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The Babysitter (Series)


4th Level Orange Feather
Aug 28, 2002
The​ ​Babysitter​ ​Part​ ​1:​ ​A​ ​F/M​ ​erotica​ ​tickling​ ​story

‘A​ ​babysitter?​ ​I​ ​am​ ​18​ ​years​ ​old​ ​and​ ​DO​ ​NOT’​ ​need​ ​a​ ​babysitter’,​ ​Shawn​ ​angrily​ ​informed​ ​his father​ ​as​ ​he​ ​burst​ ​into​ ​his​ ​study.

His​ ​father​ ​silently​ ​put​ ​his​ ​pipe​ ​on​ ​his​ ​large​ ​oak​ ​desk,​ ​as​ ​a​ ​few​ ​ashes​ ​fell​ ​out,​ ​got​ ​up​ ​and​ ​put​ ​the novel​ ​he​ ​was​ ​reading​ ​back​ ​on​ ​the​ ​large​ ​bookcase​ ​that​ ​was​ ​filled​ ​brim-to-brim​ ​with​ ​books.

He​ ​went​ ​back​ ​to​ ​his​ ​desk,​ ​sat​ ​down​ ​and​ ​grabbed​ ​his​ ​pipe​ ​and​ ​took​ ​a​ ​few​ ​puffs​ ​before​ ​setting​ ​it back​ ​down​ ​again.

He​ ​pointed​ ​at​ ​his​ ​son​ ​and​ ​said​ ​‘Don't​ ​you​ ​raise​ ​your​ ​tone​ ​to​ ​me.​ ​You​ ​constantly​ ​demand​ ​to​ ​be treated​ ​like​ ​an​ ​adult,​ ​but​​ ​​when​​ ​​you​​ ​​decide​​ ​​to​​ ​​spray​​ ​​graffiti​​ ​​on​​ ​​a​​ ​​building,​​ ​​you​​ ​​prove​​ ​​you​ ​are​ ​not capable​ ​of​ ​behaving​ ​as​ ​an​ ​adult.​ ​You​ ​behave​ ​as​ ​a​ ​child​ ​and​ ​so​ ​you​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​treated​ ​as​ ​a​ ​child, and​ ​a​ ​child​ ​needs​ ​a​ ​babysitter’.

He​ ​paused​ ​to​ ​take​ ​another​ ​puff​ ​of​ ​his​ ​pipe​ ​and​ ​then​ ​added​ ​‘The​ ​law​ ​has​ ​a​ ​word​ ​for​ ​what​ ​you​ ​did. It’s​ ​called​ ​vandalism’

Shawn​ ​pleaded​ ​with​ ​his​ ​dad​ ​to​ ​reconsider,​ ​but​ ​it​ ​fell​ ​upon​ ​deaf​ ​ears​ ​as​ ​he​ ​was​ ​told​ ​the​ ​decision was​ ​final​ ​and​ ​not​ ​up​ ​for​ ​further​ ​discussion.

Shawn​ ​sulked​ ​out​ ​and​ ​headed​ ​for​ ​the​ ​kitchen​ ​as​ ​his​ ​mother​ ​was​ ​at​ ​the​ ​sink,​ ​washing​ ​the​ ​good china.​ ​He​ ​grabbed​ ​a​ ​rag​ ​and​ ​started​ ​to​ ​dry​ ​them,​ ​hoping​ ​at​ ​least​ ​that​ ​will​ ​score​ ​some​ ​points​ with her.

‘Please​​ ​​mom,​​ ​​I​​ ​​don’t​​ ​​need​​ ​​a​​ ​​babysitter.​​ ​​What​​ ​​will​​ ​​the​​ ​​guys​​ ​​say’,​​ ​​he​ ​begged

His​​ ​​mother​​ ​​was​​ ​​sympathetic​​ ​​and​​ ​​said​​ ​​‘It​​ ​​won’t​​ ​​be​​ ​​so​​ ​​bad,​​ ​​honey​ ​and​​ ​​it’s​​ ​​only​​ ​​for​​ ​​one​​ ​​night, OK? Amanda​​ ​​Morris​​ ​​will​​ ​​be​​ ​​here​​ ​​in​​ ​​a​​ ​​couple​​ ​​of​​ ​​hours.​​ ​​You​​ ​​remember​ Amanda,​​ ​​right​​ ​​honey?​​ ​​Her​​ ​​mom and​​ ​​I​​ ​​are​​ ​​on​​ ​​the​​ ​​church​​ ​​bowling​​ ​​team.

How​​ ​​could​​ ​​Shawn​​ ​​not​​ ​​remember​​ ​​Amanda?​​ ​​He​​ ​​spent​​ ​​the​​ ​​better​ ​part​​ ​​of​​ ​​the​​ ​​past​​ ​​4​​ ​​years​​ ​​trying​​ ​​to forget.​​ ​​He​​ ​​has​​ ​​not​​ ​​seen​​ ​​her​​ ​​since​​ ​​she​​ ​​went​​ ​​away​​ ​​to​​ ​​State​ ​University​​ ​​and​​ ​​was​​ ​​now​​ ​​in​​ ​​the​​ ​​process of​​ ​​getting​​ ​​her​​ ​​own​​ ​​place​​ ​​back​​ ​​in​​ ​​town

She​​ ​​was​​ ​​5​​ ​​years​​ ​​older​​ ​​and​​ ​​was​​ ​​the​​ ​​girl​​ ​​next​​ ​​door​​ ​​and​​ ​​the​​ ​​object​​ ​​of​ ​his​​ ​​first​​ ​​major​​ ​​crush,​​ ​​but​​ ​​she always thought of him as a child. And to make matters worse, she​ ​would​ ​babysit​ ​him​ ​when​ ​he​ ​was​ ​younger​ ​and​ ​was​ ​incredibly bratty​ ​and​ ​bossy​ ​and​ ​would​ ​tickle​ ​Shawn​ ​relentlessly​ ​until​ ​he​ ​gave​ ​into​ ​her​ ​demands​ ​and​ ​whims.

He​ ​went​ ​upstairs​ ​to​ ​his​ ​room​ ​to​ ​ponder​ ​the​ ​situation.​ ​If​ ​the​ ​guys​ ​ever​ ​found​ ​out​ ​he​ ​had​ ​to​ ​have​ ​a babysitter​ ​at​ ​18​ ​years​ ​of​ ​age,​ ​they​ ​would​ ​never​ ​let​ ​him​ ​live​ ​it​ ​down.

About​ ​an​ ​hour​ ​and​ ​a​ ​half​ ​later,​ ​the​ ​doorbell​ ​rang​ ​as​ ​Shawn​ ​reluctantly​ ​went​ ​to​ ​answer​ ​it​ ​to​ ​find Mrs.​ ​Morris​ ​and​ ​Amanda​ ​on​ ​the​ ​porch.

Shawn’s​ ​heart​ ​skipped​ ​a​ ​beat​ ​because​ ​if​ ​it​ ​was​ ​even​ ​possible,​ ​Amanda​ ​was​ ​more​ ​beautiful​ ​than ever,​ ​wearing​ ​sandals​ ​that​ ​displayed​ ​her​ ​perfect​ ​feet​ ​with​ ​cute​ ​purple​ ​nail​ ​polish,​ ​cut​ ​off​ ​jeans that​ ​showed​ ​off​ ​her​ ​tan​ ​and​ ​tone​ ​legs,​ ​wearing​ ​sunglasses​ ​and​ ​her​ ​prized​ ​and​ ​cherished Chicago​ ​Cubs​ ​baseball​ ​cap

Her​ ​long​ ​brownish-blonde​ ​hair​ ​was​ ​flawless​ ​as​ ​always,​ ​and​ ​kept​ ​neatly​ ​in​ ​a​ ​ponytail.​ ​Shawn could​ ​not​ ​take​ ​his​ ​eyes​ ​off​ ​her​ ​as​ ​his​ ​mother​ ​snapped​ ​him​ ​back​ ​to​ ​reality.

‘Shawn,don’t​ ​be​ ​rude.​ ​Invite​ ​them​ ​in’,​ ​she​ ​said

He​ ​apologized​ ​and​ ​invited​ ​them​ ​in.​ ​​ ​Amanda​ ​removed​ ​her​ ​sunglasses​ ​and​ ​placed​ ​them​ ​on​ ​the fireplace​ ​mantle​ ​and​ ​playfully​ ​punched​ ​Shawn​ ​in​ ​the​ ​arm​ ​and​ ​sad​ ​‘​ ​What’s​ ​going​ ​on,​ ​Runt’?

‘Jason,​ ​we​ ​better​ ​hurry​ ​or​ ​we’re​ ​going​ ​to​ ​be​ ​late’,​ ​Shawn’s​ ​mother​ ​called​ ​out.​ ​A​ ​few​ ​moments later​ ​his​ ​father​ ​enters​ ​the​ ​living​ ​room,​ ​adjusting​ ​his​ ​tie​ ​as​ ​he​ ​hands​ ​Amanda​ ​a​ ​note.

‘Here​ ​is​ ​the​ ​number​ ​of​ ​Angelo’s​ ​Restaurant,​ ​where​ ​we​ ​have​ ​reservations​ ​at​ ​6​ ​this​ ​evening​ ​and also​ ​the​ ​number​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Opera​ ​House,​ ​where​ ​we’re​ ​going​ ​to​ ​see​ ​a​ ​show.​ ​We​ ​should​ ​be​ ​back around​ ​1am​ ​or​ ​so’.

Amanda​ ​nodded​ ​and​ ​tucked​ ​the​ ​note​ ​in​ ​her​ ​pocket

As he put on his dinner jacket and glasses he turned around and said ‘Oh one more thing. Shawn is grounded for 2 weeks and is not allowed to watch television, talk on the phone or use the computer’

‘Not a problem Mr. Anderson’, she replied as they got in his parents car and backed out into the street and was gone

‘What did you do to get grounded’, she asked as sat down on the sofa

‘I was caught spraying graffiti on a vacant building’ he sheepishly replied

Her eyes grew wide and laughingly said ‘I never knew you had that kind of streak in you. You are such a bad boy’

Amanda ordered pizza from a local pizza parlor and grabbed a book out of her backpack and made herself comfortable on the sofa, kicking off her sandals.

While she was engrossed in her book, Shawn snuck back up to his room and turned the computer on.

About 30 minutes later, Amanda came up to tell Shawn the pizza was ready, when she saw that he was online, and scolded him saying 'You know you're not supposed to be online. Turn it off and come downstairs and eat'.

Amanda unplugged the computer, and took the power cord with her, as she escorted Shawn out of his room, and marched him downstairs to the living room.

They ate the pizza and Amanda suggested that he use his time efficiently, and suggested he brush up on his algebra, to prepare himself for his Freshman year at State University, saying Professor Hoffman was tough, and didn't like slackers or under-achievers.

After they eat, Shawn goes back to his room and grabs one of his Pre-College textbooks and begins to read. But 30 minutes later, he reaches under his bed and grabs another power-cord that he always kept handy, just in case he needed it and proceeded to log back online, emailing and chatting on a forum, when Amanda came up to check on him, and to see if he needed any help studying, but saw him online again.

'OK, Shawn get off the computer', Amanda instructed. Shawn turned off the computer, as Amanda told him to get a shower and ready for bed. Shawn muttered and sulked all the way to the bathroom.

Shawn turned off the computer, as Amanda told him to get a shower and ready for bed. Shawn muttered and sulked all the way to the bathroom, got his shower and dried off. He walked back to his room, wearing nothing but his underwear, and when he opened the door to his room, Amanda jumped from behind , grabbed him, and quickly cuff his arms to the bedpost, then went to work, and made sure his ankles were tightly secured as well. After making sure Shawn was tight and secured, she smiled a sinister smile as she displayed her long, fingernails as Shawn squirmed, trying to break free of the restraints.

'Shawn, you've been a bad boy', she scolded, 'You were told not to use the computer, and yet you did anyway. You are a very bad boy, and we know what happens to bad boys, don't we', she snickered as she kept dangling her fingernails over Shawn as he shuddered.

She gave Shawn a few moments to consider the situation, as she continued to tease Shawn, dangling her fingers over his body, as cringed and tried to free himself of the handcuffs. 'I don't know where you think you're going', Amanda teased, 'But I don't think you're going anywhere, anytime soon.....Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, you are indeed a very bad boy, and I have to punish you'.

Once again, Amanda dangled and showed off her fingernails, and on few occasions acted like she was going to lunge for Shawn, but pulled away at the very last second, laughing at his plight. When he least expected it, she dug into the soles of the feet, using her pinky finger to work in between his toes.

Shawn kept begging for her to stop. His pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears, as she worked her way up to his ankle, kneecaps, and thighs. Poor Shawn was trying to struggle for all he was worth

'Please stop', Shawn begged in between fits of laughter. 'If you were not such a bad boy, we would not have to do this', Amanda said as she found Shawn' weakness.... just above his kneecaps, as Shawn went berserk, laughing and thrashing.

Shawn did not know how much longer he would last, as Amanda continued to work on his kneecaps and upper legs, taunting and teasing him as she went along. Shawn was thankful, that she finally stopped as she cracked her fingers, looking at his bare tummy and chest, with an evil look in her eyes.

She sat on top of Shawn, to minimize any thrashing or movement, and playfully rakes her finger down his chest, before making small circles around his belly, which caused it to twitch. 'Please no more, I will be good. You have my word', Shawn pleaded, trying to reason with her.

'Well, I'm not sure you have learned your lesson as of yet', she replied, as she started to rake her fingers up and down his underarms, which sent Shawn into hysterics, as he was starting to babble incoherently.

She​ ​then​ ​worked​ ​her​ ​way​ ​down,​ ​stroking​ ​his​ ​ribs​ ​and​ ​sides​ ​Then​ ​Amanda​ ​started​ ​to​ ​tickle,​ ​rub and​ ​massage​ ​Shawn​ ​belly​ ​and​ ​tummy,​ ​and​ ​Shawn​ ​was​ ​laughing​ ​so​ ​hard,​ ​it​ ​hurt,​ ​with​ ​tears streaming​ ​down​ ​his​ ​face​ ​from​ ​the​ ​laughter.​ ​By​ ​that​ ​time,​ ​Amanda​ ​could​ ​not​ ​help​ ​but​ ​notice​ ​a rising​ ​bulge​ ​in​ ​his​ ​underwear.

'Well,​ ​well,​ ​well',​ ​Amanda​ ​teased,​ ​'It​ ​seem​ ​like​ ​you​ ​really​ ​have​ ​grown​ ​up,​ ​or​ ​has​ ​that​ ​always​ ​been there​ ​before'.​ ​Shawn​ ​was​ ​turning​ ​as​ ​red​ ​as​ ​a​ ​beet​ ​as​ ​Amanda​ ​smiled​ ​and​ ​said​ ​'So​ ​what​ ​should we​ ​do​ ​about​ ​that,​ ​huh'?

Shawn​ ​was​ ​turning​ ​redder​ ​by​ ​the​ ​second,​ ​as​ ​Amanda​ ​said​ ​'I​ ​know​ ​you've​ ​had​ ​a​ ​crush​ ​on​ ​me,​ ​for what​ ​seems​ ​like​ ​forever,​ ​and​ ​I​ ​must​ ​admit​ ​that​ ​you​ ​look​ ​pretty​ ​cute,​ ​when​ ​you're​ ​tied​ ​up​ ​and defenseless,​ ​like​ ​that'

Shawn​ ​could​ ​not​ ​believe​ ​what​ ​he​ ​was​ ​hearing....​ ​or​ ​seeing​ ​as​ ​Amanda​ ​removed​ ​her​ ​shirt​ ​and bra,​ ​and​ ​had​ ​Shawn​ ​raise​ ​up,​ ​and​ ​gently​ ​pulled​ ​his​ ​underwear​ ​down​ ​to​ ​his​ ​ankles,and​ ​started​ ​to lightly​ ​massage​ ​his​ ​inner​ ​thighs​ ​and​ ​stroke​ ​his​ ​balls,​ ​and​ ​was​ ​about​ ​to​ ​reach​ ​for​ ​his​ ​cock​ ​when she​ ​heard​ ​a​ ​car​ ​door​ ​slam,​ ​and​ ​peered​ ​out​ ​of​ ​blinds​ ​and​ ​saw​ ​Shawn’s​ ​parents​ ​and​ ​her​ ​mom, talking,​ ​laughing​ ​as​ ​they​ ​were​ ​walking​ ​towards​ ​the​ ​door.

'Fuck',​ ​Amanda​ ​cursed​ ​as​ ​she​ ​quickly​ ​put​ ​her​ ​bra​ ​and​ ​shirt​ ​back​ ​on,​ ​released​ ​Shawn​ ​and​ ​threw him​ ​a​ ​pair​ ​of​ ​pajamas,​ ​and​ ​rushed​ ​down​ ​to​ ​the​ ​living​ ​room,​ ​pretending​ ​to​ ​be​ ​reading​ ​a​ ​book. About​ ​20​ ​minutes​ ​passed,​ ​and​ ​Shawn​ ​heard​ ​the​ ​front​ ​door​ ​close​ ​as​ ​he​ ​looked​ ​out​ ​the​ ​window, and​ ​saw​ ​Amanda​ ​smile​ ​and​ ​wink​ ​at​ ​him.

He​ ​heard​ ​footsteps​ ​climbing​ ​the​ ​stairs​ ​and​ ​dove​ ​into​ ​bed,​ ​pretending​ ​to​ ​be​ ​asleep​ ​when​ ​his​ ​mom entered​ ​and​ ​said​ ​'So,​ ​was​ ​it​ ​as​ ​bad​ ​as​ ​you​ ​thought'.

Shawn​ ​shook​ ​his​ ​head​ ​and​ ​said​ ​'No,​ ​it​ ​was​ ​cool​ ​actually'.​ ​His​ ​mother​ ​smiled​ ​and​ ​said​ ​'That's great,​ ​honey.​ ​Because​ ​in​ ​two​ ​weeks​ ​your​ ​father​ ​and​ ​I​ ​are​ ​going​ ​with​ ​Mrs​ ​Morris​ ​and​ ​her​ ​sister​ ​to Las​ ​Vegas.​ ​We'll​ ​be​ ​gone​ ​for​ ​an​ ​entire​ ​week​ ​and​ ​Amanda​ ​said​ ​she​ ​would​ ​love​ ​to​ ​babysit....​ ​I mean​ ​stay​ ​with​ ​you,​ ​while​ ​we're​ ​gone.

Shawn​ ​smiled​ ​and​ ​said​ ​'I'm​ ​looking​ ​forward​ ​to​ ​it​ ​mom'

-To Be Continued-
The Babysitter - Part Two (F/M and FF/M)

-- Continued from The Babysitter Part 1... a few weeks later --

The doorbell rang as Shawn's mother asked him to go and answer it. He went downstairs, greeted Mrs. Morris and invited her inside. 'Oh, hello Rachel, we're about to have lunch. Would you like to join us', Shawn's mother said. Mrs. Morris shook her head, saying she didn't have time, and just wanted to drop by long enough to hand them the plane ticket to Las Vegas. Shawn's mother thanked her, and walked her to the door, as Shawn could see Amanda sitting in the drivers' seat. She waved and winked at Shawn, as her mother got in the passenger door, and drove off.

'Shawn', his mother said, 'Your father and I are going to Las Vegas in a few days with Mrs. Morris and her sister, and we will be gone for the entire week, and Amanda will be staying here and she can sleep in the guest room. We expect you to behave like a perfect gentleman, while we are gone'. Shawn rolled his eyes and said, 'I know mom, we've had 'the talk' before'. Shawn planned to get his revenge on Amanda. He was not quite sure how he would go about it, but he had a few days to think it over. The days came and went and Shawn thought of the perfect plan. He found a small vial of ether that he would use to knock out Amanda, tie her up and tickle her senseless. Talk about poetic justice, Shawn thought to himself.

It was the night before the trip and Shawn helped his mother and father pack. His father found the vial of ether and Shawn's heart sank, as he picked up the vial to examine it. 'Shawn' his father asked, 'Do you know anything about this'? Shawn nervously replied, 'No, sir'. Shawn was sweating bullets as his father studied his expression and then looked at the bottle and said simply said 'Hmmm. Wonder where it came from'? Shawn's mother replied, 'Jason, don't worry about it, and help me finish packing'. Shawn's father handed the vial of ether to him and instructed him to dispose of it.

Shawn walked into the kitchen and acted like he was putting the vial into the waste-basket, and went to his room and put it under the bed. 'Close call', Shawn thought to himself. He had already formulated the perfect plan for revenge. He would wait until Amanda was asleep, knock her out with the ether, and then tie her up and once she was awake, it would be tickle-torture city. Shawn was very proud of his stroke of genius. He heard his mother coming up the stairs and Shawn grabbed a book, pretending to read as his mother came in.

'Shawn, it's one o'clock in the morning, you need to get some sleep, sweetie'. Shawn put the book away and went to sleep and it seemed like he just closed his eyes when the door-bell rang, and Shawn got dressed and ran downstairs. Shawn's father said 'Hey sport, help us carry the bags to the van'. Shawn help his father carry the bags to the waiting taxi-van. 'Dad', Shawn asked, 'Do you think you can place a bet for me'? He handed his father a $10 and his father replied 'No problem, sport. I will place this on the roulette wheel and we'll see what happens'. Shawn asked, 'Dad, am I still grounded'? His father replied, 'Shawn, we have talked about this, remember'? Shawn nodded and said 'But I have not gotten into any trouble or anything and even Amanda said so'. Shawn's father asked Mrs. Morris 'Hey Rachel, where is Amanda at, anyway'?

Mrs. Morris replied, 'She dropped me off. She had a personal errand to run and will be here in a few hours'. Shawn thought to himself 'Perfect, a few hours is all I need'. Shawn's father turned to him and said 'Shawn, when I said you were grounded, I meant it. You have only one more week to go'. They all got in the van and left for the airport as Shawn went to his father's workshop and found several pieces of rope, which he stashed away in his closet.

Amanda parked her car and came inside and went up to Shawn's room. Shawn nearly fainted when he saw her. She was wearing cut-off jeans, no shoes, and a sleeve-less shirt. Amanda playfully punched Shawn in the arm and said 'Whatcha doing, loser'? Amanda said 'Where is that vial of ether'? Shawn looked puzzled and said, 'What are you talking about'? Amanda said 'The vial of ether your father found. I know it was yours, now where is it'? Shawn was nervous and said 'I don't know what you're talking about'. Amanda giggled and said 'Come on, this is me you're talking to. Your father said he told you to throw it away, but knowing you and your sick mind, you kept it'. Shawn simply replied 'Well I don't know what you're talking about, but if my father said it was in the trash-can, why don't you look in there'.

Amanda displayed her long fingernails and said 'Do we really have to go thru this again, Shawn? I thought you would have learned your lesson, by now'. Shawn insisted that he didn't have it, and Amanda just shrugged and said 'Whatever, if you want to play hard-ball, we can do that. I will give you to the count of 10, to fork it over, or you know what will come next'.





'I'm not kidding, Shawn'




'I really mean it, Shawn. Fork it over'



'Ok this is your last chance, buddy'


'Ok, you can't say you didn't have this coming', she teased as she lunged for Shawn, knocking him to the floor, slid her hands under his shirt, and mercilessly raked her fingers up and down his sides, as Shawn bucks wildly, trying to get away, but Amanda takes her free hand and securely wraps them around his legs, rendering him motionless as Shawn shrieked in laughter 'HA HA HA HA HA HA'. He tried to throw her off, but it was to no avail, and she kept digging her fingers into his sides and ribs.

'This will keep going on for as long as you want. Just tell me where it is, and I'll stop', Amanda said. She waited for a few seconds, as Shawn tried to catch his breath, but when he didn't respond, she shook her head and said 'Ok, have it your way' and proceeded to tickle him even harder, and Shawn tried with every piece of strength he had to break free, but Amanda would not budge, nor stop the onslaught of the tickling. 'HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA.... OK...HAHA HAHA... it's under my bed', Shawn finally admitted.

Amanda finally stopped the tickling, put refused to release her grip as he stooped down, reached under the bed and pulled out a small vial, and with a scowl handed it to Amanda, who said 'Thank you', as she placed it in her purse, and left the room. Well as far as Shawn was concerned this was just a minor setback. She may have won the battle, but the war was just getting started. Shawn quietly followed her downstairs and she placed the purse on the ground, and plopped down on Shawn's dad's recliner, and flipped the TV on.

Shawn decided to play it cool, and wait until later to activate his plan. He sat down next to her, in his mother's chair and they spent the afternoon watching old sitcoms and movies. She got off the chair, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went to take a shower, and left her purse on the floor... in plain sight. Shawn thought this was strange, as Amanda was not usually a careless person, and was very street-smart. It was not like her to leave her purse...much less 'the weapon' where he could get to it. Perhaps... just perhaps she wanted him to get it. Or maybe it was an elaborate trap. Shawn decided to buy his time, and act like he didn't notice.

About 15 minutes passed, and Amanda emerges from the shower, wearing just a towel. Shawn's heart just about skipped a beat, as she walked past him, reaches for the phone and orders Chinese food for the two of them. 'Shawn, I'm going to get dressed. In my purse there is a $20. Use that when the delivery-guy comes and tell him he can keep what change is left over.

Shawn waited for Amanda to leave, and thought 'Well it's obvious that she wants me to find it, so why disappoint her'. Shawn got the $20 and also put the vial in his pocket and about 30 minutes the doorbell rang and Shawn paid for the food and told them to keep the change, and he and Amanda ate and Amanda did not say anything about the missing vial, and Shawn did not know how to read into that. It was about 9 o'clock and Amanda said that she was going to bed and would see Shawn in the morning.

Shawn thought this could be a trap, and decided to wait an hour or so, before kicking the 2cd part of his plan into action. He quietly went to the closet to get the rope, but found it was missing. Shawn was about to leave, but before he could turn around, he felt somebody grab his arms, forcing him to the ground. He looked up and saw Amanda with an sinister look in her eyes, as she held out the rope and said 'Looking for something, are we'?

She twisted his hand, until the vial of ether fell from his hands, and she laughed and said 'I knew you couldn't resist. I knew something was cooking in that dirty little mind of yours. Well, you know what comes next, right'? Shawn tried to get up, but Amanda was too strong, and quickly bound his feet together and carried him to the bed, as Shawn cringed knowing full well what was about to take place.

About that time, there was a noise downstairs and a voice said 'Hello'. Amanda shouted downstairs 'Yeah, we're up here'. A few moments later, footsteps could be heard making their way up the stairs. Shawn's ex-girlfriend Tiffany appeared, wearing a half-shirt that displayed her tummy and jeans. She held Shawn down as Amanda quickly undressed him totally naked, as they applied the cuffs and made sure he was secure.

'I thought I could use some help, Shawn. Hope you don't mind', Amanda said laughing. 'You know', Tiffany stated, 'When you broke up with me a month ago, you didn't even have the guts to tell me face-to-face. I had to hear about it from Veronica. So, when Amanda asked me if I would help her tickle the shit out of you... well, I knew I couldn't pass this up for all the money in the world'.

'Shawn it appears that you have been a very bad boy. And we know what happens to bad boys, don't we', Amanda taunted. 'They get another chance', Shawn replied as Tiffany chuckled and said 'Yeah right', as she dug her fingers into his soles, using her tongue to work between the toes, as Amanda feverishly worked over his legs, and under his knees, which drove Shawn completely nuts.

Shawn plead with them to stop, but they wouldn't hear of it, as Amanda started to tickle his inner thighs, and Tiffany went to work on his ribs and tummy. Shawn fought against the restraints for all he was worth, but they would not give. 'I don't know where you think you're going, but we don't think you're going anywhere, anytime soon', Amanda teased as the girls continued to work Shawn over, and all he can do is just laugh.

Tiffany whispered something in Amanda's ear, as she grin and nodded. Shawn wondered what they were discussing, but he didn't have to wonder long as it became clear, as Tiffany started to tickle his rock-hard cock, using her long fingernails to trace around his balls, as Shawn shuddered and exploded with laughter, as Amanda continued to work on his entire body, tickling from toes to underarms, as Shawn was desperate and begged for them to stop.

'I'll tell your mom', Shawn threatened, between howls of laughter. 'I don't think you are in any position to make idle threats', she retorted as the tickling continued, harder than before. Finally the tickling subsided as Shawn just laid there sweating profusely and trying to catch his breath. 'Have you learned your lesson, you dirty boy' Amanda asked and Shawn promised that he has.

'Ok, I guess I can believe that', Amanda replied. She was reaching to release him, but was stopped by Tiffany who whispered something into her ear. Shawn cringed, wondering what they could be cooking up. Tiffany left the room and a few seconds, returned with some baby-oil. She opened it, took some oil and and rubbed her hands, as Amanda did the same. She set the bottle by the bed, as Amanda and Tiffany stared to stroke his cock.

Amanda started to kiss him, as did Tiffany as they were stroking his member, and Shawn came like a volcano. Tiffany got a wet cloth and wiped him down, as they removed his restraints. Shawn was still a little light-headed and just laid there, as Tiffany turned to leave. 'Where are you going, the fun is just starting' Amanda said as she stripped down to her underwear and climbed into the bed, next to Shawn and Tiffany followed suit and........

I'll leave the rest to your imagination

- To Be Continued -
The Babysitter: Part 3 (A M/F erotic tickling story)

The Babysitter Part 3

- The Next Morning -

The sun was already up and shining brightly when Shawn woke up. He was still naked from the night before, and Amanda was sleeping next to him, with her arms wrapped tightly around him, resting her head on his chest. Tiffany had already left sometime in the middle of the night.

‘Wow, I just had a three-some. The guys will never believe this’, Shawn thought to himself.

He gently removed her arm which was wrapped around his waist as she smiled and said ‘Going somewhere, stud?,’ as she tightened her grip around him

‘I gotta pee’, he replied rather matter-of-factly.

‘Well I guess I’ll let you do that’ she replied laughingly, as she released her grip and lay back down.

He quickly grabbed his boxer shorts on the floor, put them on and made his way to the bathroom.

‘I only got a few days, and I can’t let it go down like this’, he thought to himself as he tried to formulate a plot for revenge.

After he used the bathroom, he made his way to the kitchen and put some water in a kettle and set it on the stove to boil, while he ground up some coffee beans and got 2 mugs from the cupboard.

He also noticed one of his mother’s sleeping pills on the counter and a thought raced through his mind, as he quickly took the pill and crushed it into a powder and placed it inside one of the coffee mugs

The kettle started to whistle as steam was starting to escape, as Shawn quickly removed the kettle and turned the stove off and poured the coffee, paying special attention to the one that contained the pill.

He carefully climbed the stairs to his room, which was on the 2cd floor and handed the coffee mug to Amanda who accepted it with a smile.

The phone rang, as Shawn excused himself and went downstairs to the living room. ‘Hello’ he answered to hear his mother on the other end ‘Hey sweetie, how are things’.

‘Good. Great, actually. How about you guys’

‘I’m doing ok, but your dad really cleaned house on the craps table. By the way, we trust that you are behaving like a complete gentleman, right’?

Shawn rolled his eyes and replied ‘Yes, stop worrying’

They spoke for about 15 minutes before saying goodbye. Shawn walked back to his room and found Amanda already fast asleep. He quickly got dressed and raced downstairs and went to his father’s workshop in the garage and grabbed some rope as well as a metal bar.

He quickly ran back upstairs, making sure she was still fast asleep, and tied the metal bar to the foot of the bed. He took her arms and quickly stretched them behind her, tying her wrists to the bedposts, exposing her smooth and delicate armpits.

He took the metal bar, tied that down to the foot of the bed, and stretched her legs as far as he could, before tying each foot to the metal bar, and then tied her toes to the bar as well, making her feet defenseless.
He paused to look at her naked body, with pert tits, and smooth legs and snatch, all for him to tickle relentlessly. ‘Finally I get my revenge’ he thought to himself.

Revenge for last night. Revenge for the week before. Revenge for all the times she ruthlessly tickled him when she babysat for him years ago. He was not going to waste this opportunity and was not going to waste one single second. He was almost giddy with excitement.

He gently nudged her until she woke up, and saw the predicament she was in. ‘Oh fuck’, she moaned as she struggled to break free. ‘I’m gonna kick your little ass’, she snapped, still struggling against the rope and cold steel bar.

‘I don’t think you’re in any position to make idle threats. Sound familiar’, he taunted as he gleamed over her writhing and struggling body.

He looked at her soft and exposed underarms, as she saw the look in his eye. ‘I’m sorry OK? It won’t happen again’ she pleaded with him.

‘Oh I know your sorry, but not as sorry as you’re about to be’ Shawn taunted as he leaned in

Amanda closed her eyes tight as Shawn’s fingers raked up and down her armpits, as she was bucking against the restraints and howling loudly with laughter.

Her reaction only spurred Shawn on, with a gleam in his eyes, continued to mercilessly tickle her sensitive underarms.

‘I finally beat you at your own game’, Shawn teased as he started to tickle her erect, stiff nipples. Amanda was gasping for air, in between shrieks of laughter.

In between fits of laughter, she begged Shawn to stop, but her whines and pleas of mercy fell upon deaf ears. As Shawn had a look of evil intentions in his eyes, as he raked his fingers up and down her sensitive ribs, as her wails of tormented laughter filled the room

He leaned in and used his tongue to brush up and down her belly button and that sent her into a new wave of panicked hysterics as she was laughing so hard, tears were starting to form in her eyes.

While containing to lick her navel, Shawn reaches down and squeezes her hips, as Amanda just about loses her mind. ‘Ok OOOOOOOO…. OOOO-Kay. OK OK. You made your point’ she begged in between frenzied fits of laughter.

‘I can see why you did this to me all these years. It’s fun’, Shawn said, tickling her hips and sides.

‘No no no. It’s not fun. Please, you can stop now’, she begged, nearly breathless.

‘Why would I want to do that’, he taunted as he started to stroke her tender thighs, teasing her pussy lips with his fingers as her flesh quivered and twitched.

He moved down and tickled her legs and calf area, taking special attention to the soft flesh behind her knees, as she was nearly crying and laughing all at the same time.

With a smile, he moved down to her feet as and looked them over as Amanda frantically shook her head. ‘No. No no no no. Please not there’

‘NOOOOOOOO’ she screeched in laughter as he ran his finger, very slowly and methodically from the tip of her toe, down to her heel and she was trying to kick free the entire time, but the ropes and metal bar held her feet firmly in place.

He ignores her desperate pleas for mercy and continues to rake his fingers up and down her sensitive feet, taking special care to work between her toes, which sent her into a new round of frenzied hysterics.

He stopped long enough for her to catch her breath and was about to start again on her feet, when Amanda smiled and said ‘Oh thank you’

‘You’re welcome’, Shawn replied somewhat confused

‘Not you’, Amanda replied with a smirk

Before Shawn could react, he felt someone from behind grab him, quickly put a pillow blanket over his head and quickly tie up his feet and hands

‘Oh boy, are you gonna get it now’, Tiffany laughed

- To Be Continued-
The Babysitter Part 4) - A FFF/M Tickling/Orgasm denial/Forced Orgasm/Post Orgasm Torture story

The Babysitter Part 4

- Immediately after The Babysitter Part 3 -

After making sure Shawn was completely immobilized and blindfolded with the pillowcase she placed over his head a few moments ago, Tiffany quickly freed Amanda and helped her get dressed. 'Well it seems our bad boy had not learned his lesson after all', Amanda teased

'You're right, he needs to be punished' Tiffany chimed in.

'No, no. I'm sorry' Shawn muffled from the pillowcase.

'Not as sorry as you're about to be. Sound familiar, sweetie', Amanda said with laughter.

They pick up Shawn, place him on the bed and secure his wrists and ankles to the post and then remove the pillowcase.

Tiffany quickly picks up her phone, and dials a number and leaves the room.

'I hope you had fun, but payback in gonna be a bitch', Amanda teased as she dangled and waved her fingers over Shawn, as he shuddered.

About 15 minutes later and the doorbell rang, as he could hear Tiffany answering the door. Soon afterwards a pair of footsteps were heard marching up the stairs and Tiffany entered the room with her one of her friends, Staci. 'I thought Amanda could use a hand... or four more hands', Tiffany said with a giggle.

The girls pull down his boxers, as Amanda kneeled down between his legs, Tiffany at his feet and Staci at his upperbody. 'Any last words', Amanda said with an evil look in her eyes as she teased Shawn's dick until it became pert and fully erect.

She took his dick in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as a wave of pleasure engulfed in pleasure. But the pleasure was short lived, as Amanda was working on his member, Tiffany started to apply oil to his feet, and raked her fingers up and down his soles, and Staci was vigorously tickling and kneading his sensitive sides, as Amanda was using her tongue to stroke his dick, and took the full shaft, while tickling his ballsack and inner thighs.

Shawn was losing his mind and exploded with laughter as the girls continued to work him over. Wails of tormented laughter, mixed with groans of pleasure, echoed around the room. 'You better not cum, until I say you can', Amanda instructed before taking the shaft again, gently bobbing her head up and down
He could feel himself edging closer and closer, in between fits of agonized laughter.

Amanda could sense as such and swatted his butt with her hand and sternly said 'No' and returned to sucking as she tickled his thigh areas, as Staci sucked his nipples and tickled his underarms, and Tiffany was using her own tongue to explore in between his toes as Shawn tightly scrunched his eyes closed, violently struggling against the restraints, but they would not give.

'Please let me cum', he begged in between fits of laughter. as Amanda shook her head in denial, as Staci was blowing raspberries on his exposed stomach, exploring his navel with her tongue and raking her fingers up and down his ribs, as Tiffany tickled the flesh under his kneecaps, driving Shawn to the breaking point.

Amanda looked up, made eye contact with Shawn and nodded her head. He closed his eyes, as Staci went from tickling to gently caressing his tummy and chest, and Tiffany gently massaged his legs. Shawn shook from ecstasy and let it rip, groaning loudly, as Amanda took and swallowed the entire load, as he just laid there, sweating and breathing heavily.

'Ok, so you're done now and you can release me', Shawn panted.

'Not even', Amanda replied with a sly smile as she and Staci traded place. 'No, please. I can't take anymore', Shawn begged.

'Well, you're gonna', Staci said as she grabbed his dick and started to suck, which was already sensitive from earlier. No... please please stop', Shawn cried out, eyes starting to water.

'Who asked you to stop when you were tickling her, hmmm? Oh that's right... it was ME', Amanda said as she dug deep into his ribcage, and Tiffany was scraping up and down his legs, as he didn't want to laugh, because it hurt too much'

'Awww is it sensitive', Amanda mocked as Shawn nodded. 'Awww, that's too bad, isn't it', Tiffany retorted as she tickled his calf areas.

Staci continued to suck and used her fingers to trace around his thighs, Amanda was working over his underarms, and Tiffany went back to tickling his feet and poor Shawn didn't even have the strength left to struggle and just laid there, enduring every torturous second.

He was about to cum again, as a few drops fell into Staci's mouth, but she took her cue from Amanda, firmly spanked him on the buttocks, ordering him not to cum, until he was given permission to do so

'I can't help it', he whimpered

'Well you're going to have to find a way', Amanda teased, not letting up nor offering Shawn any relief.

'Please I'm sorry already', Shawn pleaded

The girls didn't respond or reply, as they continued their onslaught. Amanda was kneading and prodding around his waist, abdomen and midsection, which caused it to twitch and spasm uncontrollably, Staci continued to suck, using her tongue to tease his shaft and head, while tickling his balls and inner thighs at the same time. Tiffany started to lick and use her own tongue to run up and down Shawn's kneecaps.

That elected a very loud round of frenzied and panicked laughter from Shawn, that could be heard all around the house.

'Cum, now', Amanda commanded. His entire body tightened up, as he tightly closed his eyes and let another one out, as the pure force took Staci by surprise, as she let go, swallowing the shot, and wiping her mouth with a smile

'Please no. Not again', Shawn begged as Tiffany and Staci traded places
'Oh well, that's just too bad now, isn't it', Tiffany retorted, using her tongue to lick his balls, as Amanda is working over his feet, and Staci is licking his underarms, as he exploded with laughter, and struggled against the restraints, but to no avail.

'Stop that right now', Amanda ordered as she spanked the sole of his foot

'Please... ple... please stop. I can't take any...any more', Shawn gasped

Amanda gave Shawn an evil smile as she dug her nails in the flesh under his knee caps, Staci took her long nails and mercilessly raked them up and down his chest, and Tiffany continued to suck his dick and squeeze his sensitive balls.

Shawn squirmed uncontrollably, as he was nearing another orgasm. 'Please let me cum', he begged

'No' Tiffany said as she returned to sucking his dick, using her long fingernails to trace his balls, which brought a brand new round of laughter

Staci sucked his nipple and tickling his waist, and as Amanda was using her nails to trace up and down his legs, Shawn couldn't hold it in any longer and a surprised Tiffany caught his load

'No. No. No.', she scolded as she spanked his butt

'Did he cum without permission', Amanda asked as Tiffany nodded

'Well then that deserves a special punishment', Amanda smirked as she reached for her bag and pulled out a cordless vibrator

'No, please don't do that', Shawn breathlessly begged

'Well you should have thought of that before', Amanda said, nearing his cock with the vibrator and turned is on maximum setting.

'So you want to cum without permission, do you? Well you can cum all you want', as she grabbed his dick and put the vibrator on his already sensitive head, as Staci was gently rubbing in between his legs, and Tiffany was caressing his midsection, taking time to pinch his nipples.

Shawn just shuddered and shook from the unpleasant feeling, as it felt like it was burning due to the over-sensations.

'No... ple... please st... stop', Shawn stammered

'Oh stop being such a titty-baby', Amanda joked as she moved the vibrator up and down his shaft, taking her free hand and gently rubbing his balls, as Tiffany was rubbing his belly, applying oil as she did, and Staci lightly rubbing and teasing his taint

'STOP IT', Shawn yelled, tears starting to form.

'Does anybody have a gag? I don't want his neighbors to hear him screaming', Tiffany asked

'Let me see', Amanda said as Shawn was relieved that she put the vibrator down. She searched through her bags, but could not find one. But always quick to think on-her-feet, she rummaged through his dresser and grabbed a pair of socks

'Open up', she commanded

Shawn tightly closed his mouth, and Tiffany pinched his balls, causing him to scream out, and the second he opened his mouth to scream, Amanda stuffed the pair of socks firmly down his mouth, as he started to gag.

'Breathe through your nose', Amanda said as she picked up the vibrator and teased his sore head and muffled screams of objections were heard

'Just relax', Tiffany said as she continued to rub his tummy and midsections, and Staci gently rubbed and massaged his thighs

'You only have to come 3 more times', Amanda said as Shawn's eyes grew wide. He didn't know if he had the resources to cum just once more, let alone three times more

'You can do it', she said as she continued to move the vibrator up and down, taking special care to be sure to torture the head

He tried as hard as he could to cum, just to get it over with, but was completely drained and just laid there, trembling in agony and trying to break free from the cuffs and restraints that held him firmly in place.

Finally he could feel another orgasm getting close and just closed his eyes, as some cum poured out of him.

'There you go' Amanda said as she grabbed a wet cloth and gently cleaned him, before handing the vibrator to Staci and with a smile said 'Ok, you're up'. As Shawn could only muffle his resistance and objections.

No. NO', he muffled as she took the vibrator and applied it to his sore dick, as Shawn let out a muffled scream as tears started to pour down his face.

'No more... no more' he begged, but his begging and pleading fell upon deaf ears, as she continued to run the vibrator up and down, while stroking and gently running her hand up and down his inner thighs, Amanda massaging his feet, and Tiffany was rubbing her hands across his chest.

Shawn struggled to cum again, but nothing as he just shook and trembled from the sensations, as the girls continued to work over him

'Please. I'm trying...I can... can't' he mumbled through the gag as Tiffany shrugged and said 'We have all damn day', as Shawn closed his eyes, praying to cum again, just so they would stop.

'The sooner you cum, the sooner this will end', Amanda said, as she bent down and playfully bit his big toe, as Shawn tried with all of his might to cum again, and must to his dismay, he could not.

'Break. At least...give me...a break', Shawn pleaded in between agonized moans and screams.

'You can have a break when you cum again', Staci said as firmly held his cock, and applied the vibrator to its head, as every muscle in his body tightened.

'Come on , you can do it', Amanda encouraged as she gently massaged his feet
Much to his relief, he could feel another orgasm building on and just relaxed and let it come, as a few drops of juice dribbled down his cock as Staci put the vibrator on the bed, and cleaned up what little cum there was, and he laid there, sweating profusely and breathing heavily

'Ok, we're going to give you a few moments to rest', Staci said as she left the room, as Amanda and Tiffany were talking among themselves. Shawn just lay there, feeling very light-headed and a few moments later, Staci returned with a beer.

'OK', Just one more to go, Amanda said as Staci handed her the bottle and she quickly took a drink, and handed the vibrator over to Tiffany who smiled at Shawn and said 'This is going to be fun'.

'Yeah for you maybe', he muffled.

Tiffany grabbed his sore and sensitive cock, firmly applied the vibrator as Amanda was licking his belly button, and Staci was sucking his toes. Shawn was too tired to even resist or struggle and just laid there, shaking uncontrollably.
He tried with every ounce of energy and willpower to cum just one more time, but found he lacked both the energy and willpower, as Tiffany showed no sign of stopping or relenting, as she ran the vibrator up and down the full length of his member, Amanda was stroking his arms, while sucking his raw nipple at the same time, and Staci was licking and sucking on his kneecaps.

All of the ecstasy and torture was driving Shawn insane and he could do nothing, but just lie there and take it.

Thankfully, he could feel another orgasm building up and prepared to release it. But Tiffany yanked the vibrator away, and started to viciously tickle his thighs, Amanda ruthlessly started to tickle his ribs and waist, and Staci tickled his feet and kneecaps.

'No fair. No fair', Shawn muffled in between shrieks of suppressed laughter as he struggled against the restraints.

'Who told you we were fair', Tiffany teased as they continued their tickling onslaught as Shawn was in hysterics, laughing and gasping for air, all at the same time

'Stop struggling and take your punishment like a big boy', Tiffany teased as she firmly spanked him, before going back to the tickling, taking her long fingernails, tracing them around his thighs, as Amanda tickled him under his arms, and as Staci tickled his feet until they were raw.

Eventually the tickling subsided, as Tiffany grabbed the vibrator and applied it, Amanda was very slowly and gently rubbing his tummy and sides, and Staci was very lightly massaging his legs.

Shawn could feel an orgasm start to build, and once again every muscle in his body tensed up, and tightly scrunched his eyes closed and he called on every ounce of strength and after what seemed like an eternity, he came like a rocket, with reserves he didn't even know he had.

'Look at the mess you made, you dirty boy' Amanda teased. Tiffany reached for the damp rag to clean him off, but Amanda reached out to stop her. Amanda bent down and started to lick the cum off his body, as Tiffany and Staci followed suit

Finally Amanda and Tiffany released Shawn from the restraints, but he was too weak to even move and just closed his eyes, as they wiped the sweat off his body.

Amanda pulled the blanket over him, gave him a kiss and said 'Goodnight'.
Thank you. I'm wanting to write a new chapter, but don't know how I'm going to top the last one
How about if he was hired to house-sit, and the house was owned by a friend of one of the girls? What if he ties himself there on some equip that happened to be available?
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