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Women who like to be tickled….Myth?

And where exactly did you stick The Golden Rule?

I'm pretty sure the real reason women here tend to lurk more than post is simply the same reason it happens at a lot of other forums. There are a lot of guys who send creepy private messages to women.

That tends to encourage women to avoid attracting attention or to sometimes avoid participating at all.

Anyone offended by the ads or certain stories is probably not a good fit for a fetish forum in general.

I haven't gotten creepy messages, but like a number of other women, some of whom have left, I've come across enough disturbing "true" stories & videos to realize there are more than enough active creeps on this site, along with the harmless.

Any of the above is enough to cause women - who innately share this interest - to seriously lose enthusiasm.

Anyone NOT offended or disturbed by what's convincingly billed as TRUE confessions/bragging or video evidence of criminal assault/real torture is undoubtedly not fit for ANY social gathering place.
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I haven't gotten creepy messages, but like a number of other women, some of whom have left, I've come across enough disturbing "true" stories & videos to realize there are more than enough active creeps on this site, along with the harmless.

Any of the above is enough to cause women - who innately share this interest - to seriously lose enthusiasm.

Anyone NOT offended or disturbed by what's convincingly billed as TRUE confessions/bragging or video evidence of criminal assault/real torture is undoubtedly not fit for ANY social gathering place.

Anything billed as "true" without the ability to confirm it should be taken with a grain of salt. Like it or not, stories are ultimately entertainment. If said entertainment is offensive to you, you don't have to read it.
Exactly, for whom it's just as strong and natural an interest.

But on fetish forums where there are bright red signs advertising REAL TORTURE, FORCED TICKLING, NO SAFEWORD
and plenty of misogynistic "true tales" and videos bragging about
what legally amounts to the kidnapping/unlawful restraint and assault/torture of girls & women,
REAL TORTURE, SHE HATED IT, SHE WAS CRYING, I TRICKED HER with loads of selfish creepers celebrating extreme misery

you can't blame them for just dropping in quietly, occasionally, to look for who or what they want to a very limited extent and not bothering further.
Sometimes being so turned off by the sadistic creeper element they disappear for years!

This just means they don't like tickling as men do since men would never complain about a forum of women having this kind of aggressive tickle fantasies about men (like tickling men tieing them up etc)

There are several levels to this, and "like" is a loaded word in this context. The level that I assume most fetishists prefer is women who are sexually turned on by tickling outright and/or even reach orgasm from it. A unicorn, in my experience. The next level down is someone who enjoys it merely as sensual foreplay before vanilla sex, but who does not look forward to it/crave it. The next level are those women who don't necessarily like it, but endure it as a pathway to vanilla sex. This one's interesting because over time, the woman theoretically could associate tickling with vanilla sex so strongly that she "crosses over' to a higher level. As others here noted, there are offshoots----those who simply are free spirits who want to experience all sensations/thrill-seekers etc. There are also those into B&D who may be turned on by tickling, but not tickling itself, but merely being dominated by tickling the way they would be dominated by other sensation play.

+1 on this, which captures my reaction. "Like" becomes complicated fast.

I'd add another category of women who are only slightly ticklish, but if they're with a guy they like, whom they know likes tickling, will exaggerate their reaction to turn him on or even just because they think the interaction is fun & flirty. If she stops liking him, her response will show no resemblance. How would we count her?

And another category of women who would not be up for a prolonged tickling, but very much enjoy a one or two poke scenario. I had a female roommate for several years who had a boyfriend the entire time we lived together (they're now married). We had this unspoken body language form of communication where I could tell when she was feeling flirty and happy, and on occasion I would give her a perfectly positioned, surprise thumb and middle finger pinch in the sides right above the hip bone, and she'd jump like a deer. It really did make her smile and feel good. But I'd have never tried tickling her intensely because I knew that would cross over into a different kind of experience for both of us that neither of us wanted. Nor did she ever try to tickle me back. I've heard countless women answer questions about past tickling experiences with references to tickling by ex's along the lines of "the problem was he did it too much." So how do you count the girls who really do think a little tickling is fun, but also think too much is awful?

So again, "do they like being tickled?" is complicated.
I've heard countless women answer questions about past tickling experiences with references to tickling by ex's along the lines of "the problem was he did it too much." So how do you count the girls who really do think a little tickling is fun, but also think too much is awful?
So again, "do they like being tickled?" is complicated.

I dunno...I guess you'd count them the same way folks who are into spanking would count women who like a little paddlin' now and then; but balk at the hardcore, turn their ass black and blue bit - it doesn't mean they don't like it, but too much can be too much, you know?
Not a myth but they are rare. I’ve dated a few that found it to be a huge turn on. Especially in erogenous zones. I have a few stories if some are interested

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How many in this community have run into women who enjoy to be tickled? In my personal experience, it’s like winning the lottery or being struck by lightning. Closet I’ve ever come is a girlfriend who tolerated it on occasion. Maybe Virginia is just not ripe with tickle lovers.

Love to hear how lucky others have been over the years, or if you were able to turn a woman to the dark side.

When I was younger, it seemed like a lot of girls in their teens and early 20's were into it, or at least open to it. Some were even lers.
Now that I'm an old fart, none of the women my age enjoy it at all, and most hate it.
I've never of any woman at any age who hated tickling, ever be successfully converted into a ticklefile. At best they might be able to tolerate it for a couple seconds, and even that's rare.
Great question! I've wondered this too, all my life. While growing up I only found a few girls who seemed to actually enjoy being tickled. For a few special moments (forever burned into my memory), they squealed and squirmed and we both had a blast. But I never got opportunities to see if it could lead to more. None of my early girlfriends were any fun to tickle. But love and relationships are complicated. Back then, that was not a deal breaker.

After my first marriage ended, I started dating again. Recognizing life is short, this time I was DETERMINED to find a cutie who was ticklish and at least didn't mind. And I ultimately succeeded! Happy to provide details if there is interest, but it leaves me with a few observations in response to the OP:

1) As others have said, most girls will laugh and giggle if they like you and the mood is right. Even if they're not aroused by it, tickling can be fun and you can have a good relationship with at least occasional tickling. And some women, who do not find it sexy, still allow it in the bedroom sometimes. Especially if you do other things for them.

2) "Turning" them is at least partially possible. I have helped two women find out they can be turned on by tickling. A complete surprise to each, but totally legit. We can make tickling sexy, and a vanilla girl can find out she likes it. One even found out she can orgasm repeatedly from tickling alone. That dreamgirl became my new wife and the love of my life. ;)

3) That said, I have never converted a vanilla girl into a ticklephile who actively seeks to be tickled. Alas! My wife can be sooo hot to tickle. A fantasy come true when the time is right. But the rest of the time? Nada. She doesn't invite tickling at all. Often won't even let me be playful for more than a few seconds. So women are complicated. (Duh. I know. But it's still confusing to guys.)

Finally, I think I do believe there are girls out there with the same burning desire to be tickled that I have to tickle. I just think they're incredibly rare and probably generally hide it, like most sexual fetishes. So I've either never met one, or didn't know it if I did.
I have been lucky enough to find women who truly liked to be tickled, and yes, they are a diamond in the coal pile and should be treated as such. Most of the time it was women who grew up alone, who werent abused as children by older brothers or sisters.
Alot of the young guys here are like puppies and will drive away any woman who comes here, the young guys chase them away with demands and boorish behavior.
Be patient and as refined as possible and realize it is worth the work to get to know someone and you will meet your ticklee.
I do think there are women who like to be tickled that never find places like this or feel they are wierd and try to push it to the back of their minds.
Just my .02
They are most definitely out there. I’ve experienced four such women in my life thus far. Two of which told me they were ticklish and asked to be tickled. My ex who I spent many years with who was totally vanilla but very graciously and ultimately enthusiastically indulged my want to tickle her and now the ultimate with Rachel who wasn’t into tickling before playing with me, but now has taken it to unbelievable levels while quite often taking the lead on our exploration of this wonderful fetish.
I've been very fortunate to have come across one girl who liked it. She was off the scale ticklish and was surprised when I told her a lot of girls don't like being tickled.
I'm /technically/ enby identifying, but still completely physically female. I fuckin love being tickled, but to me it's more like a cathartic stress relief and not a sexual thing. I'm also, stupid ticklish.
But, as other posters have said, it's difficult to remain enthusiastic when you don't actually know who you can trust to make to put helpless and then listen to you if you say your uncomfortable or you feel unsafe, especially when you don't know if your ler will respect your other limits or if they'll do whatever they want now that they have you tied up. Maybe even hurt you on purpose. But once I know I can trust someone I can open up my many layers of protection and enjoy it.
I've met a few. It's not the most common, even amongst the bdsm scene, but there are female tickle lovers out there.
Definatley not a myth. I have known various women who liked being tickled, some loved it. It depends on the person how much they can handle before it becomes too much. I guess that's why I love light gentle tickling so much
My ex loved it way more than any other woman, she had always liked it to an extent but I took it to a whole other level as she had never had someone want to tickle her so much before. She was very ticklish so again it was about finding out what she could take and kinda pushing her limits, but once I figured out what worked we discovered that she could orgasm just from being tickled in the right way
KT's take on this subject:


Orgasmic Feet. Scientific Analysis Needed.
This query is directed at those of us who have a good deal of knowledge about science, the human body, and/or psychology.

I have a fairly unusual condition.

In a few words, it's that I have somehow acquired the ability to have what I call "feetgasms". Orgasms caused solely (no pun intended) by tickling and other stimulation of the feet and with absolutely NO touching above the ankles.

I've discovered, by chatting to some of the ladies and gents of the TMF about it, that it is rare even among ticklephiles.

You may well ask why I'm even fussing about something that most here would deem a blessing, but I do have a tendency to hyper-analyze everything.

A bit of "medical" history:

I definitely did not always have this "condition". I first found out that I could climax without direct genital stimulation about 1 1/2 years ago. However, in all the instances where this occurred, there was quite a lot of activity surrounding it- tickling all over, kissing, play wrestling, spanking, etc etc, all leading up to the Sacred Act of Wuvs, so I was always in a fairly erotically charged state when it happened. It was therefore impossible to pinpoint the direct triggers.

About 6 weeks ago, Libertine and I were sitting on the sofa and he was giving me a footrub. Not a sexy footrub, just a nice relaxing one because my feet hurt. I was sprawling around in my kimono, and as I can recall, my Lady Bits were visible from where he was sitting.

At one point, he started rubbing a certain spot on my foot a bit more gently for no particular reason, and I found myself getting rather excited. It was the bit right below the ball of the foot, where the arch begins. He noticed that my little purrs of contentment had taken on a slightly different tone, and looked down at my Lady Bits.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" he asked.

"Doing what"? I murmured.

"It's twitching"

He continued stroking that spot on my foot, and examining my Nether Regions. To make a long story short, the twitching continued, and as one might expect when shown activity in that area, the predictable happened. Repeatedly. With NO stimulation aside from the bottoms of my feet. Until I implored him to take it to the next level, during which my feet got tickled some more.

But what finally wound up happening is neither here nor there. The point is that we had not initially been in a naughty mood (though I admit it's very easy to put me in one) and that nothing was done aside from foot rubbing, stroking, and tickling.

I must digress and mention that in my experience there are different types or orgasms- the clitoral, the G-spot one, and cervical, or a combination of 2 or 3of them. And the extreme G-spot one, which is rather messy. There's also the sort of full body one, from tickling or spanking or suchlike. The "feetgasms" seem different from all of the above. They don't involve the full body, and definitely do somehow involve the genitals. They don't totally wear me out the way the really deep combination ones do, and generally act as more of a prelude to a shag than a stand alone event, but there are times when feetgasms are all I need, depending on my mood.

So here's my scientific question: It's physically impossible for the feet and the bits to be connected, but in me they seem to have somehow become so.

I know there's a strong psychological element, because it wouldn't work if anyone but Libertine tried it, and it doesn't really work if I'm too tense.

So- any explanations for this? And has anyone else either witnessed this or experienced it?

Constructive input welcomed. And the rest of you, please keep both hands on the keyboard. This is meant to be serious.


Addendum: The lady in question who, for reasons best known to herself, married me a decade and a half ago. Yes, I'm very fortunate.

And I sincerely hope something like this happens for you, too.
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So here's my scientific question: It's physically impossible for the feet and the bits to be connected, but in me they seem to have somehow become so.

I know there's a strong psychological element, because it wouldn't work if anyone but Libertine tried it, and it doesn't really work if I'm too tense.

So- any explanations for this? And has anyone else either witnessed this or experienced it?

Actually there has been some research into this over the years, and a big part of it is related directly to how our nervous systems function.

With all the mixed tickling/forced orgasm clips of the past years one may have noticed a very common pattern. The Lee is very ticklish, and responds as one would expect to tickling, but as a vibe is applied and they become more and more sexually aroused, the tickling response seems to drop off in favor of the arousal one. In many cases you can see the lee being tickled as hard as before which made them hysterical with laughter, now not responding at all, but displaying near and orgasmic responses.

What's up with that? Based on what folks have figured out, the orgasm response and the tickling response share the same neural pathways in the body, and the body prioritizes one over the other for delivery. At a point in the physical arousal path, the body goes 'Okay the turned on stuff is now more important than the hysterical tickling response and flips the 'track switch' to orgasm. You may also note from these videos that after the lee orgasms they immediately begin responding to the tickling as strong or even stronger then before. The body has decided, okay we had our orgasm, back to letting the other nerve traffic through.

All this points out that the two responses (Tickling and Orgasmic) share the same network, and that network has mechanisms that can flip from one to another.

Then we add on top of it the psychological aspects of the lee, and whom they are with and the general situation they are in.

There is a very real 'crossed response' option that can happen. Meaning that tickling takes on aspects of the arousal path, and the arosual path can in turn take on more in the tickling paths traits (Not seen as often, but most common when a woman becomes ticklish to a vibrator that has just supplied an orgasm)

Women that can have the crossed response, can effectively get off on the tickling stimuli because it HAS become crossed in their nervous system. And you get your result. It works the other way also, I've met women that become hysterically ticklish on their clit and genitals when receiving a orgasmic aimed stimulation. Effectively rendering them hysterical rather than orgasming. Often these are the same women that can get off on being tickled. So they 'gain' on one side, and 'loose' on the other. There is a fair chance your will might evidence this.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Myriads for sharing that research explanation. Seems quite plausible. And I love making my wife switch between those reactions. ;)

Back to the OP, did you mean just women who like being tickled, distinct from those who can orgasm from it? While the latter are amazing, I'm still curious about the first group. Aside from fun playful tickling. Let's assume most girls enjoy that at the right time with the people, if it is not overdone.

But how many women clearly love being tickled? Wear tempting things and tease on purpose, maybe start tickle fights, or directly ask to be tickled? (That last seems rarest. I've yet to encounter it.) Let's hear from or about some!
What's with you people.

What do you mean, "you people"?

Anyway, in my experience most women hate to be tickled for more than a few seconds. They tolerate on occasion to be poked or something like that, but nothing more than that, and they are petty clear about that. They hate when someone lifts their foot in the air for some tickle time, or when you immobilize their hands so you can get their armpits for a good solid minute.

Personally I like to dig in hard when I do the deed, so if she hates it outright the relationship is pretty much done, leaving her confused as to what the hell happened.
It is not a myth, but it is rare. I recently met a girl who is turned on by tickling and not only as a foreplay but during the sex too. I have had a few amazing experiences with her, the best of which involved a very sensual evening that started with some bondage play and tickling and finished with a very hot sex session. At the end she told me the most amazing thing I have ever heard from a girl: " I finished 5 times... because of all the tickling!!!" A keeper right? ..

No myth....had a gf that regularly requested that I tickle her feet. It seemed to calm her.
Every woman I’ve ever had has been vanilla including my wife. I think when you’re honest about it and if she likes/loves you she’ll start by exploring and then it can turn into something you both enjoy. You just have to move at a pace she’s comfortable with.
Thinking about my personal experience asking friends to shoot tickle clips. Of those...

90% at least considered it. Of those...

80% were willing to try it. Of those...

95% enjoyed the experience. Of those...

70% were willing to get tickled again. Of those...

I'd guess 10-15% kept it in their "repertoire" with future friends and partners.
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