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Diary of a Foot Tickling Addict, Journal Entry #5


TMF Regular
Nov 2, 2001
Diary of a Foot Tickling Addict, Journal Entry #5

Okay Journal, it's time for me to document my first day (or should I say night) on the job as Concierge for the Chalice, one of Boston's premiere hotels. I'm writing this as I sit in the hotel's Cafe', munching on a croissant and sipping a coffee. It's now the morning after, and even though I'm dog tired because I'm not used to working nights, I'd like to stay awake long enough to jot down the events of last evening. Things took a bit of turn last night, and I think I've learned a few things about my charm. I'm not sure what it all means yet.

The Chalice is a fine hotel, but there isn't a whole lot for a concierge to do. Two hours into my first shift and I was bored stiff. I made a few dinner reservations, called a cab, ordered some theater tickets, and that was it. The highlight of the evening was when the frisky Assistant Manager Maureen Halloway stopped by and asked if I wanted to swing by her office on my 'lunch break'. She made a point to wink at me and slip her feet out of her heels while asking. I knew that she was hoping for some more foot tickling, so I told her I'd try to pay her a visit. To be honest, tickling Maureen didn't appeal to me like I thought it would. There was no challenge in it.

That got me to thinking. The old man in the shop where I'd purchased my charm had said it would give me whatever is deepest within my heart, and and so far, it had delivered. What had been deepest in my heart was a desire to tickle the feet of attractive women, and that's exactly what had happened. The young Chinese girl from the shop had been first. Then Darla, the stunner in the red dress from the restaurant. Then Tanya, the crazy jealous waitress. And finally Maureen, the sophisticated Assistant Manager. They had all basically thrown themselves at me. It had been like taking candy from a baby to tickle them.

But what if that wasn't what I wanted anymore? What if what I now wanted was more substantial. Up until a few days ago, I would have be satisfied to simply tickle the feet of beautiful ladies. But now I'd done that. I'd gotten my fix. Oh, I still wanted to tickle pretty feet, but I didn't want it to be so easy. I wanted to feel like I had accomplished something. Like I had achieved a conquest of some sort. I'm having a hard time putting it into words what exactly I wanted. I wasn't sure that my charm would know how to deliver it to me if I couldn't define it myself. It turns out that it could.

Not only does it know, but it knows before I do. It was nearing 2 AM, and I was sitting at the Concierge desk, half asleep. I hadn't had one call to the desk in over an hour. And then my little charm started to warm up, and I perked up along with it. It would be only moments before something interesting would come my way.

And then it did...or should I say, they did. Two little angels. Two absolutely adorable young ladies, maybe 22 or 23, maybe even younger, coming into the hotel after a night of clubbing. They were all giggly and stumbling, obviously intoxicated. The silence of the hotel lobby was disturbed by their arrival, as they were chattering with one another incessantly. They spotted my desk on the way to the elevators, saw me sitting behind it, and made their way over to me. There were trying not to act drunk in the way that drunk people do.

"Dude, this town shuts down too early. We need a party to go to!" said the taller of the two, a thin girl who looked like a living Barbie doll with gorgeous blue eyes (glowing blue eyes I noticed) and teased blonde hair. She was dressed very fashionably and appeared to be very much the Daddy's-little-rich-spoiled girl. What a cutie.

"Yeahhhh," whined the other, who was several inches shorter, but every bit as attractive. She had brown hair and brown eyes, and reeked of the girl-next-door, complete with dimples. She wasn't as heavily decorated as her friend, but there was something innocent about her that made me want to eat her up. "It's too early to call it a night!" Her soft brown eyes were glowing at me.

I looked at them, from one to the other. They were waiting on me, giggling with youthful energy. I looked into my heart and knew what my deepest desire was. I wanted to see them tickle each other.

"I have an idea girls...why don't the three of us go back to your room and make our own party?"

Both girls got wide-eyed at my suggestion, but they readily agreed to it. They were talking to each other about what was left in the mini-bar while I posted the "Concierge will be back shortly" sign on the desk. Then, walking arm in arm in the middle of the two cherubs, we headed for the elevator and back to their room.

What were two girls so young doing in Boston by themselves? I didn't know, and I didn't care. Probably sales reps here for a convention. If I had a company, I'd certainly want beauties like these out hawking my stuff. They both smelled heavenly. As we walked, I caught glimpses of their feet...the short one wore a shade of red polish, and the taller one had robin's egg blue on her toes. This was going to be fun.

We got to their room, and they both immediately hit the bar. When they'd both poured themselves a drink, they came and crashed on the bed next to each other, giggling. They'd kicked their shoes off, and my world was filled with the sight of yummy looking bare feet. I sat in the room's lone chair, facing the bed.

"So, what kind of party should we have?" the blonde asked me. They both tittered, imagining the possibilities.

"I think we should find out which one of you has the more ticklish feet," I replied. I wasn't even worried anymore about how stupid the things I said sounded...my charm was foolproof.

They both looked shocked at my suggestion, as if the idea was outlandish (which it was), but as I expected, they both dissolved into giggles. "This will be easy," the blonde said, poking her friend in the ribs, which caused her to squeal and jump beautifully. "Amanda is one big tickle spot."

"Nuh-uh," said Amanda, poking the blonde back in her own ribs. The blonde giggled and squirmed out of reach. "You are the one who can't stand to have your feet touched, Lacey."

An all out tickle fight was about to break out, and although that sounded like an appealing show to watch, I wanted them focused on their feet. I needed to establish some order. "Girls...Girls!" They stopped trying to poke each other and focused their attention on me. Lacey cheated and snuck one last rib squeeze in. Amanda nearly jumped out of her skin and glared at Lacey, both of them still giggling. "Okay, here are the rules. You'll each tickle the other's feet, one at a time. I'll time you. Whoever can last the longest without saying 'Uncle' wins."

"What does the winner get?" Amanda asked, her dimples showing.

"Ummmm...the winner and I get to tickle the loser for ten straight minutes."

Amanda's mouth turned into the shape of a little 'O'. The idea of her being tickled for ten straight minutes by two people was enough to chill her innocent young mind. Lacey read her friend's mind and, full of confidence, declared, "I'm in!"

Amanda swallowed hard and nodded. "I'm in too..."

Lacey wanted to go first. She figured that she'd last so long that Amanda would be mentally defeated before it was even her turn. I understood her plan, but her logic made no sense. If Amanda cracked quickly like she expected, then she would only have to last one second longer to win. The way she had it figured, she'd have to take as much tickling as she could handle. Oh well..who was I to correct her thinking?

Lacey lay on her tummy so that her bare feet hung over the end of the bed. Amanda straddled her calves and lowered her weight down on her friend's legs. From where I sat, I had a wonderful view of Lacey's long slender feet (about a size 8 or 9 I'd say). Lacey grabbed a pillow to hold on to, as I got ready to start the timer. Amanda was bursting with excitement to begin, while Lacey was already giggling in anticipation. When the second hand reached the 12, I yelled, "Go!"

Amanda didn't waste any time. Her tiny hands with red painted nails dug into Lacey's unsuspecting soles. Lacey squealed in protest, her back arching high off the bed. She immediately began to kick her ankles, but Amanda had them trapped well between her knees. The long feet fought in vain to avoid the tickling fingers, but Amanda was ruthless. I couldn't see Lacey's face, but I could hear her laughing with girlish glee into her pillow.


"Say Uncle! Say Uncle!" Her fingers were moving in a blur.


I no longer thought of Amanda as the sweet and innocent type. She was a tickling machine. Lacey's poor feet flailed wildly, each foot trying to protect the other from the torturous nails, and neither succeeding. Her long toes curled and flexed uselessly. There was no respite from her friend's tickling fingers.

The scene was wildly stimulating. But I also loved what could not be seen, the game within the game. Amanda was desperate to make sure that Lacey did not win. She wanted no part of a ten minute tickle attack. So she tickled her friend's trapped feet with everything she had. Her head was bowed, focused on the feet below her, so I could not see her face, but I could hear laughter that was almost fiendish coming from her.

"Come on Lacey....say Uncle and I'll stop..."

"Noooooooooooooo!!!" Lacey was writhing under her friend, but she would not give in. Her long blonde hair was flopping about, and her almost childlike giggles were flowing like water.

I checked the watch. Two minutes had passed. That's an eternity in the world of tickling. Lacey was obviously ticklish on her feet, but she was holding on. Her desire to win was stronger than her need for mercy.

Amanda decided to step it up a notch. She added taunting to her flying fingernails. "Kitchykitchykitchykitchy!!! Ticklish feet! Ticklish feet!"

Lacey exploded in a fresh wave of thrashing giggles. The tickling was torture enough, but the taunting threatened to put her over the edge.

"HAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!!....STAAHAAHAAAPPP!!!..." She was pounding the bed with her fists.

"Ticklish feet! Ticklish feet! Kitchykitchykitchy!!!"


I checked the watch. Two minutes and 42 seconds. I was impressed. Lacey gasped for breath and smiled as I announced the time. Amanda looked worried. It had taken too long to break her friend. She'd never beat that mark.

Soon their positions were reversed. Lacey looked imposing as she corralled Amanda's tiny feet between her knees. Her face betrayed how eager she was to pay back her friend for the torment she'd just endured. She was practically licking her chops, dying to attack Amanda's vulnerable soles.

Amanda was tittering with nervousness. Her tiny bare feet seemed so small in comparison to the ones I had just watched tortured. Her soles were pink and innocent looking, like the rest of her. I was drooling, thinking about getting a chance to tickle them myself in a few moments. She scrunched her little toes nervously, and was ready to drown her screams in one of the pillows. As the second hand reached the 12, I shouted, "Go!", and part two of the game was on.

Lacey surprised me with her technique. She apparently felt like she could break Amanda at any time she wished, and she was not about to let her off easy. Instead of an all out attack, she went for the slow torture approach. She started with a single fingernail down one of Amanda's bare soles.

"Who's got itsy bitsy feetsies? Who's got the cutest wittle itsy bitsy feetsies?" her tone was mocking, almost coming out in a sing song fashion. The first stroke was followed by another, and another, and another. The single finger strikes were slow and unpredictable, giving Amanda no pattern against which to build up a resistance. I expected the poor girl to stand no chance against this.

But she surprised me, and I think she surprised Lacey too. Amanda squealed adorably into her pillow with every finger stroke, and her body jumped like she was being pricked by needles, but she did not give in. I could see her clutching the pillow over her mouth hard, the whiteness of her knuckles showing. Her tiny pink feet struggled in protest, but Lacey was far too well positioned on her legs for any escape.

Lacey might have been surprised, but she was hardly concerned. She had two and a half minutes to torture her friend. Plenty of time. She continued with the teasing single finger strokes.

"Does it tickle? Hmmmmm? Does it tickle tickle tickle?"

Amanda was squealing into her pillow loud enough that it was still filling the room. Her pink soles were scrunched up tight, and her feet wiggled wildly. Lacey looked up at me and smiled in a "I'm confident she'll break any second now" sort of way. I smiled back, very much enjoying the show. I glanced at my watch...Amanda was nearing the one minute mark. Better than I'd expected.

I called out the one minute mark, and Lacey showed the first signs of panic. Amanda hadn't said "Uncle" yet, and there was no point in making this contest too interesting. She changed techniques and went for the jugular.

"Okay. No more fooling around. Time for you to say 'Uncle'!"

All ten of her long fingers kicked into action. I could barely see Amanda's feet under the barrage of tickling fingers unleashed upon them. The living Barbie doll had transformed into a Tickle Monster. Her fingers were on fire! And her taunting had sped up as well.


Amanda screeched at the onset of the attack. Her head was thrown back and the sound echoed off the walls of the room. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I'd be getting another visit from the hotel clerk about excessive noise. As her scream subsided, silent laughter took over in it's place. Amanda buried her head under the pillows and shook, making no noise whatsoever. The tickling sensations must have been hellacious for her to be reduced to this. I almost wished she'd say 'Uncle', just so she'd have the mercy she so desperately needed. But she did not say it.

Lacey heard her friend go silent and grew frantic. She tickled with everything she had. Her fingers moved in a blur. She was too intense to bother taunting. It was all about torturing those soles at her disposal.

"Say 'Uncle....say 'Uncle' damnit!"

Amanda must have heard, because her head shook from side to side in a refusal. The hotel bed was bouncing quite a bit, but no amount of struggling could buck Lacey from her legs. The tickling assault continued unabated. I checked the watch. "Two minutes!" I called out.

Lacey was really worried now, and she was getting sloppy in her haste. She stopped momentarily, looking about the room for something to tickle Amanda with into submission. The pause gave Amanda just enough time to catch her breath, and valuable seconds ticked by. Finding nothing within reach, and convinced now that her own fingernails were not going to get the job done, Lacey slid back and bent Amanda's legs at the knee. Again, this cost her valuable time. Then she leaned over and began nibbling on Amanda's wriggling toes.

Amanda bucked wildly at this new torture. Her legs remain Lacey's prisoner, and with Lacey's weight now on her bottom, her movement was even more limited than before, but she struggled mightily nonetheless. Lacey rocked on her like a cowboy trying to stay on the bull, all the while gnashing her teeth along Amanda's toes and then her soles. I was captivated watching. Lacey's tongue came into play, darting in between the small compacted toes to tickle the sensitive flesh found in between. Amanda continued her silent struggle beneath the pillows, obviously in agony at the treatment of her ticklish feet.

I remembered my job as timekeeper. I had to double check the watch because I could not believe what I saw. Three minutes and eighteen seconds. Amanda had beaten Lacey's time, and by a large margin. I had forgotten to stop the game. Oh well...no harm done, right? I let the torment of Amanda's feet by Lacey's mouth continue for another few seconds, hoping to burn the image in my brain forever. I then called time, and announced that Amanda had won.

Lacey looked at me, horrified, Amanda's toes still plopped in her mouth. She began to protest that the contest wasn't fair, that she deserved a second chance, that it should be best two of out three. Amanda crawled out from between her legs and hugged her knees to her chest. She was still laughing silently to herself. I could see by her face that tears had spilled from the ordeal.

"Sorry, Lacey. The game is over, and you lost. As soon as Amanda is ready, she and I will tickle you for ten minutes straight!"

Lacey sat in shock, unable to believe she had lost. She reached over and thumped her friend, who didn't seem to care. I suggested that Lacey might have herself another drink before we started, and she took my advice. I sat smiling, fingering my warm charm.

Amanda finally rose from the bed. She looked beaten, but not broken. She beamed at me with her dimples in full force. The face of a winner. "Good job," I said. Then I called her over and whispered a few instructions to her. I suspected Lacey might try to welch on the bet.

Lacey returned to the bed as Amanda emerged from the bathroom holding the two belts from the hotel's complimentary robes. "What are those for?" Lacey asked, already knowing.

"To hold you still in case you try to wimp out of the deal," Amanda answered for us.

"No way!" Lacey exclaimed, but Amanda and I were already pouncing upon her. A small struggle ensued, but she was no match for the two of us. I held her down while Amanda took the honors of tying her to the bed. The bed was four poster with a canopy, so we made use of the posts. When we were done, her ankles were belted to one corner, tied so that her long feet stuck out past the post. We had stretched her diagonally across the bed, belted her wrists together, and secured them up over her head to the opposite post. She was quite helpless and vulnerable to tickling. Amanda straddled her hips while I pulled my chair up close to her feet.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready," Amanda replied.

"Let me go! Do you hear me? I said let me gooooOOOOOHHHHHOOOHOOOHOOO!!!"

Her words trailed off into a peal of laughter as Amanda and I began working her over. The smaller girl was digging her fingers into the exposed underarms of Lacey, and I began to tease her slender foot bottoms. It was hard to say what was tickling her more, but did it really matter? Lacey flopped uselessly on the bed, bucking in the same way that her friend had done just moments before. Amanda was locked in place though, and I can only imagine the look of satisfaction on her face as she tortured her blonde friend. As for me, I was quite busy enjoying the smooth creamy skin of Barbie's soles. Her toes curled and flexed so wonderfully that I was forced to play with them. This only furthered Lacey's torment.

This went on for quite some time. To Lacey's credit, she never lost sensitivity or her willingness to fight. Amanda had raised her shirt and found a bevy of tickle spots on her tummy and sides. Apparently there were spots along her waist that made her howl. As to me...well...I'm a foot guy. I was in heaven with these young flawless feet. I even tried Lacey's own nibble method on her, and her reaction was quite marvelous. Apparently teeth tickle...a lot.

No words were exchanged during all this. Lacey was using all of her available breath to laugh and giggle. Such a feminine little girl's giggle she had. Amanda was doing that fiendish laugh thing again, as if she were possessed by some evil spirit as she tickled her friend. And I had nothing to say...everything I needed was either at my fingertips or in my mouth, literally.

I glanced at my watch after some time had passed. I was surprised to see we'd been tickling Lacey nonstop for twelve minutes already. Neither of them seemed aware that we'd passed the ten minute mark. I smiled to myself. I wasn't about to tell them. Not yet anyway. Lacey showed no signs of getting tired of all this, and Amanda, well, whatever demon currently inhabited her body wasn't quite sated yet it seemed. And so the tickling continued.

Around the sixteen minute mark, I rose from my chair. It was time for me to bid them farewell and get back to my post in the lobby. I'd been away too long already. Neither seemed aware of my presence...Amanda was still focused on clawing Lacey's ribs, and Lacey was off in some world of torment, oblivious to the world. Amanda's tiny foot bottoms peeked up at me from her kneeling position. I couldn't help myself. I dragged a finger down each precious sole.

Amanda 'Eeeeeek'ed and nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned and flashed me her devilish smile with the dimples. Lacey's torment was halted, for a moment anyway.

"Time for me to go girls. Thanks for the party."

"Bye bye," Amanda said winking at me.

"Wait.....wait...." Lacey was starting to come back to reality. If the game was over, why wasn't she free?

As I reached the door, I turned back to the girls. What a sight they made. I smiled at them. "Oh Amanda...don't forget her feet...they still have some tickles left in them."

"I won't!" she chirped. She was all dimples and grins.

"NOOOOOO!!!" was the all I heard as I closed the door behind me. That was followed by a flurry of tortured laughter, which followed me all the way down the hall to the elevator. Poor Lacey...she was getting it good. It wasn't until I was back at my desk that I felt my charm grow cold again.

The rest of my shift passed without anything of merit to note. I never did make it to Maureen's office, but she'll live. I enjoyed something far more fun than her.

So I've discovered that my charm really does know what is deepest in my heart. But it seems to know before I do, if that makes any sense. I'd like to be able to control it, to channel it, but I don't think that's how it works. I guess I'm going to just have to wait and see what it brings my way. So far, it's done nothing but fulfill my fantasies. Where will it take me next?

Time for me to wrap this up. I need to get some sleep. It should be pretty easy to catch a cab at this time of the day. Besides, I just saw a knockout exit the hotel and stop at the curb outside. I may not be able to control my charm, but I sure might be able to influence it. Until next time...

End of Journal Entry #5
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