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Dating.. Is There A .. Mindset,..,?


Level of Coral Feather
Sep 9, 2002
I'm hoping for some sincere advice and discussion here. I've been very careful to post vents about work and my family in my blog, so as not to start the kind of negative threads I used to in the past. This.. is a circumstance, that I would appreciate discussion and advice on, both for myself, and in general.

I've posted in my blog about the current events and situation at work. We are currently trying to sign what could be a very large client for me. It could be a "Game changer" for me at Aflac, if Heaven Willing all goes right. It's so big, that my supervisor has told me to let him handle it. Fine. If we sign the client, it will be wonderful for all of us, and the company, of course.

I've also posted about my speech therapy, to deal with my stuttering. It has gotten better, but,, needs work.

Lately, I've been feeling a bit.. lonely. I've also posted how the WPVI site is down, so I don't have my favorite newsman Jim Gardner as a distraction every night. I hope this is only temporary, but,.,. what if it isn't?

I went into a place I hadn't eaten in.. in a long time.. today.. There is.. a girl who works there,. who has always talked to me, and I think, flirted with me,.. in the past. She always asks me, how I am, and about work, etc, very friendly.

I don't know much about her.. Most importantly, I don't know her age. If she's taken,. or..rejects me, and says no, fine.. I've had it happen before. She could be.. much younger than me.

I WANT to ask her out.. The thing is.. I have several concerns. One as I said is her age. Two, what happens if the client we're trying to sign, does.. Work could get.. crazy for me then. If we don't sign the client, I'm going to be.. crushed, and not in the mindset to date. I'll be deflated, and have to immediately think about what comes next. .

I used to see a therapist at college during my parents divorce, a lady I've been in touch with since my mom died. It used to drive her crazy with the excuses I had for not dating women. School work, my parents divorce, my estrangement from my dad, etc etc.

I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to go into the place she works in the next few days, talk to her, and if all seems right, ask her out. The other part says.. wait to see what happens with the conference call next week, and what the next step is with the client. Theres also the thing that my speech therapist told me she doesn't think I'm ready to date yet, even though my speech is better. She's out of town next week, so I could be a bad boy, and ask this girl out, while she's away.

I would appreciate advice. With all the uncertainity with my work, and how I will feel if we do, or heaven forbid, don't, sign this client, should I just.. wait.. even if it is a bit. We were talking about this whole idea of "Waiting" with another potential client my dad and I know for work. My supervisor is imploring us not to wait with that, saying if we don't meet with this other client, someone else will. My supervisor says one client has nothing to do with the other.

On the subject of the girl, advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
When in doubt, bop her over the head with a club and drag her back to your cave. :bonk:Although some would say that advice is a little old fashioned.
Thankfully the WPVI site was working for the 11pm news tonight, so I was able to watch Mr Gardner. He relaxes me so.. I was able to take my mind off work, and everything else.

As for the girl.. I happened to gently mention it to my aunt the artist. She's dated, and had long relationships, for many years. Her advice was to just casually mention going for.. coffee.. or a snack. with the girl, and nothing heavy at first. That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to approach her about that soon.
Dont misconstrue friendliness with flirtation. "How are you" / "how is work" is not a come on.

Also, confidence is key. Low self esteem is not usually attractive.
Er.. okay.

As for my confidence.. It's getting better. I'm working on all my shortcomings.. My speech.. working out at the gym.. I have a position with a major company. I'm in better shape now than I've been in the many years I've belonged to this forum. The only thing that would make it a home run for me, is if one of the potential major clients that are being worked on, actually signs.

I'll see what happens with this.. As everyone knows, I've been single a long time. If I do decide to ask her, the worst she can say is no.
Er.. okay.

As for my confidence.. It's getting better. I'm working on all my shortcomings.. My speech.. working out at the gym.. I have a position with a major company. I'm in better shape now than I've been in the many years I've belonged to this forum. The only thing that would make it a home run for me, is if one of the potential major clients that are being worked on, actually signs.

I'll see what happens with this.. As everyone knows, I've been single a long time. If I do decide to ask her, the worst she can say is no.

Go for it, man. No risk, no reward. Worst that could happen is she says no. No big deal.
Hi Mitchell

My general thoughts are don't be panicked into asking her out right away just because you want to and are worried if you don't jump in immediately someone else will beat you to it - of course, it's possible they do but it's also possible she already has a partner - which you can't change obviously, so I would wait for the work situation to develop/conclude so at least you can get one big thing resolved in your mind and then tackle the next.

She has obviously been comfortable and happy to converse with you previously, so that's great and should give you confidence to ask her out - if the age is an issue she'll probably factor this into her response either by mentioning it or not mentioning, so I wouldn't worry too much about that - if she turns out to be too young and still says yes I guess it will become apparent further down the line if the age would make her incompatible with you.

If work is successful and does get crazy, that is a) could be a good reason to suggest a drink, say you've had a successful week at work and are looking for someone have a celebratory drink with and b) it would suit a low-key dating process - which it sounds like would be best for you and probably best in terms of the general dating process for anyone anyway. One date a week is fine to start with I think. Plenty of us have busy lives with work and hobbies.

I would absolutely say go for it though. Nothing worse than a missed opportunity.

All the best with it

Ive talked to alot of women that were very friendly with me, but had no desire to date me. just be prepared. and when in doubt, chloroform works everytime! :thumbsup:
Thanks TTG. I appreciate the sincere analysis and advice.

Maniac, you are BAD, my friend! ( LOL/jking. ) Thanks.
I'm hoping for some sincere advice and discussion here. I've been very careful to post vents about work and my family in my blog, so as not to start the kind of negative threads I used to in the past. This.. is a circumstance, that I would appreciate discussion and advice on, both for myself, and in general.

I've posted in my blog about the current events and situation at work. We are currently trying to sign what could be a very large client for me. It could be a "Game changer" for me at Aflac, if Heaven Willing all goes right. It's so big, that my supervisor has told me to let him handle it. Fine. If we sign the client, it will be wonderful for all of us, and the company, of course.

I've also posted about my speech therapy, to deal with my stuttering. It has gotten better, but,, needs work.

Lately, I've been feeling a bit.. lonely. I've also posted how the WPVI site is down, so I don't have my favorite newsman Jim Gardner as a distraction every night. I hope this is only temporary, but,.,. what if it isn't?

I went into a place I hadn't eaten in.. in a long time.. today.. There is.. a girl who works there,. who has always talked to me, and I think, flirted with me,.. in the past. She always asks me, how I am, and about work, etc, very friendly.

I don't know much about her.. Most importantly, I don't know her age. If she's taken,. or..rejects me, and says no, fine.. I've had it happen before. She could be.. much younger than me.

I WANT to ask her out.. The thing is.. I have several concerns. One as I said is her age. Two, what happens if the client we're trying to sign, does.. Work could get.. crazy for me then. If we don't sign the client, I'm going to be.. crushed, and not in the mindset to date. I'll be deflated, and have to immediately think about what comes next. .

I used to see a therapist at college during my parents divorce, a lady I've been in touch with since my mom died. It used to drive her crazy with the excuses I had for not dating women. School work, my parents divorce, my estrangement from my dad, etc etc.

I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to go into the place she works in the next few days, talk to her, and if all seems right, ask her out. The other part says.. wait to see what happens with the conference call next week, and what the next step is with the client. Theres also the thing that my speech therapist told me she doesn't think I'm ready to date yet, even though my speech is better. She's out of town next week, so I could be a bad boy, and ask this girl out, while she's away.

I would appreciate advice. With all the uncertainity with my work, and how I will feel if we do, or heaven forbid, don't, sign this client, should I just.. wait.. even if it is a bit. We were talking about this whole idea of "Waiting" with another potential client my dad and I know for work. My supervisor is imploring us not to wait with that, saying if we don't meet with this other client, someone else will. My supervisor says one client has nothing to do with the other.

On the subject of the girl, advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Mindset? Here it is. "Fuck it". As in, fuck it if you're nervous, fuck it if she isn't receptive, fuck it if she's great, just fuck it.

It's a little harsh but I used to be plotting like yourself. I got to 29 and I was sick of feeling like a leper. Yea, I was sweet on certain girls, but why? A lot didn't actually care. A lot were passive. And a lot most definitely weren't helping.

I went on a dating website and just started sending messages according to their occupation, then expanded, threw in the tickling, saw who ran, who didn't, and now I'm in a relationship.

If you look at a date as fancy, you're setting yourself up for failure. Step back. You want to come off as well composed, not slovenly, and friendly. From there, it's all about socializing.

Fuck it, my friend. You'll live much happier.
I'm one pf those guys that's good with women...but also bad.....

Here's my take:

It's this girl's job to be nice to you and make you feel welcomed. I eat out all the time....and even the males are friendly and nice to me. They know i'm a social guy and being nice to me alone can equal bringing in a group of 12 the next time I stop by. So odds are she isn't into you. But!Those are just odds. Only she knows for sure.

I'd just talk to her. Does she go to school is an easy question because being a waiter isn't a career. Get to know about her life and tell her about yours. Whether she's single or not should come up....or simply bring it up. Ask what she does when she's not working. Build rapport. Get on a first name basis. And ask her to hangout. If she likes you she'll make it relatively easy.
Mindset? Here it is. "Fuck it". As in, fuck it if you're nervous, fuck it if she isn't receptive, fuck it if she's great, just fuck it.

It's a little harsh but I used to be plotting like yourself. I got to 29 and I was sick of feeling like a leper. Yea, I was sweet on certain girls, but why? A lot didn't actually care. A lot were passive. And a lot most definitely weren't helping.

I went on a dating website and just started sending messages according to their occupation, then expanded, threw in the tickling, saw who ran, who didn't, and now I'm in a relationship.

If you look at a date as fancy, you're setting yourself up for failure. Step back. You want to come off as well composed, not slovenly, and friendly. From there, it's all about socializing.

Fuck it, my friend. You'll live much happier.

Take this advice like a football and run with it!!

And Chicago and GQs advice as well

In other words, please stop overthinking Mitchell! It's a date, not a marriage proposal!

If she's taken or not interested, don't take it personal, just see it as mystery solved, then move on to the next one. Women outnumber men in droves so if she says "no" there's someone around the corner that'll tell you "yes!"

Oh, and congratulations for your work efforts with Aflac; I hope they pay off for you soon. And please keep an eye on the manager who says he should take control; that could be a code word for stealing your client.

Peace to you and good luck.....
Thanks, GQ. I am already on a first name basis with this girl.

Thanks, kis,. I appreciate your thoughts.

For those that don't know.. the "Big Call" is Friday, 4pm. In regard to what kis said about K, my supervisor, stealing my client, while I see her point, I don't think so. It's been told to us that the new agents are supposed to bring the clients, and then the managers close.

The next 72 hours should be.. interesting to say the least. I had HOPED for things to be quiet.. except for the call. Of course, that couldn't happen, and the following developed.

1. I'm being chased out of my apartment by a nice water shutdown, all day tomorrow, for about the fourth time this month..

2. My aunt just lost her temper with me, when my intent was to call her.. to help her with something she needed.

3. My father asked that we have lunch on Saturday.. before I know how I feel.. in regard to the phone call Friday.

Sigh! Pleaseeee let me sign this client.. so I can service them, make sure they're okay, and then take a break from all this shit, even for a weekend. I'd need it, badly.
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I'm hoping for some sincere advice and discussion here.

I went into a place I hadn't eaten in.. in a long time.. today.. There is.. a girl who works there,. who has always talked to me, and I think, flirted with me,.. in the past. She always asks me, how I am, and about work, etc, very friendly.

I WANT to ask her out.. The thing is.. I have several concerns...

I don't know what to do... Part of me wants to go into the place she works...

I would appreciate advice.

On the subject of the girl, advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

As the entire TMF Forum knows ... When it comes to giving advice on dealing with Waitresses / Food servants ... look no further than Coldneck for expert advice.

I must first issue a Grave Warning: Servants Have One Ultimate Goal - Separating you from as much $$$ in your wallet as possible by giving it to them in what they call a TIP.

I have witnessed these tactics first-hand:

Flirting - They will gently touch your shoulder, laugh at your bad jokes, even wink and smile, just to prime the pump for a few extra $$$ after you sign the receipt.

Investing - They will go as far as pretending to care about your job ... your family ... your sick cat ... hell, anything you care to bring up ... as long as it gets them a few more $$$.

Baiting - "OMG, we are sooo busy, but let me buy your soda for you!" This amounts to next to nothing toward the overhead, but goes a long way towards a major TIP.

Bottom Line: Servants are being nice to you because either they "have to", or a few of the brighter food slaves have figured out "It will get me more tips from my lonely, loser, unsuspecting customers".

Their interaction w/ you is NOT GENUINE!
They just want your $$$.
Is that so hard to believe?!?

They DO NOT WANT TO DATE YOU! (even if you fantasize about it) They want your $$$.
Again ... They want your $$$.

There are many other reasons NOT to date a Food Servant, but I will leave the Drug Addiction out of it for now.

You're welcome,

Damn...I told my bartender that I'll marry her when I get back from my deployment. I tip very well. While I do feel like I'm in the top percentile of guys and at least have a shot....Coldneck tells the cold hard truth. I won't know if she's into me until I get her away from the bar. And even then......what am I going to do with a bartender?....ok. Tickle her and eventually out babies in her. Never mind :)
A goodly portion of my BDSM snacks over the years have been hottie waitresses and schmexy bartenders. In my experience, its more about one's charm than chump change. Tickle a woman's mind and curiosity, and she could care less about your wallet. For the short time-being, anyway.
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