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Non-tickling General discussion

Iggy pop

3rd Level Orange Feather
Oct 13, 2002
This was Posted by Myriads in another thread, but I thought I respond here instead of taking the thread more off topic.

We elected to allow people to talk about things other then tickling on this site. We felt it was a nice way to help build the community, let people get to know each other better. But again and again folks prove that they can't use a privledge without abusing it. Perhaps this open policy was an error, and it's time for me to reconsider, and to issue a kill order on any thread that's not "On Topic" with "On Topic" being defined as about tickling.

98% of all moderation issues don't involve tickling threads.

Every ban that I've issued in the past month has not involved tickling threads.

May I politely say: What the Fuck?

Why come here to discuss politics?
Why come here to argue this stuff?
What does it serve? It's like going to the Supermarket to buy auto parts.

I think the reason why we discuss other things other than tickling is that we are running out of things to talk about tickling. Tickling is a very limited subject. I mean how many times can you ask what celeberity would you like to tickle? What is your favorite spot to tickle? Any women into tickling? Which celeberity do you think has the most ticklish feet? Any females here with ticklish feet? And so on. It seem like subjects keep on getting repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated. I guess that is why some people post about politics. Others decide they are going to play hangman or another game in the silly forum.
Exactly Iggy. To be completely honest, I'm sure I'm not the only one who comes here specifically FOR the non-tickling discussions.

I always look forward to reading or participating in discussions and debates of a healthy nature with all of you.

I come here for the PEOPLE, you wonderful people not the site or subject matter of tickling. Well, thats and to promote my art and take requests, etc.

Our dear Myriads answered his own questions of why with this-

"We felt it was a nice way to help build the community, let people get to know each other better."

He knows why, we all know why. I'd hate to think this would all be jeoprodized because of some fools who can't get their act together. Why should everyone suffer because of them? They're the ones that should be punished.

The majority of us have our act together. Some misfits, past and present, future even, shouldn't be allowed to make a difference.


Besides, it is their job to moderate situations anyways. Thats what they're here for, in regards to that capacity and position of authority. To completely eliminate general discussions is a sign of weakness and defeat to me. Its like throwing in the towel because of bad experiences which you just have to get over. Moderators are there to do just that- moderate, its their job. If they get tired of it, find someone else to do it.

The answer is not in deleting your problems away and denying people what is only fair, practical, and necessary in maintaining a forum-based community where people know eachother as people, not as fetishists only.

If you ask me, it would be too impersonal any other way. Cutting this vital part of it out would be a big mistake I think, akin to removing the heart from a body. While the forum could and would still be sustained without this section, it will have lost it's collective soul.
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Pretty much everything has already been said. I would like to add something though.

The clip area, pic area, link update area. All the producers and people who have clips to share post there. Unless an item comes out for sale and the person who found it wants opinions/discussions on it, it will go in the images section. The tickling section has been quite dead. It had some threads, replies, but mostly dead. Like stated before tickling is a limited thing to talk about.

Just my 2 cents.
I've said this time and time again... talking about tickling gets to be very boring and dull after the first few thousand threads are read and responded to. When I first joined TMF nearly eight months ago, I was so happy to find people who shared my 'obsession' that I literally poured all of my tickle experiences out on the computer keyboard. I guess the well has run dry. Rather than talk tickling, I'd rather be doing it. Thank goodness I have a ladyfriend who loves to have me tickle her.

I've found the 'General Discussion' forum to be a godsend! Thanks to that forum, I've been introduced to new music, new viewpoints about a wide variety of topics and I've seen how loving and caring TMF members can be whenever someone has a problem or someone they know passes away.

As much as I would love to tickle Steph, Kitten, Tickleshotel, etc. I'd be even happier meeting them for dinner and enjoying a sparkling conversation about life in general. These people are more than just objects for me to tickle... they are dear friends whom I've grown to love, as are many, many more of you reading this. A love of tickling brought us together... your personalities keep you in my heart.
Couldn't have put it better myself:

"I think the reason why we discuss other things other than tickling is that we are running out of things to talk about tickling. Tickling is a very limited subject. I mean how many times can you ask what celeberity would you like to tickle? What is your favorite spot to tickle? Any women into tickling? Which celeberity do you think has the most ticklish feet? Any females here with ticklish feet? And so on. It seem like subjects keep on getting repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated. I guess that is why some people post about politics. Others decide they are going to play hangman or another game in the silly forum."

There are people here who are genuinely afraid to voice their opinions about things here, for fear of being moderated, or worse, banned. Others come in here and act like resident trolls and flame others at will, with few or no consequences. They get banned for five minutes, and they're back. I myself have a group of people on ignore, either because of their general belligerance, or their ignorance, or in some cases, both. I mean, it's the only way I can make this place more agreeable for me. Heaven knows the help isn't coming from any other quarters.

A year ago, I stopped posting in the P&R forum, because it's unfairly moderated in a blatant, and even aggressive manner. Others left too. What's the point? Why have it at all?

Every time I come in here, I have to pass by stickies with rules for conduct. Why have them? What's the point?

The General board is ALIVE. It THRIVES. Whether anyone will admit it or not, it's the drive wheel.
I come here because I love it all. Everything. The tickling discussion from those who share my love to the fantastic people I get to know better in the Silly Stuff forum to the intelluctual discussions I have in the General Forum. The mods do a great job as far as I am concerned with such a diverse group. We shouldn't sweat it.
featherfingers said:
I've said this time and time again... talking about tickling gets to be very boring and dull after the first few thousand threads are read and responded to. When I first joined TMF nearly eight months ago, I was so happy to find people who shared my 'obsession' that I literally poured all of my tickle experiences out on the computer keyboard. I guess the well has run dry. Rather than talk tickling, I'd rather be doing it. Thank goodness I have a ladyfriend who loves to have me tickle her.

I've found the 'General Discussion' forum to be a godsend! Thanks to that forum, I've been introduced to new music, new viewpoints about a wide variety of topics and I've seen how loving and caring TMF members can be whenever someone has a problem or someone they know passes away.

As much as I would love to tickle Steph, Kitten, Tickleshotel, etc. I'd be even happier meeting them for dinner and enjoying a sparkling conversation about life in general. These people are more than just objects for me to tickle... they are dear friends whom I've grown to love, as are many, many more of you reading this. A love of tickling brought us together... your personalities keep you in my heart.

Thank you featherfingers,I'd be very happy meeting you for lunch and having engaging conversation as well if you travel down this way or I come up there.. I consider you a dear friend as well featherfingers :)..
Some View Points

I dont know,when I first got on here and saw the diverse people in the General Discussion board I felt liberated. Some judging by their appearance meaning their signature image looked bazaar (I still laugh when I think of the member with a photo of Charles Manson and underneath it says "Manson for President!") Some even seem timid by their sigs, I am im particular a quiet kind of guy so a brief Aesops Fable will do. My point is that there are all types of characters on this site but I dont believe there should be a middle ground. I think either ALL controversial topics should be discussed or none because otherwise we will begin to resent those who "moderate" these discussions. Even in this topic I can sense resentment towards the moderators in some of the words members use. I imagine it would be insulting to have a topic you thought up deleted because of a moderators judgement. I can only imagine what the Politics and Religion forum must be like (I never went there). I say let it all hang out for people or like Myriads said restrict it to Tickling Discussion. Would that be tedious possibly but it might be the only way we can get along. Personally I havent come across any troublemakers accosting me but I have seen threads where 2 people just fight with each other (one in particular comes to mind but I wont mention any names). I dont have the answer, just trying to give us something to think about. I mean what could a person really do to be banned? Maybe im better off not knowing. :sowrong:
OK I will be serious for a short bit again.

Almost every forum I see has some form of General Discussion because as others have stated it is not possible to talk about a specific topic that much. Also as ticklkitten stated many have made friends and gotten to know each other through the Humor/Silly Stuff and General Discussion threads. Many of the friends I have made here have been through Humor forum and General Discussion areas. To eliminate them would be tragic. With that said the trouble is mainly in politcs and religion discussion area. These are always problematic in other forums I visit as well. I see that this P&R subforum here is tearing people apart not bringing them together. That is not good. If that situation is not fixable or people do not change then I believe that part of the forum should be eliminated. To me the TMF has always been about the WUV and I have much of that here in the General Discussion/ Silly Stuff area as well as the main tickling part of the forum and of course in the chatroom as well.

Seriousness over (back to bunnies, teddies and marmalade):D :D :p
tickleshotel said:
Thank you featherfingers,I'd be very happy meeting you for lunch and having engaging conversation as well if you travel down this way or I come up there.. I consider you a dear friend as well featherfingers :)..

Right back at you, Sweetie! :)
Now that I'm no longer a mod, I can say this without coloring the view of the team. While I wholeheartedly believe that general discussion should remain, I'm all for dumping the P&R forum. It has long ago ceased to be a place where any real benefit comes. It has given those with extremist political views (on both ends) a place to attack and insult one another. That mood has often carried over into other areas and created even more dissention. If it had been up to me, I'd have been suspending posting priviledges much more than what was done and banning those who didn't get the point after being suspended.

AFA the religious topics, what few were posted because of the fear of attacks, they barely exist. And little real discussion was able to take place because of a few people for whom their own disbelief was thought more important than the belief of others. In both cases, it's a matter of people being immature and inconsiderate of others.

Should the P&R forum be dumped? A few months ago, I'd have said no. Just dump the trouble-makers who don't know how to be civil. But, I fear too much damage has been done at this point to be able to effectively reign things in. I'd dump it, consider it a lesson learned and move on. Anything that people try to sneak into GD can be canned easily enough if it's decided to make that a restricted subject. The day people learn how to interact without being childish and selfish we may see topics able to work their way back in. But, I doubt that will happen in my lifetime. The sad part is that there's no valid reason why it shouldn't....just lots of excuses! :sowrong:

To me, the answer is quite simple. It's the kind of simple answer that nobody sees because it's right in front of your face. What if instead of closing the P&R Forum, we do the exact opposite. Lift the "Golden Rule" restriction and just let people have at it. I've seen other moderated forums that have a single subforum that's unmoderated and it works quite well for them. Those that want the restrictions of censorship (which in this forum comprise the majority) can avoid the flames of the unmoderated subforum. Those that prefer a freer, less restrictive atmosphere can hone their verbal skills in the unmoderated forum. Everybody's happy, and the Moderators' workload will drop to a fraction of its current weight.
Hey! You stole my idea! ;) Seriously a forum where people could just attack each other does have its benefits as long as it doesnt carry off into General or Tickling Discussion. It would allow people to settle their issues the old fashoined way and perhaps releave some aggression towards other members.
Wickerman said:
Hey! You stole my idea! ;) Seriously a forum where people could just attack each other does have its benefits as long as it doesnt carry off into General or Tickling Discussion.

The problem is Wickerman is that it won't stay out of the General or other areas of the forum and acutally spill over and spoil the rest of the areas...I feel.
If someones feelings are hurt in this "unmoderated" area by someone, they can't possibly have a calm discussion with the same person in the tickling forum...at the very least it will create BAD clicks, with people taking sides.

Either keep the P&R section moderated or dump it.

I never GO into the P&R section...

Anyway, my 2 cents.
The problem is Wickerman is that it won't stay out of the General or other areas of the forum and acutally spill over and spoil the rest of the areas...I feel.

This is what I think. I think this is incorrect. The reason I think this is because I hardly ever see anyone who posts in the P & R forum anywhere else. Some people practically live there. If you let 'em stay there, then they will not get in the way of other people. And since the P & R people never venture outside of their little den, they would never encounter each other elsewhere and there would be no arguments.

I, too, think an unmoderated forum would be a good idea. So what if we flame each other? What harm does it actually do anyone? Better that than we all go on a political march, the kind which regularly gets people injured or killed. Better that we take our anger out on people here in the virtual setting than in the street, is what I say.
Originally posted by Tommytikl
If someones feelings are hurt in this "unmoderated" area by someone, they can't possibly have a calm discussion with the same person in the tickling forum...at the very least it will create BAD clicks, with people taking sides.
Everything you fear is already taking place. People's feelings are being hurt. Hatred on a national level is being openly expressed. Partisanship is polarized beyond our wildest expectations. If you visit the P&R Forum you'll see what I mean. Frustration builds further because of the Golden Rule restrictions. There is no outlet to vent steam, and it is already bleeding over into the other forums, hence this very thread.
drew70 said:
If you visit the P&R Forum you'll see what I mean. Frustration builds further because of the Golden Rule restrictions. There is no outlet to vent steam, and it is already bleeding over into the other forums, hence this very thread.

Then kill the P&R Forum...it relates in no way to tickling and is, apparently, a destructive force here.
Find another outlet to make people cry...this is a place to find laughter!
Not at all, I'm afraid, Tommy. This is general discussion. Any tickle related talk will be moved to the appropriate forum. :D

Besides, killing the PR Forum is somewhat akin to cutting off one's head to cure dandruff...throwing the baby out with the bathwater...etc.
drew70 said:
Besides, killing the PR Forum is somewhat akin to cutting off one's head to cure dandruff...throwing the baby out with the bathwater...etc.

Actually, there are a few heads I wouldn't mind seeing on the chopping block. But, this is supposed to be a friendly forum....not a venue for petty gripes and infighting. There are several people who see things like this and say good-bye before we even have a chance to get to know them. I'm all for giving folks a spot where they can sling the BS all they want. I just don't see a forum like this as being an appropriate choice of venue for it. I'm sure I won't change your mind any more than you'll change mine. So, we can simply agree to disagree....one of the things folks in P&R rarely seems to be willing to do.

drew70 said:
There is no outlet to vent steam, and it is already bleeding over into the other forums, hence this very thread.

The TMF is not a place to vent steam. The only reason that P & R was created was because of the number of political threads suddenly cropping up about the pending election.

If P & R is killed and politics banned from discussion, then those that persist will simply not be allowed to post. Simple easy fix.

BAck to the way things were all along.

There is no need for a special place set aside for idiocy.......

Upon Further Review......

I agree upon further thought that there is no way we could have a "Hell in the Cell" forum and then expect the parties to be civil to each other just because they clicked on another link on this forum. However ive seen ill feelings pop up even in the General Discussion section what do we do about that? The gentleman who said "people are passionate about sports too should we ban discussion about them?" Forgive me I cant remember your name but an excellent point is made. If people want to fight with each other they can argue about shoelaces. We need a clear cut 10 commandments type list on BEHAVIOR regulations toward each other. Topics are to vague to ban and youll end up looking like a Nazi, ban flaming toward each other and...yes FORCE people to be civil towards each other or they have to leave. Kind of like bouncers in a bar will eject two guys arguing. I always believed that it takes the bigger man to walk away from trouble (if you can) so thats what I do but its a shame some peoples tempers prevent them from doing that.:sowrong:
Just wanted to share this from the thread on this topic in P&R.

Humor and GenDis are going no place. When I first posted I was good and cranky, and didn't make the fine but important distinction between the various non-tickling areas on forum. I should have. As many people have said in this thread, Humor and GenDis are different creatures then P&R and I agree with them. Rest easy, they are not going anyplace. My ire and attention is focused on P&R. Sorry if I caused undue concern.

I am glad that there is a GD forum I remember the days before it was here I was still pretty new to the site so it was still a new adventure to me I believe that Misstress Mia started a post in the tickling forum on the events of 9/11 After that is when we got the GD forum

I get a kick out of some of those posts in the P&R forum It shows how regular people will act like politicians from time to time:D
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