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What Scares You?


4th Level Orange Feather
Sep 15, 2001
What truly turns your blood to ice water?

This may take a few minutes, so please think aboot it.

Supernatural? Serial killers? Being buried alive? Tickling?!?:wow:

Moses wants to know...:)

For those of you so inclined to answer with such jibes as "The miniscule amount of money in my bank account", or, "The moderators of this forum," - Yes, thank you; we're all aware of such remarks.:p


Well. I'm afraid of lightening and needles. After seeing the mothman prophecies, I was afraid of the dark (which I'm over now), but I'm still afraid of mothmen.
Moses25 said:
What truly turns your blood to ice water?

This may take a few minutes, so please think aboot it.

Supernatural? Serial killers? Being buried alive? Tickling?!?:wow:

Moses wants to know...:)

For those of you so inclined to answer with such jibes as "The miniscule amount of money in my bank account", or, "The moderators of this forum," - Yes, thank you; we're all aware of such remarks.:p


All the above plus!:(
What scares you?;)
I'm not afraid of anything except being still, as odd as that sounds. The only time I'm ever afraid is when I think I'm not getting anywhere with my life, that scares the hell out of me. So bring on the snakes, the spiders, the serial killers, the storms...just don't give me nothing to do with my life!!!! :)
This may seem silly, but ever since I was little (I'm 20 now), I've been afraid of being abducted by aliens. See, I used to watch those shows like "Sightings", and then more recent shows like "Dark Skies", and to a lesser extend "The X-Files".

I suppose it isn't the aliens I would be afraid of, more what they would do. If I would be afraid of them directly, it would probably just be because of their appearance, and the fact that there is nothing I can do to stop them. I guess its also that I wouldn't have any control over the situation. Another obvious fear is being operated on, abused, or never being brought back to Earth. Then of course, they could always kill you and drop your body in a ditch in some field.

I believe in E.B.E s, but I feel that telivision and movies have greatly exagerated the aliens, and their motives. While its true theres good and evil amongst all of God's creations, and alien threats in the future are possible to some degree, its nothing to worry about.

I'm not afraid anymore personally about it. I stopped being afraid when I stopped watching those shows or they went off the air. But then, years later, the movie "Signs" came out, and because it was not all fancy and was more of a psychological movie, and it seemed more real then movies and shows that came before it, it made me think about the whole "alien invasion" thing again.

But then again, I also realize the chances of such a thing are almost impossible, or near it. I guess I'm more concerned about what would happen to my family, friends, and loved ones rather then what would happen to me. Whether that be aliens, terrorists, or otherwise.

- Damien
My fears, eh? I have many.

A fear of acceptance...

Of never doing anything truly worthwhile in my life...

Death (especially death by means of murder, drowning, plane crashes, or fire)...

Of something happening to my daughter...


Bees, wasps, and hornets...



Large meteors that could destroy the earth...

There are many others I am sure, if I really sit down and think about it, but those rank the most prominent in my mind. The world is a scary place, filled with all sorts of uncertainties.

A lot of what people are posting seem to be phobias. Do any of you feel there is a difference between a universal fear that anyone can share in, and a phobia? A phobia can be helped, but what about something thats not a phobia? Or, is everything a potential phobia?

- Damien
My most dreaded fear is to post in a thread about what my worst fears are.....Oh my god its happening.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
...wheres my medication........AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
Moses25 said:
What truly turns your blood to ice water?

Two words.

Camel Spiders.

Nasty fucking things. The closest example of pure, concentrated evil that I can find on this planet. My sister in law's father spent time doing medical trials in southeast Asia. During his stay there, he had treated several people who had overnight run-ins with those things. They're straight out of a horror movie.

On the bright side, after studying them, my fear of our pansy assed North American spiders has all but dissipated. Black widow?? Pssh, just put a band aid on the bite and squish the little bastard.
My biggest fear is being the first car at Railroad crossings...I always think the train is going to jump the tracks and smash into me!

Re: Re: What Scares You?

Oblesklk said:
Two words.

Camel Spiders.

Jeez Louise, mate, you weren't kidding! Nasty fuckers they are!
Here's my friend Katie's reaction to seeing one (although, personally, I'm more afraid of her reaction than the actual spider for some reason.) ;)

Like Mimi, I've got a bunch....

Let's see -

heights (well, really it's more a fear of falling from heights...lol.)

Lightning (especially if I'm outside!)

Spiders (although, now thanks to Oblesklk and Moses, more specifically camel spiders. And I thought tarantulas were nasty! Yuck!!)

Snakes (from gardner straight up through the ana conda.)

On a more personal note -

Of someone either abducting or molesting my daughter. I think that goes part and parcel with the whole mommy gig though. It's sad that parents have to think that way, but there are truly a lot of sickos out there. Oh, and you can add her getting any kind of terminal disease or life threatning illness too. It would be so much easier if they would just let us keep our kids in a bubble, don'tcha think?

Of walking outside at night alone. I guess that's really more a fear of being mugged or raped. I get out of work at midnight sometimes and that is on my mind every time I walk from my car to my house. Another tragedy of this f@*#ed up world we live in.

Of never finding the one thing in this world that lights me up from the inside and makes all my days worth living. Some people get to find that one thing and actually do it for a living....I've yet to discover what my one thing is yet (and tickling doesn't count! lol).

Of doing something in my life that I will regret.

That's it for now.....longer list than I would have originally suspected.

Oh yeah....one more....

Moses' friend Katie...I can't even tell you the nightmares I'm gonna have tonight! :scared:

Re: Re: What Scares You?

Oblesklk said:

Two words.

Camel Spiders.

Nasty fucking things.



but even scarier is........


The dreaded SPIDERBUNNY!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ Moses!!! Wheres that pic from?? some special version of THE RING??
Aw Obelisk, they're misunderstood.....

Desert camel spiders create ‘urban legends’
by Senior Airman Grace Hall
379th Expeditionary Medical Group Public Health

07/26/02 - OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (AFPN) -- Many people deployed for the war on terrorism have heard of the dreaded camel spider and how this monster-of-a-creature can viciously attack everything in its path. Stories even exist of camel spiders eating people’s flesh in the middle of the night without them noticing until they wake up.

Unfortunately, these “urban legends” are what most people believe. Few actually know what the camel spider is truly like.

The name “camel spider” is not entirely accurate. They are not exactly spiders; they are solifugids -- sort of a cross between a spider and a scorpion. They vary in size, between 1 to 6 inches, depending on the species, sex or age.

They do not spin webs and most types (more than 500 species) do not have venom. There is one species that may live in the Southwest Asia area that has a type of venom that causes temporary paralysis in the victim. All species have four pincer-like jaws used for crushing prey. The main risks presented by camel spider bites are shock or infection.
Despite their fearsome appearance and strong bite, camel spiders are unlikely to harm humans. Generally, they prefer to stay away from people. So, they are not likely to make a meal out of someone; however, if they are backed into a corner or feel threatened, they will aggressively fight back.

Although they only use three of their four pairs of legs for running, camel spiders are one of the fastest running arthropods and can reach speeds up to 10 mph. They rely on this speed to catch prey.

Oftentimes, people only catch a glimpse of the camel spider as it dashes across the desert floor in search of food. They feed on other spiders, scorpions, lizards, mice and some small birds. Once they have caught their prey, they use their crushing jaws to kill it.

Camel spiders are nocturnal predators coming out primarily at night in search of food. They are attracted to light and will appear most frequently on roads or paths. During the day, camel spiders spend most of their time hiding in burrows or under objects looking for shade.

When they do come out during the day, camel spiders avoid the heat by running from shadow to shadow, even if it belongs to a human. If a camel spider runs toward a person’s shadow and he or she tries to run away, the spider will chase the shadow. So, it appears to be chasing people when it is actually not.

If people see a camel spider, do not try to get rid of it themselves, said officials with 379th Expeditionary Medical Group public health section at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. The spider will move on its own; camel spiders do not spend much time in one place.

Chemicals such as bug sprays are not recommended as they most likely will do nothing but make the spider angry, said officials.

Officials also warn against trying to capture a camel spider to serve as a pet or mascot. Avoidance is the key.

The dreaded Spiderbunny!

Reports of the dreaded Spiderbunny are greatly exaggerated, and lead to the creation of urban legends. The Spiderbunny is actually a cross between a camel spider, a giant scorpian and a tick, is only 6 to 12 feet long, and will run at a person at speeds of up to 50mph in search of warmth. Any attempt to escape will only anger it.
Feel better? *smile*
ShiningIce said:
Jesus Christ Moses!!! Wheres that pic from?? some special version of THE RING??

Good call, Ice. It's a piece of footage that never made it into the movie. I dunno why...it's as freaky as Ray's leiderhosen collection.:rolleyes:

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