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Deputy's Apprentice part 3 (F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
Ok fans, time for the next chapter in this individual series for our hero, Deputy Darby Reeves! She finally met the sweet, lovable, yet very clumsy Becky Lockhart. This next chapter continues to explore their interactions. Thank you for all the support you have ginve so far for this series, as well as the entire Deputy's Uniserve saga. We still have so much more to go! These ladies appreciate each and every one of you. They hope you are also getting excited about the final series in Phase 3, The Deputy and the Outlaw: Retribution. It will be a massive series and filled with all the different characters in it. It will hopefully continue to entertain you. Also, if you had enjoyed my work and want to show your support, the Golden Feather voting has opened and you can vote for Deputy's Universe! I know I would and so would the ladies appreciate your vote! let's give them that honor! I could not have done all this work without your continued support and I greatly appreciate you. Now, onto the next chapter! As always, your comments are most appreciated!


Becky thought she saw Darby smile after she fought back, but then she heard those words and realized the tickling was about to continue! Then she felt fingers once again dancing on the ball of her foot and now they started to slowly move towards the arch of her foot. This was her definite weak spot on her foot! The ticklish sensations tearing through her were intense and her arch was barely being touched. She gritted her teeth again and held her breath as the sensations started to increase. She had to fight this with everything she had. Darby was testing her once again and she had to win. Her mind flashed back to the night with Sue Ann, and they did a role play game there too. Sue Ann was the “bad lady” just like Darby was pretending to be right now. She remembered as Sue Ann would tickle her foot, she would taunt her and eventually she had to admit she was a “tenderfoot”. Now Darby was trying to make her say she was weak. She started to wonder if a real situation with real criminals like this would even happen to her. Becky wondered would a criminal woman capture her and tickle her feet? It seemed highly unlikely, and this was just a test of her resolve.

Darby could see Becky fighting it once again and she decided to up the intensity. Her fingertips pressed a bit harder into the flesh and tried to tickle a bit harder. She loved how the skin felt on her fingers and it reminded her of feet she tickled before. She could now feel Becky’s foot trembling and she looked down at her face. She noticed how red the skin got and knew this woman was doing everything she could to not laugh, and she wanted to push her over that edge. She couldn’t help but feel competitive with her now and she wanted to win this fun game. “I got you now, deputy! I can see you struggling there as we both know how TICKLISH you are! Laugh deputy, LAUGH!!!” she taunted, then stroked her fingers even faster.

Becky felt the increased sensations on the bottom of her foot and now she was in desperation mode. Her lips were trembling, her eyes were shut tight, she felt her body temperature increasing and slowly she was losing that grip of fighting this off. Her feet were very ticklish and now she was going to break. In her mind, she kept thinking she should fight this. To give it everything she had, then she felt the fingers touch the instep area and a ticklish squeal came out! “EEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!!” she shrieked and now her eyes were in a panic!

“Ah, there we go! Yep, we both know you are really, really, really ticklish! Just let it out, deputy. Tickle tickle tickle tickle!” Darby taunted as she saw that look of panic in Becky’s eyes. She knew the dam was broken and she wanted to hear that sweet laughter.

“Hehehehehehehehe come on!! Ya got to stooooooppppphehehehehehehehehehe!!! Let me go ya bad lady hehehehehehe!” Becky laughed. She knew she was in trouble because she could no longer hold out. She wanted those ticklish feelings to stop and now that she laughed, the feelings got even worse.

“Hahahahaha that’s right Deputy Becky! Laugh for me, laugh for evil Darby!!! Hehehehehe I am going to tickle your feet until you admit you are weak!” Darby playfully threatened. She continued to move her fingers over the arch, and she couldn’t help but giggle as she saw Becky’s smile. She thought the young lady was cute and that smile was beautiful. She could see the small gap between the big teeth, and it made her even more adorable. She then looked at the sole of the left foot and watched as her fingers went all over the arch. They moved from the top of the arch to the bottom, then slowly moved over to the instep area, only to drag horizontally across the width of the foot, then zipped right back into the middle of the arch. She tried to remember the techniques she learned from those who tickled her, as well as her own learnings when she got to tickle feet. This was becoming more entertaining, and she wanted to continue. She did know of what she wanted to do to end Becky for sure, and that would be her toe tickling technique she learned from the greatest foot tickler of all, Gertrude Billington! “I got ya now!!! You have such cute laughter, deputy! Just laugh and laugh and laugh…..hehehehe” she teased.

“Hahahahahahahahahahahaha ya got to stop evil lady!! Stop ticklin’ hahahahahaha muh foot!!!” Becky laughed as she let it flow freely at this point. This was the moment she feared because she knew once she started laughing, there was no way she was going to stop. The way the fingers moved in the arch of her foot drove her crazy and she wished it would end already. She knew if she admitted weakness the drill would stop, but she still had to fight this somehow. She had to continue to show she had strength and would not give in so easily.

Darby continued to move her fingers all over the arch and tried to find the weakest spot. She then moved her fingers onto the heel and was pleased it was tender, but the laughter didn’t increase. She figured she would linger in this spot for a bit to allow Becky to get some relief, but still feel the ticklish tremors. She was starting to get caught up in tickling her as it was so much fun. She remembered when she tickled Mandy’s feet in Gertrude’s home and that was the first real time she got to tickle someone’s foot. She remembered how excited Gertrude was, and how excited she was. Even though torture tickling was devastating, playful tickling was really fun to do. She remembered how much Mandy laughed under her fingers and how she wanted more. When she tickled her friend Bessie’s foot in the Wellington mansion, it gave her a major erotic feeling in her body. Darby came out of her trance and looked at the foot. That light pink skin looked so inviting, but the creamy arch looked too tempting. She went back to the arch and moved her fingers at a faster pace. “I am not going to stop ticklin’ your foot until you admit you’re weak! Come on, just admit it and the tickling will stop. But you can continue to defy me and I will tickle……and tickle……..and tickle……..and tickle…….and tickle this foot until the sun sets! Hehehehehe” she taunted.

Becky hit another round of strong laughter as Darby’s taunting words were really getting to her. She remembered when even Sue Ann tickled her foot in the role play situation, she easily caved in. But that was playtime, so no need to hold out. Another ticklish squeal came out of her mouth as she felt the fingers now slowly circling the surface area in the middle of her foot. Her eyes looked at her foot and saw her toes scrunching tight. She could also see Darby’s face and saw pure joy in it. It made her wonder if Darby was having a really fun time tickling her. She felt some happiness that Darby felt comfortable enough to engage in something so playful, even though it was becoming a bit more torturous to her. It showed her that her hero had a playful side to her, and she admired her even more. Now, she just had to figure out a way to get Darby to stop tickling her foot! “Hehehehehehehe ya bad lady!! Hehehehehehehe ya can’t tickle a deputy!! It’s a CRIME!!!!! Hehehehehehee” she laughed.

Darby laughed because Becky was still role playing with her and it meant she could continue. She looked at Becky’s face and saw her just laughing away. “I know it is a crime! I am the bad, evil lady, remember? I CAN and I WILL tickle you, deputy! I love ticklish feet! Yours are perfect! I bet I can get you squealing like a piggy!!!!” she threatened.

Becky laughed harder just from those words. She felt like she was already squealing like a piggy and now it may get worse. She also realized she was starting to feel weaker. Tickling her feet sapped a lot of her strength and she started to feel that helpless feeling again. It took her back to that moment in the barn with Peggy and how she felt so helpless. She prayed Darby wouldn’t be as cruel as her even though the tickling was bad at this moment. Her mind raced and she knew she somehow had to keep fighting. “Hehehehehehehhee I am not a piggy!!!!!” she laughed.

“Hahahaha you will be. Because I am going to make ya SQUEAL!!!!” Darby threatened, then formed her fingers into a claw and placed them at the base of the toes and slowly raked them down the length of the foot. She didn’t have nails as her fingernails were trimmed, but she managed to press hard enough into the flesh to have an effect. Her fingers went across the ball of the foot, into the arch and off the heel, only for her to place them back at the base of the toes, rake down the ball of the foot, into the arch and off the heel at a slower pace. She wanted to see if Becky would break or would she continue to fight. “Come on ya weak deputy! Squeal!! Squeal for the bad lady!!!” she roared.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!!! WHAT ARE YA DOING HAHAHAHAHAHA TO MUH FEET??!!!!” Becky wailed away as she felt those fingers slowly moving down her sole. She could feel how the tips pressed into her flesh and it sent such horrific ticklish sensations through her body. When those same fingers moved across the ball of the foot and into the arch, she started to shake inside the barrel. She never figured Darby would be such a great foot tickler and she had to figure out a way to survive. She closed her eyes as the sensations increased in their intensity. Her mouth was wide open, and she just laughed. Her mind wondered just how long this was going to last, but no matter how long it went, she just could not give up.

“What does it look like I am doing to you? I am tickling this TENDER foot of yours! Hehehe” Darby teased as she continued to rake her fingers down that sole. She felt powerful and now she really felt like she was La Diabla at the moment. Just having complete control and tormenting the victim’s mind. It felt great, but another part of her felt a little guilty because if she kept going, it would become true torture. When her fingers slid off the heel, she then figured it was time to give poor Becky a break. Darby looked down at the young lady and could see her breathing hard. Her hands hung limply, and she was still giggling a little. “Are you ok, Becky? I’m just testin’ you that’s all.” she whispered, coming out of role play mode.

Becky’s chest was heaving up and down, trying to get as much oxygen as she could. She could also feel herself sweating, even on this very cool day. She heard Darby’s words and felt some relief that she was concerned about her and there was no malicious intent. It truly was a test and not a true moment of torture. Her eyes looked up at Darby and she winked. “Yeah, I’m ok……and, it will take a lot more than ticklin’ muh feet for ya to ever get me to admit I am weak….LIKE YOU!!!” she said, going into role play again.

Darby couldn’t help but smile as she heard that response. Becky was still fighting her and was ok with what was happening. She then went back into role play mode herself and it was time to have some more fun. “Oh yeah, ya weak deputy? Well, I think your feet say differently! I will find your weak spot and you will SQUEAL!” she told her, then started to rake her fingers across the length of the left sole once again.

“WAIT!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Becky screamed in laughter as once again the fingers went down the bottom of her foot. She noticed that the intensity increased, and her mind wondered if she should have challenged Darby like that. It made her realize just how powerful Darby really was as she was now in a compromising position and was trapped. It was a fun test in a way, but it also made her realize that if she was captured by real criminals, it might not be tickling that happens to her.

Darby loved the reaction she was getting. She loved the way the tender skin felt on her fingers. Her mind started to go into that tickle focus and wanted to bring out the most intense sensations. She knew she should have just done a few friendly tickle swipes, but tickling this foot was addicting. It reminded her in a way of when she had Priscilla’s feet in her hands. How much she enjoyed tormenting that woman. Becky was definitely nowhere near Priscilla’s level, but tickling a foot just felt so amazing. Her eyes then looked over at the naked right foot and wondered if it was just as ticklish as the left. She could see the toes feebly wiggling over there and now she wanted to touch that foot as well. She then paused her tickling of the left foot, then let go of the ankle. She then used her left hand to grab the right ankle and held the foot still. “Now, you weak deputy! I am making you laugh like a ticklish piggy! But that was just one foot. If you won’t admit you are weak from one foot, how ‘bout I tickle your OTHER foot? I bet that one is your weak one!” she threatened.

Becky felt a sense of relief after feeling those fingers on her left foot stopping. She could feel her foot tingling and her own body was very warm. The tickling also wore her down and she truly wondered how she was going to get out of this barrel. She then gasped loudly as she felt her right ankle getting grabbed and she looked up at Darby once again. She had this sadistic look on her face and now her right foot was in jeopardy. Her natural inclination was to beg Darby not to tickle her, but she was still being tested. She wondered what she had to do to get out of this predicament and show just how tough she was. Becky started to feel nervous because this was going to tickle her so much! She had to figure out how to do something to get it all to stop. “Don’t ya dare tickle muh foot! Ya should already tell by now I am not a weak deputy! I promise ya, when I get out of here, I am going to send ya to jail and throw away the key!” she said, trying to sound as defiant as possible even though she was very nervous about being tickled again.

“Hehehehe you sure are a tough talkin’ deputy. I think this other foot of yours will be your undoing! Now, how about if I do this to your foot?” Darby teased then took her right hand and very lightly stroked her fingertips from the base of the toes, across the ball of the foot, into the pale arch, and off the pink heel. She planned to go very lightly this time to give a different kind of sensation. Remembering her own personal experiences of being tickled on her feet, a soft touch could be just as devastating. “I bet this soft kind will get you talking!” she said with pretend malice.

Becky’s eyes popped open as she felt the fingers lightly stroking the sole of her right foot. It didn’t tickle as much, but what really worried her was the effect it will have. Memories of what happened in the barn filled her mind and how Peggy did this same thing to her foot. It tickled a little, but it also made her very aroused! Her friend Sue Ann did the same thing and they eventually had sex as she was so aroused. She knew Darby had no idea what it did to her, and she didn’t want that secret to be exposed. She could help but have her eyelids flutter a little as the sensation felt so good. “W-What do ya think yer doing? Don’t touch muh foot like that!” she said.

“What does it look like I am doing? I am gonna tickle this foot of yours. Muh fingers are like feathers right now and I am gonna tickle this foot…” Darby responded. She absolutely loved the feeling on her fingers and continued to lightly stroke the foot. This was a much different reaction she was getting out of Becky this time. She didn’t burst into laughter, but she figured it was because she was probably fighting the feeling. She figured she would do the light tickling, then move onto more intense tickling. She stared at Becky’s face and could see a look of….pleasure? That made her wonder if Becky was enjoying this kind of touch. This was something she wanted to explore.

Becky continued to feel the waves of erotic pleasure building in her body as those wonderful fingers kept stroking on the bottom of her foot. She was now fighting the urge to moan instead of laughing. It was almost as though laughing would be the better option. It blew her mind that she would rather be laughing right now instead of moaning. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of her hero. She didn’t want Darby to think she was feeling aroused at the moment. Her hero might look down at her for feeling that way from another woman. Her mind remembered how it was two women who gave her this feeling and one of them had sex with her. That encounter with Sue Ann was very special to her and would always cherish it. Becky also was aware that if anyone found out about that encounter, it would cause her great shame and humiliation. Her parents would probably disown her and her hero would probably refuse to ever associate with her again. She figured she should probably laugh in order to not give her arousal away. “hehehe is that all ya got, evil lady? I guess ya figured I am not weak, so yer massaging muh foot…” she giggled, hoping that would at least entice Darby to tickle harder.

Darby giggled as she heard that. She really started to grow admiration for the fight within Becky, even during this silly game they were playing. That was important to her. She knew how tough this job was and for someone to do it, they had to be very strong-willed. There were men who tried out as deputies that failed because they couldn’t handle the skills challenges. They weren’t being tickled, but Becky here was handling things at the moment just fine. She heard that playful challenge and figured she would lull her into a false sense of security, then attack when she least expected it! Her fingers continued to softly stroke, and she made very light circles on the ball of the foot, trying to tease her. “Hehehe I got you right where I want you, deputy. I got your precious foot in muh grasp and you are learning mighty quickly that you will break. But I am not a cruel lady. See how nice I am to you? I am making your foot feel real nice….” she told her.

Becky felt a shiver in her body as the soft touch continued. She started to panic internally as she now felt her nipples getting hard. She wondered if she would be able to control her lust and bit her bottom lip softly. This really felt good, and she was definitely getting turned on. She could also feel the very soft touches on her foot starting to tickle a little, but the pleasure aspect was still going strong. Her mind kept thinking she had to do something to get Darby to tickle her harder or she was going to start moaning in pleasure. “Get yer hands off muh foot! Yer not as strong as I thought! Ya know ya can’t break me.” she taunted.

Darby grinned as those words sounded like a challenge. She then started to flutter her fingers with more pressure and felt the foot jerking around. If Becky wanted her to tickle her, then she was going to do it. She started to drum her fingers up and down the bottom of that tender foot and now the foot kept jerking around and she heard a few giggles coming out. It was time to make Becky laugh a little harder, then she would return to the soft touching. “Oh, is that so? Listen to yourself. You are giggling like a schoolgirl as we speak! Just because I am touching this cute foot of yours…hehehe” she teased.

Becky now felt the ticklish sensations increasing as the fingers continued to drum up and down her foot. In a way she felt such great relief because now she didn’t have to worry about showing her arousal, but at the same time, this really started to tickle. Giggles continued to escape her mouth and she felt embarrassed again. Her hero was in control of her body and there was nothing she could do about it. Then she let out a shriek as the tickling got harder while in her arch. “Hehehehehehe hey!!! That’s muh foot!!!” she yelled out.

“Hehehe yes it is! This is your foot. But it will be MUH foot soon! That way I can tickle you all…..day……long. You are muh prisoner and now I have to make you squeal! Coochie coochie coo!!!” Darby taunted, then started to run her fingers a little faster on the bottom of the foot. She could feel Becky trying to pull her foot away, but she maintained her grip and moved her fingers all over the arch area. Her eyes looked at the pink skin on the foot, which was the “footprint” areas and would attack that skin shortly. Her eyes also looked at those toes curling up, then splaying wide open. She wondered just how sensitive those toes were and it wouldn’t be long before she found out.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YA GOT TO STOP TOUCHING MUH FOOT LIKE THAT!!! HAHAHAHAHA YER EVIL!!!” Becky roared as the fingers now applied more pressure on her arch and started to scurry. Her mind told her that she brought this to herself as she goaded Darby into this, but she justified it as it protected her from being aroused by all this. She started to feel her lungs burning as the tickling continued and now, she wondered how long could she hold out. She could feel her eyes getting wet from laughter induced tears and wished she had some mercy. She leaned her head against the wall of the barrel, looked up and saw a look of joy on Darby’s face. The red headed woman was truly enjoying tickling her.

Darby smiled as she continued to tickle that sensitive arch of Becky’s foot. Her fingers moved even faster, and she tried to challenge herself to see how fast she could move them. Hearing Becky’s hysterical laughter kept her motivated and she moved her fingers side to side within the arch. Then she couldn’t resist anymore. That light pink skin was tempting, and she then started to focus on the heel, trace her fingers on the outside edge of the foot and made a journey on the outline of the ball of the foot. She giggled as she heard even laughter coming from this woman and she wanted to push her just a little bit longer. “That’s right, you foul deputy! I am going to make ya suffer!! You could end all this just by admitting what we both know is true. You are……..WEAK!!!” she taunted.

Becky felt the fingers thankfully leaving her arch, but then continued to shake in ticklish hilarity as the fingers tickled her heel, the outside edge of her foot and around the ball of her foot. She knew this was all a game, but it was wearing her down. Her feet had been tickled for quite some time and she marveled that Darby was still doing this to her. She figured Darby was challenging her and wasn’t going to stop until she did submit. She wanted to quit, but at the same time, she wanted to prove how strong she was. She couldn’t surrender to foot tickling! Then her mind flashed back to the day in the barn. Her rival Peggy tickled her feet along with Rachel and they did in fact make her surrender. She even gave up a date with Michael Roberts to stop from being foot tickled. That frightened her as that was the day her life changed forever. Now she felt that pressure again. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO!! I-I-I CAN’T HAHAHAHA!” she bellowed.

Darby slowed down her tickling to give Becky a rest, as this wasn’t true torture. Becky was still fighting and that did make her proud. She then softly fluttered her fingers along the length of the sole to give her a soothing break. She wanted Becky to recover and breathe again as she prepared to go after the toes. “That’s right, Deputy. Here is a little mercy for ya. I know you are gonna break any moment now, so I will treat your feet for a moment. Breathe…..breathe…” she told her in a soft voice.

Becky was very happy that the tickling stopped, but once again her body started to feel the pangs of arousal as Darby was softly touching her foot. That was another memory of that day in the barn. After Peggy broke her through foot tickling, she made her body submit with this light touch as it set off such intense erotic feelings. She started to shake her body and her eyelids were getting heavy as she felt the surges of lust again. It was the way those fingers moved over the ball of her foot into her arch that made her swoon. She felt the urge to moan but knew that would be very embarrassing. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Darby. Her nipples started to throb once again as she did find Darby very attractive and right now with her body feeling aroused, she really felt attracted to her. This made her blush as she felt a little helpless and was about to expose her lust to the noble deputy. “Ya got to stop touching muh feet…..yer making me crazy…” she said in a soft voice.

Darby smiled as she heard that reaction and knew Becky must be about to finally give in. Even if she did, she did appreciate the fight she had in her. It made her remember how much she fought when her own feet were tickled and when she surrendered. She figured she would set Becky up by softly touching her foot for a little bit longer, then she would go after those toes. “I’m making you crazy, huh? Good! Because this is what I do to deputies like you. I make them beg me. That’s right, Deputy Becky. You will beg me, and you will admit you’re weak! Muuuhahahahahahahaha” Darby told her with an evil laugh.

Becky chuckled a little as she heard Darby’s evil laugh. Even though she wished she wasn’t in this position of arousal and possible humiliation, she did like how Darby was interacting with her. She loved the fact that the deputy had a good personality and was even interacting with her playfully. Everything she imagined Darby was like, so far seemed true. She just wished the woman she admired so much wasn’t trying to inadvertently seduce her just by touching her feet. She grunted as she felt the fingers slowly moving on the outline of her foot, going from the inside edge of the ball of the foot, softly through the instep, around the heel, and now moving slowly up the outside edge of her foot. It felt so good, and she felt herself starting to get very wet between her legs. Becky had no idea how much longer she could resist this feeling and figured she may just have to give up now, or she was going to display just how aroused she was by moaning in pleasure. She really did like having her feet softly played with, and that night with Sue Ann showed her just how much pleasure she could have from sex with another woman. She knew her feet were a definite weakness of hers. Either from tickling, or from sexual feelings. “Please….Ya got to stop that.. muh feet….muh feet…” she whimpered as it took everything she had to not moan.

Darby noticed the tone in Becky’s voice changed and she wondered why that happened considering she was barely touching her feet. She then figured it was probably Becky getting tired. She figured it was time to end this drill, so she decided it was time to go after the toes. She stopped moving her finger and left the feet alone. She even let go of the ankle and just stared at the soles of Becky’s feet. It truly amazed her how much she started to like feet more, after this past year taught her all about it. The barefeet before her were very cute, and as she discovered, very sensitive. She could see the feet barely moving and it was time to end this. “Well deputy, looks like you are just about done. I think it is time I break you. This is your last chance. Admit you’re weak or suffer the consequences!” she threatened.

Becky felt herself trying to calm down and relax her body. The arousal was getting too strong and she was very happy that Darby stopped. She looked up and saw Darby staring back down at her. She thought she looked really beautiful at this moment, and she really liked her. She could also see the tops of her feet and hoped this was finally all over. Then she heard Darby’s threatening words and knew this was going to continue. She was on the verge of giving up, but in the back of her mind, she kept thinking she had to hold out. To fight that feeling of submission and not give in like she did to Peggy. She wanted to be a deputy so bad and could not let this weakness best her. “I…..will…..never say…I’m weak. Ya lost ya evil lady…Ya lost…” she panted.

“Oh, I lost, huh? Well, you leave me no choice. What I am gonna do to your feet next is what I call, the WILLBREAKER on you. Now, you will pay the price!” Darby declared. She felt impressed that she came up with a nickname for what she was about to do to Becky’s long toes. She learned it from Gertrude and every time she used it, she was able to get even the strongest individuals to suffer. The monster Helga suffered from it, and even the evil Priscilla. Now, it was Becky’s turn. She then interlocked her fingers between the toes of each foot and started to squeeze them. “Tickle tickle tickle!!”

“WHAT IN TARNATION???!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GAWD!!!!!” Becky exploded into hysterical laughter. She could feel very intense ticklish sensations tearing through each of the nerves in her body and it overwhelmed her. When Peggy tickled her toes in the barn, it was horrible, but nothing like this. She had no words to describe the horrific ticklish sensations and all she could do was laugh.

Darby laughed when she heard Becky’s hysterical laughter and loved this moment. There was something about tickling a woman’s toes like this that seemed very thrilling and exciting. She kept squeezing and pressing her fingers and stared at those helpless toes. They were long and had some thickness to them, now they were splayed far apart and appeared to be very ticklish. She knew it wouldn’t be long before Becky broke. This was probably too intense for her, and she hoped it would end soon. She also figured that if Becky did not submit, she would stop anyway because this would become true torture. “Come on, deputy!! Give it up! Admit you’re weak!!! ADMIT IT!” she yelled, getting into character once again.

Becky felt wave after ticklish wave in her body and after all the previous tickling on her feet, then that soft touching which got her horny, now this very powerful sensations was too much for her to bear. Her mind snapped out of desperation and she was giving up. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’M WEAK!!! HAHAHAHA I’M WEAK!!! OH GAWD I’M WEAK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WEEEEAAAAAKKKKKKK!!!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Darby heard those words and immediately pulled her fingers out of the toes. She knew Becky would submit, but that bone chilling desperate sound made her wonder if she went too far. She started to feel a little guilty as she may have pushed Becky way past her limits. She got carried away in this tickling game and now she hoped Becky would not be upset with her. She watched as Becky tried to recover and heard the deep gasps of air. She saw her feet trembling in the air and even her hands were shaking. She looked down at Becky’s face and could see how red her face was and she was now coughing. “Are you ok? I’m sorry, Becky.” she said in a soft voice.

Becky was gasping for air and trying to recover after feeling those horrible ticklish feelings in her toes. Her body was still feeling the aftereffects of the tickle sensations and she took a moment to compose herself. She kept coughing, then started to breathe heavily. She started to feel guilty as she remembered she had just submitted. She could not take that kind of tickle torture and she gave up. Sadness washed over her as well as feeling ashamed. She desperately wanted to prove how strong she was and could be a great deputy. Now, she felt like she failed that test. She heard Darby apologizing and wondered why. It was she that failed the test. This was not Darby’s fault at all. She looked and saw the concern on Darby’s face. “I’m sorry, Deputy Darby. I am sorry I gave up….I……I should have been stronger…” she said, and tried her best to not cry.

Darby was stunned hearing Becky admit she gave in. She could hear the sound of defeat in her voice and felt bad for her. She started to think that Becky was thinking it was her own fault, but in reality, she pushed her too far. This was just a fun test. “No, no need to apologize, Becky. I went too far with you, and for that, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have tickled you like that. Here, let’s get your socks and boots back on, then get you out of that barrel.” she told her.

Becky was surprised Darby was apologizing to her. She didn’t understand why Darby would do that, but it made her admire her even more. There was compassion in her hero and that made her even more inspirational. She still felt horrible for giving in to the tickling, but she felt she had no choice. It tickled her too much! She then felt her socks getting placed back on her feet, one by one. Then, she felt her boots getting put back on. In a way, she felt a little humiliated as she had to have her footwear put on her by another person. “Ya didn’t have to do that, Darby. I could put them on muhself…” she said shyly.

“There is still mud all over the place and I didn’t want your feet to get all muddy. It was no problem, now let me get ya out of this barrel.” Darby told her. She then reached over and grabbed both wrists of Becky and started to lift her up out of the barrel. Once Becky’s rear end got to the edge of the barrel, she let her wrists go, as she should have been able to now stand up on her own.

Becky felt relieved that she was out of the barrel and stood up. It felt good to have her booted feet back on the ground and she balanced herself. She could feel the coolness in the air and the sky became overcast. She looked around and saw all the different training equipment and wondered if this was the last time she would ever see it. She thought again about how she even ended up in that barrel. Her own clumsiness put her in that predicament and her feet paid a ticklish price for it. Again. She looked over at Darby and knew she was about to be told to go home. “I’m sorry Darby. I tried muh best to hold out, but I’m just too ticklish on muh feet. I feel horrible…” she told her, then hung her head.

Darby felt for Becky and could see her feeling disappointed. She knew just how much this training test meant to her. She also thought perhaps she pushed her too far and made her quit, so now she felt bad. She walked up to her and then placed her right hand on Becky’s left shoulder. “Hey, you shouldn’t feel horrible. That was muh fault. I shouldn’t have pushed you that hard. Look at me, you went out and did your best. That’s what I wanted to see. What effort do you put in…” she told her, trying to console her.

Becky felt the hand on her shoulder, and it did feel nice. She lifted her head and saw Darby smiling at her. It was still a surreal moment to have her hero standing in front of her. She still felt like a failure after having to submit when her toes were tickled. “Thank ya for that. It’s just that I really want to be a deputy and I gave up. I know ya were testing me, and I failed. Muh feet, they were just too ticklish I guess.” she told her in a defeated tone.

“Becky, that was just a fun game we played. Tickling your feet was not part of the skills test. Hehehe That was just a fun thing to do. It is ok if your feet are really ticklish…” Darby told her. She did tell the truth in that she never thought she would be tickling her feet today.

“Hehe Yeah, yer right. I don’t think ya planned tickle muh feet today. It was kinda fun too. But I guess I should not expect to have muh feet tickled when I am chasing criminals. Hehehe I bet ya never had yer feet tickled in battle before.” Becky joked. She started to realize that perhaps her great weakness wouldn’t matter if she was a deputy. No one tickled the feet of deputies, so her weakness wouldn’t be a problem. “I bet ya never got your feet tickled, or ya probably aren’t ticklish anyway…” she grinned.

Darby felt herself go white as a ghost as the mention of her being ticklish was brought up. The benefit she had after all her adventures with La Diabla, and all the other criminals was that no one ever found out what exactly happened to her and what she went through. The public only knew she won at the end of the day and apprehended the criminals. She definitely did not want anyone outside of the select people involved to ever know her own weakness was her ticklish feet. She looked at Becky and she had that innocent look on her face. It was really heartwarming that someone looked up to her so much. In a way, she wanted to tell her that she indeed got tickle tortured on her feet many, many, many times, but that was something she wanted to keep secret. She figured she would not answer directly. “Hehehe seems silly, right? Getting your feet tickled by some criminal. Well, I am proud of the way you handled yourself. Now, let’s go back inside and I will talk to the Sheriff about the next steps. You will wait in muh office, and we will see how it turns out. Keep in mind, there is a possibility you may not be hired. We only have so many spots, ok?” she told her.

“Yes, I understand. Thank ya for letting me try out. This has been a great experience for me, and I know I will be a great deputy and make ya proud! Oh, please don’t tell anyone about muh weakness, ok? Hehe” Becky told her.

“Your secret is safe with me…” Darby responded with a wink. She then started to walk back inside the Sheriff’s station, with Becky following her. She had evaluated everything Becky did besides the foot tickling moment and had to present them to Sheriff Dickerson. She watched Becky go into her office area and then she walked towards Sheriff Dickerson’s office. She could see her fellow deputies watching her and she smiled. She knew they were all curious about that young woman who looked remarkably similar to her. She made it to the Sheriff’s office, and he invited her in.

“Sit Darby, make yourself comfortable.” Sheriff Dickerson told her. He then leaned back in his chair as he was curious about how Becky did. He didn’t have any openings in his station, but he was curious about her. Was it possible that he would have two women on his staff? That would be a groundbreaking moment for sure. “Ok, how did she do?” he asked.

“Well……there is something there with her. I put her through the tests, and she wasn’t too bad. I am concerned about her athleticism as she didn’t move as well as I thought she would. She struggled a little on the wall climbing, but we have men who are deputies now, that struggle. She also had a mishap on the obstacle course too.” Darby started. She felt the Becky was better than most women who would try this course but compared to the men she had run the same test, she was behind them. She had to be honest with the Sheriff because being a deputy was serious work and people’s lives were in their hands. As much as she would love to have a second female deputy, duty was first and most important.

“Hmmm…interesting. But would you say she is in good shape and can perform the physical duties of a deputy?” Sheriff Dickerson asked. He also felt the tremendous responsibility of hiring a competent deputy. He remembered when Darby was put to the test, and she passed with flying colors. She even beat out several men. He wanted to know if Becky was going to be the same.

“Well, that’s the thing. She is physical enough, but her agility is questionable. She seemed a bit…..clumsy. Whenever she would stumble, it wasn’t because of the mud, it was because she was tripping over her own feet. That’s what happened on the obstacle course for example…” Darby told him. She felt bad because she felt Becky wasn’t fully prepared for the job and she might hurt that young, eager woman.

“Let me guess, she fell into the barrels? Hehe” Sheriff Dickerson joked. He did enjoy it whenever a recruit would fall into them along with the rest of the deputies.

“Hehe yeah, she did. She hung tough though. I do have to admit, she is very strong willed. She does not give in too easily. I pushed her in a few things, and she fought back with determination. Also, you should see her shooting skills! She is very good with a gun. Her target and hit rate were better than 90%! She must have been a really good hunter back home. She has definite skill there. She knows how to handle a gun.” Darby said with pride. She also wanted to highlight the good Becky did. She was definitely not going to mention that she tickled Becky’s feet into submission but had to reveal some of the other weaknesses she saw, but also all the positives. “So, what are ya thinking? Think maybe she could be a deputy?” she asked.

“Hmmmm… well, after listening to the report you gave, I have to consider everything. You know, as well as I do, that being a Plotsville deputy is a very tough job and we need the best of the best. Her being clumsy is a concern, although I am glad she is a very good shot. I was hoping she would be just like you, then I would go to the mayor and asked for another deputy spot. But, since she is borderline, I am sorry Darby, but I am not able to hire her as a deputy…” Sheriff Dickerson told her. He did like Becky’s enthusiasm, but he had to make the best decision for the people of Plotsville and Becky was not ready for this role.

“I understand. I have to say Sheriff, she has her mind set on becoming a deputy. She told me how much she looks up to me and it has been her goal for a while now. I feel kinda bad for her, but I don’t think she is ready yet as well. I don’t want to break her heart…” Darby said, now leaning back in her chair and feeling sad. There was something unique about Becky and absolutely admired her personality and attitude. She wanted to figure out a way to somehow get Becky involved, even though she would not be a full time deputy. Then, an idea hit her. She hoped Sheriff Dickerson would at least go along with the idea. “Say, I got an idea….” she said.

Sheriff Dickerson cocked his head and looked at Darby’s face. He could see a look of excitement on her face and wondered what she was up to. He was more than willing to listen to her because this woman was his greatest deputy and done so much for not only Plotsville, but other places as well, even as far as California. “What do you have in mind, Darby?” he asked.

“I know you said she won’t be hired as a deputy because let’s face it, she is still green. But, how about we hire her to work in the station? She could do paperwork and other tasks, like help us train, and help gather equipment. I would make her muh apprenctice! That way, she can learn from me and the others and maybe one day, she will become a deputy. I mean, surely, we can use some clerical help around here, right?” Darby offered. She felt a little excited about this idea and really hoped the Sheriff did too. She would train Becky to get better and learn about this station at the same time. It would be fun to mentor a young woman to follow in her footsteps as well.

“You want to make her your apprentice? Hmmm….that doesn’t sound too bad of an idea. We could use some help around the station, and it would keep her out of harm’s way. We never had a clerk, so she would be a first here. I bet all of you would be happy to not have to file all that paperwork. Plus, some of these guys are pathetic with handling papers, I wonder if they ever truly made it out of school. Haha” Sheriff Dickerson chuckled. He started to think about the type of leader Darby was becoming. He did eventually want to hand over the title of Sheriff to her when he could no longer perform the job at a high level and this was another opportunity to do that. “Ok, we can do that. I will have to discuss what kind of pay she would get, but let’s see if she will even take the job. Good thinking Chief Deputy, good thinking.” he told her with pride in his voice.

“Thank you, Sheriff! I am glad ya like muh idea. I will go tell her now. I hope she takes it. I know she wants to be deputy but being a deputy’s apprentice is still a good thing. Hehehe” Darby said with excitement in her voice. She then stood up and before she left the office, she turned towards Sheriff Dickerson and felt grateful. This man was such an incredible leader, mentor and friend. He was willing to buck the male dominated trend and take chances with women in roles dominated by men. Now, he was willing to allow a second woman to perhaps one day become a deputy herself. “Sheriff, I just want to say thank you. You have been very good to me and….I just….well……thank you. I really mean it.” she told him with the greatest sincerity in her voice.

“You are welcome, Chief Deputy Reeves. You make me proud every day and make my decision to hire you the greatest professional decision I have ever made. Now, let’s see if this deputy’s apprentice is going to be worth it.” Sheriff Dickerson told her.

Darby nodded her head and then left the office. She felt excited and really hoped Becky would be too. She approached her office and saw Becky sitting there looking really nervous. She also knew Becky was feeling terrible for the foot tickling incident, and she hoped her news would be good. She entered the office and then sat down at her desk. This office was a perk of being Chief Deputy. Only the Sheriff and Chief Deputy would get offices, everyone else had a desk, but were all together in a single area of the station. She looked at Becky’s face and could see the nerves etched on her face. She took a deep breath, then sat back in her chair. “Thanks for waiting Becky. Well, I spoke to the Sheriff about what I saw in your skills test and a decision was made…..” she began.

Becky saw Darby enter the office and when she sat down, she tried to stare at her expressions to see if she could figure out what was going to happen. This was her entire life goal, and it all came down to this moment. As she waited for Darby in the office, her nerves were in complete disarray, her stomach was churning and she kept thinking about how her own clumsiness might cost her dream. She also remembered how she surrendered herself when her toes were being tickled. She knew she had to keep her emotions in check because this was the moment she had been waiting for. “I am so nervous, Darby. Just give it to me straight. Am I gonna be a deputy?” she asked, then felt her stomach flip flopping around and her left leg started to tremble.

“Ok, well let me start by saying thank you for even trying to be a deputy. It is very hard work and not always glamourous. I know you told me how much you look up to me and kept track of muh accomplishments, and I am really grateful for that. But the job is very tough and very dangerous. There were a few times on muh missions where I thought I failed and would be doomed. It is a tough life. With that being said, I do want to say you have such great skill when it comes to guns. You hit the targets with a lot of accuracy. You are better than most men! You are great at hogtying as well. You are very good!” Darby told her. She wanted to give her the good news first, then the bad, then hopefully the good again.

“Thank ya!!! I was practicin’ a lot on muh farm back home and even muh Pa was impressed. Does this mean I will be a……….” Becky tried to say as she felt excited.

“Wait, I have more to say. You are very good at those skills, but your physical skills are ok. You made it through most of the drills, except for that obstacle course, and I have to admit, you seem kind of….. clumsy.” Darby told her.

Becky’s heart sank as she heard that assessment of her performance. She knew that her clumsiness would be an issue and unfortunately for her, it showed up at the wrong time. She felt her heart starting to break and her dream slipping away. She tried to steel her nerves as she didn’t want to get emotional at the moment. “Yeah, I can be clumsy. Muh whole life, I have been that way…” she mumbled.

“Being a deputy is hard, Becky. We have to be in great shape to perform our duties here in Plotsville. Now, I know there are other places where you don’t have to be in the best shape, or even shoot that well, but under Sheriff Dickerson, we have the highest standards.” Darby told her. She could see the anguish in Becky’s eyes, and she hoped this next set of words does not crush this woman completely. “So, at this time, you will not be a deputy of Plotsville. Muhself and the Sheriff will not be able to add an additional position from the mayor if we have concerns about your ability. I am sorry, but you will not be a deputy for now.” she told her.

Becky felt her heart stop when she heard the news. After all those months of dreaming and praying that she would be a deputy, she found out that she would not become one. All the hope she had was being shattered and now she wanted to cry. She left her hometown for this journey, and it was coming to an end so quickly. She looked at Darby and saw that she didn’t look happy, so there was some solace in knowing that her hero at least felt bad. She also knew it was a long shot to become a deputy. There were many obstacles to overcome, and she failed to impress. Becky nodded her head a few times, desperate to hold back the tears and looked again at Darby. She couldn’t break down because that would only confirm that she was not deputy material. “I-I understand. T-thanks for l-letting me t-try to be a d-deputy. I-I-I r-r-r-really appreciate it….” she said stammering and fighting back tears.

Darby could see Becky’s heart breaking and she felt sad. She didn’t want to tell Becky the news, but for her own safety, Becky was just not ready to be a deputy. Now, this was the moment she hoped would at least heal Becky. She hoped her next set of words made this woman feel better. “I know this hurts and I really do appreciate everything you did today. You showed real determination out there. You have a good fight in you and never stop having that attitude. Even during our friendly game, where I was ticklin’ your feet, you didn’t give up so easily. You fought. I love that about you. So, I do want to make you an offer and I hope you consider it.” she told her.

Becky felt her nerves on edge and was going to cry at any moment. Then she heard Darby say those kind words about her and now she was going to offer her something. She wondered what it could be. Her dream of being a deputy alongside Darby was over, so she had no idea what could be done. Her curiosity got to her, and she stiffened herself to receive the news. “Ya got an offer for me? What kind of offer?” she asked.

“Well, you won’t be a deputy….for now. BUT muhself and the Sheriff like you. So, how about you become muh apprentice? You will work here in the station, doing some clerical work, and learn from me to help improve your skills so that one day you will become a deputy.” Darby offered.

“Ya want me to be…….be…..be yer apprentice????? Like, ya want me to learn from ya and then if I do very well, I can become a deputy???!!!” Becky asked in surprise. The thought of working with Darby gave her such a thrill as it meant she would be able to be around her hero all the time and even have a job in the Sheriff’s station.

“Yes, you will be muh apprentice and maybe one day, you can be a deputy. I like you, Becky. I love to see another woman be so determined to do this kind of a job. It will still be hard work, but I think you will like it. You won’t be a deputy, so you won’t go on missions, but you will learn. I will teach you personally and improve your skills. It may take a long time, maybe even years, but if you accept the offer, I will be most pleased to work with you.” Darby told her, then let a smile come out.

Becky’s heart stopped again as she was offered that job and she would work with Darby closely. She wasn’t going to be a deputy, but she would work with her hero. Her eyes popped wide open, and she then launched herself into the air in tremendous joy and pumped her fists. “HOT DAMN!!!! I’M GONNA BE AN APPRENTICE!!” she shouted, then realized how loud she was.

Darby laughed when she saw the reaction and noticed other deputies looking their way. She felt happiness in her heart as this young lady seemed so joyous. She was really taking a liking to this woman and looked forward to working with her. “So, do you accept muh offer? Hehe” she laughed.

“Oh, sorry. Hehehe Muh apologies. I was just really excited, that’s all. Hehehe Yes, I accept the offer.” Becky said with a guilty smile knowing she just showed a little too much enthusiasm. She felt her heart beating faster and felt really excited. She flashed her gap tooth smile and reached her hand forward to shake Darby’s. “Thank ya for this opportunity. I won’t let ya down. I promise….” she told her.

Darby shook her hand and smiled. She knew this relationship was going to be a lot of fun. Becky was so full of energy and now she had the opportunity to develop her own leadership skills. If she could get Becky to become a deputy, that would be just another step forward in her already illustrious career. “I know you won’t. Now, let me take you to the Sheriff and we will discuss some of the duties and your pay for example. I am sure we will have you start tomorrow. So, after we are done, you can enjoy the rest of the day. I will help you find a place to stay overnight. I don’t want you to spend your night outside as it might be very cold tonight. Tomorrow will be a busy day. I want you to meet me here at 7am sharp!” she told her.

“Thank ya Deputy Darby! This is truly an honor!” Becky responded. She was so excited to get started and even after they met Sheriff Dickerson, she would spend some more time with Darby to find lodging. She got up from her seat and walked with great pride as she followed Darby to the Sheriff’s office. She saw the other deputies looking at her and she smiled back. “I’m gonna be an apprentice!!!” she thought to herself as she walked with her chest out and felt a lot of joy.

Sabrina Alamain walked through the main street in Plotsville and had a smile on her face. Walking to her left was her partner in crime, Barbara “Babs” McKenzie. She was dressed in a dress she used as a disguise, a green one with long sleeves, puffy shoulders, black boots and had a hat on. She could see the citizens walking about their day and she and her partner used this walk to scout the physical surroundings of Plotsville. She walked up and down this main street and even some of the side streets. Her focus was on the Plotsville bank as the plan was to rob the bank the next day and find the easiest route she could find to escape from that location. She and Babs also walked around Plotsville the day before and made a crude map. Today was to see what time of day would probably be best to perform the robbery. Sabrina knew she just couldn’t walk right into the bank as other citizens were armed and potentially encounter law enforcement. She preferred to have someone kidnapped and forced to help her rob the bank by getting there early in the morning. She looked over at Babs and smiled. “Hey, I think we got a good idea of what we want to do. Now, we just need to find a stooge and we can get going.” she whispered.

Babs McKenzie nodded her head in agreement and continued to walk. She wore a blue, Victorian style dress, with long gloves and also wore a hat. She could see other women in this town wearing dresses and hats, but also those of what she loved to wear, which were jeans, and cowboy boots. She liked being in disguise as that was usually how they made their escape after they finished robbing a bank. “Yeah, I am looking forward to this. The people here do not look very smart. Hehehe What a strange town…” she joked.

“Yes, it is. It is a growing town, but these are probably people whose lives are boring. Hehehe Hey, you want to get something to eat before we continue? I saw a bakery and we could use some bread to eat.” Sabrina asked.

“That sounds good. I am a little hungry. Let’s do it. That way, we can go to the bank afterwards and finish scouting. I am really looking forward till tomorrow!” Babs responded.

“Great, let’s go inside this Rob’s bakery and get some grub.” Sabrina directed her. She then saw Rob’s bakery and went inside. The store was warm, which felt good as the day was still pretty chilly. She looked around and saw a good crowd inside and figured this must be the best bakery in town. She stood in line with Babs and soon she was close to the counter. Next to her right was Babs and they both looked at the woman directly in front of her. There was a woman with short, dark brown hair, wearing a large, light blue hat that complimented her light blue, long sleeve dress. Her eyes went down and noticed the black leather boots. The woman was now at the counter and talking to the woman behind the counter. She looked at that woman and saw her with a big smile. She had dirty blond hair that was up in a bun, wearing a white apron that covered her brown dress. She didn’t think anything of it, but she could hear what the two women were saying and that piqued her interest.

“So, how is going today at the bank, Ruth? Is it busy for you?” Gertrude Billington asked. She was preparing the woman’s order and she wanted to make small talk with her.

“Oh, it is very busy today! Plenty of customers today. I wanted to get some lunch before going back. I look forward to seeing you too in there, Gertrude. It is always a pleasure chatting with ya!” Ruth responded.

“You are such a delight, Ruth! Ok, here is your order and you make sure you take good care of yourself. Now remember, my offer still stands. I know you work very hard and get tired. You really should come over to my home and I promise you, I will make sure you are feeling so relaxed!” Gertrude told her with a grin. Her eyes then looked downwards quickly and saw the black leather boots. Her eyes then went back to Ruth’s face and smiled. She wanted to get her hands on that woman’s feet.

“Oh Gertrude! Hahaha Always offering to do that for me. You are so adorable. I don’t know if I can let you do that for me.” Ruth laughed back. She knew what Gertrude wanted to do as the woman told her a few months ago what she would perform. Even though Gertrude was persistent, she always managed to avoid having Gertrude work on her feet. She then leaned a bit closer to Gertrude, so that she wouldn’t be too loud. “I told you, I am too ticklish for that! Hehehe I will give you credit, you never give up, don’t you?” she whispered.

Gertrude leaned in closer to Ruth and smiled. “It won’t be so bad! Ticklish feet are a blessing and yours will love what I do to them. I promise you will feel so much better. Hehehe” she whispered back.

“You’re so naughty!” Ruth said, then stepped back a little. She smiled at Gertrude and then started to turn away. “I will see you later! Thanks, Gertrude!” she called out as she then walked away.

“Mmmmm…one day I will get my hands on your feet, Ruth. You just wait and see. I bet her feet are REALLY ticklish too!” Gertrude thought to herself. She then saw the women standing behind Ruth and was ready for the next order. She saw two pretty women standing before her and never seen them before. One of them walked away and now she was face to face with the woman in green. “How can I help you?” she asked.

Sabrina smiled as she approached Gertrude. She could tell this woman was probably very friendly, but her mind was focused on the customer before her. That woman could be the key to help getting into the bank. She sent Babs to follow her and keep an eye on her, while she got their food. “Yes, I would like some French bread and some meats. Do you have any ham?” she asked.

“Yes, we have some ham left. Good choice by the way. I am glad you came to this shop! You live around here? I don’t think I have seen you before, because this is the best bakery in town, and no one can resist! Hehehe” Gertrude joked. She took a liking to this stranger and wanted to have a good conversation. She did have a very cute face and her brown hair looked nice. Then her mind wondered what her feet might look like as well. Maybe this could be someone she could play with in the near future.

“You caught me! I am new here, as I am just visiting. I heard all about this town and had to see it for myself. Hehe” Sabrina responded. She knew she had to play the part as she did not want to raise suspicion in any form or fashion.

“Well welcome to Plotsville! I hope you enjoy your stay. You will find how wonderful this town is and who knows, you might want to stay here and visit Rob’s Bakery every day! Hehehe Where are you from?” Gertrude asked. She liked this woman’s demeanor and loved making small talk with customers, especially the women.

“I am from Oklahoma. I heard great things about this town, so I had to see for myself. It is such a lovely town. Perhaps one day I might move here. If I do, then it is my duty to visit Rob’s Bakery every day!” Sabrina smiled. Even though she was making up her story, she did enjoy speaking to Gertrude. She seemed like a lovely woman and very friendly.

“Yes, you should! Ok Miss, wait right here and I will get your food for you. I’m sorry, what is your name?” Gertrude asked.

“It is Tina. And yours?” Sabrina responded.

“I am Gertrude Billington at your service! Wait right here!” Gertrude told her, then turned around to retrieve the food.

Sabrina smiled back and watched as Gertrude went to go get her food. She then turned around and saw Babs looking at her. She saw her nodding her head, which gave her the signal that she did see where Ruth was going, and it would be good to scout her. She then heard Gertrude bringing the food and she smiled. She paid for the food and nodded her head towards her in appreciation. “Thank you, Miss Gertrude, I am sure I will visit again. You have a great day!” she told her then walked away.

“She is really cute. Hmmm…I hope she sticks around here. I wonder if I could get my hands on her feet. Hehehehe” Gertrude thought to herself. She saw Sabrina walking out of the shop with another woman and smiled. “Ok, who’s next???” she called out.

Sabrina exited the bakery with the food in hand and caught up to Babs. She handed some bread over to her partner and smiled. “Ok, did you see where she went?” she asked.

“Yes, she headed right back to the bank. I noticed she did not have a ring on her finger, so she is not married. I think she will be alone tonight. I think we should scout this woman. She could be our ticket to the job we have to do.” Babs told her.

“I agree. We will follow this woman home and then we strike! I think I will be able to convince her to cooperate. Hehehehe” Sabrina smiled, then took a bite of her bread. She loved this part of her job, and she learned a very special skill years ago that helped force women to follow her commands. She also discovered that skill could lead to very erotic encounters. She learned that skill with great interest and was looking forward to seeing how that woman from the bank could handle it. She looked over at Babs and smiled. “Yes, we will definitely have a very fun evening…..” she grinned.

Ruth Lankford sighed as the bank was finally closing. It was a very busy day and was very happy she was finally off. She just had a few more things to finish before she could go home. She was a 35 year old woman, with short brown hair and stood about 5’6” tall. She moved to Plotsville two years ago from Houston, Texas and really loved the town. She was really excited to see it grow and working at the bank allowed her to take part in that growth. She saw how the town employed a woman as a deputy, who went on to be the town hero. She interacted a few times with Deputy Darby, as she would sometimes escort business owners to the bank to make the deposits of their revenue. Ruth was single, with no children and she did hope one day she could find a man in this town. Since the town was growing so much, a lot of potential eligible men moved here, and she even met a few. She was very conservative and hoped a charming gentleman could sweep her off her feet and she would finally get married. She was patient and was not going to just throw herself to a man out of desperation. She finally finished the last of her paperwork and told her boss she was going home. Her home wasn’t too far, and she enjoyed walking home. She wanted that exercise tonight as the weather was cool this evening. She grabbed her coat, put it on and left the bank.

Sabrina prodded Babs with her elbow as she saw Ruth leaving the bank. After they had their food, they went back to their hotel room and changed into their normal outfits. Wearing her brown vest over her black shirt, black jeans, fingerless brown gloves, and her black cowboy boots, she watched the older woman starting to walk away. She put on her black cowboy hat, then faced Babs. “Come on, let’s go.” she whispered.

Babs saw Ruth walking away and she stood up as well. Wearing her black vest that covered her brown long sleeve shirt, with black jeans and brown cowboy boots, she put on her brown cowboy hat and walked with her partner. She also had a medium-sized bag with her as there were various tools needed for this plan. She loved these adventures and working with Sabrina always brought the greatest times. She knew what Sabrina was about to do to poor Ruth and she looked forward to it. She remembered when she first saw Sabrina doing it and it blew her mind. The woman Sabrina was tormenting looked to go insane and even had a monstrous orgasm. After that, that woman spilled her guts and told Sabrina everything she wanted to know. It was such a great crime and great success. She got to participate a little in the torment and hoped she could do the same tonight. “Right with you…” she mumbled.

Ruth continued to walk home and felt relaxed. The cool air washed over her face, and she wondered if another storm was coming. There were clouds overhead and she hoped to get home soon, just in case. As she continued to walk, she noticed her feet were a little sore and for a moment, she remembered what Gertrude offered. She laughed to herself as she thought about Gertrude touching her feet. She noticed Gertrude was pretty persistent with wanting to massage her feet and it made her giggle knowing that the fabulous woman at the bakery wanted her feet. She knew exactly how ticklish she was and if Gertrude touched them, she would probably go right through the roof. Even with that fear, she did feel her feet aching and was looking forward to getting home and taking these boots off. She had another day of work tomorrow and needed to rest. Ruth looked ahead and saw the residential area approaching and felt that surge of happiness as she was almost home. She lived in a one bedroom home and it was very cozy. She then snapped her head around and stopped as she thought she heard a noise. “What was that????!!!” she said aloud.

Realizing that nothing was there, she laughed to herself and continued walking. “I really have to stop being silly. No one is there Ruthie, no one is there. Hehehe” she laughed to herself. She finally made it home and unlocked her door. She walked in, closed the door and sighed. She was very thrilled to be home and now it was time to unwind for the evening.

Sabrina made it to Ruth’s house and stood outside. She motioned her hand towards Babs, and they went behind the house. She wanted to find a way to get in and of course, not be seen. She almost got caught following Ruth home when she stepped on a twig or something, causing the bank woman to turn around suddenly. Typically, she stayed far back enough so in case anyone turned around, she could try to get out of sight quickly. Babs was also skilled at that, and they narrowly avoided Ruth from seeing them. Now, it was time to wait a moment and figure out their next steps. She didn’t want to go in right now as she wanted Ruth to be completely unprepared. That meant allowing the woman to rest in her home and decompress. If they went now, then she might put up a fight. Sabrina loved the element of surprise and if she could catch her prey in a relaxed state, it was better. She then looked at Babs and smiled. “We will wait right here. Let’s rest for a moment and have that woman relax a bit. Do you see an entrance we can use?” she asked.

Babs looked around the back of the house and she did find a back doorway. They were in Ruth’s backyard area, which was small, but appeared to have a garden there. She knew this woman probably did gardening in her spare time and would most likely be a levelheaded person. This was important as a panicky person made too much noise. She figured with Ruth, she would be frightened, but would also maintain her cool long enough to do what they wanted her to do. She remembered a time they tried to torture a woman and she was so panicky and not very calm, that as they tried to torment her, she ended up screaming so loud, neighbors heard, and they had to escape quickly. It was the one time they didn’t have a gag or something and they didn’t accomplish their goal. “I see a door there. Probably locked, but that shouldn’t be a problem to pick it.” she responded.

“Yeah, you’re right. I am glad you are good at picking locks. Hehehe Now, let’s just wait another hour and then, we will pay this woman a visit she will never forget. You got the gag just in case, right?” Sabrina asked.

“I do. Heheh yeah, I made sure I have it all the time now. The next house is very close to this one, so if we need it, we can stuff it in her mouth in no time.” Babs replied as she showed a very thick handkerchief.

“Good….Ok, let’s wait this out.” Sabrina said, then made herself comfortable on the ground, her back leaning against the wall of the home. She took a moment to breathe calmly and prepare her mind. She was happy they had the gag ready, and she knew her favorite weapon to use in these situations was inside her vest pocket. Her trusty owl feather. That tool worked every single time, and she knew Ruth was not going to stand a chance!

Ruth was sitting in her easy chair, her feet propped up on her coffee table. On her right stood a small drawer that served as a mini table and had her glass of wine and also a plate with some remnants of her dinner on it. She was completely relaxed and enjoyed the rest of her evening by reading the Plotsville Gazette newspaper. She caught up on the events happening locally, statewide and even some national news. It was a standard evening for her after work and she felt herself getting tired. Dressed in her white pajamas which consisted of her wearing a long white dress style garment with long sleeves. It extended to her ankles, and brown slippers on her size 7 feet. She felt herself yawning, and she removed her reading glasses and rubbed her eyes. It was getting late, and she wanted to get some good rest. She shivered a little as it was a cool night. “Brrrrrrr! It is getting cold in here. I think I will go get in my warm bed. Get some shut eye as tomorrow will be another long day at work…” she told herself, then walked through the hallway to her bedroom.

Sabrina saw the light go out in the living room area and she smiled at Babs. “It’s about time. It is getting cold out here!” she told her.

“We should make her suffer for having us out here for so long! Go to bed lady! Hehehe” Babs responded.

“Ok, let’s do this! I bet her home is warm too, so that is another good thing about going after her.” Sabrina grinned. She stood up and then went to the back door. She nodded her head towards the lock and Babs knelt down and started to pick away at it with her knife. Sabrina loved the skills her partner had and brought to their team. She may have been the leader of the two, but Babs’ abilities to pick locks, bind things and use her guns proved very valuable. She watched as her blond partner kept working on that lock and soon, she heard a click!

“Got it! Time for some action!” Babs said with excitement as she managed to pick the lock of the backdoor.

Sabrina smiled, then very carefully opened up the door. She slowly crept inside, and her partner was right behind. The interior of the home was decently warmed, and it was much better than being outside. She took a moment to warm her body and then tried to find the lantern to try and find their way through the house. It was dark inside and since she did not know the layout of the home, she was not going to try and make a lot of noise by bumping into things. She turned her head and saw Babs holding a very small lantern, which they used on these types of missions and now the room they were in was illuminated. It appeared to be the kitchen area, and she smiled. “Ok, we are in. Now, let’s go find her bedroom and get to work.” she whispered.

Babs looked around and saw the small kitchen area. Then, she looked forward and could see the living room area. She handed the lantern over to Sabrina and followed her into the living room. The way the house was laid out, it appeared the kitchen and living room was adjacent and next to the living room was a hallway that appeared to lead to the one bedroom. She looked around the home and could tell it was very cozy. There was a bookshelf filled with books and then she saw the newspaper lying on the couch. “Seems like a cozy place. I think we will like this place for the night. Hehehe” she giggled softly.

“Yep! This will be such a comfortable place for us. Ok, let’s go to her room and take care of business. We know she will never forget this night, ever. In fact, she may even like it at the end. I want to see if we can push her over the edge…..” Sabrina cooed as she thought about her plans. She loved this part of her missions and felt a small surge of arousal flowing through her body. She made sure she stepped carefully as they did not want to alert her soon to be victim. The element of surprise was most crucial because they didn’t want her to scream, or worse, get a gun. They were in Texas and there was a chance for this woman to be armed. She entered the hallway and slowly made her way towards the bedroom door. Her eyes could see the light under the door and knew the woman must still be awake. Once they got to the door, she looked at Babs. Sabrina smiled at her and lifted her hand. She had three fingers up, and let one finger fall after another, counting to three. “Let’s go!” she shouted as she then barged her way through the door and surprised the occupant who was lying on her bed.

Ruth was reading a book in bed, when suddenly she heard a noise. She looked up at her bedroom door and in came two women! She dropped the book in shock and wondered what the hell was happening. Before she could even move, the blond-haired woman pounced on her on her bed and suddenly found herself on her back and struggling to get free. Her mind was in turmoil as she still tried to make sense of what was happening. “WHAT IS THIS??!! WHO ARE YOU??!!! WHAT IN TARNATION ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE??!!” she screamed.

Babs quickly got a hold of Ruth’s wrists and planted them above her head. She straddled the woman and sat on her thighs. She could see the look of surprise and shock on Ruth’s face and smiled. “Shut up bitch, or you will get hurt!” she threatened.

Sabrina casually walked over towards the left side of the bed and watched as her partner tackled and physically subdued Ruth. She could hear Ruth yelling and it was time to make her quiet. She pulled out her gun, cocked it, then pointed it at Ruth’s face. She had a sly grin on her face and noticed that Ruth was now looking at her. “You heard her, shut up or you will get hurt. I wouldn’t mind killing you right now, so it is in your best interest to keep that pie hole of yours, quiet.” she threatened.

Ruth’s heart nearly stopped as she saw the barrel of a gun looking right at her. She immediately closed her mouth and fear gripped her body. She had no idea what these women wanted or why they were in here. She wondered if they were going to rob her! She figured if she followed everything they told her, then she might live. She swallowed hard and stared at the woman holding the gun.

“Good girl……I like that out of you. Very obedient.” Sabrina teased, then lowered her gun and placed it back in the holster. Now that she got Ruth’s attention, it was time to execute the plan she had in mind. She sat down on the edge of the bed. She was on Ruth’s right side, and she moved closer to her. “Good evening. I am sure you are wondering why we broke into your home and have you on your bed. Those are good questions actually, and you will find out soon enough. First, I want some very simple information. You cooperate and everything goes smoothly. If you don’t, well, you will suffer. First question, what is your name?” she asked with a calm voice.

Ruth just could not believe this was happening. These women attacked her, and she could feel how dangerous they were. She gulped, and then looked at Sabrina. She thought the woman was pretty, but under the circumstances, that did not matter. “It’s Ruth. My name is Ruth. Please don’t hur---” she tried to say.

“Ah, ah, aaaaahhhhh! Saying your name is all I asked. I don’t want to hear anything else. Your name is Ruth, huh? Nice name. Not too bad. My name is Sabrina and that beautiful woman sitting on top of you is Babs. We wanted to pay you a little visit. Thank you for allowing us this pleasure. Now Ruth, do you mind if Babs here ties your wrists to the headboard? A simple yes or no answer will do. I already know the answer, but I want you to tell me. Let’s see if you can follow directions.” Sabrina teased. She loved these moments. She wouldn’t mind getting physical with Ruth, but Babs loved wrestling. She loved when Babs wrestled the women. She knew it was something that Babs loved and even got aroused by it. Then when it was her turn, she would then get aroused from her “extraction and discipline” technique. She stared into Ruth’s eyes and awaited her response.

Ruth heard the request, and she felt her breath leave her body. They were going to tie her up?? She had no idea what they planned to do to her, and fear gripped her. She remembered Sabrina’s threats and knew she better go along with it as these women looked dangerous! “No…” was all she said as she remembered she was supposed to answer in one word.

“Good girl!! That is the correct answer! Babs? Do your thing….” Sabrina said then winked at her partner.

Babs smiled as it was her turn to have some fun. She let go of Ruth’s wrists, and then took the medium size bag off a hook on her belt. She opened the bag and pulled out a few strands of rope. They weren’t very long, but long enough to tie around the wrists. She quickly looped one end of the rope to the right wrist, then another strand to the left wrist. She was pleased that Ruth never moved her arms. She quickly tied each wrist to the headboard tips and smiled. Ruth was now trapped! She felt her arousal building as she looked down and saw how helpless Ruth was. She loved the look of fear on her face and now she had to go tie her feet down. She slowly slid off Ruth’s body on her left, then looked at Sabrina. “She’s all yours….” she grinned.

Sabrina smiled at her partner then got up on the bed and now she was straddling Ruth’s thighs, looking down at her. She smiled as she loved the look of fear. She knew Ruth had no idea what was coming to her, and she looked forward to it. She wanted to wait until Babs tied down the ankles, so she could begin. While she waited, she figured this would be a good time to play some mind games. “You know Ruth, you are not bad looking. Not bad at all. You will find out that if you obey me and give me what I want, then you will get to experience some wonderful pleasures! The kind of pleasures only a woman can give another. I think you will really love what happens to your body….” she said, then blew her a kiss.

Ruth was petrified! Her mind was racing as she heard those words. Just the sound of them made it seem like perhaps this dangerous woman sitting on her was going to do some sexual things to her! That was impossible! There was no way this woman could be…….lesbian! She dismissed that thought because Sabrina looked kind of pretty and was sure men were after her. She wondered what she could mean, but one thing she did know. She did not want to suffer! “Please! Please don’t hurt me! W-Why are you here? Please tell me!” she begged.

Sabrina chuckled as she heard the fear in Ruth’s voice. She wanted to keep playing with her mind because she knew her body would probably be on edge and make her very sensitive. She then leaned closer where her face was close to Ruth’s. She then put it even closer, as though she was about to kiss her. “You know Ruth, you shouldn’t worry so much. All will be told to you in moments. But first, do you like me being this close to you? I can feel your warmth. It is cold outside, how about we warm each other up?” she teased.

Ruth gasped as she heard those words and saw just how close Sabrina was to her face. She could feel the woman’s breath and her lips were dangerously close to her own! She wondered if this woman was going to kiss her and that mentioning of them keeping each other warm really frightened her. She experimented with a woman during her late teens, but that was out of being drunk and curious. Ever since that moment, she felt horrible about it because she felt she had sinned and was wrong. Now, this woman was trying to make her feel uncomfortable and it was working. “Please….I-I don’t want any trouble. Please let me go…..” she whimpered.

“You may not want trouble, but trouble has found you. I will tell you this…I like you, Ruth. So far, you have been a doll. You may not like what I have planned for you, but it will be fun! For me….hehehe” Sabrina teased. She loved playing with this woman’s mind and then she smiled when she heard Babs’ voice.

“All done!” Babs called out and stood up. She looked at her handiwork and managed to bind both of Ruth’s ankles. They were bound together, and then a strand of rope went from the ankles down to the frame of the bed. She stared at the socked feet and wondered what Sabrina was going to do to them. She did hope she could get in on the action as well. She loved it whenever Sabrina would ask her to join in. She loved what took place and it turned her on immensely. She then went to the right side of the bed, so she could get a really good look at Sabrina on top of Ruth. “She is all yours…” she grinned.

Sabrina smiled at Babs, then turned her attention towards Ruth. Now that she knew the woman was completely bound, it was time to have a little fun. “You hear that? You are all…..mine!” she said, then used the tip of her right index finger to tap Ruth directly on the nose.

Ruth felt fear tear through her body. She was so focused on Sabrina being so close to her and giving her lesbian innuendos, she didn’t realize her ankles were getting tied together. Now, she felt helpless and very vulnerable. She felt her breathing getting heavy and now she started to panic. “Please! Just tell me what you want? You’re both scaring me!” she yelled out.

“Awwwwww!! You hear that, Babs? Poor Ruthie here is scared!” Sabrina teased as she winked at her partner. She then looked at Ruth again and smiled. It was time to first send her a message of what was to come, then she could focus on having Ruth give her access to the Plotsville Bank. She reached inside her vest and felt her favorite toy, an owl feather. “You should be concerned about what I have in my pocket! It may look simple, but believe me, it will destroy you. Hehehehe” she teased, then pulled the feather out and put it in Ruth’s face.

Ruth had a puzzled look on her face as she saw a feather in front of her face. She had no idea how a feather would make her suffer. In a way, she felt some relief because it meant that a far more dangerous object, such as a gun or even a knife, was not going to hurt her. She feared getting hurt by these two women and if they wanted to use a feather, that didn’t seem so dangerous. “What will you do with that feather?” she asked puzzled.

Sabrina gave her a sly smirk and could tell Ruth had no idea what was going to happen to her. This got her really excited because it meant Ruth was not going to be prepared at all for her style of torment. Now, she had to find out the hard way. “You are probably wondering what this feather could possibly do to you? I mean, I could use my gun to hurt you. I could use a knife. I can think of a million different ways to make you suffer, but I have found a feather is the most torturous one of all, especially on a woman’s body. You will find out just how bad it is. So, where should I start torturing you? Hmmm? Let me find a good spot….” she said in a flirty voice.

Ruth was so confused at this moment. A feather could be a torture tool? Not only did this woman break into her home, tie her up and come on to her with potential lesbian ideas, and now she was telling her that a feather would be used. What really frightened her more was the fact that she was about to be tortured. She didn’t even know why. She started to feel her emotions building and wanted to let them out. “Why do you want to torture me? I didn’t do anything to you….please, just leave me alone. If you want to rob me, please do it. I won’t say anything at all! Please, just let me be…” she begged.

Sabrina started to wave the feather in the air and loved how Ruth’s eyes followed everywhere the feather went. It was now time to make her suffer a little before she really went into forcing Ruth to obey her. She lowered the feather close to the right side of Ruth’s neck, then placed her right hand on Ruth’s face and forced it to the left side, exposing that right side of the neck. With her trusty owl feather in her left hand, she slowly traced the tip of it from behind the ear, then down the side of the neck. She wanted to tease that part of the body and from her previous experiences, that was going to be very effective. “Shhhh!! I don’t want you to say anything to me, Ruthie. I just want to make you feel good. Hehehe You sound so stressed and terrified. I think you need to loosen up…” she cooed.

Ruth’s body tensed up as she felt that feather sliding down the side of her neck. She never felt anything like this, and it felt like……tickling! Her mind started to race as the overwhelming ticklish sensations started to shoot through her body. This was so unexpected; she was not ready for something like this. She felt Sabrina’s hand holding down her face, and now that feather was teasing some very delicate skin. “Hehehehehe hey!!! What are you doing??!! That tickles!” she screamed out.

“Does it? Oooh, that is wonderful! Hehehehe” Sabrina teased as she continued to slowly stroke the feather up and down that section of the neck. The feather’s tip moved from the earlobe, and down the side of the neck towards the collarbone, but then moved towards the back of the nek. She made sure the feather tickled those very fine hairs towards the back of the neck and she felt Ruth’s body struggling. “Oh yes, you seemed to be very sensitive right here! I like this…..” she teased.

Ruth continued to feel that feather touching her skin and she was in total shock. She never had her neck tickled before and it was horrible! The feather was frustrating her, and she wanted to try and scrunch her neck. But with the left side of her head pressed against the mattress, there was nothing she could do to protect that area. She couldn’t help but laugh and then she shrieked as the feather started to tickle inside her ear! “Hehehehehe Cut it out!! Hehehehehehe why are you tickling me??!!” she yelled out in ticklish anguish.

“Because… I want to tickle you. This is just the beginning too. Just wait until you end up naked…” Sabrina told her. She knew just those words were going to send poor Ruth into a panic. She then started to twirl the feather inside the ear, close to the earhole itself and she could hear those ticklish grunts and her body trying to thrash around. She loved the way the body thrashed as it only gave her an erotic thrill. She was looking forward to what Ruth looked like under these pajamas as well. Now that she told her what she was going to do, it would surely force her victim to really panic.

Ruth panicked when she heard Sabrina’s plans for her. The tickling was going to be intentional, and she was going to get tortured with it. She knew she was a ticklish person, but it didn’t happen too often. It blew her mind that this woman would use a childhood game to torture her. She also realized how bad it could be as it was already driving her crazy. The feather in her ear was just as annoying as it was ticklish. Then she felt her body shudder then the feather went back to her neck area. What really frightened her were the words she heard Sabrina give her. She was going to end up naked?! She started to try and move her body around as she knew she had to escape. She did not want to lose her clothes in front of these women. “Hehehehehehe no!!! Leave me alone!! Hehehehe get off of me!!!!” she screamed.

Babs enjoyed looking at Sabrina tickling poor Ruth. She loved how her partner would play these wonderful mind games with their female victims. She liked this tickling aspect of their adventures. She remembered the first time she saw it. Sabrina had captured some barmaid back in Mexico and had a little fun with her. She watched as her partner tickle seduced that poor woman. It gave her chills when she watched as being ticklish was something she knew about. It was the way that woman screamed that imprinted it on her mind forever. That hysterical laughter, the way the body moved. It was mesmerizing and she felt so much arousal from it. Then, when she saw Sabrina sexually tickle that barmaid, it opened up a whole new lifestyle for her. She wanted to see more of that and loved to see another woman being forced to orgasm. When that same barmaid came her brains out, she had to leave the room and pleasure herself. She rubbed a massive orgasm out of her own body and kept thinking about the image of that naked woman while she did it. From that moment forward, she always hoped she could watch Sabrina tickle some woman and that’s what usually happened. Babs was delighted it was happening with this mission. She could feel the ticklish anguish Ruth was already in and when she heard that Ruth would end up naked, she was already touching herself through her jeans. She loved how that feather teased the neck area and it was only a matter of time before that feather found some other wonderful areas.

Sabrina loved playing with Ruth’s neck and now it was time to tickle and tease the other side of it. She dropped her feather onto the chest area, then used her left hand to swing Ruth’s face the other way, the right side of the face now pressed into the mattress, and her left hand keeping it there. She picked up the feather with her right hand and started to trace the feather all over that newly exposed skin. She loved how Ruth started to really laugh and knew she had found a very sensitive victim. She had a feeling that this woman who lived alone, was not used to being touched like this. This is what always excited her. She loved “ticklish virgins”, and this was going to be a lot of fun. As she teased that delicate skin, she started to wonder where she would tickle next. She thought about the places she was going to tickle and looked forward to tickling her between her legs. She had a feeling once she made it to that spot, Ruth was going to lose her mind. Her goal was simple. Break this woman and make her a willing accomplice in robbing the bank. She could always go guns blazing and rob the bank, but she figured why put herself in harm’s way? She could get an accomplice and force them to help her rob the bank. A bank employee would know all the methods and processes of the bank and she could easily get them to give her the money. Sabrina figured she could break Ruth and get her to help them rob the Plotsville Bank. “Someone is reeaallllllllyyyyy ticklish! Hehehe Is this driving you crazy? You want me to stop tickling you here?” she teased.

“Yes! Hehehehehe yes!!! Just stop tickling me!!!!” Ruth begged. The feather then stopped, and she felt a sense of relief. That feather was driving her crazy and she could already feel her body heat rising. She wondered if her ordeal was over, but then she remembered that Sabrina told her she was going to end up naked. She felt the hand leave the side of her head and she turned it back and looked at Sabrina. She could see a look of joy on her face, and her brown eyes were staring a hole right through her. “Please…..please….you got to let me go! Why are you doing this to me? Why do you want to torture me and make me lose my clothes?? What do you want from me??!” she pleaded.

“I want you to laugh! Hehehe Don’t worry, you will understand why this is happening to you in due time. Just enjoy yourself. The good news is, when I am done with you, you will feel really good at least. Hahaha You know, let’s start getting you ready for that. These silly pajamas are in the way. What do you look like under these pajamas?” Sabrina teased. She then dropped the feather on the bed next to Ruth’s right side. She saw the outstretched arms and loved how helpless Ruth was. She looked at the chest area and saw the buttons on the front. That was going to make life easier for her and get to that skin. She was curious about what the skin would look like and really hope it would be soft, delicate and sensitive. Sabrina then reached down with both hands, grabbed the ends of the pajama top and then pulled her hands apart as hard as she could, and the buttons went flying off and she exposed the chest of Ruth! She was delighted that the woman was not wearing a bra, which made sense considering she was about to go to sleep. The chest was a B size with brown nipples, and they were a decent shape. They sagged just a little, but still looked very nice. She then looked up at Ruth’s face and saw the look of shock on it. “Oooooh! What do we have here?” she teased.

Ruth’s face turned beet red as she realized her naked breasts were just exposed. This was an absolutely humiliating moment for her and she didn’t have any words. She was in total shock as she saw Sabrina looking down at her chest. It was incredible that another woman would do this to her. It would have been bad if a man did it, but to have another woman do it, really got to her. She didn’t know why these two women attacked her and why they wanted to embarrass her, but she felt incredible shame at the moment. Ruth had no idea what was going to happen next, but she knew it was not going to be good.

“These are VERY nice! Hey Ruthie, has anyone ever told you that your breasts are very pretty? I think they are so lovely. Decent shape to them, nice looking nipples, overall, very nice! Hehehe Awww……what’s the matter? Feel embarrassed or something? Your face is SO red right now. Hehehe You shouldn’t be! You got nice tits! Be proud!” Sabrina taunted. She knew this woman was completely embarrassed and she wanted her to feel that way. It was all part of her plan to make her very submissive. She then looked over at Babs and smiled. “Hey Babs, do you think her breasts are pretty? Be honest now. Give me your true feelings…” she asked.

Babs chuckled as she heard Sabrina’s words. She loved these moments and felt a thrill in her body. She could see Ruth’s breasts and she did like them. Her eyes stared at the nipples and now she wondered just how responsive they would be. She then saw how red in the face Ruth was and that really excited her. She loved how their victims would be humiliated like this. She then looked at Sabrina and winked. “Hmmm… well, there is some slight sagginess to them, but they are really, really nice. I like them! I bet her nipples are tasty too. Hehehe” she teased.

“You hear that, Ruth? Babs agrees! So, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed. You should be proud of these tits! You should show them off more often. Hahahaha” Sabrina taunted. She looked down at Ruth’s face and saw the anguish on it. She moved her face closer and now she put her head closer to the chest. “You know Ruthie, as a woman, our chests can be very responsive to touch. If I were to touch your breasts, would it drive you crazy? I bet you would like it….” she teased.

Ruth was in another world at the moment. This entire situation was surreal as there was this woman who was actually leering at her breasts. She started to hope it was all a dream. A horrible dream that she could wake up from. She felt all the nerves in her body on edge and she felt butterflies in her belly. The thought of this woman sexually teasing her made her very nervous and she prayed this was all part of a cruel joke. “W-What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me? I didn’t do anything to you! I don’t even know you! Please….please…..please cover me. I don’t want to be naked…” she whimpered.

“You’re not naked right now, just showing these magnificent breasts of yours. Hey! I got an idea! Remember how I said that a woman’s chest can be responsive to touch? I wonder what would happen if my feather were to touch them. You think it would feel good?” Sabrina asked. She then picked up the feather with her left hand and twirled it between her fingers.

“You…..you would do that to me??? Please Sabrina, please don’t do that. Please don’t touch me. What is it that you want from me? I will give you anything! Take my jewelry! Take my money! Please… I just want to be left alone.” Ruth begged.

You hear that, Babs? She said she will do…..ANYTHING…. for us. Hmmm…..I mean, using this feather on her chest would be a lot of fun, but should we tell her what we want?” Sabrina asked.

“Hehehe I would love to see the feather tease her, but sure, let’s see if she is willing to do anything we want her to do.” Babs responded. She felt her own nipples throbbing as this moment was starting to get a lot more erotic. She loved watching her partner in action and hoped to join in on the fun as well.

“Yes, I will do anything! Do you want money?? Jewelry??? I have both! You can take them!” Ruth begged. She was hoping that if she gave up her money, they would leave her alone and she could be free of this moment. Her mind figured this had to be the reason they attacked her. They wanted to rob her! She had to admit, these two women were very effective in their methods. She was willing to give up all her personal money to be spared from the humiliation of getting stripped naked.

“Well, since you mentioned it, that is what we want. We want money. Lots of it. We know you work at the Plotsville Bank. So, we want you to help us rob the place. Hehehe You agree to that and perhaps you won’t be naked and end up doing some very naughty things….” Sabrina told her. This was all part of her plan and she already knew what was about to happen next. She got excited because it was about to be play time!

Ruth’s heart nearly stopped. Was she just asked to help these two criminals rob her place of employment? She could not let that happen. The Plotsvile Bank held the money of the townsfolks and losing that money would cause such financial turmoil for the entire town. She could not, in good conscience allow that to take place. “What? You can’t be serious?! I can’t help you rob the bank! That’s the money of the people of Plotsville! People would suffer!” she responded.

Sabrina felt excitement in her body as she knew Ruth was going to respond that way and it meant she would have some fun. She shook her head at Ruth like a mother disappointed in her child and then smiled. “Ruthie, that is not the right answer! You said you would do…….ANYTHING…..to prevent us from having our way with you. Well, robbing the bank is part of ANYTHING and now you are refusing. So, you lied! My feather does not like liars, and you will have to be punished….” she told her and then moved the feather closer to the exposed breasts.

Ruth saw the feather getting closer to her chest and she started to really panic. She had no idea how that feather would feel, but she did not want to have it touch her. “Wait!!! Wait!! Don’t touch me!! You can have MY money!! All of it! Please don’t touch me!!” she begged.

“Here it comes! Here comes the feather! I want to play with some tits and now it is time!” Sabrina teased. She then got the feather close to the right breast and could see it trembling. Then she made contact with the mound and slowly stroked the feather across the inside edge of the mound, right near the sternum. She could feel the body under her shudder, and she slowly moved the feather towards the top of the breasts. The breast started to shake, and she smiled. “Does this tickle?” she simply asked.

Ruth felt that feather’s kiss on her breasts and the sheer intensity of the sensation shocked her. It tickled her and it tickled badly! She never knew her breast could be ticklish and now this deranged woman was tickling her there! “Hehehehehe stop that! Hehehehehe that tickles! Get hahahahahaha away from meeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehehehehehehehe!” she laughed.

Babs licked her lips as she saw the feather slowly moving all over the breasts. She could see the fronds of the feather stroking across the sensitive flesh and a fresh wave of lust flowed through her. She could already see Ruth’s body shaking and heard those sweet giggles. There was one time she did get to tickle a victim and it was such a great moment. She got a captured woman’s feet before and it was such a thrill. Her partner promised she would get more opportunities and she hoped tonight would be that chance. “I like how ticklish she is! Look at her chest moving! Hehehe” she laughed.

Sabrina loved how enthusiastic Babs was and that only motivated her to continue to play with Ruth. She took the feather and slowly stroked it on the inside area of the right breast, then slowly moved the feather over to the left one. She could see the breasts starting to shake and loved the reaction. This was always the fun part of the job. She loved watching a woman’s breasts shake around and felt her own arousal building. The way the feather slowly caressed the skin looked amazing and she loved how Ruth was laughing. This was a very ticklish woman, and she was going to discover areas she probably never knew existed. Then she slowly moved the feather towards the underside of the breast. She loved the look on Ruth’s face as she knew she had found a sweet spot. “Ooooh! Does that tickle?” she teased.

Ruth could not believe this was all happening to her. Her breasts were getting feather tickled and she felt those insane sensations in her body. Her mind still raced as she tried to comprehend how this was all happening. It was also very humiliating to have her chest exposed and she couldn’t do anything to stop them from touching her there. She marveled at how she could be laughing from all this, but her breasts were ticklish. She could feel her mounds moving around and she kept shrieking and giggling as that feather’s touch was driving her crazy. This was not a soft feather either. It was a firm one and when it moved slowly across her skin, she could feel every tendril touching her and sent intense sensations in her entire body. Ruth now knew what Sabrina was after, and she grew very concerned. She could not help this woman rob the Plotsville Bank! Too many citizens would be hurt. She looked at Sabrina’s face and could see how much fun she was having. She had to try and reason with her, so this madness could stop! “Heheheheheheheh stop please! This tickles!!! Sabrina, please stop tickling meeeeehehehehehehe I will give you all my money!!” she screamed.

Sabrina smiled as she heard Ruth’s desperate pleas. She found it amusing that Ruth was already surrendering and she was just using her feather. She knew she hasn’t even really tormented this woman just yet. She did enjoy the sight of those breasts moving around and felt that thrill. She thought about what she was going to do and if Ruth truly was this conservative woman, she would break and help them rob the bank. Her eyes then stared at Ruth’s face, and she smiled. “Is this driving you crazy already? You want to give me all your money? That is a nice gesture, but let’s be serious Ruthie. You don’t have enough money for me. I am not going to torment you for your money. I want you to help us rob the bank, where the real money is. So, what do you say? Will you help us?” she teased as she continued to stroke the feather on the sides of the breasts.

Ruth kept laughing as she felt the feather slowly moving all around her breasts. The feather made its cruel path from that inside edge, then traced along the underside of her mound, only to circle on the outside edge and to the top. When the feather touched the underside of her breast, she couldn’t help but shriek in ticklish agony. Then the feather would move to the other breast and felt that feather tickling her delicate skin. She also got frustrated because Sabrina was still asking her to assist in a robbery and she just could not do it. Fear gripped her body as she knew she might be tortured over that, but she kept thinking of a few bank customers she would see regularly. Like an older woman who would put more money into her life savings. Or the gentleman who was saving money for his children. She could not allow these two strangers to destroy everyone’s lives. The unfortunate thing for her was she was going to suffer for it. “Hahahahahahaha I can’t!!! Hahahahaha they need their money!!! Please!! Just take mine!!! Hahahaha you can have it!!” she pleaded.

“You’re so cute Ruthie…..trying to protect money that is not even yours. You leave me no choice then. I just have to keep playing with you. I have been very gentle with you so far. But, I think I need to give you a small taste of what awaits you. Now, this might tickle, but it also might feel VERY good to you. Hehehe Ready?” Sabrina teased, then took the tip of the feather and slowly circled it around the tip of the right nipple. The feather swirled around the bud and she saw it stiffen. This pleased her because it meant that Ruth’s body was going to love this, even though her mind might still resist. “Ooh!! Someone likes having her nipples played with….” she teased.

Ruth gasped in shock as she felt the feather teasing her right nipple. The sensation was intense and she tried to arch her back. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She looked at her right breast and saw that feather moving slowly in a circle and she really could feel those fronds touching her. She was starting to panic as this was too much of an intense feeling and her body was reacting to that touch. “Ssssssssssssssstop that!! That’s my nipple!” she cried out.

“I know….I like them. I am not too cruel, am I? I like to play with nipples, and I think you want me to. So, about helping me….” Sabrina teased as she then tilted the feather to the side and gently rubbed the feather’s fronds across the very tip of the nipple, hoping to send a lot of erotic feelings into Ruth’s body. She wanted to get her hot and this was one way to do it. She remembered when her own nipples were teased with a feather years ago. It was with her lover and that woman knew how to tease a woman. She remembered how she felt and how turned on she was. She recalled her ex-lover teasing her so much and how she wanted to crawl out of her skin. Ever since that experience, she looked forward to playing with a woman’s nipples as she knew it would drive them wild. Ruth would be no different and even though the woman was protesting, she knew inside, she wanted more. “….I will give you the ultimate pleasure if you agree. Because my feather loves a woman’s body. You will find just how much…” she cooed.

Ruth continued to try and move her body around as the feather continued teasing her nipples. She hated the fact that it did feel good and she was actually getting turned on by all this. It amazed her that another woman could make her feel this pleasure as any male lovers she had in the past ignored this kind of touch. They would play with her breasts, but this was different. This was deliberate and methodical. It still tickled, but the feelings of arousal were so much stronger. She even felt her hips grinding a little and she grew worried. She looked on as the feather moved from her right nipple, over to her left. The simple touch of the feather on that nipple really tore through her and she couldn’t help but feel that strong sense of lust. “Sabrina! Please! You have to *moan* stop doing this to me!” she pleaded.

“But why? I am enjoying myself, and so are you. Soon, oh so very soon, you are going to crave my touch. When you do, there will be good news and bad news. Hehehehe” Sabrina teased as she continued to swipe the feather back and forth across the stiffening nipple. She loved how the feather would caress that nipple and seeing how hard it was gave her such a thrill. She knew it was time to change the sensations and really force Ruth to suffer. She did a few more swipes, then dropped the feather between the two breasts. Her eyes then looked at Ruth’s and like a shark, she had a huge toothy smile. “Now, I want to give you another chance to accept my offer. Help me and Babs rob the bank and you will not suffer any consequences. Choose wisely….” she threatened.

Ruth felt the feather drop on her chest and she wondered what was going to happen next. Her body was on edge now and she felt very aroused. She thought she even felt her nipples starting to throb. She looked up at Sabrina and wondered what this woman was going to do to her next. She was worried that she might be stripped naked, or even more sexually played with. This was not going well for her, and she thought about the bank. “Sabrina….come on. You have gone far enough. Let me go. Please! I am begging you now! If you leave me alone, I won’t even tell anyone you were here!” she begged.

“hahaha you are SO adorable! What will you tell someone, anyway? That you were tied down and had your nipples played with by another woman? Oh please, they will think you are having sex with women. How would that look on you? You know, Ruthie, you disappointed me. I was just teasing you and turning you on. I was trying to give you pleasure. But you still refuse my offer. I guess I have to teach you a lesson. You will have to suffer…” Sabrina told her. Then her smile turned into a scowl, and she lifted her fingers in the air and wiggled them. She then plunged both hands downwards and started to squeeze and tickle the exposed ribs. She wiggled them fast on that surface and loved the reaction she got.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SABRINA!!! SABRINA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Ruth exploded as she felt the fingers grabbing and squeezing her ribcage. The intensity of the sensations rocked her body and she tried to pull her arms down to protect her ribs but realized she couldn’t. That frightened her more as there was no way to stop Sabrina from torturing her. Her body convulsed and the sensations drove her completely wild. She couldn’t even thrash her body since the intruder was sitting on her thighs. She felt trapped and completely helpless. Her laughter only got louder, and she felt very exposed and vulnerable. There was no way she could stop her from tickling her very sensitive ribs.

Babs couldn’t help but laugh as she saw Ruth going wild with her laughter. She was having a lot of fun watching Sabrina have her ticklish way with this woman and loved how she would set her up, then torture her. She could see the fingers digging into the ribs and moving all around them and she felt her nipples throb. The more Sabrina tickled Ruth, the more she got turned on. Her eyes looked at Ruth’s face and she loved that sight. The woman was in sheer agony and the skin was turning red from all the hysterical laughter. Then she looked down at the body and saw those naked breasts once again. They were wobbling all over the place and the nipples were still very hard. She just could not stop staring at those breasts and wished she could touch them herself. She recalled a conversation she had with Sabrina about getting more involved in the torture of these women. Babs wanted to play with the women’s bodies and get them to submit. She tried to explain that if they both torment the woman, they could overwhelm her. Sabrina told her she would get more involved, but it depended on what was taking place. She licked her lips as she heard the hysterical laughter and hoped she would get a turn.

Sabrina was very amused as her fingers continued to press into the ribs and loved the reaction she was getting. This was part of her style. She teased poor Ruth, now it was time to make her suffer. This was not going to be a soft tickling, she wanted this to be a ruthless moment to really get Ruth into a panic. She knew by doing this, her victim would start to become more desperate and more willing to do what she commands. She saw the look of sheer ticklish agony on Ruth’s face and she kept going. Over time, she did learn how to control this type of tickling as a previous victim passed out and it took a while for her to revive the poor woman. She saw the way Ruth’s facial expression looked and it amused her. Sabrina loved the way the body thrashed under her and it made her more determined to tickle her. She had a smirk on her face, and it was time to taunt Ruth. “Does this tickle? Does this feel horrible? Well, it should! You defied me, Ruth! I asked you nicely several times to do what I told you to do, but you refused! I even made you feel good by tickling and teasing those sweet nipples of yours. But what did you do? You refused! This is what happens to stupid women that defy my requests. You will…..suffer!” she screamed and then continued to rub her hands all over the ribcage even harder.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA NOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP! PLEASE! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GOT TO STOOOOOOOPPP!!!” Ruth screamed as the ticklish sensations increased even more. The hands on her ribs were rubbing up and down, sending more and more very intense sensations in her body. She hated the fact that she could not pull her arms down to protect herself and she had that feeling of helplessness overwhelm her. She closed her eyes tight and just thought about her situation. The tone in Sabrina’s voice was very different. She felt her being crueler and more wondered just how far this woman was going to torture her. She soon went into silent laughter and her head was tilted back on the bed and she laughed. She laughed and laughed and just couldn’t stop.

Sabrina loved silent laughter. It meant the tickling was at its greatest intensity and her victim was truly suffering. She then slowed down her tickling as she wanted Ruth to catch her breath. She didn’t want her to pass out on her. The hands slowly came to a stop, and she heard Ruth’s voice return as well. She listened to her babble a little bit and could also hear some of the emotion in her voice. She turned towards Babs and winked. She could see how turned on her partner was and knew she wanted to give tickling a try. She also remembered their conversations and felt that perhaps Babs should have a chance to participate. She normally was the person who would bind the women down and was very good at rope tying. There was a time where she did let Ruth tickle a woman a little, and it was fun. Her partner wasn’t very good at it, as her tickling was more of the curious, exploratory kind, but figured after watching her for a while, she probably learned some things. “Hey Babs, you look very intrigued. Hehehe” she teased.

Babs broke out of her trance and heard Sabrina talking to her. She was loving watching Ruth scream and writhe in agony and now she could see the woman trying desperately to catch her breath. She looked at her partner and smiled. “Yes, I am intrigued. This is very fun. Can I tickle her?” she asked.

Sabrina smiled and nodded her head a little. “I think you will get that chance. If this stupid woman does not accept our offer, I think you can play with her feet a bit…” she offered.

Babs felt a large wave of arousal flow through her body as she thought about her opportunity to play with Ruth’s feet. When she tied them together, she could see the outlines of the feet within their socks. She wanted to know how ticklish they were, and it would be such a thrill to play with them. She also realized her partner was giving her a wonderful opportunity. She knew just how much Sabrina loved tickling feet. She knew her partner had a major fetish for women’s feet and when she got to them, she savored every moment. For her to play with Ruth’s feet, it meant Sabrina really wanted her to get involved. She was not going to waste that chance! “Yes, I would love to tickle her feet.” she replied.

“You hear that, Ruth? Looks like we have more tickling fun planned for you! Oh, this is going to be a REAL fun night! You will have two women playing with your body! Both of us will enjoy every inch of you. Do you like that idea? Hehehe” Sabrina threatened.

Ruth was still trying to catch her breath when she heard that threat. She felt herself wanting to cry because these women were not going to stop tickling her. They were in fact trying to truly torture her. Her emotions started to build, and she was going to have a hard time suppressing that emotion. Her arms were tied down and she could not move them. Her ankles were bound together, and she could not kick them. She felt Sabrina sitting on her, her chest was exposed and her poor ribs just suffered a brutal tickle attack. There was no escape and she knew this woman was not going to stop. “Please…..please don’t touch me anymore….I….I really can’t take it….Please…If you have any mercy, please give it to me….” she whimpered.

“Mercy? What does that even mean? Hehehe” Sabrina chuckled. She loved desperate pleadings from her victims. She knew Ruth was already worn down and it shouldn’t be too long before she cracked. She did enjoy weak victims because it got the job done a lot quicker. But she also enjoyed those who held out for a long time. It gave her the opportunity to keep inflicting such ticklish trauma, which only got her very excited. She then leaned her body down towards Ruth and put her face into hers. “Hehehe I want you to suffer, Ruth. I mean, I really want to torture you and make it feel like you are going to die. Did you ever imagined that you would be tickled to death?” she teased.

Ruth’s eyes nearly popped out of her head after hearing that threat. She had heard that expression before, but never in her wildest dreams did she ever think it would happen to her. No one would tickle her that long, and now she was faced with that potential reality. She saw how close Sabrina’s face was to hers and she could even feel her warm breath. This woman was slowly conquering her and she felt her bottom lip quivering as though she was about to cry. “Sabrina…..why are you doing this to me? I didn’t do anything to you…I never met you before. Why? I don’t want to die…” she said with emotion cracking in her voice.

“You are refusing me. If I ask you to do something, I want you to do it. Besides, tickling you is a lot of fun! You are laughing and getting good lung exercises. Haha So, let’s cut to the chase. Are you going to help me rob that bank or what?” Sabrina asked. Her eyes looked determined, and she stared right into Ruth’s brown eyes.

Ruth could see those light brown eyes of Sabrina and felt a chill in her body. There was something about the tone of her voice that frightened her. Her mind started to wonder if robbing a bank under duress would be a better option than being tortured. She still remembered the threat of her being naked. She also feared this woman was going to probably do sexual things to her. What really confused her was that her body was aroused. There was something about being in bondage and helpless to this woman that seemed a bit exciting. She got those thoughts out of her head and now she felt her eyes watering. Ruth got emotional because she knew her answer was not going to be accepted. “Please let me go… I can’t rob the bank. It would be too tragic for people…” she said softly.

Sabrina felt anger building in her body as she heard Ruth decline her offer again. It did mean she could torture her more and there was some satisfaction with that, but her patience was wearing thin. She felt that impatience building and now it was time to make this poor woman suffer even more. “Fine, have it your way bitch! Oh, you will be begging me to rob the bank. BEGGING ME!!!!” she screamed.

Babs could see Sabrina getting upset and she braced herself. Even though her partner was a very cunning and skilled outlaw, that was a flaw in her personality. There were times she could be very patient, and very cunning, then there were times she would lose her patience and fly off the handle. It almost got her caught a few times during crimes, but she always managed to focus again. At the moment however, Babs could see that impatience coming out and if she didn’t calm Sabrina down, poor Ruth might get hurt. “Sabrina, it is ok. Relax for a moment.” she told her.

Sabrina turned her head to the right and saw Babs looking at her. She knew her partner was right, and she had to calm down. She wished she could have more patience sometimes and not let things get to her, but Ruth was not doing what she told her to do. It was time to get this woman to start agreeing to her demands. “I am ok. You know what, this miserable woman is obviously not very smart. I think you should help me convince her. Her feet are all yours….” she smiled.

Babs felt a huge surge of adrenaline tear through her body as she heard what Sabrina told her to do. She was going to tickle Ruth! And, she was going to tickle a very common area, which was the feet! She was always fascinated with tickling feet, even before she met Sabrina. It was such a fun thing to do watching someone giggle and squirm just from some strokes on the soles. She knew what it felt like as her partner would sometimes tickle her feet as they slept and knew it would be very effective. She watched Sabrina tickle a victim’s feet and it always got her excited and very aroused. Now it was her turn. “Yes! I will go get ‘em!” she shouted in excitement.

Sabrina then turned her attention back towards Ruth. She could see the frightened look on her face and then she smiled. “Hehehe you look frightened Rut. Don’t worry, I am ok now. The problem is you won’t be….” she told her.

Ruth was in sheer fright as she saw the anger flash in Sabrina’s eyes moments ago and then heard her tell her partner to go to her feet. That anger really frightened her because the whole time, Sabrina seemed so calm in the moment. If this woman had a temper, she could get hurt. She was also deathly afraid of what Babs was about to do. Even though she never knew how ticklish her breasts were, she definitely knew how ticklish her feet were. Friends and former lovers would sometimes tickle her there and it drove her wild every single time. She would run away each time from her ticklers, but now she was tied down and there was no escape. She wondered how much she would be able to endure since she was already getting tired. “Please! Leave me alone! Please don’t do this to me!” she begged.

Babs made her way towards the foot of the bed, and she knelt down. Her eyes could see Sabrina’s back and the bottom of her boots next to Ruth’s tied down legs as her partner was still straddling Ruth’s body. Then she saw those helpless tied feet near her. She stared at the sock covered soles and felt a real excitement in her body. She could make out the outlines of the feet in the socks. They were about a size 7 and looked thin. She did not want to do the sock tease right now; she wanted those feet! She reached her hands forward and her fingers grabbed the top of the right sock. The pajamas had risen to the calves, so finding the top of the sock was very easy. She started to pull the sock down and she could see the feet already squirming. The ankles were tied, and the rope was tied to the bedframe, so she was not going to be kicked. It amused her to see the left foot trying to cover the right one, but she continued to peel the sock. Babs could see the pale leg skin showing and suddenly, the sock came off the heel. Her heart started to race as the bare foot was going to be exposed soon!

Ruth really started to panic as she felt her sock come off her heel. She started to get desperate because these women were going to torture her some more. She looked at Sabrina’s face and she had that sly grin on her face. She felt like a chicken that had just been caught by some coyotes. Her face started to sweat, and her body temperature rose. “Please! Sabrina….I….I…..I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to be tickled! Please….let me go! I am begging you. Please, if you have any mercy at all, please let me go!” she begged.

Sabrina felt extremely powerful at the moment. She always loved it when her victims begged her for mercy. She saw that fright in Ruth’s eyes and knew it wasn’t going to be long before she broke her. She did calm herself down for a moment and it was time to get back in control of herself. She knew the best way to break Ruth was to be in control of her emotions. She then picked up the feather again and twirled it in her fingers. “You sound so scared, Ruthie. I am afraid I just can’t let you go yet. You still have to agree to my terms. Now, I am sure Babs will treat your feet with love and kindness, and I will too! In fact, how about I give you a loving distraction? You like this earlier, so I will do it again…” she told her.

Ruth had a puzzled look on her face as there was nothing done to her that was loving. She was being tortured in her own home and this woman had no intention of stopping. Then she saw where the feather was headed. It was heading back to her chest! This outlaw was going to play with her breasts once again! “No! Not that! Please don’t do that!!” she shouted in desperation.

Babs could only smile as she heard Sabrina teasing Ruth. There was something very exciting about a victim in sheer panic that got her going. She managed to peel the sock up to expose the arch and could see the pale skin. The left foot blocked her ability to ease the sock off, so she had to try to tickle that left foot to make it move. Then, she saw both feet moving wildly and heard a delicious scream of laughter. It appeared her partner was tickling Ruth once again and this made her excited. Not only from hearing Ruth’s ticklish laughter, but the fact the feet were moving around. She then grabbed the sock on the right foot and quickly peeled it off since the left foot was no longer protecting the right. She smiled as she saw the now bare foot of Ruth. It was a dainty looking foot, with long toes and a well-defined arch. The skin on the sole was very creamy and it looked a bit soft. Babs saw a few callouses on the heel area, but the rest of the foot looked tender. She then decided to take advantage of Ruth’s laughing and then went to the left foot and grabbed the top of that sock and started to peel it down. It was time for both of Ruth’s feet to be bared, and then she could have a lot of fun.

Ruth continued to laugh as she felt the feather once again tickling around her naked breasts. The feather made sweeping motions over the tops of her breasts, and it drove her crazy. The earlier breast tickling was horrible, but after being tickled on her ribs afterwards, she seemed a lot more sensitive. This worried her because if the tickling got worse after time, how would she ever deal with it going forward? She also felt her socks being pulled off and her bare feet were very vulnerable. As the feather swept across the tops of her breasts and even grazing the nipples, her mind went into sheer confusion. She felt conflicting sensations and was wondering why she was feeling aroused. This was a tickle nightmare, and she was getting horny. When the feather touched her nipples, she could feel them throbbing, but kept giggling from the tickling sensations. Her eyes focused on the feather sweeping from the right breast, to the left one, then back to the right. Every time the feather was about to touch down on her skin, she felt that wild anticipation. Then, her eyes went wide with fright and her entire body tensed up. She felt a fingernail sliding up the sole of her left foot! “NOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DON’T!!!” she screamed.

Babs heard that reaction and she felt her own nipples throbbing. That reaction alone set off a tremendous amount of adrenaline and lust in her body. It appeared poor Ruth had very ticklish feet and she was going to go wild. She felt like a kid at Christmas and wanted to push this woman into the abyss of ticklish insanity. She fluttered her fingers once again up that left sole, and the right foot went to protect it instinctively. She simply fluttered her fingers against the right sole and it quickly flopped around. “Oh, Ruth has TICKLISH FEET!!!! Hehehehe” she said with joy.

Sabrina laughed as she heard her partner’s excitement. She continued to tickle and tease those shaking breasts before her and now felt that it wouldn’t take long for this woman to break. Hearing Ruth’s laughter continued to get her excited. She wished she could have played with the feet, but her partner deserved this chance. She was going to keep Ruth sexually aroused, so she could feel all the sensations even more. Her eyes looked at the feather sweeping slowly, back and forth over each breast and with each swipe, she saw the chest shake. She could also see how stiff the nipples were and wanted to keep pushing that feeling. Sabrina could also see the struggle on Ruth’s face. It was the look of total confusion as the feather stimulated the breasts and her feet were being tickled. She remembered that look well. When a former lover tickled her own breasts, she felt like she was going to explode. Then her lover would target her feet and that combination of arousal and tickling got her so horny, the eventual orgasm was the best she ever felt in her life at that time. Her current victim seemed so conservative of a woman that the fact she was being sexually teased and tickled would overwhelm her and make her a great stooge in her bank robbery scheme. She now slowly stroked the feather on the undersides of the breasts and received a more torturous laugh from her victim. “That’s right Ruthie! Just laugh and laugh and laugh. Feel my feather on your tits. Feel those tickles on your feet. I want you to feel everything and I want you to think about what is happening to your body. I know you can feel it. I know you can feel the helplessness and wondering how you will ever survive this. I want you to think about how this is going to keep happening to your body for the rest of the night. Oh Ruthie, you might explode before it is all over. Hehehehe” she teased.

Babs continued to tickle the bottom of the left foot which such joy in her body. She didn’t want to go soft on them, she wanted to inflict the worst tickling sensations she could draw out. She wanted to use her nails as she knew it would be most effective. She scrabbled the tips of her nails on the arch area and found that to be a very sensitive spot. She used her left hand to grip the left big toe to hold that foot still, then used her right hand’s nails to scurry all through the arch. She was pleased with the reactions she was getting. She could hear the hysterical laughter and knew Ruth’s weakness had to be the feet. She also loved how soft the skin was. She could feel her nails sinking into the flesh and she didn’t want to stop. Her eyes saw the other toes curling and she wondered how sensitive they would be. The foot was struggling to get itself free, but with the ankles bound, and her holding that big toe, this left foot was going nowhere. Babs pulled the big toe slightly backwards, which made the sole taut. She looked at the stretched skin and moved the tip of her right index finger and scratched her nail on the ball of the foot, on the area right below the big toe. She grinned as she felt the foot desperately trying to get free from her grasp!

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES! IT TICKLES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!!!” Ruth screamed as she felt that fingernail scraping along that very sensitive spot on her foot. She knew she had ticklish feet, but never paid attention to spots that would be worse than others. She figured the entire foot was equally ticklish, but unfortunately, she was discovering that this spot in particular tickled more than before. She tried to get her foot free, but that hand wrapped around her big toe prevented her from doing so. The hand wrapped around her big toe even sent hellacious ticklish sensations in her body as her toes were very sensitive to touch. This was her worst nightmare. She was being tickled tortured by two women breaking into her home and there was nothing she could do about it. Her chest was exposed, which humiliated her. Her breasts were then being feathered, which caused arousal and now that foot tickling was sending her into a horrific headspace and she didn’t know what to do. Helplessness washed over her and she felt her body was going to quit on her. She hoped they would show mercy because she was being overwhelmed and knew her body was going to surrender.

Sabrina loved the hysterical laughter coming from her victim. She loved how much she was screaming, and she knew her partner Babs must have been having a great time with the feet of Ruth. Her focus was to continue feather the breasts to maintain some level of arousal. The way Ruth was screaming however, she knew it was going to be a difficult task to keep her aroused. She felt some pride with Babs as she must have learned by watching her. She hoped she found all of Ruth’s weak spots to make sure this woman would suffer. Her eyes then focused on the nipples and wanted to titillate them as much as possible. She took the very tip of the feather and poked it right on top of the nipple, then slowly moved it side to side. She laughed to herself when Ruth’s chest shook, which made the feather move away from the nipple. Sabrina figured with all the shaking, she wouldn’t be able to truly do that maneuver. She then circled the feather around the nipple slowly and once again, the chest shook, and the feather came off the nipple. She then grabbed the right breast with her left hand and stroked the nipple with the feather in her right hand. “Hold still! I’m trying to tickle your nipple!” she said playfully.

Ruth continued to laugh uncontrollably as she felt the feather teasing her chest. Her feet were still being tickled, and then she felt Sabrina’s hand grabbing her right breast. Now this woman was touching her with her hand, and she didn’t know how to react. She wanted to at least curse her for touching her breast, but that foot tickling just made her laugh. Having very ticklish feet was a true weakness and she felt like she could do nothing. She figured she should beg one more time and hopefully they would show mercy. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE!! NO MORE TICKLING!!! IT’S TOO MUCH!!! NOT MY NIPPLE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MORE!” she screamed.

Babs laughed as she heard that hysterical begging. She loved the sound of it and was even more thrilled because she was helping to cause that kind of reaction. She was truly enjoying tickling the feet and wanted to find a new spot. She tormented that part of the ball of the foot, right below the big toe, now she moved the tip of her right index finger along the base of the remaining toes. She giggled when she saw the toes curling very tight and then quickly zipped her nail right down the foot, going right through the middle, which included the arch. She felt the foot desperately trying to move around, but she held firm. That big toe was still in her grasp and she was not going to let go. She wanted Ruth to suffer. She wanted to keep tickling this foot until her mind snapped. Babs then moved her nail around the heel area and found a few delightful spots there. She wondered if she could be an effective foot tickler just like her partner. Touching a very ticklish foot was giving her great practice and then she saw the right foot. It was just resting there, unable to protect the left foot. She hoped Ruth would not give in right now because she wanted to eventually tickle both feet. After using a single fingernail up and down the sole, she then used her middle finger along with the index to slide up and down the foot. She wanted to touch every single nerve ending there was to make her suffer.

Ruth continued to shriek in hysterical laughter as she felt those nails on the bottom of her foot. She really tried to get her foot free, but these women tied her down with such effectiveness, there was no way she would be able to get out of it. She even tried to rock her body side to side, thinking it might knock Sabrina off of her, but with her arms tied above her head and spread wide, there was no way she would be able to get Sabrina off of her. It also didn’t help that she felt that warm hand of Sabrina on her breast and even though she was appalled that she was being touched, there was something inside of her that started to enjoy it. Especially because of that nipple feathering. She wanted to stop this kind of humiliation and now that threat of being stripped naked was becoming too real. If this outlaw was touching her naked breast, getting stripped was something completely feasible.

Sabrina continued her feather teasing and saw that look on Ruth’s face. She may have been screaming in laughter, but she could also tell this woman was probably getting excited with all the nipple feathering. She then softly sawed the feather under the nipple itself. The feather would slide under the bud from left to right, then come back and go left to right, left to right, left to right. She hoped to keep Ruth on the edge of sexual pleasure and tickle torture. She knew Babs was going bananas on the feet, so she had to work hard to keep arousal going. As she continued to saw the feather, she leaned her head closer to the hysterical laughing face and smile. “You know, if you simply agree to helping us, then the tickling stops and I will give you the greatest pleasure you probably ever felt in your life. No more suffering, just pleasure….” she whispered.

Ruth heard that offer and for a moment she actually thought about doing it. What was happening to her foot kept breaking her body down and she really wanted to rest. Her own body craved the idea of pleasure which would be such great relief compared to this tickling feeling. She saw how close Sabrina’s face was to hers and wondered if that woman was going to do something else to her. Her mind kept wondering what was going to happen to her next and if she would survive. Her brain still thought of the bank, and she just couldn’t do it. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN’T HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN’T!!!” she screamed.

Sabrina shook her head in disbelief and her patience was wearing thin. She started to take deep breaths to calm herself as she did not want to lose control. She figured she would have to push the envelope a little further to get her to break. A nice thought came to her mind and knowing how this woman was conservative, she knew just how to get her to start to crack. She stopped her nipple feathering and moved her body back a little, so that her head could rest at Ruth’s chest. Her eyes focused on the naked breasts, and she licked her lips. It was time to shove Ruth over the edge and she knew exactly how. Sabrina grabbed hold of the right breast, stuck out her pink tongue and with the tip, she did a quick lick on the right nipple. “Mmmmm….tastes good.” she murmured.

Ruth’s eyes popped out of her head as she felt that very warm, very wet sensation on her right nipple. After that consistent feathering of that nipple, it was feeling very responsive to touch. She looked down in horror as she saw Sabrina licking her nipple! With her tongue! This blew her mind as she never in her wildest dreams thought a woman would be licking her nipple. She kept laughing as her foot was being tickled, but at the same time, she was horrified that this woman was licking her nipple. It was such a surreal moment and she didn’t know what she was going to do. The foot tickling was bad, but now an entirely new sensation was tearing through her body. A sensation of pleasure.

Babs continued to tickle under the base of the toes and was getting caught up in the moment. She could hear the laughing and in her peripheral vision, she could see Sabrina moving a little closer to her. She didn’t know what was happening with Ruth’s upper body because all she could focus on was this left foot. She watched as the toes moved around wildly and a thought came to her mind. She had watched her partner suck on another woman’s toes during a torture session. She was curious about that and wanted to see what it was like. She remembered being around a campfire with Sabrina after they had tortured a woman, and she was curious about the toe sucking. She was tempted to ask her partner if she could practice on her foot, but knew Sabrina would not agree to that. Babs asked how did it feel to suck on another woman’s toes and Sabrina told her it was such a great erotic feeling. Now that she had a foot to tickle and tease, and not watch this time around, she could try it if she wanted. She felt a little nervous about it, but since they were tormenting this woman from the bank, she might as well try it. She put her head closer to the toes and watched as they continued to move around. She stopped tickling the foot, so that Ruth could calm down and she could feast on those helpless toes. She heard the woman starting to slow down her laughter, then she heard another noise. It sounded like………a moan. She looked up and wondered what her partner was doing. Babs could see Sabrina was hunched down a little and she smiled. She had an idea what her partner was now doing, and it was her turn to join in on the pleasure feast!

Characters featured in this part:

01.-DARBY--LOW-RES[8260].png 02. Becky - WEB FRIENDLY.png 04. Sabrina - WEB FRIENDLY.png 03. Barbara - LOW RES[9247].png

UP NEXT: Darby gets kidnapped!

Ok folks, how did you enjoy this part? The new outlaws are causing havoc in Plotsville and will make a major impact. Will they be too strong for our heroes? Stay tuned! Again, thank you for your support and your vote!!! Comments are most welcomed!
I don't know if it's just me, but this outlaw Sabrina reminds me strongly of another outlaw in the way she talks and thinks haha I love how we get to know Plotsville more and more for each chapter now! But, what is that in the upcoming, "Darby gets kidnapped" whooot!?? Maybe Becky have to take over her duties for a few days then, I don't know what's most terrifying lol
Wonderful. Man, if Becky's feet really dig the soft tickles, she's gonna be BEYOND horny when they're being licked XD and I hope to see that happen when her and Darby are side by side captured and both of their feet are at the mercy of these new outlaws!
Becky is a dream girl. Spunky, energetic, and passionate if a bit clumsy. Her getting aroused at light feet tickling and caressing is so hot. I’m glad she’s getting a chance. I didn’t think she’d walk through the front door and become a sheriff but she is getting a chance.

Lovely to see Gertrude still up to her old ways but poor Ruth getting tickle molested
Thanks for the comments once again gentlemen! I am glad you all love Becky a lot. I love her too! She is way too much fun! This is Darby's series, but Becky plays a very large role in it as well. Hmmm.....perhaps in the next phase, Becky should get her own individual series again. But for now, enjoy the next chapter coming soon!
Love the dynamic already between Darby and Becky. Darby it seems is enjoying being a tickler more and more
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