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Got an email from Jennifer Finnigan today!!!


Registered User
Oct 3, 2003
What's up guys? Sorry for not gettin back on Monday but i've been extremely busy with work these last few weeks. But anyway, this wont be on of my traditional encounters that I will be sharing with you all tonight because i'm honestly too tired to sit here and type. But, I did finally get an email response from Jennifer Finnigan today. For those of you that dont know, Jennifer Finnigan plays Bridget on the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. She's nothing short of stunning and just got a whole lot more stunning after I read her response to my mail. Here's her answer to the question:

"On the subject of being ticklish..... Yes, I am extremely ticklish just about everywhere. My worst spot is by far my feet. But depending on the person doing the tickling, it can sometimes be relaxing if it's slow and soft."

How bout it guys? Is that not the most perfect response or what? I couldnt have asked for anything better. Well, that's it for tonight guys. I'll try to get back online sometime this weekend to share another one with you. Until then, take it easy guys. Later

D Hizzle 4 Shizzle My Nizzle

P.S. I was really glad to see that there wasnt any drama while I was gone! Keep up the good work guys. I knew you had it in ya.
If it weren't for that damn "p.s." I could have held my keyboard.

Yes, Bandit, it does take work to make up stories--lots of work (as you and I both know).

All the best to you, B.

dig dug
dig dug dog needs to dig himself a hole and hide in it!!!

alright, i've had enough of your little comments mister dig dug dog. the bottom line here is that you're jealous pal. it's understandable though. i'm sure lot's of people that have heard my stories are jealous. but you just take it to a new ass-hole level that nobody else could. i'm gonna say this one more time man, if you dont like my stories then dont fucking read them! i dont wanna see another one of your responses on any of my posts ever again pal. cuz the bottom line is i dont fucking like you! peace!

D Hizzle 4 Shizzle My Nizzle

Fortunately, you will have nothing to do with whether I continue to write comments as I see fit.

Your bluster and bravado--not to mention your cursing--impress me not at all. In fact, they reinforce my skepticism concerning your little series of "just-so" stories. (Which would all be most welcome in the STORIES compartment of the Forum. That's where you should "keep up _your_ good work".)

I know you have it in ya to do the right thing.

dig dug dog
1200th Post! Woo Hoo!

D-Rock420-- You have to keep in mind that this is a public forum, and if you're going to post stories about tickling multiple celebrities in a short span of time, then there will certainly be doubters.

I quote you with "the bottom line here is that you're jealous pal. it's understandable though. i'm sure lot's of people that have heard my stories are jealous"
This quote does nothing to add to your credibility. It makes it seem as if you are thriving on people patting you on the back.

You obviously enjoy coming to the TMF and posting your stories, and apparantly there are people here who enjoy your stories, so there is no harm done, regardless of wether your stories are true or false.

But here is my point: Speaking in terminology familiar to longtime TMF members, there are two types of celebrity ticklers. There are those who have serial, and the others who have vegetables.
Unfortunately at this point, without you providing any actual proof that you've even been in the presence of celebrities, you are still in the vegetable stage.
Regardless of how many people appreciate you, and regardless of how many longtime staples of this forum that support you, you will remain in the vegetable stage until you pass the serial test.

Question: will your life be an utter failure if you never pass the serial test? No, it certainly won't. You'll still have family members who love you, friends who support you, and hopefully a good job to put food on your table. With all of these good things in life, you'll be able to keep in perspective that this is only a forum on the internet, and this this forum doesn't even count for 1/100th of a percent of the universe that's out there.

However, until you pass the serial test (and to date, you haven't),there will always be doubters. You need to either grow a thick skin and shrug off your detractors, or you need to pass the serial test.

Personaly speaking, I enjoyed your Jennifer Finnigan post the most. It was the most realistic.
Yea, the skin may need to thicken a bit

My man Wallstreet hit that nail on the head. Look, Im not one to say that someone is lying and someone isnt. When I read things of this nature, I keep some things in perpective:

a)I dont know D-Rock, so I wont say he is a liar. I would like to think a person would have better things to do with their time than sit around and make up stories to impress a bunch of people he or she will never meet, but unfortunately some people have already proved me wrong there (cough...vegetables...cough).

b)Some people are really bold enough to actually tickle other people. I suppose if I sat down and counted every single person I have tickled, poked and goosed in my life (playfully, Im not into harassment charges), the number could very well be in the hundreds. And if I lived in an area with a high celebrity count, chances are I may have been able to catch a celebrity off guard once or twice. It could happen. If a cat can accidentally dial 911 when a house is on fire and "save the family's life", I guess these incidents could have taken place.

c)Most important point I can make though is this: D-Rock, my friend, if you honestly believed that you would post some of these items and NO ONE would call you out on it, that was a little naive (sp?). There will be skeptics everywhere. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. I have known alot of these guys roughly 6-7 years, and if I submitted a post that said "I tickled Mariah Carey at a meet-n-great in Richmond!" I guarantee you someone is gonna follow that post with one requesting I have it moved to the Stories section. My reputation here speaks for itself, and I keep excellant company, but there will be doubters still.

Post you true accounts where ever you want. If you know in your heart that they are true, dont sweat it. If you are bullshitting, stop. But adding p.s lines like the one in your last post and claiming that the naysayers are jealous doesnt help your cause. Ive known Dig Dug Dog and Wallstreet for quite awhile. 3D is a stand up guy who isnt jealous of anyone here, and since Wallstreet is tickling Playmates on film I can assure you that he isnt green with anything but cash ;).
I'm confused

What's the big hoopla over this posting? I mean, he just said he got an email from this actress. These kinds of postings are all over the Celebrities section without being attacked as lies. It's not that remarkable that he emailed her from some fan site and got a response. I've read some of his other posts and none of them seem exactly incredulous.

I live in Los Angeles and work in the industry and coming in contact with "famous people" isn't that uncommon. In fact, when I was under a previous screenname I posted two random small tickles on people that are "famous" and got called a liar as well. I found that weird. I was just trying to contribute to the group as I enjoy coming here and reading posts. Believe the stuff or not, but to call someone a liar means that you have proof that the story is not true. I guess that's where I have the problem with. If you don't believe it, that's your opinion, and your right. But to say that someone "made up stories" is doing the same thing that you are criticizing him about. Stating something without any proof.

Wow, that was a lot more rambly and longer than I anticipated. Rock on.
I'll definitely rock on to that!

you found the exact words i've been lookin for this whole time man. I appreciate your support man. Make sure you check back for my next contribution. Take it easy man. Later

D Hizzle 4 Shizzle My Nizzle
Dear King of Swing,

The e-mail, I agree, is fairly unremarkable, although unsupported. But if you don't find the series of wonder-tales "incredulous", I question your powers of discernment. Have you read them all? I predict that, if encouraged, they will just keep coming and coming. One gorgeous, famous girl after another falling willing victim to our communicant's tickling ways.

I offer a challenge right here and now for 420 to list by name the other beauties he will be discussing. (Of course, he may always run into new celebs who don't mind being probed.)

dig dug dog
I've never seen anyone have to provide substantiating proof of someone's email with a celeb on this forum...why now? They simply say something along the lines of "I emailed so and so and they finally got back to me with this..." and then it's done with.

I read the Courtney Cox one and he just asked her the question...there was no physical contact there. Nothing major. And I read the Jamie Presley (sp?) one where he was dancing with her at a club. Maybe he's got a serious set on him...who knows? It's not like he said "and then she came over my house and I tied her up for a weekend". lol

Maybe it's because I live in LA and I'm seeing it from a different perspective. I work in the industry...I'm on sets. I'm in the presence of actresses and actors all the time...I am one myself. We are a touchy feely bunch. I just don't find it that incredible. Actors, actresses, porn stars even...it's just people. I ended up at a freakin' dinner party once and played Pictionary with Rob Zombie...I found that more surreal than any celebrity posting I've read on this board! lol

And honestly, I really don't care. It makes no difference in my life whether he did it or not. Nor does it make a difference in yours...at least I hope it doesn't. I just think that using your perspective to levy an accusation of liar (just because it doesn't mesh with what you know to be real in your life experience) on someone sucks just as bad as you believe someone lying about a ticklish celebrity on this forum does.

There just seems to be such an attitude of "it's not enough" on this board. I see it all the time. TC posts a sample video and I see postings of "can you make it longer" or "good, but next time more feet/belly/ribs/add body part here". Someone posts an image to contribute or vid clip and people bitch that they've seen it before. lol It's a strange result of trying to contribute to the community.
it never ends....

Man..... plain and simple.... you suck dude. I mean seriously. It's gettin to be a bit annoying even. I have put my hands on a very, very small amount of celebrities. I dont claim to tickle all of them. Yes, I have been fortunate enough to have the oppurtunity to be in a situation where with a little bit of wit and some balls that I could pull it off. But it's not like that most of the time man. I have met alot of celebrities though and I have had enough balls to just come out and ask them the question. It's not all that crazy if you think about it. I mean honestly, chances are i'm never gonna see these women again so why not go balls to the walls and ask them the question. Most women realize what kind of balls it takes to do something like that and they recognize that and most of them will be impressed enough to reward you with an answer. What the hell do I have to lose by asking a beautiful celebrity the question? What, am I gonna be embarrased if she thinks it's strange or something? What the hell do I care? Just another pretty face to me. It's not like I have a chance with most of these women anyway so why not just go for it? Or maybe it's so impossible because they're might be people around and they would look at me funny or snicker at me. Hey... what the hell do I care? I'll never see those people again. What the hell do they matter to me? I know it may sound far fetched to you man but you didnt grow up living the life that I lived. You didnt spend YEARS going to hollywood clubs. I bet your best friend wasnt Meg Ryans nephew either was it? Well guess what... mine was. And no, my father wasnt some big hollywood producer that gave me the ultimate vip access to every gorgeous celebrity there is. But he is a well known and highly respected attorney in LA and yes he has alot of celebrities as clients. But hey.... just because you got fooled by some idiot vegetable guy or whatever his name is, that means i'm completely full of shit. Right? Look, I understand that people will be skeptical about this stuff but jesus christ dude.... you made your fucking point already. If you dont believe my stories then dont read them anymore. It's that easy man. That's all you have to do. But all I ask is that you dont ruin them for the people that do have a little bit of faith in me. For the people that do realize that wealthy lawyers in LA have children too. And when your a wealthy LA lawyers son and you're cool and you play your cards right and you associate yourself with the right people then you can very easily set yourself up for encounters like the ones that I have had. Bottom line man, just get over it. I'm here to do my best to contribute to this community. I dont want to see bullshit in this forum anymore then the next tickle enthusiast. So please, all I ask from everyone is to have just a little bit of faith. But if you cant do that and my posts offend you that much, then I apologize. I beg your pardon. Please just disregard anything I post and go about your day. Take it easy guys. Later

D Hizzle 4 Shizzle My Nizzle
King Of Swing-- we are not doubting his e-mail to the celeb. You need to get up to speed with the situation. There is a great deal more about D-rock that is being doubted.

D-rock-- You responded to 3D's post, but made no mention of the points that I made. Did you not think that I made good points? Are you not capable of passing the serial test?

It is out of respect for Scoob and Bandt that people (many people) are holding back their doubts about this whole situation. But the fact is that these posts claiming to tickle one celeb after another are total bullshit.

Look at the dates that 3D and I became members of the TMF. You'll see it was the same month. Fact is, it was not just the same month. It was the same day! As a matter of fact, it was on the same post. And on these initial posts we were both doubting the one and only legitimate passer of the serial test, that being Serial himself. And Serial put it right back in our faces. And to date, no one else has put it back in our faces since.
This, quite frankly, is the whole thing that led to me hiring Playboy models and B-movie queens to appear in tickling films. I wanted to be able to contribute legitimate info to this section, the Celebrities section, which is my favorite section of the TMF. After working my ass off in the financial district for hours on end, this section of the TMF is one of the few places that I find peace and enjoyment.
This section of the forum is meant for posting VERIFIED info on celebs.
I fully understand that Bandt and Scoob look upon the quest for info on ticklish celebs as their top hobby in life. I am a life long tickling enthusiast, and I can respect their ambition in this field. Bandt and Scoob have done more in bringing verified info on ticklish celebs than anyone else on any forum that I've visited. I can honestly say that Bandt and Scoob's posts in the TMF have had more focus than most of the other needless posts I've seen at the TMF. There quest is a worthy one. Only Venray equals their ratio of contibution posts versus "fluff" posts. I am a man who makes better than a seven figure annual income, and as ridiculous as this might sound to some, I have more respect for Bandt and Scoob than other people who I've met that are multi millionares. I give them this respect out of our mutual infatuation with info on ticklish celebs. This is something that has fascinated me for years and years.

But I must now bluntly say this. And I've held back from saying it, out of respect for Bandt and Scoob, and because there are more important things in life. But after reading the last few posts on this thread I can hold back no more:
In my opinion, D-Rock's posts are total bullshit. They are outlandish hallucinations. You should change your name from D-Rock420 to D-RockLSD. D-Rock's inability to deal with criticism, combined with the high he gets from his pats on the back, only further inforce this opinion.
Prince Vegetables made similiar remarks about people's envies, while Serial, the only real deal so far, NEVER ONCE gloated or said "you guys are jealous".
We combine this with D-rock's glaringly apparant inabiltiy to pass the serial test. He didn't even make mention of the serial test in his last post. This is for two reaons. First, he obviously dosen't care about it. Secondly, he just plain can't pass it.

This is a public forum. If you're going to post blatant bullshit, don't cry when people call you on the carpet.

In closing (as the great Ric Flair always says), I will say this to D-Rock. I have nothing against you. I like the 420 in your handle and try to be on time with 4:20 as often as I can if you get my drift. My handle on Master Paladin's forum was Wall$treet420. This is just an internet forum, and the world's problems won't be solved here.
But, your posts are total bullshit, and until you pass the serial test, I'll believe nothing different.
You say to 3D that he shouldn't read your stories and he shouldn't post his doubts.
As someone who has spent thousands of dollars hiring high profile internet models to participate in tickle sessions, just so that I can post the info here in my favorite section of the TMF, I personally find your bogus claims to be directly insulting to me and all of the hard work I've done. You dilute my hard work.
And although Bandt and Scoob will never blast you (because unlike me, they are nice guys), your posts are an insult to them as well.

For $hizzle my Nizzle.
Everyone pay real close attention....

Ok everyone. This is the last rise that anyone is getting out of me on this topic. Because quite frankly, i'm getting real annoyed with it. After this i'm gonna do exactly what bandit told me to do in the first place.... i'm not responding to anymore criticism. I knew I should've listened to him in the first place. Sorry for not taking your advice bandit. I see what you mean now. Ok, first i'd like to address wallstreet. On the topic of this ridiculous "serial test" you want me to take.... the answer is absolutely, positively no. I have a photo of myself with one celebrity and one celebrity only and it's not coming off of my wall. I didnt run around LA with a camera in my pocket man. That's how you scare them away. But see you wouldnt know that because you never lived in LA now did ya? That's the paparazzis job, not mine. On the topic of you just straight up calling me out and telling me i'm full of shit.... fuck you! You dont know me man, you have no right to just come out and flat out accuse me of lying like that. Fuck you for that. I dont care if my reactions are similar to the vegetable kids. It doesnt matter if I sound exactly like the vegetable kid. All that matters is that i'm not the vegetable kid. You say i'm full of shit because of the way I respond to criticism. How the hell do you respond to criticism? Would you not attempt to defend yourself if someone was calling you a liar without any type of proof behind it? I would think so. That's just not right man. I understand that scooby and bandit work there asses off to provide contributions to this community. And I appreciate that just as much as you do. Therefore I would not disgrace it by coming into this forum and just fabricating ridiculous stories. Sorry man, it's just not my style. But you wouldnt know that. you know why? because you dont know me. So dont accuse me of being full of shit until you do. Next, i'd like to address dig dug dog. Listen man, I dont know you anymore than you know me, we've made our opinions of each other very clear so let's just leave it at that. If for nothing else, do it for the sake of this community. Scooby, I know I dont know you like the rest of these guys do but I would like to say that I do appreciate everything you have done for this community and I really do hope you dont doubt me like the others. I just want you to know that I recognize what you do for this forum and I would never intentionally do anything to disgrace it. Bandit, you have supported me from the beginning. You have not once doubted me or called me out or tried to make me look like an ass. I thank you for that. Anything you ever need you just let me know. I can honestly say if it werent for your support and advice I would probably be long gone by now. But instead i'm gonna take your advice and from here on out i'm posting my stories with no regrets and with no regard for the naysayers. Thanks again bandit. You're a cool dude. Finally, for everyone else who supports me and believes me and has had just the slightest bit of faith in me. Thank you very much. It is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned everyone, my next contribution will be tonight. Later guys.

D Hizzle 4 Shizzle My Nizzle
D-Rock-- Your tales belong in the story section. Because they are stories, and nothing else.
The only difference between you and Vegetables is that you don't put...periods in between your words, except of course when you are saying "fuck you" to somebody. Other than that, you are both identical.

Quote from D-Rock "How the hell do you respond to criticism? Would you not attempt to defend yourself if someone was calling you a liar without any type of proof behind it?"
I do respond to my critics, but I don't say "fuck you" to them. As far as proof of my own exploits, my proof is never questioned, because I always promptly provide it. This is because I don't want to waste people's time with bullshit. I have been called many names on this forum, but never a liar. I've been called pompous, I've been called a bully, and I've been called an instigator, but NEVER have I been called a liar. And if I WAS to be called a liar, I wouldn't run here like a 15 year old bitch and say "fuck you".

Quote from D-Rock "Sorry man, it's just not my style. But you wouldnt know that. you know why? because you dont know me."
You're right, I don't know you. I can only draw my conclusions from the info you've provided. And from that info, I have determined that you are full of shit. And for the record, Vegetables' main excuse was always "you guys don't know me".

Which leads me to: Quote from D-Rock "I dont care if my reactions are similar to the vegetable kids. It doesnt matter if I sound exactly like the vegetable kid. All that matters is that i'm not the vegetable kid."
Yes, your transition from vegetable to D-RockLSD was an easy one. You simply changed your name on the TMF. Either that, or you read his old posts and copycatted him.
And, you say that you are the son of a wealthy LA lawyer. Are you sure that you don't mean "son of a movie producer". Or did you already wear that one out in one of your previous incarnations. This "son of a..." excuse has gotten really old.

For the record, I actually liked Prince Vegeta. Even though he was full of shit, his posts were high in humerous content, unlike the anger of D-RockPMS.
Hopefully this link will work, and lead you to some of the Prince's classic claims.
When you go there, you can go to the Prince's post, and underneath you want to hit the "search" feature. It will bring you to a menu of every post the Prince ever put up. I just went through them, and literally fell on the floor laughing my ass off. I highly reccomend reading them if you are in need of a laugh.

Quote from D-Rock "Stay tuned everyone, my next contribution will be tonight"
Why not post it now? Oh, that's right, you like to build the suspense (as you've pointed out in earlier posts). So, your posts are NOT about providing information (which is what this section is for). They are about stroking your ego. It is unfortunate that you have to resort to fantasies to find pleasure in life.
If you follow the link I provided above, you'll see some startling similarities between vegetables' and D-Rock's "I'll get back to you later with more info, even though I could share it now".

I, too, will ask you guys to stay tuned for my latest adventure, which will take place within a few weeks. But unlike others, I will have photos. Hell, I'll even have video clips. Don't get your hopes up too high though. It won't be clips of Jamie Pressley or anyone of A-list stature. The reason for that? The reason is because NO ONE, except for maybe Howard Stern or Yaqi, tickles one celeb after another, and even those guys get it on film.

I am not going to mention Bandt or Scoob's name in the same sentence as D-RockLSD anymore, as I see it as a soiling of their good names. I am sorry for dragging their names into this mess in the first place.

For $hizzle my Bull$hitting little Nizzle.
Last edited:
I say Let it go. You can choose to believe D-Rock or not, but badgering him is pointless. If you do not believe him do not read any more of his stories. Personally, I think the so called "serial" test really does not prove anything. If you have a picture with a celeb it does not mean you tickled her. If you did have picture someone may be hesitant to broadcast that on the internet.
A picture doesn't prove it 100%, but it certainly adds credibility.
Pics could be sent to a mod. They don't have to be posted.
It's a public forum, which means that D-Rock is free to post, and we are free to remark on his posts. If he can't deal with doubters, than he should start a members only Yahoo group and post his ramblings there. That way he can filter out his doubters.
But it's irrelevant, because it will never happen anyway.

I didn't really have a problem with D-Rock's postings until he started lashing out at his doubters with a "fuck you" attitude.
If you guys really want to believe this kid, then that's what you can do.
I have some swamp land in Florida for sale. It's a real sweet deal.
As always, anyone is well within their rights to believe or not believe any post. But to out and out say "I know you are a liar" means that you, in fact, KNOW he's a liar. From the stories of his I read, half of them are just him asking people if they're ticklish...I don't really find that hard to believe. A picture wouldn't prove anything or lend any credibility to the stories. The guy's not a tourist in LA, why would he have a camera with him at a nightclub? There is a nightclub scene out here that is very easy to celebrity spot.

I guess I tend to give this guy the benefit of the doubt because A) his stories aren't really ludicrous and B) when I posted my two celeb tickles DDD KNEW that I was lying...and then found out that I wasn't and ended up apologizing and we PMed about it and it was done with. But it's not really my skill at discernment that's in question...
I'm so easy to get sucked into a debate!!!

And damn you guys for sucking me into a debate!! HAHAHAHA I love debates and discussions and this is my freakin' Kryptonite!!! hahaha Have a great holiday season!
Hey King I have to agree with you. By the way it looks like we both call la la land our home.
serial test

I am a new comer to posting in this forum; it seems to me to be a bit academic when it comes to the "test". I work in EMS and we often have police foresic teams who have to photo document shootings. The digital cameras they use have software that prevents the image from being altered. With todays tech images can be seamlessly spliced together and the only way these images get real credability in court is if this tech has been used and verified. How then can we be sure the images have not been altered even if he sends them? just food for thought.


This thread is pretty old...I cant remember the last time we had an outright argument (or liar) in here. You do make a good point though.

Enjoy yourself and have fun in here.

This post is hysterical.
Thanks for providing the link Wallstreet.

Did a fair bit of my undergraduate work in Lit. History working with primary texts of questionable authorship trying to determine source. After reviewing the D-rock and PrinceVegeta posts there is very little doubt in my mind that they weren't written by the same person.

Interestingly, D-Rock denies this but maintains the veracity of his celebrity encounters.

"False in part false in whole," as they say in the legal profession.
One would think the son of a wealthy LA lawyer would have known that.
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