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My Session With Jazmine M/F, F/M


TMF Expert
Dec 4, 2005
This (rather long) story is about my first one-hour tickle session with, Jazmine, an exotic dancer I wrote about in a post a couple weeks ago. After resolving some scheduling conflicts, Jazmine agreed to meet with me last Sunday evening at my home.

I had prepared my bedroom in advance for Jazmine’s arrival. The room was illuminated by two candle sconces on either side of the king size bed, plus one spherical candle on the nightstand. Two extra-large bath towels were laid down the center of the bed on top of two pillows where the lee would lay. One pillow was for the head and the other was for elevating the midsection. My new under bed restraint system was already installed.

In addition, the below supplies were placed at the foot of the bed:
• Massage Brush
• Hair Brush
• Electric Toothbrush
• Electric Flosser
• Lube (Very slippery)

Jazmine asked me if I would be tickling her for the full hour. I told her that we would be taking turns, so she wouldn’t have to take a full-on tickling for the full hour. I could tell she was relieved. :) I also offered her the opportunity to choose a safe word, but she declined. I hadn’t planned on using one either. I prefer not to use a safe word because I think it makes the experience more intense if I know that I can’t stop the tickling. :D

Jazmine and I had agreed in advance that I would not put her in bondage during this session. Since this session was our first together, she wanted time to get comfortable with me before putting herself completely at my mercy. I saw this session as a trust building opportunity and was fine with it. Regardless, I planned to have Jazmine secure me in the under bed restraint system when it was my turn to be tickled. :D

Part I – Ladies First
Upon her arrival, we spoke for a few minutes and then went upstairs to my bedroom. As usual, she looked very hot and sexy. I told Jazmine to get undressed and informed her that she would be tickled first. She quickly stripped down to her G-string and bra and hopped on my bed. I asked Jazmine to lie on top of the towels and pillows. Since I would be tickling her without bondage I asked her to try to stay as still as possible and try not to pull away when I tickled her. I knew she would not be able to comply, but I wanted her to try anyway. :D She actually did a pretty good job, but went into fetal position a couple times when the tickling got really intense. This is also a great way to learn what tickles her the most. :D :D

I had decided to tickle Jazmine for the first twenty minutes and to have her tickle me for the remaining forty minutes, but I did not tell her in advance how long her tickling would last. :)

I started by applying some lube to both of her cute size 7 feet. Jazmine giggled as I slowly applied the lube to her toes. Her toes curled reflexively and made little “fists” as I finished applying the lube. I reached into my box of tickle toys and pulled out the massage brush. Using a medium level of downward pressure, I began stroking the massage brush up and down her right sole. Jazmine immediately burst into laughter. I made sure I got the ball of her foot and her arch as I ran the massage brush from her heel to the base of her toes. In a feeble attempt to interrupt the tickling, she covered the sole of her right foot with her left foot, so applied the same tickle treatment to her left foot. Jazmine continued laughing uncontrollably. Her laughter was music to my ears. I really like the way she laughs…very sexy. :D


My game plan was to mix things up by using alternating tickle techniques. The next tickle tool on my list was the hair brush. Years ago I had carefully selected this particular hair brush from a wide variety I examined while perusing a beauty shop. The bristles in this brush have the optimal spacing and level of stiffness to elicit maximum laughter from the lee. This isn’t the type of brush you scrub on the soles. Instead, you gently and slowly caress the soles of the feet with the stiff bristles. The effect is immediate and maddening. When I started running this hair brush across Jazmine’s soles, she had an explosive reaction and was laughing hysterically the moment I began dragging the bristles across her skin. I continued slowly dragging the brush up and down her right sole from heel to toes and made certain I covered every sensitive spot in between. Again, she attempted to cover her tickled foot with her other foot, so I began the same treatment on her other very ticklish foot. She tried pulling her feet away, but I pulled them back into position and continued the tickle onslaught as she continued laughing. :D :D

The only shortcoming of using massage brushes and hair brushes as tickling tools is that they aren’t very good at reaching into crevices and tight spots like the undersides of toes and between toes. Thankfully, my toolkit was stocked with a fully charged electric toothbrush and electric flosser. :)

I put away my favorite hair brush, grabbed the electric toothbrush and went to work on the toes of Jazmine’s left foot. I used my other hand to bend her toes backward to expose the undersides of her toes and ran the electric toothbrush under each of her toes. By now, Jazmine was in hysterics all over again and laughing uncontrollably. Again, she managed to clench her strong little toes into a fist, so I ran the toothbrush along her toe pads. She tried covering up her foot with her other foot, but I grabbed both of her ankles with one hand to keep her soles pointed upward and then ran the electric toothbrush up and down the middle of her soles and along her arches. Jazmine was laughing her ass off. I gave her a short break as I put away the electric toothbrush and grabbed the electric flosser.

Jazmine asked me what I just grabbed from my supply box. I told her it was an electric flosser and gave her a quick look at it just before I turned it on and went after her toes. She shrieked and yanked her feet away. Again, I attempted to use the electric flosser between her toes, but she kept pulling her feet away. Jazmine went into fetal position to escape the tickling. She was scared to death of that flosser. :D I decided to set the electric flosser aside and tickle her feet with my fingers. This is a perfect case where toe bondage should be used. With any luck, I’ll use toe bondage during a future session.

Once I finished tickling Jazmine’s feet with my fingers, I started tickling the backs of her knees and got her laughing again. I squeezed her knees and triggered a stronger reaction. Next, I squeezed the backside of her thighs and got Jazmine laughing hard again.

I tested her pelvic area and generated more giggles. I moved my tickling fingers up to her abs and the giggles disappeared. I had previously thought that her abs weren’t ticklish, but after a little experimental tickling I discovered that deeper harder tickles worked better on her abs than lighter tickles and I was able to get some good laughs out of Jazmine’s abs the more effective technique.

Next, I lightly spider tickled her sides and ribs causing another burst of continuous laughter and then I used a deeper more penetrating rib tickling technique which triggered a series of stronger guffaws. I usually escalate the tickling when I find these kinds of spots so I worked on her ribs a while longer. Jazmine was laughing her ass off and I was in tickle heaven with a gorgeous hottie. :)

I moved up to Jazmine’s underarms and lightly scrabbled my fingers and elicited a strong reaction. Next, I squeezed the back muscle at the base of each armpit while digging my thumbs into the bottom part of each armpit. This is one of Jazmine’s primary tickle buttons and she was immediately in hysterics. I maintained the high tickling intensity for another minute or so and then Jazmine’s twenty minute session was at an end. :) She’s so much fun to tickle!!! I really enjoyed myself and so did Jazmine. :D :D :D Nothing is better than tickle play with a partner who really enjoys it. Intense tickle play, especially when combined with sex, is my absolute favorite thing to do in life. :D Nothing is more fun.

Part II – Twice the Tickling, Twice the Fun
Next, it was my turn to be tickled for the remaining forty minutes of our tickle session. I asked Jazmine to help me put on the wrist and ankle cuffs and attach them to my under bed restraint system. When we were finished attaching the cuffs to the straps, I was face-up, spread eagle (and nude) with my arms pointing straight to the sides of the bed. I had Jazmine tighten the straps of the restraint system to ensure that I was held firmly in place as she tickled me anywhere she wanted. :)

Once I was completely secured, Jazmine immediately got to work. First, she moved to the foot of the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube. She asked me where she could rub it on my body and I told her she could use it anywhere she wanted. She pumped a generous portion of lube from the bottle and started rubbing it on the bottoms of my feet. Once she was done applying the lube, she began scrabbling her devastating fingernails on the sole of my right foot and found some nice sensitive spots on the ball, in the middle and where my arch meets my heel. My foot jerked reflexively and I began to laugh. :D She soon moved her very tickly nails to my toes and that’s when I really lost it! :D :D :D :D :D She scrabbled her nails up and down the undersides of my toes and easily slid her nails between my lubricated toes. My toes and her nails were so slippery that her nails just glided between my toes with no friction. OMFG, her nails tickled like crazy and I was uncontrollably laughing my ass off. I simply could not stop laughing. At this point, she further escalated the tickling by scrabbling her fingernails on both of my feet at the same time. I was in hysterics. :D :D :D :D :D :D Of course, she kept it up for a while which is exactly what I would have done. :D I was very pleased (and aroused) when Jazmine demonstrated some genuine tickling skill and intensity. She really seemed to be enjoying herself and I totally love that quality in a woman. Mmmmm, very sexy. (See interesting side note.)

Next, Jazmine grabbed the massage brush and gently rubbed it over my slippery soles. I didn’t laugh because it didn’t tickle quite enough. I’m guessing she needed to scrub harder or maybe scrub in a different spot. Rather than spending time experimenting with different tickling techniques, she exchanged the massage brush for the electric flosser. As I soon discovered, this tool is truly dangerous. :D

Jazmine pushed the button on the electric flosser and stuck the vibrating end between some toes on my right foot. My foot immediately jumped and I started laughing hysterically. Damn that tool causes an insanely ticklish effect. I’ve never felt anything quite like it. The ticklish effect had not gone unnoticed. Jazmine immediately began exploring the spaces between each of my toes. She ran the flosser up and down each space several times to make sure she drove me out of my mind. She also tested the flosser on my toe pads and got a few more laughs. After that she ran it up and down my soles and got some more laughs.

Apparently Jazmine got curious about additional applications for this amazing tool, so she ran it up my legs, behind my knees, up my thighs and into my pelvic area. I was laughing the whole time. Next, she attacked my genitals which tickled like crazy and I was hysterical again. :D :D :D She also poked me with it by accident which hurt because the tip is a bit sharp. I explained that she needed to be careful about the tip when tickling extra sensitive areas.

Once Jazmine was finished tickling my genitals with the electric flosser, she ran the flosser up along my sides and across my abs to get a bunch more laughter out of me. Once she was done with my abs, she slowly dragged the flosser up to my right underarm where I completely lost it again. She slowly moved the flosser around in a circular pattern in my armpit. I was hysterical again. :D :D :D

Once Jazmine finished flossing my underarms, she returned to my feet to re-floss my toes. I started laughing my ass off again. :D :D :D She finally put the electric flosser back in the tickle tool box and used her long fingernails on the bottoms of my feet and then on the undersides of my toes. I was laughing uncontrollably and she was laughing along with me.

After she finished tickling my feet, she ran her long fingernails up my legs and re-tickled every sensitive area she discovered earlier with the flosser. She retraced her tickle path back to my pelvic area and tickled me like crazy with those deadly fingernails. She also tickled my genitals and member with her fingernails. I noticed that she did not tickle the head of my penis with maximum effect, so I explained how to use a little-known “secret” tickling technique on my member using lube. Once she understood the technique, she put it to good use on the head of my member and got dramatic results. I was howling with laughter. :D :omg: :omg: :D That’s one of my most ticklish spots.

Jazmine raked her nails up my abs and then started spider tickling my abs and sides. Her nails went around and around up my side, across my chest, down the other side and across my abs. I was dying of laughter. :D :D She tickled my ribs with a deep penetrating tickle and I lost it again.

Next, Jazmine attacked my right armpit with her long fingernails. Initially, she didn’t quite hit the sweet spot. She adjusted her aim and nailed the sweet spot and sent me into hysterics. She focused on this area and scrabbled her nails here for a while longer and then started tickling my left armpit at the same time. She went up both arms to the inner elbow and slowly ran her nails down each arm toward my underarms. I was squirming and laughing as her nails traced a path to the most sensitive spot in each armpit. Once her nails reached their respective targets my laughter exploded into a roar of guffaws.

Once she was finished tickling my underarms, Jazmine attacked the front side of my neck from my jaw line down to my Adam’s apple. I already knew my neck was extremely ticklish, but it was not until Jazmine’s attack that I realized my neck is actually hyper ticklish. I think my laugh increased one octave in pitch! :D The neck tickling felt so intense that it also had an annoying quality in addition to the absolutely insane ticklishness. I believe all the other ticklish areas of my body have only the ticklishness without the annoying quality. It’s a very strange sensation.

I frantically tried to escape the neck tickling by moving my head from one side to the other, but Jazmine simply followed the movement of my head with the tickling fingernails of both of her hands. She also laughed because she saw my reaction and was capitalizing on it. Jazmine was loving this tickle spot (a little too much)!!! She was completely destroying me and I was starting to panic a little. Her fingernail tickling was extremely intense. I quickly moved my head to one side and then moved my shoulder up so that I could pinch one of her tickling hands between my head and my shoulder. My defense was only slightly effective. I did manage to pin her hand for a moment, but Jazmine continued to tickle my neck with that hand and continued tickling the other side of my neck with her free hand and was laughing at the futility of my feeble defense. :D :D This whole time I was hysterically laughing non-stop.

Jazmine finally showed me some mercy and tickled my sides and abs instead of my neck. I was still laughing hard, but at least the intense annoying sensation was gone.

It’s also worth noting here that my under bed restraint system did a very good job of preventing me from protecting myself which substantially increased the intensity of the experience. The restraint system also protected Jazmine from potential injury from any flailing arms and elbows.

Also, while Jazmine was tickling me, there were times when a ticklish part of her body, like her ribs or her feet, would come within range of one of my hands. Whenever this would happen, I would tickle Jazmine as much as possible which was usually quite a bit. She usually allowed me to tickle the hell out of her while she was tickling me. She would just laugh right along with me. Damn she was fun.
It sounds like you had quite a wonderful session! Thanks for describing the experience to us in such detail. :D
I'm having another session with her tonight. She'll be here within the hour. I'm so excited!!! :excited:
We just finished our session and Jazmine just now left my house. Damn!!!!!!!! She tickled the absolute living hell out of me!!!! :eek: Sometimes I just can't anticipate how ticklish I am in a particular spot until someone shows me. :D I was howling and thought I would just die. With any luck I'll post the story by this weekend.
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