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Ticklers in the hands of an angry god (Part 2)


TMF Expert
Jul 30, 2002
The following is a long narative that eventually leads up to a long and descriptive tickling scene.

(Warning: contains descriptions of extream tickle torture, bondage, sexual situations, and some violence)

*disclaimer* All the charactors in the following novel are over the age of 18. This novel should not be read by anyone under the age 18. The following is a work pure fiction and any similarities to real people or events is purely coincidence.

Estimated read time: 40 - 45 minutes

Ticklers in the hands of an angry god.

Part 2:

Pale strangers
Elieve opened her eyes only to discover she was surounded by strangers. She was laying on a small bed covered in a blanket. It was not very bright in the room but she could still see the people who had gathered around her bed. They had pale faces and wore heavy uncomfortable looking clothing. Their skin was very pale almost white and they spoke a strange language that she could not understand. Elieve had seen strangers before on the island but none that had ever looked like these people. Elieve was frightened and confused. She did not know who these people were or what they would do to her. She felt frightened and alone not knowing how she got here or even where here was. She tried to remember what had happened to her but she couldn't remember hardly anything. She could only remember bits and pieces of her life. She even had trouble remembering her own name.

She tried talking to the strangers but they could not understand her. She wanted to get up and run away but she felt weak and there were too many of them. Elieve tried to sit up when a few of the strangers' hands lightly touched her urging her not move. She felt apprehensive at being touched. There was some primal fear in her about being touched that she could not understand. Elieve did not resist them and she laid still on the bed. She closed her eyes hoping that this was just some type of bad dream and that she would wake up someplace else. She could hear them moving around the room. After a while she heard them leave as they walked out of the room. She heard footsteps coming from above her and voices too. She could also hear the sound of water coming from somewhere.

Elieve thought she was alone in the room when she felt someone's hand brush some of her hair away from her face. She opened her eyes and saw a young woman about her age kneeling at the side of her bed. She had very light skin and light brown hair. The young woman was smiling at her. Elieve smiled back and in someway she felt comforted. She was frightened of the others but her presence consoled her. She reminded her of a past friend. Elieve lifed up her hand and took the young girl's hand. She gave her hand a light squeeze and she squeezed back. Elieve felt at rest and closed her eyes.

The young woman's name was Emily. She had been taking care of Elieve for a few days now ever since she was found adrift at sea. The others thought she was as good as dead but Emily knew she would be alright if she was cared for. Emily was only one of a handfull of women onboard the ship that found Elieve. Emily was the daughter of a rich Euopean merchant. He owned the ship and named it the Quill. He had made his wealth in the spice trade and owned many ships but the Quill was his newest and largest. Emily had just turned 18 when her father sent for her to live with him in the colony he had established. Emily was raised in England at a finishing school for girls and she had not seen him in three years. Her father was very protective of her so he hired a guard named William to escort her on her voyage.

Voyages halfway around the world were long and dangerous in this age. The Quill was a large three masted sailing ship prefect for moving cargo over long distances. The Quill was heavy when fully loaded and moved slowly. It had been many months and their voyage was nearing it end when a great storm blew in. It lasted many days driving the ship off course. The ship had taken on water and it got into the food supply. The Quill would have to stop at the nearest island to take on freash supplies.

On the early morning of March 21, 1734 the lookout spotted the silhouette of an island in the distance. The captain decided to sail to this island to pick up freash supplies. The ship reached the island by dawn. The island had a large lagoon that was deep enough even for the Quill to sail into. The island was not on any of captain's charts so he named the island Equinox Island.

Emily came up on deck to see for herself the newly discovered island. The island was covered in a lush jungle and the water surounding the island was light blue. Emily had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. The island looked to be a place of paradice. She was just admiring the view when she spotted something moving on the beach. Emily squinted her eyes and made out what had appeared to be a man. She watched him walk along the beach until he disapeared into the jungle. Emily continued looking at the beach were the man had been when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She quickly turned around and saw that it was only William. He was always nearby just the way her father wanted. He was a few years older then her and they had become friends during the voyage. Emily told him that she saw someone on the beach. William scanned the beach with his eyes but saw nothing. He continued to look at the beach when he noticed some movement in the jungle. He told her to look straight ahead into the edge of the jungle. She saw small huts and people moving in between the trees.

The captain was also scanning the island when he noticed something down the beach just at the waters edge. There was no mistaking it, it was an out-riger canoe. He made a note in his log that the island was populated by some unknown natives and then pointed it out to his lieutenant. They saw four men rush from the jungle down to the canoe. They pushed the canoe into the water and started paddling toward the Quill. The lieutenant said it seems the natives had spotted them as well. The captain said to his men that they should make friendly with natives if possible so they can trade with them for supplies and be on their way. The lieutenant warned that the natives might be dangerous. But the captain replied that there was nothing those natives could do, they were out numbered 20 to one.

Emily and William overheard the captain speaking and looked over at the natives in the canoe. William told Emily that he would protect her and not let them harm her as he put hand on his pistol. Emily stood behind him as the natives paddled closer to the ship. She could see that they had dark skin and dark hair and their appearance frightened her. He asked her if she would rather go below deck but she replied that she would rather stay up here with him.

The canoe pulled up right along the ship. A rope ladder was thrown down the side of the ship to the canoe and each of the natives climbed up onto the ship. They appeared to have no fear at all of the westerners. The ship's crew backed away from the natives as they walked on the deck. One of them seemed to be a leader or chieftain of some sort. He wore beaded necklaces and caried a staff. None of them had any weapons on them so the captain stepped forward and tried to greet them as best he could.

The captain could speak many languages but he could not understand much of what these natives spoke. The chieftain confidently spoke something in his native language and gestured with arms in a friendly way. The captian repeated what he heard and gestured back at him in a similar way. The captain shook the chieftain's hand and he reciprocated. One of the natives was carring a sack. The chieftain opened the sack and pulled out some fruit. He handed the captain a pineappel and gave some his men various other fruits. The captain took a small mirror out of his pocket and gave it the chieftain. He had never seen anything like that before but knew what it was. The natives were a very inteligent people and chieftain could tell that this was a very special gift. The captian and the chieftain contiued to talk and gesture with each other until they reached an understanding. After a few hours they had managed get a system of communication down. The captain struck a deal with cheiftain to trade trinkets for supplies and chieftain invited them to a great feast as a sign of friendship.

Emily intently watched the whole thing. She was amazed at the captain's skill at handling the situation. She was no longer afraid of the natives when she saw how friendly they were. She was no loger hiding behind William either. She wanted to greet them herself and go to the island meet more of them.

Just as the natives were about to depart the chieftain noticed Emily slowly inching her way closer. She was the only woman on deck among all the men. He looked right at her and she froze. She thought that maybe greeting the natives was not such a good idea. He took a few steps closer to her and then gestured and spoke in friendly tones. He took off one of his beaded necklaces and held it out to her. William was standing right behind her ready to jump right in between her and the chieftain. Emily told William that she was alright and he steped back a little. Emily walked forward so he could put the necklace on her. The chieftain had a small feather attached to his wrist and it bushed up against her cheek and ear as he fitted the necklace over her head. The feather tickled her and she gigled. hehe The feather then brushed against her neck and collarbone and she let out some more gigles. hehehehe

The cheiftain finished putting the necklace on her and then walked back over to his companions. Emily put her hands up to her neck to stop the tickly fealings she felt on her neck and collarbone. She was smiling as she felt the necklace between her fingers and her skin. The cheiftain saw her and smiled back before climbing down to his canoe.

She rolled the beads of the necklace over her skin tring to bring back the tickly fealing. Then she knew it was the feather that made her giggle. She had always loved the fealing of soft lace on her skin but she had never felt a feather touch her like that. It felt like soft fur only it tickled her like lace. She had never felt anthing like it. The feeling seemed to send her to a different world. A world of endless gigling and laughter. She wanted to feel the caress of a feather on her soft skin again.

Emily went below deck back to her cabin and pulled out a trunk that was under her bed. She opened the truck and took out a small quill feather pen. She laid down on her bed and brought the feather up to her face. She lightly brushed it down her neck and over her collarbone. The ticklie feeling started to return and she brushed the feather over her collar bone and back up her neck. Then she ran the feather around and under her ear. She let out a quick giggle just as William entered the cabin. hehe

William asked her if she was alright and what she was doing in here. Emily replied that she was trying to make herself giggle. William told her that he had never heard of a grown woman doing such silly childish things. She sat up and asked him if he could help make her laugh. He told her that he did not know how to make her laugh. He had only seen her laugh a few times and he did not know about Emily's playful side. She handed him the feather and told him to just brush her neck lightly with it. He did not know how that would make her laugh but he would go along with it anyway.

He brushed the feather slowly over her neck from her ear to her shoulder. Emily let out a little gigle and told him to keep touching her skin with the feather. He brushed the feather around the back of her neck and up to her other ear. Emily closed her eyes as he slid the feather lightly over her face. She took in a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. The feather passed over her chin and down her neck. William was starting to get arroused by Emily's giggling and erratic movements. He was standing over her and could see down her dress. He slid the feather around the neck line of her shirt teasing the upper part of her chest. He was about to slip the feather down her shirt and tease her breasts when he pulled away and dropped the feather on the floor.

Emily stopped giggling and asked him why he stopped. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did not want to take advantage of her innocence. He only replied that her father would not approve. Emily loved the way the feather felt on her skin and did not want him to stop. These ticklish feelings were new to her and she wanted to experience more. She picked up the feather and lightly brushed it around the base of her neck. It did not quite feel the same. So in her sweetest little voice she asked him to touch her some more with the feather. He tried to sidestep her request by telling her maybe he would tickle her again later.

He changed the subject and asked her if she would like to go ashore to the island with him. She told him that she would love to. Emily had been cooped up on the ship for too long and she wanted to get out and move around. She placed the feather on her bed and followed William out onto deck. They climbed down into a small boat and the crew rowed them ashore. When the boat reached the shore William jumped out and carried her to dry land so her would not get her long dress wet. His fingers tickled her side a little as he carried her. She tried not to laugh out of fear he might drop her. By the time he put her down she had a very wide smile on her face.

The Island of Tickles
The captian and many of his men had already landed when they got there. Their presence attracted a large group of natives including both men and women. Emily was shocked to see that the native women were practically naked by western standards. In this heat she wished she too could get away with wearing so little clothing. It was only early morning and she was already feeling of sweaty.

The natives were curious and puzzled at the appearance of the pale strangers that had arrived on their island. None of them had ever seen westerners before. It did not matter where they came from or what they looked like because they were seen as honored guests. It was the last day of the dry season and the start of the festival of the chosen one. Guests were always welcomed to the island especially at times of festival.

There were many natives walking down the beach and at the edge of the jungle. Many were carring supplies as they were walking to the festival grounds. The crowd of natives around the stragers began to thin out. The stragers were only a curiosity and they did not want to be late for the start of the festival. The chieftain was trying to urge the captain and his men to follow him. They were his guests and he did not want them to be late either. The captain told some of his men to stay behind and the rest to follow him. Then he walked off down the beach following the natives.

Emily and William also started walking down the beach. William told her not to wonder too far away from him. Emily wished he would not be so protective of her. She knew her father had hired him to protect her but she was not a child and did not want to be treated like one anymore. She did not like how he was always shadowing her every step. She wanted to show him that she could take care of herself and that she did not need his constant protection. Emily planned to wonder off and get lost among the natives then after a while come back to show him that she could survive on her own. She tried walking a little faster to test how difficult it would be to lose him. Emily looked behind her and saw that he was still following her. She knew it would be difficult to get away from him and she planned to just wait for her chance.

The beach grew wider and flatter and the jungle along its' edge grew thinner. The jungle gave way to an open feild. They had reached the festival grounds. There were hundreds of natives spread across the area in crowds. The sound of drums and smell of food was in the air. Emily knew that she could lose him in this crowd if she wanted to but smell of the food made her hungry. She was so tired of eating nothing but stale bread and pickled meats. She had lost some weight and was hungry for some real food. Emily walked around the festival eating all kinds of exotic fruits and strange delicious meats. After she had eaten her fill she tried to get away from William. She got her chance when his back was turned and some natives walked between them. Emily wondered into the crowd and by the time he noticed she was long gone.

Emily tried to hide in the thickest part of the crowds. She had gotten away and wondered what she should do with her new found freedom. She was busy just watching and listening to the natives talk and mingle with each other. Occasionally she would hear gigling and laughter but she could not tell where it was coming from. She tried to figure out what was going on and find out who was laughing. The laughter was comming from different directions and the sound of male and female voices was in the air. Then she heard a screem that turned into laughter and hysterical giggling. It was nearby so she made way through the crowd to where she thought the laughter was coming from. She suddenly came upon a native woman laying on the ground giggling softly just inches from her feet. A man helped the woman get up and then she punched him. Emily still did not understand what was going on.

She walked over to where the crowds were not quite so thick so she could see better. She was watching one particular native woman when she noticed that a man was sneaking up behind this native. Emily knew something was about to happen and that she would get to see what she was looking for. Emily was keenly staring at the native girl when she made eye contact with her. She was going to look away but the man grabed the native girl's ribs. The girl jumped and immediately started laughing. hahahahah The girl was trying to get away from his grip but all she could do is squirm and laugh. HAHAHAhahahah Emily finally put it all together. Her heart started beating faster as she saw that the laughter was comming from tickling. She was watching a girl get tickled silly and it thrilled her. The girl was hysterical by the time the tickling stopped. heeehehaheee Emily thought about what it would be like to be tickled like that. The thoughts of tickling gave her butterflies in her stomach. She would give anything to be tickled until she was hysterical. The experience to her would be worth any cost. She was getting more and more excited thinking about how the natives might even tickle her. She wanted someone to sneak up behind her and tickle her into hysterics.

Emily jumped and let out a quick screem as she felt someone's hands grab her arms. She was startled but the hands did not tickle her. She turned around and saw that it was William. He was angry at her but also relieved that he had found her. He started scolding her for wondering away like that. Before he could finish Emily was already protesting his rules, saying that she was old enough to look after herself. She was going to walk away from him but he held onto her. He let her go and told her that he was not going to let her out of his eyesight.

Emily did not want to be bothered by William anymore. She wanted to experience the island's culture for herself and above all get tickled. She knew that would never happen as long as he was watching her every move. She had to get away again but she did not know how. She would just have to wait until he dropped his guard alittle.

In the meantime she wanted to know if he discovered the same thing about the natives that she had. Emily asked him if he knew what that laughter was all about. William replied that he did not hear any laughter. She told him that she could hear the natives laughing for some reason. He listened and heard some occasional laughter mixed in with the other sounds of the festival. He told her that he could hear some laughter but he did not know why they were laughing. She knew then that he had not yet realized that the natives were tickling each other. She wanted to show him why the natives were laughing. She scanned the crowd with her eyes looking for any sign of tickling going on. After a while she found what she was looking for. She saw another native girl about to be unsuspectingly tickled. He pointed in the diresction of the girl and told William to look over there. He did not know what she was pointing at until the tickling started.

For the first time William saw a girl get tickled until she cried. The girl was tickled under her arms and on her ribs. She screemed and laughed while trying to get away. AAAHAhhaaahaha The more she struggled the more he tickled her back. Her body was twisting and turning as the tickling moved to her belly. All she could do was laugh while he tickled her belly with one hand and tickled her exposed breast with the other. ahahehehehahahahahahhaheeeehee She was laughing hysterically and the natives nearby could see that she was extreamly ticklish. Hands from the crowd grabbed at her ribs, pits, sides, hips, and thighs trying to get at some of her ticklish skin. Fingers were probing every inch of her body looking for her most ticklish spots. After a while the tickle torture of this hapless girl stopped and she was left laying on the ground giggling and crying. hehehehe*sob*heheh

Emily turned to William and saw the look of shock in his eyes from witnessing the tickling. Emily had a wide grin on her face for she knew what she was about to tell him would shock him even more. She boldly asked him to tickle her. She told him to tickle her just like that and she raised her arms above her head. She desperately wanted to feel his fingers touching, teasing, and tickling her entire body. He grabed her hands and pulled her arms back down to her side. He was speachless at her request. She started begging him to tickle her, she begged him to make her laugh and screem at the same time. He finally responded that he would not tickle her, not infront of everyone like that. Emily replied that the natives were tickling each other all the time and that they would not mind if they joined them. He told her that it was a barbaric and mean thing to do to that girl and that he would never treat her like that. Emily pointed over to the girl who was now standing and smiling and she told him that she did not seem to mind it. He told her that she should never have even seen such a thing and that he was going to take her back to the ship. Emily pleaded with him not to take her back to the ship. He grabed her by the arm and pulled her away from the crowd and walked her to the edge of the field. She was about to cry when he let her go and told her that she could stay but there was to be no more talk of tickling or wandering off. He told her that he ment it this time.


Emily was so tired of his superior attitude with her but she had no choice but to go along with it. If she wanted to get away again she would have to out smart him this time and somehow not get caught. She got one last chance to get away from him when she saw that the natives were organizing some type of contest. They walked up to the contest area and saw that it was a javelin throwing contest. One of the natives gestured at William to join in the contest. Emily pushed him forward and told him to do his best. Emily was able to get away as soon he joined the contest. She knew she would not have much time to get tickled and then come back without getting caught.

Emily ran to the area where she had seen the tickling before. Again she could hear laughter coming from the crowd at times. She quickly looked around for someone who might be willing to tickle her. She made eye contact with a young man and then looked away. She closed her eyes hoping that she had attracted his attention and that he would come over and tickle her. After a few moments she felt nothing except a few people brush by her. She opened her eyes and saw that he was nowhere to be seen. Her plan was not working and had to try something else before her time was up. She would have to tickle one of the natives first.

She scanned the crowd and picked out another young man who did not seem to be paying attention to what was going on around him. She slowly snuck up behind him and prepared to give his ribs a squeeze. She took in a deep breath and made her move. She squeezed his ribs with one hand poked him in the arm pit with the other. He started laughing and trying to pull away. Hahahahahha She had not tickled him long before he struggled free. He turned around to face his tickler and was shocked to see that it was the one of the stangers. He was going to get some ticklish revenge on whoever tickled him but he did not know what to make of Emily or how he could tickle her wearing those heavy chothes. She looked him in the eye and smiled and then held her arms out to her side. Emily wanted him to tickle her and was trying to make her body as accessible as possible.

After a while Emily lowered her eyes and thought that her plan had failed again. Then unexpectingly he started tickling her. Emily could not believe how ticklish she was and started laughing immediatly. hahahaha He was digging his fingers into her armpits and tickling her right through her clothes. She lost herself in the sensations and fell on the ground. She laid on her back as he tickled her belly through her dress. She was laughing and giggling herself silly wishing that he would stop and at the same time hoping it would never end. ahahahhehehehahahe Emily was squirming all over the ground exposing different parts of her body for tickling. She started to feel hot in the face when the tickling stopped. He stopped tickling her and quickly ran away.

As soon as the tickling stopped she realized she had to get back to William. She stood up and brushed the dust off her dress. Emily hurried back to the contest grounds thinking that she had already been gone to long. She was in luck the contest was not quite over but she could see that William was already suspeciously looking for her in the crowd of onlookers. When the contest was over he quickly found her in the crowd. He noticed that her hair was disheveled and her face was a little red. He asked her if she was feeling overheated. Emily was still thinking about the tickling she got and was not listening to him. Not getting any responce from her he called her name. After a few times he got her attention. He asked her again if she was feeling hot. She told him yes, Yes she was feeling hot and asked him if he could find her some water.

He took her hand and walked her over to where there was some shade. She sat down on the grass and he told her he would be right back with the water. She was free to let her mind wonder back to tickling. She could still feel where she had been tickled. The sensations of tickling thrilled her more then she had ever imagined. Tickling was a rush that she had never felt before. Emily loved the way tickling made her entire body laugh. She thought as if her bones and muscles were laughing along with her voice. She never felt so alive or so happy. She thought of this day as the best day in her life.

William returned with two bowls of water and handed one to Emily. She slowly sipped the cool water and then let out a blissful sigh. After she had finished her water he asked her if she was tired and would like to go back to the ship for some rest. She told him that she wanted to stay just a little longer. She was content, she just didn't want the day to end and go back to the dreary ship. It was late and they just sat there until sunset.

The festival seemingly came to an end and William told her it was time to go. She asked him to stay just for a few more minutes and not to spoil her moment. The natives lit torches and started gathering down at the other end of the field. Emily asked him if he knew what was going on. He told her that he did not know but they could find out if she was not too tired. Emily stood up and started following the trail of torches. William held onto her hand not wanting to lose her in the darkness. The natives had all gathered infront of a prominent building at the end of the field. William stopped her at the edge of the crowd and told her that was close enough.

The crowd became silent and some strangly dressed natives walked out onto a platform that was in front of the building. One of the natives started speaking in a loud voice but neither William nor Emily could understand what he was saying. He continued speaking only stopping at times when the crowd would start cheering. A few of the native women from the crowd came up onto the platform. Then a few more natives were unwillingly pulled out of the crowd and lined up at the edge of the platform. Emily could see that the last native in the lineup was the same girl that she saw tickled earier in the day.

One of the natives that was dressed in a feather robe walked up and down the stage looking at the natives who were standing lined up at the edge. He stopped at the far end of the of platform and faced the first girl in the lineup. Emily was still looking at the other girl when she heard the unmistakable sound of ticklish laughter. AHAHAHAha She looked down to the far end of the platform and saw the man in the feather robe tickling one of the girls. Emily could not see how he was tickling her but she hear her laughter and screems. Emily heard that girl laugh and screem louder and longer then she thought possible. Her heart started pounding as she watched the girl laugh and squirm erratically. Even from a distence she could tell that the tickling was intense, far more intense then anything she had seen earlier. Emily loved the way tickling made her feel but she did not know if she could stand to be tickled to this extream. The thought of being tickled like that excited her, delighted her, and scared her all at the same time. She was getting a huge rush just seeing it.

The crowd cheered when the high priest stopped tickling his first victim. He had thoroughly tickled her into a hysterical mess. The crowd became quiet and the high priest moved on to his second tickle victim. She was even more ticklish then his first victim. She screemed as soon as he touched her. aaaheaaaaaaa She frantically tried to get away from his probing fingers but he held onto her and tickled her into total submission. He had the uncanny ablity of knowing just where to tickle anyone to drive them wild. When he stopped tickling her she kissed his feet as a sign of surrender to Luur. The crowd cheered even louder when they saw that he had already broken her will. The high priest then moved on to his third victim and proceeded to tickle her into a frenzy. One by one he tickled each victim leaving them begging for mercy. The crowd cheered as he humiliated each one for their delight. He had finally reached his last victim hoping that she would put up more of a challenge then the others. He was looking for a chosen one that would not surrender to him until the bitter end no matter how hard tickled her.

Emily watched as he grabed the girl's arm and pulled it over her head. He turned her to one side and tickled her exposed arm pit. He held her and tickled her and all she could do was laugh. HAHAHhahahahaHAHAha He let go of her arm and grabed onto her slim midsection with both hands. When he squeezed her belly she stopped laughing and lost her voice. She tried to jump off the stage when he stuck his finger into her ticklish belly button. He held onto her and lifted her into the air all the while still tickling her. She frantically sqirmed and writhed in his hands trying to get away but he was much bigger than her and she was weak from the tickling. He put her down and stopped tickling her for a moment. He let go of her midsection and she dropped to her knees. When she did not submit to him he pushed her onto her back and pinned her arms above her head. He quickly tickled her ribs and then moved onto her breasts. She giggled and squeeled as his fingers danced on the sides of her breasts. eheheeeeheheheee He teased her nipple with tip of his long nail. He traced the nail all over her chest as she thrashed about on the stage. He suddenly stopped tickling her and stood up leaving her on the stage gasping for air. The crowd cheared when he had stopped tickling her and kept on cheering even when the other man started speaking. Some of the other natives on the stage pulled the girl to her feet and pushed her inside the building.

Emily felt ticklish just watching. Her whole body was tingling with excitement expecting to tickled at any second. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and her breathing became erratic. She was fanaticizing about being next in line to be tickled. She could see how torturous it was but something drove her forward wanting to experiance that kind intense release. When the ceremony was over she wanted to experiance this kind tickling more then ever.

Emily heard the sound of William's voice calling her name. He was standing right next to her but his voice sounded faint and distant. She had lost herself in the moment and was ignoring everything around her. She looked around confused and noticed that the platform was empty and most of the natives in the crowd had already left. She felt alone and leaned into William's arm. William wispered into her ear that it was time to go. He firmly held onto her hand as they started their long walk back.

They had not gone very far when Emily stopped walking and started pulling on William's hand. He stopped and asked her what was wrong. Emily asked to be excused for a few minutes. She told him to stand right by a nearby torch and that she would be right back. He reluctantly let go of her hand and she disapeared into the darkness.

Like a moth to flame she quickly ran back to the platform. There was not a native in sight but she could see light comming from the windows of the building. She quitely crept over to one of the windows and looked inside. She saw the same girl again tied to a wooden table. Her arms and feet were tied down and she could hardly move. The man in the feather robe was touching her feet and the girl giggled and wiggled her toes as tickled them. The girl was covered in sweat and she looked exhusted. Emily could see that she must have been tickled continually ever since the ceremony ended. The man eventually stopped tickling the girl and he walked out of the room leaving her alone. Emily wondered if she could endure such a long tickling herself. These thoughts frightened her but they also excited her.

Emily continued to just stare at her from the window. She backed away from the window and turned only to discover that one of the natives was watching her. Being caught spying she smiled at him. She was going to run away but he grabed her by the arm. His firm grip tickled her sensitive skin. He tried to get his other arm around her but he accidently started tickling her ribs right through her dress. She was extreamly ticklish and could not help but laugh. After seeing her laugh he started to tickle her some more for fun. She did not struggle with him but just enjoyed every tickle she got from him. She giggled as he tickled her ribs. hehehehe She was trying with all her might not to attract anymore attention to herself by laughing too loud. Her giggling turned more into laughter as his hands started tickling her belly. hehehahahahaha She gasped in shock as his hand tickled her thigh. She let out a quick screem and then bit her tongue. AAaaae Emily was very ticklish, laughing and screeming at the slightest touch. But he was not a very good tickler and he was starting to get overly rough with her. He was not holding onto her anymore so she tried to back away from him. He put his arm around her and slipped his hand down her dress. He crossed the line with her when his hand touched her breast and she slapped him across the face. She pulled away hard and he tore her dress. She got away from his grasp and quickly ran away.

Emily ran all the way back to where she left William but he was not there. She was gone for too long and he went to go look for her. She stood by the torch and called out to him. He saw her standing by the torch light and he came out of the darkness to her. He was very angry at her for leaving for so long. He noticed that her dress was torn and started asking her a thousand questions. She told him she tore it on a branch and the she was gone for so long because she was trying to fix it. He suspected she was not telling the truth but he just wanted to move her along and get back on the ship where it was safe. They quickly started walking down the field to the beach. It was not very bright and he could not see to the extent her dress was torn. She walked as fast as she could holding her dress so it not would fall off.

The native that had attacked Emily was one of the temple guards. After she got away he went inside the temple to tell the high priest that he caught someone spying on them. The high priest asked him where is this girl he was telling him about. He replied that she got away. He asked the high priest if he should take some men and go after her. The high priest told him to forget about her and to go back to his post and guard the new chosen one. He then explained to the high priest that there was something else that he should know about this girl. She was extreamly ticklish.

With his new orders he gathered up four other guards and explained to them they were going to capture this strange ticklish girl and bring her back to the temple. They quickly ran down the field all the way to the beach. They looked around and found no sign of the girl. He was about to give up when one of his men found a piece of cloth down the beach. He knew it was a piece of her dress and told his men to run down the beach in that direction.

Emily and William could see the light coming from the ship on the water and knew it was not much farther to the boats. William turned around when he thought he heard something behind them. There was nothing there that he could see so he started walking again. Emily was walking right along the edge of the jungle when hands reached out and grabed her and pulled her into the underbrush. William did not have time to react and he was quickly subdued and tied up. Emily was so startled by her attackers that she fainted and put up no resistance. William was gagged and left tied up under some bushes. The guards quickly carried Emily back temple.

Still unconscious Emily was brought before the high priest and placed on a wooden table. None of them had ever seen a western girl before. The high priest walked up to her and touched her skin expecting it to be cold or clammy. Her skin was warm and silky soft to his touch. Emily moved a little bit when he touched her but she did not wake. Her skin was so pale he could not beleive his eyes. He looked at her body and marveled at how pale her face was but her upper chest and wrists were even lighter. He touched her hand and felt that it had no calluses or any rough spots what so ever. Her hands were soft even for young girl's. He could tell these were not the hands of a laborer but of someone who never worked at all.

He wanted to examine her feet hoping that they would match her flawless hands. Emily was wearing heavy shoes not sandals that the islanders wore. He removed one of her shoes and found that her foot was covered in a heavy white cloth. He tried to find the end of the cloth so he could pull it off but it went all the way up her leg. He grabed the cloth by her toes and pulled it away from her skin. He cut the cloth with a shell revealing her toes. Her toes were pinkish white and were warm and moist with sweat when he touched them. He ripped away more of the cloth revealing the rest of her foot. She had a very curvy arch with soft pinkish skin and she giggled in her sleep when he touched it. He liked the sound of her giggling and continued to tickle the sole of her foot. He could tell there was something about her soft feet that made them especially ticklish. He removed her other shoe and cut away her stocking. Her feet were flawless and complemented each other nicely. He tickled both her feet at the same time and they wiggled and twitched lightly as he tickled them.

He was anxious to see what the rest of her body tooked like. He had explored every secret of many girls' bodies but he was not sure what he would find under her dress. Emily's dress was already in tatters when she was brought before the high priest. He was able to easily rip what was left of it off of her. Doing so did not uncover much skin. He could see her arm pits and more of her chest now but he still could not see her breasts or any of her midsection. She was wearing a second layer of clothing that was made out of heavier fabrics and strapped tightly to her body. He cut away the straps and pealed away her second layer of clothing. He was shocked to discover she was wearing a third layer of clothing and that he did not reveal much of her skin at all. He could not understand why anyone would wear so much clothes. She wore enough fabric to clothe an entire village. By cutting away her third layer he finally relealed most of her skin. He was not surprised to see that her breasts, belly, and thighs were even paler then the rest of her. It was like her skin had never seen daylight.

He finished pulling off the rest of her clothes leaving her naked on the table except for a small remnent of panty between her legs. He ran his fingers over her breasts and across her belly. Her skin was extreamly soft and perfect for tickling. Emily's body twitched lightly and she let out a few giggles. Her breasts were not very large but they were very soft and fit her frame nicely. Her belly was thin and flat but it did not have much muscle tone. Her belly button was oval shaped and very deep. She let out some more giggles when he traced the edge of her belly button with his nail. She continued to sleep soundly even as he undressed her and tickled her. Even while she was sleeping he could tell she was extreamly ticklish from way she reacted to his touch. She had the perfect body for tickling. He let her sleep for now for in a little while he would give her a long tickle session she would never forget. Just before he left he tied her arms and legs to the table and left her alone in the darkness.

Emily slowly awoke from her sound sleep. She had dreamed that someone was tickling every part her body. The tickling in her dream felt so real that it hardly seemed like a dream at all. Still half asleep she felt the cool night air on her skin. She opened her eyes but all she could see was darkness. She tried to move when she felt something hold her down. She twisted her wrist about and felt the rope on her skin. She tried moving her legs and discovered they were also tied. She felt the rope around her ankles and realized that she was not wearing any shoes. Her feet were free to the air as she wiggled her toes. Becoming fully awake she realized that she was not wearing any clothes at all. What kind of situation had she gotten herself into. This was every girl's worst nightmare being tied down completely helpless and on top of that she was stark naked. She did not know where she was or how she got here. She tried to remember what had happened to her. It took her a while but she rembered that she was grabed and pulled into the jungle.

She was someone's captive, but what would they do to her she thought. The first thing that came to her mind was tickling. She knew that being tied down made every part of her body completely vulrable to tickling. Emily pulled at her bonds testing them to see if she could get out of them if she really had to. She quickly realized that there was no way she could get free. Anyone could come in here and tickle her all they wanted and there would be nothing she could do to protect herself. She could not even ask them to stop because noone on the island understood her language. Begging for mercy would be pointless and she knew it. Part of her was very frightened that she was so helpless and that the tickling would be more then she could stand. Her only hope was that someone would rescue her but part of her did not want to be rescued. There was an excitement about the prospect of being tickled beyond all her limits. She did not even know what her limits were.

Emily moved around on the table trying to make herself more comfortable when she felt the remnants of her clothes underneath her. When she felt the scraps of cloth touch her skin it highlighted her nakedness. She rarely ever got completely naked even to bathe. Feeling her shredded clothes around her she realized someone had to have undressed her. She felt violated in a way being that someone had already seen and touched her naked body without her even realizing it. She was always taught that noone should ever see her naked. From as far back as she could remember she knew it was never acceptable to be naked. She never thought about why it was bad until now. She started to feel guilty about her nakedness but then she realized it was not her fault. It was the natives who had undressed her but they went around half naked all the time anyway. She felt a light cool breeze blow across her skin. The air seemed to be touching and teasing her skin like it had a mind of its own. When the breeze started to tickle her she knew that her clothes had protected her from being tickled. Her bare skin was free to be tickled unhindered. Her heart started pounding when she remembered how ticklish the feather felt on her neck. Her skin started to tingle as she thought about what it would feel like to have feathers tickle her entire body. The excitement of such a tickling thrilled her and she lost herself in thoughts of tickling.

She laid on the table for a long time thinking about all the different ways she could be tickled. Emily thought she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her. She looked around and saw flickering orange light coming from a doorway. The light became brighter and three men carring torches entered her room. The torch light lit her room and she could see what was around her. The room was small and empty except the the table that she was tied to. She lifted up her head and looked at her naked body for the first time. She looked down at her feet and tried to move them not seeing the rope that bound them. She saw the scraps of her clothing strewn on the table all around her. She lowered her head and looked over at the three men standing in her room. She looked at their faces and saw that they staring at her. She forgot about her nakedness and started smiling at them wondering if they had come to tickle her. They did not smile back at her but just stared at her coldly. She stopped smiling when she heard more footsteps coming from the doorway. She looked over at the doorway just in time to see the man in the feather robe walk into her room. As soon as she saw him she knew she was in for the tickling of her life.


Tickled Pink
The high priest walked right up to the table and stood over Emily. The feathers of his robe were just inches away from her skin. She squirmed and pulled at her bonds when he looked down at her. He could see in her eyes that she was extreamly ticklish. He had never tickled a western girl before. He wanted to see for himself what she was made of and planned to tickle her long and hard. He could tell she was strong and had no fear of what was about to happen to her. He was going to feast on her every ticklish reaction. He wanted to put fear in her eyes before the session was over.

Emily did not like the look of him so she closed her eyes. She knew she was about to be tickle tortured by him. Her heart was racing in her chest as every nerve in her body stood on edge awaiting to be tickled. She felt him touch her hand and uncurl her fingers. He poked at her open palm and lightly teased her flawless hand. She started smiling and giggling softly under her breath. Her hand was much more ticklish then she thought. She felt his fingers move across her wrist tickling and teasing her skin. He slowly brushed his fingers lightly over her under arm from her wrist to her elbow. His fingers spidered up and down her under arm touching and teasing her. Emily began to feel more ticklish with each touch and her giggling became deeper and more playful. heheheheheh The feathers from his robe brushed up against the side of her belly and she jumped with laughter. The feathers only touched her for a second but it was enough to get squirming and laughing. HAAAHAHhahaha

The tickling on her arm suddenly felt more ticklish as well. His fingers danced past her elbow and toward her arm pit. This part of her under arm was very ticklish and she could not help but laugh and giggle. hahahhehehehahhehaa The muscles in her arm twitched and tensed with her laughter and she pulled against her bonds. She was feeling giggly all over and even her throat began to feel ticklish. She was giggling and laughing herself silly as his fingers tickled her under her arm. HAhhahahehehahehehaheeaha His fingers danced in her arm pit and she laughed deeply while gasping for air. HAAHAHAHAHAAAHAASSSASHHA When the feathers from his robe brushed up agaist her side again her eyes shot open and she started laughing and squirming like crazy. HAHAAAAAHAHAHAHA She squirmed away from the feathers but the tickling in her arm pit became deeper and more intense. Emily could not believe how much she was being tickled and she threw herself into a frenzy laughing and screeming at the same time. aaaahahahahahhaahehehhaaa Logic left her and she called out ot him in her laughter. hahahahah Thahahat Tiihahakckles hahahahah Plehahah PLEHASe hahahah

He did not understand what she said. He did not know if she was begging for mercy of asking for more. He could not see any fear or panic in her eyes yet but he could feel from the tension in her muscles and the way she moved that the tickling was torturous to her. She was starting to fight him more and he savored every second of it.

Emily continued to laugh and screem and squirm as his fingers tickled her arm pit and under her arm. hahahahHHaahahahehahaaa heaheahahahaa The skin under her arm was screeming for mercy but she did not want it to end, she was enjoying this too much. The tickling was releasing so much pent up energy and frustration inside her that felt like such a relief being tickled this way. The more torturous the tickling became the more she enjoyed it. She was laughing herself silly with reckless abandon. ehhahhahhehehehehheheheheheehhahahhahahahahah

With his other hand he reached across her and started tickling her other arm pit. The feathers from his robe bushed all over her breasts, side, and belly. There was no way to squirm away from the feathers this time and they tickled her beyond belief. She twisted and turned on the table as much as her bonds would allow. Emily had to deal with deep tickling in both her arm pits and lighter teasing tickling over the rest upper upperbody. Her body screemed at her for the tickling it was receiving. Her body rebelled against her and she could not control her movements anymore. She thrashed her head from side to side and kicked with legs. Her hair got in her face and she laughed with hysterical maddness. hahahehhhahahheehhehehehehaaaahehehaaa

In her mind she was still enjoying it but her body had had enough and could not take anymore tickling. The tickling was drawing every ounce strenth out of her body she had. Her body had finially released all her frustrations and tension. The more her body released the more she felt at ease in her mind. The more relaxed she felt the more it tickled her. She began to feel euphoric as she reached her limits. She began to moisten between her legs as she started to feel her first orgasm take her. She arched her back and started moaning in her hysteria. The feathers continued to tickle her all throughout her orgasm but the tickling only intensified it. The tickling complemented her sexual pleasure and it took her to another world.

The high priest stopped tickling her when he felt her go limp from her orgasm. He backed away from her and looked at her face. Her hair was in her eyes and her skin was flush. The redness in her face had replaced her paleness. Her skin had turned pink all the way down her neck to her collar bones. Her appearance startled him as he thought he might have went to far and she would die. He anxiously watched her breathing and stared at her pinkness. He was relieved when it began to fade and she started breathing normally again.

In all his years he never saw anyone turn collors from any amount of tickling. She was a ticklee of the likes he had never seen before. He could not wait to start tickling her again. He wanted her to be the next chosen one but he had already picked a new chosen one. Just because she could not be the next chosen one did not mean he could tickle her some more. His fun with her had only just begun.

Emily was covered in sweat from all the tickling she had gotten. She never felt so at ease or at peace with herself. She felt like she was glowing. The limits of how much tickling she could take were far higher then she thought possible. She was so glad the man in the feather robe showed her where her limits were otherwise she might never have found them. She wanted to explore her limits more. She would soon get the chance as he came back over to her.

He brushed her hair out of her face and felt her skin with with his hand. It was very warm and sweaty. She closed her eyes when he started touching her face. He lightly touched her closed eyelids and teased her nose and lips. She started giggling again when the feathers from his robe brushed over her face. hehe eheheh He tickled her neck with fingers and his nail. Emily gasped whenever the feathers touched her. He contined to tickle her face and neck until he suddenly stopped.

Emily laid there for awhile wondering where he would tickle or tease her next. The suspence started to get at her and she fought the tempation to open her eyes. She was giggling just thinking about how he could tickle her. After a while she could not fight the temptation anymore and she tried to open her eyes. She started squirming when she realized she could not open her eyes. There was something on her eyelids that prevented her from opening them. She tried to use her hand to feel what was on her face but she forgot that her hands were tied. She felt more helpless not knowing when the tickling would come. Her nerves became one edge waiting for the slightest touch or tickle.

She started laughing as soon as she felt the touch of feathers on her belly. hahahahaha Soon after she felt his hand touch her soft skin. He wiggled his fingers into her belly and she started laughing deeply. HAAHAHAHAHAHAA She squeeled when he stuck his finger in her belly button. eeeaaehae She squirmed and pulled against her bonds when she felt the feather bush over her breasts. His fingers danced on her belly. Her laughter became more high pitched as the tickling moved down to her hips. HAHAHAhahaahaahaahahaaha She screemed when he slid his nail down her leg to her knee. hahaaaaaaaaahahahaaaa He tickled her hip with one hand tickled her thigh with the other. She screemed and squirmed and kicked with her leg. aaahahaaa He could tickle her like a well tuned instrument. She laughed deeply when he tickled her belly. HAHAHAHA She laughed hard and hystecally when he tickled her hips. HAHhaHAHaaahaHA She would screem as loud as she could when he tickled her thighs. AAAAAaaahahaaea She tried to fight him but there was nothing she could do but go along with it.

Being tickled while not seeing was far more torturous for Emily. He was able to work her up much more quickly when she could not see when or where the tickling would be coming from. It was almost too much for her and she started to panic alittle. She frantically squirmed and kicked as he tickled her. Her bonds held her down and she was completely helpless. Emily became out of breath and felt exhusted from all the tickling. She soon started to feel a second orgasim coming. She was losing control of her body again to the relentless tickling she was receiving.

He suddenly stopped tickling her before her orgasam took her. He stopped because he noticed that her face was beet red. He gave her a long rest and let her calm down before he started tickling her again. He was wearing down her defences and she could not longer enjoy herself. She enjoyed the rush and release of extream tickling but she was learning to fear his touch. She felt that her limits had already been found and she woried that he would force her beyond those and the tickling would become truely torturous.

She was lost in her thoughts when she felt him grab her by her toes. She screemed with insane laughter when intense tickling shocked through her. HAHAHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAAAAHHAHAHhhaha He scraped his nail up and down the sole of her foot. She did not even know her feet were ticklish until now. Each touch felt like an eternity to her and it tickled her more then anything she felt before. Emily had had enough tickling for one day and she begged him for mercy. HAHAHHAHHA STOhAhahaP PlHAHhaEASE hahahHHa STahaop hahahHHahaa

He could not understand her but he could tell by the tone of her voice that she was panicking. He had discovered her weakness and he was going to take full advantage of it. He started tickling both her feet at the same time and her pleas for mercy became more desprate. hahahahahhe Shahaop PLeashhahae hehaahha He would hear none of her pleas and he grabed her ankel with both hands. He lowered his head down to her foot and licked her toes. This tickling was too much for her and she was even too shocked to screem. She tried to pull her foot away or wiggle her toes out of his mouth. She was helpless to stop the tickling and it became a maddening torture to her.

Emily thought that was the end and she would die right there of being tickled when he suddenly stopped. The tickling had benn more then she could bear and she lost controll of herslef like never before. She laid there trying to catch her breath and regain control of herself. She was hot and sweaty and her foot still felt ticklish. She was tired and she wanted to sleep where it was safe again. She hoped he was finished tickling her because she could not take anymore tickling especially on her feet. She started to feel relaxed when she heard them leave the room. She was so exhausted and she fell asleep as soon as she calmed down.

The high priest had made up his mind. She was going to be the new chosen one. He could not stand to not have her as the chosen one. As the chosen one he could not tickle her again until she was tied to the sacrificial altar of Luur. It would be stealing from Luur to tickle her more now. He turned to his men and ordered them to release the other chosen one and send her out. He had never released a chosen one before. It was unlike him to have mercy on anyone.

He looked back over at Emily and he smiled at her pink face. He could not wait to tickle her again. He continued to stare at her on the table as he thought about all the ways was going to tickle torture her as the chosen one.

(See Emily Tickled some more in Part 3)
Finally got around to reading all that. A long story but a great one. I can't wait until part 3.
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