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Not Sure How to React to this Grave News


Jun 19, 2001
Very, very few of you know much about me outside of my activities on the TMF and on the fetish scene, and I don't think more than two or three of you know anything about my family.

When I was very young, to the tune of 2 or 3 years old, my father left my mother and I. I saw him once when I was 6 years old, at a bowling alley - he had come to see my mother. He came around periodically to visit her (I can only imagine for one thing :idunno: ) but never to see me. Once, I called him and asked him if he could take me to Sahara Sam's (roughly the equivalent oftoday's Chuck E Cheese's) the next day, at 1:00. He promised to take me at 1:30. The next day, he never showed up - didn't call, didn't visit, probably didn't even remember.

When I was 18, I hunted him down at his place of work. I asked him where he'd been, why he never called, and why he lied so much. I told him I was going into the Army, and he refused to believe it. I wasn't upset about his lack of involvement with me - I was angry because my mother still loved him, and I wanted to see her smile again. I put my mother's phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. I made it very clear to him that he was to call my mother - end of story.

He did, and they were in contact for a few months before he started the lying bullshit all over again. He dropped off the face of the planet not too long after that, and we were back to the same old crap.

Here we are, four years later, and my phone rings. It was my mother.

Mark Salvatore ******* (last name removed - Salvatore is his middle name) died somewhere between Wednesday and Saturday this past week. He was found in his apartment yesterday afternoon. No cause of death has been determined.

As the tile of this thread explains, I don't know how to react. Most people would cry, or het angry or upset. But, for some reason, the only two things that this situation makes me think are that it's a damn shame I didn't get the opportunity to punch his lights out before he died, and that I hope I can keep his gun collection.

And I don't feel like I'm thinking anything wrong.

Anyway, to bring this post to a close, I'm not upset. I'm not sad, angry, or anything. It's just a big piece of news that's very close to home. I just made it very clear to my mother that before he's creamated, I want to know why he died, that's all.

Sorry, Marky, I know he wasn't there, but he was still a family member nonetheless.
However you're reacting to this man, get through it however you need to get through it.

You know how to get a hold of me if you want to chat.

Snail Shell
Dont sweat it...

Everyone reacts differently... ther eis no right or wrong. Just how you feel. I know my feelings were mixed when my dad passed. Do what you need to do and take care of mom too.

Without going into detail, I know exactly how you feel. You may feel a bit cheated by his early departure before you got to say and/or do things pertaining to him. Best advice: let it go. He was your father thru blood only. He was never any kind of dad to you. Don't let his dying hurt you in the sense that you left things unsaid with him.

Truth is, he was a turd to your mom and neglected you. He's not worth shedding a tear over or even to carry any deep guilt or resentment around with you. He really seemed to not affect you much in life, so his death should affect you just as much, if not less.

If anything should be learned from you by this, it's that you should make sure if you ever have kids, you don't treat them the way he treated you.
Sorry, Marky, I know he wasn't there, but he was still a family member nonetheless.

No he wasn't; he was a fucking waster and a bit of a twat by the sounds of things.

If I were you I'd check the coffin before they bury it just to make sure he hasn't skipped out of that too. And post pics of the guns if he had any cool ones.
I'm sorry for your loss. I know what you mean...about being confused and not knowing how to react.
This is your dad, and you know what the "normal" response others have had when they've lost a parent, but you haven't had a "normal" relationship with him. In fact, you have had practically no relationship, so it feels weird. But exactly what you feel about this is right. Complete confusion and weird emotions.
Any reaction is better then none.

If it's any solace, hon. I hope you get the guns too then. :redheart:
I'm so sorry for your loss. Like everyone has said, everyone copes differently with death, but atleast you are facing it head on. I hope everything works out for you.

Your feelings are what they are man.This may sound harsh but from reading your post this guy was a sperm donor and thats about it.That,rather then his passing is whats sad,along with how he treated your mother.You both deserved better.
I am going to agree with these feelings are normal but when it comes to death, no feeling seems "normal." Unlike most emotions or situations death is infrequent (hopefully) and your reaction is going vary GREATLY depending on the person and how you feel your relationship with that person was. It does not have to make sense and it won't.
My best suggestion would be to not ignore your emotions though. Given that we seem like a private person it must have taken a lot of courage to post personal details about your life. This is something I think took a lot of guts to say the least. If writing your post helped at all, maybe try writing down your thoughts and feelings. For some reason writing things down like that helps a lot of people.

I am sorry that your going through a hard time right now but feel free to PM me if ya want. You have a lot of friends on here who are going to be there for you:)
Thanks to everyone so far who's expressing their condolences. But keep one thing straight - Salvatore was not my "dad", he was my "father." Some of you understand the difference from personal experience.
i know only one other person besides you that went though something like this. when his father died, he mourned quietly, then went about his life. since you had no real connection (other than genetics) to the man, i can understand your feelings, or lack thereof.

just live on, and hope that no one else has to deal with that kind of confusion ever again.
Knowing you i would say that you have already worked through any issues you may have had with him...this is good...

now, knowing also how you feel about mom, you need to focus on helping her deal as well....It may not be easy, but she needs you now, man...do whatever you can for her and try not to be bitter while with her..
feel the need to jump in here coz i feel your pain with the whole absentee father crap. been through a similar scenario... 'cept in my case daddy-dearest was "forcibly removed", shall we say (ah, fond childhood memories... lol). i suppose i took a lucky tumble in some respects because i think my mum was glad to see the back of him when he went and even if she'd changed her mind there was no way he could have gone back to her, so you've got my sympathies there... i was 18 when i found out my dad had passed away. a bloke i knew as Uncle Nik, despite the fact he wasnt related to us and i didn't know anything about him beyond his name, arrived at two in the morning with the tidings. he stood on the doorstep wringing his hands and umming and aahing for the "right words", and when he finally dropped it on me i felt the same casual indifference as you describe. mum took it hard, but then i suppose she had a house to run and she was going to miss his cash or whatever, but as far as i was concerned i never knew him. Uncle Nik might as well have said "i've just run over a cat" or something.

the way i look at it you can't mourn someone you didn't know. you can't miss someone who wasn't there in the first place, and just because their blood flows in your veins doesn't mean you should feel bad for not feeling bad that they're no longer with us. i didn't, however much everyone around me (including my mates) seemed to think i should. sometimes i think i might be kidding myself, that i might actually feel something but am making an effort to repress it because i don't want to deal with the fact my dad is dead, then i try to picture his face and when i can't i realise that i really don't give a shit, likely never will, and see no reason why i should. that's me, though. your situation may be different so feel free to ignore my prattlings, but if reading this helps at all then that's... good.

PS; hi i'm new :-B
Hey Viper
First of all I'm sorry you even have to be in this position in the 1st place. It's not at all fair, and it sucks that you are now paying a price for his mistakes and misjudgements. The best thing I can think to say to you is try to understand that regardless of your relationship with your father, you wouldn't know how to feel right now.

Dealing with the death of someone in your life, close to you or not, rarely makes sense. I cried longer and harder when my best friend's friend's mom, who I had never met, died, than I did when my aunt died. It makes no sense why I would mourn the "loss" of someone I had never met, and I didn't really empathize with the daughter, because she wasn't a close friend of mine, so why was I so crushed? Who knows. But I didn't shed a tear over my aunt's death. I loved her. She was a nice lady, and I saw alot of people suffer over her death, but for some reason, it just didn't touch me.

I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, but I can appreciate your confusion. My advice is to just take it a day at a time, and do what feels right. If you want to cry at breakfast and you want to scream at lunch and you punch the wall at dinner, so be it. Just whatever you're feeling, let it out. Don't keep it bottled up inside, because by the time it works its way out, and it will, it will be unrecognizable, and you wont' know where to start. If you think you're confused now, try dealing with this is 10 or 15 years.

And lastly, I'll echo everyone else and say take care of your mom. I'm sure she needs you right now.
Very, very few of you know much about me outside of my activities on the TMF and on the fetish scene, and I don't think more than two or three of you know anything about my family.

When I was very young, to the tune of 2 or 3 years old, my father left my mother and I. I saw him once when I was 6 years old, at a bowling alley - he had come to see my mother. He came around periodically to visit her (I can only imagine for one thing :idunno: ) but never to see me. Once, I called him and asked him if he could take me to Sahara Sam's (roughly the equivalent oftoday's Chuck E Cheese's) the next day, at 1:00. He promised to take me at 1:30. The next day, he never showed up - didn't call, didn't visit, probably didn't even remember.

When I was 18, I hunted him down at his place of work. I asked him where he'd been, why he never called, and why he lied so much. I told him I was going into the Army, and he refused to believe it. I wasn't upset about his lack of involvement with me - I was angry because my mother still loved him, and I wanted to see her smile again. I put my mother's phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. I made it very clear to him that he was to call my mother - end of story.

He did, and they were in contact for a few months before he started the lying bullshit all over again. He dropped off the face of the planet not too long after that, and we were back to the same old crap.

Here we are, four years later, and my phone rings. It was my mother.

Mark Salvatore ******* (last name removed - Salvatore is his middle name) died somewhere between Wednesday and Saturday this past week. He was found in his apartment yesterday afternoon. No cause of death has been determined.

As the tile of this thread explains, I don't know how to react. Most people would cry, or het angry or upset. But, for some reason, the only two things that this situation makes me think are that it's a damn shame I didn't get the opportunity to punch his lights out before he died, and that I hope I can keep his gun collection.

And I don't feel like I'm thinking anything wrong.

Anyway, to bring this post to a close, I'm not upset. I'm not sad, angry, or anything. It's just a big piece of news that's very close to home. I just made it very clear to my mother that before he's creamated, I want to know why he died, that's all.


The loss of life is sad. But were I in your shoes (and in a few decades, I will be), I don't think I could feel for a 'stranger'.
I'm not going to tell you how to feel, because I'm not you, I didn't know your dad, and I didn't live your life. Anyone that tries to tell you how to feel is an asshole.

My dad was irresponsible and stupid and chose to live a life of excess rather than that of a good father and for a long time I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I was mad at times and sad at others.

I can't imagine to understand what you're going through. All I know, is there was a time when my mom said something to me along the same lines, and I, thinking he was dead, felt a bunch of (what some people might think are) irrational feelings.

Anger isn't all that irrational, actually...
Hi Viper,

I'm sorry to hear of his passing mostly because I know you had some unfinished business with him due to what he did to you and your mom.

The only good part of this is that he helped to create you. Your mom and your family did the rest - helping to grow, encourage and mold an energetic, talented, warm, loving man.

I can visualize you when you get to the point of having kids. Everything you did not have with your dad will be the special gift you pass along to your kids.
I don't really know you, but, without getting into details, I get what you're feeling.

I'll echo the stuff about not telling you how you should feel, that'd be pointless. If you don't end up feeling anything, then you don't feel anything. The only thing I'll say is if you feel something coming on, be it anger, sadness, whatever. Let yourself feel it, and let it pass over you.
Well, when it rains, it pours.

Long story short (and this is only the information I have and the conclusions I have drawn on my own), my father's sister (my aunt) robbed his apartment clean right after the medical examiner took the body away. She and her husband cleaned the place out - sword and knife collections, weapons, other valuables, god only knows what has gone missing. She lied to my face and my mother's face saying that she just cleaned out a bunch of trash. She even teared up while lying to us.

I'm trying to figure out how to get things rolling so the situation can be investigated and charges can be filed.
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