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Rika's Ticklish Visit to Kitakami (*/F)


Registered User
Feb 19, 2024
Geeta and Rika had been invited to give a guest lecture at the renowned Blueberry Academy by their top performing student, Scarlet. After a long time exploring the Teraium, holding a class for the students, and showing off the strength of the Paldean Pokemon League, the two had decided to spend the weekend visiting Kitakami.

Listening to Scarlet recount her stories of adventure during their field trip to the mountainous region had peaked the pair’s interest in the small countryside culture and the folktales surrounding many unique Pokemon of whom were believed to be long since passed, sacrificing their lives for the sake of the village, who coincidentally, had been reawakened along with Scarlet's travels.

With several students from the academy also living in the village, it was a quick flight away to arrive at the Community Center where they would be staying for their trip. It was already late at night and with a full day of work behind them, they decided it would be wise to check in for the night and see the sights in the morning.

As they approached the Community Center, they were greeted by a punk Nurse Joy standing outside the facility. She welcomed them to the village in between chomps on her gum. Her cap was turned backwards and she had barely looked up from her phone, the clacking from her long pink nails being the only thing you could hear in the dead of night in this small town.

"You must be the new guests I just heard were coming to town, staying in for a few nights?" The nurse had asked them. "Indeed, that would be us. We're visiting from Paldea based on the recommendations from our students who were here not too long ago." Geeta, ever the professional responded. "Geez, more Paldeans, huh? Scarlet and those other students caused quite the commotion here, ever since their trip there have been rumblings of the spirits of our infamous Loyal Trio and the terrifying ogre returning."

"Oh? You don't say? Sounds exciting!" Rika peaked over from behind Geeta to greet the Nurse with an enthusiastic wave. "It's not just that! With the excitement from Festival of Masks, a few locals have been going around and training some Pokemon to cause some trouble and mischief. They were saying there was no point to the festival if there weren't some crazy Pokemon to ward away. So, I need to advise against you traveling out alone or at night during your stay, it'll be bad news." Emphasizing the seriousness of her warning, Joy had actually set her phone down to look at the two members of the Paldean Pokemon League as she issued her warning.

"Mischief? What, just running around battling? That shouldn't be too much of an issue for us." Rika smiled and waved off the Nurse's warning. "No! Not just battles! Some of the students had brought back a mimic Ditto from those weird blocks at the Academy, now that the semester is over. They were really riling them up to do some mean things! Training them to bully some of the people at the Festival until they could get their mask on to get them to run away." She explained

"That does sound concerning, what was happening?" Geeta asked, despite her fatigue, she almost instinctively reverted to a more professional pose and demeanor at the escalation of trouble. "They, well....ugh. It's not going to sound bad saying it out loud, but you have to believe me, it was intense!" The punk nurse put her hands on her hips and spit out her gum to make herself look and sound more serious. "Intense!? Just what was going on?" Rika crossed her arms, listening closely. "Okay, so like, they thought it would be funny too, well..." The Nurse looked off to the side as if suddenly ashamed to make eye contact.

"They taught this Ditto the move Tickle, right? They'd have it use its block form from the Academy to grab people looking to take a seat at the festival and tickle them until they'd buy a mask from them to make them go away." Geeta and Rika exchanged glances, with Rika barely able to keep her smirk off her face and pushing her glasses up to try to cover her smile from the distressed Nurse.

"See, the Ditto, like any Pokemon, was loving the praise and attention it was getting from its trainers for using Tickle on all these festival attendees. It was causing a vicious cycle as the cruel bullies would celebrate it, give it berries and treats, which would rile the Ditto up to tickle harder and harder in sort of a feedback loop. The more erratic the bullies would get, the more enthusiastic the Ditto would get, so the more they would praise it and so on."

"Well, I don't think you'll need to worry about us. We're very capable trainers, this wouldn't be a concern." Geeta relaxed and smiled at the Nurse. "You don't get it! It's not like it's a fair battle and it's using the move legitimately! Especially lately, there are a lot of Pokemon out causing trouble, pulling pranks, and tricking humans, it's how they've always been in this village. Capable trainer or not, if you let your guard down, they’ll get you! They snuck up on our own top trainer, Carmine. It was quite an embarrassing display as she laughed and screamed. After they got kicked out of the festival for that mess, they came back here and got me for a few hours! It was awful! Finally, when the village elder returned, he made them release the Ditto into the wild. It's still out there!" The nurse recalled her experience, letting a little bit of anger flair up, showing emotions had been high in the town lately.

"Ooooh, so that's why it's a big concern. Our little nurse here is ticklish, huhhhhh?" Rika smirked, taking off her glasses, and giving the nurse a light elbow. “H-hey! Quit it, I’m serious! You gotta keep your guard up at all times around here and definitely don’t come out at night!” The punk nurse stamped her foot with a little irritation that they weren’t taking her seriously. Despite knowing how the situation sounded, she was growing frustrated by how lightly the two were taking it and even teasing her for her plight was outrageous! “Don’t worrrrrryyy about it! Like my friend here said, we’re more than capable of handling some wild Pokemon with our team. But if you run into trouble out here tonight, just be sure to call for me. I’ll protect you.” Rika winked at the nurse while patting her on the back. The nurse continued to glare angrily but knew her warnings would go ignored. It had already been a long night waiting out at her Pokemon Center tent and she decided to drop it. “Whatever, please be sure to enjoy your stay at the Community Center tonight then.” The Nurse pouted, while picking her phone back out of her pocket to start scrolling again.

Geeta and Rika continued inside the Center, walking up to the receptionist and grabbing the keys to their rooms where they would be staying the night. “Have a pleasant night Rika, I’ll see you in the morning.” Geeta gave Rika a smile “Sure thing, hey, where do you want to meet in the morning?” Rika asked, stifling a yawn. “How about that little local store just outside? Peachy’s, I think it’s called? We can pick up a few things there before we head off to tour the plains and mountains.” “Sounds good to me!” Rika walked off, waving behind her as the two went their separate ways for the night.

Rika unlocked the door to her room, after a long day of walking, talking, teaching, and battling, she was feeling the effects of a long day, plopping down on the guest room’s bed. She laid down and untied her tie and undid her suspenders to get a bit more comfortable while laying down. She went to take out her phone to catch up on the day, when she suddenly felt a pang in her stomach. It’d been a few hours since she last had anything to eat, sharing some sandwiches with Geeta, Scarlet, and the rest of her new friends of the Blueberry Elite Four club. Well, Geeta did just tell her about that small shop outside. It was a longshot, but since she didn’t bring any food with her on the trip, she ran out to check and see if Peachy’s would be open at this time of night.

Stepping back outside to Kitakami, she was immediately reminded of the major difference between Mesagoza and Kitakami. Rika was used to the hustle and bustle of the academy’s city and shops being open between all hours of the night. Here, the air outside was quiet with barely a noise, except for the occasional Pokemon cry. The lights barely dimmed the streets, the only other person outside was still the night shift nurse Rika had met earlier, who hadn’t even looked up from her phone as Rika exited the building. She walked over to Peachy’s, but it was clear that they were shut down for the night. Rika muttered to herself about her poor planning when she noticed her lucky break on a small sign over a table out in front of the store.


Perfect! A little late night dessert that would take the edge off until morning! Rika excitedly grabbed one of the cakes, enjoying the quaintness of a small village that would leave snacks out overnight for the locals to treat themselves too. As she was chewing and checking out the different houses in the village to get a feel for the town, Rika noticed the taste of the mochi was surprisingly…bitter. Fairly unusual for a dessert like this, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, she decided, as she swallowed the cake. It went down smooth and the aftertaste wasn’t any more bitter than while it was going down. Her stomach pangs relieved, she started to make her way back to the Community Center, when she felt herself abruptly stop. Rika felt her mind become a little hazy, confusing her just a little bit and making her lose her train of thought. Where was she headed again? The Pokemon Center, of course! She thought to herself.Rika walked up to the tent and the Punk Nurse managed to pry herself from her phone to look up and see Rika approaching, then grinned ear to ear. She was greeted by the sight of Rika, who might not know it yet, but a purple haze had formed around her head and her eyes were glazed over with a bright purple. Rika reached into her pocket to grab her Pokeballs and gave them over to the Nurse. “Oh? Well, of course I can hang on to these for you, Ms. Capable Trainer.” The Nurse sarcastically teased as she took Rika’s Pokeballs and placed them securely behind the Center’s healing machine. Rika was having trouble understanding why she bothered to give the Nurse her Pokemon, weren’t they already healed? She realized she was waving goodbye to the Nurse, who fluttered her hand back in response.

“Gooooood luckkkkk~”Rika started walking forward to the outskirts of town, she knew she was supposed to wait for Geeta in the morning to explore but she suddenly really wanted to get started on her tour. Right? She thought about it and remembered, no! She had wanted to return to the Community Center for the night! She started to cross a bridge over a small river, unable to turn around to head back into town, and noticed something in the distance, a floating purple...orb? It was hard to see in the night sky. She continued to walk towards the woods to get a better view of what she was looking at. Finally, she could make out what was in front of her and while it was a purple orb, it was most definitely not a Gastly like she was familiar with. It looked kind of like a berry? It was no Pokemon she was familiar with, she began to think but was startled when the Pokemon cackled aloud and floated deeper into the woods.

She couldn’t believe it but, it felt like the Pokemon had just laughed at her? She suddenly felt uneasy and a little irritated that it would laugh in her face like that fly away. As she watched it disappear into the woods, she felt compelled to follow. Deeper and deeper in the two went, Rika was able to anticipate the exact path the Pokemon was heading down to keep pace with it until finally they were surrounded on all sides by the trees and Rika could no longer see outside through the thicket. It was then, after coming to a complete stop, she suddenly felt the uncontrollable urge to dance? But she didn’t want to, she wanted to see where the hell that Pokemon that laughed at her had floated off! Rika’s body began to dance away anyway, she quickly began to panic about her inability to stop despite now actively trying to stand still. In an attempt to express her displeasure at the situation, she tried to swear under her breath. But as if she was being censored, all that came out was, “Mochi, Mochi!”.

Eyes opened up on the tree that Rika was dancing away in front of and the two made eye contact. She couldn’t believe what was happening! One possible brand new Pokemon sighting and now a tree was looking at her? Just what the hell was going on at Kitakami? A flash of white light blinded her for a moment and when her vision returned, the tree was gone, and in front of her now stood a lone Ditto. “W…Wait” Rika thought to herself “Was...was this the Ditto that the Nurse was warning them about having been released into the wild after…” Her heart started to beat faster as the same floating purple Pokemon she was looking for returned again with another wicked cackle. This time, she knew it was laughing at her and she felt a shiver go down her spine.

The shiver tensed her body up enough to stop dancing and she returned to a normal standing position. Every fiber of her being told her to run, to get out of the woods as these two purple menaces stared her down, but she remained her in spot as she mentally tried to wrestle control back of her own body. Instead, her hands reached out and she began to unsnap her gloves and slide them off, dropping them to the ground. Then, she crouched down to unlace her boots. She started breathing faster as the laces became undone, her body was becoming foreign to her, and the anxiety she felt began to swirl through her enough where she felt the haze around her eyes, visualizing the control over her. She sat down and removed her boots as the Ditto shook excitedly. The vile ghost Pokemon cackled even harder and she finally began to put the pieces together.

This menace must somehow be able to control her movements, and if what the Nurse was saying when they first arrived was true, that the Pokemon in this region had a reputation for mischief and pranking the residents of the small village. That would mean it intentionally brought her out to this spot in the woods, far away from any potential prying eyes. Which could only mean that this Ditto was… “Please…No…” She thought to herself as she slowly began to pull her own socks off. She was drowning in her own sense of anticipation as she was forced to tease herself by stripping the last layer of protection her feet had away, delicately and deliberately. When she was done removing them, she planted her legs together out in front of her, presenting her fully bared feet right to the Ditto that was released from the town for relentlessly tickling its residents. She subconsciously tried to scrunch her toes and hide away her feet and for a moment the urge was strong enough where they started to move how she wanted but then they were forced to spread themselves out, inviting the Ditto in.

That was the moment it pounced. The Ditto leapt at her feet, quickly engulfing them and began to slowly inch up her legs. Rika’s adrenaline spiked and suddenly the haze fell away from her vision. Regaining control of her body, she looked up and could have sworn she saw a smirk on the ghost Pokemon’s face. Rika tried to get up and run away but with her feet wrapped up in Ditto it was useless and she tripped. She tried to crawl but the Ditto continued its path up her legs just as fast as she could struggle. Fear and panic took over and she leaned in to try and remove the Ditto from her legs by hand but it simply stretched out and grabbed her hands as well. She pulled her arms back and fought with all her strength, her eyes widening with desperation as it continued to mold around her form. It didn’t feel sticky like one would expect, but surprisingly firm, like it was binding her up, not just sticking around her.

Ditto’s shape continued to grow as it molded over Rika, expanding at twice the speed now that it was moving down her arms and legs. Rika, already being fatigued from her long day, struggled less and less as her arms got pinned down to the knees of her outstretched legs. She was rapidly panting as she tried to get her strength back for one last attempt to pull herself free, but as the Ditto’s form closed around her back, she could feel it transform from firm and slightly pliable to solid as steel. From neck to toe she was unable to flinch a muscle. Stammering and nervous, Rika tried to plead with the Ditto “H-Hey…Listen, you like berries right? W-Why don’t you let me go and we can head back to town and…and get a whole pile of them! Okay? I’ve got some good ones! How about a Pokebiscutt? Just…Please!”

While she tried to beg and bribe, the ghost floated down in front of her face. It snickered right at her, angering Rika and renewing her escape attempts only to be met with absolutely no progress. “Listen here you little… You think this is funny!?” It continued to laugh at Rika as it floated away behind her, she fought to turn around and see what it was doing but soon heard the rustling of tree branches as several berries fell to the ground around them. The Ditto’s eyes landed on a particularly juicy looking one and a small tentacle extended out from its form to grab it and pull it back in to eat in one full bite. It started to shake excitedly and Rika could feel the ripples of movement across her entire body as slowly the purple mass began to recede at the end of her stretched out body, revealing her slender and pale feet but keeping her ankles entirely contained.

Rika looked out to her long, green painted toes, the moonlight reflected off the nail’s surface. Suddenly exposed to the night air again, she curled her delicate toes and crossed her feet over each other to try to make them look as small as possible. “Wait, Wait, WAIT!” Rika tried one last time to beg as the cruel ghost hovered back around and gave a slight dance in the air as if to show off how it could still move, a near human-like smile on its face. Hands slowly began to form in Ditto's body, fingers shaped like claws as they loomed over Rika’s feet desperately trying to hide. “Nooooo!” Rika turned her head away from the sight and closed her eyes as if she could hide from a bad dream as both hands suddenly dug into the center of her soles and worked the soft and sensitive flesh as if it was as malleable as Ditto itself.

“Pffft...psttht” Rika stifled her laughter and scrunched up her face. Refusing to give these two mischievous Pokemon the time of day, praying that if she could convince the Ditto she wasn’t ticklish, it’d leave her alone. It surely wouldn’t understand that she could be hiding it, right? No laughter should be enough to put it off, but it was feeling more and more impossible as the ten fingers spidered all across her feet. Instinctively, she flailed them from side to side, back and forth to try and swat the morphed hands away and distract herself from the sensations. Burning the back of her throat was a laugh trying to crawl its way out of her throat. The feeling in her gut danced around, as if a swarm of butterflies was having a rave, compelling every bit of her to laugh, a near irresistible temptation to give in and let it out. But the tough champion continued to resist the feeling, shaking her head around as if she was in a battle of wills with herself, her lips pursed and ponytail flying in the air as she fought desperately against her natural feelings.

The hands continued to have free reign, scratching each and every section of her ticklish feet as they tried to dodge out of the way. For the first time in several minutes, they all removed themselves from Rika’s skin, only for a moment, to coordinate grouping together and digging in all at once at the sensitive spaces underneath her toes. Rika’s toes all clamped back down onto the formed Ditto hands at a lightning speed and she finally let out a small yelp. A crack in the armor, but quickly it returned to a stifled hiss as the hands waterfalled back down the length of her arch and settled at the bottom, squeezing her heel in short bursts before repeating the cycle all over again at her quickly curling and uncurling toes.Sweat began to form on Rika’s forehead as she continued to try and remain stoic. While also running a marathon in place with her feet taking her nowhere as they swatted around in defiance. Her ponytail barely staying together and her eye makeup starting to run down her face along with the tears from holding her laughter in so stubbornly. Another few minutes passed, and after failing to fully break Rika, the hands receded back into Ditto’s form. Rika exhaled her breath naturally for the first time in awhile and relaxed her tensed soles. “S-See? Isn’t this boring? Let’s go into town and set up a camp, you can meet my Clodsire!” Ditto began to shake again as a tentacle moved out to grab and swallow another berry on the ground. A natural quiet from the night took hold, pure silence as the trickster ghost and Rika didn’t even breathe as they waited for Ditto’s next move.

What felt like a lifetime passed in a few seconds. Ten small tentacles snuck out and wrapped themselves quickly around the stems of Rika’s toes, pulling them back into Ditto’s main body. It shook again as it stretched its body out and pressed against the back of Rika’s feet and kept going, until the tentacles around Rika’s toes were flush with the rest of Ditto again. Now, only the very surface of Rika’s feet and toe pads were exposed. There would be no moving this time around but her feet were still just as vulnerable as they were before, only now they were framed perfectly, as if they were a beautiful picture. The hands crept out of Ditto again, Rika’s eyes grew to twice their size as beads of sweat dripped down her back. The fingers wiggled in the air in front of the trapped and immobile Elite trainer’s soles. Pure shock at her predicament dropped her jaw and the ghost floated down to the ground in a fit of laughter. The sound of the laughs triggered Rika to get angry again at the mastermind of her situation but unfortunately for her, that was the moment the Ditto decided to strike again.

With no way to wiggle, flail, curl her toes, or fight the hands off, there was nothing Rika could do but take the tickling the Ditto was glad to dish out. Distracted and not fully braced for the ticklish strike, Rika finally gave into her urge to laugh as the ten fingers rapidly rubbed against her now perfectly still arches. The ruse of her not being ticklish was over and any hope Rika had of fooling this Ditto vanished as her laughter spilled out with every contact the ten fingers made against her well maintained feet. A warmth spread throughout the Ditto that went unnoticed by Rika, sweating already from her torture, as it felt satisfied finally being able to tickle someone again. This excitement secured Rika’s fate as the Ghost pulling the strings floated up and clapped its pseudo pecha berry disguise in Ditto’s praise, rewarding the feeling it was getting. Ditto began to work faster and faster along Rika’s feet as she shrieked in response to the speed increase.

“PLEHEHEHEHEHEZZEHEHEHE!” After failing to negotiate with the wild and sadistic Ditto yet again, Rika had resorted to just desperately begging, but that didn’t stop Ditto. Either it didn’t understand or it didn’t care, as it was finally digging the fingers of both its hands into the sensitive and weak spots beneath Rika’s toes uninterrupted now that she couldn’t clench them down to protect herself. Her laughter continued to rise in octaves as this vulnerable spot got explored as the hands waved back and forth across the width of her foot, spidering the fingers the whole way across. But the Ditto wasn’t satisfied with just this, encouraged by the ghost clapping away it had decided it needed to up the ante and just like before, another ten small tentacles took shape above Rika’s toes. She couldn’t tell what was happening with the tears thick in her eyes.

With all ten toes fully engulfed in the Ditto’s mass and stuck from the last set of tentacles, these new ten were free to explore as they all began to circle around on Rika’s toe pads and yet again, her laughs spiked. “THEHEHEHEHE TOEHEHEHESSS AREEHEHEHEHENHEHET FAHAHAHAHAHAHIRHAHAH!” Rika openly protested again at this new addition to her tickling torment. That was one too many protests for the Ditto who seemed determined to tickle Rika out of her mind. While the hands and tentacles continued to drive her crazy, its form began to grow again. This time climbing up from the other end, gently crawling up her neck, then her chin, it slowed Rika’s rapid head flailing that was only slightly distracting her from the tickling sensations on her feet, until it finally covered her entire mouth, gagging her.

“MMMFMHAHMHMFHAHMAAMFF” Her eyes held wide open in panic now as the relentless tickling continued. Now she was powerless to reason her way out of this situation as her laughter only came through in muffled sounds, meaning no one would ever hear her duress this deep into the forest. A fresh wave of mockery came through from the vile ghost as it rolled around on the ground in laughter at the gag being added to Rika’s setup that was getting worse by the moment. Rika felt her blood pressure rise as she watched the obnoxious troublemaker roll in glee of its victory over her. She found herself unable to get fully angry as her laughter and the electric feelings coming up from her feet and toes prevented her from fully processing the thought and emotion as the tickling was beginning to take up her entire mind.

The gag from Ditto’s body felt solid and constricting over her mouth. She noted now how eerily quiet her constant laughs were now in the dead silence of the forest. Rika could only hear herself, the vicious cries of her ghost keeper, and the constant wiggling and scratching of Ditto's many limbs against her. Her distractions from the maddening sensations fading away with her own laughter silenced, her full body contained, and now her neck held firm by the Ditto as well. Even her head couldn’t move side to side anymore, leaving her only able to look out into the forest and hope for help to arrive, hear the noises of her own torment, or feel each and every tickling sensation.

Unfortunately for Rika, this Ditto, particularly trained and capable in tickling, wasn't done adding on just yet, for it had access to Rika’s whole body contained within it. As it ate yet another berry off the forest floor, handed to it this time by its trusty partner in crime enjoying the scene, its shape began to shake again. Having been caught in a position where she was leaning forward to try and remove Ditto from her sensitive feet, she had been left with many spots unprotected. Small nubs from within began to poke into Rika’s armpits, instinctively she tried to yank her arms back down to close up her pits and protect herself, but she was reminded yet again the futility of trying to escape the Ditto’s hold as her arms didn’t move an inch, feeling only the weight of Ditto’s sturdy form keeping her in place as she helplessly tried.

Tears fully fell and washed away all the make up from Rika’s eyes and face as yet another ticklish spot was claimed by this cruel duo, contrasting with her laughter that couldn’t escape her mouth, held back by Ditto's gag. Finding more gold on its captured prey’s body, the Ditto continued to shake its form, now adding dozens of nubs to completely massage and tickle Rika from her pits all along her entire side from within. The tickling now so intense she was able to fling her head back against the Ditto’s hold around her neck, the momentum finally undoing her ponytail, sending tears flying into the air along with her long hair as her head harmlessly bounced near the Ditto’s face as they were now side by side. With her hair frayed out along the Ditto’s back, sticking up in spaces from the sweat and torment, and make-up running down her face, Rika’s normally tidy and professional appearance had come completely undone.

To better fit Rika’s form and new pose, the Ditto eased its position back. While it didn’t stop any of its tickling for even a stroke, it moved so as to hold Rika in a laying down on her back position. Only increasing her vulnerability, as laying her down began to spread her arms out more perpendicularly to her body, revealing an even larger gap of her armpits to explore, poke, and prod. Rika’s laughter escaped through the gag for a moment as her ticklish experience reached new heights, only for the Ditto to expand and thicken the gag over her mouth in response, dampening Rika’s noise once again. Another tremor went through the Ditto as it started to push out Rika’s hands in the same contained and exact frame as her feet, just barely allowing the skin to breach into the night air.

Dozens of small tentacles began to graze and lightly trail over the exposed surface of her palms and fingers. Rika’s eyes began to twitch at the odd tickling feeling in contrast with the brutal scratching at her feet and rapid poking into her pits and sides. She was overwhelmed by the variety of tickling methods across her entire body. Was this what that Nurse and Carmine had to go through? She made a mental note to apologize to them but the thought made her whimper within her restraints. She remembered not only had the Nurse experienced this too, but she mentioned it had been hours before she had been freed by the village elder and she was caught in the town square!

How long would it take for them to find her in the middle of the forest? Could it be hours, days? Was the Nurse telling the truth that this Ditto would tickle for hours on end? Did it have anything else to do? Rika’s thoughts could only trail on for so long before Ditto stole them away by suddenly using its form to continuously squeeze away at Rika’s slender hips, causing her head to jerk back once again from a new and powerful ticklish jolt up her body. This time, Ditto curved its form to let Rika’s head fall into it. Then molded around the sides of her head up to her face, removing the last thing that Rika could move. Completely encased within the Ditto, Rika could only laugh and laugh as it continued to relentlessly press into her every spot. No longer the snappy dressed and sassy professional, just a crazed mad woman laughing her head off as she was tickled. At least, you’d just have to assume she was laughing and being tickled, considering you could see not even a twitch or hear the faintest giggle.

Leaned back now and made to look up, Rika’s eyes were strained wide open as she stared into the night sky between the trees of the forest, surrendering to the tickling sensations that stimulated her from pit to toe. Yet, defeated as she was already, Rika was still going to discover she had more ticklish spots to be explored. Encased within the Ditto as if she was stuck in a tube, the parts of Ditto’s mass that completely surrounded her thighs began to rapidly retract in and out, squeezing her inner and outer thighs all at once in quick short bursts. Rika mewled into her gag as another sensitive and ticklish spot was being abused. She wanted to curl her legs back up to protect herself but even these intense shocks that jolted to her brain directly from her tight thighs were still not enough to give her the strength to pull herself free. Gradually getting more and more tired, she knew her chance at escape was gone and would need someone to find her.

Knowing now that escape was futile, her mind blanked. Only able to process tickling, tickling, and more tickling on every single spot she had. She lost track of who and where she was, no longer able to think straight. Until finally, a bit of break, the hands currently wrecking her weakest spot under her toes finally receded back into Ditto's body. Rika moaned at the slightest bit of relief even as she was still being tickled all across her tall and slender body, but it wouldn’t last long. It was time for this prankster duo’s grand finale. Two more tendrils morphed out of Ditto where the hands used to be before puffing out into wide rectangles just outside of Rika’s line of sight. Still blankly staring into the sky, a bit of drool leaking out of her silently laughing mouth only to be hidden behind her all encompassing gag. Thousands of stiff strands of hair began to grow out of these rectangles, Ditto’s perfect copying ability allowed it to mimic anything and it was forming a pair of fur brushes that trainers would use to groom their beloved Pokemon at camps. Ditto had seen it many times when it was with trainers and they were primed to go directly for Rika’s entire foot.

After a moment, the fur brushes had finished forming and struck. Rika could feel each and every strand of the countless bristles as they swished and scratched while the Ditto moved them rapidly up and down. Being designed specifically for its victim, the Ditto made them to be just bigger than the length of her long size ten soles so even as it scrubbed up and down at a blur like pace, there would never be a moment where a spot of her foot wasn’t covered. Her laughs finally broke out into a scream which came out through the gag, causing Noctowls to abruptly startle and fly out of their trees in a panic as the Ditto quickly strengthened its gag. Mimicking the wing of a Skarmory, the steel closing over her mouth utterly silenced her yet again. A few feathers drifted to the ground from the Noctowl wings as they fled. The ghost malevolently picked one up and began fluttering it under Rika’s nose, laughing all the while in her face that was sunk back into the Ditto, unable to swing her face away as she had to look it in the eye. The unpleasantness of that very feather tickling her nose felt like it caused Rika’s brain to short circuit and it became the feather that broke the Camerupt’s back, as she mercifully passed out.

Eventually, Rika began to stir back awake. As her vision returned, she tried to stumble around but quickly realized she was still unable to move, which jolted her back to being fully alert. She noticed her position had changed and she was now sitting upright and directly ahead of her was the Nurse from the Pokemon Center outside of where she was staying! Her heart raced as she tried to excitedly call out to her, only for a mumble to come out as she was still gagged. The excitement was quickly replaced with a sinking feeling as she realized that the Nurse was folding up her clothes and she was now much more conscious of how the Ditto felt against her bare skin all around, a crimson red flushed around her face as she realized either the Ditto or the Nurse took the liberty of undressing her. The mumbling and sudden activity caught the attention of the Nurse, who looked up from finishing her folded pile of Rika’s clothes.

“Hey, Miss Capable Trainer, how’s your night been?~” The Nurse waved at Rika, who just stared back at her. “I see you met Pecharunt! It was recently left in my care by a surprisingly capable trainer! After I brought it back to full health, I learned first hand what a little scamp he is!” She enthusiastically hugged Pecharunt, who if they had a tongue would be sticking it out at Rika at that same moment. “The two of us decided to liven things up out here on this boring retiree village! Every year, at the end of the semester at Blueberry Academy, I bring back a few of the Block Dittos who love to play hide and seek in the Terarium and I give them out to all the new trainers on Kitakami during the Festival!” The Nurse approached Rika and patted the Ditto that was imprisoning her gently, causing her to cower back as she looked on helplessly at the Nurse.

“Except, this year before handing them all out. I taught them all tickle! Pecharunt here thought it would be a pretty funny little stunt. You probably already noticed this, but anyone who eats Pecharunt’s mochi cakes becomes entranced to do whatever Pecharunt wants them to do, hehehe!” Alarmingly, the strangle purple eyes of the Nurse glowed as Rika made eye contact with her and everything clicked. She tried to reason with the Nurse, tell her what was happening to her, but she was helpless behind her gag as it all came out as nonsense. “Hush, big shot, I’m still telling you the story! Anyway, so to set everything in motion we decided to make a scene and had one of the trainers capture the famous Lady O’Nare in their Ditto at the Festival! No surprise that rich lady’s perfectly pedicured feet were super ticklish. Oh she howlllllllled! Soon everyone at the festival was watching it happen!”

“Of course, with a Pokemon out of control everyone called Carmine over to help! But I knew that would happen, so I had my own Ditto waiting for her. Boy, is she one angry girl! She had her arms thrown up in fury as usual, which made the spots right under her arms wide open for my Ditto. It wrapped around her arms and legs like an Arbok and then brought out some Machamp arms to dig right into those pits and get her sides too. With two famous trainers the center of such ticklish attention, everyone started to think it was just part of the festival! Suddenly everyone had my specially trained Dittos out causing chaos. Pecharunt here thought it’d be even more hilarious if I got caught too. He waited until I snuck out of the festival to go back home to pull out a Ditto he had given a mochi to and had disguised as my Pokemon Center Table! He’s ruthless I tell you!” She playfully shoved Pecharunt who had a weirdly giggle sounding cry.

The Nurse’s eyes flashed purple again, “Did Ditto happen to show you this brush?” From her apron she pulled out the original of the fur brush Ditto had used in its finale. Rika’s eyes went wide and she began to frantically plead and tried to squirm again. “This little guy became so fond of it at the Center, he’d just watch as I brushed sick Pokemon to keep them calm. I think the motion soothed him. Tell me, is the Pokemon League rep a little ticklishhh?” Mocking the same tone Rika gave the Nurse when they first met, she brought the brush down on Rika’s foot, still just barely sticking out of the Ditto and began to drag it across both of her feet. “Coochie coo!~ Looks like ticklish trainers shouldn’t throw stones when they can’t take it either! Brushie, brushie! Oh, it’s fun being the one to actually do the tickling this time!” Rika squealed with laughter yet again as the Nurse continued teasingly brushing her for a short time, eventually stopping and Rika gave a deep exhale from the intensity of the brief personal nursing session.

“Alright, that’s enough. The sun’s about to fully come up and I have to make sure to dispose of these clothes, your little tickle workout ruined them, they certainly aren’t professional anymore!” The Nurse winked at the embarrassed Rika, who still struggled to pull out of her restraints, and threw out another PokeBall. “This Ditto has to be getting back to the Terarium, can’t have him running loose in the forest! But he seems to have taken a liking to you!” The Nurse shrugged “I think it’s because you might be the most ticklish person he’s caught yet and who am I to separate you! Plus, I can't really have you telling everyone what we’re up to!” A Lickitung had popped out of the ball she threw a moment ago, its bright pink matched with the Nurse’s hair. “A few good licks should keep you still enough for Ditto to fly you back to the Academy with no problem!” Ditto turned itself to face the Lickitung, and stuck Rika’s feet out while curling a tendril over her toe pads, pulling all ten of them far back so her soles were as taut as possible. Lickitung hungrily looked at its target and shot out its wide tongue, large enough to cover both of Rika’s feet at once, and swiped it up.

Rika gasped in muffled shock, as the lick ran up her entire foot. She could feel a shock go through her body and an odd tingling and itching sensation all over her soles from the saliva. Another lick dragged up her soles and the sensation doubled, then another, and another. The Lickitung happily licked away as if it was having a tasty snack of Rika’s soles. After a few dozen more licks, her body felt numb except for the insatiable itching on her feet and the almost spark like tingles going up her leg. Nurse Joy recalled her Lickitung back into its ball and gave Rika’s feet another few brushes, causing another sharp giggle from the grown woman, wiping all the saliva off. “Don’t worry, the saliva is only harmful if it’s left on too long, so I cleaned it up for you! Though, the paralysis and itching from the tongue itself takes a few hours to fade away. Promise me you’ll tough it out, okay? That’s what makes a trainer truly capable!” Rika frantically tried to move, now not even concerned with escape but to relieve the itching that had taken over her every thought. The longer it lasted without being scratched it felt like it was getting worse but she couldn’t even be sure, her mind was such a blur with the whiplash of everything that was happening and the incessant burning of the itching.

“Alright little guy, time for you to go home and play Hide and Seek!” Nurse Joy patted the Ditto again, it let out a happy sounding chirp and transformed into a Corviknight. Rika, still laid out on the ground, now free but unable to escape due to her temporary paralysis, the Ditto picked her up delicately in its claw and began to fly away. ”See you aroundddd! Hope Ditto doesn’t find too good of a spot for you!~” The Nurse waved up at Rika as Ditto headed back to the Terarium.

Hours later, Rika found herself laying on the shore of a lake in the far back side of the Canon Biome in the Terarium. Behind several mountains rested a large block structure underneath a cliff next to a raging waterfall. Rika watched helplessly as her warden Ditto had transformed yet again into a Golruk and was reaching up to remove a block from the structure nearly a story high. It chucked it effortlessly into the lake, then turned back to Rika and picked her up, approaching the newly made hole in the structure. One last time, Rika fought with everything she had to move but the paralysis from the Lickitung’s licks had yet to wear off. Which made it easy for Ditto to once again transform around her into the very blocks that made up the unique structures of the terarium. It molded into the perfect, flat square around her, pulling her feet, toe pads, hands, and gagged face even with one side of the cube. Not a centimeter of Rika stuck out as if she was the block itself. The Ditto climbed up the wall and slid into the cubby hole it had created for itself, Rika side first.


She could see nothing as the Ditto nestled them into their new home. The waterfall could be heard crashing just overhead behind them, loud enough to overpower the sound of any cry or wild Pokemon battle. Ditto’s purple block was now just one of hundreds of the cliffside structure, blending in perfectly with the many white, purple, and pink gradient blocks among them. Rika’s breathing was heavy as she panicked in the eerie dark, until it began. Hundreds of tendrils, fingers, feathers, and stiffs of fur began poking, scratching, prodding, sweeping, stroking over every single inch of her bare body inside the block. Rika laughed and laughed aimlessly but not a sound escaped from within the block wall that could be heard beyond the waterfall.

Her hands were targeted by feathers which lightly danced along her palms producing a wild and irritating sensation that drove her to try to ball her hand up into a fist, but her fingers remained still as slim tentacles caressed down them as they were held firm in the side of the Ditto's frame. Rika's pits were assaulted again as tendrils crawled around in the open and vulnerable space created by her arms being held up to block's edge despite her every effort to pull them down. Her full sides and hips were being squeezed by dozens of Machamp fingers formed in the center of the mass, pulsing into her ticklish body at the speed that could the deliver one thousand punches in two seconds of Machamp's signature technique.

Rika's firm thighs were gripped in a vice inside, mimicking two Sevipers as they contracted and released rapidly creating a vibrating sensation across her whole thigh. Matching tendrils from her pits teased along her bare ass which made her try to jump through the roof of her block prison but the momentum was pointlessly absorbed by the Ditto. Light licks from Gastly tongues slimed under the back of the sensitive flesh of her knees, freezing the last of her resistance with the block as she was left immobile but able to feel each sensation.

Ten Smeargle tail ends had formed and were stroking in soft and alternating circles around the toe pads that were just barely peaking out of the block, not a single one matching in speed or direction so she could never get used to the patterns. They left behind an oily paint trail which drove up her sensitivity as it softened her skin from the exposure and removed any resistance to the paint brush's path. The paint dripped down from her toes along the sides of the block and all down her soles to increase their sensitivity as well. Last but certainly not least, the worst tool for Rika to face was the fur brushes which had returned to swish over her entire trapped sole now aided by the oily paint to glide effortlessly across at a rapid pace. Rika's mind began to blur as her ticklish game of hide and seek had only just begun.

The dawn broke on Kitakami as Geeta left her room and made her way over to Peachy’s to meet with Rika just as they promised each other last night. Prompt as always, Geeta was the first to arrive as she waited out front and waved to the store keeper. The punkish Nurse approached from her nearby Center tent and held out a plate to Geeta. “Goooooood Morning! Would you like to try a Mochi! I made them myself!” Geeta turned around and smiled at the Nurse, taking one of the mochi from her plate. “Why, Good Morning! And thank you!” Geeta took a large bite, chewing it softly before eating the rest, savoring the taste. It was sweet at first and then…bitter. Not wanting to offend the kindly Nurse, she turned back to the grinning woman with bright purple eyes.


Hey everyone! Finally back with another lengthy tickling story! This time I had to show I can write about more than just Persona characters and went after some of the fun new ladies from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Say what you will about the games, but they certainly didn't miss on the trainer designs. With Rika just getting a voice in the anime and just becoming playable in Pokémon Masters EX, the timing felt good for her to be the ticklee for my first venture into Pokémon tickling.

While I'll always have more of a focus on foot tickling, I tried to mix this one up a bit and added a few more spots for Rika to get into some ticklish trouble. I'm excited to hear what you think, let me know your feedback in the comments as always! I really enjoy reading them!

I still have plenty of stories in mind that I want to work on, so keep an eye out for those! Alolan trainers, Fire Emblem ladies, and more Persona ladies with Noriko, are on the lineup when I'm not busy with work. So stay tuned!

Here is a link to my other page, where you can see where I post some of my other works if you liked this one! https://www.deviantart.com/carmel-chewy/art/Rika-s-Ticklish-Visit-to-Kitakami-1046712608
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