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Nest was amazing!

I have discovered a great truth. NEST is not truly over until you have posted the big gushy post in the after NEST thread. That being the case, doesn't it make sense to not make that post?

Do you think I might be in denial? :upsidedow
I know that was a fabulous reaction!!! Made me very happy!!!!!!! I hope to run into you again because you were fun to hang out with both as a lee and a ler and just in general!!!

Haha, I threw my raffle tickets on the floor when you said you wanted to be ler with me. Sorry to hear its back to school for you. Hope you don't have any impending finals.
All I have to say is:


NEST was awesome!
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Okay, I'll admit it.. not only am I in a severe state of denial (no, NEST can't be over already!!!) but I'm always hate this post because I know I'll forget someone who I don't want to forget. It was fine when you went to a gathering with 20 other people but seriously, folks!!! :eek:

Maybe the best thing to do would be to follow the above examples and not even try.. I was totally thrilled to see so many of the friends we have made from attending previous gatherings, whether at NEST or elsewhere. This is like a family reunion with one exception.. you don't get to choose your family. We spent a good 2 hours just wandering around hugging people and catching up on the past year.. During that time we also met many of the newer people who were attending NEST for the first time. This is one of our favorite parts of the event!

With some of these people we made an instant connection.. My husbands' gypsy love-child ended up being just as wonderful in person as online.. I love her to pieces and she was the one who finally made me cry during the goodbyes.. I always do at the end of NEST and was feeling pretty proud of myself for not getting blubbery until I gave her a hug.. and she wouldn't let go.. Miss you sweety.. We're only a keystroke (or phonecall) away..

I have decided to post more when I am more awake..:yawnface: perhaps some of those that were lucky enough to stay longer this year (just about everyone) will have returned and posted by then as well..
but I'm always hate this post because I know I'll forget someone who I don't want to forget. It was fine when you went to a gathering with 20 other people but seriously, folks!!! :eek:

Well put, Venraya. It's late, I'm tired after the flight and the weekend (and the afternoon, Classy and Spotlady!!), so I'm gonna keep this brief ...

Another NEST is in the books. As with every year, it keeps getting better and better.

Lee - I really know how hard you worked. A huge THANKS to you for all you did to make this happen and be successful.

Great bunch of Newbies this year - you guys deserve a round of applause.

As always, great to see and catch up with old friends, and great to meet a lot of new friends, who I am sure will be old friends in the future...

At breakfast this morning, I mentioned that my voice was getting hoarse. I told them I thought it was from all the laughter. After a moment, I realized where I was and what I just said, so I quickly corrected myself. I told them "Not that kind of laughter! from all of the laughing along with people when we were just sitting around bs'ing."

I was talking with a young man from Portugal midway through the event yesterday. I asked him whether NEST was what he thought it would be, was it more or less than he pictured. He had a great reply: he said it was nothing that he could ever imagine.

G'night folks. The Post-NEST Blues are weighing.
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Alchemy's home....and tired...very tired...

Hey everyone...got in a few hours ago!

Nest was an absolutely amazing experience this year.

I miss you all already!!!

Thank you to EVERYONE for, once again, a wonderful time.
it really was amazing. i have to say that i was absolutely impressed and surprised about Nest, my expectations obviously were not the right ones. it was great to actually see everyones faces and see their real personality. i think i fell in love with just about everyone there. there wasn't a second that went by when i wasn't just hugging someone. you guys really did feel like family and i'm so happy the Rhino talked me into going. i had SO much fun. and sorry for losing it with the tear factory at brunch! :wub:
it really was amazing. i have to say that i was absolutely impressed and surprised about Nest, my expectations obviously were not the right ones. it was great to actually see everyones faces and see their real personality. i think i fell in love with just about everyone there. there wasn't a second that went by when i wasn't just hugging someone. you guys really did feel like family and i'm so happy the Rhino talked me into going. i had SO much fun. and sorry for losing it with the tear factory at brunch! :wub:

You are such a sweetie! It was so good to finally meet you...:redheart:
I will try to make this my only post in the General or Tickling Discussion since I know how it feels to read 10000+ posts about an event I didn't go to. Hopefully we can be able to share our sentiments here for a short time without being inundated with snide comments from those who didn't get to go.

What can I say but.........I miss you guys already?

I hate that I missed the brunch, I really do. Next time I'll know to book a later flight, lol. As a newbie, NEST was EVERYTHING I expected and more! I have never met a more awesome bunch of folks who make the word "family" true in every sense. I can say with complete sincerity that I hope NEST isn't the last time I talk or visit with any one of you. I can't believe I'm crying as I write this......

It was wonderful to finally meet those who I have been chatting with on here or actually talking to on the phone. I will never forget that first meeting. I loved just hanging out with the many different personalities and laughing every minute, whether I was being tickled or not. It was also wondurful to meet those I haven't gotten the pleasure to know online, and getting to know them for the first time at NEST. I feel like I've known you for years. I got to be very open and honest with a few of you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening and being there for me.

Every single one of you are special, thank you again for making my first NEST unforgettable!
I'm exhausted from my epic 10 hour journey home back to the west coast that started at 4am this morning, followed by a full day of work. Before I nod off to sleep, I just wanted to join in the gushing. I had such a great time from the moment I walked in the door of the htoel. It was great to see all my old friends, and meeting so many more new friends! I can't believe it's over already!
The "NEST Ache" is probably the oddest feeling in the world. As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm basking in the afterglow of one of the greatest times I have ever had in my three decades on this planet... Yet, strangely, despite my euphoria I am despondent at having no more NEST for another year. I swear that I died a little bit saying goodbye to everyone at the brunch, a little more saying last good byes at the hotel, and yet a little bit more when I finally trudged to my gate at the airport. There are tons of things in this world that can be described as addictive, but every one of them that I can presently think of pales in comparison to being in a room with upwards of a hundred people, friends, acquaintances and strangers alike, who you love totally and who love you back totally... It's truly a beautiful thing.

I'll probably try to work up some kind of long-winded (and hopefully non-mushy) NEST post later on. I just kind of wanted to get this off my chest while everything is still fresh, since I just made it back. God I love you guys... :lovestory
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I'm missing y'all already. Today absolutely and completely sucked. I couldn't believe I had driven home on Sunday to sit in my office today, trying to do work while people were still back at NEST. I certainly had a massive case of that NEST ache.

Yeah, that post NEST depression hits hard after you have a great time, and then it is gone. Driving home after attending a NEST was always the hardest for me. Knowing that I would have to wait another year to come to another NEST.

Sorry I missed meeting you and Avenger. Chatting here on the TMF with you and Avenger would have been great to finally meet you both. Hope to see you folks in 2009, and crossing my fingers that nothing goes wrong again. Missed the 2007 + 2008 NEST due to family issues.

I can't wait to go even though I've been hearing of this depression that sweeps through the NESTees. It's killing me to have to wait a whole year to see you all, joke with you all, and make friends with you all.
I'm already planning for NEST 2009 and that keeps me excited. I'm gonna be bouncing-off-the-walls hyper so ya'll better plan for me!:couch:

No. Seriously.. I don't know where to begin.

I will have to put more thought into my NEST post/thread ..Since I just got settled and I am feeling brain fried, tired, slightly chaotic, and..wow, here's one.. LOVED. :D

I'm not sad though. I mean.. I'm still glowin from the experience..the depression hasn't set in yet.. I'm sure it will tomorrow morning (aka later today) when I wake up and realize I am not going to go downstairs and see a happy group of people that I care about in individual ways.

If I had the ambition.. I'd write more..but I don't. There is a NEST something in the works though.. Wait for it. ;)

Ain't a person I wasn't glad t'meet or happy t'see again.

Hell, there's folks I was figurin' might be tough to see that weren't. None of 'em in this thread, mind ya, but still. Nothin' was bad. No ill will there.

As always, I want the fictional Kittletown for us. A slice of that, livin' in perpetuity. That kinda town with this kinda crew. That'd do nicely.

Time t'sleep... G'night all.
Something Funny

Although I have Nest ache I do not have the post Nest depression... I am still flying high from the weekend... of course that may just be part of my personality coming through and in a sense I still feel like I am there because so many people are already corresponding with me! I am also amazed that so many people responded to my simple post!!!! It is fabulous!

Morning on Tuesday

Like most, I don't intend on recounting many personals, way too many to list and describe. I'll leave that to the folks that can post and you can make sense out of what they say, and to the creative ones that are so entertaining and special.

LeeAllure you and Brighteyes put in so much time, I hope you can see the genuine joy that your hard work is responsible for. Thank you!

Stooges, and most certainly Crystallight has dived right in to the group, heart first.

Team Canada, no specifics, but I don't have to tell you how much I enjoyed your time and company. Emporer, Hypnosis, and Snail, our border guards will never be the same!!!

Hello to our friends that worked at the Motel, who I bet might just be lurking, at least we all hope so. They were a lot of fun to tease with.

Like Kered said, starting Thursday night off with a brew or two was absoutely a perfect way to begin. I hate that I missed the brunch Monday but it was probably for the best, emotionally ( hate to see an old man cry, especiall if its me ).

I plan on saying hello to several personally, so until next year, I am already working on TheBoss in hopes of getting her there to meet everyone that I hold dear. :bowing::bowing:
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Hello Little girl :)

You know you now have a friend in Portugal!!!

I don´t have that much time to write something more now but i´ll do it latter. Just arrived and got to go and work :(

We do need to make some more staring contests heheheh Now you know if you do that with me I´ll do anything to prove you wrong ;)

If you ever need a friend, call!! watch for PM´s later.

Big kiss

Hello Little girl :)

You know you now have a friend in Portugal!!!

I don´t have that much time to write something more now but i´ll do it latter. Just arrived and got to go and work :(

We do need to make some more staring contests heheheh Now you know if you do that with me I´ll do anything to prove you wrong ;)

If you ever need a friend, call!! watch for PM´s later.

Big kiss


Thank you Rui! It was wonderful to meet you and I hope to stay friends with you for a long long time!
Thank you all......

This is the most difficult thing I've ever had to write......how do you accurately reflect in a single post how much the weekend, the people, the new friends mean to you?

The answer is...you can't. All I can say is thank you to everyone for making this one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had.

Lee and BrightEyes - You both put forth so much time and effort to make this event a success. A huge thank you to both of you. Pencil me in for a bartending shift for next year. ;) I'll be to NEST what "Isaac" was to the "Love Boat".

Kered - My fellow Hooiser!!! (That's someone who lives in Indiana, btw) Next time I"m going to help you pick out Classy's mug to make sure it's ugly enough.

Pokey - After I met you Friday, I kept hearing from everyone the rest of the weekend "Hey, have you met Pokey yet? He's the nicest guy". They were right. Hope to see you before next year....Detroit gathering perhaps? :D

Bugman - I got you PM...you should me getting mine shortly. It was great meeting you and we'll be staying in touch. :)

Avenger/Ayla - Next year, you might want to request the room that doesn't have all of Philly's water pipes running by it. I'll be training in "Six Degress of Kevin Bacon" over the next year in prep for NEST 2009.

Crystal/Annie - My favorite customers during my shift. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more during the weekend but it was GREAT meeting both of you. See you on the threads and hopefully next year too!!

Andy/TheDirector - Great meeting both of you and thank you for not shotting me when we got lost on the way back Sunday. I'm watching the DVD tomorrow, Director. I can't wait and thank you for a copy!!!!

Team Canada - Hipnosis, SnailShell, Emperor - You all were just the best!!! Group hugs in the hall, being renamed "Mark" by Emperor, the autographed comic, and so much more.....great freinds all of you.

Venray - I wish we had gotten to talk more over the weekend. You're the best boss an "evil minion" could have. :D

Classy - Did you ever think you could get the same person, FOUR times with the same prank in a 45 minute period? :D *hugs* Miss you, hon......

TickleChgo - I'll be passing out the rabbit ears at next year's event. Great meeting you.

Kwildoctor/Lite - It was wonderful meeting and riding in ArmpitLover's backseat with both of you!!!! You made the dinners truly memorable!!!!!

ArmpitLover/Luv2HateIt - You're GREAT people..I miss you both. Thank you for being so welcoming and taking me under your wing....I'll be seeing both of you online here in the next few days and we'll keep in close touch.

IrishGirl/Milagros/Bella/DVNC/Questions/AffectionateDan/Tamia/Gabe/Lily/Alchemy/ASUTickler/Tortuga/CapnMad/Bride of Dracula/Starwolfe/Christina - It was wonderful meeting all of you and wished that I had been able to talk with and get to know all of you better. Hopefully we will over the next year.

My apologies for anyone I missed and the rambling nature of this post.....again, thanks to EVERYONE who attended for making this such a special weekend.

Until next year...I bid you all peace and may your God go with you.
Everyone is saying such wonderful things, now i'm not one to gush, but i wanted to add my praises to one of the best weekends of my life. I adore all of the people I got to know, and already miss the conversations that we had. I want to thank all for making this newbie feel so welcome and part of the group. I'll now be studying up on ALL ACTORS who ever played Dracula and wearing hats for a few months....
hope everyone made it home safely. ~lots-o-love~ Jessica
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I would like to second the "thanks" for making the newbies feel so welcome. You know, I didn't walk up to any group at any time during the weekend and not feel welcome to join in right away....very special. I'm not really feeling depressed, I guess I would call it strangely drawn here......OK...ok..compulsively drawn here! I'm just looking for my new friends...:wavingguy
Impaler....Short a time as I had with everyone, I was so glad to have spent at least some of it with you.....

We shall keep the pm's emails and etc going strong til next we meet (hopefully before a year is up).....You're a good Bro to have!...


The weekend was. . . . in a word . . . excellent. This weekend really helped me just be myself because the atmosphere was so laid back and positively bubbling with good vibes going every which way. A special thanks goes out Lee for putting everything together and making this weekend happen and bella for being so kind to us newbies. I loved seeing Libertine and Kittentoes put on one of the most hallarious bondage classes I have ever seen (technically my first but whos counting). To the vets that made me feel welcomed and DM who were possitively filled with useful information. To the newbie crowd that I rolled with all weekend. To all the Lee's at the party, especially Irishgirl haha. To captain Jack Sparow for walking the plank. To all who threw the frisbee with me. To all the of you who gave me crap about having the frisbee. To my three favorite canadians. To Ticklehotel for friending me. To Jenn for giving me a back message. To team yellow for winning family guy (sorry Amanda, maybe next year). To random drunk guy I told about our party and sounded insanely jealous. To viper for making a sweet video. To Lily for not resting a moment during the whole, ENTIRE party. And to all my loyal patrons during my bartending shift.

It is a rarity for people to act without pretense, thanks to everyone for being geniune and candid. It was truely a pleasure to meet you all! I cannot wait for next year when we get to do it all over again.


PS: The frisbee icon is in the works
PPS: Join Summer League Chris
PPPS: your the man Blood
PPPPS: Call me
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