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Focused Treatment (F/F)


TMF Novice
Jan 9, 2024
Martin Lopez had growing concern over his wife, Maggie's, mental health. Maggie seemed to be constantly battling demons. She was withdrawn and melancholy most of the time. She had lost interest in the things she once loved. She stopped spending time with Martin and lost interest in Martin romantically. Martin tried to find ways to bring her out of her funk, but nothing seemed to work.

Martin, out of his mind with worry, reached out to Dr. Wright. Dr. Wright had an advertisement on social media, promising to treat and potentially cure all depression related mental health issues without medication. Martin spoke with Dr. Wright and he advised Maggie's case was classic, and he would be able to treat her. Dr. Wright explained that Maggie would likely not agree to treatment, but since she was not of sound mind, Martin could sign paperwork to make the decision for her.

Martin met with the doctor later that week to go over the treatment and paperwork.

"Are you sure all this is legal? I mean, doesn't she have to consent to treatment?" Martin inquired, concern etched on his face.

"Very valid question, Mr. Lopez. Based on your description of Maggie's behavior, she is altered and unable to make prudent decisions about her treatment. The law is on your side for you, the spouse, to step in and do what's best for her." Dr. Wright explained with stoic professionalism. "Unless you've lied to me about her condition..."

"Oh no! I'd never! She needs help. What does the treatment entail?"

"Now that is patented information. Just know that no medications will be given to her. She won't be harmed in any way, and she will come back completely changed. You have my word. Just know treatment may taken several months of in-patient therapy to be effective."

"Where do I sign?" Martin said, satisfied with the response but still uneasy.

Martin signed on two documents, one a consent for treatment, the other, an agreement that once treatment starts, there will be no stopping until the Doctor deems the patient sufficiently healthy and behavior corrected.

"You've made the correct choice, Martin. Now, not a word of this to Maggie until my people have had a chance to speak with Maggie, understood? It is vital that we get off on the correct foot with Maggie."

"Understood, Doctor."

"Also, we will take care of notification of Maggie's employer. "

"That's not necessary, Maggie doesn't work."

"Perfect..." Dr. Wright said as he walked Martin out of his office.

Martin left the meeting with Dr. Wright believing great things were to come. That night, Martin and Maggie sat down for dinner.

"How was her day, sweetheart?" Martin asked with a smile on his face.

"Hmmm. Nothing you'd care about," was her reply, the tone thick with distain.

The couple went to bed. Maggie, as had become usual, made her way out of their bed after Martin went to sleep and went out to the couch. Maggie would text and play on her phone until she fell asleep. A daily alarm set for her to sneak back into bed before Martin got up for work around 5 am.

This night was not like the others. Under the cover of darkness, two masked men approached the Lopez home. With expert skill and cat-like stealth, they made their way undetected into the home.

Maggie was sleeping on the couch, unaware she had company. One of the men approached Maggie, so quietly, not a sound could be heard. He pulled a small cylinder from his pocket and placed it near Maggie's exposed shoulder muscle. All in one motion, he gently touched the cylinder to her golden brown skin and pressed the button on the back side of the cylinder. A small needle fired out of the cylinder and into the skin of Maggie.

The men watched for any reaction from Maggie, prepared to handle her if she woke. Maggie did not. She simply rolled over on the couch and continued sleeping. Except now, she would not wake from this sleep for many hours, no matter what happened to her.

The men picked Maggie up from the couch and carried her out of the house, carefully making it look as though they were never there. Maggie was carried to the van, placed in handcuffs behind her back, and her ankle shackled, just in case she woke up early. Maggie was blindfolded and gagged. The men jumped in the van and drove off to Dr. Wright's facility.

The men arrived and unloaded their cargo. Maggie still no signs of life other than her light snoring. Maggie was laid on a soft bed, her arms placed at her sides, legs side by side. She was wrapped very tightly from the ankles to her neck in cloth, almost like a giant ACE wrap. Then, elastic tape was wrapped over the top of the cloth, making any movement completely impossible. The only skin exposed was Maggie's head and her bare feet. The men, satisfied with another capture, admire their work.

"My my, she's goregous, isn't she?" Dr. Wright said as he walked into the room to join the men. All of them stare at the goregous 41 year old.

"Can we watch this one, boss?" One of the men says as Dr. Wright hands them both an envelope full of cash.

"Absolutely not. This is psychological treatment, not a kink show. " Dr. Wright replies in a stern tone, a smirk giving away his sarcasm. "Half your pay, and you can watch through the glass."

"Hell, I'm in," said one of the men quickly. "Yup, me too," said the other. Both men removed $2,000 from their envelopes and handed it back to Dr. Wright.

"Get some rest then. We will begin around 3 pm tomorrow."

With that. They all left Maggie alone to sleep off the paralytic she had been given.

Martin awoke to a phone call around 6 am.


"Good morning, sorry to wake you, but I didn't want you to be alarmed. During the evening, Maggie was picked up from your home and is now safe with us. We will begin treatment this morning! " a pleasant receptionist told him.

"O-ok. OK, great. Thank you. " The phone abruptly went dead on the other end.

Around 3 o'clock, just as Dr. Wright predicted, Maggie began to stir.

"What is this bullshit?! Where the hell am I?!?! Hellooooool!"

"Ah, our new patient is awake. Let us introduce ourselves. " Dr. Wright said to his assistant, a tall, blonde, athletically built woman.

Dr. Wright and his assistant, Nadia, walk into Maggie's room.

"Good afternoon, Ma..."

"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck am I here?!" Maggie interrupted Dr. Wright's greeting.

"Take note of the unnecessary anger and deflective behavior, Nadia. Ms. Lopez, that language and behavior will not be tol..."

"FUCK YOU! Get me out of this shit now!! I'll have all of you arrested and sued....you're fucked!" Spewed Maggie, complete rage flowing from your tongue.

"I see you are not ready to discuss your problems yet, Ms. Lopez. That's fine. My assistant, Nadia, will treat you until you are ready to speak to me with proper tone and open up about your life. Nadia, she's all yours. Let me know when there's a breakthrough."

Dr. Lopez patted Maggie on the legs and walked out of the room.

After Dr. Wright left the room and closed the door, Nadia's piercing blue eyes stared into the light brown eyes of Maggie.

"The fuck you staring at bitch?" Maggie snared. Maggie is a very petite woman, no more than 5'5'' and very slender but her firey personality was on full display.

"You poor, ignorant, woman. Such fained bravado. You have no idea what I do for Dr. Wright. Let me explain to you." Nadia said with a cold, nonchalant, tone.

"You can still save yourself if you get..." Maggie started.

"You're a patient of the Institute of Behavioral Correction. Your husband, Martin Lopez, sent you here, and signed documents for you to be treated whether you consent or not. Dr. Mason Wright runs this facility. I am Nadia Romanov, Dr. Wright's assistant. When a patient like you, angry, defiant, uncooperative, comes in, I prepare you for the first stage of treatment, which requires a complete cooperation to Dr. Wright on tough questions about your behaviors. Are you willing to confess your problems?"

"What are you talking about, confess?! You'll be the one confessing at your trail bitch"

Nadia smirked and walked to a cabinet behind Maggie's head. Maggie could not move her head much as all, but she could hear Nadia moving around behind her.

"You know Ms. Lopez, I have worked for Dr. Wright for many years now. When I first started, he wanted me to do all these horribly painful things to people to get them to break and comply. Of course they worked, but I'm not a sadist...well...not in that fashion..." Nadia rambled as she grabbed supplies from the cabinet. Nadia placed some supplies in a basket and walked back toward Maggie, making her way to the end of the table where Maggie's size 6 bare feet were located.

Nadia sat on a stool and examined Maggie's feet. They were small and elegant. Short toes, painted black nails, high, soft arches. Not a blemish to be seen.

Nadia took out a several pieces of string and began to loop them between Maggie's toes individually.

"Get away from me! What the fuck are you doing, STOP! Get that shit out of my toes, bitch!" Maggie yelled with more panic in her voice while still trying to maintain her brave persona. Maggie hated the feeling of things between her toes. The movement of the string teasing the sensitive skin between them. Nadia watched as Maggie's toes twitched involuntarily as the string glided between her toes.

Nadia continued her work, tying each toe up and then all toes together. All the strings were then tied to an eye hook set in a buckle around Maggie's shins, effectively making Maggie's feet immobilized with her soles stretched tight.

"You see, Ms. Lopez, pain isn't all that satisfying of a form of torture. It's uncivilized, barbaric, ancient. I prefer more modern means. I find it much more satisfying to break hardened, tough individuals with a...lighter...touch."

Nadia reached into her basket and pulled out a bottle of oil.

"Are your feet sensitive by chance, Ms. Lopez?"

"Sensitive? What the fuck do you mean?"

"Sensitive. To touch. To play."

"Get away from my feet you psycho bitch!"

Nadia poured a generous amount of oil onto her hands and the soles of Maggie's feet and began to massage the oil into Maggie's soles. Maggie's feet squirmed against the restrictive bondage. Nadia, staring into Maggie's eyes while she manipulated her feet.

Nadia touch was tickling Maggie and she did her best to focus on keep her face stoic. Small grimaces and twitches gave away her sensitivity.

"The reason I ask, Ms. Lopez, is I have found over the years that an amazing transformation of behavior occurs when I spend a several hours at a patient's oiled feet, scrubbing them with a stiff bristled, plastic tipped hairbrush and a small mascara brush. It's absolute agony really." Nadia explained to Maggie. "Now, it would be terribly unfortunate for you, all wrapped up, unable to move an inch, with your cute soft little feet, exposed and helpless, if the soles of your feet were sensitive. Why you may ask?Because I'm about to scrub them with this hairbrush, and run the mascara brush over and in-between your toes, for the next several hours. No breaks. No mercy. If you go into silent laughter, which they all do, the only sound you'll hear is the bristles scouring your soles. If you pass out, you'll wake up to the brushes on your feet." Nadia emotionlessly explained. "Now Ms. Lopez, I hope for your sake you dont have sensitive feet?"

Maggie was beyond panicked. She knew she had extremely sensitive, ticklish feet and this cold bitch was about to scrub them with brushes for hours?!


"Oh I know you will, Ms. Lopez. No one had ever wanted to go two rounds with me at their feet. Maybe you'll be the first?" Nadia chided as she picked up the hairbrush.


"Shhhh, it will all be over sometime tomorrow" Nadia said as she got up from her stool and placed a ball gag into the mouth of Maggie.

Nadia returned to Maggie's feet, picked up the brush, and unceremoniously began to scrub the tender soles of Maggie's feet. Maggie immediately wailed with uncontrollable laughter. Her body, unable to move, tensed and fidgited inside her cocoon. Maggie's feet, stretched by the toe ties, could do nothing as the bristles glided over her oiled soles with ease. Nadia ran the brush vigorously over her arches, to the heels. She had never felt such intense tickling in her life.

Mintues passed and turned into hours. Nadia never stopped tickling Maggie's feet, just as she promised. Nadia discovered Maggie's most ticklish spot was the base of her toes. She spent hours scrubbing that area alone, running the mascara brush there. Delighting in how Maggie's toes strained against their bonds. The muscles in her feet quivering and twitching under the intense ticklish sensation, yet unable to move more than a couple millimeters. Only muffled sounds could be heard as Maggie begged and pleaded into her gag. Her face contorted in ticklish agony. She'd do anything to make the woman stop using that damn brush on her feet. Maggie had mascara running down her face from her tears. Her sweat soaked raven hair plasterd to her head and the table.

Eventually, Maggie began to go hoarse from the screaming and laughing. Only soft grunts could be heard. Still, Nadia ran the brushes over her soles and in between her terribly ticklish toes, making sure to alternate so Maggie remained sensitive.

Finally, Nadia set down the hairbrush. The tickling of her feet had stopped. Maggie, gasping her air , looked at Nadia with pleading eyes as she approached the head of the table.

"I'll only ask this one time. If I dont like the answer. We will begin again. Are you ready to cooperate?"

"Mmymmss...mmmyemmmsmm...mmplehep msssmmpp!!!" Maggie mumbled as she nodded her head feverishly."

Nadia smiled, satisfied with her work. She walked over to a phone, picked up, and dialed.

"Hello, Dr. Wright. Yeah. She's not ready yet...."
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Nice story! I like how you showed that Maggie very clearly has an attitude problem, but at the same time Nadia's sadism towards her is still far beyond what's necessary for her job.
Nice story! I like how you showed that Maggie very clearly has an attitude problem, but at the same time Nadia's sadism towards her is still far beyond what's necessary for her job.
Thank you for reading and the comment! So glad you enjoyed the story.
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