ok here's what's going on. i bought a dell new 3 years ago. it came with vista. last month i had to reload vista for the 6th time in 3 years. before i could reload my antivirus protection, i got hit with what i now know is the antivirus gt scam. it interrupted what i was doing and took me to a screen listing all the supposed things that were wrong with my computer, and i couldn't get away from that screen unless i clicked on "fix computer" or something to that effect. now i can't even get to my desktop screen, even in safe mode. i either get a blue screen or a continuous loop of restarting only to end up back at the same point. right now i am having to use my roomie's computer. i have tried looking up solutions myself, but unfortunately they all require that i not only get to the desktop screen, but then also jump online. neither of which am i able to do. can you help?