her being able to see it, to defend and even to move. She could only laugh, which I would be able to hear because of her open mouth.
I remember that Sesame Street book too, wow, that's a blast from the past. I think I used to imagine myself going though that room.

I also remember fantasizing, if that word can be applied to a kid, about being used in actual experiments by scientists doing research into tickling and ticklishness.
I remember as a kid, I always imagined a 'tickling machine'- Like, it would strap me down, and a whole lotta robot hands, and feathers would come out of it and tickle me all over for hours.

In reality tho, I was a bit of a wimp .... whenever my sister tickled me I couldn't take any longer that about 5 seconds of it XD
I can't remember if I have posted to this thread or not, but a lot of my childhood fantasies (and I am probably are a LOT older that most of you) involved me getting my Mother tickled on her feet. My Mom resembled, in her looks at least, Nurse Ratchet form "one flew over the Cuckoo's nest'. THAT ought to paint a great image in your minds! Anyway, almost all my fantasies of her involved her being tied to the four poster bed in my room, and having her feet tickled with feathers. Sometimes by me, sometimes by other people with me watching. Only once with her did I ever get to act this out in reality with her, and even then, I don't think she even knew what it did for me!
I always wanted to tickle the stocking feet of several teachers, though this probably stemmed more from my stocking foot fetish than my tickling one. The closest I came was getting six teachers (individually, not collectively) to remove their shoes for a 'science experiment' when I was about 14, where I would pretend to measure them. I didn't have the guts to start tickling, but made sure to discreetly touch their feet here and there. I don't recall any flinches, but I like to think they were hoping I'd not find a tickle spot!

Cheers, everybody,
Childhood fantasies and actual fledgling experiences were two different things,.... I managed to get in my share of highly foot-fetish oriented tickling, but the accompanying fantasy components - the dicey sensations that caused the flutter in the stomach - usually revolved around having my motives seen through and being called out about it (such was my self consciousness at the time) The fear of discovery made it all the more compelling.
I was definitely strictly a ler when I was a kid (still am actually!).

My most remembered fantasy was that I was the head of some sort of a gang (sort of like Don Tortelli from TMNT), and my henchmen would try to get different girls (usually classmates or girls I went to church with) to confess something to no avail until I came in and removed their shoes and socks and tickled their feet. Needless to say in my fantasy it wouldn't take them long to talk!
I remember a recurring day dream where a witch would turn me into a car and force me to go through a car wash. I'd get hit with the cold water and then the brushes on the sides would tickle me. They'd usually get stuck there. Afterward, I'd be turned back into a person. She just wanted to tickle me in a creative way because she knew I'd be a very ticklish car (anything can be ticklish when you're younger). Various other people in my life were subjected to this spell too. Sometimes four or five of us would go in a row, but it was usually just me.

There was also a day dream about a bad guy (a dictator, but I didn't know the term or concept at that age) controlling a city and part of the oppression was a weird custom where once a day, everyone has to be put on this massive clothes line thing by their arms with their shoes removed. The clothes line would move forward and there would periodically be extra-powerful feathers right at your feet that would tickle the hell out of everyone with a quick passing brush. Thousands would be tickled by it. Sometimes I would be on the line, sometimes I would be one of the rebels trying to save people and a couple of times I was the dictator.

I also had a fantasy about an anything box in my early teen years. It was a big metal box the size of a walk-in freezer and someone outside could do anything to the person inside. If you entered, you were stuck there until somebody let you out. Obviously, I always got a thorough tickle when I went inside.

And I often had slapstick fantasies where some robot/wizard/impossible powerful force of some kind would punch, poke, stretch, squish, etc. a victim and occasionally there would be a tickle in the humiliation. This fantasy would usually have me in control embarrassing somebody else, but I was sometimes the butt of the joke.

Wow, I had way more than I thought.
Oh, this is one of my favorite subjects. I do remember a few.
1.I had one in fifth grade where I got a detention during class and during my detention all of the fifth grade teachers (all female) suddenly tie me to the desks eagle spread and tickle me for the entirety of detention.
2.I had another in seventh grade (I know not technically childhood, but whatever) where I came in school and I was the only boy there. And during science class the teacher had me lay on her desk with my shoes and socks off and my arms above my head, then these medal restraints come out of nowhere and hold me down and she the tells all of the girls tickle for the rest of the class.
3. I had one when I was five where I would imagine I was home alone with my aunt and we had a long tickle fight.
Those are a few fantasies I had when I was younger. I have a lot more though.
When i was a child, i lived in a village during my summer holidays. There were beautiful girls who lived in the neighbourhood. I often dreamed to caught one of them, bound her and tickle her feet merciless.:blushes:
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