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A ticklish detective: The Indigo Ruby (commissioned, f/m, and really quite explicit)


Registered User
Apr 9, 2023
Note: introducing a mystery within the mansions of a 1920's millionaire... a commission finished for a lovely client who loves furs and tickling...
This was actually new to me: I wasn't familiar with fur fetish, though of course the tickling comes more naturally. I found it wonderfully interesting, and potentially sexy. Also, I had always wanted to give you guys I nice 1920's detective story, in a weird setting; dimly lit mansions, strange guests at smoky parties... So I went for it, and found that fur... well, let's just say it can be quite ticklish!

And hey, you know, it gets quite explicit... so take your hat off and take care ;)

I do hope you find it entertaining :*

The Story:

In the fading light of the gloomy sunset, the sprawling mansion loomed, its grandeur and shadows intertwined. Thomas, collar turned up against the persistent drizzle, strode along the cobblestone path with his trusty companion, Brent, at his side. Wisps of smoke from their cigars mingled with the mist as they exchanged hushed words.

"Seems like we're getting closer, Brent," Thomas mused, his hazel eyes flickering with a mix of determination and weariness. "Miss Molly Darcy... she really can't hide her secrets forever; and the thief if the Indigo Ruby is close. I can feel it. But there are still a couple of knots to untie."

Brent nodded, his features etched with concern. "Aye, Thomas, but remember, there's more to this gathering than meets the eye. These so-called 'guests' are a motley crew, each with their own agendas and shadows they're trying to shake off."

Thomas exhaled a cloud of smoke, his brow furrowing as he gazed at the mansion's imposing façade. "What are you hinting at, Brent? We've been sifting through these characters for days."

Brent's eyes bore into Thomas, his voice carrying an air of solemnity. "I've been attending to my fair share of wounds in this line of work, and not all scars are visible, lad. These folks might not all be criminals, but they're cut from a different cloth. Dangerous in their own right."

Thomas clenched his cigar between his teeth, brows knitting together as he considered Brent's words. "Dangerous how? Are we talking about hidden motives or something more sinister?"

Brent's lips curved in a rueful smile. "I've seen the quiet ones unleash storms, and the seemingly friendly ones turn out to have the sharpest knives. Trust me, Thomas, watch your back. We're diving into a snake pit, and you're about to uncover their secrets. Not all will be pleased."

As they reached a stone bench overlooking the mansion's garden, Thomas leaned against it, the glow of his cigarette casting shadows across his face. "I'm not about to back down now, Brent. The Indigo Ruby is somewhere in there, and I'm close to unraveling the mystery."

Brent's eyes flicked towards the mansion, his expression one of both admiration and concern. "You've got a fire in you, Thomas, and it's what makes you an extraordinary investigator. Just remember, fire can burn, and sometimes, those sparks can ignite more than you expect."

Thomas's jaw set as he crushed his cigar into a bush, his voice determined. "I'll tread carefully, Brent, but I won't stop until the truth sees the light of day. Miss Molly Darcy won't elude justice any longer, even if she was stolen that jem... God knows where she took it from, anyway."

Brent nodded, his gaze fixed on the mansion's windows now aglow with the warm light of chandeliers. "Then let's hope your determination doesn't lead you into a situation you can't handle. These mansion walls hold more than just secrets, Thomas."


Thomas's journey into the enigma of the Indigo Ruby had begun weeks earlier, when a delicate envelope arrived at his office, its paper of the finest quality. Within, a letter penned with eloquence requested his presence at the Darcy Mansion. The sender, Miss Molly Darcy herself, entreated his expertise to recover the fabled Indigo Ruby, a gem of rare beauty and storied history, stolen from her family's possession.

The invitation was a labyrinthine web of intrigue. Miss Darcy, a woman of elegance and mystique, had orchestrated a grand two-week party within her sprawling mansion's opulent halls. A hundred guests were invited, each with their own secrets and, potentially, the Indigo Ruby in their midst. Her aim was twofold: to unveil the thief under her roof and to reclaim the precious gem that had adorned her family for generations.

As Thomas walked the mansion's halls, his presence concealed beneath the facade of an unassuming guest, he observed the eclectic gathering. Society's upper crust mingled, and Thomas deftly navigated the social intricacies, probing for connections and deciphering unspoken narratives. Amidst the chandeliers and clinking glasses, he found himself drawn to Brent, a fellow intellectual who seemed to possess a unique perspective on the attendees.

Their conversations were laden with coded words and shared glances, as if each phrase held a layer of meaning. Brent, too, was an investigator of sorts, a medic skilled in tending to the visible and invisible wounds of the mansion's inhabitants. Their camaraderie formed a covert alliance, two minds attuned to the subtleties beneath the glittering facade of the grand party.


The grand banquet hall was alive with the soft glow of candlelight and the murmur of a hundred conversations. The air was thick with elegance, and the guests, resplendent in their finery, reveled in the opulent surroundings. At a corner table, bathed in the hall's dim light, sat Thomas and Brent, joined by four other guests.

Thomas, mid-twenties and handsome in an unassuming manner, engaged in conversation with Brent, his companion seated beside him. Brent, dark-skinned and broad-shouldered, was a man of few words but keen insight, his every observation holding weight.

Seated across from them was the noble from France, Count Julien de Beaumont, whose impeccably groomed appearance belied a hint of entitlement. His polite manners were offset by a subtle arrogance that clung to his words like a shadow.

Beside the Count, a lady with dashing green eyes exuded a magnetic charm. Her grace was matched only by her enigmatic aura, as if secrets danced just beneath the surface of her carefully chosen words.

Yet, it was Lilith who captured the room's attention. Brown-haired, with piercing blue eyes and long red nails, she embodied an air of both allure and danger. Her black night dress clung to her form, high heels accentuating her poise. The pièce de résistance was the enormous silver double-sided fox fur stole draped across her shoulders, named Lilith as well, an emblem of extravagance and audacity.

As the meal commenced, the clinking of cutlery against plates resonated within the hall. Thomas observed his companions, his eyes flickering between each of them, a skill he'd honed in his role as an investigator.

"So, Thomas," Lilith's voice purred, her gaze fixed on him, "are you uncovering any hidden gems in this sea of masks and finery?"

Thomas met her gaze, an air of caution in his expression. "One could hope, Miss Lilith. Secrets have a way of revealing themselves when the stakes are high."

Brent's eyes remained focused on his plate, a flicker of amusement in his gaze as he recognized the dance of words between the two.

Count Julien leaned back, a glass of wine in hand. "Ah, but secrets can be as delightful as a stolen kiss, don't you agree?" His accent heavy.

The lady with the green eyes chimed in, her voice like silk. "Some secrets, my dear Count, are better left untouched, like precious artifacts in a hidden chamber."

Lilith's lips curved into a sly smile. "And then there are secrets that entwine with desires, much like the hidden allure of a stolen jewel."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "You seem to speak of secrets as if you've had a taste of their forbidden fruit."

Lilith's laughter rang, like a melody woven with threads of intrigue. "Oh, haven't we all, Detective? Life is a dance of shadows and revelations. Some of us just have more graceful partners."

As the meal progressed, Lilith's heeled foot grazed Thomas's leg under the table, a gesture veiled in implication. He met her gaze, a challenge reflected in his eyes. The tension between them was palpable, a silent duel of wits in the midst of the grandeur. She knew something, that was for sure.


The bluish light cast an ethereal glow over the dimly lit dance room, its corners shrouded in shadows that seemed to whisper secrets to those who dared to listen. Among the guests, some swayed to the soft melodies, their laughter and clinking glasses a symphony of revelry. Thomas leaned against a wall, his cigar glowing in the darkness, watching as the dance unfolded.

Then, like a shadow in the mist, Lilith appeared at his side. Her beauty was undeniable, her presence a blend of allure and danger. Her blue eyes held a glint of mischief as they met Thomas's, and her smile seemed to hold secrets untold.

"Enjoying the festivities, Detective?" Lilith's voice was a purr, a melody that danced through the air.

Thomas took a drag from his cigar, his gaze steady in front of him, towards the opposite wall, absentminded. "Festivities, Miss Lilith, are merely a cover for egotistic negotatiations, and frustrated desires."

She chuckled softly, her movements as graceful as the dance itself. "You're quite the enigma, aren't you? I've heard whispers that you're here to unravel a... mystery... of the Indigo Ruby, perhaps?"

He blew out a plume of smoke, his tone measured. But his surprise was evident. His eyes swiveled quickly to her striking face. "Whispers can be deceiving. Perhaps you have your own sources of information, though."

Lilith's eyes held his, a flicker of amusement dancing within them. "Oh, I have a knack for uncovering truths, Detective. You'd be surprised at the things people confide in the darkness."

He studied her for a moment, a hint of skepticism in his gaze. "Is this your way of confessing, then?"

She laughed, the sound like a melody with a dark undertone. "Confessing, Detective? My dear, surely you must know by now that I'm not your thief. You're a capable investigator, after all."

He leaned in, a playful glint in his eye. "But that doesn't mean you're innocent of other things."

Lilith's lips curved into a smirk. "Guilty pleasures, perhaps?"

His response was a low chuckle. "Or perhaps not-so-guilty ones."

Their banter was a dance of its own, a duet of words laced with tension and intrigue. Lilith's allure was undeniable, her beauty a weapon she wielded effortlessly.

"Why do you want to know, Miss Lilith?" Thomas finally asked, his gaze unwavering.

She leaned closer, her voice a seductive whisper. "Let's just say I have my own reasons. Some mysteries are worth unraveling, even if they're not your own."

Thomas studied her for a moment, the weight of their conversation hanging between them. Then, with a slow shake of his head, he replied, "I'm not in the habit of sharing sensitive information with strangers, no matter how enchanting they may be."

Lilith's smile was both playful and menacing. "Ah, Detective, you underestimate the power of persuasion."

He met her challenge with a grin, a spark of defiance in his eyes. "And you, Miss Lilith, underestimate my stubbornness."

"I'll give you a piece of advice, Detective," Lilith's voice lowered to a dangerous whisper. "Give me the information before the night is up. You wouldn't want to discover the lengths to which I can go when I'm determined."

Thomas's jaw tightened, his gaze unyielding. "Threats won't sway me, Miss Lilith. If you have your own agenda, you'll have to find your answers elsewhere."

"You're testing the limits of your own resolve, Detective," Lilith murmured, her tone laced with a hint of steel. "But I must warn you, even the stubbornest of minds can be bent."

Thomas remembered Brent's words from earlier theat evening. Dangerous folk no doubt. Maybe he should watch his back a bit more closely...

Unexpectedly, he extended his hand towards her. "Care to dance?"

Lilith's laughter tinkled like a hidden waterfall, her surprise evident. "A dance amidst our... verbal sparring? How... you are quite the gentleman, Thomas."

Thomas's smile held a touch of recklessness. "Sometimes, Miss Lilith, the dance can reveal more than words ever could."

She hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his, and as they swayed to the distant music, their steps a rhythm of their own making.


As Thomas made his way through the dimly lit corridor towards his room, a current of anticipation mixed with unease coursed through him. He could feel the weight of his investigation pressing on him, the mystery hanging over him like a storm cloud. His steps were cautious, each one a measured decision, his senses heightened by the whispers of secrets in the air.

Just as he reached his door, a presence seemed to materialize out of the shadows. There stood Lilith, her alluring figure bathed in the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the window. She leaned against the door frame, her fur stole draped over one arm, a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, Detective, returning to your sanctuary, I see?" Her voice was a sultry purr, her blue eyes dancing with mischief.

Thomas's guard went up instantly, but he couldn't deny the magnetic pull of her presence. "Miss Lilith, what are you doing here?"

She approached him with a slow, deliberate step, the fur of her stole brushing against the wooden floor. With a coy smile, she lifted one end of the stole and gently brushed it against his chin, a playful tickle that sent shivers down his spine. "Just thought I'd check up on our tenacious investigator. Make sure he's not losing his way in this labyrinth of secrets."

He tensed, both from the sensation of the fur against his skin and the proximity of her allure. "I assure you, I'm quite capable of finding my way."

Lilith's eyes glinted, and she leaned in closer, her lips just inches from his ear. "Oh, I don't doubt that, Detective. But wouldn't it be more civil to discuss our... mutual interests behind closed doors?"

Thomas's jaw tightened, his resolve tested by her persuasive charm. "I'm not sure I trust your definition of 'civil,' Miss Lilith."

She chuckled, her breath warm against his ear as she let the stole trail along the curve of his neck. "You wound me, Detective. We had such a lovely dance earlier, didn't we? I found our chemistry quite... intriguing."

He swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. "That was just a dance, Miss Lilith."

Lilith's hand slid from the fur stole to rest on his shoulder, her touch a mix of feathery lightness and undeniable presence. "Was it, now? I must admit, I rather enjoyed the way we moved together."

Her proximity was intoxicating, her words playing on the edge of his resistance. "This isn't the time or the place, Miss Lilith."

Her lips brushed against his earlobe, her tone teasing and tempting. "And when would be a better time, Detective? When the night is shrouded in secrets and possibilities?"

The allure of her words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, his resolve wavered. Her fingers traced a tantalizing path up his neck, and his breath caught. "No."

She smiled, a mixture of disappointment and satisfaction in her gaze. "Stubborn to the end, aren't you?"

But then, as if surrendering to some unspoken understanding, Thomas's hand moved to the door lock. He hesitated for a fraction of a second before turning it, unlocking the door into his room. The silence between them seemed to stretch into infinity before Lilith's lips met his in a kiss that was both passionate and filled with the weight of their shared secrets.

As they entered the room, the door closed behind them, sealing their fates in the shadows of the night.


as if he were kissing a creature both beautiful and savagely covered in soft wild fur.

In the hushed embrace of the moonlit room, Thomas and Lilith's desires converged in a dance of shadows and longing. The soft fur of her stole enveloped them both, as if nature itself had woven its mysteries around them;as if he were kissing a creature both beautiful and savagely covered in soft wild fur. Their lips met in a kiss that ignited both fire and uncertainty, their breaths mingling in the darkness.

Lilith's voice, a sultry whisper, broke the silence. "You are a courageous young man, Thomas, inviting a woman like me into your solitude."

His heart raced, his senses tingling as her hands explored beneath his shirt, her fingers tracing paths of heat against his skin. "Perhaps I have a fondness for danger."

With a graceful movement, he locked the door behind them, sealing away the outside world. His hands found her hips, the curve of her behind, and he felt her shiver against his touch. The tension between them was a palpable force, a dance of vulnerability and desire.

Lilith's lips brushed his earlobe, her breath hot against his skin. "You're playing with fire, Detective."

He responded with a bold grin, his fingers teasing the edges of her dress. "And what if I don't mind getting burned?"

Her laughter was a throaty melody as she leaned in to kiss him once more, her teeth grazing his lower lip playfully. "Such bravado."

The atmosphere shifted, becoming more intimate, and Lilith's fingers trailed lower, her touch igniting sparks along his flesh. Suddenly, her fingers danced along his ribs, her touch light and teasing. Thomas's laughter burst forth in an unguarded moment of vulnerability, a symphony of giggles that echoed in the moonlit room.

"Stop," he managed between fits of laughter, his body squirming in her grasp.

Lilith's eyes danced with mischief as she continued her ministrations. "Ticklish, are we?"

Thomas's voice was breathless as he tried to regain composure. "I never said I wasn't."

Lilith's raised eyebrow was a challenge, her fingers still tracing patterns over his ribs. "Oh, I see. A man of many secrets, including ticklish ones."

He met her gaze with mock indignation. "You'll pay for this, Lilith."

Her smile was both seductive and wicked as her fingers finally relented, and her lips found his once more. "Perhaps you'll have to find a way to make me."


As their kisses trailed from lips to skin, a current of desire surged between Thomas and Lilith. The moon's gentle light seemed to caress their forms, the room a sanctuary for secrets and stolen moments.

Lilith's breath hitched as his lips met the delicate curve of her neck, and her fingers tangled in his hair. Her voice, soft and beguiling, pierced the air. "Tell me, Thomas, have you reconsidered my advice? Sharing could be quite... rewarding."

His lips brushed her skin as a low chuckle escaped him. "Your allure is undeniable, Lilith. But you won't unravel my secrets just with beauty, no matter how tempting."

Lilith's laughter was like a whispered promise, a soft melody of intent. Her fingers danced along his ribs once more, her touch deliberate and playful. The sudden burst of laughter that followed was involuntary, Thomas's body reacting to the ticklish sensations.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, his body jumping at her touch.

Lilith's eyes danced with mischief as she held her position, her gaze locking onto his. "Perhaps," she mused, her voice low, "I've found a method of persuasion after all."

Her fingers trailed lower, and then, with a gentle but swift motion, her hand slipped towards the waistband of his pants. The teasing glint in her eyes held a promise as her fingers brushed his skin.

Thomas's breath caught, a mixture of desire and amusement swirling within him. "And what method might that be?"

Lilith's fingers continued their journey, and her touch was both tantalizing and maddeningly light. "Well," she purred, "I think I will torture you, detective. I told you I was dangerous. "

His body reacted to her touch, a soft gasp escaping his lips. Lilith's fingers grazed his skin in a delicate dance, her lips following the path her fingers traced, kisses blending with sensations.

He was torn between laughter and a moan, the sensations intertwining as her teasing escalated. "Lilith..."

She leaned in, her lips brushing his ear as her fingers found their way to the most sensitive spots. "Thomas, tell me the information. It could be so easy."

His laughter mingled with the murmur of her voice, his body squirming in her grasp. "Not... a chance."

Lilith's response was a sultry chuckle, her fingers continuing their torment even as her lips claimed his in a passionate kiss. The room was a symphony of sensation and desire, the moonlight bearing witness to their enigmatic dance.


In the moonlit room, the dance between Thomas and Lilith took on a new tempo, a sensual rhythm guided by desire and intrigue. Their movements were deliberate, each touch like a brushstroke on the canvas of anticipation. Lilith's fingers grazed his chest, unbuttoning his shirt with a deliberate slowness that sent sparks of electricity through his skin.

As if in a trance, Thomas sank onto the bed, his body guided by Lilith's caresses. Her lips followed the path her fingers had traced, leaving a trail of kisses on his chest. His mind was a haze of sensations, the fur soft against his back, the weight of her presence a heady intoxicant.

Her hands, delicate yet insistent, traced his biceps, her touch leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. Thomas's breathing grew ragged, his focus narrowing to the symphony of touch and feeling that enveloped him. Her lips found his skin, warm and inviting, as her hands continued their exploration.

Up his arms her touch traveled, a whisper of sensation that set his skin alight. And then, with a swift, unexpected motion, the soft sound of click pierced the air. Confusion clouded Thomas's senses for a split second before his realization set in – his wrist was cuffed to the corner of the bed.

"What the..." he began, his voice a mix of surprise and dazed bewilderment.

Before he could react, Lilith moved with a swift determination that caught him off guard. His other wrist was cuffed to the corner in the blink of an eye, the sensation both thrilling and disorienting. "Hey, what are you doing?" he protested, his voice rising in a mix of surprise and confusion.

He kicked instinctively, trying to free himself, but Lilith moved swiftly, her weight pressing down on his legs. His struggles were met with an irresistible force, his ankles soon captured in cuffs that were fastened to the remaining corners of the bed. In an instant, he was spread-eagled and rendered helpless.

"Wait, What is this Lilith!" he exclaimed, his voice edged with surprise and urgency. "You need to release me right now."

Standing over his form, her silhouette seemed to meld with the dark and the light, a mysterious presence that defied easy definition. Her every movement was deliberate, each step taken with the grace of a predator circling its prey. The soft cascade of her hair framed her face like a veil of night, and her eyes held his in a gaze that was both penetrating and teasing.


Her fingers danced along the edges of her fur stole, a slow, deliberate movement that commanded attention. With a soft, almost mocking tut tut, she began to peel the stole away, revealing the gleaming silver of its soft fur.

Thomas's gaze followed the path of the fur as it slipped from her shoulders, his breath caught in his throat. The play of moonlight on the luxurious fur seemed to mirror the enigmatic shadows that enveloped them both, a visual echo of the secrets they held close.

With the fur now draped beside her, Lilith's attention turned back to him, her eyes glinting with curiosity. She moved, her body a graceful silhouette against the dim light, crawling onto the bed. Her fingers, nimble and delicate, played along the edge of his shirt, unbuttoning it with a seductive slowness.

Her voice, a sultry whisper, cut through the charged air. "Tell me, Thomas, who do you suspect of the ruby theft?"

He met her gaze with a firm resolve, his jaw set as he replied, "I've told you, Miss Lilith. I won't give you that information."

Undeterred by his response, Lilith's fingers continued their dance, the buttons of his shirt yielding to her touch. She straddled him, her form casting a sensuous shadow over his restrained body. Her gaze was an intense blend of curiosity and amusement, a silent challenge that beckoned him to lower his defenses.

As his shirt fell open, baring his chest to the cool air, she leaned in, her lips brushing his skin. "You're quite the formidable adversary, Detective. But surely, you must realize that there are... methods of persuasion."

He held her gaze, his voice steady as he repeated his stance. "My answer remains the same."

Lilith lowered the stole to Thomas bare stomach, brushing with the soft fur that adorned it. With a slow, deliberate movement, she began to trace patterns on his bare stomach, the fur's soft texture a stark contrast against his skin. Her touch was both gentle and electrifying.

A soft purr escaped her lips as she leaned in, her breath warm against his skin. "You know, Detective, you're making this quite difficult for both of us. A little cooperation, and this could be so much more enjoyable."

Thomas's resolve wavered as the fur tickled his skin, a mixture of sensations that sent sparks of laughter bubbling within him. He squirmed, the restraints and Lilith's touch combining to create a dance of vulnerability and teasing.

Laughter mingled with the room's charged atmosphere as he struggled to maintain his composure. "Lilith, stop..."

But her fingers danced on, the fur's gentle caress evoking a symphony of sensations that had him both squirming and giggling. With each moment, the line between control and surrender blurred, pleasure and torment intertwining in a delicate balance.


Lilith's voice, a velvet purr, weaved through the air like a haunting melody. "Come now, you cute lil boy. Talk."

Her words were a teasing taunt that danced on the edge of desire and torment, a siren's call that beckoned him to surrender. The fur continued its gentle exploration across his bare skin, its soft touch a counterpoint to the electrifying sensations that followed.

But then, with a sudden shift in tempo, her fingers transformed into sharp instruments of tickling torment. Her other hand, nimble and devious, found his ribs and began to tickle them with a calculated precision that left Thomas gasping for breath.

His body convulsed, a mixture of laughter and protest tumbling from his lips as the sensations overwhelmed him. He thrashed against the restraints, his struggles a testament to the intensity of the ticklish assault.

"N-No!" he managed to exclaim between bouts of laughter, his voice a blend of both denial and incoherent reproach. His chest heaved, his attempts to evade her touch met with a fierce determination that left him both exhilarated and exasperated.

Lilith's laughter intertwined with his, a symphony of mingled pleasure and torment. Her touch was relentless, her fingers dancing along his ribs with a playful precision that sent waves of ticklish sensations coursing through him.

"Ticklish, are we?" she teased, her voice a sweet melody that played on his senses.

Thomas's exclamations grew louder, a mixture of laughter and half-formed pleas for mercy. "N-No, Lilith, stop..."

But her fingers seemed to have a will of their own, and the tickling onslaught continued, driving him to the brink of madness. In the moonlit room, their dance had transformed into a frenzy of sensations, a battlefield where laughter and resistance clashed in a wild symphony.

As he thrashed against the restraints, his world became a whirlwind of sensations, each ticklish touch sending shockwaves through his body. His protests grew incoherent, his voice a mixture of laughter, gasps, and futile attempts to beg for release from the relentless torment.


Lilith's gaze was a knowing one, her eyes catching the subtle changes in Thomas's body as the sensations he experienced took their toll. Her laughter, a symphony of amusement, danced through the air as she teased him with a playful shake of her head.

"Well, well, Detective," she purred, her voice tinged with mockery, "it seems like our little encounter is having quite the effect on you, doesn't it?"

His cheeks flushed, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration bubbling within him. He met her gaze, his voice a blend of defiance and exasperation. "Don't take this as a sign of weakness, Lilith."

She chuckled, her fingers dancing over his skin as she gently flicked the growing bulge in his pants. "Oh, how adorable. The sweet little boy is enjoying his treatment, it seems."

The words were a tantalizing blend of humiliation and intrigue, a reflection of their tangled dynamic. Lilith's laughter lingered in the air like a delicate melody, each note carrying a promise of both pleasure and torment.

As if guided by some unspoken desire, Lilith rose from her position, the fur of her stole cascading around her figure like a cloak of shadows. Her movements were graceful and deliberate as she approached the bedside, her gaze locked onto Thomas's form.

His body tensed at the sight of her, and as she reached for a pair of scissors, a sharp flinch escaped him. But her laughter was swift to follow, a sultry sound that was equal parts reassurance and taunt. "Don't worry, Detective. I have no intentions of causing you harm."

Her words did little to calm his racing heart, his gaze fixed on the scissors in her hand. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she brought the scissors to his shirt, the metal glinting in the moonlight. "However, I do suggest that you cooperate. It would be a shame to ruin such a lovely shirt."

Thomas's voice was a mixture of protest and disbelief. "You can't seriously be..."

But Lilith's touch was swift and sure, the scissors slicing through the fabric with a soft, almost mocking snip. His shirt fell away, baring his torso to the cool air of the room. Her laughter, a velvet caress, mingled with the rustle of fabric.

With her gaze locked onto his, Lilith repeated the process, this time freeing him from the confines of his pants. Each snip of the scissors seemed to punctuate the charged atmosphere, leaving him dressed only in boxers, shoes, and socks.

Lilith's movements were a delicate dance of control and desire, her fingers tracing the contours of his bare skin with a feather-light touch. The fur stole, once a symbol of luxury, became a tool of both pleasure and torment in her hands. As it grazed his skin, it sent waves of ticklish sensations coursing through him, each touch a tantalizing mix of softness and electric jolts.

Thomas's body writhed beneath her touch, his attempts to suppress his giggles and moans met with only limited success. His mind was a swirl of sensations, each flick of the fur or gentle press of her fingers driving him closer to the edge. The fur tickled and teased, and her fingers found their mark with a precision that left him both exhilarated and overwhelmed.

She tickled with the fur, as her other hand flicked his trapped virility with a slow rythme, a single finger making him oscilate and grow.

Lilith's voice, a velvety whisper, punctuated the air. "Talk to me, Thomas. You know you want to."

Her words were a seductive lure, a siren's call that tugged at his resolve. He clenched his jaw, his determination to remain silent warring with the sensations that enveloped him.

"C'mon," she continued, her voice low and persuasive, "you can trust me. I promise to make it worth your while."

As her fingers traced the contours of his stomach, her touch became more insistent, more focused. She teased the elastic of his boxers, her fingers flicking against the fabric with a tantalizing rhythm. The sensations were maddening, a symphony of pleasure and torment that pushed him to the brink.

Lilith's words held a note of playful threat as she leaned in, her breath warm against his skin. "You know, pretty boy, I could tickle you all night long if I wanted to."

His attempts to hold back his reactions grew increasingly futile, his body betraying him with a mixture of laughter, squirms, and the occasional gasp. Her touch was both a blessing and a curse, each sensation both a torment and a delight that left him teetering on the precipice.


The air was charged with a mixture of tension and anticipation as Lilith's movements shifted once again. With a seductive grace, she moved to the foot of the bed, her eyes locked onto Thomas's form. He gasped for breath, his chest heaving, his senses heightened by the flurry of sensations that had just swept over him.

"What are you...?" Thomas managed to utter between ragged breaths, his voice a mixture of confusion and a plea for respite.

Lilith's smile was a sultry curve that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. She looked back at him over her shoulder, her gaze holding a promise that left him both intrigued and apprehensive.

"I'm just making you a bit more comfortable, dear Thomas," she purred, her voice carrying a weight of both seduction and challenge.

As if to emphasize her point, she moved to his feet, her fingers dancing over his shoes. With deliberate slowness, she began to remove them, the soft thud of each shoe hitting the floor punctuating the charged silence.

Thomas watched her with a mixture of curiosity and a growing sense of unease. "What... What are you planning?"

Lilith's gaze locked onto his, her smile a beguiling mixture of innocence and mischief. She worked on taking off his socks, each movement slow and deliberate, her fingers brushing against his ankles.

"Thomas, darling," she cooed, her voice dripping with allure, "you wouldn't want me to have to resort to more persuasive methods, would you? Who do you suspect?"

His silence was a mixture of both defiance and uncertainty, a testament to his determination to hold onto his secrets. But Lilith's fingers were relentless, her touch a delicate dance that seemed to hold the promise of both pleasure and torment.

The sensation of her fingers sliding down his soles sent shockwaves of ticklish delight through his body. His reaction was immediate and explosive, his body convulsing as laughter spilled from his lips.

"N-No!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of exasperation and surprise. "Stop, Lilith!"

But her touch was unrelenting, her fingers grazing his sensitive skin with a tantalizing rhythm. As she continued her gentle assault, his laughter turned into wild yells, his body writhing against the restraints that held him captive.

Lilith's laughter was a musical accompaniment to his reactions, a melody of amusement that painted the room in shades of shared delight. "Oh my, what a ticklish little detective I've trapped," she teased, her voice dripping with playful mockery.

Thomas's struggles intensified, his exclamations a mixture of curses and pleas for mercy. His mind was a whirlwind of sensations, the ticklish torment that coursed through him warring with his stubborn determination to resist her questioning.

"Did Molly hire you? Tell me Thomas!" she told him, while she played with his toes.


In the dimly lit room, Lilith's movements were deliberate and purposeful as she reached into the folds of her wraps. A single ostrich feather found its way into her fingers, its delicate plume a tantalizing promise of both delight and torment. Her eyes locked onto Thomas's form, the intensity of her gaze a mixture of intrigue and a silent challenge.

As she began to undress, her actions slow and deliberate, her figure was revealed in fragments, leaving a trail of anticipation in her wake. She discarded her outer layers, revealing lingerie that was as alluring as it was seductive, and she retained her heels, a symbol of both power and vulnerability.

Her eyes never left Thomas's, her gaze intense and unyielding. She spoke with a seriousness that cut through the charged air. "Thomas, this can all stop if you choose to talk."

With the ostrich feather looped about her fingers, she lowered herself to his feet, her intentions clear. The feather hovered just above his toes, its softness contrasting with the anticipation that coiled in the air.

"N-No," Thomas managed to stammer, his voice a mixture of fear and desperation.

But Lilith's touch was a slow, deliberate dance that defied his resistance. With a feather-light touch, she dragged the ostrich plume between his toes, the sensation sending shockwaves of ticklish torment through his body. His reaction was immediate and explosive, his body jerking against the restraints that held him captive.

"P-Please, Lilith," he pleaded, his voice a mixture of snorts and high-pitched squeals as the feather continued its journey. "Stop, I can't... ah... take it!"

Lilith's laughter was a rich melody that danced through the air, a symphony of amusement that mingled with his frantic pleas. "Oh my, what a piggy we have here," she taunted, her voice dripping with playful mockery.

As the feather grazed his sensitive skin, Thomas's struggles intensified, his body writhing against the bed in a futile attempt to evade the ticklish torment. His mind was a whirlwind of sensations, each stroke of the feather a burst of electric pleasure that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

Lilith's touch and his desperate reactions created a charged dynamic between them, a dance of vulnerability and power that transcended the physical realm. Their words intertwined, his pleas and her taunts creating a symphony of vulnerability and desire.

"P-Please, Lilith, I can't... just... ahh... stop!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of desperation and surrender.

But Lilith's touch persisted, the feather dragging a slow and torturous path up his squirming feet, each inch of movement a testament to her control. His struggles were met with both delight and determination.


Lilith's movements were a symphony of contrasts, each touch designed to elicit a different reaction. Her sharp red nails trailed delicately along one foot, the sensation both tingling and tormenting. Meanwhile, the ostrich feather danced along the other foot, its soft caress sending shivers of ticklish delight up Thomas's spine.

His feet were now the epicenter of their dance, vulnerable and exposed, the very embodiment of his helplessness. Lilith's touch was both gentle and ruthless as she traced the arch of one foot, her nails sending a mixture of pleasure and electric jolts through his nerves. On the other foot, the feather's delicate touch was equally maddening, each stroke driving him to the brink of laughter and desperation.

As Thomas's body squirmed and jerked against the restraints, Lilith's voice cut through the charged air, her words like a cascade of questions that punctuated the intimate torment.

"Tell me, Thomas," she inquired, her tone a blend of curiosity and a subtle undercurrent of authority, "who are your accomplices? Is Brent involved in this?"

His voice was a mixture of gasps and desperate pleas, his words tumbling over one another in a frantic rush. "N-No, Lilith, please... I can't..."

Her fingers danced, her nails pressing into the sensitive flesh of his foot, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and a sharp inhale of surprise from Thomas. Simultaneously, the feather continued its teasing dance, the sensation forcing a burst of laughter from his lips.

She leaned in, her gaze locking onto his with a mixture of intensity and intrigue. "Where do you think the ruby is hidden? Who is the thief?"

Thomas's struggles continued, his body twisting against the restraints, his voice a chaotic blend of pleas and fragmented sentences. "I... I don't know... not involved... don't ask... ah!"

Lilith's fingers tightened their grip on his foot, her nails digging into the skin just enough to create a delicious blend of pleasure and discomfort. Her other hand wielded the feather with a rhythmic precision, the soft plume tracing patterns of ticklish torment on his other foot.

"Tell me, Thomas," she insisted, her voice a velvety demand that resonated through the air, "or shall I keep this up all night?"

The threat was both tantalizing and genuine, a reminder of the power she held over him. His mind was a whirlwind of sensations, a storm of ticklish pleasure and the desperation of his desire to resist her questioning.


The room was heavy with the echo of sensations, each touch and taunt etching itself into the tapestry of their shared encounter.Again, Lilith's movements were agile and quick as she reached for the scissors once more, a playful giggle escaping her lips. With a sultry grace, she crawled over him, her eyes locked onto his form with an intensity that seemed to pierce through his every defense.

The soft sound of the scissors cutting through fabric hung in the air as his boxers fell away, revealing his manhood in all its naked glory. A flush of embarrassment tinged Thomas's cheeks, his body laid bare and vulnerable before her gaze.

Lilith's teasing comment was a purr that danced on the edge of audacity. "My, my, what a big boy we have here."

As her fingers gently traced his length, a low moan escaped Thomas's lips. The combination of sensations he had endured, coupled with the newfound exposure, had left him in a state of heightened arousal. Her touch was both a torment and a promise, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through his veins.

But Lilith's attentions didn't stop there. The fur stole, once again a tool of both delight and intrigue, found its way into her hands. With a slow and deliberate motion, she began to rub his inner thighs with the soft fur, the sensation sending shivers of anticipation through him. Her breath, teasing and warm, ghosted against the sensitive tip of his arousal, leaving a trail of heated desire in its wake.

Her voice was a soft murmur, a whisper that seemed to caress his senses. "Tell me, Thomas, who is the main suspect?"

Grabbing a feather duster from behind a swift cupboard door, she giggled girlishly as she tickled his erection, as though dusting him off.

"Coochie coochie coo, detective... come on now, you can't get any harder than this, my dear sir..."

His mind was a whirlwind of sensation, each touch and word a potent mixture that left him both incoherent and desperate. His attempts to form words were met with a mixture of moans and gasps, his voice a symphony of pleasure and urgency.

Lilith's touch and her words painted the air with a charged energy, a dance of desire and vulnerability that defied the boundaries of their roles. Thomas's responses were a mixture of wordless exclamations and fragmented pleas, his body a canvas upon which Lilith's touch ignited a fire that threatened to consume him.

She seated herself once again between his legs; the cruel fur instrument in her beautiful hands once again.

As the fur stole caressed his inner thighs and her breath teased the edges of his desire, the room seemed to shrink around them.

With deliberate slowness, she traced the soft fur along the length of Thomas's arousal, each teasing caress sending jolts of desire through his veins.

Her touch was maddeningly slow, each stroke calculated to tantalize and frustrate. A single caress every few seconds ignited a fire that coursed through his body, his hips involuntarily responding to the rhythm of her movements. But every time he sought to follow the trajectory of the fur, she would pull away, leaving him in a state of heightened need.

His moans and gasps were a symphony of longing, a mixture of pleasure and frustration that echoed in the dimly lit room. The sensations were a potent cocktail, a blend of desire and vulnerability that left him on the edge of surrender.

Lilith's laughter, a sultry melody, filled the air as she reveled in his reactions. His attempts to match her pace were met with her amusement, her fingers deftly maneuvering the fur in a way that kept him perpetually on the cusp of fulfillment.

"Come on, Detective," she coaxed, her voice a sensuous whisper that hung in the air like a promise, "give me what I want, and I'll give you more than you can handle."

Her words were a mixture of invitation and challenge, a proposition that shimmered with the allure of the unknown. With every touch of the fur against his arousal, the tension in the room escalated, each stroke a reminder of the depths of desire that simmered just below the surface.

Thomas's hips lifted in a desperate attempt to close the distance between them, his body responding to her touch with a fervor that betrayed his restraint. But each time he sought to bridge that gap, she pulled the fur away, leaving him gasping and yearning for more.


Lillith's eyes darkened as she took the feather in hand once more, and she wrapped her shoulders again in the evil stole; her lingerie-clad figure a sensual contrast against the fur that now enveloped her.

With a slow and predatory grace, she crawled back to his feet, her intentions clear in her gaze. The fur, once a symbol of luxury, now became a wild adornment that shrouded her figure in an aura of untamed sensuality. And as she draped herself in the fur and positioned herself over his feet, her intentions became clear.

"Let's see if this is the persuasion you need," she purred, her voice a velvety promise that seemed to echo in the air.

Her actions were swift and unrelenting, her tongue and teeth becoming instruments of both pleasure and torment. With savage intensity, she began to lick and nibble at his toes and soles, her movements a mixture of passion and a primal hunger. His reactions were explosive, his body convulsing against the restraints that held him captive.

His voice became a chorus of calls and pleas, his words a desperate mixture of exclamation and incoherence.

"Ah! Lilith, please! No more... I can't... I can't take it..."

The sensations that coursed through him were unlike anything he had experienced, a maelstrom of pleasure and ticklish torment that left him teetering on the edge of surrender.

"Ah! I can't... I can't think... just... oh, please..."

Lilith's giggles were both enchanting and wicked as she continued her assault, her actions a blend of feral delight and calculated skill. She attacked his feet with a fervor that bordered on wildness, her movements a symphony of pleasure and desperation.

As her tongue and teeth worked their magic on his feet, the long feather became an instrument of dual tormen. It reached out towards his virility, a dance of ticklish sensations that traced a path of ecstasy along his engorged member. The tip of the ostrich feather traveled from the scrotum all the way up to the shaking tip of his frustration. The simultaneous assault was a sensory overload, his cries a mix of pleasure and agonized need.

The sensations were relentless, a barrage of pleasure and torment that left him reeling, his resistance crumbling like sand in the wind. After what felt like an eternity of wild sensations, his voice emerged from the chaos, his words a mixture of surrender and exhaustion.

"I'll talk!" he gasped, his voice a mixture of desperation and resignation.


As the storm of sensations subsided, the room was left in a stillness that seemed to echo the remnants of their shared experience. Thomas lay there, gasping for breath, his body a tapestry of vulnerability and need. His lips parted to form words, but Lilith's gentle shush silenced him, her touch a tender reassurance that they were navigating uncharted territory together.

"First things first, big boy," she murmured, her voice a soothing melody that caressed his senses.

Her touch was a balm for his overstimulated nerves, her fingers gently massaging his saliva-coated feet with a tenderness that spoke of both care and intention. The sensation was a contrast to the wild torment that had preceded it, a moment of respite that allowed him to catch his breath.

And then her naked feet, soft and warm against his cock, began to move with a rhythm that sent pulses of pleasure through his body. Her touch was deliberate, a slow and sensual dance that began to stir the embers of desire within him once more.

"I'll get you comfortable first," she whispered, her words a promise that hung in the air like a delicate caress.

The fur stole found its way into her hands once more, its plush texture a sensual contrast against his skin as she began to rub it up his legs. The sensation was a mixture of relaxation and tantalization, the fur igniting a gentle trail of desire that pulsed in time with her movements.

As her gaze met his manhood, the air seemed to crackle with a renewed sense of anticipation. Her touch, both tender and playful, traced a path along his stomach and chest, the fur teasing and tormenting in equal measure. And then her mouth, soft and warm, enveloped him, sending jolts of ecstasy through his body.

A groan escaped Thomas's lips, his voice a mixture of pleasure and disbelief. Her mouth released him, just long enough for her to whisper "I wasn't kidding when I said your a big boy, detective" her voice husky. The tongue, soothing and teasing, traced a path from base to tip, each movement igniting a fire that raged within him.

And then, with a gentle rhythm that mirrored the dance of the fur stole, Lilith's actions took on a new intensity. Her mouth enveloped him fully, a firm and satisfying pressure that pushed him to the brink of release. The combination of sensations was overwhelming, his mind a whirlwind of pleasure that consumed his every thought.

The room seemed to pulse around him, as the fur continued it's soft caress, and Lilith ravaged him tenderly and steadily, finding a rythme that was his own. And so he found himself blacking out for a moment, exhausted, as the mind shattering release took him.


Thomas awoke with a sense of profound relaxation, his limbs still spread-eagle on the bed as the moon's ethereal light filtered through the window. As he stirred, his hazel eyes met the sight of Lilith lying beside him, naked and captivating, her gaze an intense enigma that held his attention.

"Hello, big guy," she greeted him with a playful yet penetrating smile.

Their gazes locked, a silent exchange that carried a weight of unspoken revelations. Her words were a gentle nudge, a reminder of the unfinished business that lingered between them.

"Come on, Thomas," Lilith encouraged, her voice a gentle yet insistent whisper that echoed in the stillness of the room. "You've come this far. It's time to share what you know."

She used the ostrich feather that lingered nearby to tease him softly. The feather's delicate touch brushed against his skin, a playful reminder of the sensations they had shared; but just for a few seconds: it was a touch that carried no ticklish intent, only a teasing whisper of what had transpired.

Thomas sighed softly, his eyes shifting from her gaze to the moonlight that bathed the room. His lips parted as he began to speak, only to halt abruptly. Her insistence pushed him to continue, but doubt lingered in his eyes.

With a touch of tenderness, Lilith's voice broke the silence. "You can trust me, Thomas. I won't use the information against you."

The earnestness in her tone held a promise that transcended the confines of their dynamic. She asked her questions, each name a curious inquiry into the depths of his knowledge.

"Count Orbahgdox?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Thomas shook his head, a soft sigh escaping him. The weight of his secrets seemed to lighten, replaced by an almost amused understanding.

"Chevallier Tourrelgh, then?" she continued, her anticipation palpable.

His sigh deepened, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "No, it wasn't him either."

Her anticipation was almost palpable as she leaned in, her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that mirrored the gravity of the situation.

"Then who was it? Where is the ruby?" she asked, the urgency in her voice betraying her curiosity.

He looked at her, his gaze unwavering as it met the depths of her eyes. With a soft smile that held a mixture of sincerity and revelation, and something also of the amusement of a private joke, kept private too long: he finally spoke the words that had eluded them until now.

"It was me, Lilith. I stole the Indigo Ruby."
needs a sequel

I'm honored! Yes, the story sort of gained a life of its own... but the commissioner asked for a certain length, so I had to leave it at that.
The setting and characters remain open, though, if anybody would like for it to be continued ;)

It's me, IsDax. I have a different name here.

I'm super glad to see others are loving it as well!

It's me, IsDax. I have a different name here.

I'm super glad to see others are loving it as well!

Hey my friend!! What fun to find you around here!
I really hope so... seems like the furs are doing a good job ;) Thank you so much for commissioning
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