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The Barber's Pole Turns M/F


Jul 27, 2007
This is the first part of the story: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?307787-A-Little-Off-the-Bottom-Please-F-M

I must say, she was very professional about the whole thing. She went straight away and tucked my spent cock back into my pants, carefully closing the whole thing back up with the zipper. She then began to clean my crotch up with a moistened hand towel. I was still dazed and in a state of hyperventilation while she was doing this. She finished with a hair blower and the effect was as if nothing unusual had happened at all.

She smiled down at me. “I bet you want out of those cuffs now, don’t you.”

“The thought had crossed my mind” I replied.

I was fully recovered now and could communicate normally again. I was desperately thinking how I could turn the tables on her… with each second, I knew my chance was slipping away. I remember she blurted out “Ticklish bare foot..” By now I was finally free as the ankle cuffs opened. But I didn’t get up from the reclined position. Not just yet.

“Look at me” I said

“Ok…” She looked in my direction.

“No, I mean closer. I want to see your eyes.”

“My eyes? Why?”

As a request, it was harmless enough. So she complied. “What do you think you’re gonna see?” I could not help but grin as I saw the confirmation. She bent down and drew herself closer, just inches away from me. “Do I have something in my eye?”

“Well, not ‘in’ exactly…” I chuckled. “Helen, your pupils are dilated.”

“No their not…”

“Oh yes… they are. Go see for yourself.”

She picked up a hand mirror and looked closely. “So what did you expect? Yes… I have a tickle/foot fetish, so?”

“Oh Helen…” I began to move out of the chair. “I just can’t let you off that easily… I mean you were so close, weren’t you?” I walked toward her, and she walked backward, but our eyes remained locked in focus with each other. I knew I had to get her to look away first. “You know you want this…” Helen blinked as though she was coming out of some kind of hypnosis. She reached back to remove her right shoe. The shoe made a dull thud as it hit the wooden floor.

“Yes… please…” Her voice was soft in volume to my ear as I heard her left shoe mimicked the other one in the background. She got into the chair and took a lingering, deep breath as she closed her eyes. I quickly applied the ankle cuffs and watched as she then looked up at me, as I stood standing at her feet.. She had that look on her face, I knew that look well; 30% panic and 70% need. There was a necessity for a release, sexual or otherwise. It was as sexy as Hell to watch her bending to my will. I placed myself onto the swivel chair and lowered it so that her helpless feet would be at my eye level.

I laughed casually. “Nice socks… I suppose they would have to be huh… you know, standing on your feet all day.”

“Um.. you know on second thought… I think I’m good for now… you really don’t have to…”

“We aren’t getting cold feet now, are we? Certainly not with socks such as these surely.” I laughed again at my clever banter.

“I certainly DON’T have cold feet… hehe… I’m not sure I can handle this is all…”

I didn’t even let her finish as I began to slowly tug on the toe of both socks, gently pulling them off. I placed two fingers against the bottoms of her bare feet. “No, I wouldn’t say these were cold.” I arched my fingers and began to lightly stroke my fingertips against the supple, smooth skin. She giggled and clamped her hand over her mouth with mocked surprise.

“Oh, boy are you in trouble little lady!”

“Hehehe… ya…. I… hehe… guess so!”

I deliberately glided my fingertips over her sensitively ticklish skin, relishing in the smoothness of her pampered complexion. It felt so smooth and warm to the touch. I could tell she was quickly losing control as she fought in vain to stave off the ticklish sensation. Helen began to involuntarily flex her confined feet with all her might. But this reaction made no difference. I kept the light contact steady and even as I began to poke my fingertips into her clenched toes.

“HAHAHA… no.. hahaha! PLEASSSS… HAHAHA!!!

“Laugh if you want me to continue, won’t you?” Haha…

“WHA - HA HA HA… you’re so MEAN HAHA!”

“Not any meaner than you were to me…” I laughed again as I reached for a “fresh” feather off the nearby table. I held it up, so she could see. It was about an inch wide and 6 inches long with an iridescent green color. I rotated the vane by holding it by the quill and rolling it betwixt my thumb and forefinger. I looked in to her eyes again. Definitely some dilation there!

“No… please. This was all a misunderstanding. I’m too sensitive on my feet. You can’t.” Her sentence trailed off into a whimper.

“Aww… that’s so amusing, and just too bad! Besides, I’ve been in this shop several times and I always wanted to give you a ticklgasm.” I placed the tip of the feather just under her toes. “Today is you lucky day!”

“NOOOO!!! Please I’ll do anything you want! Just don’t…”

I moved the feather’s tip right down the center of her bare right foot. The shaft bent ever so slightly against the light pressure applied.

“… tickle my… hehe… feet!”

Helen grabbed the armrests of the chair and exerted a death-like grip, making her fingertips turn flush.


I moved the feather up and down, up and down… crisscross back and forth. The barbs of the feather lightly creasing with each ticklish pass.

“NO,” I was practically yelling over her hysterical guffaw. “YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR TOES BACK!”


I quickly reached in with my palm and folded her toes back with the side of my hand. I slipped the tip of the feather under her splayed toes, working the feather’s tip like a marimba player, running scales up and down the instrument that was her bare feet and spread-out toes.


I kept this up until I had discovered most of the ticklish areas on the bottom of her foot. Then I switched feet… and for her, it was like starting the tickling all over again. It was like reaching into a sack of treasure, only to find new items lurking within. She was growing quite hysterical by this time and anything I did didn’t seem to matter very much. The effect was devastating all the same. So I let her take a breather. It took some time for Helen to finally settle down.

“Hahaha… ah.. damn… hehe…yeah, you can let me up now.”

She looked over at me with moist eyes. It was then that I had noticed a familiar confinement within my underwear. Yeah, I was a tickle switch alright and this served as a gentle reminder from my libido. I am quite sure that I was blushing at this point. Then she glanced down at my crotch. We both smiled at each other. There was really nothing to say. I looked around the room, trying to find something to break the tension. I came across this:


“What is this?” I asked.

Helen smiled up at me as though she liked where this was going.

“It’s a professional massager. We use that on the neck mostly. It’s quite effective actually.”

Several dirty ideas filled my head instantly as I felt a small twinge in my pants which served as validation to my intention.

I laughed. “Could I borrow this then?” The question was but a mere formality. Oh, I was definitely gonna play with this!

She didn’t say a word, but nodded in the affirmative, her demeanor had a mixture of naughtiness thrown in for good measure. I slipped my right hand into the apparatus and plugged the log extension cord into the nearest electrical socket I could find…The thing was heavy to hold… substantial, as it rested just above my hand. Yet, I could still use my fingers. I flexed them to test. I was almost afraid to turn the devilish thing on, it looked so formidable. I reached around at the back and found the toggle switch. I flicked it to the ‘on’ position. It clicked with a satisfyingly positive feel and immediately, my whole hand began to vibrate, and rather harshly I might add. I looked down at my hand and its’ silhouette looked like a blur. The vibration made my hand move, I’m guessing about a quarter of an inch in all directions.

“WOW!” I’m not sure I was thinking this, or I had actually said this out loud. This was too powerful a tickle weapon not to be put to good use! I flicked the switch again and took it off, which I’m sure puzzled her very much.

“Aren’t you gonna?” She paused, “use that?”

“Not quite yet.” I began to frantically look around the room. There were several hand towels in various sizes. I grabbed the one that I thought would best serve my needs.

“Put your hands behind your head please.” She did this without a moments hesitation. I then quickly brought her wrists together, with her hands pointing in opposite directions behind her head. I wrapped the towel around her wrists, and finally tied it all off very tightly. I took a step back and admired my handiwork. No, that isn’t quite enough. I need more access, I thought to myself. I reached in and began to unbutton the row of buttons on her blouse. She wiggled within the confines of the chair.

“Hey! What gives?” It was a feeble statement for her to make, but I’m sure she felt she needed to make it all the same.

“Just scoping out the lay of the land my dear. Nothing to worry about… I’m sure you’ll be thrilled by the outcome.” I had to laugh at myself. Now, having finished with the buttons, I gently pulled the folds of her blouse open. It was quite spectacular. Her wonderfully lacy, push up bra fitted her nicely around her ample breasts. The effect of which, formed a rather well defined cleavage. And this was still achieved with her hands behind her head! My mouth became dry instantly and I could feel my heart rising up in my chest.

I quickly forced myself out of the lustful stupor and slipped the hand vibrator back on. I picked up a long, narrow feather with the strapped hand; clicked the switch back on and watched as the feather instantly became a blur in my vibrating hand.

“Oh no… hehe… please…”

She was giggling already, and just over the mere suggestion of what was inevitably to follow.

“Awww… don’t you want this?” I waved the fuzzy feather threateningly in front of her chest.

“Hee hee… no… um… haha.” Her face instantly became blush.

“Don’t you just love it when you can’t hide what you REALLY want?” I laughed. “You know what I mean?” I placed the trembling tip of the feather over her cleavage and let it linger there, slowly moving it across its entire length. I could tell that she couldn’t decide whether to laugh or moan. The conflict was priceless.

“Hahaha… Mmm.. no.. please…ah… mmm.”

“Aww… can’t we make up our minds?” I smiled down at her. “You want me to stop then?”

I could tell she was savoring the contradictory sensation, as she was just barely able to reply.

“Oh god no…hehe… Mmmm…”

My felt my cock within my boxers, suddenly shift beyond the normal parameters. I couldn’t tell who was enjoying this more, her or me. I coaxed the quivering tip just outside the edge of her bra, over her roundness up top. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. I watched as her breasts began to heave against the brassiere and feather. I was so turned on by this gentle change in her demeanor that I wasn’t sure what to do next.

“Mmmm… hehe… I can’t take…ah.. hehe… take my bra…Mmmm… off… please…”

I glanced down at her clenched fists and suddenly remembered that, just moments ago, I was in a similar situation when she was pleasuring me. Of course, being the gentleman that I am, I naturally had to reciprocate. I found some scissors on a nearby table. This was scarcely odd of course, because I mean, I was in a barber shop after all! So I quickly went to work, carefully cutting away all the fabric from her torso and tossing the now ruined bits aside. I was such in a hurry to do this, that I had quite forgotten to turn the hand vibrator off! I stepped back and looked at her just like an artist who had just completed a female marble bust. She was magnificent! Her arms behind her head; showing off pristinely concave arm pits; her fair complected skin which contrasted nicely with her large, moderately puffy, rosy areola; and centered within, well formed, erect nipples… aching to be feathered and tormented. I could have come in my pants right there and wondered now, how I was going to keep myself from doing just that.

She opened her eyes and looked straight into mine.

“Tickle me…”

No argument here, I thought to myself as I approached her helpless form.

“Tickle me to… orgasm.”

“Now’s there’s a thought!” I laughed.

I placed the buzzing feather under her bare breasts and gently pulled the length across her undersides. She giggled and cooed like a contented Lee… around the sides… more giggling and squirming. Over the tops and in-between her large separated breasts. The laughter she was trying to hold in up to this time, now fell like an intricate stack of playing cards all over the table.

“Hahahaha… shit!! It tickles! HAHAHA!!!”

I made round passes beyond her areola … tracing her shape with each ticklish revolution, making the invisible touch, smaller and smaller until the feather was now tickling the sides of her nipples.

“WHA- HAHAHA!!! FUCK!!! HAHAHAHA…MMMmmmm… god!! AHH hahaha…”
I pressed the relentless vibrating tip against her nipples and lingered there until she was as hard as a pencil tip eraser. Then I followed the same procedure on the other breast, starting on the outside, and working my way back in towards the erect center.


I could swear that I felt a drop forming of my now, fully erect cock. I had to break this, and soon.

“Oh, I would say that you’re are having WAY too much fun right now… aren’t we.”

I pulled the feather away and turned off the machine. She had started to heave with hitched laughter and I let her come back from the precipice naturally.

“Are those toes still ticklish maybe?” I winked at her as she shot a horrified look of panic at me. “You know, we haven’t tried the tool down there yet.”

I walked around next to her side and placed a vibrating index finger in the hallow of her exposed arm pit. She yipped and pulled back and much as her raised arms would allow. Then I did the same thing with the other arm. She giggled again and tried to get away. This went back and forth in rapid succession for several seconds. Obviously, this was her only ploy and wasn’t very effective at all. I was however, content to keep up the tickle attack as long as she was willing to feign success. The whole thing was comical in of itself. It was like having a chess piece constantly in ‘check’. There comes a time when…

I grouped the fingers of the vibrating hand and began to wiggle my agitating digits into her pits. The ‘game’ was over…


As soon as there was any sign of the lack of sensitivity, I merely switched arms. I kept her in this excited state for quite some time. I was only able to talk to her above the roaring laughter when she had gradually slipped towards silent laughter. At that point I stopped tickling her and let her once again, recover naturally. She looked close to being ruined.

“And here I was thinking that you were going to have a ticklegasm for me.”

She was pretty much used up by this time and I could see that what she needed was a proper… conditioning. She said nothing but gave me the look of exhausted need. If such a thing actually existed anyway. It would take very little to push her over the edge, but I could see clearly that it needed to be something of a more… direct nature.

I reached over and took her belt off…

“What are you…”

Unbuttoned the button on her jeans…

“That’s ok… you really don’t have to, I mean…”

Unzipped her fly.

“I’ve never… in front of…”

Tugged on the bottom cuffs and tossed her jeans over my shoulder.

“anyone. I’m so embarrassed!”

Very nice lace panties to match her recently discarded, many piece bra. Upon further inspection, the crotch area was wet… very wet. I creatively fashioned the panties in as many pieces as her brassiere once was with the scissors and tossed these aside as well.

I must say that I was equally, if not more impressed with her Mons pubis as I was with her bare breasts. She was very cleanly shaven. There was a distinctive hoof shaped darker, puffy area that glistened with her excitement. In between this was her even wetter labia minora, which was poking out through her outer lips. At the top, you could just see her wet clitoral hood, thrusting forward. It was almost too much for me to keep my wits about me. I’m sure that if I had whipped out my fully erect cock right now, she would have an equally detailed list of attributes to gloat over as well.

“Aww… what have we here? Is SOMEBODY jealous?…” I had to laugh to keep my mind in proper focus. I shifted my legs back and forth, trying to give my throbbing cock some more room within my boxers. I bent down and brought my face in between her legs. Close and closer… I blew a thin steady stream of air against her wetness…


“There is just too much wetness here young lady, and we must feather it away!”

The professional vibrator was still on as I picked up a fresh feather, the point of which was extremely fine and wiggled with the virtuosity of an electric toothbrush, but this was many, many times softer to the touch. I placed it against the base of her vulva and kept the contract steady as the buzzing tip, crept up towards her clitoris. Making little passes to the sides, over intricate glistening folds… She involuntarily tensed up and giggled…


The quivering tip, just perceptible to the touch because of its violent motion, teased and tickled towards the clitoral hood… She could hear the pounding in her ears as her sex organs begin to rhythmically throb and tighten against the supple tormentor.


The blur of the finest barbs at the tip, stimulating and tickling her clitoris, the most intimate part of her entire body… Unrelenting.


“Don’t you dare wreck my feather!”

It was like her body had a mind of its own and was being defiant about the whole matter. ‘I’ll come on your fucking feather if I want to!' The orgasm took her over her body completely as the tip of the buzzing feather remained in constant contact with her pleasure center. Inanimate, but moving. Unfeeling but causing euphoria. The strong contractions buffeting against the lightest tormenting tickle. She rode the orgasm to its end and was panting like racehorse afterward. It took some time to properly recover between the moans and giggles.

“Well, I would have to say… that makes us even huh.” I laughed.

She could only giggle and nod.

“Same time in two months then?”
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Really well done. Very hot story. I'm sure these two are going to have a lot of fun on future escapades based on this.
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