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Sorority Girl: Trapped in a Door (multiple f/f)


Registered User
Nov 11, 2023
Hey ya'll!

Have over a decade and half of lurking this girl is posting her first story. It's inspired by the old story "The Door" posted by Anonymous. I have always loved the image of the main character trapped in the door being tortured, and
decided to take a crack at it.

Original story is here https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?64-Classic-Series-The-Door

Sorority Girl: Trapped in A Door

by PxieGirlChaos

It all started with Alumni Weekend at my college. Oh what fun to be shaken down for donations by the ol' alma mater when I'm still drowning in student loan debt! After squeezing my wallet, they invited me to a rager at my sorority house. I know, I know - me, at a rager? I was the lamest girl in the sorority back in college. But I thought, hey, might be nice to reconnect with the old sisters. Those girls were my fam back then and still are - we look out for each other, career-wise and all.
So I threw caution to the wind and went. Shockingly, it was a good time at first! Booze was flowing, music was pumping. I was chatting with the girls and even danced on a table - straight up Girls Gone Wild! Who was this wild woman? But then, like Cinderella at midnight, the night took a hard left turn...

The rest is a bit blurry. I vaguely recall sitting on the parlor couch, wanting to recharge before calling it a night. But after too many shots, I was down for the count. I closed my eyes for just a minute...and that's when things went from Girls Gone Wild to straight up Nightmare on Sorority Row!

So that's the story of how little Miss Serious found herself in the hangover from hell. I'll spare you all the gory details - don't want to relive that insanity! But let's just say, I learned to never let loose and party like a sorority girl again. Not worth the aftermath,

So against my better judgment, I went to this sorority rager. But dang, it was actually a great time at first! The drinks were free-flowing, the tunes were pumping, and I was giggling and dancing with my sisters like old times. For a night, it felt like I was young and fun Jada again - not boring ol' career gal Jada.

But then, around midnight when the party was roaring, things took a twisted turn down Horror Highway. I ain't exaggerating here - this was legit the worst night of my life. Hands down, no question.

Now the details are a little fuzzy, 'cause of what went down later. But I do remember chillin' on the plush parlor couch, wanting to recharge my batteries before calling it a night. One too many pineapple vodkas later though, and I was out cold. I mean dead to the world, snoring, drooling - not a cute look.

Next thing I know, I'm jolting awake but I'm not on the couch anymore. I'm in the damn basement hallway, just outside the lounge. You know, the dingy part of the sorority house that no sister wants to visit sober. Something wasn't right here. Then I look up and see it - the door to the lounge had five creepy as hell holes carved into it! And I was just sitting on a stool, staring at it dumbfounded.

Now lemme tell ya, those holes were NOT there when I was a sister. Which means someone did that messed up carpentry while I was passed out upstairs

If you to take a closer look you would realize those holes weren't just random - this was an elaborate setup designed to trap me. My wrists, ankles, and neck had been shoved through the openings and locked in place with thick leather cuffs.

My feet stuck out the bottom holes about three feet off the ground. The wrist holes were positioned a little higher up. And the hole for my head was about two-thirds from the top, perfectly aligned so I couldn't move an inch.

The cuffs had sharp metal studs that dug into my skin whenever I struggled. Trying to break free was useless. I was stuck there like a terrified jack-in-the-box, my limbs protruding from that damn door.

It was clear this wasn't some drunken sorority prank. Someone had planned this creepy contraption meticulously, custom fitting the holes so my body was trapped in the most twisted way possible. They wanted me to feel completely confined yet exposed at the same time.
Perched on a bar stool, my body formed a slight "C" shape, with the ends protruding through one side of the door and the rest on the other. The cold draft, intensified by the removal of my shoes and nylons, hinted at the absence of most of my clothing. I could only confirm the presence of my bra and underwear, offering little protection for my exposed and vulnerable body.

As my eyes darted around the room, I couldn't escape the horrifying realization of my predicament. The mirrors on the opposite wall reflected the entirety of my vulnerable form, while the door, covered in brown paper and graffitied with ominous messages, stood as both a canvas and a testament to the twisted intentions of my captors. In bold letters at the top, "It's Jada's Turn to Play the Fool" taunted me, followed by the chilling proclamation "She Who Laughs Last Laughs HARDEST!" positioned just below my head. Between my bare feet, the plea "Please Tickle Us!" in large purple letters was an ominous hint at what awaited.

A wave of dread washed over me, and beads of sweat formed under the cuff around my neck. They had unearthed my deepest vulnerability—I was agonizingly ticklish. Panic set in, my heart pounding loudly as I grappled with the realization that they intended to exploit this weakness to the fullest. A silent scream echoed in my mind: "These people are crazy! I've got to break free somehow!" Yet, no matter how desperately I struggled, my feet and ankles remained immovably ensnared.

A wave of panic washed over me as I realized how carefully I'd been set up. I was on sicko display like a circus animal, unable to break free. My only hope was that someone - anyone - would find me before the psycho who put me here came back for more...

Let's rewind and unravel how I wound up in this twisted tickle torture predicament.

Back in college, I had an unstoppable mischievous streak. Pranks were my artistic outlet - the more elaborate, the better. Like the time I snuck fake spiders into Rainne's room, positioning them ever-so-carefully for maximum scare factor. I cackled as I imagined her leaping onto her desk in arachnid terror. Little did I know, Rainne had hardcore arachnophobia from being bitten as a kid. My harmless spider gag left her so traumatized she needed therapy!

Or what about my brilliant fake cowboy party invites? I meticulously designed them, complete with tipped cowboy hats and lassos. When the big day came, my sisters descended the stairs in full cowgirl regalia - we're talking daisy dukes, knotted plaid tops, cowboy boots and hats. The excitement was electric as they entered the decorated room, only to find themselves not at a rodeo rager, but a high school prom filled with elegant dresses and tuxedos! Imagine my sisters standing there, exposed in their skimpy outfits among poised prom teens. It was comedic perfection in my eyes. Even when they went viral online as the "Cowgirl Prom Crashers," I couldn't stop laughing.

In hindsight, maybe I took the pranks too far. Which brings me to today, wearing nothing but bra and panties, limbs trapped in a customized tickle torture device courtesy of my vengeful sisters. I should've known they'd want payback after how many times I pushed them past their limits for a laugh.

My old roommate Nina strutted over, smiling sweetly. Too sweetly. Underneath I sensed her satisfaction at finally having me at her mercy. See, there was this one time I had the frat guys steal her clothes after she borrowed a dress without asking. As Nina walked home naked, I simply said, "Lighten up, it's just a little nudity!" That memory clearly lingered for her.

Now here I was, on sicko display thanks to the elaborate contraption they'd created just for me. As Nina's curled smile widened, I knew I was doomed. These laughing sisters were about to teach this prankster a lesson in torment - and enjoy every minute of it.

Nina's laughter echoed through the room as she beheld my predicament, a sinister glee lighting up her eyes. Her voice, dripping with a blend of amusement and mischief, uttered, "Why, Jada, it's been so long," as her finger extended with a teasing flourish, tracing a delicate path over my lips. The seemingly innocuous gesture carried the weight of unspoken vendettas, setting off an involuntary squirm—an instinctual reflex triggered by my well-known aversion to tickling.

My lips, extraordinarily ticklish, quivered under Nina's calculated touch. The mere brush of her finger threatened to breach the fortress of my composure, prompting a struggle to suppress laughter, particularly when the invasion targeted the sanctity of my lips.

Nina's touch, orchestrated with meticulous precision, elicited discomfort that danced on the edge of my tolerance. As my eyes met Nina's gaze, a turbulent undercurrent simmered beneath the thin veneer of camaraderie. Our relationship was a delicate balance, and Nina, harboring a penchant for revenge, had seized this opportunity to exploit my vulnerability. Her finger lingered on my lips, the unspoken promise of retribution hanging palpably in the charged air.

"Well, well, sweetheart," she mocked with insincere sweetness, a sly smile playing on her lips, "looks like you've found yourself in quite a... um... TICKLISH... situation here..." The emphasis on the word 'ticklish' carried a sinister undertone, a harbinger of the ordeal that awaited me.

With a sinking feeling, I braced myself for the impending torment. Nina's hand descended toward my bare foot, and a wave of dread enveloped me as I anticipated the inevitable. "Oh, come on!" I pleaded in desperation, bouncing on the stool in a futile attempt to wrench my feet to freedom. "@#%$, don't do this... please! You know how ticklish I am!"

"Yeah, I know," Nina cajoled, her tone dripping with devilish satisfaction, "that's why I suggested it!" Her fingers made contact with my ultra-sensitive foot, and I lost all composure, laughter escaping between desperate pleas. Nina punctuated her assault with a taunting "kitchy, kitchy, koo!" My misery seemed to delight her as her fingers danced up and down my sole, and when her other hand joined the action on my other foot, I succumbed to laughter louder and harder than I had ever experienced.

After what felt like an eternity of laughter, Nina finally relented. "Okay, Nina," I gasped, "point made. I'm sorry about those pranks. Now let me go."

"But Jada!" Nina laughed, her amusement echoing through the room, "we haven't even gotten started. Besides, this is just a funny prank, right? I thought you loved pranks." "Besides the other cowgirls haven't gotten a turn"

As my sisters emerged from the shadows, their outrageous cowgirl outfits sent a chill down my spine. Nina led the pack in a skimpy denim miniskirt that barely covered her cheeks. Her legs were clad in white leather fringe chaps that swooshed with each step. On top she wore a tied-up plaid shirt, revealing ample cleavage. A belt with a massive rodeo buckle cinched her tiny waist. Her cowboy hat sat cocked to one side, a red bandana peeking out underneath.

The rest of the girls wore similar getups in different colors - barely-there cutoffs with low-cut knotted tops and vests. Some had went all out with cowboy boots, spurs and holsters slung low on their hips. A few even had fake guns and lassos, swinging them menacingly as they surrounded me.

One particularly bold sister had opted for Daisy Duke's signature look - high-waisted jean shorts that left little to the imagination. She paired it with a midriff-baring red plaid top and matching cowboy hat. Her brown cowboy boots featured intricate embroidered flames up the sides.

As the scantily clad cowgirls laughed and cracked their whips, the novelty of my infamous prank came back to haunt me. I shuddered imagining those flimsy outfits and eager hands tickling every inch of my trapped body. This rodeo prank had taken a nightmarish turn, and I was the helpless entertainment.

"We thought the first Western Party you threw didn't go well, so we made a point of inviting you to another," laughed Nina, her amusement cutting through the air like a razor. The malicious gleam in her eyes hinted at a carefully orchestrated plan, and the rest of the cowgirl-clad crew joined in the laughter, their faces adorned with a twisted delight that sent shivers down my spine.

The room, now transformed into a nightmarish rodeo, bore witness to the absurdity of my situation. Each cowgirl, with a playful yet menacing demeanor, circled around me like vultures closing in on their prey. I felt like the unwitting star of a grotesque theatrical performance, the spotlight squarely on me as the audience—my sorority sisters—prepared to unleash a relentless barrage of ticklish torture.

As the laughter swirled around me, I couldn't help but wonder how I had unwittingly stumbled into this peculiar chapter of my life. The echoes of my past pranks had returned with a vengeance, and I found myself at the mercy of a vengeful sisterhood, determined to extract retribution in the most ticklish and humiliating manner possible.

Throughout the night, tic-tac-toe games were played with a razor-point pen on the makeshift board drawn on my sole—each X and O etching an indelible mark of agony. When the board became an illegible tapestry of torment, someone ingeniously fetched warm water and soap, scrubbing my foot clean (a couple of times with a toothbrush!), and then callously redrawing the board on my softened and warmed skin. Every touch and stroke composed a cruel symphony, resonating with the painful harmony of my involuntary laughter. The party, it seemed, had morphed into a macabre orchestra, playing the tune of my misery to an audience reveling in the twisted performance.

Tears cascaded from my eyes as I fervently begged them to stop. Each drop, a silent entreaty for mercy, traced a path down my cheeks—an undeniable expression of the anguish I was enduring. Amidst the unrelenting tickling, my pleas melded with the chaotic symphony, drowned out by the laughter that reverberated through the room. The tears, a desperate testimony to the overwhelming distress, fell unheeded in the face of the heartless onslaught.

The crescendo of torment reached its twisted apex with a disturbing ritual: the triumphant victor of each sadistic tic-tac-toe match earned a perverse prize—an unwelcome kiss from me, a personal violation thrust upon me by the heartless circumstances. My head, ensnared within the confines of the door, became a marionette in their cruel theater. As the winner approached, their lips collided with mine in a grotesque dance, and their tongues, coated with a deliberate intent, transformed the forced kisses into instruments of ticklish agony.

Each unwanted kiss was a nauseating exploration, a deliberate invasion of my personal space that left an indelible sense of violation lingering in its wake. Their tongues, propelled by a sinister purpose, teased and tantalized, creating a maddening blend of discomfort and repulsion. The laughter that accompanied these unwarranted embraces echoed like a malevolent symphony, amplifying the grotesque spectacle of my vulnerability laid bare for their sadistic pleasure. In the twisted choreography of these forced kisses, affection became a weapon, a tool meticulously wielded to amplify my ordeal and plunge me deeper into the nightmarish abyss.

The cruel spectacle of forced kisses took an even more sinister turn as my tormentors added a macabre touch to their twisted game. Before each unwarranted embrace, they indulged in pungent delights, consuming garlic or some equally potent substance. The resulting kisses, laden with an acrid and ticklish essence, intensified the sensory assault, turning each encounter into a nauseating and tickling ordeal.

As their lips met mine, the noxious aroma of their premeditated choice enveloped me, creating a suffocating miasma that heightened the discomfort of the already unbearable situation. The combination of the repulsive scent and the deliberate tickling, orchestrated by their probing tongues, transformed the forced kisses into a nightmarish sensory experience. I was ensnared in a grotesque dance of violation and repulsion, and the party, now a cacophony of laughter and malicious amusement, reveled in the peculiar fusion of smells and sensations. This macabre convergence further entrenched my descent into a surreal and distressing ordeal, a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

The experience was nothing short of surreal—my feet relentlessly tickled while being coerced into making out with my sorority sisters. The combination of ticklish torment and the unwanted intimacy created a bizarre and unsettling tableau, as though I had stumbled into an alternate reality where laughter and forced affection coexisted in a macabre dance.

The persistent tickling of my feet served as a relentless undercurrent, an insistent reminder of my vulnerability. Meanwhile, the forced kisses, laden with a ticklish essence and the pungent aftermath of their premeditated choice, intensified the discomfort.

Nina's call for a cessation brought a gasp of relief, my body convulsing with the aftershocks of the relentless assault that had contorted me into a painful "C" shape. Tremors coursed through my weary form as the brief reprieve offered a moment to collect my rattled composure. In an unexpected twist, Nina, the orchestrator of my torment, momentarily donned a facade of empathy.

With an almost tender gesture, she retrieved a handkerchief and gently wiped away the tears and snot that clung to my face, providing a fleeting respite from the relentless tickling and forced kisses. The uncharacteristic act of kindness, however, served as a deceptive prelude to a more sinister turn of events.

In a macabre shift, Nina abruptly plugged my nose, coercing my mouth open, and thrust the handkerchief, now saturated with my own tears and snot, into my mouth. The bitter tang of my own sorrow lingered, a final act of degradation that plunged me into a profound sense of helplessness and humiliation.

The ordeal didn't end there. Nina, unrelenting in her cruelty, proceeded to place a gag in my mouth, ensuring the handkerchief remained in its stifling position. Leaning in, she whispered words that hung in the air, a perverse suggestion that added another layer of discomfort to the already degrading experience.

"Maybe later we can swap it out for some of our panties," she murmured with a wicked grin. "I'm guessing some of our sisters wouldn't mind offering them to you. If they're anything like me, they're soaked anyway." The unsettling proposition lingered, a cruel insinuation that left me grappling with an added layer of discomfort and revulsion amidst the already humiliating ordeal.

In that ominous moment, she declared, "I think she's ready for more." The proclamation echoed in the room, a foreboding signal that the brief respite was over, and a new wave of torment was poised to crash over me. The fleeting moments of empathy and the whispered suggestions of added humiliation were mere preludes to the next chapter of the seemingly unending ordeal.

In that ominous moment, the atmosphere shifted subtly. A finger began to wriggle on my neck, heralding a sinister transformation as I found myself in the clutches of a tormentor from behind—a mysterious assailant joined by several more. Together, they forged an unholy alliance, relentlessly tormenting my torso, squeezing my belly and armpits with a cruel determination. With my head immobilized in the door, I couldn't even turn to identify how many were behind me.

The onslaught continued with a cruel focus on my torso, particularly my armpits and belly. Fingers danced with a relentless determination, their touch sending waves of ticklish sensations that seemed to defy the limits of endurance. The sensation in my armpits was a peculiar blend of discomfort and vulnerability, as if every nerve ending in that sensitive area was conspiring against me. The fingers, agile and unyielding, probed and tickled, exploiting the natural sensitivity of the underarms to amplify the torment.

Meanwhile, my belly became a battleground of ticklish assault. The fingers, now joined by additional hands, squeezed and teased the soft flesh with a diabolical intent. Each touch provoked involuntary spasms, the sensation oscillating between an uncomfortable itch and an uncontrollable urge to squirm. It felt as if a relentless army of ticklers had declared war on my most vulnerable regions, the tactile onslaught pushing me further into the abyss of ticklish agony.

The symphony of laughter and pleas reached a frenzied crescendo as the tormentors intensified their efforts. The sensations in my armpits and belly became a blur of ticklish torment, each touch leaving an indelible mark on my consciousness. The basement, once a haven, had transformed into a chamber of relentless tickling, the air thick with the scent of laughter and the echoes of my distress.

In the midst of the torment, the malicious taunts emerged like a venomous counterpoint. "Look at her squirm!" echoed with wicked delight, accompanied by a chorus of laughter that bounced off the walls, reverberating through the room. Another voice chimed in, "Ticklish much, Jada? Payback's a ticklish witch!" The taunts fueled the assault, as if the joy derived from my suffering wasn't complete without a vocal reminder of my predicament.

The room transformed into a symphony of cruelty, the comments growing increasingly vicious as the relentless tickling persisted. "Can't handle a little revenge, Khalena?" someone sneered, their fingers mercilessly dancing over my exposed skin, squeezing my belly with a cruel determination.

The room echoed with their uproarious laughter as I desperately attempted to plead through the gag, my muffled words drowned out by their amusement. "We'll let you go if you ask," they taunted between fits of laughter, their voices carrying the sadistic glee of captors reveling in their captive's predicament. My eyes, wide with a mix of desperation and frustration, darted around the room, seeking any sign of mercy.

I contorted my face, attempting to form coherent words through the stifling impediment, but the gag rendered my pleas unintelligible. The more I struggled to communicate, the louder their laughter grew, mocking my futile attempts at negotiation. It was a cruel game, a psychological torment that toyed with the thinning shreds of my endurance.

In the midst of the cacophony, my eyes darted from one tormentor to another, silently imploring for mercy. Yet, their laughter persisted, each shriek and guffaw a cruel punctuation to my futile attempts to beg for release. The offer hung in the air, tantalizingly cruel – freedom in exchange for words I couldn't articulate. It was a twisted dance of power, leaving me entangled in the web of their sadistic amusement.

In that haunting moment, my dignity hung by a thread, and I keenly sensed the subtle yet deliberate movements that marked the unraveling of my modesty. The clasp of my bra yielded to unseen hands, and the delicate fabric slid down my shoulders, exposing my upper body to the cool air of the room. Simultaneously, the waistband of my underwear was stealthily lowered, inch by inch, until it too succumbed to the inexorable pull of gravity.

The clasp of my bra, a once-trivial mechanism, surrendered to the unseen hands that orchestrated my unraveling. With deliberate intent, the fabric glided down my shoulders, each delicate movement sending shivers down my exposed spine. The unveiling of my upper body felt like an intimate ballet, staged in the silence that followed the storm of tickling and laughter, the cool air seemingly savoring the newfound vulnerability.

As my bra relinquished its hold, the audible click echoed through the room, a haunting applause for the spectacle that had unfolded. The release of tension became a symbolic surrender, and I stood there, bared to the unseen eyes that lingered in the shadows, my upper body a canvas for their twisted revenge.

Simultaneously, the stealthy descent of my underwear's waistband added to the deliberate theatrics. Inch by inch, the fabric yielded, leaving me exposed and defenseless. The gradual exposure felt like a calculated dance, each inch of fabric relinquishing its grip on my modesty with a cruel and intentional slowness, amplifying the torment of my vulnerable state.

In that vulnerable moment, the room itself seemed to become a silent witness, shadows lengthening to cast a spectral pallor over my exposed form. The dim lighting conspired with the shadows, emphasizing the starkness of my vulnerability, a tableau frozen in time.

Grasping the realization that the nightmare might not yet be over, that the ordeal might have only scratched the surface of the revenge they had plotted, I confronted the lingering echoes of laughter and the faint scent of sweat in the air—tangible remnants of the relentless tickling that had left me both physically and emotionally exposed. The haunting aftermath lingered, weaving itself into the fabric of my humiliation, as the room held its breath in the aftermath of my silent unveiling.

In that moment, I grappled with the realization that the nightmare might not yet be over, that the ordeal might have only scratched the surface of the revenge they had plotted. The lingering echoes of laughter and the faint scent of sweat hung in the air, tangible remnants of the relentless tickling that had left me both physically and emotionally exposed.

Their eyes, gleaming with a mixture of satisfaction and mischief, seemed to fixate on something beyond my field of vision. Whispers fluttered through the room like ominous specters, carried on the invisible currents of anticipation. I strained against my restraints, a futile attempt to glean insight into the cryptic scene unfolding before me.

A girl's voice, hesitant and conflicted, cut through the heavy air. "No, it's too cruel," she protested, her words hanging in the silence like a hesitant plea for restraint. The collective attention of the room shifted, and I sensed a collective hesitation, a momentary pause in the unfolding drama.

"Come on, Rainne," said one of the girls. "Remember the spider prank?"

The atmosphere thickened with a sense of anticipation as the spotlight turned toward Rainne. A mischievous grin played on her lips as she stepped forward, eager to contribute to the escalating theatrics. "Oh, in that case," said the girl with the container of "Itching Cream," her eyes alight with a devious glint, "let me go first."

My heart sank as I registered the ominous words and the container she brandished. The label, bearing the words "Itching Cream," sent a chill down my spine. A surge of anxiety rippled through me, and I instinctively pulled against my restraints, a desperate attempt to create some distance between myself and the impending threat.

The ominous container in Rainne's hands sent a ripple of dread through the room, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in my torment. Her eyes, filled with mischief, fixated on me, a gleam of sadistic satisfaction mirroring the anticipation that hung in the air.

Rainne's fingers, coated with the viscous itching cream, approached with deliberate steps. The initial contact triggered an unsettling response, as the cool cream clung to my skin like a malevolent embrace. Its consistency created an eerie contrast against my now-sensitive flesh, intensifying the growing discomfort.

As her fingers glided over my skin, the tingling sensation escalated, sending shivers down my spine. It felt as if a cascade of tiny needles trailed in the cream's wake, each point leaving behind an insistent itch that seemed to burrow beneath the surface. The room, once a witness to ticklish torment, transformed into a theater of a different kind of agony.

The scent of the concoction, already pungent, permeated the air, creating a nauseating backdrop to the unfolding ordeal. The label on the container, bearing the words "Itching Cream," became a symbol of the deceptive cruelty inflicted upon me.

With each stroke, the itch spread like wildfire, reaching areas previously untouched by the relentless tickling. Every inch of my exposed skin became a battleground, a canvas upon which the invisible assailants painted their symphony of discomfort. The sensations, once confined to the surface, now seemed to penetrate deeper, amplifying the torment to a degree that surpassed the earlier tickling ordeal.

I writhed against my restraints, the contortion of my body fueled not by laughter but by the maddening need to escape the crawling itch. Rainne's devious glint mirrored the sadistic satisfaction of the onlooking sorority sisters, their eyes gleaming with amusement at the spectacle they had orchestrated.

Special attention was paid to my nipples, as Rachel's fingers danced over them with deliberate intent. The sensitivity of this area heightened the already unbearable itch, turning the torment into a multifaceted assault on my senses.

Pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the laughter that echoed in the room. The malicious act, propelled by a desire for revenge, unfolded like a nightmarish dance, and I found myself ensnared in a web of agony meticulously spun by those who sought to extract retribution.

The sorority sisters, still reveling in the aftermath of the itching cream's torment, began to wiggle their fingers with a sinister glee. The room, once filled with the echoes of malicious laughter, now transformed into a stage for the next act of sadistic retribution.

Their fingers, poised like instruments of torment, descended upon my exposed and vulnerable form. The initial contact sent tremors through my already agitated nerves, and the combination of the lingering itch and the impending tickling assault created a surreal cacophony of sensations.

As their fingers danced over my skin, the tickle torture began in earnest. The light, feathery touches on my sensitized flesh elicited involuntary spasms and uncontrollable laughter. It was a torment that transcended the physical, as each ticklish sensation seemed to intertwine with the psychological toll of my helplessness.

The room, once a witness to the aftermath of itching cream, now echoed with the sounds of my laughter—a desperate, breathless symphony punctuated by pleas for mercy. The sorority sisters, undeterred by my appeals, continued their calculated assault, their fingers finding every inch of vulnerable skin.

In that merciless convergence of torment, the relentless tickling, the lingering effects of the itching cream, and the intimate violation of my nipples unfolded like a nightmarish tableau. The unforgiving restraints, biting into my flesh, held me in a contorted dance of agony. The absence of clothes, a deliberate act of stripping away modesty, intensified the vulnerability etched into my exposed skin.

As the sadistic symphony played on, each tickle became a relentless assault, and the itching cream's persistent prickle heightened the sense of agitation. The leather cuffs, adorned with their cruel metal studs, seemed to tighten their grip with every desperate squirm. Suspended in this precarious position, my contorted body strained against the taut restraints, amplifying the feeling of utter helplessness.

The laughter of the sorority sisters, once a cruel backdrop, now echoed in a chamber of torment, merging with my pleas and protests. The room itself felt like a malevolent entity, bearing witness to the unraveling of my composure. In the midst of this sensory barrage, the lack of clothes served as a stark reminder—a visual testament to my exposed vulnerability, a canvas for the psychological distress that enveloped me.

As the layers of torment coalesced, the dance of ticklish agony, itching discomfort, and the constriction of tight bondage reached a crescendo. The room spun in disorienting chaos, and my body, pushed beyond its limits, teetered on the precipice of exhaustion. The tormentors, architects of this sadistic spectacle, reveled in the disarray they had orchestrated.

In a haze of disorientation, I gradually regained consciousness, the transition from the realm of unconscious vulnerability to a flickering awareness of my surroundings marked by a slow awakening. As my eyes fluttered open, the stark realization of my disheveled state and the haunting memories of the night's torment flooded back with a disconcerting clarity.

A fleeting moment of relief washed over me as I found myself in what appeared to be the familiarity of my own bedroom. However, the illusion of safety quickly shattered when the details crystallized before my eyes. I was not free; instead, I lay bound to my bed, the restraints biting into my wrists and ankles, anchoring me in a web of inescapable vulnerability.

In that moment, as I lay bound to my bed, the room seemed to pulsate with a disconcerting energy. Nina, my ever-charming roommate, stood at the foot of the bed, a malevolent maestro orchestrating the final act of this twisted symphony. The dim light cast elongated shadows that danced in eerie harmony with the impending menace.

"Nina, please," I stammered, my voice tinged with a desperate plea. The restraints bit into my wrists and ankles, anchoring me in a web of vulnerability. The familiarity of my own bedroom had transformed into a claustrophobic chamber of dread. Panic surged through me as I braced myself for what lay ahead.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Nina's fingers began a sinister dance, a prelude to the torment she was about to unleash. The room held its breath, and I could almost hear the malicious whispers echoing in the shadows. Her words, soft but loaded with ominous intent, sliced through the tense air.

"Come now, Jada," she said, her voice a velvet lure disguising the impending storm. "It's just a little prank."

As her fingers closed in, I knew that the night was far from over. The shadows converged, enveloping me in a surreal dance with the unknown. The final chapter of this relentless ordeal awaited, and as the room held its breath, I braced myself for the last echoes of laughter and the lingering touch of their cruel games.
OMG this is awesome, and so well written! I could have done without you choking on your own snot lol, but damn, what an imagination. I haven’t seen many stories written in the first person here, and this is malevolent and delicious. Yum!
Thanks for reading and commenting!(I will make my next story less snotty just for you!).
Great story! :tickle:
I love the combination of tickling and itching cream. :devil:
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