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Srry people a dutch story


TMF Expert
Jul 8, 2008
I am way to lazy to translate it all so if anyone feels called to help the community feel free to translate to english. It is my first story and it actually exists from small stories.

De eeuwige lach


Glenn: Glenn
Julia: Sue
Kylia: Jess
Kenney: Doc
Sanne: Feulna
Fleur: Rachel
Mandy : Anarchy
Larissa : Larissa
Nick : Maxie

Intro :
Glenn was een jongen die zijn jeugd doorbracht in een van neerpelts beruchtste wijken : Boseind. Maar zijn rol in dit verhaal zal des te beruchter worden…

Hstuk 1
Doc’s eerste dag

Op een frisse wintermorgen was Doc helemaal klaar voor zijn eerste dag. Toen hij aankwam in de praktijk werd hij verwelkomd door de knappe secretaresse anarchy. “uw praktijk is daar meneer.” Zei ze met een zachte stem. Doc ging zijn kamer binnen wachtend op de eerste patient. Na zichzelf een uurtje verveeld te hebben kwam de beeldschone rachel binnen. “uhm ik heb wat problemen met mijn maag.” Zei ze. “Ok, leg je maar op tafel.” Zei Doc. Toen ze haar shirt omhoogdeed liet Doc bijna zijn papieren vallen van opwinding. “Uhm ik ga op enkele paatsen duwen en jij moet zeggen wat je voelt.”
Bij de eerste aanraking sprong Rachel bijna van haar stoel. “iiiiiiih dat kietelt.” Piepte ze.
“oh dus je kunt niet tegen kietelen. Dan kun je er vast ook niet tegen als ik dit doe.” Zei doc terwijl hij met zijn vinger circeltjes trok rond haar navel. “nee helemaal niet. Hahahahaha stop.” Ok volgens mij ben jij gewoon heel kietelig hoor.” “Kom maandag terug en dan zie ik wat ik kan doen.” “ok” zei ze en ze huppelde uit de kamer. Hehe dat word nog leuk maandag… word vervolgd

hoofdstuk 2
een kietelig avontuur

De 3 vriendinnen Sue, Jess en Feulna hadden al wat meegemaakt samen. Deze zomer gaan ze op reis naar de Afrikaanse stam Tik’el. “goh wat is het hier warm” zei Sue. “haha ja nogal.” Lachte jess. De stam verwelkomde de 3 meisjes. Ze werden naar hun hutten geleid door 3 mannelijke stamleden. “hey wat doen die dingen voor onze hut” vroeg feulna toen ze de houten enkelboeien zag. De tolk zei dat die voor de initiatie van vanavond waren. Die avond gingen de meisjes slapen. Maar in de donkere nacht slopen 3 mannelijke stamleden dichterbij. Geduldig wachtend tot ze het zoete gesnurk van de meisjes hoorde. Toen gingen ze elk een hut binnen en sleepte ze de meisjes naar de enkelboeien. Ze klikten ze vast. Toen ging een van de mannen met zijn vinger op en neer over Sue haar ontblote voetjes. Ze werd schreeuwend wakker. Ze is a sinds haar jeugd extreem kietelig. De andere 2 werden vol verbazing ook wakker. “WTF is da hier allemaal.” Vroeg Feulna. Opeens kwamen er 3 vrouwen uit de stam naar ze toe gelopen. Ze hadden alledrie een pot vast. In eentje zat honing, in de andere melk, en in de laatste een zoutoplossing. Ze smeerden de honing over jess haar voetjes. De melk over die van Sue en de zoutoplossing over die van Feulna. De meisjes waren woedend en in de war. Ineens werd het ze allemaal duidelijk toen er 2 honden, 2 katten en een koe af kwamen gewandelt. “ow shit.” zei Jess. De katten stonden bij Sue, de honden bij Jess en de koe bij Feulna. Toen die tongen de meisjes hun voetzolen raakte vulde de nacht zich met hysterisch gelach. De initiatie is begonnen… word vervolgd

Hoofdstuk 3
De zakenman

Maxie had echt alles wat iemand zou kunnen willen: de looks, de brains, een knappe vrouw, en hopen geld. Toen hij en zij vrouw een reisje naar Okinawa ondernamen liep alles mis. Het vliegtuig crashte in de Himalaya. Ze werden gevonden door een plaatselijke stam. Die scheiden larissa en Maxie al meteen van elkaar. Maxie werd naar het kamp gebracht. Larissa werd naar een groot tempelachtig gebouw gebracht. Daar werd ze aan enkels en polsen aan een altaar vastgebonden. De mannen die haar begeleid hadden verlieten de tempel. Toen werd het stikdonker. Ineens verschenen er 2 ogen in de lucht. “Welkom in mijn tempel. Mijn naam is Traeo’Tzikal. Beter bekend als: de Kietelgod. Nu zul jij als sterveling ervaren wat het is om de kieteldood te sterven. “ ineens kwamen er uit de gaten enorm veel spinnen gekropen. Die begonnen over haar voeten en buik te lopen. “haha zelf getraind, wat vind je ervan” zei Traeo’Tzikal met een valse stem. De kamer vervulde zich met hysterisch gelach… word vervolgd

00feather productions
Srry dutch people a story I am way to lazy to translate it all so if anyone feels called to help the community feel free to translate to english. It is my first story and it actually exists from small stories. The eternal smile Starring: Glenn: Glenn Julia: Sue Kylia: Jess Kenney: Doc Sanne: Feulna Fleur: Rachel Mandy: Anarchy Larissa: Larissa Nick: Maxie Intro: Glenn was a boy who spent his youth in one of neerpelt notorious neighborhoods: Boseind . But his role in this story will be more beruchter ... Hstuk 1 Doc's first day on a bright winter morning Doc was ready for his first day. When he arrived at practice, he was welcomed by the beautiful secretary anarchy. "Your practice is, sir." She said with a soft voice. Doc went in his room waiting for the first patient. Themselves bored after an hour came to the beautiful Rachel inside. "Um I have some problems with my stomach." She said. "Ok, put you on the table." Doc said. When she did let her shirt up Doc almost paper fall of excitement. "Um, I ga paatsen some pushing and you have to say what you feel." The first contact Rachel jumped almost her chair. "Iiiiiiih that tickles." Beeped them. "Oh so you can not tickle. Then you can probably not as I do. "Doc said when he pulled his finger gently circle around her navel. "No not at all. Hahahahaha stop. "Ok I think you are just really tickle me." "Come back on Monday and then I see what I can do." "Ok" she said and she huppelde from the room. Hehe that is still fun Monday ... be prosecuted Chapter 2 tickle adventure The 3 friends Sue, Jess and Feulna had all experienced together. This summer they will travel to the African strain Tik'el. "GOH what is this hot," said Sue. "Haha so pretty." Jess laughed. The tribe welcomed the 3 girls. They were taken to their cabins by 3 male tribe members. "Hey what do these things for our cabin early feulna when she saw the wooden buoys only. The interpreter said that the initiation was tonight. That night the girls went to sleep. But in the dark night scrapping 3 male tribe members closer. Patiently waiting until they snore sweet of the girls heard. Then they each have a cabin in the girls and dragged them to the ankle cuffs. They clicked them. Then one of the men with his finger up and down on Sue's bare feet. She was screaming awake. She is a tickle in her extreme youth. The other 2 were full of surprise also awake. "WTF is da here." Early Feulna. Suddenly there were 3 women from the tribe to run them. They had all three down a pot. In one Saturday honey in the milk, and in the last saline. They smeerden honey on Jess's feet. The milk of Sue and saline on which Feulna. The girls were angry and confused. Suddenly it became clear when they all have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a cow came from gewandelt. "Ow shit." Said Jess. The cats were to Sue, the dogs with Jess and the cow in Feulna. When the tongues of the girls their feet touched the night is filled with hysterical laughter. The initiation began ... Chapter 3 is prosecuted businessman Maxie had really everything anyone could want: the looks, the brains, a handsome woman, and hope money. When he and wife a trip to Okinawa took everything went wrong. The plane crashed in the Himalayas. They were found by a local tribe. These separate Larissa and Maxie immediately from each other. Maxie was brought to the camp. Larissa was a large temple-like building. Since she was on ankles and wrists tied to an altar. The men who accompanied her had left the temple. Then the pitch dark. Suddenly there were 2 eyes in the sky. "Welcome to my temple. My name is Traeo'Tzikal. Better known as the Kietelgod. Now will you as a mortal experience what it is to the kieteldood to die. "Suddenly there came from the huge holes Recently spinning. They started on her feet and belly up. "Haha self trained, what do you think" said Traeo'Tzikal with a false voice. The room is filled with hysterical laughter ... is prosecuted 00feather productions
Srry people a dutch story
I am way to lazy to translate it all so if anyone feels called to help the community feel free to translate to english. It is my first story and it actually exists from small stories.

The eternal smile


Glenn: Glenn
Julia: Sue
Kylia: Jess
Kenney: Doc
Sanne: Feulna
Fleur: Rachel
Mandy: Anarchy
Larissa: Larissa
Nick: Maxie

Glenn was a boy who spent his youth in one or Neerpelt Notorious neighborhood: Boseind. But his role in this story will be more beruchter ...

Hstuk 1
Doc's first day

On a bright winter morning Doc was ready for his first day. When he arrived at practice, he was welcomed by the beautiful secretary anarchy. "Your practice is, sir." She said with a soft voice. Doc went in his room waiting for the first patient. Themselves bored after an hour came to the beautiful Rachel inside. "Um I have some problems with my stomach." She said. "Ok, you put on the table." Doc said. When she did let her shirt up Doc almost paper fall or excitement. "Um, I ga paatsen some pushing and you have to say what you feel."
The first contact Rachel jumped almost her chair. "Tickles Iiiiiiih that." Beeped them.
"Oh so you can not tickle. Then you probably can not as I do." Doc said when he pulled his finger gently circle around her navel. "No not at all. Hahahahaha stop." Ok I think you are just really tickle me. "" Come back on Monday and then I see what I can do. "" Ok "she said and she huppelde from the room. Hehe that Monday is still fun ... be prosecuted

Chapter 2
a tickle adventure

The 3 friends Sue, Jess and Feulna had all experienced together. This summer they will travel to the African strain Tik'el. "GOH what is this hot," said Sue. "Haha so pretty." Jess laughed. The tribe welcomed the 3 girls. They were taken to their cabins by 3 male tribe members. "Hey what do these things for our cabin early feulna when she saw the wooden buoys only. The interpreter said that the initiation was tonight. That night the girls went to sleep. But in the dark night scrapping 3 male tribe members closer. Patiently waiting sweet mustache until they heard of the girls. Then they each have a cabin in the girls and dragged them to the ankle Cuffs. They clicked them. Then one or the one with his finger up and down on Sue's equivalent feet. She was screaming awake . She is a tickle in her extreme youth. The other 2 were full of surprise also awake. "WTF is da here." Early Feulna. Suddenly there were 3 women from the tribe to run them. They had all three down a pot. In one Saturday honey in the milk, and in the last saline. They smeerden honey on Jess's feet. The milk or Sue and saline on which Feulna. The girls were angry and confused. Suddenly it became clear when they all have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a cow came from gewandelt. "Oh shit." Said Jess. The cats were to Sue, the dogs with Jess and the cow in Feulna. When the tongues of the girls their feet touched the night is filled with hysterical laughter. The initiation began ... is prosecuted

Chapter 3
The businessman

Maxie had really everything anyone could want: the looks, the brains, a handsome woman, and hopefully money. When he and wife took a trip to Okinawa everything went wrong. The plane crashed in the Himalayas. They were found by a local tribe. These separate Larissa and Maxie immediately from each other. Maxie was brought to the camp. Larissa was a large temple-like building. Since she was on wrist and ankles tied to an altar. The people who accompanied her had left the temple. Then the pitch dark. Suddenly there were 2 eyes in the sky. "Welcome to my temple. My name is Traeo'Tzikal. Better known as the Kietelgod. Now will you as a mortal experience what it is to the kieteldood to die." Suddenly there came from the huge holes Recently spinning. They started on her feet and belly up. "Haha self trained, what do you think" said Traeo'Tzikal with a false voice. The room is filled with hysterical laughter ... be prosecuted
Srry dutch people a story I am way to lazy to translate it all so if anyone feels called to help the community feel free to translate to english. It is my first story and it actually exists from small stories. The eternal smile Starring: Glenn: Glenn Julia: Sue Kylia: Jess Kenney: Doc Sanne: Feulna Fleur: Rachel Mandy: Anarchy Larissa: Larissa Nick: Maxie Intro: Glenn was a boy who spent his youth in one of neerpelt notorious neighborhoods: Boseind . But his role in this story will be more beruchter ... Hstuk 1 Doc's first day on a bright winter morning Doc was ready for his first day. When he arrived at practice, he was welcomed by the beautiful secretary anarchy. "Your practice is, sir." She said with a soft voice. Doc went in his room waiting for the first patient. Themselves bored after an hour came to the beautiful Rachel inside. "Um I have some problems with my stomach." She said. "Ok, put you on the table." Doc said. When she did let her shirt up Doc almost paper fall of excitement. "Um, I ga paatsen some pushing and you have to say what you feel." The first contact Rachel jumped almost her chair. "Iiiiiiih that tickles." Beeped them. "Oh so you can not tickle. Then you can probably not as I do. "Doc said when he pulled his finger gently circle around her navel. "No not at all. Hahahahaha stop. "Ok I think you are just really tickle me." "Come back on Monday and then I see what I can do." "Ok" she said and she huppelde from the room. Hehe that is still fun Monday ... be prosecuted Chapter 2 tickle adventure The 3 friends Sue, Jess and Feulna had all experienced together. This summer they will travel to the African strain Tik'el. "GOH what is this hot," said Sue. "Haha so pretty." Jess laughed. The tribe welcomed the 3 girls. They were taken to their cabins by 3 male tribe members. "Hey what do these things for our cabin early feulna when she saw the wooden buoys only. The interpreter said that the initiation was tonight. That night the girls went to sleep. But in the dark night scrapping 3 male tribe members closer. Patiently waiting until they snore sweet of the girls heard. Then they each have a cabin in the girls and dragged them to the ankle cuffs. They clicked them. Then one of the men with his finger up and down on Sue's bare feet. She was screaming awake. She is a tickle in her extreme youth. The other 2 were full of surprise also awake. "WTF is da here." Early Feulna. Suddenly there were 3 women from the tribe to run them. They had all three down a pot. In one Saturday honey in the milk, and in the last saline. They smeerden honey on Jess's feet. The milk of Sue and saline on which Feulna. The girls were angry and confused. Suddenly it became clear when they all have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a cow came from gewandelt. "Ow shit." Said Jess. The cats were to Sue, the dogs with Jess and the cow in Feulna. When the tongues of the girls their feet touched the night is filled with hysterical laughter. The initiation began ... Chapter 3 is prosecuted businessman Maxie had really everything anyone could want: the looks, the brains, a handsome woman, and hope money. When he and wife a trip to Okinawa took everything went wrong. The plane crashed in the Himalayas. They were found by a local tribe. These separate Larissa and Maxie immediately from each other. Maxie was brought to the camp. Larissa was a large temple-like building. Since she was on ankles and wrists tied to an altar. The men who accompanied her had left the temple. Then the pitch dark. Suddenly there were 2 eyes in the sky. "Welcome to my temple. My name is Traeo'Tzikal. Better known as the Kietelgod. Now will you as a mortal experience what it is to the kieteldood to die. "Suddenly there came from the huge holes Recently spinning. They started on her feet and belly up. "Haha self trained, what do you think" said Traeo'Tzikal with a false voice. The room is filled with hysterical laughter ... is prosecuted 00feather productions
Srry people a dutch story
I am way to lazy to translate it all so if anyone feels called to help the community feel free to translate to english. It is my first story and it actually exists from small stories.

The eternal smile


Glenn: Glenn
Julia: Sue
Kylia: Jess
Kenney: Doc
Sanne: Feulna
Fleur: Rachel
Mandy: Anarchy
Larissa: Larissa
Nick: Maxie

Glenn was a boy who spent his youth in one or Neerpelt Notorious neighborhood: Boseind. But his role in this story will be more beruchter ...

Hstuk 1
Doc's first day

On a bright winter morning Doc was ready for his first day. When he arrived at practice, he was welcomed by the beautiful secretary anarchy. "Your practice is, sir." She said with a soft voice. Doc went in his room waiting for the first patient. Themselves bored after an hour came to the beautiful Rachel inside. "Um I have some problems with my stomach." She said. "Ok, you put on the table." Doc said. When she did let her shirt up Doc almost paper fall or excitement. "Um, I ga paatsen some pushing and you have to say what you feel."
The first contact Rachel jumped almost her chair. "Tickles Iiiiiiih that." Beeped them.
"Oh so you can not tickle. Then you probably can not as I do." Doc said when he pulled his finger gently circle around her navel. "No not at all. Hahahahaha stop." Ok I think you are just really tickle me. "" Come back on Monday and then I see what I can do. "" Ok "she said and she huppelde from the room. Hehe that Monday is still fun ... be prosecuted

Chapter 2
a tickle adventure

The 3 friends Sue, Jess and Feulna had all experienced together. This summer they will travel to the African strain Tik'el. "GOH what is this hot," said Sue. "Haha so pretty." Jess laughed. The tribe welcomed the 3 girls. They were taken to their cabins by 3 male tribe members. "Hey what do these things for our cabin early feulna when she saw the wooden buoys only. The interpreter said that the initiation was tonight. That night the girls went to sleep. But in the dark night scrapping 3 male tribe members closer. Patiently waiting sweet mustache until they heard of the girls. Then they each have a cabin in the girls and dragged them to the ankle Cuffs. They clicked them. Then one or the one with his finger up and down on Sue's equivalent feet. She was screaming awake . She is a tickle in her extreme youth. The other 2 were full of surprise also awake. "WTF is da here." Early Feulna. Suddenly there were 3 women from the tribe to run them. They had all three down a pot. In one Saturday honey in the milk, and in the last saline. They smeerden honey on Jess's feet. The milk or Sue and saline on which Feulna. The girls were angry and confused. Suddenly it became clear when they all have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a cow came from gewandelt. "Oh shit." Said Jess. The cats were to Sue, the dogs with Jess and the cow in Feulna. When the tongues of the girls their feet touched the night is filled with hysterical laughter. The initiation began ... is prosecuted

Chapter 3
The businessman

Maxie had really everything anyone could want: the looks, the brains, a handsome woman, and hopefully money. When he and wife took a trip to Okinawa everything went wrong. The plane crashed in the Himalayas. They were found by a local tribe. These separate Larissa and Maxie immediately from each other. Maxie was brought to the camp. Larissa was a large temple-like building. Since she was on wrist and ankles tied to an altar. The people who accompanied her had left the temple. Then the pitch dark. Suddenly there were 2 eyes in the sky. "Welcome to my temple. My name is Traeo'Tzikal. Better known as the Kietelgod. Now will you as a mortal experience what it is to the kieteldood to die." Suddenly there came from the huge holes Recently spinning. They started on her feet and belly up. "Haha self trained, what do you think" said Traeo'Tzikal with a false voice. The room is filled with hysterical laughter ... be prosecuted

Wow you actually did translate it xD
The next chapters will be in english ;p
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