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The Effitless Saga: HR Director Jane's First Weight Loss Session (M/F)


Registered User
Mar 12, 2016

As the world returned to normal after Covid, a new fitness fad emerged that quickly grew to nationwide prominence. Effitless (pronounced ef-fit-less), billed as a new boutique fitness experience, claimed to be the only way to lose weight through exercise without actually working out.

When it was first launched in early 2022, there were predictably many naysayers. How could one lose weight through exercise without actually working out? However, in a relatively short span of time, the massive number of success stories - coupled with a devoted and vocal list of evangelists, including many celebrities - quickly muted the initial skepticism.

Effitless was the brainchild of Tom Speller. Prior to Covid, he had been a personal trainer himself, but grew to see a major problem with the fitness industry: many people simply didn’t want to work out very hard - or, in many cases, at all! In a world that increasingly prized ease and done-for-you convenience, he saw a gap in the fitness market, and one that he was resolved to fill.

One inspired night, while pouring through fitness research, he came upon a small study around tickling and caloric expenditure. It turned out that being tickled can burn almost as many calories as other forms of cardio exercise - like running or slogging away on an elliptical - but unlike these more conventional options it didn’t require any direct effort on the part of the person being tickled. Simply being tickled, along with the laughing and flailing that necessarily ensued, was enough to provide a high-intensity cardio workout, without the person ever feeling like they had actually worked out.

Chapter 1

For the most part, Jane had her life very much together. Having just turned 38, and recently promoted to Director of HR at a major New York investment firm, she felt like she almost had it all.

At work, she carried herself with a level of self-assurance that made even the most boorish of her largely-male coworkers nervous. With her assertive, almost overbearing energy, she could could easily cut anyone in the room down to size, often without even saying a word. She enjoyed this too, perhaps more than she’d like to admit: watching these otherwise master-of-the-universe finance guys stumble and squirm over their words in her presence made her feel powerful.

She looked good too, and she knew it. At 5’8, with lush, long brown hair, she kept herself in immaculate condition. Lightly tanned all year round, from frequent weekend jaunts to St Johns, along with regular spa treatments, she combined a balance of striking femininity with her commanding personality. She was a tiger, but one that looked great in heels.

However, the one lingering area of prevailing shame for Jane, amidst her carefully-crafted persona, was her weight. She had struggled with her weight for many years, having tried just about every diet and workout program under the sun, and she simply couldn’t get it to come off. She wasn’t significantly overweight, by any means, but at 160 lbs she had around 30 pounds that she was endlessly endeavoring to lose. At this point, she had all but given up; everything else in her life was under control, so perhaps losing weight just wasn’t in the cards for her.

Chapter 2

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Jane was sitting with her friend Brenda, eating brunch at one of their favorite spots in the West Village. After taking a sip of her mimosa, as they waited for their order, she could tell that Branda had something to tell her.

“Spit it out, Brenda. I can tell you have something you want to say. Just say it”.

So Brenda, who was very much used to the testy admonitions of her bossy friend, started regaling Jane with her experiences with Effitless.

“I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve lost almost 20 lbs, and I love it! The instructors are hot, which is always a plus, the atmosphere is great, and I literally don’t feel like I’m ever working out!”

Jane eyed Brenda, who did look like she’d lost a sizable amount of weight since their last catchup, with an air of skepticism.

“Effitless? It sounds kind of stupid Brenda. And you know I’ve been down this road before, many times, nothing works for me”.

Brenda assured Jane that this was truly different. That it would work for her, if she was openminded enough to give it a shot. Funnily enough, Jane’s firm was actually handling Effitless’ imminent IPO - led by some visionary guy called Tom something or other - but she wasn’t familiar with any of the specifics of the company. With her busy life, she had little time to keep up with the latest fads and trends these days.

“OK, fine, I’ll give it a try Brenda. What do I have to do?”

“Nothing, that’s the point!”, exclaimed Brenda. “Just show up and they’ll take care of everything from there - but don’t read about it beforehand, or you’ll talk yourself out of it. I know how you are!”

As Jane walked home from brunch, mildly buzzed from her 2 mimosas, she sighed to herself. Against her normal instincts, she resolved not to go down an internet rabbit hole beforehand, and to just show up, as Brenda had instructed.

Chapter 3

On that Monday evening, after a long day of work, Jane walked into the Effitless studio, situated on a quiet side street in the Upper West Side. She decided to wear her expensive Lululemon leggings and top, a vestige from back before Covid, when she would semi-regularly go to spinning classes.

Her initial observation was that it all felt familiar, very similar to many of the boutique fitness classes that she had tried before. Upon entering the reception area, she was greeted warmly by a perky receptionist named Tina, who asked if it was her first time. Jane told her that it was, and that she had made an appointment for 7:30.

“That’s great to hear, you’ll love it!”, exclaimed Tina. “Please just fill out this consent form before your session”.

Jane sat on one of the plush couches, accepted the glass of cool, cucumber water that was offered to her, and began scrolling through a lengthly form on the iPad she had been handed. It was already 7:15, and she was too tired and irritable from the day to read through the whole form, so she quickly scrolled to the end and signed her name.

“All set”, Jane said, as she handed the iPad back to the Tina.

“Wonderful! Just take a seat and someone will come in to help you get set up shortly.”

Chapter 4

Jane followed Mike, an affable young man, who she assumed was gay, that had come in to introduce himself as her Session Coordinator, into a private room in the studio. There were group classes there too, but she had opted to pay more for a private session - the complete Effitless experience, as it were.

Mike ushered her over to a comfortable-looking bed, and instructed here to sit in the middle. Trying to hide her nervousness, Jane complied, situating herself accordingly; as she did so, she noticed a contraption attached to the foot of the bed. It almost looked like some type of stockade.

“What is that?”, Jane enquired.

“Oh, that’s just some equipment for your session. Pretty important, in fact. We call it the Effitless box”, Mike said with half-smile.

Oh what the hell, Jane thought. Just go with it at this point; after all, Brenda promised it would work if she kept an open mind.

Interrupting her train of thought, she felt Mike gently lifting her left ankle, and placing it into one of the holes in the stockade structure, with her ankle resting comfortably on the padded interior surface of one of the holes.

“Just relax”, said Mike, as he similarly positioned her right ankle. “I’m here to ensure that you have an incredibly effective first experience with us!”

Incredibly effective, mused Jane. What could that mean? But before she could continue the thought, Mike pressed down on the top part of the stockade contraption, firmly securing her ankles in place with an audible snap.

After that, moving swiftly and without hesitation, Mike attached a heart rate monitor to Jane’s arm. He then pointed to a screen on the wall next to her, prominently displaying stats for heart rate and total calories burned.

“That’s your Effitless Dashboard”, Mike calmly explained. “You’ll be able to see how many calories you’re burning in real time, along with your heart rate. Heart rate in particular is an important part of the session, so I’ll be monitoring this very carefully as well.”

“Are you going to strap my arms in too”, Jane asked wryly, trying to hide any apprehension in her voice.

“Oh, no, no”, laughed Mike. “We encourage as much movement as possible, you'll burn more calories that way, so your hands and arms will be totally free for your session.”

This mildly reassured Jane, as she tried to relax back into the padded backrest that Mike had just positioned behind her.

Just as Jane was getting used to her strange predicament, two more men entered the room, standing by the foot of the bed. They introduced themselves as Tim and James, her Session Instructors for this evening. Jane stifled a blush, noticing that they were both very handsome and fit, while also feeling completely out of place and now somewhat vulnerable in her newly-confined position.

“We’ll take great care of you today”, Tim said with a warm grin, as he pressed a button on the side of Effitless Box. As he did this, Jane saw a clear glass screen rising slowly out of the top of the contraption; after around 30 seconds, it stopped, coming to a height of around 4 feet above the bed, with her feet visibly positioned on the other side.

“Don’t worry”, reassured James. “It’s a special type of soft glass, developed by Tom himself. It’s pretty much indestructible, and will give you a full view of the session at all times. It’s also soft enough that you can pound on it as much as you like without hurting yourself.”

“Haha”, laughed Tim. “It’s really as much for our protection as it is yours!”

Before this new information had time to settle into Jane’s head, she felt her workout shoes being slipped off. As she looked forward, Tim was standing by her left foot, and James by her right, gently removing her shoes and then placing them off to the side. Soon after, they slipped off her socks in the same fashion, placing them neatly by her shoes.

Jane was momentarily hit with a flush of embarrassment. For some reason, being barefoot always made her feel somewhat vulnerable, very likely because she had always been extremely ticklish. In fact, despite her regular beauty routines, she had stopped getting regular pedicures since she simply found them too torturous. All of her past boyfriends were sternly warned that touching her feet, even in a well-meaning attempt to give her a massage, was firmly off limits.

At the same time, she always felt like her feet were one of her most attractive features. At a size 9, she kept them very soft, with regular weekly pedicures that she did herself (over the years, she’d learned how to do this without it tickling too much). She had just done one of these last night, in fact, painting her toes dark red, alongside the toe ring that adorned the 2nd toe on her left foot. At work, she would often wear strappy heals, enjoying the furtive gazes of men who she assumed had foot fetishes.

Chapter 5

Breaking her thoughts yet again, she felt something being wrapped around her big toes, causing her to yelp at the ticklish sensation. As she looked on, she saw Tim and James carefully placing a black lace around each of her toes, pulling them back, one by one, and anchoring them individually to small hooks on top of the Effitless Box.

“Almost done”, Tim said, as he finished fastening her last toe into position. After they had finished, they briefly walked to the other side of the room, giving Jane a moment to inspect this new addition to her situation. She tried to wiggle her toes, but found that they were almost completely immobile, stretching her bare feet back into a taut, upright position.

At that point, a creeping sense of dread dawned on her. She suddenly remembered reading somewhat about tickling being part of these sessions, and with her bare feet completely exposed and secured she realized that they might be planning to tickle her!

“Wait, wait”, Jane protested. “You’re not going to tickle me, are you? I’m really ticklish and I absolutely HATE being tickled, especially on my feet. That’s not what you’re doing here right?”

As Tim and James returned, holding a small bag, they looked at each other with a sense of bemusement.

“Well yes, Jane, we’re going to tickle you. That’s why this whole process is so effective”, explained Mike, who had been silently observing for the past several months.

Jane immediately started panicking. She didn’t let anyone touch her feet, let alone tickle them! She absolutely wouldn’t be able to handle that at all.

“Let me out now! I don’t want to do this anymore. I didn’t agree to be tickled!”, Jane fiercely barked, mustering every ounce of her polished assertiveness. She was done with this - no amount of purported weight loss was worth her feet being tickled.

“My apologies, Jane. You already signed the consent form for a 45 minute session, our full Effitless experience, so at this point we’ll need to proceed unless there is an actual medical emergency. Everything about the session was clearly outlined on the form”.

“Please don’t worry, though” James added. “It’s very normal to feel this way at the beginning, especially if you don’t like being tickled. You’ll feel differently about it after your first session, I promise, just try to trust the process”.

And with that, she felt something tickling the soles of both of her feet. As she looked forward through the glass, she saw that both Tim and James had each taken a seat on two small stools, positioned directly in front of both of her helpless feet, and were deftly stroking her bare soles with their fingernails.

Jane tried to stifle a laugh that immediately bubbled up from her lungs.

“Oh please, please no. No, haha, that tickles. Please stop, I can’t, I really can’t do this, hahaha, I can’t do this, please, please!”

But Tim and James showed no signs of stopping; it was as if they’ve heard all of this before, many times from nervous newcomers, and were settling into their highly-practiced routine.

She tried briefly to struggle against the contraption, hoping to pull her ankles out, but it held her feet firmly in position, with almost zero movement. At the same time, she could freely move her upper body, and began squirming around on the bed in an effort to lesson the sensations.

Mike looked on at the screen. “Ok, her heart rate is at 110. Let’s bring her up to 130.”

With that, she felt Tim and James' fingers start to tickle harder and faster, expertly dancing along every inch of the bottoms of her bare feet, never stopping in one area long enough for her to grow accustomed to the sensations.

And with that, Jane felt her composure start to break; her veneer of control melting away, despite all of her resistance.

“Haha, oh my god, oh my god, please, hahaha.”

“Please, PLEASE, hahahahaha”



She tried to scream out more protects, further demands to be let go, but she found it impossible. The sensations were too intense, too overwhelming. Instead of intelligible words, she found that all that came out were deep, unbroken bellows of laughter. Primal, animalistic sounds that she had never made before.

Her upper body was now thrashing around like crazy, almost as if she was possessed. She desperately tried to lunge forward towards the contraption with her hands, in hope of freeing her trapped ankles, but her fists rebounded ineffectually off the wall of soft glass.

“Good, good, she just hit 130 bpm”, said Mike approvingly. “Let’s keep her here for 10 minutes to establish her baseline”.

The thought of being tickled like this for 10 more minutes seemed impossible to Jane, too unbearable to fathom, but a sense of resignation had taken over here. She laughed and howled, trying to scrunch her toes in desperate futility, as she watched her attractive tormentors tickling her feet with unrelenting precision.

All the while, Mike looked on at the screen, carefully observing only minor fluctuations in her heart rate at this point, modulated perfectly by the expertise of Tim and James.

And then, without warning, it all stopped. Jane, red-faced and sweating at this point, gasped for air, happy at least for this moment’s reprieve. Mike came over and handed her a glass of cucumber water, which she readily gulped down.

“Oh my god, that was so intense guys! I really can’t deal with it, I was going absolutely insane. You don’t understand how sensitive my feet are. Please, let me out, I’ve had enough. I know I signed the form, but I didn’t read it carefully, and had no idea about the tickling. I really can't deal with this.”, Jane pleaded with palpable embarrassment, acutely aware that she probably looked and sounded like a complete mess.

Mike let out a quick laugh - “Oh Jane, we’re just getting started here. You still have 30 minutes to go with your session, and that was just the initial baseline period.”

And with that, he took away the now-empty glass of cucumber water, and placed it on a table beside the bed.

“Ok, for this next part of the session, we’re going to be focusing on intervals. This is the most effective way to burn calories, due to something known as post-excess oxygen consumption. We’ll be oscillating between keeping your heart rate at 130 for 2 minute intervals, and then pushing it up to 160 for 1 minute intervals, to maximize caloric expenditure for the rest of our session this evening.”

Chapter 6

Just as Mike finished speaking, as if on cue, Jane felt Tim and James scraping their fingers up and down her still-tingling soles again. She let out a startled howl, and burst once again into steady laughter. Unlike when this first started, full-throated laughs were forced out of her almost immediately, with all of her resistance already dismantled from the baseline period.

“Excellent, she’s already back to 130 bpm”, Mike said approvingly. “Often there’s a longer ramp up period, but you really are extremely ticklish Jane!”

Jane could barely register this, as she flopped around, grasping her fists desperately in the air, flailing her body spasmodically in all directions - all while her completely-still, sensitive feet suffered their agonizing torment.

She heard a beep, and on command Tim and James started rubbing some type of oil onto her soles. This afforded her a 10 second break, enjoyed with a strange sense of gratitude, but quickly cut short when she saw Tim and James each holding a brush.

And then the brushing started, with Tim and James rubbing the soft brittles purposefully across her high arches, under her bound toes, and around the delicate balls of her feet.

Jane literally shrieked, guttural and completely unfettered. The sensations of the brushes were far, far worse than their fingers. She didn’t think that this was possible, since their fingers were unbearable as it was, but the brushes took her to a completely new level, seeming to electrify all of her nerve endings at once.

“PLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSEEEEEEEEE”, Jane growled, before completely losing her capacity to speak.




She found that not only could she not speak, but now could barely even think. It was as if she was in a complete trance - some kind of crazed out of body experience - as she watched down at her body convulsing beyond her control, her cruel tormentors doing their work behind the impenetrable glass.

As the brushes continued to methodically rake her soles, she felt herself starting to lose consciousness. The sensory overload was simply too much; it felt as if everything was shutting down and fading away.

"I'M GONNA PASS OUT, I'M GONAAAA PASSSSS OUTTT, PLEASSSSEEEEE, I'M GONNA PASS OUT!!!!", she managed to scream through a pocket of her otherwise-unbroken laughter.

And just as she was on the verge of actually passing out, she heard another beep, and felt Tim and James shift to finger tickling. As odd as it was, she felt a stark sense of relief from this.

“Great, it looked like we were about to lose her there for a second, but you guys did a nice job keeping her right at the 160 mark for that interval.”

He then turned to Jane: “That was your first high intensity interval. We’re now going to stay at 130 bpm for the next 2 minutes, before shifting back up again. In total, we’ll be running through 10 more of these intervals.”

And so it went on, for the next 30 minutes, with Tim and James alternating between 2 minute intervals of finger tickling, and 1 minute intervals of using brushes and other implements. Aside from brushes, to reliably keep her at 160 bpm, they alternated between back scratchers that were focused on the cluster of nerve endings around the balls of her feet, and electric flossers that tormented the sensitive, previously-untouched skin between her toes.

Jane suffered through each 2 minute interval, howling and begging when she could, but was brought to what felt like the brink of insanity each time they pushed her up to 160 bpm. And each time, just as she felt like she was about to lose consciousness, knowing by this point that they wouldn't stop unless she did, she heard a beep and was brought back down again with their fingernails.

And finally, after what felt like an eternity of intolerable sensation, she heard 3 short beeps. It was over finally over.

Chapter 7

She lay there gasping deeply for breath, mascara-enriched tears streaming down her face, her hair matted to her forehead, mouthfuls of her saliva decorating the glass wall in front of her, with her entire body shivering and shaking in the aftermath of her session.

Mike came over, patting her sweat-soaked hair gently, as he handed her another glass of cucumber water. “Well done Jane. I know that was intense, but you did great. And look”, he said, pointing to the screen.

Jane looked up at the screen, peering through her tear-covered eyes, and as it came into focus saw what Mike was referring to. She had burned over 1000 calories from her session.

As she lay against the back rest, she felt Tim and James unlacing her toes, as they started to firmly massage her quivering feet. Her lips pursed, enjoying the marked shift in sensation, as she watched their strong hands rubbing her tired soles, admiring the veins in their defined forearms as they pampered her.

She felt herself drifting off to sleep, as she heard the beeps again.

“That’s it, we’re done”, she heard Mike say. She sat up, and watched the glass of the Effitless Box slowly retract, before Tim opened the top and gently lifted out both of her ankles, handing her her shoes and socks.

After hurriedly putting her shoes back on, and cleaning herself up in the adjoining private bathroom, Jane emerged back into the reception area. She felt a strange sense of elation: it was as if she’d just done the toughest workout of her life, without actually working out.

“So, how did it go?”, chirped Tina.

Jane thought for a second, still in a state of fatigue-induced euphoria, and then carefully answered:

“It was…great actually. I didn’t know what to expect, but I feel great now, like I just did a crazy workout, but also calm and peaceful”.

“That’s so great to hear!”, said Tina. “Would you like to buy a package and schedule your next session. I’d recommend the 12 pack to get started, aiming for 3 sessions per week, based on your weight loss goal”.

Jane chuckled to herself. Just an hour ago she would have violently protested having her bare feet tickled for even a few seconds; now, she found herself forking over money for 12 more intense, agonizing, wonderfully-ticklish sessions, knowing that each of them would last for almost an hour.

“Let’s do it”, said Jane, as she plunked down her credit card. “Book me for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at the same time for the next 4 weeks.

“Great, you’re all set here Jane. See you on Wednesday!”

“Oh, one more thing”, Jane asked. “Can I have Tim and James for my next sessions?”

“Of course! We highly recommend working with the same session instructors, if you liked them. That way, they can get to know your patterns for an even more optimal Effitless experience!”


As Jane walked home, the soles of her feet still tingling through her shoes, she thought about the IPO at her firm, now with a much greater understanding of the value proposition of the company. For the first time, she felt confident that she’d found a fitness regime that she could actually stick to, and the 30 pounds she wanted to lose now felt like a foregone conclusion.

Maybe she should tell her best friend, Tanya, about this? Tanya had also been struggling with losing weight for a long time, and she knew that Tanya had very ticklish feet, from when she had playfully tickled her soles one time when they were hanging out.

She also knew, of course, that Tanya would likely decline if she told her too much about it beforehand, just as she would have if Brenda had been more forthcoming. Remembering that she saw a sign for gift certificates in the reception area, she thought that this could make for a nice Christmas present…
Excelent! Is this going to be a saga with more parts? The premise is excelent
Excellent! I want to find a woman that want's to try this! ;)
Great story! Hope there's a part 2 with her friend. Love the detail of how their feet are shaped/size etc.
This might be as good as the Tickle shop series. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Possible serums that can make someone who isn't ticklish ticklish?? Tickling those against their will because their friend signed them up for it to help them loose weight? A 4 week DAILY tickling workout program that wont let you leave once you sign up? Tickling almost anorexic women and helping them realize that they are a healthy weight. Tickling someone while they pleasure themselves? Tickling someone who can't take it and ends up cumming over and over again throughout the process? Someone who goes there just to get tickled so she can use her hidden vibrator to help get her off, they find out, punish her to 12 hours of non stop tickling, she ends up coming back for more?

Just some ideas for you XD
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