two weeks ago while on a mini vacation, i was taking a shower in my hotel room.. and noticed a rather large welt on my forearm and it was bright red.. well i didn't think anything of it, other than maybe some bug.. eeks.. then the next day it formed into three distinct red bumps in a triangle.. shades of the Anti Christ came to mind, until hubby reminded me that i am not charismatic.. well sighing in relief, actually relieved that i wasn't charismatic, i wondered what on earth it could be..eventually the three bumps formed one huge bump. now keep in mind it didn't hurt or itch.. now a bit over two weeks later it's still here..still perfectly round now, but white in the center.. and flaky sort of.. anyone else have a bite that just won't go away?? and still stands out like a welt? and is still bright red in the shower? am i doomed ? lolol