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i64ever repost "How I lost my fiancee"


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
I had actually been able to talk my fiancee, Rose, to go to an S&M club with me. This was unbelievable, because Rose came from an extremely conservative Catholic family. How conservative? Let’s just say that it was two weeks before our wedding, and the least amount of clothes I had seen Rose in was a bulky one-piece bathing suit she wore to the beach. We rarely even talked about sex, never mind experimenting.

Needless to say this was killing me, because Rose was extremely beautiful. 5’8” body, perfectly toned from her years on the swim team, golden hair that cascaded down her shoulders, and the deepest blue eyes you’d ever seen. Her skin was a creamy white. She looked like an angel come down from heaven, my angel, and I couldn’t wait to unwrap her.

So how did I encourage this virgin angel to follow me into a den of iniquity? I’m still not sure. I had hinted I was going to hold my bachelor party there, so maybe she was coming to check it out. Maybe she was trying to loosen up a bit, seeing how her virgin days were almost over. Or maybe she had secret reasons of her own.

Whatever the reason, there I was, walking this beauty queen down the stairs into the musty basement that was the S&M club “The Leather Strap”. She looked so out of place, wearing high priced jeans and a flowery blouse. Luckily it was a Tuesday night, and not many people were there.

“I don’t know, Phil,” Rose whispered, trembling, starting to edge back towards the door, “Maybe this was a bad idea.

“Come on,” I pulled Rose forward, “As long as we’re here, we might as well look around.” Compared to Rose, I was a man of the world, but my experience came mostly from magazines and a few times in the backseat of my Pinto with Wendy Wills, so I was shocked at what I saw. It kind of looked like some perverse gym, with large wooden racks and stocks in the place of exercise equipment. Chains hung from the walls instead of pull-up bars. Whips and other things I dared not name were scattered here and there instead of weights.

What didn’t come from any gym were the people. In one corner, a man was strapped down to something that looked like a gymnastics horse, and was paddled by another gentleman. In another, a woman was chained to a wall, looking on in fear and excitement as her lover held a clamp next to her breast. Other shadowy forms were doing things I dare not even describe!

But for all that, the one thing that caught my eye was the large x-frame in the center of the club. I had never even heard of one before, but somehow that x-frame called to me. I couldn’t help but think about how vulnerable and helpless someone would be who was locked into it. I knew what I wanted to do.

“This looks like fun,” I said, dragging Rose to the X shaped monster like a kid racing to a ride in an amusement park. I could feel her quiver at the sight of the thing. Maybe Rose was thinking the same thing I was.

“No, Phil, I really want to go,” Rose said, her sweet voice becoming hushed, like when she was in the library or a church. Even in the clubs dim lights, I could see she was going pale. She could feel the eyes of the clubs few leather-clad visitors firmly on her now, and Rose didn’t like it a bit.

“I got an idea, Hon,” I said grinning like a cat, seeing the key to the x-frame hanging from a post nearby, “Why don’t you climb on?”

Rose looked at my like I had suggested she come to the devil’s barbecue. “What, are you insane Phil?” She asked, raising her voice above a whisper for the first time, “I’ll do no such thing.”

“Give me ten minutes in this thing and then we’ll leave, I promise,” Rose still looked unsure, “I promise I won’t touch you the entire time. I swear.”

Now Rose trusts me completely. You’d have to trust a guy whose hung around for a year and never gotten past first base! “OK,” she said weakly, seeing that that was the only thing that was going to get her out of the club, “But I want a really nice dinner afterwards.”

I eagerly nodded yes, as Rose climbed onto the x-frame. She reached her hands skyward and spread her legs wide, slipping ankles and wrists into the manacles provided. I slipped the key off the post and quickly locked them tight. Noticing the Velcro straps for the first time, I fastened them as well, around her waist, her elbows and just below her knees.

Rose pulled at her bonds for a few minutes, twisting and turning. Finally she gave up, and her eyes opened as wide as dinner plates. “Hey, I really can’t move!” she exclaimed, a little to loudly as it turned out.

“That is the point,” I chuckled. Staring at my angel, spread-eagle and defenseless like that made my pants grow tighter and my fingers itch. I wanted to touch her so badly! But I didn’t. Hey, I was going to have unlimited access to that body in just two weeks! Why risk that with some stupid stunt now? So I just looked at Rose, confident this was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

“OK, you’ve had your fun,” Rose said after just a minute or two, “Let me down now, OK?” She asked, pleading with her baby blue eyes, giving me that look she knew I had a hard time resisting.

But I wasn’t ready for the fun to end. I had said ten minutes, after all. Somehow there had to be a way to milk more enjoyment out of this moment. Oh, if only I had a camera! Wait, that was it! Somewhere around here, they had to sell those disposable cameras. What a picture this would make.

“I have to go to the little boys room,” I said evilly, slipping the key to the x-frame into my pocket, “I’m sure your be all right hanging around by yourself for a few minutes.”

“Wait!” Rose screamed, “You can’t leave me like this! Phil, Phil…don’t go!!” I turned my back on my angel, her cry’s still echoing in my ears, and went into the next room. I found the bar and a cigarette machine, but no cameras. When I asked the bartender, he looked at me like I was crazy and muttered something about virgins.

Oh well. Rose would have killed me if I’d done it. Time to end this joke and get out of this dive.

When I got back to the bondage room, I heard Rose screaming again, though there seemed to be something different about her shouts. There was someone kneeling in front of her, a woman with long, black hair dressed all in leather. As I got closer, I could see the woman was untying Rose’s shoe.

“Now, now” the woman was saying in a soothing tone, with a slight Mediterranean accent, “Calm down my little flower, this won’t hurt you a bit. You might even enjoy it.” The woman had the look of an Arabian princess, with caramel colored skin and black eyes. She the night compared to Rose’s day, but just as lovely.

“Please lady,” Rose said in her sweetest voice, “My fiancee will be right back. Please ladies don’t touch my feet. He’s coming any second!”

Now, I knew I should have rescued her. She was my fiancee! But I was overcome with curiosity. What was this exotic princess going to do to my angel? Would you pass up the chance to see your girlfriend with another woman? I ducked behind a table to watch.

Soon, Rose’s left shoe was on the ground, and the woman began peeling off her white sock. She inched the cotton over Rose’s pink heel, slid it down her sole, then over her long toes.

“My,” the woman said, “What pretty feet you have my little flower.”

“Phil,” Rose cried anxiously, scanning the room for me, “Phil, help me!”

“A woman like yourself should not yowl like some beast,” the woman said sternly, “She should make a more glamorous sound, like this.” The woman started running her fingers up and down Rose’s bare sole. To my surprise, Rose immediately stopped yelling. Her face scrunched up like she’d just eaten something sour, and she seemed to be holding her breath.

“Come on, little flower, laugh for Sabrina, laugh!” She started running her fingers faster and faster, up my fiancee’s high arch. Soon a giggle broke through Rose’s lips.

“He ehe ehe eheh nooo stoopppp eheh eh e e ehh Phhhilllllll heellppp he e ehheheh mee emeeee!!”

Rose was ticklish! I had no idea. Rose had been reluctant to even let me give her backrubs, so I had explored very little of her body.

“Yes, that is good, little flower, laugh for Sabrina, give yourself to me.” Sabrina’s long fingers started playing with Rose’s toes next, forcing her to giggle louder and louder.

I watched in stunned amazement. Rose’s body bounced up and down as far as her bonds would let her. She whipped her head from side to side, begging for Sabrina to stop. This woman was getting more of a reaction from Rose in two minutes than I had in over a year!

“Eheh EHEHe ehEHEH ehehehEHEH NAWWOOOOOO HeHEHE ehehEH pleaassee eheh ehehe eh pleeaaaseeee ehgeheheheh stawwwppppp!!!! Nooo toooeeessss eheheh!!!!!! Phillll!!!”

I don’t know how long I let this stranger tickle my fiancee's foot, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. When she called my name, my heart almost broke, but still I did nothing. Finally, Sabrina stopped tickling and the spell I was under wore off. I decided enough was enough.

I marched over to the x-frame, they key in my hand to set Rose free. Poor Rose was breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath while Sabrina slowly untied her other shoe. A look of relief flooded over Rose’s face when she finally saw me.

“Excuse me,” I said trying to sound tough, “But just what the hell do you think your doing to my fiancee.”

Sabrina looked up, her eyes staring a hole right through me. “What are you doing leaving your fiancee alone and tied up in a place like this?” She never stopped untying Rose’s right shoe.

That was a good question. I decided not to answer it. “That’s no business of yours! We’ll be leaving now, thank you!” I said in a huff, reaching the key up to unlock the manacles holding Rose’s wrists.

Sabrina was fast. Before I even knew she was moving, she had snatched the key right out of my hand. She dangled it for a second, and I made one pathetic lunge for it, missing badly.

“Thank you,” Sabrina said dropping the key into her ample cleavage. “ I was wondering what happened to that.” She then went back to removing Rose’s right shoe and sock.


I could only stand there terrified as Sabrina began tickling both of Rose’s bare feet now. Her fingers danced over those soles with reckless abandon, tickling Rose from her long toes to her soft heel and all parts in between simultaneously.

“Pretty pretty flower,” Sabrina purred as she tickled, “Laugh for Sabrina, laugh for mommy. Your losing control, aren’t you pretty flower, losing control to Sabrina. What would you do for me if I stopped?”


I could see the agony in Rose’s eyes as the tears flowed down her cheeks. I had gotten her into this. The guilt almost crushed me. I had to stop it! But how? I had been raised never to hit a woman, and I certainly wasn’t going to go into Sabrina’s bra after the key!

The key! There had to be another key! I raced back to the bar, hearing Rose’s laughter every step of the way as it echoed through the club.

Pushing ahead of a few other clients, I slammed my hand down on the bar. “Please, is there another key for the x-frame!”

The bartender didn’t respond right away. Long seconds was Rose’s laughter washed over us before he looked me in the eye. “No, there ain’t no damn other key! Just the one near the rack!”

“But bartender, please! My…fiancee is being tortured! I’ve got to help her!” I said, the icy grip of panic starting to take a hold of me.

“Listen Mac, this is an S&M club, remember! Of course she’s being tortured! If you keep causing me trouble, I’m going to have your ass thrown out of here!” That would have left Rose all alone with that monster. Knowing the bartender would be no more help, I ran back to Rose.

Sabrina was tickling Rose slower now, four fingernails slowly torturing the balls of each foot. Rose was hanging in her bonds now, clearly exhausted from the tickling. Still giggling, Rose stared over at me. She had the most pathetic look on her face, like the expression of a whipped dog. I could read her eyes. ‘Why wasn’t I helping her? Why was I letting this woman torture her?’

“Tell me,” Sabrina said softly, “Tell me what I want to hear pretty flower. What are you going to give mommy if she gives you a break from the tickles?” Sabrina’s nails grazed over the balls of Rose’s feet so lightly, over that crease that runs down the center, that Rose’s skin was barely dented. Yet each twitch of a finger sent Rose deeper and deeper into agony.

“He eheh eheh e eheheh I heheheheheh I take hehehheh take take clothes off for he eheheheheh mommmy Sabrina hehehehhehhehehheh!!!”

“No!” I screamed. My shy fiancee was not going to bare all for this monster! She hadn’t even done that for me yet! I charged Sabrina, not knowing what I was going to do when I got my hands on her.

I never did. A swift kick to my stomach sent me flying back. I fell right into the arms of two large leather clad people. The each grabbed one of my arms and held on tightly. No matter how I pulled, I couldn’t get away. I couldn’t even turn enough to get a good look at the people who was holding me!

“I’m surprised at you Phil,” Sabrina had left her spot by Rose’s helpless feet and was standing in front of me. “Trying to hit a defenseless woman.” Her hands shot out as quickly as a snake and slid under my shirt. There she gave my ribs a squeeze with her very knowledgeable hands.

“Hahah aheh ahahaha ahahahah ahah…” I laughed , too taken by surprise to hold back.

“Another ticklish one,” Sabrina smiled, “Maybe I’ll take a turn on you someday. But right now it’s the pretty flower’s turn.

Sabrina went over to Rose and freed her arms. I hoped that Rose would use this chance to try and escape, but instead she meekly pulled off her top, leaving her in only a black, lacy bra.

Futility trying to fight free of the big gorillas who were holding me, I shouted “Rose, do something!”

Rose only shook her head. “I gave my word.” Rose’s family was also very big on honesty. Nothing could get Rose to betray a promise.

After Rose’s blouse was off and her hands locked back into the manacles, her legs were freed and her jeans removed. Her panties were made of the same black lace as her bra. I could only gawk. Her body was even better looking than I could have guessed. Her breasts were fuller, and her legs had more of a curve. Oh why couldn’t I be seeing this on our wedding night!

Rose literally blushed from her head down to her breasts. The warm red glow made her resemble her namesake. Her golden hair, always so perfect, was a tangled mess. I knew it must be humiliating for the shy Rose to have to stand there so exposed. As her ankle manacles were refastened, she looked at me with that same hopeless look as before. I wanted to die.

“Now then, I think the pretty flower has had enough of a break, don’t you?” Sabrina asked coyly. She was now standing on a platform, her head coming up almost as high as Rose’s was. “Now, let’s find out if you’re ticklish anywhere else than on those feeties.”

Sabrina began tickling Rose’s belly, scratching lightly at the soft skin. Rose began laughing immediately, trying to pull away from those fingers but stopped by the Velcro strap around her waist.

“Noheheheheh pleeaseehehe ehe e epleaasehehehehehh Sabrinaaaheheheheehh stawwwpppp hehehhehehe ehhehhh!”

“Pretty flower does have a ticklish belly, doesn’t she?” Sabrina asked.

“HE ehehe eheh hehehyesssssss heheheheheheh eheh heheh pleaassseeee eheheh!!!”

“What about her belly button,” Sabrina taunted, swirling one finger around it in wide circles.

“Rose only laughed louder and louder. The entire time, her eyes were fixed on me, still hoping I could be her white knight. I’d give my soul if I could be!

Then I felt myself being dragged backwards by my held arms. I tried to dig my heels in, but it was no use. Soon, my back felt a pillar behind it.

“What are you doing to me,” I snarled, trying to sound ferocious then I felt.

To my surprise a surprisingly feminine voice whispered in my ear, “It’s your fault she’s in this mess. I don’t see how you should avoid punishment. My arms were forced over my head, and I heard the snap of metal on metal as my own manacles closed tight. I could get quick glimpses of my two captors now. They were women, about the same height as Sabrina, maybe the same nationality as well. I couldn’t tell without a closer look.

“What about her ribs, are they ticklish too?” I heard Sabrina’s voice asked devilishly, still teasing Rose. Ten wandering fingers started to assault Rose’s clearly defined ribcage. One minute they would be lightly tracing a slender ridge, or poking the tender place between them. The next, Sabrina would bare down with both hands, squeezing Rose’s entire ribcage firmly. The effect drove Rose closer to madness.

.“GAAAWWDD HEHE EHEHEH EHEHE EH EH EHEH STAAWWWPP HEHEH EHEH EHEH EH E E E EHEH EHEHEHHEH NOO MOORREEEE EHEHEHEH EHEHEHHHEHH!!! Rose’s face was now flushed with more than embarrassment. She screamed at every touch, sweat starting to glisten on her mostly nude body.

“You know,” said the unseen female voice from behind me, “That’s a good idea. I wonder if Phillies ribs are as ticklish?” My shirt was ripped from my back, leaving me exposed. Then my two captures four hands began to do their own dance on my ribs and belly.


It was my turn to howl with fervent laughter now. I could see the twenty fingers that ran up and down my body. They were definitely female, long and tapered with sharp painted nails. They ran from my waist to just under my neck, poking and squeezing every inch of soft flesh they could find. Why didn’t I spend more time in the gym!

For at least an eternity, my laughter and poor Rose’s mingled together in perfect harmony. I couldn’t see my fiancee through my tears, even though she was but twenty feet away, but I could still hear her tortured screams. I was sure mine drowned out hers, especially when my to phantom ticklers dug their fingers into my hipbones, or trailed gently up the insides of my thighs. (Damn, why did I have to pick that day to wear shorts!)

Soon, I became to overwhelmed by my own tickles to even think about my tortured fiancee. Long fingernails started scratching behind my knees, forcing me to hop up and down. My belly was taunted and teased with quick, tickling strokes. My ribs were played like a piano. But it was my armpits that really did me in. As soon as those delicate fingers poked there way into those hollows, I bellowed like a stuck pig. From that point on, there was always one hand in each of my underarms, swirling through the hair, twisting around the edges or plunging deep into the center. That still left two more hands to wander at will.

Little from the outside world could pierce my suffering. I did hear a few of Roses louder screams, probably when Sabrina tickled her underarms! Mostly I was trapped in a world consisting of twenty wiggling fingers. God, it tickled! I would have done anything to make it stop!

Finally, it did. As I hung there, suspended like a marionette by a chain, I felt hot breath near my lips. “OK, tough guy, here’s the deal. Sabrina wants you to tickle Rose’s feet. Do it, and we let you go. Refuse, and we tickle you until this place closes. In four hours! Now personally, I think we should just tickle you anyway, but Sabrina says otherwise.”

I looked up to see Rose was also getting a break. Her entire body was covered now in perspiration, and her eyes had a wild look to them. Her head was hung low, like a disobedient six-year-old, shaking like a tree in a windstorm.

“No,” she was saying, in a voice so soft, so horse it could hardly be heard, “No, I just can’t do that Sabrina. I won’t. Don’t…don’t make me…”

“You know,” the voice in my ear said again, “She’s going to be tickled until she breaks. There’s nothing you can do for her. You might as well save yourself. Who knows, if you help Sabrina break the pretty flower sooner, you might actually spare her some tickling…”

I know it sounds unbelievable. It was my fault Rose was in this mess to begin with. But when you’re at the end of your rope, like I was, the brain is great at justifying any escape route. Everything the voice said sounded like gospel. It was the only way out. Couldn’t save Rose. Might even be helping her. I said yes.

The manacles were released, and I started crawling towards Rose. She saw me, of course. At first she looked relieved, happy at least one of us wasn’t being tickled. Then, as I kept coming closer, as Sabrina did nothing but smile, she looked worried.

“Phil, Phil darling, what are you doing?” she asked near panic. She could only watch as I reached her feet, and slowly ran my fingertips over them. God, her soles were so soft, softer than silk! It was heaven to touch them. How could I have never done this!

“Phil, don’t heheheheheh ehehheh stawwppp hehe ehehehhe eheh ehhhe h he!!” I’m sure that I didn’t tickle as well as an expert like Sabrina, but Rose was helpless and exhausted. She had absolutely no resistance left. I ran my fingertips up and down her arch, over her toes and down to her heel. Rose’s delicious laughter filled the club once more.

“Use your tongue,” the voice whispered in my ear again. I obeyed without thinking. I ran my hot tongue over her toes, sucking and gently nibbling them with my teeth. They tasted salty and oh so good. Rose was laughing hysterically now, wild and out of control. I could feel her toes clench and unclench, and I had to hold them back with one hand as I licked the underside of each long toe, ending by swirling my tongue around the tip.

Looking up, I could see Sabrina tickling once more. This time, she was running her fingers down the insides of Rose’s thighs. She poked, scratched and caressed those sensitive places, tickling with years of experience. She knew just how to push Rose over the edge.

My fiancee was cackling insanely now, like a patient at a mental institution. Her head was whipping frantically from side to side, leaving a golden aura of hair in its wake. Even down at her feet, I could feel Rose’s body quivering uncontrollably. My greatest shame is that it never occurred to me, even in that moment of Rose’s greatest agony to stop licking her feet. Instead, as if feeding upon the energy from her body, I licked faster and faster.

It ended for Rose when Sabrina slipped her hand between Rose’s body and the x-frame. She started squirming her fingers beneath Rose’s panties, over that curved flesh right where the back of the thigh flows into the butt.

I’m surprised the scream that came from Rose’s mouth didn’t break glass. It was high-pitched, loud and piercing. Her body started to shake so bad, you’d swear she was being electrocuted. I’m surprised the x-frame was strong enough to hold her.


I had no idea what Rose was agreeing with. It was like I was trapped in a dream. I had slipped her big toe into my mouth, and was sucking and licking it for all I was worth. Then, with one last, earth-shattering note, Rose fell silent. When I looked up, her body was still.

“Is she dead?” I asked after taking her toe from my mouth.

“No, just unconscious,” Sabrina replied, “She’ll come around in a minute or two.”
And she did. She stirred slowly, rolling her head from side to side for a minute before opening her eyes and staring right at Sabrina.

“Are you ready?” Sabrina asked her. Unable to speak, Rose only nodded. Sabrina began to release Rose from the x-frame.

“Wait,” I asked, stepping forward, “Ready for what? What are you going to do with her?”

“The pretty little flower just agreed to follow me to a private room upstairs, didn’t you pretty one?”

Again, Rose nodded.

“You can’t do this,” I said angrily, “She’s my fiancee! You can’t!”

“I couldn’t without your help,” Sabrina smiled, “The pretty little flower is very ticklish, but very strong willed. I don’t know if could have tickled her over the edge without your help.” Rose was free of the x-frame now, and leaned on Sabrina like a drunken sailor. Together, the two started walking to the back room.

“But…” I said, leaving it hanging. What to say.

“Girls,” Sabrina said, addressing my two former ticklers, “Walk Mr. Fiancee here out of the club. If he causes trouble, tickle him again.”

I could feel the two women come up behind me, but they did nothing as I watched Rose and Sabrina walk up a wooden staircase in the back. Rose looked at me once, and waved with a sad smile on her face. Then she was gone. I didn’t fight as the girls led me in the other direction.

That was last time I ever saw Rose. I often wonder about what happened in that private room, what was done to indoctrinate her into a new lifestyle. The old Rose, timid, shy and a virgin, never left that room. The new Rose became Sabrina’s lifepartner and submissive. She started living a life, wilder and crazier than she ever would have dreamt before.

I still miss the old Rose. In a way, I killed her. I put her into Sabrina’s power. let Sabrina transform her. Maybe, deep down that’s what Rose really wanted, why she came to the club with me that night in the first place. I hope that’s the case. Maybe now, for the first time, she’s truly happy. I hope to god that, behind all the leather and bondage the old innocent Rose isn’t screaming, trying to get out. I don’t think I could live with the guilt.
I missed this back in 2004 when it was first posted. It's a fine story. :D
Awesome story. Now I don't have to search for it anymore.
Best tickling story i ever read. Truly amazing. Gratz to the author.
One of my absolute favourites of all time!
Please, oh please, write a story where belle is tickled by a merciless female ler.
We'll be forever in your debt.

Great work
This is phenomenal.

And if done right, could bridge the gap between an actual movie and a tickling video.
Dumb and Dommer

How I missed this exuberant gem before, I cannot imagine, i6!<br>
Besides the deliciously detailed depiction of two lambs setting themselves up for (s)laughter, it has an almost show stopping belly laugh in the middle: the phlegmatic bartender's irritated reaction to Phil's news that Rose was being tortured in an S&M club. Fabulous!<br>
The unabashedly wicked Sabrina deserves a return engagement. Her restraints hilariously undo any restraint her victims bring to the proceedings.<br>Thanks for this terrific ticklish situation comedy.
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Loved it! The ending was fitting for him to lose her, as he amplified her pain to spare himself of his. He should have taken a simple few more hours of torture.
Nobody touches my fiancee's feet.... penalties to be harsh and severe no matter the gender! :lion:
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