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Welcome to the Jungle


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Jan 7, 2017
“Hey, Randi, check this out.”

Randi’s coworker had been surfing the web during work again.* Randi had warned her of the dangers but Kelly wasn’t much for playing by the rules.

Randi got to her feet slowly and walked across the aisle to Kelly’s cubicle.* Kelly was dressed in a low-cut sweater and matching skirt. The skirt almost reached her knees but was filmy enough to see her legs if one cared to look.* Randi cared to look even more than she’d ever let on. Kelly was a bit bigger in her chest but the two beauties could have been twins otherwise. Randi dressed as enticingly as Kelly but she assumed Kelly was strictly straight.**

“I was playing around on Yahoo.* I did a search for your name. Look what I found.”

Randi shivered a little.* Although she had a few people she chatted with on the net, she kept her play strictly private.* She moved just a bit closer to Kelly’s screen. And tried not to be completely distracted by Kelly’s cleavage.* It was quite a battle.

“I found a link to a story that has your name in it.* Isn’t that cool? Think I should click on it?”

“It’s probably a coincidence, Kelly.* I told you before, you have to be careful when you surf from work.”

“I’m being careful, Randi.* That’s why I haven’t clicked on it yet.”

Kelly had leaned back in her chair to vent her frustrations.* She hated it when Randi got prissy. The two were usually quite playful when they got together.* Her skirt had crawled higher on her thighs and Randi now had two distractions to cope with. Plus the worry about the link.* If it WAS one of Randy’s stories, she’d beat him to a pulp.

“You do what you want, Kelly.* I think it’s a fluke. I’ve got work to do.”

“Just wait.”

Kelly clicked on the link.* It was obviously slow and Randi felt beads of sweat growing in her armpits as the line crawled across the bottom of Kelly’s screen.* The first page appeared and Randi gave a silent sigh. The first lines of the story were unfamiliar and quite tame.

“I’m going back to work.* Be careful, Kelly.”

Randi went back to her cubicle and sat down.* The two cubicles were at the end of a long aisle so Randi knew that no one would see Kelly playing when she should have been working.* Randi began typing again but watched Kelly with half an eye.

Kelly was obviously going to read the whole story.* She stretched her legs out straight and leaned back in her chair.* Randi could see only the back of her friend. But she heard the first little giggle when Kelly got deeper into the story.

Kelly forgot where she was.* She was drawn into the fiction like a moth to flame.* After the first paragraph she knew that the story wasn’t about Randi.* Or thought she did. The two women had discussed many things but Randi had never hinted about liking what this heroine liked.

The story grew warmer with each passing second.* Kelly did as well. She had deep secrets she kept to herself.* This story seemed to know her buttons and pushed them exceedingly well.* The heroine was exploring in the jungle and had just discovered a lost tribe of Amazons.* The author was detailing their appearance and with each word Kelly felt a light caress on her skin.* She knew it was in her mind but the story became more intense and more real with each word.

Randi stopped working to watch.* Kelly’s hands were beginning to move almost as if controlled by someone else.* One hand was gliding over her thighs and the other was circling her chest. Randi couldn’t see that one but just watching Kelly tease her thighs was enough.* She could guess at what was happening in the story. Or thought she could.

Randi’s heat rose as Kelly began tugging her skirt higher.* What skin she could see had a light sheen. The story was hotter than it started out being.* Randi almost walked over to read it. She wanted to see how far Kelly was going. She was either a slow reader or was taking her sweet time.* Kelly kicked off her shoes and used one set of toes to tease the other set.

The heroine was watching the tribe from hiding.* They were interrogating a prisoner. Kelly’s jaw dropped when she read how they were doing it.* Four redheaded Amazons were tickling their blonde and beautiful prisoner with fingers and feathers.* Heat sprang from Kelly’s core and radiated through her body. She felt her nipples crinkle into hardness.

Kelly had always felt a weird attraction to tickling.* As a young girl, she’d been a victim of the teasing torment.* Her older sisters had started it. But the true discovery came when a friend made her pop while tickling.* Her first orgasm. It had actually scared the two girls but only the first time. They began plotting time alone to tickle each other.* Both friends had become expert at light touches and they’d also learned each other’s most powerful weaknesses. But high school turned her friend towards men and the two had fallen away from each other.* Although her friend wasn’t above telling Kelly of tickling adventures during late night drinking sessions. Kelly was always a sucker for them. Kelly had never taken her eyes off the ladies. She’d had a few boyfriends but her love was women.

The computer screen was full of tickling.* The author was describing the torture in serious detail.* The prisoner was helpless against it but at the same time seemed turned on by it.* Kelly’s fingers dived under her skirt while the other hand kneaded her breasts lightly.**

Randi was going wild.* The beautiful blonde was masturbating as the words crawled slowly across her screen.* It was heaven. Randi had often fantasized about Kelly. Randi was dying of curiosity.* She had to see what the story was about. She slipped off her shoes and tiptoed across the carpet.

And instantly regretted it.* The carpet felt fantastic on her feet.* She could almost tickle herself by sliding them around.* And each movement made her shiver with longing. Kelly’s aroma was spreading through the air.* Randi paused a moment to worry about other people and then realized that everyone was gone for the day.* Randi had a feeling she’d be working late. If you could call it work.

She edged to the corner of Kelly’s cubicle.* Kelly was far gone in the story. Randi read a bit and then had to bite her lip.* She’d told Randy about this one. This story was one of her fantasies. But it wasn’t Randy’s story.* She could tell by the style. She relaxed and kept reading. And didn’t try to stop her own fingers from playing.

Kelly was leaning back in her chair and had unbuttoned her sweater almost to her navel.* Her skirt was wadded against her stomach and the view almost did Randi in. Kelly was naked underneath.* Randi kept her breathing quiet. That was hard. Her attention was on the screen as Kelly’s was. And the story was heating both of them.* A quiet fluttery moan slipped from Kelly’s lips. The prisoner was approaching orgasm and again the author was being incredibly detailed in his or her description.* The feathers were doing it. The redheads weren’t using their fingers anymore. At least not on the prisoner. They were playing with each other as they tickled their victim.

Kelly was obviously timing her own explosion.* Her fingers were gooey and wet as they swirled around her raging hard button.* Her nipples were little pebbles and looked as tasty as gumdrops. Randi forced herself to stop playing.* She snuck back to her chair and watched as Kelly reached her crescendo.**

Kelly swept into orgasm.* She coughed to cover the moan that strained to come out.* Her fingers were flying and then suddenly stopped. Her skin flushed bright red.* And she visibly relaxed in her chair.

Randi snickered softly.* She began typing again.

“Kelly, are you okay?”

Kelly coughed again and then cleared her throat.* She’d all but forgotten that Randi was still in the office.

“I’m okay, Randi.* Got something caught in my throat.”

Kelly was trying to rearrange her clothes without moving much.* She didn’t want Randi to look her way. Or maybe she did. Her brain was still out there in the jungle.* She hadn’t come close to finishing the story. She wanted to get back to it but needed a break.

“I need a glass of water.* Can I get you one?”

Randi hid a laugh behind her next comment.* Kelly was beet red and her sweater was showing her nipples even though it was buttoned.* Her thighs were creamy and since she was standing, the residue of her explosion was glittering on her thighs.

“Wow!!* Talk about hot flashes.* Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I must have got some bad food at lunch.* Just a bit queasy, I guess. Would you like a drink of water?”

“Sure.* I’m feeling warm myself.* Guess they turned off the air conditioning.”

Kelly hardly waited for the answer.* She hated anyone seeing her not perfectly made up.* She sprinted down the aisle to the water cooler.

Randi couldn’t resist upping the tease and she had to act fast.* She grabbed a floppy from her private stash and slipped it into Kelly’s computer.* She uploaded a file and opened it, making it look as if it were an illustration for the story.* In fact, it was a slide show presentation of tickling pictures she’d brought from home. The pictures would flash on Kelly’s monitor even as she continued reading.* Randi finished just as Kelly was rounding the corner. She was typing away as if nothing was happening. Kelly was less flushed but the rest of her was still in heat.

Kelly handed Randi a glass of water.* Randi looked deep into her eyes and let her fingers touch Kelly’s knee lightly.* It was shivering.

“Are you sure you’re okay?* I told you surfing the web could be harmful to your health.”

“Ha, Ha.* Very funny.* I’m trying to work, you brat.* The story wasn’t that good.”

Randi dropped the subject and just let Kelly’s aroma waft over her.* Kelly was hot as a firecracker. She smelled so good Randi almost started drooling.

Kelly returned to her desk.* She sat down and moved her mouse to clear the screen saver.* She couldn’t stop the gasp when she saw the first picture.

Randi kept typing.* She wanted Kelly back into her reading as soon as possible.* Just knowing the blonde had exploded was bad. Knowing the pictures were on her screen was much worse.

The slide show included more than tickling pics.* There were many peeing pictures and a few lesbian kisses as well.* Kelly just stared at her screen as they changed. Her skin was as bright red as before her first orgasm.* Randi had a feeling another was on its way. From her cubicle she could just see each pic, not clearly, but she knew where each was in the program.* She’d watched it herself for hours. Her fingers slipped under her skirt as the first peeing picture approached. And she strummed her button as the pic flashed onto Kelly’s screen.

Kelly squealed when she saw it.* Although it rarely happened to her, sometimes she had to fight with her own bladder control while being tickled.* And hadn’t always won. The rarity of the event made it intriguing and always she loved the total loss of control.**

Randi heard the squeal and came as it happened.* She bit her lip to squelch the moan that wanted to explode from her.* Her vision cleared slowly. Kelly was obviously not reading. The pictures were too big a distraction.* But her hands were pushing her to the edge again. Randi watched her shiver as it approached.

Sweat flowed down Kelly’s cheeks and her hair was becoming matted.* Her sweater was obviously too warm for the situation. Randi knew she’d not last much longer.* And then the toughest picture hit her screen. A woman on a couch, three women standing over her, tickling as she peed a gusher.* Randi loved that picture. The woman was obviously laughing hard. Kelly stiffened as another explosion shot through her frame. This time a short scream of pleasure squirted out of her panting mouth.

Randi let her calm a bit and then hollered.

“Kelly, are you okay?* Maybe you’d better go home!!!!”

Kelly answered slowly and carefully.* She was obviously in dire straits. The story had started something that the pictures made worse.

“I’m fine.* Really, I’m okay.* It’s too hot in here.* How can you stand it? I’ve got to go to the bathroom.* I’ll be back in a minute.”

“If you say so.* You sound exhausted.* Why don’t you just head for home?”

“No way!!!* I can’t leave this yet.* I’ll be back in a moment.”

Randi was beside herself with silent giggles.* Kelly had no idea how hot things were about to get.* Randi could hardly believe teasing could be this fun at work.

“Okay, I’ll be here if you need anything.”

Kelly bolted for the bathroom.

Randi was at Kelly’s computer in a heartbeat.* She loaded another file onto her hard drive and this time left the disc in her floppy slot.* She had a few more surprises for the blonde. But she figured this file would be just enough.* Leaving the floppy would be an open invitation. Of course, Kelly probably wasn’t thinking well enough to figure it out.

The file was a sound one.* It contained long bursts of female laughter and some very suggestive lines from movies.* It complemented the pics nicely. The two files had pushed Randi over the edge many times.* It was her favorite entertainment when working late alone. Again she set it to run in the background and adjusted the volume so that the sounds wouldn’t overpower but would add fuel to Kelly’s flame.* She finished and returned to her cubicle. She was also feeling the heat so she changed into her favorite working attire. A string bikini and a see through robe. She purposely loosened the strings on her panties and bra and then sat down again at her computer.* She faked typing while waiting for Kelly to return. The quiet laughter on Kelly’s computer drifted into Randi’s cubicle. She’d made things as tough on herself as she had on the blonde beauty.

Kelly wasn’t walking too well.* Her knees were weakened by her explosions and walking to the bathroom had almost caused another.* She’d changed into a very light button down dress. It was an old one and almost worn through from washing.* But it was comfortable and cool in any weather. She kept it at work for late nights but hadn’t worn it often.* She’d only done the buttons up to just below her breasts so all of her charms were ready to explode from the thing.* She heard the low voices and sweet laughter just as she reached her cubicle door. She flushed bright red and looked into Randi’s cubicle discreetly.* Her mouth dropped open and she felt a wave of desire crash into her. Randi’s suit matched her tan beautifully. The robe didn’t hide anything so a quick glance made it seem that Randi was naked at her keyboard.* Another look and Kelly felt relief flood through her. It was followed by another crashing wave. She could see that Randi was dressed but this pressure added to the others already inside her was a bit much. She plopped into her chair and the laughter and whispers hit her like a ton of bricks.

For a long moment, Kelly could only suck in the assault to her senses.* The teasing voices and delightful laughter were powerful. The pictures just flashed across her screen.* She finally began reading again. The explorer had watched the prisoner’s explosion and then watched the Amazons walk away.* The explorer was ready to explode herself but was trying to decide whether to save the victim or just leave quietly. Kelly had a feeling she knew what was coming next.* She wasn’t sure she could handle it.

She’d read a few lines, a picture would catch her eye, she’d hear an especially sexy giggle or a warm whisper.* Each torment dug into her core. She again forgot that Randi was in the office. Randi didn’t forget. She was openly teasing herself as she watched Kelly try to suck in all of the stimulation.* Kelly had idly unbuttoned her dress all the way and it was wide open. Kelly’s nipples were raging and her skin was covered in gooseflesh.

The computer warmth had melted Kelly into a puddle of desire.* Randi was almost ready to hit her with the straw that would break the camel’s back.* Randi could see that Kelly was back into the story. Randi had read farther into it while Kelly was in the bathroom.* She was trying to time the straw for the moment of absolute surrender. Kelly’s surrender.**

The explorer had waited too long.* A different Amazon returned to the prisoner and was beginning a different torment.* She was forcing the woman to drink from a large jug. It was filled to the brim and the Amazon was feeding the prisoner all of it.* The explorer watched the prisoner’s stomach bulge more than she’d ever seen. Randi knew what came next. Kelly figured it out quickly.* She was again timing her explosion to match the prisoner’s reaction. And Randi was ready with the straw.

The Amazon dropped the jug and began tickling her victim with awesome power.* Laughter boiled out and again the author was detailed in his description. Kelly remembered the feelings.* She knew what tickling did in that situation. Kelly’s fingers danced between her thighs. Her free hand teased her nipples ferociously.

Kelly rocketed to orgasm as the prisoner began gushing liquid gold onto the forest floor.* Randi delighted in the vision as Kelly was completely lost to reality. She had no shame as her fingers flew across her chest and between her legs.* Kelly’s own bladder was about to do what the prisoner had just done. Her muscle control was destroyed.

Randi aimed the straw and shot it directly into Kelly’s center.

“You’ve got mail.”

Kelly’s computer stopped the laughter for just a second to make that comment.* The words tore through Kelly’s brain. She clicked on her mailbox.

“Coffee, pee or me??????????”

Randi’s message was all too clear.* Kelly blinked tears of joy from her eyes and read it again.* Randi was standing beside her and Kelly was totally unaware of it.

“Are you sure you’re not having heat stroke?* I’ve never seen you this wet.”

Randi kept her voice low and purring.* Kelly still shrieked with surprise and turned her head quickly.* When their eyes locked, Randi spoke again.

“It is my fantasy, beautiful.* I don’t know how it got on the computer.* I’m glad it’s pushing your buttons. Care for a bit of refreshment?”

Randi took Kelly’s hand and drew her from the chair.* She pulled her into a kiss that made both women swell with anticipation and pushed Kelly into another small orgasm.* Randi loved feeling the power she had and stretched the kiss longer than she’d planned.

Finally, Randi broke the kiss.* She could tell from the shivers that Kelly’s strength wasn’t up to standing.* And could tell that Kelly’s bladder was screaming for release. Her own was only a bit better off.* She pulled Kelly into a small break area where a couch sat waiting.

The couch was old and leather.* It was very soft but Randi knew Kelly wasn’t going to care about comfort.* This was a first anyway. Randi rarely enjoyed being in charge but Kelly was in no condition to take over.* She moved like a zombie as if the story continued in her head. It probably was continuing. Randi’s confession left big holes in Kelly’s thoughts.* Randi peeled off Kelly’s dress and helped her down onto the couch. Randi didn’t have any cord so she improvised. She tucked each of Kelly’s hands under the blonde’s head.

“Stay, little one.* If you move I’ll make it worse than you can imagine.”* Randi’s tone was sweetly menacing.

Randi danced her long nails into Kelly’s armpits and Kelly stiffened.* She didn’t try to pull her arms down so Randi kept it up as beautifully luscious giggles oozed from Kelly’s lips.* They were parted and still swollen from their kiss. Randi almost kissed again but realized that Kelly needed to laugh freely for a while.

Kelly’s stomach began to quake.* Laughter bubbled out as Randi did just what made her gush while being tickled.* She added even more incentive by swiping her tongue over Kelly’s sweaty skin. Kelly didn’t stay still.* That was impossible. But she didn’t even try to pull her arms down and obviously could take this for a long time.* She was about to christen the couch though. Her butt began to bounce as the pressure built into agony.

Randi used a trick that drove her nuts.* She began licking Kelly’s navel as her fingers ran up and down Kelly’s quivering sides.* That did it. Kelly screamed to high heaven and pee gushed out of her by the gallon. The golden liquid splashed all the way to the arm of the couch.* Randi slowed the tickling as the flow slowed to a stop. Kelly was already exhausted. She was beyond thinking. Randi pulled her off the soaking couch and onto the floor.

Grabbing some towels from a nearby cabinet she cleaned the blonde as quickly as she could.* Kelly barely moved. And then Randi climbed between her legs and began to lick.

Kelly didn’t respond at all.* Even that little tickling session was more than she’d handled in years.* And after the massive orgasms she’d been through, the woman was out cold.* Randi didn’t mind. She settled in and began to clean her as a cat would her kittens.* The taste was delightful. The juice was drooling from Kelly’s lips nonstop. Randi tried things she wouldn’t have dared to minutes before.* She was as hot as Kelly was but not as far gone. She spread the woman wide with her fingers and dove her tongue deep. She used the lightest flicker on her clitoris and felt Kelly contract with glee.* Randi planned to stay there until Kelly woke up. Her tongue might get tired but she couldn’t get enough of the flavor. Sweet and tangy.

Time drew on slowly.* It felt like an hour before Kelly began to squirm in reaction.* Randi didn’t think she’d exploded again. But she did feel shivery contractions every few minutes.* Almost as if Kelly’s body was aware of more than her mind.

Randi’s tongue never tired.* The slow teasing sweeps weren’t hard to do.* They did cause powerful sensations to jet through Kelly’s loins.* A loud shivery moan came from Kelly as the sensations finally pulled her awake.

“Randi!!!!!* Please!!!!!!!!* Either stop or go faster!!!!* I can’t handle it anymore!!!!!”

Randi had been waiting for that.* She stopped licking but kept one finger slipping lightly across Kelly’s red hot clitoris.* The light teasing continued as Randi raised her head and smiled at the helpless blonde.

“You sound so desperate, sweetie.* You always told me you could handle it all.”

“I never knew you were this bad, beautiful.* My insides feel like they’re being twisted wrong side out.”

Kelly’s voice was shivery and weak.* The small contractions continued as Randi’s fingers slid into her and her thumb made its slow but powerful circuit.

Something in Randi’s tone made Kelly stop begging.* But the conversation kept going.

“HHHHHow long have you been into tickling, Randi?”

“Since I was seven, sexy girl.* Until lately I’ve always been on the receiving end.* A friend of mine has shown me just how much fun it is to do the tormenting.”

“Can you take it as well?* I’m about drained, you tease.”

“I take it every day.* My hubby is the one who started me and he’s never stopped.* As for your being drained, we’ve not yet begun to play.”

“Come on, gorgeous!!!!!!* Please!!!!! It feels like I don’t have a drop of liquid left in me!!!!”

Randi was having too much fun to let up on her for a while.* Kelly was so sensitive that any touch made her shiver with desire.* Randi had fantasized about this for so long. Of course, her fantasies always had her on the receiving end.* Kelly’s receptiveness to tickling had changed Randi for good. Randi watched Kelly’s expression as her thumb lightly circled.* Kelly’s eyes scrunched closed with each slow insertion. Randi’s fingers were burning from Kelly’s heat. In and out. Round and round.* The tempo would make Kelly’s climb powerful but agonizingly slow. Randi didn’t care. She had all night if she needed it.**

Randi let her thoughts drift to more tortures.* She knew if she went after the blonde’s feet Kelly would fight back.* She probably wouldn’t win. She was too weak for any real battle. Randi knew from experience that Kelly would be far more ticklish if unable to move.**

Finally her eyes saw what she needed.* Their office first aid kit was across the room.* It held a ton of gauze for wrapping injuries. Randi smiled with delight.* Kelly was in for it. Randi leaned down and again sucked her button into her mouth.* Kelly screamed and her explosion began almost immediately. Randi kept the suction going for a second and then jumped to her feet.* She rushed across the room and grabbed the kit. Kelly was trembling as if still being teased. Her eyes were closed and she obviously didn’t realize Randi had left her alone.

Randi tore the roll of gauze from inside the kit.* She turned Kelly a bit and wrapped each ankle with gauze and belayed them to each leg of the sofa.* Kelly was stretched wide and finally realized that Randi was making things worse for her. She threw her eyes open and sat up as well as she could.* Randi grabbed both wrists and wrapped them together with gauze. She pulled them tight and tied the loose end to a nearby table. Kelly was again helpless and knew it for the first time.* She strained at her bonds with all the strength she could muster.

Randi looked into her fearful eyes.* Kelly knew without being told that she was about to be tickled again.* And more than ever before.

“Want to know where the story goes?* You didn’t get to finish it. I’m sure you’re dying to hear what happens?”

“Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!* I can guess!!!!!!!! I can’t take it, Randi.* Please let me go!!!!!”

Randi grabbed a basting brush from the dish drainer.* It was last used for the office potluck but Randi always made sure it was squeaky clean.* She sometimes used it to tease herself while looking at her favorite pictures.

“I’ll bet you don’t have a clue.* I really need to tell you. Hush up while I’m talking.”

“Nooo.* Noo. Please.”

“Hush, hush, sweet Kelly.”

Randi traced each breast with the brush.* Kelly sucked in a long breath and kept it in.* She knew it was useless to beg any longer. She resigned herself to withstanding the torments Randi had in mind.

“Finally, a little peace and quiet.”

Randi gave each nipple a flick and then lay down next to Kelly’s helpless form.

Randi strolled the brush over Kelly’s body.* The bristles were soft but slightly stiff. Kelly found she could stay mostly still but certain areas caused her to jerk and shiver uncontrollably.* But she could stay silent.

“When we last left our intrepid explorer, she was watching the prisoner pee all over the place.* Her Amazon tormentor left her after she’d finished. The poor prisoner was soooooo horny. Almost as hot as you are.”

Randi punctuated that comment by flicking the brush along each trembling thigh.

“And the explorer is excited as well.* She doesn’t understand the last little torment.* She doesn’t understand making the prisoner gush and then leaving her shivering.* Then she sees where it led. Dozens of spiders, furry little critters, gather at the prisoner’s feet.* At first they just mill around in the grass. The prisoner’s eyes grow wide with fear. And she begins to scream laughter as they climb onto her trapped body.* The explorer finds it tremendously exciting.”

Randi swept the brush up and down Kelly’s pearly lips.* Randi’s low and sexy voice is taking her into the story.* And she’s more excited than ever.

“I see you and the explorer have things in common.* Can you feel the spiders, little one?”

Kelly let out a moan that shook the rafters.

Randi’s tone and tempo added caresses that Kelly couldn’t handle.* She could feel the spiders. They were dancing along her legs and in between each toe.

“The explorer is so intent on the prisoner’s dilemma.* She doesn’t see that she’s drawn more than a few spiders her way.* She’ll find out very soon.”

Randi crawls down to Kelly’s feet.* And begins to sweep the brush along one sole while her free hand tickles the other set of toes.* Kelly breaks into giggles but a moan warbles from her every few seconds.

“The prisoner is totally hidden.* So covered by spiders that none of her flesh can be seen.* Her laughter echoes through the forest. The explorer realizes that the only danger is the tickling.* She can tell from the laughter that the prisoner could die. Still the explorer feels no fear but tremendous excitement.”

“Just like you, Ms. Kelly.”

Randi’s position is perfect.* She’s sitting between Kelly’s legs and teasing both feet.* Her own toes wiggle against thighs and between them. Kelly’s heat is fantastic.

Kelly’s on the edge of insanity.* She knows the prisoner’s agony. The same spiders are on her.* She can’t see them but she can feel each furry leg.

“The explorer can’t take it.* She strips bare and begins to play with herself.* Her spiders take the cue. Her clothes had kept her liquid lust from being obvious.* Now her scent rolls into the nearby bushes. And the spiders attack.”

Randi slides her big toes into Kelly’s wetness.* She presses them in as deep as they’ll go. She continues wiggling the others against Kelly’s soaking and shivering thighs.

Randi feels Kelly arching towards another explosion.* Her giggles had grown to laughter once more but the toes were pushing buttons that Kelly would rather not have pushed.* The pleasure was huge and unstoppable.

“The explorer doesn’t realize the danger.* The prisoner had known it all along. The Amazons worshipped the spiders and often captured women from other tribes for a sacrifice.* The spiders loved wetness and warmth as any creature in the jungle did. The spiders would enter a woman and lay eggs there. The eggs would grow and cause tickles until they hatched.* When they hatched, thousands of spiders would explode and consume the host. Of course, the host died of laughter before they began to eat.”

Randi pressed her foot against Kelly as if stepping on the gas.* The brush and Randi’s fingers sped over her ticklish flesh and Kelly exploded again.* Harder, longer and more powerfully than before. Kelly passed out with the strength of it.* Her dreams were full of spiders.

Randi stopped with Kelly’s last tremor.* Kelly would sleep hard once again. And when she awoke, she’d be ravenous.* Randi planned to be ready. Time to let Kelly have some fun. Or at least control the fun she WAS having.

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Nice idea. Is that the only story to click on? or will there be more?
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