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Repost?? Sailor Moon--Darien's Descent pt6


TMF Poster
Nov 25, 2001
((actually, at this point I'm not sure if this is a repost or if
this is the first posting of this one... either way, here it is now.
And as before, don't read any further if its not legal for you to do

Story: Darien's Descent

Part 6.)

It had been a trying few days for Ami. She'd been avoiding any and all
contact with the other Sailor Scouts, and kept looking over her shoulder,
expecting Darien and the others to leap out at her from the shadows. She
knew logically that it was impossible to avoid them forever, and that
eventually, they would catch up with her. She needed a way to stop them.
She needed a plan.

Unfortunately, she didn't happen to have one.

Michelle and Amara had been unable to locate Trista to warn her, and it
was almost a foregone conclusion at this point that Sailor Pluto had fallen
under Darien's control like all the others. Feeling time was of the essence,
Ami went ahead with their plan, and hypnotized the girls in turn, trying to
block or remove Darien's deeply implanted triggers. To her chagrin, she
found that she couldn't even begin to remove the extensive amount of
mental conditioning they had all received; it seemed that they would
always be Darien's sex slaves in some way or the other. It was truly

As to blocking the hypnotic triggers... well, the only way to know for sure
would be to watch when Darien attempted to enslave them. And even
though she was confident in her ability, Ami was extremely doubtful as to
the end results.

What I need is to find some way of putting him on the defensive, she
thought to herself. I need to go on the offensive somehow. But how?
How do I bring the fight to him, without putting myself in danger of falling
victim? How do I get close to someone who could possibly have me
kneeling at his feet with a single word?
Ami continued to ponder that
very idea, as she studied the notes she'd taken for her Computer
Programming class... in the fall semester. (A little LIGHT reading.)

* * *

"Tee hee hee hee... Hee hee hee hee hee.. Amara stop that please!! You
know how much I HATE it when you tickle me!" Michelle said through a
stream of light giggles, as her lover goosed her sides. The pair had been
unable to locate their comrade, Trista, and after a day of searching in the
hot summer sun, they decided to take a rest and do a little lounging by the
pool. Clad only in their tiny string bikinis, Michelle and Amara were
enjoying a little free time, simply being together... until Amara decided to
get playful.

"What's the matter, Michelle?" Amara teased, running her fingernails up
into her cousin's delicate hairless pits, making her squeal. "Can't you take
a little tickling? I know you all too well, dear cousin, and I know you love
it when I tickle you!" She emphasized this by suddenly changing tactics
and digging her fingers into Michelle's ribs, making her yelp.

Michelle screamed in laughter, wiggling in desperation. In truth, she DID
actually enjoy having her beautiful cousin stroke and caress her body, to
tickle her senseless, and make her weak and helpless. And the tickling
really got her worked up sexually, expecially when Amara tickled her
highly ticklish bare feet. But her ribs were her worst spot, and though she
liked it, the sensations there always overwhelmed her.

Amara was, likewise, on cloud nine. Michelle's beautiful girlish laughter
made her loins melt, and her bikini bottoms were already soaked even
though neither girl had yet entered the pool. She loved being tickled
herself, and absolutely went crazy when Michelle tickled her underarms,
HER weakest point. Like her cousin, having her feet tickled and her toes
sucked made her cum like a geyser, particularly with Michelle's skilled
fingers and tongue teasing her. But the only thing more enjoyable than
being tickled, was to do the tickling.

Michelle was normally the more dominant of the two, at least sexually,
and Amara had no problems with that. Still, it was fun to be able to take
control once in a while, and nothing made Michelle into a submissive and
weak little giggle girl faster than a few pokes in the ribs. When Amara
finally released her cousin's heaving thrashing sides and moved down to
her feet, Michelle actually managed to slip in a 'thank you' between her

Amara stared at her lover's feet for a moment. The slender white peds
looked very little like her own, despite being cousins. Where her own
feet were small, a size seven, with tiny little gold painted toes, Michelle's
feet were long and elegant, size 10, with long slender toes painted a
metallic blue. The balls of both of their feet were a little rough, from all
their martial arts training, but their soles were soft and tender from all the
care and treatment they gave them. Sighing softly, Amara stroked a nail
slowly but firmly against Michelle's high pale arch.

The sensation hit Michelle like a bolt, traveling through her already weak
and helpless body, making her hips move and her thighs rub together as
she giggled. "Ohhhh hahahahah hehehehehee... Amara.. it tiiickles!! Hehe
hehehehe... pleasee.. oh please, please... hehehehehehehe... don't tickle
don't tickle... hehehehehe... ahahahahahaa.." Amara merely grinned and
extended her tongue, licking the tender space between Michelle's long
toes when a tickle along her sensitive heel made them spread wide.
Michelle's eyelids fluttered slightly, and a low deep moan forced its way
past the giggles. Her passion ignited, and her thighs clenched tightly, and
just as she felt she was about to climax... it stopped.

It took a moment for her to figure out that the erotic tickling had stopped.
Michelle rubbed her bleary eyes, and looked around to find Amara, on
the ground, unconscious. Fear overcame the shock, and she started to sit
up when she became aware of a presence behind her. Michelle had just
enough time to look around into the grinning face of Trista Meniou. "Sorry
to interrupt your 'play time', Michelle," she said, holding up a small stun
gun, "but the three of us are going on a little trip. Time to climb aboard the
Sleepytime Express." A short shower of sparks was the last thing the
surprised Sailor Scout saw before darkness overwhelmed her...

* * *

Michelle awoke to a world of pleasure. Her mind felt foggy, like someone
had removed her brain and wrapped it in cotton candy before sticking it
back inside her head. Her body tingled all over, and the giddy urge to
break into giggle was overwhelming. Dimly, she noticed she was tied up,
and that someone was lightly feathering her soles, stroking her arches and
running fluffy fronds between each of her toes. Likewise, someone was
softly tickling and caressing her nipples, making them harden into little
peaks of pleasure, as well as making her squirm deliciously in her bonds.
It was annoying, it tickled sooo much... but the tickling was mild and
gentle, and almost a background effect, second to the pleasure rising
slowly and steadily in her body. A soft pulsing throb hummed between
her thighs, buzzing her clit just enough to make her moisten, but not send
her over the edge. As her vision cleared, and her mind began to form
thoughts once more, she saw that she was downstairs in the pool locker
room, lying flat on one of the long tables.

A surge of panic ALMOST rose in her, as she felt a flash of deja vu@,
but no amount of fear and panic could pierce the calm gentle lethargy
that had her in its grip. Michelle sighed, deeply, in pleasure, and a stream
of giggles escaped her lips before she could supress them. Indeed, as
she slowly realized her predicament, she felt her pleasure redouble. She
loved bondage, both giving and receiving, and in her mind-fogged state,
just knowing she was completely bound and helpless, and at another's
mercy nearly made her cream.

"Oooohhh... no... not you too.. Michelle."

Michelle glanced over, hearing her name, only to find Amara naked and
bound tightly, just like her. Amara, however, seemed to be fully awake
and aware, and was struggling against the pleasant torture being afflicted
on her. A naked girl she dimly recognized as Sailor Mars was busily
tickling Amara's tiny delicate feet, while another girl... Sailor Jupiter? Yes,
it was Sailor Jupiter lightly teasing and caressing Amara's lush breasts,
stroking her diamond hard nipples, while working a small silver object at
Amara's open crotch. The sight of her lover in bondage as well, just as
helpless and vulnerable as herself pushed Michelle over the edge. A
laughing moan burst forth as her pussy clenched the vibrating dildo
between her thighs, and she passed out once again after her orgasm

...Only to awaken again in a moment to a furious and brisk tickling along
her hyper-ticklish ribs. Michelle screamed, bursting into laughter, shaking
wildly. Just as suddenly as it had started, the vicious tickling stopped.
More awake now, Michelle glanced down to see who it was tickling her.

"Ah, I see that got your attention, Sailor Neptune," Mina smirked, still
lightly stroking Michelle's long bare feet. "I wasn't supposed to let you
cum until you'd been completely enslaved again, but Sailor Pluto didn't
tell Serena and I just how much Sailor Uranus had worked you into a
frenzy before you were captured."

"Yeah, like really," Serena said with a grin, moving her hands away from
Michelle's ribs and returning to the light tickling of her breasts and nipples.
"Frankly, I'm surprised you lasted that long. Then again, I remember how
erotic Amara can be when she wants to. Mmmmm... I think I learned
just how to drag out a session and bring you slowly to the point of climax
by watching her work on you all those times."

"What... do you want with me?" Michelle managed as her body, even
more sensitive after her orgasm, pulsed with the pleasant tickle torture
running rampant on her.

"You know what we want, silly," Trista chided, as she strode, naked as
well, into view. "We want to awaken you, to free you from the dream of
freedom that you're trapped in. You can't remember the wonderful and
blissful feeling we all had as Prince Darien's love slaves. But you will." She
held up a small crystal on a silver chain. "I'm going to hypnotize you and
Amara, then remove those silly commands that Sailor Mercury gave you
to prevent you from submitting to Master Darien. Then we'll all be one
happy little family again."

Remove Ami's commands? Then, they must've worked! They'd captured us and tied us up like this to try and break us again. Michelle
thought grimly. They must have tried to 'awaken' us back into Darien's
sex slaves while we were unconscious, and it didn't work! Maybe if I
can hold out againt Trista now, and keep from going under, we can still
get out of this mess!

Michelle kicked herself. While she had been thinking and planning, her
eyes had begun tracking the shining, spinning crystal. With an effort,
she tore her gaze away, and closed her eyes, determined not to submit
so easily. "Uh, uh, Michelle," Trista said with a frown, as she poked her
in the ribs. "No closing your eyes." Yelping, the auqa-haired maiden
opened her eyes.

"There are two ways of doing this, Michelle, dear," Trista purred, waving
the hypnotic crystal again in front of Michelle's face. "We can do it the
easy way, or the hard way. Be a good girl, and work with me, and we
will tickle gently, and even let you cum when we're through. If you're a
GOOD girl, that is. However, if you keep closing your eyes and looking
away, we'll just increase the tickling, until you can't stand it. Then, when
all the fight has been literally TICKLED out of you, we'll tickle you even
more until you pass out, then try the subliminal headphones. So, what's it
gonna be?"

Michelle gulped and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Go ahead
and do your worst!" she said defiantly, knowing full well what the result
would be. "You might break me, you MIGHT break through the shield
Ami gave us to protect us, but dammit I'm not going to just lay down and
die without a fight!"

Serena and Mina merely smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that," Sailor
Moon replied, wiggling her fingers.

* * *

Amara, meanwhile, was having her own problems. Lita and Raye were
still tickling her relentlessly, and though she was worried about Michelle,
seeing her naked, tied and tickled, and listening to her defiant words and
racious laughter made the golden haired beauty's clit throb. More than
anything, she wished she was the one working Michelle over right now.

After several minutes of watching Michelle taking the 'hard way out'
Amara's own situation once again drew her attention, as Lita began
to suck on her nipples, and Raye started to lick and nibble on her small,
pudgy little toes, .worming her tongue forcefully into the spaces between,
no matter how much tickled Amara tried to clench them shut. As always,
the tender sucking and licking of her toes, made Amara pulse with sexual
pleasure, and when Raye added an ocassional rake of her nails along her
arch, Amara gave up to the inevitable and began climaxing, pumping her
hips like a piston.


Unlike Michelle, Amara didn't pass out from the overstimulation. The
more she came, the more sensitive her body became to Raye and Lita's
torturous touches, and the more they touched her, the more it tickled.
The tickling made her clit throb with pleasure, and her pleasure erupted
and burst into multi-orgasms, completing the loop. Her mind shut down
from the bombardment of sensation. She couldn't think, she couldn't
decide or plan for escape. All she could do was laugh and scream, and
cum endlessly. Raye was now actively licking her bare soles, which were
beginning to turn pink. Lita, meanwhile, caught up in the pleasant torture
she was inflicting, climbed up on the table, stradling Amara, and added to
the torment even more by tickling Amara's underarms.

screamed, bucking her already exhausted body as much as the ropes
allowed, trying to dislodge Lita. She couldn't take it, and Lita knew just
EXACTLY how to stroke her hairless hollows the most effectively
without taking anything away from the tickling. A few seconds of vicious
armpit tickling, and Amara was a wreck, red-faced and panting, tear
streaked and exhausted. Taking pity on the poor girl, Lita relented, and
moved her hands to a less ticklish spot.

Amara's laughter gentled then, giving way to gasping breaths, as she
struggled to gain a second wind. Lita, who had much enjoyed the wild
bucking, and the pressure on her wet pussy, grinned wickedly, and
prodded Amara's open armpits again, and again, randomly, making her
buck wildly again.

"Hey, cut that out, Lita!" Raye called, stopping her own tickling, to keep
Amara from passing out. "Give her a chance to breathe a bit, will ya? If
you keep this up, she'd gonna pop like a balloon!"

Lita merely grinned, rubbing her wet dripping pussy against Amara's, and
prodded the barely breathing blonde's pits once more, making her buck
yet again.

Growling, Raye leaned forward, deciding to take advantage of Lita's new
and precarious position. Straddling Amara, Lita had knelt on her knees,
which left her own bare ticklish feet mere inches from Amara's. Reaching
forward, Raye grabbed ahold of Lita's left foot and ran her wet raspy
tongue across the pale white sole. Lita let out a surprised squeal, and
turned to find Raye smirking devilishly. "Since you won't let her rest a
bit, I think you deserve a 'time out' of your own."

"NO! Raye, don't!" Lita said in fear, trying to move, to get up and protect
her vulnerable soles. Raye held on, however, and with a single movement,
sucked three of Lita's toes into her mouth. "No! Please Raye, I'll be good
I promise! I'll be a good ggguuuuuu... ooohhhhh! Ohhh Raaaayyyyeee!!"
she moaned as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her willpower dissolved,
and soon Lita was as conquered a tickle slave as Amara. When Raye
finally released her feet, Lita, docile and submissive to her 'Mistress' for
the next several hours, placed the subliminal headphones on the insensate
Amara's ears, then knelt on the floor, placing her face between Raye's
spread thighs.

* * *

Ami lurched up with a start. She'd fallen asleep in the middle of her book.
With a groan, she rubbed her eyes and glanced at the clock. 11:36 P.M.?
"My, time truly does fly when you're having fun," she said with a grin, as
she closed her Chemistry book. "It's bedtime. No wonder I dozed off."
With a sigh, she slid out of her clothes and slipped into bed. Turning off
her lamp, she had a sudden flash of inspiration.

"Of course!" she exclaimed aloud. "It's simple. Utterly simple! I think... no
I KNOW how to stop this once and for all! Perfect! If I can't get close
enough to get to Darien myself, I'll do the next best thing. I'll send one of
his own girls to him!"

((End of part 6))
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