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  • Yeah, got to visit Gettysburg before ever arriving in Philly. Went to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall while there. We were going to take in the Statue of Liberty in NYC but we couldn't get tickets, even to the base, until late July, so we went and spent an extra day at Niagra Falls, which I think my family enjoyed probably even more that the Statue. Took about 200 pictures on the trip, so have some nice memories.
    Thanks for the update! The men's competition is brutal. We didn't place high enough to compete at international this year - maybe next year 🙂 I know we were disappointed with our placement when we did go to internationals. We were a tad overwhelmed 🙂 But it was still a lot of fun! Did you get to do any sightseeing in Philly??
    That must have been awesome. This is going to be my first time on the east coast since we went to Miami in 95. That was my first international competition.

    Of course, in our district, we have to compete with the Ambassadors of Harmony who just set the record for points scored in an international when they won a couple of years ago.
    Congrats! We went to Hawaii for internationals in 2008 🙂 Around here, for the men's, we have Gateway and Delta Kings - both awesome groups.
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