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The Haunting Of Maria Munez MM/F


Jun 25, 2007
Time is running out to pick up your copies of my books on lulu.com! This is my final story that I am posting to promote these collections. This tawdry tale is from my collection, 6 More Tales To Tickle You! It's about a young housekeeper who encounters two deviant spirits while on an assignment. Enjoy! And make sure that to check out my books at https://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1464141

The first floor was her favorite, Maria decided. It would only take a day if she got an early start in the morning. The second floor was less space, but would require moving some things around. And the basement… well… she didn’t really want to think about the basement.

Maria Munez was a maid for a house cleaning company and was contracted to clean 409 N Oak, a large Dutch Colonial in Nassau County, Florida. She was only given five days to complete the job. Luckily, there wasn’t much furniture. But the basement was awful. A hoarders wet dream. There were countless old, dirty cardboard boxes filled with old newspapers and junk that nobody had ever bothered to clear out.

The house had been empty for almost a decade. Maria was going to be the first person to spend a night in there in quite some time. The company she worked for had all of the utilities turned back on temporarily for the week. Maria knew a little bit about the previous owners: Kevin and Matthew Green. They were twin brothers who had been killed in a car crash a couple of blocks from the house. Matthew had been driving drunk. It was all over the news when it happened. The two young men were relatively famous, or infamous, for making dirty movies at their house. They would pick up women either online or at nearby bars and pay them to perform in front of a camera. They had actually been very successful and were worth almost half a million at the time of their deaths.

At 24, Maria had no interest in such things. She had worked her way through college and was decidedly demure. She had only had two lovers in her life and had never watched anything pornographic. To say that she had yet to embrace her own sexuality would have been a bit of an understatement. But a job was a job. And this one would pay her rent for the next two months at least.

She had almost seen the whole house. She was finishing her inspection of the second floor when she found a door that wouldn’t open. It was in the Southwest corner of the building. She reached into her pocket to pull out her phone and call her boss, Martin. He answered after a couple of rings.

“You’re not quitting, are you?” He sounded like he was only half joking. Martin was in his late 40’s and had developed ulcers due to stress.

“No. Not me. No worries.” Maria assured her employer. “But I’m having trouble accessing what I believe is the second bedroom.”

“What do you mean?”

“My key won’t work. Is there one I never got?”

“You’re on Oak, right?” Maria could here him flipping through papers as he asked.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“It says the one key should open every room in the house.” He told her. “Why don’t you save the second floor for last and I’ll try to get someone out there tomorrow to see what’s wrong. Worst possible scenario: I’ll have to get someone over there to take the door off the hinges.”

“Okay. That’s fine.” Maria sighed. “One other thing: What should I do with all of the old boxes and papers in the basement?”

“We need them all in the driveway. I’m sending over a couple of guys and a dumpster on Tuesday.”

Maria was about to complain. She really didn’t want to have to move all of that junk herself. But, then again, she didn’t have much choice. She thought once more about the money involved and held her tongue. She simply said goodbye to him and hung up.

The wooden steps creaked loudly as Maria made her way down into the basement. If she was going to have to move all of the boxes outside, she wanted to get it out of the way before she did too much else. The way she figured it, she could do the basement first and work her way up. That way, by the time she got up to the second floor, the locked door would no longer be an issue.

The ground was concrete and a little uneven. There was a drain near the Northeast corner of the room where a good deal of rain water had made it’s way over time. Most of the boxes were on the other side of the room. Many boxes on the bottom of the stacks were damp and molded. Maria snapped on some latex gloves and sprayed some Febreze around the room to combat the terrible odor.

She decided to start at the top. The box was heavy. She would have to be careful. It took some doing, but she got it down and set it on the ground. The top part of the box had been ripped off and she saw that the box contained a number of DVDs. Adult DVDs. Surely ones that the Green brothers had filmed. She had no idea what possessed her to pick up the one on top, but she saw the cover of the case had an image of a topless blonde woman strapped to some kind of strange rack. A man’s gloved hand was running a long feather up her left side and a pearly white smile was glued to her face. The title said Mindy Tickled Pink.

“People get off to this?” She found herself asking out loud, despite there being no one present except herself. She got down on one knee and started looking at some of the other films. They were all tickling movies. At least, the ones in that particular box. And all of them had women being tickled on the covers. The only reoccurring image was the rack itself. It was a horizontal X frame with leather straps that could be snapped with several buttons over one’s arms and legs, leaving everything from the middle of the thighs to elbows bare and vulnerable. Some of the images made Maria shudder uncomfortably as she subconsciously imagined being at the business end of the feathers and fingers. At the same time, though… she couldn’t wrap her head around the appeal of watching someone be tickled. The women on the covers were all pretty and some were more than a little voluptuous, but there had to be more to it than that. After all, she could watch an attractive person picking up after their dog and it wouldn’t mean that the act itself was arousing to her.

She tried to remember the last time she had been tickled. Her first boyfriend (and subsequently, her first lover) had tried to tickle her sides once or twice. He would grab at them and wiggle his fingers in an attempt to make her smile. She hadn’t minded it. It was harmless fun. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she started to realize how much she had enjoyed it. Despite already knowing that she was alone, Maria looked around the room. It was silly, really, but she couldn’t help making sure she was really by herself and away from the eyes of others. She then lifted her shirt and tried to run a finger up her right side. It didn’t really tickle. She wondered why. She was actually a little disappointed. A part of her wanted to feel that old rush of sensation. She looked back down at the DVD in her hands…

Maria had gone back upstairs and into the living room, approaching the couch on which she had set her purse and computer bag when she first entered the house. She got into her computer bag and removed her laptop, opening it up and inserting the DVD she had found into the disc tray. After the computer booted up, she selected her video player and started the film.

It started with the blonde from the cover already locked into the rack. There were about six or seven minutes of her answering questions which were posed by a man off screen, like an interview. He asked her about her age, height, weight… fairly standard stuff, as if he wanted the viewer to relate to her. At one point, he began to ask questions relating to tickling. Questions like where was she ticklish, what was her earliest memory of being tickled, If she had ever been tickled to the point where she either passed out or wet herself… And finally, the man started listing off spots and asking how ticklish she was on a scale of one to ten. If she didn’t answer right away or she didn’t know… a second man would walk up to her with a white Thalia smiley face mask on and a feather in each hand, and he would flick the feathers against whatever spot for a few seconds, just enough to see if there was a reaction. At one point, the feather danced along her side, the same image that was on the DVD cover, and she tried not to laugh, but was smiling widely. After the interview, things got more intense. The first man walked into frame to join the second man and the blonde, and the two men started tickling her with their hands. She laughed hysterically as their fingers played upon her most ticklish spots. At one point, she begged them to stop, but they continued as if they couldn’t hear her.

As Maria watched the two men exploit the blonde’s body in such a manner, she started feeling… strange. There was a warmth in her belly and a moisture growing between her legs. She was becoming aroused as she watched, especially when the first man attacked the woman’s sides. He grabbed her in very much the same way that Maria’s boyfriend had with her. Watching that part made Maria shiver in a way that she seldom had before.

Maria abruptly shut the laptop.

The rest of the day had been relatively uneventful. Maria moved all of the boxes to the driveway as she had been told. After that, she had cleaned most, but not all of, the basement. She was sore. Her lower back felt tight. She needed to unwind before bed, and she knew just how she wanted to accomplish that goal.

The second floor bathroom was quite large. And it contained a moderately sized jacuzzi. It was big enough for two or three people. Maria would have no trouble stretching and sinking into it. If nothing else, it would be great for her back. She started running the water, testing it’s temperature with her fingers. Once it was hot enough for her, she started to strip. Her sweater came off first. Once it was over her head and on the floor, She pressed her knuckles against the center of her back, cracking it. It felt wonderful. Next, she unhooked her bra and gave her firm D cups a chance to breathe. She pulled off her shoes and socks, wiggling her toes and stretching her legs. Her pants soon followed, and finally, her panties. She had some pubic hair, but not much. She trimmed from time to time just to keep it neat but had never flat out taken a razor to it. She didn’t see a point in shaving that area since she was the only person to typically see it.

She stepped into the tub. Her legs quickly became covered in goosebumps as the steam rose over her curves. Her dark nipples stiffened as she sat back into the tub, letting the water come up to her neck.


Maria let out a pleasant sigh as the water heated her flesh and relaxed her muscles. She wondered how much it would cost her to own a jacuzzi like this one. It would be a wonderful investment. She reached over to her right and pressed a button near the faucet, turning the bubbles on. It felt so good that she nearly sank under the water. The smile on her face quickly turned from pleasured to silly as the bubbles flowed up her tummy and sides, rolling up over her breasts and ribs. It tickled. And Maria loved it. Every so often, a bubble would flow up the crack of her bottom or over her bellybutton. Those were the most tickly, she discovered. She thought about the DVD she had watched, and the way that she felt while seeing Mindy be tickled by the two men. She was becoming aroused again… only this time, she didn’t want to fight it. She brought her fingers to her silken womanhood, spreading her labia under the water and letting the bubbles and her fingertips work her into a fast orgasm. It was over in seconds. She gasped and panted, stretching her body out and enjoying every moment of her release.

Maria reached over and turned the bubbles off, opting to sit in the calm water for a while. She rested her head against the tub and stared at the ceiling, recalling the events of the day. She was happy, in hindsight, to have gotten the basement taken care of. The remaining rooms in the house would be a breeze by comparison.

The tub felt so good that she feared she might fall asleep in it. She almost did, in fact, but one of the water jets suddenly turned on by itself!

The one near her feet.

Maria gave a surprised giggle as so many tiny bubbles were blown directly against her soles. She pulled her feet back and sat up in the tub as the jet turned off.

“What?” She looked over to the buttons for the tub. Nothing had been pressed. Why did the one jet turn on?

Her train of thought was interrupted when another jet turned on underneath her, sending bubbles streaming about her bottom and inner thighs. She broke into laughter and jumped up, getting out of the way of the jets. Soon, the jet turned off and she settled back into the tub. After a few minutes, she wasn’t even thinking about it anymore. It was probably just a faulty control system, she decided. Once again, she started to feel tired. She rested her head… and drifted off…

The first question that came across Maria’s mind upon her awakening was the most obvious one: Why couldn’t she move?

She was stretched out on an X-frame rack. The same one from the DVDs. Her arms were stuck above her head by the leather straps that covered them from the elbow up. Her legs were similarly encased from just above the knee, down to her feet, which poked out of the opposite end of the table.

“What is your name?” A man’s voice asked. Maria looked down fearfully and saw that nobody appeared to be in the room with her. The corner of the room where the voice had come from was too dark for her to make out any human form. She caught a glimpse of the door to the room and realized that she was in the room on the second floor. The one she couldn’t get into earlier. “What is your name?” The voice asked again. It wasn’t threatening. It was methodical. Routine.

“Maria.” She answered, looking back to the dark corner the voice seemed to be coming from. “Maria Munez. What’s happe-”

“How old are you, Maria?” The voice cut her off.

“I’m 24 years old.” She said. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“How much do you weigh, Maria?”

“I’m not going to answer any more...” Maria caught on to what was happening. She recalled the DVD. She was being interviewed. They were going to ask her a few more questions. And then they were going to… “No!” She yelled and struggled violently in her bonds. “No! LET ME GO!!!”

“How much do you weigh, Maria?” The voice repeated with the same monotone voice. Maria kept struggling. The frame wouldn’t budge whatsoever. It must have been bolted or welded to the floor somehow. There was no chance of escape. Finally, she exhausted herself and panted, resigning herself to her fate.

“I don’t know exactly. I think I was 135 the last time I checked.”

“And your height?”

“5 foot 4.”

“Are you ticklish, Maria?” The question was asked so casually, but it’s implications cut through Maria faster than any blade would be capable. She frantically searched the room, trying to see if the second man from the movie, the main tickler, was anywhere to be seen. He wasn’t to either side or in front of her. But there could easily have been someone behind her, just out of her line of sight. “Are you ticklish, Maria?”

“Yes.” She figured there was no point in lying.

“What is your earliest memory of being tickled?”

“I don’t know.” She admitted. “I mean, I know there had to have been times when I was little. My parents… or some friends from school. My first boyfriend used to tickle me. I remember that very clearly.”

“Do you like being tickled?”

“I…” She was about to say no, but she felt conflicted. She didn’t know if she would be able to put it into words. “I’m not sure.”

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish are your feet?” The voice wasn’t showing any emotion at any point. The mechanical tone added to her unease.

“It’s been so long.” She thought about it. “Maybe seven.”

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish are your thighs?”

“They’re not as bad. I’d say three or four.” The bubbles had tickled her legs earlier, but she suspected that at least part of that was that the tickle itself had caught her by surprise.

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish is your stomach?”

“Oh, eight or nine.” A part of her knew that she was digging her own grave with every answer. At the same time, though, as afraid as she was… she was excited. She missed being tickled. She understood that more and more with each passing moment.

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish are your sides?”

“Ten.” Her eyes went wide with disbelief in how recklessly she had responded.

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish are your breasts?”

Maria was silent. Not only because she was taken aback by the query, but because she had no idea. She knew the bubbles had tickled a bit before, as with her legs. But she wasn’t sure how much to rate her chest.

When Maria didn’t answer right away, the second man, the one behind her, made his presence known. She looked up as he leaned over her and saw the smiling Thalia mask from the DVD. The man had a stiff, white feather in each hand. No longer than 6 inches. She knew precisely what he was going to do.

She tensed a little when the feathers flicked along the tops of her breasts. It wasn’t what one might call side splitting or anything, but she certainly felt it. She couldn’t help but smirk, though, when the feathers dipped between them, dancing in her cleavage. The man was deliberate with the strokes. He had obviously been doing this kind of work for a long time. A quiet titter was heard when the feathers played upon the sides of her breasts. Another escaped when they moved to the undersides. When her nipples were dusted though, she arched her back. They quickly hardened and it was difficult to tell if the smile on her face was one of sensual pleasure or forced mirth.

“That’s enough.” The first man said. “We’ll say five.”

The tickler pulled the feathers away and Maria looked up at him once again. The grinning mask he wore was obviously a mock choice, considering what he did while wearing it. It was hard to see his eyes. She couldn’t…

He had no eyes. There were only two black holes in the mask…

“AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!” Maria screamed in horror, renewing her efforts to free herself. These men weren’t men at all. They were ghosts. She really should have put it together quicker than she had. She was locked in the house with Kevin and Matthew Green themselves. Being dead didn’t seem to effect them very much. “Oh, Jesus, please don’t hurt me!”

“Scale of one to ten…” The first man completely disregarded her distress. “How ticklish are your ribs?”

Maria was far too frightened to answer. After a few moments, the second man brought the feathers to her ribs, tracing them up and down.

“Hehehehehehehe… Maria giggled despite her fear and agitation. She concluded that these figures… these spirits… had no intention of actually harming her. They were only reliving something that used to be a regular occurrence in their lives. If she just continued to play along, there was no reason to believe that she would not survive the night. “Sehehevenn...”

The second man stopped and stepped back out of her sight.

“Scale of one to ten… how ticklish are your armpits?”


“One more.” The voice promised. “Scale of one to ten… how ticklish is your vagina?”

“Zero.” She blurted out. The truth was that she didn’t know the answer to that one either. But never in a million years would she think of her most private areas as a tickle spot.

The first man appeared to have finished his line of questions as he stepped out of the shadows. He wore the same mask as the first man. Maria knew what was coming next. A brief giggle of anticipation indicated her nervousness. The first man was soon on her left side. The second man remained behind her.

“Alright.” The first man said. “Now for the fun part.” He placed his fingers into her belly a little and vibrated them in different spots, testing for ticklish spots. The smile returned to Maria’s face as he tickled, and she giggled quietly when he tickled near her waist. “Want to give me a hand here, Matt?” He asked the other man, revealing himself to be Kevin. Matthew reached forward. He had abandoned the feathers. He moved his index fingers into the hollows of her underarms and traced little X’s in them. Both men had firm but gentle touches. Maria gave in without hesitation.


“We caught ourselves a good one, Kev.” Matthew said. It was the first time Maria had heard him speak.

“We sure did, Matt.” Kevin agreed. “And despite her earlier claims of uncertainty, I think she’s rather enjoying herself.”

“Of course she is. All girls love to be tickled.” Matthew proclaimed as if it was a commonly known fact. His fingers now pressed into her pits and wiggled.


“She wasn’t lying. I’d say these those pits are about a nine.” Kevin observed. “Not sure about this tummy, though. She said eight or nine… I think I know what the problem is.” He stopped tickling her belly. Matthew removed his hands as well.

“What are you thinking, Kev?”

“That she’s still frightened.” Kevin said. “She can’t fully give in. Masks off.”

“But we’ve never...”

“Masks off.” Kevin commanded. The two unmasked and Maria found herself looking up at two very attractive young men. Twins. Both had fair hair and brown eyes. They both had a little peach fuzz as if they hadn’t shaved in a day or so, but they didn’t appear unkempt in any way. Hell, these two were practically male model material. Maria instantly felt a dampening between her legs.

“Look at her now, Matt. Speechless.”

“Like a deer in headlights, Kev.” Matt started softly stroking about her neck and collarbone, causing her to try and press her head up against either of her arms and trap his fingers. “She’s adorable.”

“Let’s see how she handles now.” Kevin’s hands returned to her belly. His fingertips ran back and forth across it.

“HehHEhEHhEhHEhHEhehhEhHEhHEhEHhEHhEhHEhEhEHhEhEHe...” Maria relaxed. She was no longer afraid. She wanted these two to tickle her. Perhaps even more than tickle. It was no longer a mystery as to how they had gotten the favor of so many women when they were still alive.”

“See, Matt?” Kevin looked smug. “Take away trepidation, and the body becomes so much more receptive.” His fingertips brushed over her tummy, toying with it as her abdominal muscles put on a show for him.

“Well, when you’re right, you’re right.” Matt positioned his hands at her ribs, curling his fingers like paws and dragging them up her ribcage. Maria laughed harder now, but she yelped like a small puppy when Kevin suddenly started goosing her sides, just like her boyfriend had done in the past.


“She’s a real gigglebox, now.” Matt said. After a few passes over her ribs, he took hold of her breasts, with his thumbs on the sides and his other fingers pressed underneath. He jiggled them and she cackled loudly. It tickled so much more than the feathers had.

“Whoa!” Kevin chuckled. “I guess the tools of the trade weren’t a very adequate test. Maybe we need to get new feathers.”

“There’s always exceptions to the rule.” Matt noted. He jiggled her breasts and wiggled his fingers and thumbs. Her eyes began to grow watery. Kevin wanted in and treated her erect nipples to gentle strokes and tugs.


“Coochie coo.” Matt taunted. After nearly ten minutes of breast tickling, her scent had filled the room. The brothers stopped to give her a chance to breathe.

“Quite a tit-ilating subject, huh?” Matt joked.

“Tender to the core.” Kevin agreed. “But I wonder, she said there was one place that scored a zero. Now, I’m not accusing her of lying or anything. But those knockers are definitely not a five. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to check.”

Maria was about to protest, but deep down, she wanted them to touch her. She had never felt like this before in her life. So full of bliss. So unable to keep from smiling. They were literally tickling her fancy. And she wanted more.

“I’ll get the prep tools.” Matt announced, moving once again out of Maria’s sight. When he returned, he was wheeling over a stainless steel medical tray. On the tray, there was a large bowl, a bar of soap, and a Gillette Venus razor.

“Wait. You’re not gonna...” Maria gasped.

“Absolutely necessary.” Kevin replied matter of factly. “Don’t get us wrong. We have nothing against you being a natural brunette. But quite frankly, the hair is in the way. We don’t want that skin to have any protection.” The way he explained it made her blush.

Matt poured a bit of warm water from the bowl over her groin. It felt nice, like the water from the jacuzzi. As he then rubbed the soap into her, her arousal increased. The whole situation was undeniably erotic. Once she was lathered up, Kevin stepped in with the razor. He put a hand on her trembling stomach to steady her, and began to shave her.

He was very careful, not wanting to cut her. Unfortunately, in his caution, he was gliding the razor very smoothly. As it slid over her pantyline, she could not help but squirm and snicker.

“Hold still, Maria.” Kevin advised.

“I’m trying… Hehehehe… it tickles...”

“It tickles?” He smirked knowingly. “What happened to zero?”

“You’re nohhoht… hahahaha… that’s nohoohohot my pussy...”

“Oh, don’t worry, that’s next.” He told her. He nodded to Matt, who took hold of her legs, keeping them still. Kevin applied some soap and water to her labia and thighs. When he touched the creases between her thighs and groin, she bit her lip hard. Almost hard enough to draw blood. She didn’t want to let on that he had discovered a sweet spot. Especially one that she never knew about.

When the razor flicked and dragged between her legs, Maria’s eyes watered again. She would never have thought that something which could slice her open would feel so funny on her skin. She wished she had access to a clock because it seemed like he was doing his work down there for a year! At last she could sigh in relief when he finished. Her groin felt tingly, but there was no questioning the extreme level of stimulation that she had reached.

“Oh, I forgot to get a towel to dry her.” Matt snapped his fingers.

“Wait.” Kevin stopped him and looked Maria in the eyes, suddenly smirking as if he had figured out some great truth. “I have a better idea.” He poured some more water over her now bald womanhood and dipped his own hands in the bowl before soaping them up. “She’ll be extra tender now. I think a slippery touch will get us our reward.” He touched her lips again and she gasped. Her mouth hanged open a little as she stared down in surprise. Matt just watched as Kevin’s fingers explored. He stroked her labia for a few seconds, but then his fingers moved down to her perineum, just barely touching with his smooth soapy fingertips.

“Wai-hehehehehehehehehehehe...” She giggled as he tickled her most private parts.

“Yeah, that’s no zero.” Matt concurred. He moved quickly to the tray and wet his own hands, soaping them up and introducing them to her extra sensitive flesh. When he tickled the creases near her groin, Maria couldn’t conceal her ticklishness there any longer.


“You know, I’ve noticed that a lot of women claim a zero or one on their pussies. They are almost always lying.” Matt pointed out. “Asshole report?”

“Puckered like a fresh bud.” Kevin proclaimed. He softly tickled her hole and taint with his slick digits. “E.T.O., maybe three minutes.”

“E.T WHAHAHAHHAHAHAA?” Maria blurted out.

“Estimated time of orgasm.” Matt explained. “Kevin doesn’t think you’ll last much longer.”

Kevin was right. Before too long, Maria was shivering intensely from the tickling and teasing of her privates. Matt took to rubbing her with a rapidly moving palm as Kevin brushed her crack repeatedly.

When Maria climaxed, she screwed her eyes shut, feeling the explosion inside of her like some fantastic detonation of pure ecstasy…

When Maria opened her eyes, She was in the jacuzzi. Had she fallen asleep? Was that whole thing a dream?

Maria stood up and stepped out of the tub, drying herself vigorously before grabbing her clothes off of the floor. She didn’t know what to think. But all she wanted to do was get dressed and go find a bar. Some time out of the house might do her some good and help her clear her head.

As she rushed out the door a half hour or so later, she took no time to look around the living room. Funny. Because if she had, she would have seen the new DVD on the couch. The one with her on the cover in the X frame, laughing uproariously as her breasts were shaken.

The one that was titled, Maria Tickled Pink…
Man I'm really gonna miss your stories [emoji17] they are always amazing!

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