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Christians with a tickle fetish...

Look, we are all sinners, there's no one on this planet thats perfect! And we all have fetishes-whether it's for breast or butts or feet or hairy forearms or long hair...whether it's for tickling or ear sucking or guys working on cars or girls in waitress outfits!!! Just because what "trips your trigger" makes you feel out of place-it's not! Before these websites I never realized just how many people feel the same way I do and it's brought me more power and comfort in my life. I'm a Christian too and if what you do doesn't hurt someone else and it makes you feel a little better in this struggle we call life- I don't think God will look at you in judgement. What we have urges for makes us human. Look at this from another light...from a sense that you may be unique but you're only a "guilty" as you make yourself out to be! You're not perfect, you're unique! I guess the thing that makes me feel guilty is being just a lurker here and not a contributor!! I appologize for that and when I get time I'd like to learn more about y'all. Cncrete man, just think you happy God would be for you if you found a nice Christian woman that enjoyed the same thing you do!! Obivously your job is to find her!

quite on the contrary... Put simply, the ONLY way that God won't look at you in judgment is through Christ. Otherwise, you're an absolute and complete abomination to Him and His law. PERIOD. There's no beating around the bush there. Jesus said that if you look at a girl lustfully you have sinned. It doesn't matter if you've hurt anyone, Jesus said it's a sin and God hates sin and judges you based on your sin. If you're Christian, Jesus has covered that sin so that you may pass judgment.

Bottom line though, is that, Christian or not, sin still hurts God. It was our sin that He died for, our sin that nailed Him to the cross. Sinning is like nailing Jesus Himself to the cross, it's like spitting in His face after all He's done for us. This is why the Bible urges us to repent and not to keep sinning.

God Bless,

So, just in general, do you view tickling as sex, JJ? Not as sexual, but do you view it as "sex"? I know of one of those radio psych doctors that people call in to all the time with their "moral dilemas" and this "doctor" has stated that she believes kissing to be sex, no matter how slight. So I was just wondering if you view tickling the same way because every reply you write has something to do with sex and I kinda don't get it.

the difference between sex and sexual is subjective. otherwise there would be no need for you to ask me the question. the clinical definition of penertation and intercourse is simple and imericly verifiable. what you are asking is do i put tickling in the same moral category as sex.

As i said above, it can be and it can not be. the act in and of itself is inherently neutral and is contingent upon the value given to it by the participants. that is why in my post i said tickle play that was more involved than casual playfullness that could be considered devoid of any sexual connotation.

Any time that you engage in sex or sexual behavior be it tickling someones feet, massaging their breasts, smacking them on the behind, or even thinking about it with intent (or lust), the impact psychologicly is roughly the same as if you were having intercourse with them, and the unseen damage associated with this is the focus of 99% of my posts.

In some cases especially with fetishes, acts such as tickling massaging someones feet, or kissing their toes could present even greater euphoria or release than intercourse itself with a potentially greater climax, so the psychological impact of such activities can even be greater than just intercourse.

so is tickling the same physical act as penetrative intercourse or oral sex, no. ofcourse not and i don't think that's what you were really asking. is it a sexual act, it can be. just like a doctor checking for lumps is not the same as me massaging my secretaries breasts during her lunch break. for those of us that associate sexual arousal to the act of tickling as you and i do, then absolutley it is a sexual act and holds special value to our sexuality. the moral connotation for us not you but us having extensive tickle play or having detailed lust after it is the same as if not greater than sexual intercourse.

the line that we artificially draw between the two is a logical rationalization for our really ilogical behavior to keep us sane. just like everyone thought that well yeh i'll get this adjustable rate mortgage and i'll be making 3 times as much money in 3 years and the house will be worth ten times as much.

reactive thought: Feel then act then think (or rationalize)

Proactive thought: Think (gameplan) then act then Feel

during the 9-10 months that we as males are being carried in the womb there is a process called the testosterone bath. i'm sure that you have heard that women have bigger brains than ours and it's true. i can even tell you how. the connectors between the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain. the testosterone bath uses the hormone testosterone to burn roughly 40% of the connectors for men from the right side of the brain to the left side of the brain. the left side is for logical thought, the right side for emotion and feeling. We were designed to think then act then feel. this is not perfect because the two sides are still connected and society is structured to make us hate the way we think but it is our design none the less and our incumbent responsiblity as men. we have to be the first to gameplan instead of fall to temptation, the first to act and take gratification in good work and not rationalize action based on lust of instant gratification.
luv2tkl, we all fall short...i've beat a lot of my demons since i found God. That being said i'm not perfect and i never will be. I believe Jesus would rather us accept one another with our weaknesses rather than try to do His job and judge each other for them. Of course there are different degrees of sin (and i know "sin is sin"!), but i have to go back to my original argument-no one on this planet is perfect. We all sin on a daily basis-sometimes without even knowing it!!
As John Newton said in Amazing Grace

All I know is this:

"I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior."
luv2tkl, we all fall short...i've beat a lot of my demons since i found God. That being said i'm not perfect and i never will be. I believe Jesus would rather us accept one another with our weaknesses rather than try to do His job and judge each other for them. Of course there are different degrees of sin (and i know "sin is sin"!), but i have to go back to my original argument-no one on this planet is perfect. We all sin on a daily basis-sometimes without even knowing it!!

1st corinthians 5

and that was sexual sin.
JJ...if your so against this all.. why are you a registerd member of this site? Please do tell..
OK... I am glad to see that I am not the only one who has issues like this... the struggle with right and wrong... but after reading all this.. makes one wonder if even coming in here is wrong.
JJ...if your so against this all.. why are you a registerd member of this site? Please do tell..

Well pastor that sounds grim, I guess are should never tickle anyone or desire to tickle anyone. What do you mean? It brings you joy, it brings you happiness, do it all you want. Just do it in a context that helps yourself and others long-term. I'm spoiled. Corinthians 7 talks about in order to avoid sexual immorality of any kind every man should have a wife and every wife should have a husband so that their bodies should not belong to themselves but each other and that they should only be apart for times of fasting and prayer, any other time its going down in my house. Touch your neighbor and say.. It’s going down in my house. That's a promise that you can look forward to. That’s how you can be sane and stay a virgin for 23 years. Song of Solomon teaches us about the inherent joy and passion of the courtship process. That is to be cultivated and preserved not thrown away but everything in proper time place and context.

this is the last part of the 2000 word essay that i took the time to write on the subject.

tickling is not wrong, tickle sex is not wrong, etc. it can be misused and i expressed the practical consequences there of. that in no way diminishes the fact that if you are someone who wants to find a spouse with the same interests that you would look in a community such as this. this forum though secular in nature has many many avenuse that avail themselves to believers in courtship. the length of this thread with 90% posts by believers lets you know that.

liking tickling is not wrong. how you use it is all that matters. there are plenty of ticklish ladies who would love nothing more than to have a commited sadistic husband with flowers and feathers.

great question though.
Thank you so much for posting this question. I have had similar thoughts myself. And thank you to all the responders, well thought and insightful beliefs.

I agree that - if anyone is hurt, it is wrong. I also believe that the "God" I was raised to know, the fire and brimstone, is a bit more understanding than my parents gave him credit for.

Thanks for the bible quotes too.

In all reality the fundamental level of civility in dealing with core belief systems onthis board is beyond phenominal. when you look on the front page when it says the flame free forums you kind of think to yourself, yeh right. but when you go into these forums to discuss topics like this or into the PR forums you find that even though people may have completley different belief systems and express them strongly that they are still respectful and civil (at least most of the time).

A lot of credit has to go to the mods, but maybe even more so to the great people are on this board. i am so thankful for the oppurtunity to get to know you all better.

P.S. could someone please quote this so the people who have me on their ignore list can see it too. thank you.
I dont feel tickling is wrong.. it is your intentions.. are you doing it for fun with friends.. or sexual in nature with your spouce. The two are diff.
Always remember.. 3 nails, 1 cross = 4 given

is it possible for someone to summarize what was said in this thread, as i am pressed for time. i know this devout Christian and remembered seeing this thread, no wondering if i should bring this tickling thing up or not with them. :atom:
is it possible for someone to summarize what was said in this thread, as i am pressed for time. i know this devout Christian and remembered seeing this thread, no wondering if i should bring this tickling thing up or not with them. :atom:

depends on what your intentions are.. as a friend thing or more than that.. as friends it's ok in my book.
Surely if God made you in his image, he created your sexuality, no matter how deviant. As JJ said, it's not what your sexuality is, it's how you use it.

If you're a Christian you'll most probably believe that your sexuality should be satisfied within the confines of marriage only, and fair play to you if you choose to do so.
Ministers are ticklers too.

I remember reading an article that Rev. Jerry Falwell engaged in tickling.:ermm:
Surely if God made you in his image, he created your sexuality, no matter how deviant. As JJ said, it's not what your sexuality is, it's how you use it.

If you're a Christian you'll most probably believe that your sexuality should be satisfied within the confines of marriage only, and fair play to you if you choose to do so.

Just as a sidebar, I think that you can chronicle all human deviation from God's perfection to original sin, but that is only partially relevant to this thread... carry on.
It depends on what you class as deviant.
Sexual deviancy is not a moral question, it is a social question - the deviance from the sexual norm of a society.

Now, as a "fallen" society, who are we to say, "Normal sex is the only way! Kink is bad, and woe betide you if you indulge in it!"

I'm not talking about premarital sex etc, as that does become a moral question for Christians. But sexual deviance is not touched upon in the bible, with the exceptions of homosexuality and bestiality (and possibly necrophillia).
Either way, tickling doesn't come into it.
You can look at this topic in two ways.

Raised catholic/christian myself (My parents are catholic, I went to christian private schools and the like), You need to figure out where your lines stand.

Will God condemn someone for having a fetish? I doubt it. Will God condemn someone for using the fetish to exploit others? More then likely.

And what do I mean by using the fetish to exploit others? When a married person goes to Nest, or any gathering, without telling their spouse/significant other or lies to them, and tells the people at the gathering they are single in order to get their thrill, that is exploitation of another person sexually.

Exploitation of another person sexually is a loose translation of rape. Should I go on?

Now, me personally? I was born and raised with the religion, but I have my personal reasons for not following it anymore. So I have no isses here. But I know there are lines that can't be crossed, at all. If I ever do cross those lines, then I kiss my ass goodbye since it will be flamebroiled for the rest of eternity.

So it is up to you. Do you believe the bible to a T? Is the good book just guidlines? Is God really some guy with a magnifying glass? Is God some guy waiting for you to make a mistake so he can lock you outside of heaven? Or is God a guy with a great sense of humor? *Pokes at a Platypus*

What do you believe in? Where do you think those lines are for yourself? I'm betting the answers to those questions will answer how religion and a fetish can be balanced within yourself.
Christians Tickling

Regarding Christians tickling - the Bible has a great deal to say about sex, intimacy and even tickling!! If you want a good instruction manual, just look up the "Song of Solomon", or in some bibles, the "Song of Songs". You'll get some very explicit and power-packed words that are downright steamy at times!

I'm a Christian Belly Dancer. I love to dance for a Chrisian man who has the same knowledge I do about those areas of the bible. I've received some very erotic and sensual tickling on my stomach from men who aren't worried about "tho shalt not's", but more about "this is what thou shalt do" to please me after I dance.
It depends on what you class as deviant.
Sexual deviancy is not a moral question, it is a social question - the deviance from the sexual norm of a society.

Now, as a "fallen" society, who are we to say, "Normal sex is the only way! Kink is bad, and woe betide you if you indulge in it!"

I'm not talking about premarital sex etc, as that does become a moral question for Christians. But sexual deviance is not touched upon in the bible, with the exceptions of homosexuality and bestiality (and possibly necrophillia).
Either way, tickling doesn't come into it.

oh i agree 100%. i have a better understanding for your classification as deviance. And you are right, the marital bed is undefiled as long as no third parties or animals were intentionally harmed in the process and neither party dies of unatural causes caused by the other party. any thing else as as far as spanking tickling bondage orgasm denial orgasm torture verbal humiliation BDSM and the like are okay as long as they are not fundamentally representtative of themse that are prohibite sexually like incestuous relationships, homosexuality, and the like. also they would have to be mutually psychologically and emotionally beneficial. replaying a rape scene for a rape victim that proliferates feelings of worthlessness through verbal degredation and the robbing of sexual identity.

to summarize, love thy neighbor as thyself.
Ok, here is my philosphy (from a devout Christian, btw): God made us in His Own Image. If God made us, why would He instill something in us that wasn't good or that He didn't approve of?

It's the Church who taught us to be ashamed of sex.... it's the Church who taught us to be ashamed of our desires.

My feeling is if God wasn't cool with it, He wouldn't have created it.
If anything it's just the devil trying to take away your fun is all!

Thank you. Now here's a fellow Christian talking some real sense. :)
It's what the enemy does people Ticklish Anitha sees that.
We've got to put the blame where it belongs.
Ok. here is my view on it. God created us in his own image and in his own way. and last I checked he doesn't make mistakes. So if some christians have a tickle fetish, then whats the big deal. So long as its consensual and not just used to satisfy lust, I don't see a problem
Its not that I generally feel its " wrong" by NO means, I sometimes feel uncomfortable about the Lust aspect I guess, I mean its a huge Lustful feeling I get when comfronted or even thinking about tickling a ticklish lady,, Believe me, Im a tickle lover and will always be, I just wondered how other christians felt about it, the lust aspect and having such a strong passion for something that to be honest is a turnon as well as fun, thats all, Im not hungup or anything like that, I love the tickling, its just a feeling everyonce in awhile that maybe it might be a bit wrong to have such strong feelings about something like this,,,So, wrong,,, NAH,, i just struggle at times with really digging tickling other people besides Ice, And its NOT her, she is Way ok with it,, in fact she likes when i do,, its about me and how i was raised,, thats all

I've always been of the mindset that if you walk with Christ, and He has a problem with what you're doing, He will let you know. It's like learning a piece of music from an instructor. The instructor WILL let you know when you hit the wrong note! It sounds like you have a mature relationship to even be questioning yourself on this level - not "is it bad", rather the lust/flesh indulgence aspect.

Personally, I don't see your (or my tk-related) "urges" as different from any other pleasure giving/inducing urge we may have. Food. Music. Friends. It could be anything. I think my love of tickling is special and in fact a blessing. I think it's always important to remember we are not the sum total of our desires and that our strength does not flow solely from within.

Really though, having a relationship with Christ is like being married. You can talk to other married folks, and they may have some wisdom (they can also throw you off track, cuz what works in their marriage may not work in your own!), but at the end of the day only you and your spouse REALLY know what is going on. As I say, if you're playing a wrong note, your instructor will let you know, but there certainly ain't nothing wrong with loving the song!
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