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Enjoy Your Sexual Desire For Tickling and Feet With Anyone Without Fear


Registered User
Nov 25, 2010
Since I was a young boy, I've always fantasized about female feet and tickling. I longed for the day I'd have a girlfriend with whom I could indulge in my desires and relieve the tension and that had been building up over my entire adolescence. When I hit high school, is when my sexual endeavors really began -- I remained a virgin until the age of 21, however I did experiment with things such as mutual masturbation during my teenage years.

Each time a girl would invite me to touch her breasts, I found myself wishing I could instead fondle her feet; I wasn't as interested in making her moan as much as I was in making her laugh, if you get my drift.

I became aware very early on that there was a "stigma" to having a foot fetish, and even more so -- having a passion for tickling.

This caused me great emotional pain for many years; I was in despair, certain that I would spend my entire life in sexual frustration, never being able to act out my fantasies and satiate my sexual appetite. When the internet became accessible, I happened upon the forums and found that the majority felt the same way; I heard horror stories of sexual attempts gone wrong, I read about one hopeless case after another and I felt absolutely cursed.

I was wrong.

All those people, were wrong.

I want to share with you some advice and experiences that as a "foot fetishist" or tickling enthusiast, may be the most important advice you ever receive.

I want to start off by telling you that the "stigma" that you perceive to accompany your fetish is created by YOU.

The perception of you being a "FREAK" by potential partners is only created by your approach and lack of confidence, and making such a big deal about.

Over the past six years, I have been in three relationships, with very attractive women. These women were not desperate looking to do anything to please me; they were the stereotype of the type of person you'd expect to ridicule you for being anything other than "vanilla." However, with that being said, I've tied all three of them up, tickled them, sucked their toes, licked their feet, gotten a foot job -- you name it -- and they didn't freak out at all.

They didn't get weirded out.

They didn't make faces, or point and laugh and tell everyone what I freak I was.

They didn't really perceive it any differently than a normal sex act; for instance, they didn't perceive my sucking their toes to be any more bizarre than if I were sucking on their nipple, or ear lobe.

The reason for this, and the way this was accomplished was with confidence, composure, "habituation," and patience. I want to show you the difference between approach that creates the stigma, and my method which ensures success:

How the stigma is created:

When you're dating someone, and the time comes and the relationship is breaking sexual ground, it's usual for partners to discuss their fantasies and turn-ons. I can guarantee you that YOU WILL CREATE THE STIGMA by doing what I call "the build up." DO NOT say things like, "hey, there is something I need to tell you," or "hey, there is something I really want to talk to you about but I'm afraid you'll think I'm weird." Those phrases demonstrate that you yourself are uncomfortable with your own sexuality, and may scare her/him. Phrases like that automatically put you in a submissive position as they demonstrate to your partner that you are at THEIR mercy, and causes them to subconsciously perceive you as lacking confidence.

Trust involves more than just honesty and truthfulness; it's a confidence your partner has in how competent you are, and determines how willing they are to try things outside of their comfort zone with you, or what they perceive to be usual or "normal." When you create this big production over revealing your sexual desires, you make it seem like it's a "deep dark secret" and create the air that it's something someone should be ashamed over. The ONLY reason having a foot fetish, or being aroused by tickling is a "big deal," is because YOU MAKE IT A BIG DEAL. So STOP.

I had mentioned that "composure" and "patience" are major factors in ensuring your success in enjoying your sexuality with your partner. The lack of these two factors is the primary cause of all these horror stories, and hopeless cases you hear about.

As with any sexual appetite -- including vanilla -- if you want to keep from driving potential partners away, you must have self control. People ONLY think you're a freak if YOU - CREATE - THAT - PERCEPTION; if you're presenting yourself in such a way that it is undeniable that you are fixated, and obsessed with feet/tickling/anything -- it's going to make people uncomfortable. Look at it this way: when you have a foot fetish, you regard feet in a similar way that breasts are regarded, and when the act of tickling is your primary sexual activity it becomes analogous to intercourse; wouldn't constantly commenting on a woman's breasts, send the message that you are a pig and cause a negative reaction? Commenting compulsively about intercourse is sure to bother most respectable women, and you should apply the same logic to vocalizing your desire for tickling (in the early stages of getting to know someone.)

When you're being physically intimate with someone, you need to pay attention to all of them or else they get bored. Not only that, but fixating on one part of them, or one activity makes them feel objectified; I've heard a woman say before that she felt her partner had a "relationship with her feet," instead of "a relationship with her." If you're going RIGHT FOR the feet any time things get intimate, it's going to create that stigma I'm talking about.

How to ensure a more successful experience without the stigma:

I have NEVER used the word "fetish" in my relationship.

When I met my current partner, she knocked me on my ass -- she was what I would consider a 10. I met her at a friend's house; I walked in the door and was greeted by perhaps one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. I scanned the rest of her, nervous as my eyes passed below her knees, that such a fantasy made real would be ruined by flawed feet -- to my delight, her physical perfection remained unmarred as the sexiest pair I'd seen in a long time came into view. Naturally, my mind went right into a montage of her bound and begging for the tickling to stop.

I made it clear that I was interested in her while we all hung out; nothing overbearing, just a declaration of my attraction to her and a desire to see her again. I said nothing about her feet, or tickling.

After a short period of getting together with our mutual friends and texting, we hung out alone at her house and things became intimate; we didn't have sex that night, but we did just about everything else. I paid attention to her whole body, and didn't immediately try to touch her feet; while we were kissing I touched her neck, her ears, her shoulders etc. before making first contact with her soles. I went about it casually; I had been touching her ass and legs, and I had unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs -- the perfect opportunity to touch her feet naturally, without breaking the flow of things and making it seem awkward. I stroked the side of her foot, caressed the top and stroked the arch and the toes for a few brief moments before sliding my hand back up her leg -- this was all I allowed myself to do at this point, my contact with her feet was very natural and very brief. This brings me to one of your greatest tools: HABITUATION.

Habituation is a decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated presentations. For example, tinitus sufferers hear a tone, or static noise in their ear which can become very distracting. Initially, the presence of this tone or sensation can be very abrasive, and may interefere with their day to day life and ability to concentrate. Fortunately, however, the human brain goes through the process of habituation which allows it to "ignore" the stimulus so that you become less distracted by it, and I'm going to explain why that's relevant in ensuring success in having sexual openness in your relationship.

As I said, in my first intimate encounter with my girlfriend, I did make contact with her feet, but for a very limited amount of time. Each time after that we got together and became intimate, I did make it a point to touch her feet while we were making out, whether it was just a grab as my hand slid down her ankle, or a quick tickle if the atmosphere happened to be more light-hearted.

Naturally, as a few more weeks passed, we were becoming more comfortable with each other, both physically and emotionally; we let our guard down, the butterflies left our stomachs and we could loosen up a bit. We were lounging around; she was working on her laptop with her bare feet facing me -- the perfect opportunity to take things further. After having explored every inch of her body at least two-dozen times and having made it a point to regularly handle her peds during the process, I felt confident that she had gotten used to me touching her feet -- HABITUATION -- so while continuing the conversation I was having with her about whatever she was working on, I started massaging her soles like it was nothing.

Despite wanting explode all over the place, I maintained composure, acted cool, and carried on with the conversation. Again -- she had grown accustomed to me touching her feet, and therefor did not become alarmed. She didn't freak out, it didn't feel awkward, she just continued working on her laptop, while moaning in pleasure every so often.

Since that time, she almost expected her feet to be massaged, and often times would even request for me to do it. As everyone at times feels insecure, it created the perfect avenue for her to make comments such as, "I hate my feet," or "I think my feet are too big." I used this opportunity to very CASUALLY, and CALMLY express the contrary; I told her very CONFIDENTLY, with a smirk on my face that "I love your feet." She asked why, seeming more intrigued than uncomfortable, to which I responded that I think they're beautiful, I love their structure and they turn me on -- very matter-of-factly, as if I were saying her breasts turned me on -- as if I were discussing the weather. I also quickly added how attractive I find her other features, taking the focus of solely, her soles.

Not long after, we'd begun having sex. Just as I did when we'd make out, I'd run my hands down her legs and grab her feet, and things like that. When we'd have sex in the missionary position, she'd be laying back and at some point I'd end up sitting back on my knees, and usually she'd put her feet on my chest for leverage -- it was a natural opportunity to grab her ankles, massage her feet which she found pleasurable, and every so often, for a brief period of time, I'd bring her feet to my lips and kiss along the side of them, and even slip a toe or two into my mouth. I DIDN'T GO ALL OUT AT FIRST; I again used HABITUATION to create a psychological environment of comfort, and trust, and eventually worked up to where we are now -- I suck, lick and bite and tickle her toes and feet ravenously while I orgasm.

Many of you believe that you've been cursed with some bizzarre sexuality that is so freakish that it ostracizes you from everyone else. The truth however, is that we actually have a pretty good deal. Let's look at some facts:

Who -- especially women -- doesn't enjoy having their feet massaged?

For tickling fetishists, don't you realize that caressing and light touching are some of the most basic sexual maneuvers? And bondage -- bondage of all things is probably the most common fantasy that most people have. My current girlfriend shared with me that she had a desire to be tied up -- that is the most daring of anything that she's into which is so tame she might as well just call herself vanilla. However, due to the comfort and trust I've built with her, I tickle her all the time while she's bound. I have NEVER used the word or phrase "tickle fetish" with her or in my relationship. I merely tie her up and tickle until it's time to stop -- at which point she is rewarded by the types of thing SHE enjoys. She asks me all the time why I tickle her, and I very CALMLY and CONFIDENTLY, matter-of-factly express to her that it turns me on to see her squirm, and that I like it -- it is delivered and approached in a way that is no different than me discussing the weather with her.

The fact that you like feet, and/or you like tickling is NOT A BIG DEAL.

So stop making it one.

Love yourself, and embrace your sexuality! It is a gift, and I wouldn't want to be any other way. Follow what I am telling you, and you can enjoy the feet of virtually any woman/man you want, and enjoy tickling in your sex life without feeling like a freak.
Didn't read the whole thing, as I don't have my glasses on, but I will comment that the foot fetish stigma is not entirely self generated. We are made fun of in movies, and I've heard several women openly state that they find it gross and would never date a guy with a foot fetish.

That being said, every girl I've ever told about my fetishes has been very cool with them, even if they weren't comfortable participating in them. Self confidence is definitely a must when you approach someone about it.

Also, if your sig pic is a real pic of you, I can understand why women are so willing to let you have your way with them, and I mean that in a totally hetero way :p
There's only a stigma if you're weird about it. True story, one of the most popular guys in my high school once sat in the middle of class massaging a girls feet and talking about his foot fetish. And other girls wanted in on it. Badly.

It's not something many people want to hear, but feet, tickling, and pretty much any fetish on it's own usually (usually...) isn't a problem, they just care about who's doing it.
Yeah, confidence can be symptomatic of good looks, and vice versa. Regardless of his appearance, what he says does have merit. Yes, the media has taken swipes at foot people, making them look like perverts in movies, television, and whatnot, but his point is about taking control of the situation and the presentation--I should say LACK of presentation, because he's not presenting ANYTHING, other than acting naturally for him, and approaching subsequent questions matter-of-factly, without labeling himself. The point is to not turn the interest into a purple elephant in the room (and yes, this is easier said than done for many of us!).

Personal acceptance is probably one of the biggest hurdles in these interests for many here. With me, I've gone back and forth with this dreaded hurdle. Some days I've had no problem leaping it, which provided success, and other days, I've tripped over it, and got pissed off and bitter afterwards. I guess you gotta try and look at it like any other interest, like liking Lays potato chips or Dr. Pepper. Even if people tell me they think sushi is disgusting, I'm not gonna be embarrassed that I like it, or change my mind because they think eating octopus or eel is gross. I know, it's two COMPLETELY different things, but the mindset SHOULD be the same.
I was going to write about this at some point, but you beat me to it. Probably a lot more in depth as well :)

I think that if you are relaxed, open and respectful about the things you are into when you share them with that special someone, then things will generally be ok. It's when you start being all creepy and weird about it that puts people off.

Even with people who share our fetishes it can still be creepy. Take for example all the PM's women get on here asking personal questions, demanding pictures or wanting to meet up, how they expect to get anything other a negative responce, if any responce at all is beyond me.

I was speaking to someone I met on here the other day over MSN and she said it was nice to talk to someone about other things in her life for a change rather than tickling all the time.

Do people seem to think all the things people on this site do is tickle related? I mean yeah you get hardcore tickle lovers who get to ler/lee a lot, but there are still going to be times when they do normal things(by normal I mean eat, sleep, drink, work, socialize, that sort of thing.)

The way I see it is that both people should be able to enjoy the experience, rather than one enjoying it and the other feeling awkward, creeped out and not wanting to do it again. I would say you could share your fetish fun with most people and both have a good experience, but it all depends on how you go about it that chooses whether or not that happens.

But thats just my 2 cents on things.

Thanks for reading,

Wonderfully put... hope you inspire some of our meeker brethren around these parts.

My own 2 cents:

I had my first "real" girlfriend at 16... and when I "confessed" I had a tickling "fetish" (the dreaded word) I did everything you're not supposed to do: I built it up as a secret I was uncomfortable sharing, and my body language, tone, and overall behavior indicated that I was uncomfortable because I myself thought it was a weird thing to have.

She indulged me (we were young and "madly in love") but she hated being tickled... after humoring me for a month or so, the tickles stopped and she used my "freak desires" as a weapon later on when the relationship deteriorated.

Flash forward a few years later with another girl a ran around with for a little bit: massaged her feet for a little bit, throwing in quick tickles here and there. when she remarked (good naturedly) "Boy you really like my feet, don you?" I responded coolly and confidently, "Yes, I love them! They're smooth and sexy as hell!"

She had never heard anyone call her feet "sexy" before... most chicks hate their feet to begin with. The relationship progressed... through habitation I moved from massages to caresses to sucking her feet before and during sex, having her beg me to do it because through my approach I had introduced her to something she never before could think was sexy. Tickling soon followed.

Ocean speaks the truth... it's all in the delivery.

Thank you. A great introduction to this relatively universal -- and perhaps under-fathomed -- pattern of interaction.
Bumping this thread. I'd like to re-introduce myself to the community as I plan to become much more involved in the "passing" time, and in doing so would like to re-iterate the very important lessons I have learned about sexuality which have continued to allow me to enjoy my own without fear, and I'm hoping it will help you too.
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