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Does size really matter?

wow, I would hate to be THIS guy that insulted you mimi. From the looks of it, I see "A small band of villiagers with torches glowing in the night waiting for the MONSTER." If this guy dare show his face around here I think, NO I know, he is in for a big time linching..and I am sure that the TMF forum have many, many, many, many opinions that they would like to share to this fellow. OUCH! my virgin ears!! But at least you know that you are not alone in this.

I can't say I can speak for people that are considered "big"--being that I never had that problem...however I can relate in other ways though. When I was younger, I wouldnt necesarily say I was skinny. It was a cruel joke on nature I feel. I was little budged in the mid-area and skinny in the arms area. I looked like a balloon with two pencils stuck on the sides. Needless to say I, I wasnt considered "macho" because I had small cheast and shoulders..but not skinny because I had a small "tire" around my waste..<cringe>. Although, no one really made fun of me I excelled in my new mutant gift and power of invisibility to the opposite sex. Plus I also had the ability of mind-control..almost every female I was interested in I somehow "gave them" the desire to lie to my face. Had I known that so many women wanted to wash their hair or suddenly was moving out of the country. I would of invested more money in plane tickets and shampoo for them. I lift weights now to compensate every getting that reaction anymore.

Anyway, that was awhile ago and I won't bore you with the misery and self-loathing that followed including the distrust of everything that comes out of a women's mouth when it came to dating..(no offense, to those present). My point ...if I even have one..is that don't get yourself down about it , I believe everyone goes through it one time or another. As a matter of fact, I am a bit different now. I would rather a person tell me straight to my face that they arent interested then make up some lame excuse and insult my intelligence.::::OK, self- :bouncybou therapy session over:::
I read your post Mimi and even though I have read none of the replies (so I might be reiterating one or two people) I would like to give my views.

I am really sorry that you were abused and upset last night in the chat room, but you know as much as me that in a chat room people behave in a manner that could never be tolerated in real life. It is difficult to think of a persons feelings when you are simply typing away at a computer screen and will never see the person you are speaking to. I know it is hard, but you must try not to let people upset you like that - i know its hard, i'm the same!

As for tickling larger ladies - why not! So long as they're (you're) ticklish! My personal preference is for a lady that is neither toned nor BBW - i prefer something in between. I like a larger lady, to a point. I like a slimmer lady, to a point. We all have our own preferences and whilst many millions of people around the globe WANT a BBW, you (and we) must accept that the average person DOES NOT want a BBW. So as a BBW, you will come up against people who do not want to "play" with you (as you put it), but you will meet enough people that do want to play.

Oh man, what am i writing..........sorry if this is a bit waffly!
Being a big guy myself - and aside from weight, not even a good looking one - I've played a lot privately as well as at gatherings, and sometimes ended up not playing. That's a bummer feeling, but people have eyes and that's how it turns out. I mean, it couldn't be my personality, right? Not me! Expecting absolute acceptance is unrealistic, no matter how "open" we are. Ask any gay person. People's sense of what they like, their preference, that's not a "fault" that's just human biology slamming headfirst into how they wuz raised. If Mr. Smith doesn't like seeing Sabrina tickled from MPT because she's Asian and Asiaticas Femalias doesn't do anything for him, is that racism - or preference? He's not saying she's evil, valueless, or less than he.... it's just not his thing. One of those "can't put your finger on it" deals. Then there was that whole issue here on the board about PV 'going too far' because an old - and I mean old- woman got tickled. Personally, I'm not against amputees, but tickling one - well, of all the people I'd like to meet to play with, someone with a hook-like prosthetic is nowhere at the top of my list. I feel a little rotten about it, but only a little. And people who haven't played with me because of who I am / what I look like probably didn't feel all that bad either. The Circle of Life.

But find out who those people are that ARE willing to play, engage, explore, etc... and enjoy the ride. Dang, Mimi's married to a tickle fan who also likes big chickas, but I can't get a date to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert? Crap, what if it IS my personality? Self-reflection sux!

However - being derided and taunted about size, or anything else, that's just immaturity, which IS unacceptable. Personally, I'd go sit on the jerk!
Wow it seems some things never die lol. Mimi, after reading your initial post to this thread a few years ago it is amazing how relevant it still is today. Alot of what you said about the fears is how I feel today. The fear of meeting people and being shunned because of my looks. Not sure if I would be actually welcomed at a gathering. Not only do I have that to contend with, but I also have age. With all the beautiful young ladies that go to the gatherings I would be intimidated. What is funny is that this very issue was discussed in another thread recently where a guy posted that he would never tickle a fat woman. That attitude has and always will be around.
Walk Proudly!!!!!!!!!


Dearest Mimi,

Although we have spoken only off and on since my membership last year. I have never met you personally, but I have seen your picture. I have also read this post and I have this to say to you.

YOU have and you will continue to give to this community, the TMF everything we need to sustain true friendships, fun, laughter, and support.
Does size matter?? In appearance, ABSOLUTELY NOT, in Heart, yes it certainly does, and with YOU we have love from the outside as well as from the inside. As I have observed from the many people I have met and just know of in this forum, and I feel I can speak for these members, YOU mean the world to ALL of us and one idiot should NEVER stand in your way.

This member whom ever it is will CERTAINLY expose himself in due time with his own stupidity because when he go to chat with the other various members his prejudice attitude will expose himself very quickly and the members will soon grasp that he has a serious problem and I'm certain he will tie his own noose and hang himself. I would love to be the man at the gallows to release the trap door.

Mimi, you be exactly the BEAUTIFUL person that you are and YOU let NO ONE barr your way to HAPPINESS, and HARMONY within the TMF. WE ALL need the person that you are. :bowing:

Mimi YOU stand tall, be proud of who you are, know that YOU are BEAUTIFUL, and the other TMF members will walk right with you every step of the way.

This forum needs to rid itself of such outcasts that make such statements about any member. If you don't like what WE as a group here have to offer, then it's very simple.............GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe contact www.i-am-a-stupid-prejudiced-moronic-idiot.com hopefully they'll find what they want and get exactly what they deserve,........NOTHING!

My heart is with you Mimi,


Additional Comment


Okay Okay, having just realized that I posted a response to something that happened a long time ago, I still mean what I said.

Mimi, I may be awful late in my response, of course I wan't a member then either, but I do feel the way in which I worded my response. ;)


I wasn't going to post a big reply to this thread with the hopes that it would drift back into TMF history without too much attention, but it appears that's not going to happen without a current explanation from me.

First off, before replying to this thread and joining the lynch party to off some dude that hasn't been at the TMF since he graduated high school, please note the date of my original post in this thread and take into consideration this happened nearly 4 YEARS ago.

I love you all to pieces, and truly appreciate the current support and encouragement those of you who have replied in the last 24 hours have left. But I must be completely honest here in saying that I no longer feel the way I did when I made that initial post.

I was still a new member of the TMF back then, and due to a series of serious emotional let downs I had experienced shortly before hand, I was in a state of extreme low self esteem. Several members of the TMF had just talked me into agreeing to attend my very first gathering, taking great pains to assure me that my size would NOT make a difference to 99% of those who attended and I'd have no shortage of attention. No sooner had I accepted their word, that this tactless man-child went and made his crass comments directed specifically at me in the chat room. Being in the tender and self-conscious state I was already in, his crude comments pretty much destroyed the work all of those who were aiming to get me to the gathering had done at that point. So I decided to post this thread and find out for myself once and for all where members of the community actually stood on the issue.

That was THEN. This is NOW.

If that same chatter said the same thing to my face now that he said to me that night nearly 4 years ago, I'd shake my head and laugh it off. I'd tell him that he is welcome to his opinion, and if 'fat chicks' aren't his thing, that's his loss and he'd be best sticking with skinny girls anyway since he most likely would never be able to handle a woman like me to begin with. Poor little fella would get lost in my cleavage and would never be seen again. Besides, there are PLENTLY more men in the community who would give up their big toes on both feet to step in and grab a handful of what he chose to diss.

For the other girls in the community who may be feeling now the way I was then, let me tell you honeys you ain't got a THING to worry about. I've done the gathering thing now twice, and while on both occassions there were one or two fellas who had a strict preference for the thinner attendees and who passed on the chance to play with me, I was CERTAINLY at no loss for attention of any sort. I had far more than I could handle, truth be told. Most of these guys honestly don't care what you look like or how old you are. If you're ticklish and squirmy and willing to let them torture you silly, you're a giggling feast they'll wanna devour the instant you lie on the bed. You may run in to one or two like I did who have set preferences....and that is their right and there's nothing wrong with that at all....but they are by far in the minority and you won't even notice with all the shrieking and squealing you'll be doing due to the ticklish administrations from the other attendees.

In closing, I am FINE with who and what I am, and as can be seen by my signature I have absolutely no problems with the fact I am a big girl. I know I'm not everyones cup of tea, but Lazzy's cup is overflowing with my ticklish girth, and he's as pleased as can be with that. And I know there are hundreds of other fellas in this community of ours who would be standing in a 2 mile line with tongues-a-wagging to get a sip themselves. No matter what your size, height, race, age, etc....there's at least a few members of the community who have a direct preference for it. And it's the expanse variety and selection that makes this community so wonderfully diverse. Don't be discouraged by the opinions of one or even a few. SOMEBODY out there is looking for exactly what you have to offer.

Trust me. ;)


P.S. Thanks witchypoo! :Kiss1:

I train all kinds of individules everyday at the gym. If your comfortable with the way you look you shouldn't be frightened about others thoughts. But if you aren't happy with the way you look than you can make a change, I have many clients who train for different reasons. Your commitment to a change will bear fruit. But again if your happy with yourself than by all means keep on living, many guys will appreciate you big or slender.
Mimi-on behalf of males everywhere, please accept this as an apology for the ass you spoke with.
Please do not let one idiot turn you away from the TMF. It sounds more like his own insecurities than anything else. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I continually am at the lack of respect one person can have for another.
I have always felt that it is what is inside that makes a person beautiful...the outside being only a shell to carry the true heart and sole around.
Be happy with who and what you are...a truly beautiful woman...
Just My Two Cents.....


I would like to let you know on what I feel about how I feel about this. First off, I know how you feel given my height, and yes, my current stature, about possibly attracting a mate. I don't really believe that I had anymore luck in attracting a mate when I was skinnier. Next, as I have said to many of the fine ladies here in this forum, and overall in the Tickling Community, I believe most men go for "the girl next door" type of lady, as opposed to the super-model or movie star type of look on a lady; Well, at least that goes for me. In my case, it wouldn't matter to me what your figure is, just as long as you share my passion for tickling, and are a very willing receiver for the touch of my tickling fingers, or whatever instruments I have on me at the given time. I long for to meet you either at a gathering, or some travels, if I get the chance. Most of all, if this kid had any truth in the defecation that he allowed to spew from his mouth(and I think that this person is some kind of teenage troll who can't find anything better to do with himself), you would not have the great Lazarus to be your significant other all this time, and finally go down on his knee to propose to you. I just wish I was in his shoes when you publicly accepted his proposal on this wonderful forum!! That would have really melted my heart.... :wub: And always remember, in the chatroom, you always have had your admirers who want to talk with you one-on-one via private conversations. I know that so many guys want to meet you and are now very envious of Lazzy. I write this because I don't want you to be sad or leave the TMF just because of some knucklehead that needs to get a life, in my humble opinion.

Remember, when push comes to shove, Mimi, you will always have a friend and willing tickler in me..... :Kiss2:
MAJ0718 I agree with him, I think overall we do go for the girl next door type of girl. I can't stand supermodel slenderness oh well.
SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!!! A good heart outweighs any person's weight. A person should love you for who you are and not dislike you becuase of what a person is..Mimi here is a long distance hug and kiss :cuddle: :Kiss2:

I hope you all don't mind that I bumped this thread. In truth, I only quickly read Mimi's original post, I have to get going to bed so I didn't have time to read the 5 pages of discussion it triggered, but I fully intend to be back tomorrow after work and read what eveyone had to say, because I'm very curious. But for now, I just had to comment..

As an overweight woman, I've found it extremely- no, make that impossible, to "come out of the closet" and let anyone know about my addiction to tickling.. its something thats always lurked beneath the surface but I never really faced it until recently. Its something that all my life I've been ashamed of and felt weird about because I didn't understand it was so common. I'll be 31 in 2 weeks, and I have never *really* been tickled because of this fear. Unfortunately right now I'm single, so I still don't have any chance to experience it.

After years and years and years of keeping my desires locked away and not even admitting them to myself, I stumbled across this forum while doing a google search one night almost a year ago. I became very active for awhile on the forums, and the chatroom. And was JUST starting to become comfortable with it all. I even met a nice guy from this forum who spent and endless amount of patience talking to me and warming me up to accepting that there was nothing wrong with me, and that I didn't have anything to worry about. A couple others even said I was "cute" even though I was overweight. (One member even described me as "teddy bear-ish", which I thought was kind of cute.) I put a lot of trust into the guy I had been talking to a lot, and even told him a little bit about myself and showed him some pictures, even though I had wanted to remain anonymous. I guess in the back of my head, I was hoping that eventually I'd get over my fear enough to meet, and maybe experiment a little bit. But, I was still terrified then, and I still am today.

But what ended up happening was, I saw another post on these forums where he basically said that everytime he got to talking to another woman that was local to him, that was into tickling, he found them "Extremely unattractive."

That pretty much crushed me and any bit of courage and self esteem I had managed to build.. I put a huge amount of trust in this person by showing them a picture, and to this day it still hurts. "Extremely unattractive" are two words I've never been able to shake. It took me nearly a year to reregister on these forums and try again..

So in closing.. I feel like yes, size does usually matter.. even if at first they say it doesn't. :(

(And btw, I don't think I'm ugly in the least.. people used to ask me if I wanted to be a cheerleader in high school, back when I was much thinner.)

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow night after I read some of the other posts on this thread, but I feel like I had taken 3 steps forward and 5 steps back as far as being comfortable with the whole tickling thing.. hopefully this time things will work out a little bit better for me here. Hope you all give me a chance. *little smile.*
What happened? Whats wrong with someone having their OWN personal preference? You dont exactly have to say "said preference" in a derogetory way. But we are all entitled to our opinions. And we are online people.........................I would think it would mean something if someone was saying lame comments to your face.

Back to the darkness..................
yjgfn said:
What happened? Whats wrong with someone having their OWN personal preference? You dont exactly have to say "said preference" in a derogetory way. But we are all entitled to our opinions. And we are online people.........................I would think it would mean something if someone was saying lame comments to your face.

Back to the darkness..................

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with personal preference, as long as it's handled in a mature and respectful manner. I get PMs from many guys on the forum. I let them know right from the start that I'm a queen-sized chick. Some disappear, some state their preferences, and some have been hanging out with me in cyberspace for months. I've never had a problem with getting a man and my two kids weren't born in a test tube. There are many men who love big women and know what to do with one in the bedroom! I've had my share, believe me. I have my own preferences-everyone does. State them in a mature manner and you'll never have a problem with me.

People change while on the internet. The anominity allows them to show their darkside sometimes. They know they can say whatever they want under the cloak of a screenname. Sometimes, they can be disrespectful and downright nasty. So people can be nastier in cyberspace than they ever would think of behaving to someone's face. So, fat chicks aren't for everyone-say so and move on! I can do without all the nastiness some have spewed, even on this forum.

Obesity is the last known indulged prejudice. Everyone is allowed to shun, insult, discriminate against large people. I spent over a year finding work-I'm sure being overweight didn't make my search easy. I've lost 40 lbs, but it's been a very difficult struggle to lose weight (and I have a helluva lot more to lose). But I keep working at it-it took many years to get this way and I don't want some crazy quick fix only for me to regain with a vengence.

But, I'm losing the weight for me-not to make some man happy or to gain a man's approval. I've flushed many years down the toilet in the name of needing a man's validation.

You've posed a very good question in a very respectful manner and it deserved a response. I hope I'm on track here.

BTW-I did notice this thread was very old. Mimi's not the same person by a long shot! I think her sig pic is the "bomb"! :bowing:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as someone once said.
Kurchie said to me a few months ago he did not care if I lost the weight or not he was still attracted to me. It was the most wonderful and beautiful thing anyone ever said to me but the weight needs to come off for health reasons, so I am losing slowly and steadily.
Everyone has a type and everyone here should always remember the three main rules of TMF 1.) Be Kind. 2.) Be Kind and 3.) Be Kind.
If we could all be kind wether it is for cyber or chat or meet ups life would go a lot smoother here.
Mimi, I have had that had to me in the past and I know it hurts but everyone has a soulmate. I guess you found yours.
I'd like to Thank freak4tickling for digging this topic out. I don't care how long ago this post was originally posted but I think it's important.

There are many bbw's who are into tickling. Size shouldn't matter. We bbw's are people too and we have feelings just as well. Outter beauty should count more than inside. If a person is beautiful on the outside it doesn't mean that they're all that in the inside.

Besides, we have more to tickle! I wish that more bbw's would come out of the closet though. If people want to talk bad about "big" people let them. It just shows that they have no respect for others or themselves at that!
Ill chime in with my non politically correct opinion. i personally am not attracted to the larger ladies when it comes to tickling or relationships. im not saying you have to be a model, but i do like a woman thats in decent shape. just my 2 cents. :O
Maniac: You are entitled to your opinion my friend but you could pass by the opportunity to get to know somebody truly wonderful, if you judge people based on their looks.
My former fiancee was everything a girl could want he was tall, dark and handsome and wealthy but he worked all the time and I was lonely and it took my three and half years to realize looks, money mean nothing it is the person beside you.
Well. I'm not skinny and I'm not a BBW but I think if your measure of a worthwhile person is the number they pull on a scale, you're going to miss out on some really amazing people...
gigglegal76 said:
I'd like to Thank freak4tickling for digging this topic out. I don't care how long ago this post was originally posted but I think it's important.

There are many bbw's who are into tickling. Size shouldn't matter. We bbw's are people too and we have feelings just as well. Outter beauty should count more than inside. If a person is beautiful on the outside it doesn't mean that they're all that in the inside.

Besides, we have more to tickle! I wish that more bbw's would come out of the closet though. If people want to talk bad about "big" people let them. It just shows that they have no respect for others or themselves at that!

Its wishful thinking giggle. For all the talk about how size shouldn't matter it does. I have dealt with it time and time again from the time I was young to now. I always let every new person that I talk to know upfront that I am large. That way there is no misunderstanding. But at my age, it gets to the point where it doesnt matter anymore. So be it.
As I've since discovered since first starting this thread nearly 4 years ago, and as I have stated recently in my newer reply in this thread, the majority of the fellas in the community HONESTLY don't give a crap one way or another, and prefer to get to know the woman and her personality first before passing judgement on her as a whole. Those few who truly limit themselves to thin women only and want nothing to do with any gal minutely overweight are so few and scant that if they didn't make it such a point to let everyone know under no uncertain terms where they stand on the issue, you'd never even know. The men who love women of all shapes and sizes FAR out number those with the narrow scopes of attractiveness. You have nothing to worry about, ladies.

One thing though....

As Kis stated a few posts back, I am not the same woman I was when I first started this thread several years back. I am stronger, more confident, and far more comfortable with myself and my size. And you know what? I'd have to be beating em off with a stick now if I didn't adore all their company so much. For the most part, size does NOT play a role in how men online are gonna see you. Your attitude, however, will. And if you stand strong and strut your stuff and ROAR like you were meant to roar and let them know just how damn sexy you are in mind AND body, they are gonna sit up and bark and beg for more.

Be strong. Be proud. And let the fellas see just how much woman you are. ;)

Meanwhile, I'm gonna hold Lazzy back on a rope here so he doesn't go chasing and drooling and howling after the rest of you voluptous yummy lasses!

Mimi :justlips:
You know what I really dig; The BBWs here who use a BBW image as their Sig Pic.

Now, THAT'S Class!!!!!!!!!!!! :bowing:
Quotable Quotes

Mimi said:
...stand strong and strut your stuff and ROAR like you were meant to roar....

I love the things that come out of your mouth Mimi! I have to submit a weekly report each week at work that outlines what I have spent my time doing the past 7 days (isn't that charming?) The report is read (or supposed to be) by all company employees since we work from home offices. The idea is to keep us feeling connected. To bring some life and a personal touch to this sorry document, I started adding a quote of the week to the bottom of it. Not too long ago I used "Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out....but I can usually shut the bitch up with cookies." from your sig line. And now I'm going to use this one!

Thanks, hon!
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