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Let's Just Settle This Bitch..F/F Elderly aggressive nylon tickling.


TMF Poster
Aug 2, 2010
This is a tale of a rivalry, spanning well over forty years between two elderly Lady's.

The two main characters in this story are Mrs Bette Cheeseman (my Auntie) and a certain Mrs Beverley Roach, a Woman my Auntie would grow to hate more and more through their passing years.

I've picked the year 1979 in this long bitter saga, for that was the year, or more precisely a hot week in July of that year that lived long in the memories of those who were directly and indirectly involved, of which I was one.

This story took place in the sleepy village of Hanbury, England and the two
venues for this short tale were the 'Three Salmons' public house and the local village hall.

This certainly won't be to most readers tastes, so apologies and simply move on to another of the wonderful stories on this site, but in the unlikely event of anyone actually liking it then please feel free to comment or PM me.

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Nothing really happened in the small rural village of Hanbury, I lived there all my life and although it was pretty and quaint it could also be darn right boring and mundane, but that was until July 27th 1979 when things for just a few weeks got a little weird, spicy
and slightly out of hand.

I was eighteen at the time had had just started working with my Father who was a painter and decorator.

My Auntie Bette was always my favourite Aunt, the oldest of my Father's four Sisters, she was twelve years my Fathers senior but was by far the most dynamic, energetic and switched on of our tight knit family.

Bette was also the brains of the family and had cut a successful career from her days as a B.A. flight attendant to finally owning and running her own catering company.

Bette was a keen athlete and swimmer in her youth and still had a fine figure, even at 68 years of age, her dyed blonde hair, good looks upright posture made her the object of attention for every mature gentleman who came into her company.

My Auntie Bette and Bev Roach were the very best of enemies, their dislike of each other stretched back well over 40 years.

Jealousy was the obvious route of their long standing feud, my Aunt's first Husband Cliff choosing Bette over the jealous, needy and self centered Bev was the catalyst and their loathing of each other had intensified over the many years.

Bette Cheeseman and Bev Roach were polar opposites, Bette was a far taller Woman than Bev, and had a hour glass figure, much larger and firmer breasts, strong shapely legs and a personality that engaged and impressed everyone.

Bev Roach however was a far less attractive proposition, her pale shallow faced complexion, fine dyed Auburn hair, thin shapeless legs and a narrow underwhelming figure, yeah she had her work cut out trying to compete with my Aunt.
Their rivalry was often intense but it would soon take a much deeper, darker turn !

VENUE: The Three Salmons Public House, Hanbury.

The two Women were part of a senior circle that consisted of fifteen or so Ladies of a similar age who would attend a keep fit class on Tuesday evenings at the local village hall.

The same group of Ladies would also meet up once a week at a local pub and indulge in several glasses of wine and an occasional bar meal.

Because of the rift between my Auntie and Bev the other Women would sit between them, forcing the frenemies to normally sit at opposite sides of the table, my Auntie liked her own chair and sat as head of the table.

Bette and Bev would occasionally engage together in muted strained conversation but it was so false and insincere.

One of the Ladies was well known for stirring the pot, if she saw a chance Andrea Lewis would play my Auntie and Bev Roach off each other, normally her mischievous ploy would be snuffed out but on one such occasion she struck gold.

Andrea Lewis could see the wine was going down well and the Ladies were getting louder by the minute, so the conniving little bitch started complimenting my Auntie on her appearance, saying how much she admired her style, her looks, appearance and above all her strength.

I watched and listened from the bar as she continued to heap praise and admiration on my slightly tipsy and glowing Auntie.

Of course all this was all done for the attention of Mrs Roach who that evening was sat directly opposite my Auntie, listening stony faced and necking back the wine at a furious pace.

If I could see the frustration and anger boiling up on Roach's face from
where I was sat then Mrs Lewis had a full on view.

The topic somehow changed to endurance and Andrea Lewis saw her chance to wind Bev Roach up even further, she asked my Aunt about her days with British Airways and the training she had to do to make the grade.

"I bet you were fantastic Bette, I'd imagine your Height and athleticism helped, being tall and strong, both mentally and physically must have been a huge advantage in getting through".

Mrs Roach was seething and was staring through gritted teeth at Andrea as she continued.

"Weren't you head Stewardess, the one in charge of the cabin crew" ?

My Auntie nodded and smiled, she was clearly loving this too.

"So what did you have to do then Bette" ?

As I ordered another pint I could hear my Auntie's response, she was taking center stage.

"Well Andrea, I had to hold my breath under water for so long and then swim to safety, oh and shimmy through smokey tunnels in pitch darkness.

"Wow, that's so impressive Bette" replied Andrea, glancing over at Mrs Roach who was steaming with anger and jealousy, taking yet another large swig from her wine glass.

So let's see, you're tall, statuesque, attractive, tough, speak how many languages Bette...is it five" ?

"No Andrea, I speak four language four including English but can speak a little Mandarin, Greek and Swedish of all languages, but only a little I'm certainly not fluent.

Again Andrea Lewis turned the screw.

"I bet you were one tough cookie, elegant and attractive but not to be messed with"

My Auntie's response proved to be the finally straw.

"I do think if a terrorist had interrogated me I would have proved a tough nut to crack, at least I'd like to think so Andrea"

That was it, Bev Roach could take no more.

"Ugh, everyone has a breaking point, even you Betty Cheeseman, nobody's that tough, we all have our weaknesses...yes even YOU Mrs Cheeseman"

I nearly fell off my stole and her bitchy comment brought a loud "Whoooo" and a few smiles from the most if not all of the Women.

I watched Andrea Lewis sit back and marvel at the shit she caused, she was beaming and resembled a tennis umpire as she kept looking back and forth at my Auntie and Mrs Roach.

One of the Women chimed in, beating Andrea to the punch.

"And how exactly would you break Bette, eh, cat got your tongue Bev" ?.

There was a then deathly hush as we all waited for the reply.

"Well, I had an older Brother, he was four years older than me and a lot bigger and stronger, but if I caught him off guard and tickled him he'd go weak....I mean helpless, I'd get on top of him and he couldn't push me off for laughing.....he'd be as weak as a kitten"

No one, including me expected that little comment and it threw my normally cool and calm Auntie, just for a second or two.

Then before my Auntie could answer, Andrea Lewis dived back in.

"So let me get this right Bev, you think you could beat and break Bette Cheeseman by tickling her...is that right" ?

Mrs Roach was put on the spot.

"I never said that, all I'm saying is that everyone has a weakness, I used my Brother as an example, that's all"

Andrea didn't let that go.

"Oh no, you implied that you could break Bette Cheeseman, or are you now saying that you couldn't....because none of us here think you could,
and tickling...don't make me laugh"

Suddenly the worm well and truly turned, helped by several glasses of wine the cowardly Bev Roach spat back.

"Yeah OK..OK...yeah if she's ticklish I reckon I can break her, yes even the great and mighty Betty Cheeseman, damn right I could"

Again there was a load "Whoooo" from the surprised Women and they started tapping their glasses on the table, just to wind her up even more.

I, like everybody else in the pub watched a waited for my Auntie's response.

"You want to know whether I'm ticklish or not, well maybe I am a little, but it would take a hell of a lot more than a sad, bitter, twisted, jealous, plain little bitch that's done nothing with her life and is envious of anyone that has...to break me" !

To a Woman, they all got up and started clapping, but my Auntie Bette hadn't finished, not by a long way and she leaned across at Mrs Roach and continued with a few more home truths.

"And furthermore, I don't like you and you don't like me, in fact we bloody well hate each other and always have, it must be 'small bitch syndrome' some weird inferiority complex, but whatever it is...I have and always will have your number you little acid tongued witch"

Silence now replaced the cheers, everyone knew my Auntie was well pissed off and both Women rose to their feet and stood practically nose to nose, I say practically, my Aunt was a good four to five inches taller and they stared at each other silently until the barman and owner Roy walked over and asked them to sit down and behave.

As the two Women sat down they continued their gaze, neither wanting to look away first.
Then my Auntie broke the silence and pointed her finger straight at Mrs Roach and quietly but forcefully said:

"You're on bitch, let's put this to bed once and for all, whoever loses will never go to the keep fit sessions or back to this pub with the Ladies again, I mean period" !

All eyes were now on Mrs Roach who looked somewhat shaken but was put in a position where she couldn't back down, my Auntie had her where she wanted her....at long last.

After much debate it was decided that my Auntie would have to endure three minutes of tickling by Mrs Roach, my Auntie wanted one minute and Roach pleaded for five, but in the end the Ladies decided on three.

However, there was one sticky point, Mrs Roach insisted on having my Auntie suspended, upside down in order that my Auntie couldn't and would not retaliate or use force-able violence.

My Auntie rejected her request, totally dismissing it, and on doing so it meant that all bets were off and there would be no tickle fight.

Beverly Roach had managed to save face and avoid being driven from the circle, Mrs Roach was more than happy with the situation, she questioned my Auntie's resolve and had come out of it unscathed.

I watched my Auntie stare at the smiling, scheming, meddling Mrs Roach who was looking mighty pleased with herself, then suddenly as everyone was drinking up my Auntie amazed us all by spinning on her heels and saying:

"OK..OK....it's a deal, I'll be suspended for just three minutes, three minutes only but I insist on having an impartial referee and a safe way of doing it, or it's off".

Mrs Roach's face changed, now she'd been gazumped, my Aunt's acceptance of her weird challenge had totally thrown her, she'd now have to back up her boast or lose face amongst the Women forever.

My Aunt and Mrs Roach just stood staring at each other as the Women made their way past and out of the pub, never one to back out of a challenge, this was her chance to finally shut her wicked little nemesis up, and hopefully get rid of the irritating Witch once and for all.

There was now huge excitement among all the Women, especially Andrea Lewis, the main instigator and antagonist.
She'd been playing them off each other for so long and finally she'd caused enough of a stink for them to want to settle it, and in public.

Some frantic organising went on over the next couple of days and
It was finally agreed that the 'challenge' would take place the following Tuesday evening straight after the keep fit session at the village hall.

The week leading up to it was quite exciting, at last my Auntie and her friends would finally be rid of that troublesome vile little Woman, she just didn't fit in and was always bitchy, a real square peg in a round hole.

The other Ladies had managed to arrange a referee, the local Janitor, come handyman Mike Dyche would oversee it and his Wife Sue would also help out, both Auntie Bette and Mrs Roach accepted their involvement...and so it was set.

VENUE: The Village Hall, Hanbury.

It was the evening of the challenge and the attendance at the keep fit class was larger than the normal dozen or so, word had got around the Village and the numbers had swelled significantly to almost double, These Women were in attendance due to obvious reasons.

The stakes were indeed high that warm evening at the class, my Auntie Bette and Bev Roach had been sworn enemies and bitter as long as I can remember, and their hatred for each other had really intensified and worsened, especially over the last week.

Both Ladies were of a similar age but my Auntie clearly had the Measure of Mrs Roach in every possible way.

My Auntie's fitness levels were off the scale in comparison with those of Bev Roach, and it was never more obvious than when on the odd occasion they trained on nearby rubber mats.

As mentioned before both Women were of similar age, I know my Auntie is 68 and I'm sure I heard Mrs Roach was a year or so younger, but nowhere near as fit and strong as Auntie Bette.

Of similar age they may be, but that's where the similarities end.
My Auntie..the incomparable Betty Cheeseman stood upright at about 5ft 8", her dyed blonde hair remained unruffled during her work out and her breathing controlled and steady as she stretched and moved.

I was one of only two Men in the hall that evening, and I only gained entree as I agreed to drive my Auntie there and back home later.

Most of the Women were there by the time we arrived, everyone stared as my Auntie removed her jacket and sandals and strutted confidently over to her mat.

Mrs Roach was already there, stood upright on her green rubber mat, she glanced over toward my Auntie and as my Auntie returned her stare she looked down and did some knee raises.

Auntie Bette still cut a really fine figure, her hips, breasts, waist and buttocks were in great shape and her legs were still so firm, strong and shapely, all enhanced by wearing a tight figure hugging black leotard and sheer black tights.

The high cut of her Black stretched leotard meant you could see far more of her legs, her strong powerful thighs to be exact, and there were quite a few glancing over as she stretched.

The contrast really couldn't have been greater between the two Women, Mrs Roach was approx 5ft 3", somewhat petite she wore an unflattering Green and Red hooped sweater which would come to notoriety years later in the 80's movie 'nightmare on Elm Street as worn by villain 'Freddie' (Kruger).
Bev Roach stood barefoot in her Black stirrup leggings and began nervously waving her arms around, aware that her time was fast approaching.

The small cantankerous pale faced witch was never without bright Red lipstick and a gold locket draped around her neck, and she fiddled nervously with the chain as more and more Women piled into the Hall.

Several elderly Husband's had also hung around outside, waiting for their Wives and peering through the main door and side window, yes the word that two local Women were finally going to settle their differences had definitely got around.

The keep fit session was shorter than normal, barely forty minutes, as the Women warmed down and packed their mats away I again saw Mrs Roach sneak a glimpse in my Auntie's direction.

Andrea Lewis, the Woman who in my opinion instigated this whole affair walked up to my Auntie and embraced her.

I was close enough to hear her say "You can beat this little bitch Bette, you've got her number, just remember she's a desperate, desperate old Witch and you are Betty Cheeseman"

She squeezed my Auntie's wrist and shuffled over to join the other Women.
In my opinion there was something so very wrong about Andrea Lewis, she was so false and two faced, I was just amazed my Auntie couldn't see through her.

All the Women including Mrs Lewis made their way to the small high-rise stage at the end of the hall.
There was a muffled noise in the Hall, one of anticipation and for the first time I had real butterflies in my stomach.

Two Ladies who I hadn't seen before the pointing and looking at Mrs Roach and my Auntie, I could hear the one whisper to the other:

"Yeah, that's Bette Cheeseman, the tall one one in Black"

To which the other Lady replied:

"She looks a tough cookie and in great shape too, I don't fancy that other Woman's chances"

Hearing their comments reassured me and made me feel even more confident.

Auntie Bette looked remarkable cool at this point, totally unruffled and I watched her adjust the seams on her sheer tights and straighten her leotard straps.

My Aunt made her way through the Women, most of them grabbing her arm and wishing her luck as she reached the front.
My tall statuesque Auntie looked so self assured and moved so elegantly as she strode forward, her head held high, chest out, and buttocks swaying as she made her way forward.

My Aunt stepped confidently up onto the stage, turned around and stood looking directly at all the Women, winking and smiling at a few of her closest friends, she then held both arms aloft and nodded toward the cheering crowd.

There was no backing out now for either Woman, I looked on nervously as she stuck her chest out and took a deep breath.
Mike Dyche then approached and asked her quietly to lay down flat on her back.
My Aunt very elegantly lowered herself to the floor and lay there motionless, looking up to the ceiling.

My Auntie then turned her head to the crowd and looked down again at the other Ladies who had shuffled forward to the very foot of the stage for a better view.
She once again winked at her friends as Mike asked her to press her legs and feet tightly and firmly together.

Auntie Bette didn't flinch as Mike tied a dark grey rope around her ankles and made his way to the side of the stage to crank up the winch.
The rope had a small leather sheath attached to the bottom to stop the rope from cutting into and binding against my Auntie's ankles.

He was that careful and slow that her size 8 feet hardly seem to rise off the floor, then suddenly her heels left the stage.

Very slowly and very, very carefully he began cranking the handle and as he did my Auntie's feet and legs began to rise up until only her back, shoulders and head remained fixed to the stage.

The small petite figure of Mike's Wife Sue then moved forward and supported my Auntie's torso and the back of her head as she was cranked horizontally off the stage.
Dressed in a baggy black sweater and black jeans Sue supported my Auntie's legs and helped her balance until the winch took the full weight.
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From the back of the hall it must have looked as if she was attempting a head stand, Sue supported her further until her head left the stage and she dangled just two inches or so off the floor.
My Auntie looked so much taller than the diminutive Sue Dyche as she dangled next to her and there were a few gasps from the Ladies as my Auntie lay dangling like a prized shark in a boat yard.

I noticed my Auntie's face start to slightly redden as she dangled in front of us, but yet again this tough confident Lady gave a reassuring smile as her blonde hair became slightly unruffled.

Sue Dyche still supported my Auntie's waist as her Husband locked and clamped the winch in place.

All eyes suddenly moved in the direction of Mrs Roach as she moved silently but menacingly from the back of the crowd toward the steps of the stage.

In her Red and Green hooped top she resembled Moses parting the Red Sea as the small figure pushed her way through the Women to the front, staring directly ahead as she slowly edged past them toward the stage.

Mike Dyche offered his hand to help her onto the stage, but she declined his offer by pushing his hand away and brushing past him.

I began to walk from the back of the hall to stand behind the Ladies as they again shuffled further forward.
I noticed Mrs Roach was staring down directly at my Auntie's face as she stood just three foot or so away.

Sue Dyche had now left the stage and returned to take her place alongside the Women, leaving my Auntie to dangle freely, swaying slightly in front of the gathered crowd.

Mike asked my Auntie if she was in any discomfort, to which my Auntie shook her head and again winked, although she did look slightly more nervous.

Mike Dyche then held up a stopwatch and began to address the hall.

"Ladies...as you know the challenge thrown down by Bev Roach and accepted by Bette Cheeseman is for Mrs Roach to tickle Mrs Cheeseman up to and until the duration of three minutes".

He continued:

"Should Mrs Cheeseman hold out for that duration of time, she shall be declared the winner.
However, should Mrs Cheeseman shout or utter the safe word 'MERCY' within that time frame then Mrs Roach will be declared the winner".

Finally he finished his brief announcement with:

"Under no circumstances must Mrs Roach have any contact with Mrs Cheeseman after those three minutes or after the event of a submission.

Ladies...may the best Woman win"

He'd hardly finished his speech as Mrs Roach pulled the sleeves of her sweater up over her bony elbows and began wriggling her fingers.

"Come on Bette" "Go on Betty, you can do it" "Switch off Bette, you can do it...come on"

I looked around at all the Women and I could lip read Andrea Lewis saying "Go on Bette, relax and you've got her"

My throat was dry and my heart started thumping as the seconds counted down.

I noticed Mrs Roach kneel down and whisper something into my Auntie's ear, and my Auntie responded by swearing at her antagonist, somewhat worrying as my Auntie never swore.

Mike Dyche held the stop watch aloft and shouted:

"Beverley are you ready" ?

To which the old bitch nodded her head, still staring down into my Auntie's face.

"Bette, are you ready" ?

"Yes Michael, I'm definitely ready" as she stared back hard and Red faced at Mrs Roach.

Her stubborn reply brought a loud cheer from Andrea and the vast majority of the Ladies, only a few boo'ed, and they were Mrs Roach's Sister and two friends.

Mrs Roach slowly moved in and hovered over my Auntie as she swung very slightly from side to side.
I noticed Auntie Bette puff out her cheeks and tense up as Mrs Roach lowered her fingers just millimeters above my Auntie's strong shapely nylon clad legs.

"Ready...Steady....START" !

"Three minutes Bette, just three minutes Darling"

"You can beat her Bette" "She's yours Bette, blank it out Betty"

"Hold on Mrs Cheeseman" "Switch off Bette, you can do this"

Mrs Roach gritted her yellow stained teeth and screeched as her small, narrow bony fingers scurried and dug into Bette's nylon thighs.

The Women shuffled even nearer to the stage and the noise levels went through the roof as Mrs Roach's finger nails immediately left reddening marks on my Auntie's legs, clearly visible through the thin black nylon.

I had no idea of the elapsed time but with only what seemed like a few seconds I could see my Auntie gritting her teeth and wriggling wildly on the rope.

A really loud moan rang out as my Auntie wriggled and fought in desperation, on hearing my Auntie's deep searing moan, Mrs Roach let out a screech of her own at attacked my Auntie's thighs, knees and inner buttocks even harder.

"Fucking yeeaaaah...yeaaaaahh...come on"

The witch hissed as she tickled frantically, targeting between my Auntie's large powerful thighs and around my Auntie's buttocks.

Again my Auntie moaned, only this time louder, her faced as Red as a beetroot and she began shaking her head.
Then the laughter started, loud and deep to start before a more intense touch produced a higher pitched wail, followed a real loud belly laugh.

Mrs Roach lowered her head nearer my Auntie's face and hissed:

"Ohhh yeaaasss, you fucking whore....come on scream bitch...scream" !

My Auntie's laughter was deafening and she shook and twisted her head and neck.

My Auntie was squeezing her thighs tightly together, trying to both stop and trap the Witch's fingers as the probed between the legs and buttocks.

Mike Dyche shouted out: "24 SECONDS GONE" !

On hearing that my Auntie began wriggling uncontrollably, the rope was swaying hard as the sweat ran from her forehead.

The 24 seconds shout had also prompted a response from Mrs Roach, who scampered her fingers from my Auntie's butt and thighs, up over the knees and shins and began at last to tease around my Aunties heels.

For the first time the hall fell silent as my Auntie Bette let out a piercing scream, suddenly Bev Roach's Sister and friend moved to the front and began shouting and cheering.

"She's wilting Bev...go on..get her"
The feet..the feet... the feet Bev, go for the feet"

My heart sunk as I saw my Auntie's laugh turn to screams of panic.

Bev Roach could sense my Auntie's resolve and resistance weakening fast and attacked the soles, the long slender reinforced soles, clad in those sheer thin seamed dance tights were mercilessly teased and tortured as my Auntie bucked, screamed and begged....yes begged !

I never thought I'd see or hear my tough, strong Auntie Bette beg, but she was begging for her wicked tormentor to stop.

"You fucking whore....whore...whore...come on tough Lady...come on Cheeseman....come on Cheeseman beg...beg...beg you whore"

Sweat was dripping from my Auntie, her butt and thighs looked damp and she was screaming for Mrs Roach to stop.

"One minute and fifteen seconds" Shouted a shocked Mike Dyche.

Bev's Sister screeched:
"You've got her Bev, she's yours, it's her feet Bev, she can't take the feet, keep going for the feet"

Her friend's joined in:
"Yes Bev, that's it...her feet...you've got her Bev....get her feet"

Tough, strong willed Auntie Bette was screaming, she was so darn sensitive around her feet, I watched on in shock as Mrs Roach tightly grabbed my Auntie's powerful swaying legs with her left arm, clutching them tightly against her body, while she wrapped her legs around my Auntie's torso.

With my Auntie tightly secured she began to tickle my Auntie's toes, digging her nails in between those sensitive helpless toes, forcing my Auntie to scream and scream for mercy.

Wicked Mrs Roach was now holding my Auntie's toes apart and tickling hard in between them, her face was less than four inches from my Auntie's foot and her expression was etched with anger and wild wild raw excitement.

My brave Auntie looked finished, we could all see that and Mrs Roach was enjoying her obvious distress, her eyes were bulging and her tongue was out as she tickled mercilessly.

Mike Dyche and his Wife quickly stepped onto the stage and shouted:

"Say the word Bette....you know the safe word....say it and I'll stop her"

(I kept thinking...for Heaven's sake Auntie Bette, give in...give in) but my Aunt was fighting like a Lioness, determined not to give to this evil bitch.

Most of the Women had taken a few steps back and were covering their faces in shock, and as they backed off Mrs Roach's Sister and best friend's were screaming in wild excitement and urging the witch to finish my Auntie off.

Suddenly I saw Andrea Lewis leaning forward next to Mrs Roach's Sister, she was on tiptoe and had a huge smile on her face, my heart sunk when I saw her shout:

"Oh my God...oh my God...finish her Bev, fucking finish her...oh my God.....she's got Bette Cheeseman.......she's fucking got Bette Cheeseman....oh my God...she's got her......oh yes....yes....yes....oh yes"

I could not believe that back stabbing bitch, she'd changed allegiance in seconds, or did she always want my Auntie to fail.....what a absolute fucking bitch !.

Mike again urged my Auntie to give:
"You know the word Bette.....the safe word...1 minute and 20 seconds Ladies"

I wondered whether she heard him as she tried to wriggle free of Mrs Roach's tight firm hold.

Beverly Roach began swearing at my Auntie and teased her as she tickled hard and fast between my Auntie's big toes, her nylons were laddered and snagged as the little Witch dug down deep.

"Come on Cheeseman, come on tough Lady, not so fucking tough now are you whore, I told you I'd have you Cheeseman...I told you I'd have you...oooh feel that"

Auntie Bette screamed out:
"Aggghhhh I give, no more....stop...enough..ooohhh...I give...agghh"

Mrs Roach started to laugh out loud as she dug deeper into that sweet spot, she'd found my Auntie's weakness and went hard at the Woman she hated most.

"Wrong word tough Lady, now what's the word ...what's the word Cheeseman, what's the magic fucking word"

Proud, strong Auntie Bette could take no more and screamed at the top of her voice:

"Mercy...mercy...aghhhh...fucking mercy...oh ooh you bitch..mercy you little bitch....mercy...mercy....MERCY....MERCY.....MERCY....MERCY....MERCY....ooooh you bitch....oh please FUCKING MERCY" !

A huge victory scream filled the hall as Mike Dyche shouted:

"One minute and 27 seconds" Phobble_2023-9-14_23532.JPG

Andrea Lewis was jumping up and down, hugging Mrs Roach's Sister and giving 'high five's' to her friend, all three were delirious.

Bev Roach was still tickling furiously and it took both Mike and Sue Dyche to finally pull her off my helpless screaming Auntie.

I wasn't sure what was the most shocking, the surprise in seeing my strong confident Auntie lose so easily to her wicked rival or hearing her swear such vulgar words, my Auntie was a real Lady and never said bloody, let alone fucking.....I was stunned at seeing and hearing both.

Mike lowered the winch and began untying my Auntie's ankles as Sue began to comfort her.
She was totally defeated and couldn't bring herself to even look in the direction of the gloating Val Roach.

Mrs Roach had always hated my Auntie but also feared her, she would normally back down when my Auntie confronted her, but finally, unbelievably she had not only beaten but totally humiliated Bette Cheeseman, and in front of all those bloody Women.

Sue and myself helped my Auntie to her feet, she was unsteady and tottered as we held her, it was probably due to her being both suspended and exhausted.

We could still hear Mrs Roach's throaty laugh and as I finally looked over in her direction I could see her stood hands still in the air, saying how much she enjoyed herself and how darn easy my Auntie was to break.

If I heard her say my Auntie's name in vain once, she must have said it a dozen or more times....I told you Cheeseman, I fucking told you Cheeseman, I told you I'd have you Cheeseman....you're mine now Cheeseman.....she was relentless in her taunting and gloating.

As we left the hall I could still hear her and her Sister mocking and ridiculing Auntie Bette, and that back stabbing bitch Andrea Lewis was still with them, beaming like a Cheshire Cat.

My Auntie Bette never attended that keep fit class again, in fact several weeks later Bev Roach was running it.

Oh and the Three Salmons pub, my Auntie never set foot in there again either.

I heard that Andrea Lewis had cosied up to Bev Roach and they were now best friends, and to rub salt into the wound I also heard Mrs Roach claimed and sat in my Auntie's old chair, she remained head of the table until they eventually disbanded !

My Auntie moved on, sold her Bungalow and moved about fourteen miles away, she never looked back and never missed Hanbury or the Women.
I just wished she would have told me she was so darn ticklish and not been so bloody stubborn, still that was Betty Cheeseman, never one to back out of a challenge...still is and always will be.....my wonderful Auntie Bette.

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Footnote and brief history behind the idea for this story.

The tickling in this story is obviously a work of complete fiction, however the two main characters in this story and the Andrea Lewis character are all based on real individuals.

I did have a Auntie who was indeed a former Air Stewardess in the mid to late 1960's to mid 70's and later on she attended yoga classes at the local leisure center.

My Aunt did indeed wear a black leotard and black pantyhose when practicing her yoga and I remember meeting her after those sessions and walking with her the short way home.

On the odd occasion I would arrive slightly early and watch the last five to ten minutes of her session through a side window (which gave me the idea of the village hall in the story).

My Aunt did have a neighbour who she had a long standing feud with, there was real mutual dislike between the two Ladies and from what I remember it was built on jealousy.

Once again I used the neighbour as an inspiration behind the Beverly Roach character, she resembled her in both appearance and behavior, and some of the dialogue used in the story was based loosely on family members accounts I

I witnessed just two brief rows between my Aunt and her neighbour and at the time was both slightly scared and shocked at the intensity of their rows.

My Aunt showed no sign of backing down, unlike her neighbour who would eventually retreat but not before delivering a foul mouthed barrage, my Aunt always stood strong but later showed signs of upset once back in her home.

My Aunt also had a friend who later turned foul, I based the Andrea Lewis character on this Woman.

As far as any tickling was concerned, well I only once had the pleasure of that experience with her, I had said or done something vaguely naughty and my Aunt grabbed and tickled me, only playfully around my sides and belly, to which I doubled up and giggled.

I later tried to grab her foot and tickle her back, and found she was indeed very ticklish, it shocked and surprised me how easily she wilted, but my fun was cruelty cut short as my father arrived at that very second to give me a lift home, so I was robbed and she was saved from any further tickling.

So on that very brief moment and those few childhood memories I based the story, that of my tall dominant Aunt, her small jealous and bitchy neighbour, her love of yoga and of course......her total capitulation at having her feet tickled.
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Thank you ReimAW, glad you enjoyed it, very much appreciated!
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The motto ?
Maybe ?

How the mighty fall, in this case feet first. or If you want it bad enough, you shall have it.
Thanks for the feedback and the feeling I've had from private messages is that the two main characters could or should have been in their late twenties to mid thirties, I get that but the story was based loosely on a real life rivalry between two elderly Ladies and one's intense jealousy of the other.

But yeah, I guess story wise two hot younger chicks would have certainly ticked a few more boxes but lacked the history and long standing rivalry that played out between the older Women.
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